; MONDAY, l-'KHHUAItY 25, 11152 iiKIlALO AND NEWS. KLAMATH KAMA OREGON PAGE KtVR itiitiiiissi i i fay DAVID O. BAMUTHIR, AP Hwl '" tdltarj luiiin Owiii tbIiiii; I'ru and Cnn la llio tlllr- ot u rlmptnr III H new lioiik by Nathan HIiiius. forinnr ad ministrator ol Hid United Htiitca liuiinlnK Autlifiilly. Jt urrattnbi many mard arumnunla In favor ol ic iUiiK limn (or owning a hemic. HincK hiiinr owtitira are In (he majority in thin country, It la In Irrnriliui to rxnmlnii Strain' lii'iiu nwiita in nrn how 34 million Anier Ilium could be wrong. or comae, Straus la known aa tlio fomiHi.il public ImilnliiK advn cute In the country, And public hollaing drpcuda on rcntera, not buyers. Huwrver, public lioiinlnii la a problem of direct concern to home ownera everywhere. It has to he aubnldlzed Iroin lederal Income tiixea and from local real ealnte taxes. Hut It Ima comn to he wide ly accepted aa a neoraaiiry aoclal liinctluii ol the government, be cuum everyone cun t afford to buy a iHiuan enprclallv alnro the no-dowii-pnymeul mortgage arrange inenlH biivo been revoked. Hie title of Hlriiua' book, Juat pnbll.-lird by Alfred A. Knopf, la "Two-Thirds of a Nation." Thla l bawl on thla alatemeii'.: "Two-thirds of all the famlllea In the country have Incomes of Irn tlinn H0 a week. Their need lor new homes la a preaalng and often Inaolnble problem tor them, ft nhould be the concern of all of u." The author thinks that the joh Mblllty of Joba being shifted from one city to another inakea home ownership undesirable. "mobility and and Immobility," he shvb, "The very charanterlatlca which en deared home ownership to earlier griiernllona, are Ha greatest draw backs today." He criticizes real estate adver tising of 119.000 house which rlalma (83 a month like rent paya all. He cltea the absence of allow ancea lor heal, gaa, electricity and water, maintenance and repairs, reserve for contlgenclea. Hlrnua lumps Interest and amor tisation together under the high roil of capital. In the rase of the $13,000 house he mentions, thla kern amounts to ICS out of the $83 monthly. But he inakea no note of the fact that the amortization roughly half of the 66 la In ef fect enforced aavlng. alnce It re suits in a home owned ires and rlear. He compares the 1113 monthly payment on the house with a 170,46 monllily charge for a 813,000 co operative apartment of 4j rooms In a partially subsidized project. But the apartment buyer paya only $t a nioniii In luxe because tho project la partially exempt. Tne home owner paya $16 out of Ills U3 In taxes. While the home owner will have house to sell, If he chooses, when his mortgage la pail off In 30 yeara, the apartment buyer wilt own stocg responslbllty an Incentive to better themselves flnancally. itather than home ownership making a worker docile, ho la much more likely to bo ambitious. On tho otlier hand, a tenant In public housing cannot have more than a certain Income. If he Is offered promotion, he must weigh his pay rise against the rent aubsldy he la enjoying, for more pay meant ho muat move. What appears to me the strong est arguments for home owner In a co-operative corporation, when I ship are neglected by Btraua. Some his amortization la completed in i ininga in me cannot oe measured 40 yeara. In dollura and cents. Bringing up The author makes no mention """drcn on city atreeta cannot be of Income tax deductions allowed pi.ied with rearing a family to bolh of those buvera for Interest ''""'' or ""'"'V environ- and laxea lis id a bonus that does awM. " matter how poor a home Sol wwuVto thi renter owning family may consider Itself, """The tenant X "i.lfera a nay ! '"" " '"" cut or dismissal can move Into 'enmity. , cheaper quarters or double up with relatives dur'ng hard times," One or more cold rooma In a he argues. "To the wage earner jhoufe are quite common espe who la buying a house on Install- dally since one-story houses atnrted ment plan, lots of Ills lob mav I to ramble all over the landscape. leud to losa of Ills home and all ,Of course, thei.e rooms ane not dressed sensibly'' In red woolens, people paid no attention to thla, Now we have to buy space heaters. These re auxiliary heating units, taking the place of the old-fashioned cylindrical gaa heater Grand pa used to have in the bathroom. Remomber7 When you got out ol the tub shivering and bumped Into that auffoclallng gadget, you'd get a blister where you coulun l com plain about It, Modern apace heaters have given us much refinement over those slapstick days. Whether fired by gaa or oil, they're slick and more nary rodlatora warma the air, while that cornea from the run. They fit only about 20 per cent l radiant. To reverse those percentages and avoid dehydrating the air exces sively by heating it, they recom mend radiant heat.' ; , ;, . The man who owns a house with a fairly satisfactory heating plant is going to think more than twice before installing a network of colls to give him radiant heated floors or ceilings. Ho the industry has come up with radiant wall panels. These panels, made of onanue glass, give off heat In the form of or lens streamlined. Their efficiency I m'lra-red raya. almllar to the heat has been stopped up while their right against the wall, calling for no replastcrlng or redecorating and not only fill the bill for auxiliary heat, but can be used In every loom to heat an entire house. People who uae them say you ran touch the glass surface of these panels without getting burned ellhough you can't leave your hand there. Some have wire shields across the front to keep children from being frightened. There are various makes. The panels usually are 16 by 34 Inches shaped to take the place of base- noara.s.. others are tall and nar row for scant places In bathrooms, kitchens or halla. B. A. Needham, president of the Continental Radi ant Olassheatlng Corp., aaya his flrrri alone has installed more than '(00,000 panels to date. or 34 by 38 inches. Some are sons NATURAL OAS IN TOKYO TOKYO, I The Tokyo prefec ture! government hopes that ex ploitation of a large natural gas deposit beneath the city may even tually solve the fuel problems of mis metropolis ol live million per- Promptly R:ltar:3 Itching Eczema! Pat the flrat applications oi highly medicated Zemo pro H promptly niiovaa Itching, burning ol aeaama. raahM, athletes foot, paoriaala. pim ples and almilar annoying aurface ekta and acalp irritations. Tha aotlr how Suickly the akin start! to heal and clear, uy i'rtra gfreaef say p p x Z.mo Liquid for K 11 II stubborn cum.