MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1002 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PACK TRTVCH A Coming lliiino But. Jack T.nwnon in cximcii'U Jioino Irom JSlnuulnri Air llnno, AnchoiiiKO, Alimkn, where ho will miriiri hi flmi f ur IiiukIi In two yriiift with liln moth nr. Mm. Clritrudo I.nwson, 100 No. llruiKl HI. I.uwHon will then no to Linno In Texan. Huriery Mrn. Arlon Andrun, 331)0 Union HI., underwent nurKorv lit Kliiinntli Vnllry lloftpltnl but In now nuln to rocclvo visitors ul the lion I'lliil. At I'rlrrmin The Annoclntlon ol Childhood Munition In to meet Hiilurihiy. March 1, nt lWernon Hchool, with colfnc hour nt 11:30 ii. in., mrclliiK ul 10. There will Up (llncUNnluii o the philosophy ol lilt, technique nnd mi ndeinitt proKriini lor primary ururirK, led by Itlclinrd Jtolnliolu. Olciinvlcve Uiil lna will dlnciixH nit mnlorlnlM fur nlNhrcl by Ibr Kliiinulh County iidioola. Ann Btinhnn will brlni; tho mnrlonnttc miiili by Fort Kliim ii Ih itruele neliool children, nnd lllvo u dcmoiuilintlon. Curd Party Merrill Ornime la to Iiuvb n enrd pnrty Monday. H n III. In the Kccrrallon Hull. Public In Invltrd. ttmlrn A iiHM'tlnu ot the Ilodro TStmoeliitlon In riilh-d lor Tuendnv, 7:30 p. m. nt the Wlllnrd Hotel, by l!ub Houullut, prcnldrnt, Mavrd Mr. and Mm. Ed Bard, non Jimmy, mid Mrn, Hnrd'n niolli or, Mrn. It. H, Culii. hnve moved to Biiii Jone, G'lillf., to iniike their home. ItoUim Club A mertbiR In nclicd. i;lrd lor Tuendny nt tho home ol Irln I'cnrnun, bHl BliuMu Wuy, i 1 l.ady Knglrn Club In to meet to iilKhl on tlm ton lloor of the I(K)K Hull, politick ut 7, nhorl bunlnciui ineetliiv mid curd.i to (allow. I'lintponrrt The nieetliiK of the Thimble Club, Nvlithuorn of Wood emit, which wnn to be held Wed nendiiy nt the home of Idu Moch ellu, hnn been pontponed until Wo InejiUny, Mnreh 6, 8 p.m. All member lire nuked to brlmra Bllt lor u buby nhower. A Baby Cilrl wan born Fob. 3 to Lt. ijm and Mrs. Jmnen E. Cn hill, nt the U. H. NiiviiI Honpltnl In Memphln, Tenn. I,t. Cnlilll In the on ol Mr. mtd Mrn. Jcsne D. Knliihten, 5323 B. 6th Bt. To Portland Clyde Cnldwell, in-lit 8. Bill HI., Injured Nov. 28. him entered Good Samaritan Hon pital lor further treatment. S-R f'lirii will meet Tuesday, 12.30 p. in., nt tho Federnl Iloun Iiik Admlnl.',lrntlon building with Kute Howie and Ella I'nulcy vs cohoKtcjiaat. Rev. IHvayne I'ruett nu.stor of Peuee Memorlul Church, In report ed Improved nt Klnmnlli Viilley llonpllnl lodny. Hev. Proett wiin tnken to the honpltnl Sunday morn lint with complication!! from Uie Ilu mid n lilkh lever, A lint Move resulted In n call lo mt Vino Bl., home of J. K. Mcmy, Bundny. No diamine wug re ported. flood Pond Hie Mt. Lnkl Lndlen Aid will nerve n dinner of homo. cooked food ut the Henley school cnfetri in, Buturdiiy from 6:30 lo 7:30 p. m, Ticket ro on mile nt Mno'n Btore mid Hie Himicy Biore. If not convenient lo pick Ihem up there phone or 4027 lor renor vatlonn, (lulld Wenleynn Service Guild of the Flrnt Methodlnt Church will hold tlielr reKulnr dinner meetlriK ruendny nlKlil in the cniircn par lor. All employed women are Invlt rd to attend. Ulnnor In nerved ut 0:00 p. in. .....,. xj.t The fuilnnrnern Club will hold rcHiilnr mcelluK Wodnenduv ntnrtliiK with no-hont-onn luncheon nt 13:30 p. in. nt the Paul Uunyan Coffee Bliop, wuiara A ki.alnMNM t,lf,fl llllf Hnrl MO- clul hour will follow nt 1:45. All newcomer) to Kminutn ruin win be welcome. n.n.nli .. nlwilrtilt Rn. clul Club will meet Wednendiiy. 1 p. in. lor n potluck luncheon mid bunlnens mcctlnu. The club Becre tnry, Arolu AnilrUH who recently underwent Misery ut Klumnth Val ley honpltnl In reported to bo Im provliiK natlnfuctorlly, Trnvelern Mr. nnd Mrn. Lee Hoi- HHiiu ntwl Mr nnrl Mrn. J. Luevke are vncntlonlnK nt Reno nnd point) Kiutli. Mrn. Holllday nnd Mrn. Lue vke ore nlntcrn. Improved Walter Hnnnon Br. hnn been moved lo hln home. 4135 Alttt- mont Drive from Klumnth Valley honpltnl where he recently under went niujor nurncry. u ..wninrln., n tlflflv TlieK- day, 8 p. m. nl the home of Ber- nlco MccrncKen. ooo o. Bin. mem bers nnd Irlendn nre Invited. fiiienm Mr. nnd Mrn. Victor O'Neill. I0M Portlnnd. will