Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 25, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    fAUK TWO
KFJ1-1I58 Kc PST
Mondajr Evening, Feb, 25
8:00 CJabrlel Healler MBS
6:15 Quia Show
8:30 Around Town News
8:4S Bam Hvti, Newa MBS
6:99 BUI Henry MBS
7:00 Peter Salem MBS
1:30 Bright Slar
S:O0 Let George Do Jt MBS
HMO Hollywood Theatera MUS
0:49 Dick llaymea Show
8:00 Olenn Hardy Newa MBS
8:19 Fulton Lewie News MBS
C M Mulunl Mewtreel MUS
8.49 Miulc
8:99 5-Minute Final MBS
10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS
10:13 Crime Flghlera MBS
10:49 Country Music
11:00 Night Owli News
11:09 Nlfht OwU Club
12:00 Sign OH
KFJI 1150 Kc PST
Tuesday, Feb. 26
6:00 Musical Reveille
Farm "ennrler
6:99 Local Newt
7:00 Hemlngwai Newa MBS
7:19 Breakfast Gang MBS
7:30 Headlines and By tinea
7:40 Best Buys ...
'8:00 Cecil Brown MBS
8:15 Breakfast Gang MBS - !
8:30 Haven of Rest MBS
8:00 Homcmakers Harmony
8:13 Platter Party
8:49 Familiar Favorites
10:00 Glenn Hardy. Newi MBS
10:19 Tello Test MBS
10:30 La Polntea
10:49 Concert
1(1:90 Helen Doece
10:99 Ken Carson MBS
11:00 t.ndtej Fair MBS
11:19 Newa MBS .
1:30 Queen for a - Day MBS
12:00 Name Bands
12119 Newa Headlines
12:30 Your Dance Tunea
12:49 Music Box
12:30 Market St Livestock
18:33 ews 'i
1:00 Jack Kirkwood MRS
1:30 Take a Number MBS
2:00 Local News
2:10 Newa MBS
2:13 Two at 2:13
2:49 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Ricky'a Request
4.-00 Speed Gibson
4:19 Hemingway Newa MBS
4:30 Curt Massey Time MBS
4:43 Sam Hay es MBS
5:00 Sergeant Preston MBS
5:30 Sky King MBS
3:39 Cecil Brown MBS
6:00 Gabriel Heattrr MBS
6:13 Klamath Theater Quia
6:30 Around Town
6:43 Sam Hayes Newa MBS
6:53 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Black Museum MBS
7:30 Peter Salem. MBS
8:00 Count of Monte Cristo MBS
8:30 Roving at Rudy's
8:49 Heidelberg Harmonalres
8:00 Glenn Hardy News MBS
8:15 Fulton Lewis News MBS .
8:30 Mutual Newsreel MBS
8:49 Music
8:39 5-Minute Final MBS
10:00 I Love A Mystery MBS .
10:19 Official Detective MBS ,
10:49 Here's to Vels
11:00 Night Owla Edition
11:03 Night Owla Club. .
12:00 Sign Off ,.
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Monday Evening, Feb. 25
6:00 Sporte Highlight
6:19 Home Town Newt
6:25 World News Summary '
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6:49 Headline Edition ABC
6:59 Coming Attrae. on ABC
7:00 The Lone Ranger ABC
7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC
7:43 Preview Of Tomorrow
8:00 Could This Be You
8:.T0 Phil Bovero Orch. ABC x
8:00 The Big Hand ABC
8:30 Piano Playhouse ABC
10:00 10 PJil. Headlinea
10:19 Navy Star Time
1C:30 Insomnia Club
11:00 Newa Summary
11:03 Sim Off
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Tuesday, Feb. 26
6:00 Sign On News Summary
6:09 Corn in tha Mora
6:49 Farm Fare
7:00 News. Bkfst Edition
7:19 Charlie's Roundup
7:30 Bob Garred, News ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
7:59 John Conte ABC
8 00 Breakfast Club -ABC
8.00 Hank Henry Show -8:30
Break the Bank ABC
V ConttaaoM Froo 1:4
ConttnaoM Froo 1:4
' mmmuauif't,
il FVFfVDAYrftk YAR!
Clark Ara I
A pudic . Picnuro ,
u uniiLL unnuiiLn
l d..j..:.l roiuicnon
DfODCfici oiihiiiuhu
i: i nsnnvunnr. stBuut
uonei Dftnriimu.ifeoHDi
Doors Open
Daily at 1:43 p.m.
