r PAGE TEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2B. 11)82 . Fort Klamath .,; tafrlniKiifilfriWfcK Bjr MYRTLE WIMER Mr, and Mr. Olaf Erlcksen spent the past week In Klamath Falls at the home of their son-in-law and dauRhter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Beem, and also enjoyed visiting with Irlends during their atay. Mrs. Joseph Hnlford returned last week from Portland, where she was called earlier by the serious Illness of an uncle, Patrick Con roy. Mrs. Hnlford arrived at Port land Feb. 3 in time to visit her uncle before he passed away on Feb. 5 at Good Samaritan Hospital. He was 7S years of ace. On her return here, Mrs. Halford was ac companied by another uncle, Thomas Conrby, who is visit Ihr here at the home of Mrs. Halford and sons, her husband beinn ab sent for the winter, feeding cattle near Corning, Calif., for Stewart Nicholson, local stockman. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Smith, ac companied by their son-in-law, daughter and grandchildren, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Fisher, their son Jimmie and daughter Phyllis of Klamath Falls, spent last Sun day on an enjoyable motor trip via Crater Lake Park to the Rogue River valley. Diane Bechtel underwent an ap pendectomy last Tuesday at Hill side Hospital in Klamath Falls, and on her release from the hos pital the latter part of the week, went to Mitchell, Ore., with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Young. Diane has been staying here for MIRRORS for any kRoem In the Home! 1 QoUwiui'a I Main v HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley and Joe Earley Proprietor f Suburban Service On Your Worn Equipment 11th AWolnur Ph. 7709 i GJves Protective Warmth CIIEST&01DS! to reOeve coughs tore muscles To bring fast, long-lasting relief, rub on Musterole. It instantly creates a wonderful sensation of protective varmth on chest, throat and back. Musterole not only promptly re lieves coughing but also helps break tip congestion in upper bronchial tubes, nose and throat, bringing amazing relief 1 Any drugstore. H'llhH'IilliK E fOK tmniik ok ioi not KLOmTH (TOLLS OR&GCD i J I T 1 Mi a II, 'J I II U HMD Bak P "1 . Here In Klamath Want Ads Work Wonders HERALD & In the some time at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ord Pritchctt, and was, until the time she underwent surgery, employed as waitress at the Old Fort Tavern and Lounge. Pupils of Mrs. Frank Strahan en tcrtalned their parents with a sur prise Valentine party held at lhe scnoomouse on Thursday afternoon, Valentine's Day. The children pre sented a special program which In. eluded a puppet show staged bv five little girls of the Bluebird group of Camp Fire Oirls, and rounded out the afternoon by serv ing refreshments, assisted bv Mrs. Strahan. Mothers attending voted ino anair a line success. Thursday evening. Mrs. strahan. accompanied by Mrs. Wilbur Hes. cock and Mrs. James Van Warmer. drove to Chlloquln to attend the joint council meeting of the Chllo quln Kort Klamath Camp Fire oiris. Mrs. siranan and Mrs. Hes. cock are leader and assistant lead er. respectively, of the Hnrirnn group oi uamp Fire Oirls, while Mrs. van Wormer and Mrs. Stra, ban act In the same caDacltles in the Bluebirds. Mrs. Hescock is also chairman of the joint council of me neignooring town and Ft. Klanv aih. Friends here were sorrv to learn of the passing in Klamath Falls Thursday of Boyd M. Potter, who acted us mail carrier for many years oeiween cniloquin and Ft. Klamath, and was well-known and liked here. Funeral services held at 10 a. m. Sunday at Ward's in Klamath Falls were attended by iwo oia ri. Kiamatn irlends, j, Guincy Buell and Harold L. Wimer. who acted as pallbearers at the Sunday rites, after which the re mains