MONDAY, KEIIIIUAHY 25. HIM HKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH KALI-S. OKKf.ON PAGE EI.RVFN i? R"LISIATIi f0R iAlt MILLS ADDITION A UMIO limuuln. Good nlurdy 2 bedroom homo on well frncrtf corner lot, iloan to Klwnnla I'mk. Klurm ii i id bunllnc 'I'll In one won't li t limit, tliiuil Irrmn inn bn nr niiiltml. Cull now (ur appointment. 7 UNIT APARTMENT On Mitln HlrrH. Net profit WHH) per yrnr, piiird ti L only $211,000 Anniinl prnllt I ft' I. on your Irnchl- , incut. Very misiilinlilr liiinn tun be niTiinunl. SUBURBAN Wrll riiiiAtriiitril inwlrrn 2 brd riHini In rrhtrlctrd dlatrlcl, iuiioiik other f mo linmra. Hliiiin wlutlnwa, lllMilntctl, lllirtlwood floiil'n, nlllo rnul c brut, attached it ii run'". A I ip you l bn n Dud lo own. Toliil price 9IIMW. WIA Icriiw. ONLY $3500 Vnr this rich linlf iirip Willi com tollable I hnliotnit ItmiM'. liil'KC uil rnite with apart) bedroom in rciir. chicken home nnd Miinll bum. tlooil tciim niii be iirrniiKcd. ripen Evnilum by Appointment 42 LIVISTOCK I POULTRY ti LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 1 P.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 25 REGISTERED BULLS 4 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY$$ '.Lbbki. 55 AUTOMOTIVI ON THE nilST CALL J Up to 1500 on your auU. On "om lalary or furniture up to 1300 "fay Day" loan .specialty 110. : 125, 150 loaned till "pay day" or longer, I2& coot but 18 cent for one week. No other charger LOCAL LOAN CO. USED CAR BUYERS! EVERY CAR LISTED HERE A REAL BUY LOOK! if Hereford Angus 115 No. 10th BL I M-3M DON MoINTYHE, Mgr. 43 Yeri Friendly Service Phone 2-2537 8-218 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Most of these IiiiIIk are coming 2 yr. olds and arc Oregon raised. This is an open consignment sale. If you have breeding bulls for sale, bring them in Feb. 27. 50 Head mixed Hereford calves. Also the usual run of 300 to DOO head of fat feeder hogs, cattle and sheep. Livestock Trucks for hire one head or carload. WATCH TRADE IN'S Brr lliimrr Sulci I'll 2-240 Even. ' Dun Bionii mm Kvcn. When you want to buy or sell livestock it's Fred Heolt 67u;i Evri KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Bliicc 11)09 111 No. 0th HI. Ph 4,'iG4 or 5S23 HILLSIDE AVENUE Priced for iilik aulr. Comfortable two bedroom home. Attractive kitchen. M-pumlc dlnliiK room, utility room, nicely finished room In bnnemriil, (iinricic inundiitioii, k' ii lit lie, fenced yard. 7000. SUBURBAN Inc. Jlidland Itoad J'hone 3974 Jt. K. "BOH" RHODES, Auct. I'll. 4032 . -SOLD FOR REPAIRS- fo Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold filled 17 Jewel fl rli. Wrist Watch. 10 13 Buren Lady'a H Carat Yellow Gold tr i M 17 Jewel. H Bulova Lady's Yellow Gold Filled $--50 17 Jewel. jL I 16 Kluln Man's 15 Jewel 12 Size Ji 75 Pocket Watch I O 18 FlRln Man's 17 Jewel 18 Size r 050 Pocket Watch. ZO 20 Elgin Man's White Gold 17 Jewel 16 Size r iVi Pocket Watch. Z4 21 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel Ii 75 12 Size Pocket Watch. I O -Hnmllton Man's Yellow Gold Killed 17 Jewel $0-750 Wrlut Watch O 2 liulovii Man's Yellow Gold Killed 17 Jewel OA60 Wrist Watch ZO 3 Oruen Man's Stainless Steel 17 Jewel FOO50 Wrist Watch ... 