Crawford -Brian
m J?' fiz. 4 "iK'CffM trow I
fc-a- I a nt I Hp
lit 1 ff I i jY
v , - - .... - . v , . . T -A
1 1 :SS
Chet Huntley ABC
Lone Juurney ABC
My True Story ARC
Edward Arnold ABC
Betty Crocker ABC
Stop and Shop
Against the Storm ABC
Musical Kollndup
Market Report
Noon Edition News
Pa less Sidewalk Show
l.ucky 11 Ranch ABC
I'lui Harvey adv
Better Living
Standard School Bdcst,
Basin Briefs
Accent on Melody
Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC
Rom. Evelyn winters ABC
When a Girl Marries ABC
Ted Malone ABC
Dean Cameron ABC
Mary Martin ABC
Requcslfully Youre
Tom Corbelt, Space Cadet ABC
World Flight Reporter ABC
Chet Huntley ABC
Nail. Guaro Show
Sports Highlights
Home Town News
World News Summary
Suburban Serenade
Headline Edition ABC
Coming Attractions on ABC
Greatest Story ABC
Newstand Theater ARC
Met Auditions of Air ABC
United Or Xot ABC
Town Meeting. ABC
Paul Can-on at the Organ.
10 P.M. Headlines
Dream Horoor ABC
Insomnia Club
News Summary
Sign Off
Pilot Dies
Af Controls
HONOLULU IT! The uilot of
a United Airlines strntocrulser col
lnpsed at the controls and died
two hours after the plane left
Honolulu for Los Angeles Sunday
Tire first officer" flew the plane
back to Honolulu without mishap.
The 43 passengers didn t learn
the pilot was dead until they were
sefclv on the ground.
Capt. L. C. Brown. 46. Los An
geles, apparently suffered a heart
The first officer Is W. A. Man
fross of Redondo Beach. Calif.
Blank Shell
Wounds Man
Unusual accidents Sunday put
two men In Klamath Valley Hos
pital. Jack Hales, 70. of 1026 Home-
dale Rd.. suffered a blank shell
wound to his left hand while break
ing open a .33 calibre training pis
tol about 10 a.m.
Mrs. .Hales told the Herald and
News her husband didn't lose any
lingers in tne accident.
Hales told State Police he had
been training bis bird doe. and
thought all the blank shells had
been fired. He said when he went
to open the pistol, the glove he
was wearing apparently caught in
the trigger and discharged the gun.
Hales was treated in j,i.-gerv
and is being held in the hospital
for several ' days,
Walter Wilson, 319 S. Eldorado
Ave., suffered a severe forehead
gash when pinned under his horse
at E. Main and Owens Sts. about
5 .p.m. Sunday. , , .
' The horse reportedly - slipped on
icy pavement and fell, rolling on
Wilson after he pitched headlong
to the pavement.
Wilson was taken to Klamath
Valley hospital, unconscious,, by
Kaler's ambulance, but w3 re
ported in good condition today by
hospital authorities.
Tattle Fees
On Increase
WASHINGTON - UrV- If you're
fudging on your ' Income tax re
turn this year, better watch out
for nosy neighbors. .
The business of tattling to the
government in income tax evaders
for a fee-4-is booming as iiever
The Revenue Bureau reported
Monday it paid out half a million
dollars last year to informers who
lipped the government to tax vio
lations by business associates or
As a result of the tips, revenue
agent picked up $9,027,846 more
in taxes for the fiscal year which
ended June 30.
All signs indicate this will be an
even bigger year for informers,
citizens pouring in. tips on recur
ring revenue scandals are likely to
uncover even more tax evasion.
In the past three years, payments
to informers have averaged $480.-
ooo a year, a tremendous increase
over former years.
Her Party
Is Growing
BANNING. Calif. OP) There's
an old story about a hostess -who
wrote an Army captain asking for
"the -pleasure' of your company"
at dinner.
And' the whole company came.
Miss June Hedgpath, manager of
a grill here, has the same problem.
Last December, hearing the Ma
rines In Korea wanted letters, she
wrote, four of . them. During the
correspondence she offered, to give
them a homecoming party when
their outfit returns next month.