- JaalasltlW of the savings he has Invested In It." Four page from that statement, Strauss aays: "Some people have had the tem erity to auggeal that Uie enthusiasm of bUHlneas uitercals for home ownership has a connection with the lact that the man who Is pay ing for hia home on the installment Inn la an especially uocue woraer. leans thai losa oi nia loo, or a strike which will interrupt his weekly earning, may mean the losa of his home." On Uie contrary, It aeema to me, home ownera usually find their nccesarlly cold. They're more like ly just enough cooler than other rooms to make the house uncom fortably warm when arJ if they're brought up to normal. In the good old dBys when every room had a fireplace and we plai lie AUTO INSURANCE 5-10 5 Liability Insurance Current 6 Mo. Rote J I 1 90 As Low At I I rial Smtll Nanrtrarrlm Mmbfrbla Irs i.im ositiaa fur Preferred Ins. Exch. t. wn.LAau i niAai.Lat nut. Af.nl rant taiai sro svuia aiiia si. GOOD NEWS FOR DOGS ...BAD ODORS ENDED! Nw mat-fltvord mcaf dodorll brmmih and kadyl Now t treat improvement has been made in the dog meal ait dogs love! Ken-L-Meal is now ioniaed witb tklmphyllm nature's own miracle deodorant. A regu lar diet of Ken-L-Meal will quickly rid your dog of bad breath and body odors. Ken-L-Meal, the meat-flavored dog meal, is a complete food that requites no supplements. And it ends odors foil. Get Keo l. Mcil at your favorite store or drain's, ot write fur fire special certificate tint aav you 15' on your first package. Send this ad on t postcard to Ken-L-Products, Dept. 249, Box 53J9, Chicago 77, III. fumes have been stepped down. One of the niftiest a perennial favorite for some time now !a a little a t a m radiator on cast ers which is heaed bv electricity. You plug It Into Grandma's room when she Insists she's chilly re Kardless of what the thermostat aaya. Presto, she has her own gteam heat. But some heating englneera say we're all wrong when we try to heat the air In a room In order to heat our bodlca. They contend It's better to heat our bodies and leave the Blr cooler for breathing. These are Uie advocates of radiom heat. They aay: "Stand out of the wind on a bright winter day and feel the heat of Uie aun. That's radlent heat. It warma you much more than It warms the air." These men argue that 80 per cent ol the heat given off by ordl- "Monthly Pains" stopped or amazingly relieved j n 3 out of 4 catftf In doctor ttsttl ; Chance ro you're puttlnfr up ' tinncj!iarly with the functionally 1 ftuid palm, cramps and weak, "no good" feelings of menstruation 1 j PorJnactualtwitsbydoctors.Lydla ! Plnlcham' Compound brought com plete or striking relief irom such dis- ! trcM tn 3 out of 4 of the canes! , LydJPinlthim'ilTnodrfnmitjflcionl I So in Lydla E. Plnkhim'i Vcetablt ! Compound or new. improved Table'! t with added Iron. Bee If taken throng the month It doesn't give rellel from ; tttoa baclcachef. Jlttr help you fct better beore and during your period) i Or If you suffer from functional "hoi ' flaine" of "change of life." find out hoi 1 uonderul Ptnkiicm i is jot thai, loot II baa a aaLriiag efert aa ; lailaaeaatrBcitasatliai ( flat) aaaaa aeaatfaal aaial . MO 00 Duchets New Low Grocery Prices 20c 35c 35c 63c Lunch Box . P- 4 lb. Swift's Lard Salad Dressing Sandwich Spread Idaho Red Beans New Low Meat Prices Leg of Lamb 89c Small Loin Lamb Chops - 99c Lamb Shoulder Roast 75c Lamb Breast & Shank 37c Everyday Low Prices Cherub Milk 14c Cherub Milk - 6.49 Flour H-,,,,""m 87c Pork Sausage 49c Ground Beef 59c Pork Loin Roast"'1 "'""t 45c Pork Chops """""V - 65c PorkSteak Sh-M" , 49c Pork Roast Sh ,d r - 39c PenneyIsI kiiiiiw liti Vl'ff 1 1 Store Houn: 9:30-3:30 END-OF-MONTH YARDAGE! PRICED TO CLEAR! RAYON SERGE 1 00 2 YARDS FOR OH lata S.1U abal BALCONY Percale Prints 00 4 YARDS FOR 0 TNrantlnael prlati (.aafarltetl