were taken to Central Point for final services at 3 d. m. the same afternoon. Sympathy of his many mends nere is extended members of Mr. Potter's family in their bereavement. Potter had been an invalid lor quite some time pre vious to his passing, followint? severe paralytic stroke suffered nearly n year ago. Members oi ine Methodist Worn en's Society of Church Service met Wednesday afternoon at the home oi Mrs. Raymond S. Looslev at the Loosley ranch for the first regular meeting in two montns. At the close of a short business session. a very interesting talk on "Family Relations'' was given by Mrs. Paul Herron of Chiloquin. after which valentine ice cream and cookies were served by the hostess to those present, wno included the follow ing: the special guest of the after noon, Mrs. Paul Herron and Mrs. C. Ellery Echlin of Chiloquin. and the following Ft. Klamath members of the church group; Mrs. Llovd nicnoison. Mrs. Bert Cray. Mrs. Richard H. Wilson. Mrs. Stewart Nicholson, Mrs. Edity Moon and Mrs. Don Veatch. wnue recovering irom a severe bout of flu. -.Billy Vaden. son of Mr. ana Mrs. Ralph vaden, was afflicted with a nose hemorrhage which couldn't be stopped by usual methods of home treatment. He was tanen to Klamath Falls to the musiae nospitai ana remained day there, returning home after meaicai treatment had remedied the condition. Frank Edwards. 67-year-olcT re tired state highway foreman, was taken Thursday evening to the home of his brother-in-law and wife. Mr. and Mrs. chpster Hon. dall, in Klamath Falls, suffering irom a nigniy nervous condition af fecting him as an aftermath of the flu. His condition grew worse, and on Friday morning, Edwards was removed from his relatives' home to the Hillside hospital, where he is stiu unaer a doctor's care at wis lime. Four-H Nevv4 COOKIE CUTTERS A demonstration on how to pre pare "French toast," was given by Mrs. Davis at the Feb. 13th meet ing, mere were seven nresent. w had a valentine exchange ,and piajrcu a icw games. Janice Bates News Reporter MALDf SEW AND SEWFRS The Sew and Sewers worked on their peasant aprons at the regular Hireling nera at tne nome 01 Mrs. Lee Martin. Feb. 10. Mrs. G. G. A. Scott 4-H leader neipea tne girls with their aprons. At the next meeting the irlrls will make laundry bags. Beverly Martin's birthday was observed. Refreshments were served to Roxanne Wilson. Marie Rogers. Sandra Fields, Carolyn Fargo, Shir ley Mock, Sharon Scott, Beverly Martin, Mrs. Lee Martin, and Mrs. Shirley Mock News Reporter NEW FACTORIES IN SICILY ROME I Ninety new factories have been started in Sicily since last laii in a camoaie-n. tinne-pr by the government, to increase in dustrialization of the heavily popu lated island. The government is granting special tax concessions to new industries starting there. 'Trade Hark Soldier s Want Ad -Brings 400 letters'. From Lonely Girls " """ '.; ty-V . After he put a Want Ad in a Cincinnati newspaper ap- ('.'.".. pealing ior letters Pic. Ken- , neth Brown of Madison, Ind., got plenty of mail at his post in Korea. In one month yi ujjuut tuu leners, trnt mostly from lonelv oirls all over the MirfwAct Want Ads Solve Many Problem! ....... " " W . . . f :t NEWS thy- " i .-. s. m : . , i v S- - . Ia. JBr- SUPER SACKS sleeping pads of nylon NEW JANE Top drama tic actress Jane Wyman will reveal her shapely under pins for the first time since early in her Hollywood career in her next picture, "Just for You." The former Academy Award winner looks quite "at home" on her return to photographic leg art. GLORIA SWANSON, who is 52, talks with newsmen at Hollywood, about reports she will marry her man ager, Branden (Brandy) Brent, who is in his early thirties. It would be her sixth venture into matri mony. She hinted the wed ding might come