ISO far, Miss Hcdgpath reports,
I sne nas receiveo nearly, auu leuers
accepting ner invuaiion. -I'm- go
ing to give that party, somehow,"
Miss Hedgpath says. "The boys ex
pect it."
Triplets Leave
Mom Breathless
Hill was expecting triplets X-ras
a month ago so indicated but
when the three baby girls were
born Sunday she realized that "It
still leaves you sort of breathless."
The hospital nurses call them
"A," "B" and "C" but Mrs. Hill,
30, of Fullerton, Calif., and her
husband, Gerald, 30, a telephone
company lineman, decided on Col
ecn, Carla and Candlcc.
The Hills have two other children
Gerald Jr., 9, and Randllegh, 4.
They have a problem serious at
the moment 'no washfhg machine.
MANILA UP) Fire early Mon
day dcstroyol five blocks In the
business district of Vigan, Ilocos
Sur Province, President Elpidio
Ollirinn'a hnm fnurn nnmnDS mil
estimated unofficially at between
$500,000 and 11,000,000.
- Via?
Second Mate Willard F. Fahrner and Third Mate Vincent
A. Galdon drifts towards the U.S. Coast Guard cutter
Yakutat while Coast Guardsmen prepare to lower another
liferaft to rescue the tanker men from the Fort Mercer.
Two other crewmen, including the Captain were also
rescued from the bow section after the vessel broke in two
during a storm off Cape Cod. Picture was made by S-A
Harold Scheffts Brooklyn, N.Y., who was on his first trip
to sea on the cutter Yakutat.
Story of Famed Gilda Gray
Soon Coming to the Screen
NLA Staff Correspondent
sively Yours: Producer Z. Wayne
Griffin has zipped his lips about it,
but he's just optioned "The Shimmy
Girl." a 60-page treatment based
on the life story of Gilda Gray.
. Griffin, who produced Clark ara
ble's "Lone Star" and "Keys to
r-tiv" hoe nirpariv hnri confer
ences with Columbia and Fox about
a star to plav the title role of tne
dancing beaulv who electrified the
Roaring Twenties with her singing
and torso shaking. .
The Shimmy Girl" traces Gilda s
career from the time she Sana
"When You Wore a Tulip" in a
Milwaukee saloon, through her tri-
umph as star of "The Ziegfeld Fol-
lies" with Will Rogers and Eddie
Palm Springs caie society "
a-buzz over another Ava oaranerin "Decision":
Frank Sinatra Incident. Frankie
leaped up from a nitery lame,
dashed into the street and left Ava
sitting bv her lonesome. Didn I
come back for her. either.
A fashion designer was asked If
.... i i an c,,0fTi:tlnrtK for a cer-
tain star's wedding gon. )5he.
whispered: - ;
"One that doesn t go out
Johnnie Rav of '-"Little
Cloud" fame and Joe Pasternak are
talking an MOMovie oeai . . juuj
Garland is telling friends that her
TV debut will be on the Donald
O'Connor show. . .Ex-quiz kid Van
essa Brown's screen test for "Come
Bsck Little Sheba" is making the
studio rounds and opening a lot of
New type of demise for a movie
In "Loan Shark." George Raft
tosses Paul Stewart Into a laundry's
huge rotary dryer, throws the
switch and when last seen Paul is
spinning at the rate of 100 KPM.
Boy meets whirl?
It's a straight role, minus typical
Kaye cut-ups, for Danny In "Hans
Christian Andersen," Sam Gold
wyn's M.OOO.OOO movie based not on
Andersen's life but on his fairy
"There are no typical Danny
Kaye routines," he grinned, "but
thev may turn out that way."
What's Danny doing about TV?
"I'm looking at It," he said.
"Eventually I'll do TV. But there's
no big rush. It s here to stay.
There's lots of time."
For the record: Republic s The
Lady Wants Mink" will not have a
Washington background. It's about
a housewife who wants a mink coat
and starts a mink farm. . .With
Shelley Winters feuding with Sina
tra in one picture and with Joseph
Cotten on another, Alan Wilson says
it Just goes to prove that "Movies
are BITTER than ever." . . .Harold
Lloyd's daughter, Peggy, is now ar
ranging fashion shows at the Am
bassador hotel.
There will be no divorce between
Dorothy Parker and Alan Campbell.