have nn their houne uent thin week Mrs. pnul Pnlternon, member of the Ore Kon Blute Bonrd of Education nnd wne oi tne rrenioeni oi me oennie who will attend clnv-lonit meellnir nt OTf Frldny of the Blulo Advl- nory Oonrd. :rdn The Cnrnntlon Club In Master Plan of Defense Now Up to the Countries Helped By HTAN HWINTON MHHON. Porlimnl i The 14 Atlantic Allien Monday end a his toric ineetlim which produced a iniintcr plan lor Weitern Europe's delenne. Junt two problems remained nt the final sessions of tho North At lantic Council: 1, How much the U.S. will pny of an nntliiintcd 460 million dollar "Infrastructure" program to string air bancs, communication networkn nnd headnuarlan ncrons Europe. Tho bent guennus were at least 40 per cent. 3. Btrenmllnlng of the NATO civil nnd economic organization under a permanent secretnry-Kcnernl. A UIK mrco meeting on uer many nnd Austria Monday holds U.8. Becrctury of Slate Achcson, Bchumnn mid Brltlnh Foreign Bec rctury Anthony Eden here. They will talk chiefly about lift ing Allied controls on defeated West Germany's war Industries and try to settle the final size and form of Its contribution to Western defense. By the end of 1062, he In due to hnvo In Europe a 60-dlvlnlon, 4.000 nlrcralt fighting force with strong naval nupport. In 1064, thin Is to grow to about 88 divisions, by the economists' ciilculutlonH, or 100 divisions. If the military mens lull target is uchleved. This three-year program, the economists estimated, will cost Western taxpayers a total of 300 billion dollars. Elsenhower will assume Impor tant new responsibilities. His SHAPE headquarters will mush room as Allied forces from Iceland to the Dardanelles are unified un der a single command. An estimated 200 plus alrbases will provide Insurance against sud- nponnorlng a card party tonight, 8 p. m. nt the KC Hall. Bertha Weiithcrholt Is chnlrman, cherry pie and eolfee will be served and the public to cordially Invited. Folk Dnnelnr International folk dancing group will meet In Moldo van Dance Studio, 1028 Main to night nt 8 o'clock. Dr. Frank John son will Instruct. den attack by Russia') Korran- C roved Jets or new long-range ombcrs. The Atlantic Council also gave Its blessing here to the European Defense Community ,EDCi, That Is a plan for a super-natlon-nl European force made up of French, Italian, West German. Bel glan, Dutch and Luxembourg fight ing men. Elsenhower would be In com mand, Just as he would over U.8., British nnd other forces committed to NATO but outside EDC. The European Army Is a long way from existence still. First each nation must sign a treaty. Then each Parliament must ratify It. Only then can Oerman re cruiting begin. The Llbson decisions mean new sacrifices or citizens of Allied pow ers. Taxes probably will have to be stepped up to meet splrallng costs of the atomic age defense. French Premier Edgar Faure. for Instance, said Monday France's taxes will be upped 16 per cenU Instcad of 10 per cent, as pre viously planned. Legions of men must don uni formsand quickly. Elsenhower now has less than 30 divisions combat-ready or avail able within two weeks. Twenty or more must be built within ' 10 months to meet the Lisbon tar gets. Today under J. 000 fighters and bombers, mostly U.S., are In Eu rope. The year's goal is four limes that. - Despite difficulties ahead, senior U.S. officials were heartened over the Lisbon meeting. They believe Europe's steps to ward self defense will lessen the difficulty of winning U.8. Congres sional approval for President Tru man's 17,600,000,000 request for for eign aid next month. "Without progress here," I'd hard ly have dared go up on the hill to testify, one American offfclnl was quoted as telling friends. "Its go ing to be rough going anyway. The big question Congress Is ex pected to ask is, "Can Europe de fend Itself If the LUibon targets are met?" Combat Yets Return Home SAN FRANCISCO VP) After months of combat duty In Korea, 3.700 Army veterans returned home Monday aboard the transport Gen. : John Pope. Friends and relatives gathered i at the pier at Fort Mason, the j Army's Port of Embarkation, as ' the big ship crossed in through the i Golden Gate. ! Coronation