bAlcony SPECIAL FEATURE! GIRL'S ,v DRESSES "FRESH SPRING COTTONS" FOR TODDLERS FOR GIRLS SIZES 1-3 1 00 SIZES 3-6x 1 98 f : Downright amazing at tills tiny prlcel Crisp embossed cotton styled (or the very-young set with lots of delicate trim ming. Full skirted styles, nicely detailed. Soft pastel colors. ' , SECOND FLOOR Pemey's mm. TERRIFIC VALUES! HURRY I LIMITED QUANTITIES! END-OF-MONTH STORE HOURS: 9:30-5:30 W all a sj MANY, MANY WANTED ITEMS NOV PRICED TO CLEAR! ODD LOTS, DISCONTINUED LINES, SOILED and DAMAGED GOODS! SHOP OUR ENTIRE STORE FOR GIANT SAYINGS! WOMEN'S COATS OUR ENTIRE WINTER LINE gabar- REDUCED! 00 nAf nni fleeces. dines, rayon gaua.u...-. Broken sizes and style in all lines. Moat basic colors, you SAVE at this terrific closest price! nu, today. Sizes -10--"-- 40-20 'i. , ryfT SECONU ruwr ONE GROUP MEN'S TIES 2 Fori Odds n' ends of close-out patterns. MAIN FLOOR 00 FINAL CLEARANCE! GIRL'S DRESSES ONE CROUP ONE GROUP ONE GROUP j oo 2 2' SECOND FLOOR CLOSE-OUT MEN'S TOPCOATS Sizes 37-2; 39-1; 1-40; 42L-1; 42-1; 44L-2. Close-out styles. 00 25 MAIN FLOOR ODD LOTS WOS. HANDBAGS Plastic calf. 1 00 Plus Tax MAIN FLOOR ODD LOTS WOMEN'S SHOES 100 V Novelty and casuals. Discontinued lines. - DOWNSTAIRS ODD LOTS RUBBER FOOTWEAR ONE ONE GROUP GROUP 00 , 200 DOWNSTAIRS MEVS SIZE IS ONLY FLANNEL SHIRTS 100 1 Sanforized Cotton Plaids. MAIN FLOOR WOS. SWEATERS ONE GROUP 150 1 Slip-over style. All wool. Sizes 36-38-40. SECOND FLOOR V A Dl A sfHE LOTS! atWlai ENDS! REMNANTS! BALCONY ODDS and I ENDS! DRAPERY REMNANTS! FIGURED & PLAIN! DOWNSTAIRS. COLORED TOWELS ..rr CI ACUCIal ONE GROUP 2 FOR 100 Tremendous savings for thrifty nome -FamJus quality brand towels of thick, absorb enl terry. Choose Maize. Pink Blue and Flamin go! Shop today and SAVE at. Penney s. . MAIN FLOOR ONE GROUP 3 FOR 100 Mi to i i IV J One Group 1N Wool MEN'S SLACKS 500 Sizes 28-30-31-34-36-38. MAIN FLOOR CLEARANCE! GIRL'S ROBES j50 Cotton Chenilles. - Sizes 2-10-14-16. SECOND FLOOR ODD LOTS MEN'S SHIRTS 100 Whites and Fancys. Sizes 15 to 17. MAIN FLOOR WOMEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS 1 50 Size 38 only. Maize, Blue, Peach. MAIN FLOOR WOOL QUILT LINED BOYS' JACKETS 300 . Zip front Self collar Sizes 6 and 8. DOWNSTAIRS PLAID LINED! BOYS' JEANS j 50 Sanforized Fully lined Sizes 3 and 4 onlv DOWNSTAIRS Men'a Wool Nylon An4 ALL WOOL SHIRTS .00 Plaid patterns. Sizes IS to 17!. MAIN FLOOR CLOSE-OUT! SNOWSUITS 4 00 Broken styles and sizes. SECOND FLOOR ONE GROUP SLIPPERS 1 00 Women"s and Boy's Broken sizes DOWNSTAIRS SMALL SIZE ONLY MEN'S SLIPPER SOX 1 00 Soft Leather Soles Wool uppers DOWNSTAIRS MEN'S 10 WOOL UNIONS 150 1 Long sleeve: long leg. Sizes 42-44-46. - . MAIN FLOOR MEN'S PART WOOL . SUCK SOX 3 Pair 1 15 wool. Sizes 10 "i to 13. MAIN FLOOR 00 -...aii-W"-"-" . . A aaaV k J RAYON FAILLE and RAYL00M DRAPERIES D PRICED TO CLEAR! Two discontinued lines ara orlced to sell fast! Smart. UU Pecottor solid shades you'll II WW want to use .auiN Lur home! Hurry In now II YARD . .. ..... ntentvl anu r - , ... DOWNilAiiva SIZE D MEN'S FLANNEL PJ.'s 1 50 Coat or Mlddie style. Sanforized. MAIN FLOOR MOUTON COLLAR BOYS' JACKETS :oo Wool Quilt Lined. Sizes 8-16-18. DOWNSTAIRS laasHafESviHHaMMMRas ONE RACK WOS. BETTER DRESSES 400 Misses, Half Sizes. Early Spring Styles. SECOND FLOOR ASSORTED PATTERN8 PLASTIC TABLECLOTHS 50' 54x54 54x72 BALCONT Odd Lots! Soiled and Damaged! Out- They Go At Terrific Prices! MAIN FLOOR