4 Elitln Man's Rose Gold 17 Jewel r ,50 Deluxe. Z4 6 Bulova Mans Yellow Gold Killed 21 Jewel 7 Camy Man's 17 Jewel Shock Proof Wrlt Watch. . 10 Kluln Mnn's Yellow Gold Filled 15 Jewel Wrist Watch. . 1940 FiUICK ROADMASTER SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow drive 1050 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, standard transmisilon 1948 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater 1950 BUICK SPECIAL SEDANET Radio, heater, Dynaflow Drive 1942 BUICK SUPER SEDANET Radio, heater. 18 14 1050 PACKARD '8' DLX. 4-DR. SEDAN fl Qf c Radio, heater, overdrive I 7 jL-J 1048 BUICK SUPER CONVERTIBLE Radio, heater. 1947 OLDS 6 "76" CLUB SEDAN Radio, heater. Hydramatlc 1049 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOfl Radio, heater. 1049 CHEVROLET i TON PICKUP 4-Speed transmission '1765 '1795 '1395 '1895 595 !: '1S95 1951 STUDE. CHAMP. REOAL 4-DR. Radio, heater, auto, trans. 1948 PONTIAC '8' STR.MLINER 4-DR. (line Radio, heater I 170 1949 FORD V-8 CUSTOM FORDOR 1 nnr Radio, heater, overdrive IO0 1950 CHEVROLET H TON PICKUP Radio, heater 1949 PONTIAC '6' STR.MLINER DLX. 4-Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, Hyd. 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 3 Bedroom Home In South Suburbs. All rooms con veniently arranged. Step saving kitchen with new bulll-ins and bienkfiiKt area, l.nrge entrance hnll, iMiiiplclc bnth, oak lloors, Venetian blinds. One acre gnml Irrigated will, double gnrnge, chicken house. Price 113.000 terms. ALSO ?8 BOATS pet: sports hobbies roll RAt.K. rrfUlcrrrl ir lialrpd" trr i li-r a- u-.t( oi rc nt t I .; in! mi A vrrtiir M9,5 llrnutlf nl five room ranch style " home In excellent neighborhood, 1 l.nrge living room and dining room. Six bodroum home In Hot Spilngs. two spacious bedrooms with lurge 120.500. rloseta. vprr nttractlvp bnth nnd : kitchen, utility riKim. ntlnched ku- rnitP. l.nrgp nicely Inndscaped lul 12.500 terms. One bedroom home off California Avenue. t2250. MILLS 40 TO EXCHANGE WH.TTHA0K efiuitylncllv properly fur erjully In aul)uiln dlitrlcl. Jhint lliltll. 5 IJNrf AitnrtniMit titiiue'ln AVh)ini(i7"r,r ll rnodfl IrjKKIns Iruck. John Ilrodl , 7W) town. Anhlaml. I'hone 2 7:ill. 42 LIVESTOCK t POULTRY Farmers! Eggs To Sell? j We are buying. For your convenience we havp a receiving stnlion nt Oregon Slate Hatchery or deliver lo our farm. No. 24 GRUEN MAN'S WHITE GOLD 17 JEWEL 12 SIZE POCKET WATCH. THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHES IN FIRST CLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE ALSO HAVE SEVERAL OTHER BRANDS AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR' DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 1495 $1165 '1345 1195 v'r OUR WARRANTY "THE CUSTOMER MUST BE SATISFIED" REAL GOOD LOW-PRICED BUYS 1936 FORD V-8 TUDOR SEDAN. Heater $100 1939 CHEVROLET BUSINESS COUPE. Radio, heater. A wonderful buy. $325 1940 PLYMOUTH BUSINESS COUPE $225 1641 DODGE FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Fluid Driv. $395 1D39 DODGE LUXURY LINER 4-DR. Radio, heater, late motor $295 $365 $365 $425 $495 '1395 1595 1940 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. TUDOR. Radio, heater 1940 BUICK SPECIAL 5-PASSENGER CPE. Radio, heater 1941 FORD V-8 SUPER DLX. FORDOR. Reconditioned motor. 