MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2S, 10S2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK SEVEN RECORD RELAXATION - Tyron Powrr t ic junlnted with hla nrw ro-ttir. firrmtn-born lllldi-nrde Nr(T, at Ihejr ttlcct records for t concert bclwrcn takes on Hollywood let SMOKEY, THE BEAR, TO GET PROTECTION fly JOHN KAMI'S . The Hpniito Judiciary Committee WASHINGTON lP) Hrnokry thr- li'Mt week upiniived a bill "pro- urnr una oecoino an uimiiUK iiihi uic iiiniuriK me rnHnumciure or une kovernincnt la UikIiik nterm to rno- loci lln rlKliln In nm Brrvlcr, Coimreaa la working on ItKlala lloil lo rmiulntfl ue nl the Rrenlent loreat lira llttlitcr In history: A picture of n henr cub wenrlnit h nwinrr'a hut mid blue jcniwi and ciirrylnic a lorratrr'a fthovrl. PRISON'EK INFORMATION BAIOON. lndo-Chlna, W The Trench Red Croas has announced the eatabllahment of a headiiimr tera that will centralize information on members of the French force hold captive, thoao missing, nnd civilian intemces. JAY-WALKING BRINGS FINKS CALGARY, Alta., I One hun dred person here each paid 60 cent flnea for Jaywalking during January. They were the first vie tlma of the city's antl-Jay-walklng by-law, which became effective Jan 2. RED UNDERCOVER STUFF MOSCOW im Russian factories are going to turn out lot more underwear, socks and alocklnRa in 1962. Three times more stockings and socks are going to be manu factured. Rayon hosiery will be in creased 150 per cent and artificial silk underwear 40 per cent. The per capita rates of steel production In the leading Western European countries are mostly around two tatbroe times ss hlult as in Russia. , According to Uio machinery nd Allied Products Institute, capital Invested per employe In all Indus try including agriculture Is 111,200. i ' .:V'"' , i i Fire Checked At hprwnnrl A SHERWOOD, "Ore. W Fire Jj broke out In an unused attln space .'J above the UDL grocery and mar- jji ket here about II p.m. Suwiuy nnd for s lime threatened three ; building". Including Ihe pnMnfflre. I-ire and water damage wan heavy, I but the buildings were saved. me Diau) was In the same block as that In which there was a costly lire aome two yearn ago. Sunday's lire, however, was checked more quickly as the Sher wood and Tualatin rural fire de partment poured big quantities of water on It. There was some damage at the Wink hardware atore. mostly from water, but Ihe mnlor loss was held lo Ihe market, known as Jones market. Much of the stock was be- evrd to have been ruined. Cause of the fire was not Im mediately determined. There was no loss estimate. Helmet Saves Boy's Life I.OS ANflfXEH Wl One of 10 year old Dick Htewart's toys was .i shipyard worker's buttered ! I met. The toy saved ' Dick's 1 Ic fcuml.y when a cavcln burled him. Dick and his pals were digging a ruve. Like any nuli-lv minded con t miction worker. Dick put on his hrlmet. The dirt suddenly col lapsed and burled him. Rescuers dug frantically lor live minutes. When they nulled Dir k out they found the h'-linct slipped down over his facce and formed a pocket of air beneath the earth blanket. The air pocket saved Dick's life, rescuers said. Most Highways Clear of Snow SALEM Wl Oregon highways were lit iood condition Monday ex cept for packed snow at Timber line and Austin, and icy spots in a lew other areas. Tlie Highway Commission re ported Icy spots nl Union Creek, through the Blsklyou Mountains, Kaiitlam Pans. Willamette Pass, Chcmult, Meacham and Seneca. of Hmokey by unauthorized persons nnd Imposing maximum penalties of a $240 line and six months In , lull for violations. , M'LKIi The committee chairman. Sen. McCarran (D.-Nev.i, predicts the bill will - be enacted Into law speedily. Clovernment officials want lo keep Bmokey out of commercial advertisements and In the lire pre vention business In which he has been a spectacular success. Millions of Americans have seen Ihe mighty mite on fire prevention posters, on cards In busses and streetcars, and on television and motion picture screens. And fire prevention messages Irom Bmokey have been on the radio. A song about Bmokey. written bv Kleven Nelson and Jack Rollins of Hollywood, has been completed and will be put on phonograph records n a few months. Secretary of Agriculture Brannan urged the Senate com mil tee lo ap prove Ihe bill, saying "to many people Bmosev Bear and fore t fire prevention are synonymous." TOP I K.IITKK Clint Davis of the Forest Service here, who directs a nationwide co campaign, says fimokcy is "Die best Individual fire fighter of all lime." Davis adds: "Bmokey has cap tured the fancy and attention of the public end we know he is helping to reduce the number of man cnused fires In the forests. Prior to 1942, llres were running about 210,000 a year. During the past five years, the overage has been 190.000 a year despite a 50 per cent Increase In public use of the for ests. Bmokey gets some of the credit." IIKI) PARATROOPS! ARRIVE MONO KONO i The Independ ent newspaper Wall Klu Vat Po reported Monday In a dispatch from Nannlng, In Communist China that 1500 Red Chinese paratroop ers have arrived In Kwangsl Prov ince for "action In Indochina In the not too distant future. MET WITH