off, but wouldn't flatly say yes or no. REDS TRY YAK MEAT HONO KONG m The Chinese Communists nre trying out yak meat on the ShRnshal market. The Shanghai News, a Communist news paper said the flesh of the lorn? haired wild ox was "more palat able than beef." The minor plan fke ' . . ' ' i 1 ; ) ij QUIZZEDN U 'ST-- ii said that use of yak meat as a substitute for beef would heln to conserve the use of water buffalo and oxen for farm work. WHISKY SALE BOOMERANGS MOOSE JAW, Sask (ffi A police constable testified in court he paid a woman $8.25 for a small pint bottle of rye whiskv. The seller paid a lot more than that. She was fined $200 after pleading Ruil ly to selling liquor In her home. V. S. servicemen in Tit East are to be fabric and rubber, treated to resist QUIZZED ON SUPER-SECRET COSTS Lt. Gen. Lewis A. Pick, chief of army engineers testified before senate watchdog committee on military spending defends pay ment of more than three million dollars in wages to work ers on a super-secret air base near the North Pole before even reaching the job. Pick said it was necessary to trans port the workers by both ship and airplane and that the ships needed icebreakers to get through. ; I'm t WW's? mSJ GEM LODE - Aetren Virginia Field is a walkinir treasury as she models diamond jewelry at Hollywood benefit fashion show. As novelty she wore both earrings on one ear. HERE IS ONE stage of a night club dance Actress Rito Hayworth does in her first movie since her sepa ration from her' husband, Prince Aly Khan, and her return to Hollywood. There were frequent reports while the dance sequence was photographed that it was too torrid to pass the cen sors and that portions had to be re-shot. ; "1 j ''w .-J- equipped with liiiilwetrht Inflatable cracking in cold weather. SEEKS SAFETY Presi dent Truman established a special commission under Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle (above) to study airport safety near big cities. Legal Notice Sale of Timb-r, Klamath Indian Rn ervalion. Scaled bids In duplicate, on forms provided therefore, marked out ide. "Bid, Wild hone No. 2A Loj(Kin Unit," addrfved to the Suprint,nJpnt. Klamath Indian Agency. Klamalh Agency. Oregon, will be received until 1 :00 P.M., Pacific Standard Time. April 8. 1052 and will be considered the equivalent of oral auction blHn and pouted for the Information of all bid den!. Oral auction bfdi will be re ceived by the Superintendent, Klamath Indian Agency, beginning at 2:00 I'M, Pacific Standard Time. April 8. 1032, for the purchase of timber on the Wlldhome No. 2A Logging Unit. The oral auction bidding will be restricted to those who have orevlouiily submitted an acceptable seated bid In accordance wiin inn nonce, i ne unn incmoei ap proximately 7.WI0 acres nf timber landi with a total etmmoteu nana to oe cut, which estimate In not guaranteed, of , approximately lu.uuu.uon feet H.M. of I ponderona Dine, .'i.ooo.ood feet n m nf I nugor pine, a possible small volume of I nouglitn fir, incense cedar, white fir I an" omcr species. Kach bidder must ip me price per inousand leet B.M. Scrlbner Decimal C Log Scale that will be paid for limber cut and scaled prior to any readjustment of rates an speci fied In the contract No bid will be considered for less than 937.25 nor thousand feet B.M. for ponder on a pine and sugar pine, 912.30 per thousand feet B.M for Douglas fir and Incense cedar, 95.1)5 per thousand feet B.M for white fir, and 93.8.1 per thousand ' feet B.M. for other species. A certified check for Sixty thounaud dollars oooi on a solvent hank, payable to the Treasurer of the United Statei, must accompany each sealed bid. Persons bidding for or on behalf of companies, corporation, or partnerships must at the time of bidding submit In writing conclusive evidence