1941 OLDS '6' 76 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, Hyd. , QUALITY IS SUPERIOR Shop Around First PRICES ARE COMPETITIVE . Then SEE US! 700 Main Phone 3151 AUTOMOTIVE MORE PEOPLE H.E.HAUGER "29 YEARS YOUR BUICK DEALER" USED CAR DEPARTMENT Do not seeing this fine flvp room house located close to bus and stores. Spacious living room, dining room nnd handy kitchen. .'Kwo large plpvntpd bedrooms mid bnth. Gnragp nnd utility room. Ex cellent construction throughout Immediate xissession. 99500 terms HARRY VAN (Eves. 82041 JOE LEONARD iKves. 206 AL SCHMECK , Anne Mason Eddie Hoslcy Eves. 6714 3 0168 BOGUE DALE, Realtor EVERY DAY AGREE THAT THE BEST WAY TO RI!V ANY ; Buyer : used car is with a 2-day free driving trial, you ! Gooding Poultry Farm PAY NO MORE YET YOU TAKE NO CHANCES. SEE us TODAY OK THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN. Main at Broad Phone 5151 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Phone 4946 122 S. 9th Phone 7206 25 ACRE RANCH REALTOR and 617 Muln INSURANCE Phone 3211 Eight miles out. Pnved rond. Good , irrigated soil, well drained. AlfiUln. j permanent pnsturc. hay barn, t ttunchlon concrete loored stable. I hog house, henhouse, garage, small two bedroom Pressured water Irom deep well. $11,500. 1 Terms. POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for kny amount. Top market prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS WKANKII PICS and ciiTl potatoos lai Fir (IIJ4. 1951 HENRY "J" - $1397 1949 OLDS CLUB CPE $1597 1950 CHEV. SDN $L587 ' 1948 PONTIAC Sdnet $1297 1950 PLYMOUTH SDN. . 1948 CHEV. 2-DR. 1949 DODGE CORONET 1946 FORD CLUB CPE. .. Drum-Lot Oil Sale AT WARDS fir Pht boft 3 BEDROOMS A well arranged 6 room home In the South Huburbnn district. Hand house style on a Inrgp lot. Approve by F.H.A. In nil respects. Assum present lonn nnd contlniip monllil payment for npprox. $58 00. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. SUNNYLAND , 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors. fireplace, electric heat. Combina tion playroom nnd service room nt lnched lo Largo lot. Price $8500, Terms. Gomer Jones, Realtor 111 S. 4th Phone 7097-6321 8AI.IC. finmy Call inui In two bedroum MKiHKH'1' prices paid lor poultry. BIO V MKAT MAnKKT i-asavlfw Jiincll-n Phont 4nr "on ssi.-- iiMr- I'hwirTnsT 'SNTF.b cnlorad nn Phon 4501 roil RAI.E. Ilirrc while lurky hen. one bronre tukey hen. ne bronte lur ky lohblar. all B mo. old. Phong 2.20! K'ririiA'. ak'kf.oinu sriTviri Phcna 5711 M C lOmrk' Warren Bl d. riox 523. !( no aiuwer Phone 4400. Evenings 44 M ISCELLANEOU5 WANTED $7.00 Down Specials '38 PLYMOUTH $ 97 "37 PLYMOUTH $127 30 PONTIAC $ 67 38 CHEVROLET $167 39 PLYMOUTH $297 '39 PLYMOUTH $197 $1647 : S1097 ! $1647 Year's lowest price on Wards Prem $ 927 ium Grade Vitalized Oil and heavy j duty oil. Make big savings buy now all you need for the months I ahead. All prices include Federal i Tax. Vitalized premium grade Reg. 86c gal. in 55 gal drum now 63c I gal. In 30 gal. drum now 70c gal. 3 live gaL. cans fteg. so. ao now ASHLEY'S OK USED CARS 1951 SPECIAL ti WILLYS PICKUP ?635 Montgomery Ward 12 BUILDING t REMODELING UX'MINUSI Wuu'CiiiJV'r.j r...- !'"!n.'- toeal renmentame of Allx-rr ... 