Off For This Year 1 LONDON tP The coronation of , Quccii Elizabeth II will take place sometime in 1 953. an authoritative source said Monday night. j Court circles said the exact date i now is being considered. Consulta tions with Commonwealth govern- ments are In progress. I ri J hi l " hi m i iii 'TBI i I IWWA ill ' aJ Snow Depth at Lake 187 Inches Crater Lake National Park count ed 64 cars through its gates over the weekend. Chief Ranger Lou Hallock reported today. There were 197 people, including 33 skiers. Hallock reported conditions Ideal for nhntogrnphers. The snow depth at the lake has settled to 1H7 Inches, he said. She's Leary of Telling Her Age CLEVELAND 11 Five vrnrs ago Mrs. Louise Kuhn forbade her family to tell her age. Now that she's older she let them announce tndnv that RatnrriftV was I her IftSfh hlrthrlnv Mrs. Kuhn said she had no sug gestions for living a long life. Mir family says she drinks a glass of wine every day. Mrs. Kuhn was married In 1886 to Joseph Kuhn. He died In 1011. SPORTS QUEEN Sur rounded by sports gear Janet Jackson prepares to play hostess when the Sports, Travel and Boat Show starts in San Fran cisco's Civic Auditorium Friday, Feb. 29 for a 10 day run. Drive Helpers Set Kickoff Klamath County 1993 Red Cross Fund Campaign drive workers are scheduled to gather Wednesday at the Willard for a 10 a.m. "Kick Off Coffee Hour." It will can each Individual M cents, and Exec. tcy. Virginia uixon announced today all work ers In this year's drive as well aa board membera should be there. Sollclatlon kits and materials an to be distributed. A skit on the "Do's and Don't'" of fund solicitations Is to be put on by members of the Red Cross chapter, and the Volunteer Can teen atria will serve, Mra, Dixon said. The affair Is slated to last but one hour $0$ m. I ! P General Hans Frci BOOKKEEPING Service 2254 So. lh Phone 2-0293 Safer Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail lo stop your cough or chest cold don't delay. Crcomuhion contniru only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature') process. It goes right to the scat of the trouble to aid nature sootho and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Crcomuhion has Hood the test of many millions of users, CREOMULSION nllmt CmiM, Otit Coldi, AnK ImKkllli OR PAY NOTHING "ROYAL- HEARING AID Try the new Zenith "Boysl" hetrlnl Id for 10 days. If you're not completely Atlifled return the Initrument and CET YOUB MONEY BACK! Only 95 A Month No Down Pavment Everyone who fakes coor pictures needs an argus projector WORLD'S FINEST HOME SLIDE PROJECTOR The best optical system made spreads more light evenly over the entire slide brings out true color beauty. And the silent blower keeps the projector cool protects valuable color slides from 0RIV any damage even if you leave a slide ilQSQ in for hours at a time. CURRIN'S for drugs Get there faster FlyliniW! Sevthbeund Mainllners Leave at . . . . 5:10 P. M. SAN FRANCISCO 3 hrs. LOS ANGELES . 5i hrs. Nsfltibwinel Malnlliwrt leave at . t 1235 P. M. PORTLAND . . 2 hrs. SEATTLE J hrs. fmii, foxurfovi flights Is "all In. fail" UNITED AIR LINES Airport Terminal. Call 2-2357 or, - mx an authorind i I The Friendly Drug Store I X. V IX I f . w r I 9h and Main .., Ph. 2-3475 I I SX, 5th and Main . 715 Main Street II I - If n m m tt n OS li'm'iiMiiniiirwiiiym ii!irr':. ' : TV flv TK r i : xfi This is WHY You ' ; W J This Same Mattress J SJ xf Elsewhere . . . You vet... . ii- i 1 .Dorothy Gray Hormone Hand Cream 'Now I L Price! I I of,LT IS- Contains natural estrogenic hormones to help hands hide their age! Plus an exclusive emollient to guard against wind, weather, water. Stock, up on this extraordinary cream now while you can . save one-half! , For The BEST. . . In REST For LESS See r orison's MATTRESS & UPHOLSTERING CO. 2405 South 6th Phone 4510 O 312 Coils the best O Insulated Heavily the beit tiial pads O Thick Cotton Padding the best O Vertical Stitched Border the. best care of workmanship O Rayon Damask Covered with taped edges! Quality Built' at a . O No Costly Freight Charges O No National Adver- T , T UA tis-toPayFor ractory lo You O No Other Big Distri bution Costs Price ;L