Alan, applauding fcjueeme Leonaro
at the Deauvllle, told me:
"We're separated but wc contin
ue to be friendly. I don't think there
will be a reconciliation. But there
won't be a divorce, either. Its too
Barbara Hale explaining her
horsetail hairdo at Motion Picture
Magazine's cay party for new Edi
tor Bam Schneider: "It's in honor
cl my husband."
Hubbv Bin Williams is iv J west
ern hero. "Kit Carson."
There's a quiet tug-of-war going
on between Tony Curtis' agent and
For a complete Inmronca serv
ice, call Jerry Thomol.
$m Thomas
6th & Main Phone 6465
eg, , V
UI MONEY. . . Danny Thomas bet
Director Norman Tauroc 35 cents
that his film. "I'll See You in Mv
Dreams." would be a flop. He Just
paid off the bet a quarter and u
dime dipped In gold.
Susan Peters is recuperating In
Denver from the agony of her live-day-a-weck
TV show.
Bob Hope's claiming he got a sen
timental Valentine heart from Boris
Karloff. Shudders Bob
It s slil!
Two blonde cats were discussing
an actress known for her nlnklsh
views at the Villa Nova. One meow-
i meow girl commented that the doll
iwas a real beautv. "Of course "
spurred the other. "She Just won the
.Miss Un-Amerlca contest."
Ann Richards, on taking dlrec-
tions from hubbv Edmund i..
"So far. so good. I haven't talked
back to him once."
Korean Messenger, a small four- i
page newspaper with ad lnltjil elr. !
iulatkaj. ol y.000 and (designed lo
be the voice of Korean siurlcnio in I
this country, has made its debut I
tunder the 'editorship of Kvuntr wnn
nlee. of Seoul, Korea, a Journalism
.student at West Virginia University
Thia hemispheric eombuatlon
chamber, with large, well,
cooled valvea right in the dome,
la the baaic reason FirePower
outperforma all previoua.
oeinea, avao oo Don-premium
.Power Steering and Fluitl
Torque standard on Crown
Imperials, Power Steering
optional at extra cost on alt
other models. Fltiid-Tornim
optional on all 6-cylincler
239 Main
Bogart Mulls
Of Getting
omul, who Ion has snltkoied
ill Acudriny AwiuiK now udinltii
ho wouldn't mind winning one. llul
he still thinks Oscnrs mo silly.
"My Ideas about the awards
haven't chiimtcd any," said Urn
actor, who lias been nominated for
one of Hollywood's arand prizes.
"But iny position has.
"You see, this isn't the first
Morse Says
Taff Reneged
Ron. Wnvtln
Morse tR-dle.), has contradicted
tt statement made recently In Sent
lie bv Sen. Robert Titfl (R-Ohlol.
Wlien Tnft. a candidate (or Re
publican nomination lor President,
was in the Pnclllc Northwest
earlier this month he told a re
porter he had not ooiuinlttrd hlin-
,:cii to help Morse get im appoint
I int-nl to the Senate l oielmi Re
lations Committee.
In a letter to Tnlt m-ide public
Saturday Mor.c wrote: "Your rc
lioiled statement . . . does both
yourself and me an Injustice."
von to'rt me that when the next
iT.caucy occurred on the foreign
relations committee. . . I would be
your choice for the appointment,"
Morse wrote Taft. He said Tn't
made Ihe statement on Jan. 2.
1947, following the adjournment ol
Yeggs Use Eggs
To Muffle Blast
CANTON.-O. i.fi Sheriffs dep
uties Monday were trylntr to solve
Uie case of the ham and yeggs.
The yegjis blew a safe tir thf
Brooksldci Provision Co.. piling 15
hams on top of It to hold It down
and mufllc the blast. They escaped
with SI, 725.
Family Drowns
Seeing Eclipse
A family of five drowned Monday
while wntchlne the eclipse of the
sun, as the father drove their car
Into the harbor of Svendborg on
the Island of Funen.
Jens Nlelron, 40 venr old fnetory
owner, had taken hl wife and three
children, attcd five to 10. out to see
the ccllnse. which was partial In
Denmark. j
Lookhig skyward. Nielsen drove.
over a bank and the ear went down I
Into 35 to 30 feet of water with j
the family Inside.
If You DID NOT or
Tv Can Slurfv ( llomt in Bpart Tim ant! Eara a Hit flrbasl Dialama
I RI l AHK NOW Ul (!! ar Liara a Tiaat
ora GBAULATIS HAVE cntlrco ovra 108 coLLrnri
Dept. Kla-2-2S
Name ..