77 ' .S-.lllinf LO. mnilMMI . PrIlT kiiliilr. WANTFI1 lo mil luo or Ihrre bcdrimm Fred Cofer Ilob Stephens l Eves, 35931 i Eves. 92301 Barnhiscl Agency 112 S. 8th St. Phone 4195 This Is not good wenthpr for look ing nl farms, but we do lliivc a number of good diversified farms from 40 to 416 acres. HERB SCHMIDT VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0195, 7923 or 9879 5544 LOVELY Three bedroom stucco home in Williams Addition. Hot water heat, fireplace, arched living room with new wall-to-wall carpeting. rental building In rear bringing In $30 month. Price SI 1.5(10. ONE BEDROOM On Menlo way. Kitchen, living room. Just rlKht for couple. Price $2800 partly furnished, $3000 furn ished. Sec or Call Bob Cnuscninker Jniiies Ilcsclllnc Snlrsinrn with M, L. JOHNSON .na. IKlKC and Ii4ila. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMIIKR W Ph. win ROOFING" ) Built-up I Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cednr Shnkrs , INSULATION Blown-In Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOW:. Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443. Agent ALL WOJKJ3lMRANJEED WATKHI'LlTlj anil "lho.-o.isal h'yilraullr (-rinnt lor WMteriio.ilni! bakcmclll (luuih and walln. It -ku. KLAMA'I II V inin So mil. Phone 4SIG JUIN the lliuusan. noine ovvtiert. now enjoying mode... .hrooins, allow en. kilrhrns, Thankn lo new. luxurious ALt.'.MlWALL. Individual Alumlnuni Wall Tllca. Your vnolce of 13 say har monlrlni eolora, for Tree fcfllmalei rail Eat Main Cabinet shop, phone mail, evening, rail 2-IBS4 or MM, WALLKI1E tlowrred bulldlni paper SJ.JO per ftdO II. rails. KLAMATH VALLEY LPMnElt 11140 So lllll Phone Vllk HUM. UINO ".MATEIIIALS prompUv lie llvored by Ilasln Hiilldlns Slalerlal. Inc. Lumber, roofing, pla.ler. paint. Iluor-llllli.h or WHAT Ihls ! the place lo rl II. 47114 bulllh Slxlh, phone a ii,sii:i. 5k4'. aiiu'a IhlN iH Ihcne specliils ban area. Phone 2.I.KI2 WANTFIJ In "leae. InVfe hnVue Clo.e wllh playroum. Dox 39, Herald and New WANTED. For the BEST in the WEST see DUGAN & MEST 9th and Pine Phone 3188 DODGE PLYMOUTH DODGE "Job Rated" David liriKiirv nr Ilnrrf ' -ii a- .i Rule hoadvr. Adiifn lUnrh. Phone 7221 ,! "0t OlU t VoitIM j WANTKD, to li-n-c buUrtT'-tt mi'talilr fnr repiiir hop. Prsfcr on South Stxlh. : Phnnr 2-01:17. . ! VA.TED7 uprlctit ' coat rack". horir TRUCKS Phone 8101 SI MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE WANTKD lo rent, pasture for 40 head j CUTr? nl j-allle Phnnr JIM7. j" eE Nr-Kl) CARS' Gel lop ITo.e Slotor Co Otn and Plum 46 51 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE FINANCIAL LOANS shlnliin S4S per M. real buy. Come. In nnd see nnd KLAMATH VALLEY LIIMnElt nw So. Oln. Phono 4H1II 34 FUEL HEATING " STANDARD "I nEAL ESTATE 434 Mnln St. . Office Phone 5113 CATTLE-GRAIN . TIMBER $5 to $15 per nct'o buys good ranch and timber land lit Gov't, Stnto nnd Countv land Siilrs. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lnn:l.s 1621 KE Cnhiicusa Blvd. Hollywood 28. Cnllf. FOR SALE, attractive two bedroom home wllh electric . heal, completely , liiNiilaleri, automatic washer and olUer features loo numeroua lo mention. Own er now residing out nf town so priced fop quick sate bernune himlmnd Is set ting ulccra frnm his own rooking. Phniie 75S3 or see nl l3aSlicl(lon. HOMES KOR SALU EVERETT DENNIS. REALTOR Don Klrknatrlck. Salesman HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check nnd Fill Svslem METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Gunrnntco Of llcittlng Siitisfitcliuti FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Satisfy Plus Service" Slnco 1919 821SprlngSt; Phone 4 1 53 Sun libvi. wood coiil kitchen tove7 nml parlor henters It'sed but excel- lentil Sin ea. ton, 3130 N.W. Uuiw, I ire. ST ANDARlSn IiEATINcToU Stos'e. fiirnara light fuel. enal. wood :rMrrual Peyton and Co. (as Markal Pnone 5140. DRY plnn blocks fnr snln. OpeH eve- iiinRn anil weesenos, sieiiern nros. PIIHSTlll.OtlS IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Borrow Pn Onl $100 $7.27 Mo Repay In 18 Installments UP i'G $300 ON FURNITUllS OR SALARY UP TO $1200 ON CARS niE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars "nancexl at bank rates "WUNEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 year serving Klamath Basil See "Cuck" Bailey Mgr. lit N 7U1 SL Phone 3321 8-241 M-27 ; tax-itis ... Taxltls Is that March 15th ail ment that results In a big head-i ache for many Klamathltes. If you're among them. I'm the doc tor to bring you relief! I As a Herald and News Classified ad I put extra money Into your pockets by renting your vacancy, selling those tilings you're no longer using and finding you a good-pay Job. My services are speedy nnd economical, and you can easily reach mel phone 8111 herald & news DRIVEWAY MATERIAL FARMER'S . Sand and Gravel Co. J. M. Barnes M. J. Barnes Ph. 7659 Ph. 7991 Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN STOCK No Delay Take Them With You! We now have many styles and colors to choose from. Free Estimates Gladlv Given! . COME IN TODAY CARLOAD SALE on Blllwell davenports and chairs, bed davenoa and chairs. .t-piece sectionals and swing rockers. Tms special carload purchase allows us to offer these sets al a great saving to you. Wool freize suites start at $164.50, the largest selection we have ever onerea in M years, small down payment, long time on ,s'ow is the time lo save money on your ouvenporis ana cnairs. Dec. aavenos, 3 piece sectionals and swing rockers. Buv now al Lucas Furniture, 195 East Main. GOVT. BLDG. SALE: 20 ft. X 40 fl 3 Apt.l duplex houses! Only S1300 - Complete, including free delivery In numbered, easy -to-erect panels direct to your lot! TEXAS WRECKING CO N.W. Front Portland. Ore. SS AUTOMOTIVE FEBRUARY i is thrift month at your HUDSON DEALER Select One of Our PERSONALIZED USED CARS G. C. Motl ev rem saus ipso . 27 root triii?r house, toilet and liiowrr. Will consider trd ; Ini! rquity tn 1 948 to car. J. R Pcst-eml. Prrcz, California. commercial' Furnishes Cashi 1 FOR QUALITY LUMBER, tolks come I iu nasin uuuning Materials Inc. And ' whether your Job is heavy construction or light repairs. nsln Building Mater- lals in your sen.lble building material headquarters. 4764 Soulh Sixth, phone , 2-2.111:1. deilvoreri . 