of their authority to do so. The deposits will be returned . . "niucccBsful bidders The de posit of the successful bidder will be app led a part of the purchase price against limber cut on this unit only or rI8Jnocl a liquidated damages if the bidder shall not execute the contract and furnish satisfactory bond for Fifty thousand dollars rano.OOOi within sixty nays from acceptance of his bid, If an oral bid li declared to he high at the close of the auction,, the bidder must Immediately confirm the bid by submitting It in writing on an Indian Service hid form. The right to T.atve wcnnlral defects and to reject any and all bids Is reierveil. Th i-nntrapl will specify that all designated timber shall oe cut ana removed from the unit Prior to Anrll 1. IbAfl. nefnra hlcls nrn submitted full information concerning the timber, the conditions of sole, and the submission of bids, should bo ob. talned from the flunerlnfenripnt. Klnm alh Indian Agency, Klamath Agency, Oregon; . the Area Director, Indian Service, Building 1, Swan Jsland, Port land 18. Oresnni nr the Commissioner of Indian Af,ain, Washington 2.1, DC. Dated THIS 5th day of January in.52 at Washington, D, C. Dale K. Doty, Assistant Secretary nf Inn Interior. J-2S F-4-11-18-23 M-3-10-17 No. 868 CLASSIFIED RATES One day , , per word 4" Three Pays , per word lie Week run per word 30o Month run .... per word Hoc MINIMUM The minimum charge fur any one ad is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads limy be handled through box numbers at the paper for a sorvlco charge of S5o. . DEADLINES Classified aui accepted up to B:30 pjn. for following day's publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon tor following day's pub lication. w ADJUSTMENTS Please mnxo all claims lor adjust ments without delay. Correction! or cancellations re ceived by 6:30 p.m. will be Diadi In following day's publlratlon C FUNERAL HOMES WAMD3 kUnnth riinord lloma. tit lllfh Slrttt Phon 3.1.14. MEETING NOTICES ALOHA CHAPTER No. 61, will hold Its rcvular meeting Tuesday. Feb. 20 at Masonic Hall S p.m. Visitors welcome. Letha Murphy Worthy Matron Elmer Briinilett - Wortliy Patron coo IOOF NO. 137 - Every Tuesday 8:00 P.M. Fifth and Main Sts. Klamath Lodge No. 77 A.F. and A.M. will hold a stated meeting Mon day. Feb. 35. 8 p.m. "Past Masters Night" there will be a dinner at 6:30 served by Job's Datmhters. Visiting brethren Invited. DALE BKBBER Worshipful Master LOST AND FOUND LOST. Kmy 3.tfsod ml, vicinity Llnd- iy iiemnu. mono ;ina. LOST. Ilht plmllc rimmed colored glee- rnona 4fW2. LOST. Wedneidev near Tth end Main, ledlei bllllold. Finder cell 7T1 or BSbS. Mre. Hall. WILL the boy who took new green Jacket from YMCA after erhool Tuca day pleae return It to YMCAT GENERAL NOTICES CHARLES M. DOUGLAS BARBER SHOP IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE HE 18 NOW LOCATED AT THE B1Q Y LAKE VIEW-MERRILL JUNC. Welcome Old It New Customers 6 PERSONALS DlilVING to Oklahoma .March lit. lll take four. Write Uox DAS. Merrill. Ore. WASHINGTON lleautr Shop, rvenlng appolnlmenu. Phone MZt, ion Weihlng- lon. OHDKR your Spencer garment hrfnre aclccUng your aprJng wardrobe. Phone 71U. STANLEY Home ProducST 10 SCRVICl Thoi Toos: CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU Whnt you don't want, nomeone else need.il Let tu find whnt you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop In at 255 East Mnln In Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Imured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Fh, 8240 or 3360 EXCAVATING Mobil tjhovel and Trench Ho Bulldozer Fill Dirt 1'opaoU Crushed Rork Driveway Ctadri Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoi.e 6M1 or 0110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest SantUry Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean Sewer Lines of Roots. Etc ED R KINO 2434 Oirhnrrl Phone 0841 FOR TUNEFUL, TONE-RICH MUSIC let Wm. Morgan tune your piano or orftan. Our highly akllled lunlns-maiter puU new life Into your Inatrument and new vitality Into your playing. Phone 2-Q200. Kyle Mo run n Plnno. SKPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tnnka and drain flelrla InniBlled. Orvllle Muagrava, phone .1070. REPAIR SERVICE On waiheri, radloa and outboard mo ton. MONTGOMERY WAnDS l)th and Pine pnon.e ain'1 PAINTING and pa per hang In Phone mi. TKIPP S AUTO nalntlna. body and fen- nrr wnrK rnnne ww ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour oi onirnci. rnona a-".o. J L. DEAN Public Accountant anc Auditor Office at 30fl No. 7th. Phone Wit FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone S-0.1!1 INCOME TAX HKTUHNS For appointment Phone 2-0231. Harvey Blanham. CURTAINS lounda-ed and itratched Phone -1014 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CRFDITORS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON TOR KLAMATH COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ELMER C. MANNING. DECEASED Notice la hereby given thnt the under. signed hai been appointed odmlniHtre. tor oi ine eatate nr glmer (., Mflnnl-e;. dnceaaed by the Circuit Court nf the State of Oregon for Klamath County, ond hae qualified. All peranne having hereby notified (o preiient the aame duly verified an by law required tn the underalgned, In care of the County Clerk of Klamath County at Maid Clerke office tn the Court Houae at Klamath Falls, Oregon within six months from date hereof. Dated and first published, February 11, 111.12. Date of lost publication, Mnrch 10, 1032. Howard KaKelday Administrator fur said cstat. O. A. Helkklla Attorney lor Admx. Ml Pearaon 4th. Ave. Bldg. Portland. Oreann F-11-1S-29 M-3-10 No. Ml) 0 SERVICES MOVING?" Call 74i! Local-Long Dlntnnee Piano ami npiilliuice moving a upocliilly Transfer and filnrnge Brklu'i Moving and OtoriiKO Peoples Warehouse "Slnco 1018" FIX THAT RADIO. Our Business Is Bound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone MB fflTOinili-uiliiii. "I'lioiit" Ufkll or htT 12 EDUCATIONAL liooKKrilNa. ihoriliTiKd irplni sin tfril tulijtrlt. offlr ntrhlnti. Kl.AMATll UUSINEHII Cdl.lJtO TSS Pin. Phont 4790 13 HEALTH KiXff3XcTir tltorniiimtle rrlii for wiinnn. Spot reducing fifllurtu. J'hon 311113-85(1(1. 14 HHP WANTED, HMAU VbTFNrt woiiian wantt'd to ft arh.la type. Must be good typist. Apply al Herald and News. Mr. Smith. liutrtfKKKKPXit m"ii.olKer-UssTome. Phoite ;uhu. M I D I ) LIB A (J D w lima it in w ofk "'on ranch as cook and housekeeper. Mod ern home, good wagni, permanent fob. Anyone lntertd p)re write to Mrs. Jim Wakefield. Add. Ore. EXPEKlKNCeu' Doukkeeireror payToll anil general office work, flood ilvadv Cult Inn. Apply after 4 p.m. Cascade mndry and Cleaners WAN1KI). noil )( ovr to live in. wlTfi Jnod referenres. Five In the family, iood wages. Phone 3715. U HILP WAKT1D, MALI 'HOO rA"Mit.VWatalnrrutenow avail" able. Ir you want ymir own buslneu with Itetter than averane Inronie. write for Inftirmallon lo The J. It. Wat kins Co. 137 Dexter. Health) 9, Wash ington." WANT one mature man or proven sales ability, with car and wlillngneM to spend time on the road. If u have earned ftkMM per year on ronunlulon sales ottr deal will double that for you. No. ''peddler ," plrte. Phone A inland 2-1231 or write Box. (IT for an appoint mnit. M'L.1. tune talesman with h good car to ell lied Comet Automatic Fire Kxlln Ruuhers In Klamalh County rural arras, latloiiaily ' advertised tn Saturday Eve ning Post, Colliers and Country lien I le mon. Above average romintulnns. Write L. C. Rood Uiiinbulor, P O. lion 5112. Portland 10. Otegon. SAl.KHMAN, rooring. siding, and In sulation, lion week and more possible. 