HISS Na thaniel Wcyl, Washington free lanoe writer, testifying that in 1034 he had sat In meetings of a secret Com munist cell with Alger Hiss, former State Department official. He told the Senate Internal Security Subcom mittee in Washington that lie, Hiss and other govern ment employes were all members of a Communist cell. Dollarhide Takes Firsts TUCSON. Ariz. W A Lakevlew. Ore., cowboy, Hoss Dollarhide, took firsts In saddle brnnc riding and 1 team tying at the four-day Fiesta de los Vaqueros Rodeo here Sunday. Hla wlnnlnir time in the team tv- Ing event wns 24 1 seconds. Deb Copenhaver. Spokane, took second place in saddle brnnc riding: and Richard Nelson, Klamath Falls, placed second In bareback brjnc riding. Police Eye Vandalism Reports of thefts and vandalism over Ihe weekend were being In vestigated today by City Police. Mrs. Delia Oormen, 1310 Pleasant St.. told officers her wallet and coin purse containing (30 In cur rency were stolen from the base-' mem of the First Presbyterian Church Sunday while she was at tending a wedding. Bob Keesee, olympta Apts., re ported Sunday expensive damage done to enamel of his bath room washbowl, apparently with a hammrr. Keeseo said someone ap parently entered the apartment through a window. WASHINGTON 11 The Defence Department Monday Identified M more battle casualties in Korea In a new list iNo. 808) that reported 10 killed, 38 wounded, two missing In action and four Injured. It also listed four dead who were pre viously reported missing. Ilciltiiiie Snnck solves laxative prolilcm "I have had great success with tLL-sssN," writes Patcrson, N. J., man. "After years of constipation, nm now rcgulnr. Thanks to my ii cup of all-bran every dayl" If you suffer from Irregularity due to lack of dietary bulk, try a bowl fill of this tasty cereal every night before bed ... It may bring back the youthful regularity you thought long lost, all-bran Is the only type ready-to-eat cereal that supplies all the bulk you may need. It's high In cereal protein, rich In Iron, provides essential B and D vitamins. Not hablt-form-lns. If you're not sattsled after 10 days, send empty carton to Kcllogg's, Battle Creek. Mich., and get double money eackI Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich HO "I'll wait a full minute for Mr. Cutworm to answer. He'll be In the garden cutting flow ers."... Folks can't always get to the telephone right away . . . bo please give them time to answer . . . Pacific Telephone- Extensive shipbuilding activities have been resumed In Ihe port of l eghorn, Italy. PHOTO SPECIAL FOR ONLY I1 i 3 Per Pound ft wl YOU ' sn liavs It Q ""' 3x5 P"?rsli off that baby Ut 1 menlh to 10 yean) THIS IS A SPECIAL BABY OFFER GOOD UNTIL MARCH IS. ALL EXTRA PORTRAITS AT REGULAR STUDIO RATES. I At Drews! Hurry! Ends March 1st! mm V o WINTER TOPCOATS ! 0 41 Our prixed new stock at Vi price! All wool tweeds and gabardines, smart styles. In regulars, shorts, and longs: Regular $45.00... $22 50 Regular $60.00... $30.00 118 PAIR DRESS OXFORDS! Lucky you if you wear a B or a small or targe sixe D width! Handsome styles all . . . and at Vi price! i Regular $12.95... Regular $15.95... $6.45 $7.95 CLOSE OUT! Work Hats 4' Regular 95 to 12.50 CLOSE OUT! Western Hats America's Foremost Brand! Regular 095 to 17.50 J mwm SALE ' A SPECIAL PURCHASE OF FAMOUS Made by the Northwest's best known manufacturer! DAVENPORTS and CHAIRS BED DIVANS and CHAIRS SWING ROCKERS We urge you to buy now while prices are low and our selection is really complete. Orer 96 living room sets to choose from, plus a host of swing rockers. Biltwell gives you quality workmanship, hardwood frames, 8-way hand tied base springs. Premier springs, Cable-Eze base, and above all, a FIVE YEAR GUARANTEE! BED DIVAN CHAIR Grey or Beige Reg. $189.95 Value 95 $24.95 SI 0.25 Down Month Similar Style in Davenport and Choir $189.50 BED DIVAN and CHAIR P. pa. S234.85! Mouive sauare arms, aiant leaf all SALE $ wool frieze ,one of our most popular covers. Big PRICED bedding compartment, single deck spring. In Cocoa, Red, Hunter Green, Beige, Turquoise, Grey, Rose. $31.50 Down 207 50 BED DIVAN and CHAIR Heavy all wool frieze cover. Beautifully designed, square arm modern. Spacious bedding com partment, double decked springs. In Cocoa. Kelly Green, Sage Green, Beige, Turquoise, Gray or Cranberry. Save $53.75! Reg. $273.25. $ SALE! 229 50 $34.50 Down - Small Monthly Payment SA VE $50! MASSIVE MODERN DA VENPORTand CHAIR , Reg. 349.50 $29950 $45.50 Down - $18.65 Mo. SWING ROCKERS Reduced Accordingly Prices S3775 Stortof Very high grade, heaviest quality wool frieze, satin backed. Smart modern two-cushion seat. A big, beautiful set. Cocoa, Red, Hunter Green, Beige, Tur quoise, Gray, Rose. -ik SAVE j $344.50 if SALE $30450 Two cushion davenport and choir set. New modern design with fine grade sculptured mohair cover: In Red, Grey, Lime, Cocoa, Hunter Green. Pay only $46.50 down, $18.90 a month. 2-PIECE SECTIONALS SALE PRICED! Green $149.50 Beige $189.50 Red $189.50 Green $159.50 Grey $253.50 Turquoise $253.50 Others Similarly Reduced! ' LUCAS FURNITURE "Our Location Saves You Money!" STUDIO 1125 Moln Ph.2-2791 195 E. Main Phone 3824 733 Main Ph. 343 1