PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1054 'A Korean Fight Grinds on Into its 21st Long Month SEOUL, Korea W The Korean war ground into Its Hist month Monday. There was virtually no lighting to mark the dnte. Heavy clouds and snow grounded most Allied warplnnes. Only a lew fighter bombers went out on rail cutting missions. Fifth Air Force planes flew only 180 sorties Monday, far under the V A i IAN FIGURE SKATING WINNER Jeannette Altwegg of Lon don is shown on the ice at Bislett stadium, Oslo, as she won the women's figure skating title in the Winter Olympic Games. The 21-year-old skater captured Britain's first Olympic gold medal since 1936. ''' Victim Comes To Bandit PHILADELPHIA Wi Richard Bruader was Retting home in Uie wee hours of the morning. In front of his house he noticed his brother's car. Sitting in the' driver's seat was an unfamiliar, figure. 'What are you doing In Uiat car? he asked. "Just waiting for somebody like rou to come along. Hand it over," was the answer. He told police the man took his wallet containing (10 and a wirst watch before running off. dally average. South Korean and American Mustang' pilots and Marino Cor- cnic ..(irtfa rut Knrth Kniflin mil lines at 13 places, ' South African Mustang pilots reported they killed an estimated 7S RpriH In nn atttick oil a Com- Imunlst blllotlng area. American Mustang incrs nam they destroyed or damaged 31 com munist, iroop or supply am-ucis. CC1JU1 I1UII1 ovtuivi.M ,v...,o along the llij-mlle front indicated me usual pattern oi; recent igm lug probes, patrols and a few brief clashes. CENTENARIAN HIT-RL'N VICTIM TEL-AVIV 'fPV Aharon Monsurer had Just celebrated his 103th birth day In good health when he was knocked down aim mica oy a nit-and-run bus driver. Nine Signed For Broadcast NEW YORK to The Mutual Broadcasting Company has signed contracts with nine Major League teamsand probably will come to terms- witn otners ior oroaacasi Tights of the "Game of the Day." The network announced Sunday that the clubs it already has signed with include the Chicago White Sox. Cleveland Indians, ' Detroit Tigers and St. Louis Browns of the American League and the' Boston Braves, Brooklyn Dodgers, Chicago Cubs, Cincinnati Reds and Fhila delphia Phillies in the National. The network said the broadcasts would start on March 8 during the exhibition season and . continue through Sept. 28. RUBBER ESTATES SOLD KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya Wl Sales of Japanese rubber estates in Malaya brought $10,666,230 last year. Hans Norland . Auto Insurance. 627 Pine St. rr3 mm Grocery and Prof Storei At Ltaainr ueparimeni, Woolfoam Corp., New York 1, N.Y. 9th and Pine. Phone 3188 EASTER SUITS Boys' Favorite Styles, Fabrics : J DRESS SUIT FOR PREPS, 11 to 20 . Year-aroundwe!ght,crease-reilifantrayon. gabardine.' Choice of single- or double-'. 5 98 breasted. Lined coat. Brown, blue, gray.' '. JUNIORS' DONEGAL TWEED, 6 to 10 Fast becoming popular. Colorfully nubbed ' donegaltweedgivesexcellentwear,is35 2 98 . wool, 65 rayon, lined coat. Brown, bluei ' ..''. BUY HIS SUIT ON WARDS IAY-AWAY PLAN ' . HIGHBROW PROGRAM JERUSALEM ifl The Hebrew radio slation, "The Voice of Isra el," is going to introduce a new program on a special wave-length for somewhat higher brows. This Is part of a general rejuvenation. scneme initiated by Moshe Pearl- man, general director of all Israel government Inlormation services. He has promised to do everything "to end boredom on the air." Par East air forces reported Us pilots destroyed about ilOO supply Lruoks In widespread attacks Sunday. That was the highest num ber in soverai months. Other Pilots cut Communist rails In H5 places and destroyed 10 gun positions, 35 supply buildings . and 30 bunkers. . For tlie first time In elorht dnvs there were no air battles between Communist and Allied Jets Sunday. Eight B-29 sunerforts dronnrd 80 tons o( bombs on the Chongju rail bridge Sunday night. . - Carrier based Marine nlanes ii om me usa uairoko made satur ntion assaulls on Red supply build Ings and rail lines near chlnnampo on Korea's west coast. Other Ma rino aircraft hammered targets on the east coast. The battleship tISS Wisconsin re turned to the KnnsoiiB-Kospng area of Northeast Korea and laid 16- I. I DEMAND? ' X Tllllts 25c (OHIO'S URGES stuaunoe Inch oliolls on lied troop Installa tions. Other Allied warships ranuml the west ooast In uttacks on Coniniu Hint positions, A flnlnvnri Nliviil iwnnrt Irlnttllflnrl three Allied shins which linlnml drive back a Red ultack on Yung isianti wounosiiiiy. The Navy mild the dostrover US8 Pholton, llio nilnesweeper UHS Fin clli'otl and tho New Zealand patrol frlgnto Tuupo sank ID sampans, damaged numerous others iiud wounded nn estimated 70 per oonl or Hie rotreatlnir Keds, Planes from the American car- 31 sr MACARONI J rlers Eancx and Antlotnm Satur day dustroyed 4'i Red sampans In Wnnsnn llnrbor, . , AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A , PIANO Vu in rtn Hvtly nvw inlntl punt from III l.ouli It. Mnd l'lilto Cam puny, Ull N, lib, ! liw ntanlhlf ti. A(tr rtMnlili llm you oh( It you wdh. rhti from rnl U'pur tiH ritminl. Th rant alrvftdy pa!4 Ii all rrfiltlad Id yfeur purrhaia aoounl ani no lhr down payniani It navaa ary. Tli inonllily itaymanli van linia hliliar than ronl. Or, If yw lira far, yau van canllnuo to rant. MARCH VALUES COME THURSDAY WATCH FOR IT! Ills aiblAliill) mm www; I cor wMowi ttUf I PlAY S&fH I BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade rh.3111 I TICKING! - . 4 Foom Rubber ( fpjM zmm mm . our ' 'Okh RUBBER tlj f - .-' . ' 'jjr AND INNERSPRING I cTOnmHfrmfrrnra PRICES ARE NEVER EQUALED ! Easy BUDGET TERMS! FOAM RUBBER AND INNERSPRING 3 CONSTRUCTION! Ofh And klflinnth Phone 4868 L J