35(10 So nlcktm or Cliff Yartnns Slifnnt Rervlc. nth Phone MSI nr J'fiailtl Sad CinpiEN STAMPS given OfTfMal Inn nils Phone 3t)ill or 3-02S0 for prompt del'very. CLIIP Y ADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICt ZJII10 So 6th 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBIES ANDEItSON Boarding Kennels Phon 1047 flfian Delnwa-e nfl Hnmedaie BOARDING KENNELS Dog bearding by day, week or month Sanitary kennels. Well balanced diet Clean Xidlvldunl OMtdnnr runs for each dog Doga handled durlflg mating. Will pick up and deliver Visitors Welcome Phona 607 Marrlll ltd. Rt 3, Box 604 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Fumltura Livestock Salary $50 to $500 Automohllea (paid for or not) Private Sale of Autos Financed ' Make your deals CASH deals I Commercial Finance Corporation . Bob O'Connor,. Mgr. Lie. 8-251 N-223 107 No 8th Phone 7711 48 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISH proven franchise business. Capital needed $4(100 to 90000. No selling or irnveiintr. experience ann age not Important. Ideal for man and wife. Box .10. Herald nnd News, FOR SALE, W4J. 100 T choice hay. Phone PRICELESS RECORDINGS, featuring artists from old to new Caruso lo Cams Whlleman lo Wakcly, are available for copying. Now you may tape record your own cuslom-made musical pro Brnm from Ihls selective collection of 38.000 records dating from laflB. We In vite your Inquiry. Kyle Morgan Pianos. 10.15 Main. Phone 3-0200. ELtCTHOLUX CLEANER and pollshei and supplies. Phone 7167 Tarkal Twaal HI Market USED FURNITURE' values can always be found at Klamath Furniture Co. 331 ninin. rnone o:is;i, a-INCH concrete culvert pipe, 70 cenu per foot. PEYTON & CO DRIVEWAY Bart, 0755. MATERIALS; Phone Joe TAlll.E MODEL. radio - phonograph combination for sale. Good condition. See at 3I3I nadcllffe after 4 p.m. WINTERS piano, mahogany finish sdIii. et, seldom used. For sale cheap. Phone ?-3lnt afternoons. 812 Klamath Ave. Phone 6616 '51' '50 49 '49 '48 '48 '47 '47 FOR SALE I,41 USED HAND TOOLS' 40 AXES SHOVELS PICKS I SPADES FORKS MATTOCKS ETC. . . . Your Choice Only $1 EACH BARGAIN SPOT J 707 So. 6th Phone 5708 Build Better With Pumice-Concrete BLOCKS Economy Beauty PEYTON & CO. 835 Market Phone 5149 BUICK Spec. 4-Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. $ 4-Dr. Sedan PONTIAC "8" 4-Dr. Sedan DODGE Coronet $ 4-Dr. Sedan HUDSON Com. "6" 4-Dr. Sdn. HUDSON Sup. 6" 4-Dr. Sdn. OLDS "8" 4-Dr. Sedan STUDE. Champ. $ 5-Pass. Cpe. PONTIAC "6" 2-Dr. Sedan ' BUICK Rdmstr. Convertible '2295 1545 1795 1565 $1435 1 1.C IUUsJ $1195 1050 $395 $395 DOWN PAYMENT 4 wheel drive. Hurricane engine, low mileage, good tires. SPECIAL -ft 1947 CHEVROLET 2-TON C.O.E.; 158inch wheelbase. suitable for a 16 foot body. Truck: is equipped with 8:25x20 10 ply tires, 2-speed axle. This truck is very clean Ss in first class condition through out. . '400 DOWN PAYMENT Balance may be arranged to suit -your income, on approved credit. SPECIAL 1947 FORD C.O.E 134 inch wheelbase, 8:25x20 10-ply tires, 2-spted axle, new paint and good motor. DOWN 'PAYMENT , ....... '450 vV SPECIAL I944 F0RD I 'A-TON FLATBED 8:25x20 10-ply tires, 20 foot body. A good clean truck suitable for hauling bulky loads. down $on PAYMENT ZDJ Ashley Chevrolet "Where Reconditioning is a Tradition" TWO LOCATIONS COMMERCIAL SPECIAL 1947 DODGE , TON PANEL Nice appearance. Good $ mechanically 895 410 So. 6th and 623 Oak near So. 6th. Ph. 4113 ANSCO Reflex Camera. Case, flash gun. New condition. $130. Call 2-3100. (1:10x10 RKCAPS S3 93 EACH EXCHANGE Wa buy used ttres. O.K. Rubber Weld wr. f.!w ao oin rnone uid WILL SACRIFICE 10 nt. fl. Kelvlnalor refrigerator, has f reeling unit. Nearly new. Phone 45i2. F1VC H.P. ROTO-TILLER. $230. Call 2-1.70(1. Si e-fcL. 