Address '
His Chances
Silly 'Oscar'
l time 1 have been nominated. I was
I'd for the nwartin for 'l'ctr
1M and 'Casablnnci
a' In
1043. Then I was under contract
to Warners and I didn't kIvo a
"But now I have a llnancla) In
terest In my plcluro t'The Atrlcan
Queen'), If I win an Oscar, It
means mora money for tho picture.
And I was never u mini to sneer
ut money."
BoRai't made these remark ns
we sipped lea In Ills Benrdlul Can
yon home, recently dux out from
Hoods. That Is correct It was tea
we were dilnkluit. Ho submitted
to this (for him) uncommon bever
age becauso he hail catiuhl the flu
and lost his voice durum his New
York visit to publlclte his film.
"I appeared at 15 New York
theaters In three nik'hls five a
nlliht." he moaned. "That, plus all
Ihe Interviews and radio appear
ances. It was murder."
I steered him back to the Os
oars, and he remarked that ha
Mill thouKhl that acllim can't bo
rewarded the same as events in
a track meet.
"It's not a matter of who Is the
best actor," ha commented, "It's
a tiucsiion of who acts the best
part. The uuy who wins the Oscar
is the any who Is cost the best.
Certainly Spencer Tracy Is still as
uooil an actor as he was when he
won his awards In 1937 and 1038.
"I still think the only way to
Judite ncllnit on a competitive basis
is to let all of the adorn have a
go at 'Hamlet,' and may the best
man win. Of course, vou'd uncover
some nietly funny Hamlets."
Bonn 1 1 added that he would he
the most surprised man In Holly
wood if he should win Hits year.
"I don't think I have a chance."
he said. "For one thliiK, I don't
have a bin studio behind nie to do
the campaigning And there are
some pretty sharp bovs In the race,
t think Marlon Brando Is one of
the best young actors In the busi
ness, and I think he'll be ureal as
soon as he rcLs that potato out of
his mouth." i Brando has been
criticized for his diction. 1
"I hear Arthur Kenneov did a
meat Job In 'Bright Victory,' too.
There are mixed reporta how
pood Montgomery Cllft and Fredrlc
March were In their pictures."
Meanwhile, he Intends to do no
electioneering. Thai Is nolhlnit be
vond an occasional mutlerlnn; to
friends, "Vole, you 1"
mil an m What's a tonkuns1
w Murstrn resare Aurusto Tal
one. who Is one, says It Is per-
ton who can recognlie a stock of
sounds. Tallone claims that he can
pick out any one sound from
among 6.000.
CANNOT Finish '
17SS Broadway - Oakland, 12 Calif.
. Ait.
Apt.; .
DRIVE aChnisler and LMM the difference
Exceptionally fine basketball was
seen bv Ihe many Pelican fans
who miide tho trip to Mcdlord over
tho weekend.
"Uolli games were thrillers, with
Mm Pels leading all the way In
P'rlriay night's uamo, l'rllcaiM led
muni of tho tlmo In Saturday's
game, but the Toi nmli came
through with a final spun, break
ing a M-Ri tin with a loul shot,
ending llila gaina with heartbreak.
Students' are all proud of the
team for playing such good games
and haid-llghtlng basketball.
Margaret Oerber was elected
clerk of the Utilise of Heprenenla
lives when the Trv-lll-Y ami lll-Y
delegates to the YMCA "Youth In
Cloveriiniciil." traveled to Ashland
Krb. 17, lor tho pre-cuiilerrnce
Tills meeting Is held lor the pur
pose of electing olllrers for the
youth government held in Siilem
later this Spring. All Ihe high
schools In tho Southern Oregon dis
trict were represented In Ashland.
Delegates were acquainted with
the prodecure ol drawing tin bills,
which later will be presented In
Salem, by adult spnikcrs having
had actual experience In doing
this. The bills iniiy concern any
tiling which tho stale legislature
may vole on or havo control over.
Eleoted by Ihe clubs to represent
them are Frances Sterns. Margaret
Oerber. Shirley Dehorn. Shirley
Crawlurd, Lallayne Weed. Pat Tay
lor, David Ciimmlngs and Douglas
Leicnty. rYc.Mimen IYy-HI-Y did
not choose delegates this year.