'iMence posts. Unload utrecr from ear and save. Sh foment arrives about March 10. Order now. All length. 0! ft. pon ft., eenut. KLAMATH VALLEV LUMBER 1D40 .So fill.. Phone 4816 Kilt BY vacuum cleaner nnd polisher. W7.S0. Phone 1)200. HAY baled. Stored In barn. 20 ton. Second cutting. Earl Mack, Phone B781, FOR SALE "1001 BARGAINS" Appliances, tools, motors, radios, furniture, shoes, clothes, pocket knives, garden hose, lawn mowers, etc. Cofer's Exchange JUCKELAND'S llth & Klamath Phone 2-2581 619 Klamath Ave. Ph. 7160 CRUSHED ROCK Phnnr 5541. Landscaping, driveway cindera. and Ireea. Wa trim, apray and remove . Call 3-3670 after 4:30. 11151 PONTIAC Chletlan four door 0 won everything, standard transmission imihi. omiu miles can Mnrlln or phone 30343. PANEL SPECIALS: 1050 ford "n, ra dio and heater $1305; 1049 Ford V-8, heater, S1203, Both lust like new. Bal sliiem Used Car Lot. Phone 4334. For a . NEW or USED TRUCK Always See "JERRY" or "JUCK" Your International Truck Dealer JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES Itth and Klamath ?hone 2-258 , .Vr nh""7 olnist Hl,a neater riec ior immediate sale, iiw, tnone U'Uaui WILL SELL equity In Pacemaker. Phone 8023. 19S0 Hudson 1049 CHOSLEY station wnson, radio ana neater, good snape. woo. 4100 Wafhburn Way larae trees. LAKESHORE GARDENS Phone 42R6 NURSERY CRUSHED rock and driveway cinders Phone 2-1167 A DDI NO MACHINES, calculators, type- writers, catrn reamers, aesKi, cnairs. files for sale or rent. PIONKKR OFFICE SUPPLY 620 Main Phone 7412 OIL storage tanks. 8,13 Market, Peyton and Co. EQUITY In 1048 Chrysler club coupe. 41 OLDS. "6" hydramatlc. New naint. ?48.y Apt. 15, Bldg. T-l, OTI. CADILLAC. 1941 four door sedan. All extras. Good tires Good condition. Price JB7.V Phone 9263. FOR SALE, 1947 Mercury convertible. SpecfAl cut down Job. Carson top. can bo seen at Rt. 2, Box 322. Phone .1721. FOR SALE. 1939 La Salle 9 -pass, couoe, Mechanically fair. Good body. Hadlo after 6 p.m. FOR SALE or trade for 1947-46 Chevro let. 1047 DeSoto 4 door sedan. Acces sorley Phone 2-24;t4. '41 FORD PICKUP S275. 19411 Army 6x0 International. 1900. 423.1 Clinton. BUS SARUANTS USE1 CARS WE BUY. SELL AND TRADE Corner Shasta Way and Arthur Street, Phone 8205 BEST VALUES! USED . TRUCKS -CARS GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED vVest-Hitchcock Corp.' . YOUR GMC DEALER 677 a 7th Phon JT71 Are NUUD CARS! Ual top price now Rose Motor Co etb and Plum. WHY WALK? DRIVE MORE MOTORS 301 B Main. Phone 3S79 "Wa will sell vnur car for vnu we rmy antl trade FOR SALE. 1030 INTERNATIONAL L 100 dual drive SH790, 1047 K-8 Inter national tractor and 4B Fmehauf alnffle axle aeml-dump $3230, Thompson Pum ice Co, Tlonesla. Calif. and heater. Reasonable. Phone 2-0U46. aid Newa. WOULD like to buy 1032 to 34 Ford coupe. State price, write. Box 84, Iter- COMPLETE Radiator 1 Service CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. . Main at EsDlanad FOR SALE, I04I Plymouth. New lira. Overhauled, A-l shape. Phono 31W or, 1163 Crescent Ave.