Pastry making was demonstrated
by Linda Pope, al her home Feb.
II, at the meeting of the "Kitchen
Pals." Then different methods used
In making pastry were discussed.
Dollar dinner menus were dis
cussed bv ihe club members, and
their leader Mrs. R. S. l.oo.ilcy.
Marie Nicholson oflcred to make
a poster, soliciting more cloUilng
lor Koreans and asking all people
In the community to leave clothing
at Wlmer's Oarage for Koreans.
Refreshments of brownies were
served by Linda Pope. Those al
Ihe meeting were: Marie Nichol
son, Janet Wlbon. Enid Williams.
Linda Pope, and Ihe leader, Mrs.
Enid William.
News Reporter
From 9 'til 10 P.M.
9:00 to 9:15 KFJI Nowipaper of the Air
9:15 to 9:30 Fulton Lewis, Jr.
9:30 to 9:45 Mutual Newirecl
9:45 to 9:55 Sport Final
9:55 to 10:00 Five-Minute Final
5000 Wottj
KING of the ROAD
WHETHER you plort to buy 0 Chrysler or not, wo cordially Invit.
you to drive this revolutionary Chrysler FirePower V-8 engine. It
it Ihe moil talked-obouf engine ol modern times. Only FirePower
performance eon possibly tell you what il Is like. We wont you
to hove thol experience. The FirePower engino li o basic new
design jo odvonced it con meet rising fccrformonco needs for
yeori to come.
Today it delivers 180 horsepower, even
on non-premium fuel, and when desir
oble, with simple changes in manifold-
ing, compression, and carburetion the
horsepower can be raised to 250 . or
over 300, as in the experimental Chrys
ler K-3 10 car.
Naturolly, othen will Imitate this Chrysler ochievomant, of Icosfv '
In port, We honestly believe that the FlroPower onglne will out- .
porform any other cor In America , , , ond wo invito you to leorn :
the new stondord in engino porformonce Chrysler hoi sot by
driving It yourself ot your Chrysler dcolcr'i of your convenience
The All-Spttd Soely and Parking Eaie of Full
Pouter Steering
The Prlceltie Security o America' Tint Power
The Advantage of Driver-ControMed Automatic
Fluid Trantmistlon
The Getawau SwtftneM of Fluid-Torque Drive
The Roiinh-Bonrf Comfort of The Unmatched
The Bad-Weather Protection of Fully Waterproof
Inlfiott lj
Three-Point i
Issue Seen
BUFFALO . N. Y. I(P A Ihree.
point challenge faces all Christians
In everyday business and social
llle, according to a formal report
limned by :i-'5 delegates to tho
North American Lav Conference on
tho Christian and his Dally Work.
As mil lined In ihe. statement at
Sunday's closing scsnlun, Clod m
(Mitres' "1. 'flint we worjt In piirtuoi'Hhlp
with Him and In accordance with
inn uiwn.v
"2. That we work uiihelllnhlv Inl
ine good of our fellow mail.
"3. That an luembern of Ilia
church, wo search our minds and
hearln as wo seek to live up to III
highest nlnndaida which Christ
taught ua."
Luvinen from 34 I'nileslutil
church groups In the United Stales
mill Canada adopted the brief, (too
word Biateiiienl alter an hour's de
late. Load Limit Set
On New Highway
PRINEVILLE I A htohu'iiv
load limit on Marks Creek ciiloll.
Ill-mile stretch of new hluhwav
In the Ochoco Nnlloniil Forenl, hn.i
been ordered In moleel the roml
and logging Interests are attempt-
nut lo t:ct It uiodlllrd.
The rond is used exlennlvelv ftir
log nnd lumber hauling between
Mitchell and Pi Inevllle, Home lum
bermen Mild ihe limitation. If un
changed, would put 500 men omL
ul work In thin area. '
They hone la gel a postponement
while they clear snow from Ihe old
part ol Ihe rond. now abandoned.
They think that would lake 10 days
and since cold weather has re
placed a recent thaw, they say the
new i mile would not be damaged
III thai time.
CHESTER, III.. (Jl City council
men, sympathising with harassed
Saturday shoppern, have a plan
(hat works to act up three places
In the town where shoppers may
pay parking fines conveniently.
fats at rttafe bat)
Mi. 4t res Ortkn T Tali Oat
len B. L, Mgr.
1150 On Your Dial
Phone 773
r I.