410 Adams, I'hone fllul. 18 Ronw SITUATIONS WAN TIP work. Phone 2-240.1 l.ADY with bookkeeping. lenttgTaplile tKerlenre will do work In her home. Phone MM or 3 .11 211. COLORED lady wants housework by hour- Phone jootrr. YOUNtJ " male nurse, week. Private easesLJ'hone 3 j . Ttmill wnrk"l'hune 3-3iT CAItPENTEH WOIIK wanted Hepair a speeialty. Jim Alexander, 2120 Tunnel St. Phone B.T02. hAIIV sitting Phone 2 0572. WILL care for children in my home days or your home evenings. Call 2-1345. 22 ROOMS FOR RCNT noOMH for rent "j rival i Cloc in. Phone 4444 HOOMS. or Ires reasonable Phoin e '" LOVELYi rooms for renL M.tT. a week. Cto in. Phone 425. FHONT room (or rent. Greer Apart' menta. 710 Slain. hOAHD. room. reaonalle Phone axil NICE, healed' room., ta faclllo Ter race. BOOMS law lllah J4 APARTMENTS FOR RENT BACllKL&lf a'parlineiil. t'Kone MerTifl 4ol. ONE roont apartment ( vouioped Nrwly remodvied tl 30, int-ludea walar and ilfhu. n walnut. I'Nf t'KNINHPI) three r'xini duulex. rage aM.t.lo Ptwne a-WirT TOH RENT three room furnUhrd apart ment. Achilla only. 2137 Orchard. In quire 20.17 Itadcllffe. rUltNiSHr'll" anartment. Ural net' ter Included. fU. 413 Walnut. Phone ilirnv roh li'taVT. furnla'hed apartment for working girl. Utltlllea furnUhed. Uw of aulomalle waaher and dryer. 3 blorka from 7lh and Main. Phone 7242 or call at 42rl N7th. Kbit RENT. three room f'urnlaKe apartment with garage. 2009 War row. Phone BUM. FURNISHED tSree room apartment $A2M: two room unit lad; all utilltiea Included. 410 N. Tenth. MODERN furnlihed apartment for cou pie. Clnae In on fith St. M. Llghta and water Included. Phone 4402 or 2403. FOR RENT, 3-room apartment, fur n ! a h edA d ulta. Xlnroad. r tTitN'SHKM threi room apartment atil table for bualnepi couple. tuple. Alpha Phone 4.122. Apartment, 7th and 'Pine TWO room' furnlahed apartment. Highta and waier.iiM wainm. LARfE' furnlahed apartment, heated. Adulta. Cloae In. Phone 4.117. FOH RENT, amall furnUhed apartment. Suitable for couple. 2010 Summer a Lane SMAIX unfurniihed apartmentTLocalrrt on Homewle Road. AdiilH Phone HlffT STEAM HEATED apartment with bed rorm 02fl Oak St. FURNISHED apartment Apartment I, 200 Market. SMALL clean apartment enulpped. 4.13 N. 10th for nf THREE ROOM furnlahed apartment. 2001 W h ite. ONE bedroom" unfurniihed aparlrnent- yo"jpped. Call 2-OflU. NEWLY derorated. private bath.' Wit chenette Steam heat, electric range tin week Rcit Arma Annrtment . FOR RENT, furnlahed aparlrent fiv oul re 51 fl High 26 HOUSES FOR RENT iVn the talk of the taxed Tnx pnyltiK folks rave nbout me nt this time of year. They call me the silver lining behind the cloud , . . That's because as a Classified ad I help them make up the dough the tax collector took. And yes, I have many ways of doing It, Through me you make money by renting vacancies. You also turn un-nceded belongings Into cash through my For Sale column, and you find a Juicy Job through my Help Wanted. Bee? It's easy I Just f- phone 8111 herald & news TWO DRDHOOM hoiiNc, atovea fur nlwhed, BO, See nt 3.IQ Nevada. THItKK b'edTriom tvimo, furnished. New ly remodeled, Quiet, reaponalble adulta only, Automatic oil furnace, (ia per mo. 111 wainui. FOUR room unfurnished hnuie. f00. One child under three. No peta. Phone 7fl 1 7. CARGR furnlahed cabin. Route 3, Box I04B Wocm, Mra. Gordon. FOn LEASE, three Tied room houae, one bIockrom Maln, Phone B17.1. iOR fiENtf, two bedroom houae, one bedroom apartment, both n I rely fur nlihed. Downtown. Phone VERY attractive un furnlahed duplex. ffl7.90 Includea heat, water, wnshlna; machine, garage. Couple only. Phone HtilKJ. UNKUHNlHitlil) four'room'diinlex' Ex- cept for itovea. 9S0, Call 3027 before 0 p.m. 26 HOUSIS ton HINT i"iiriiVrO'l,'"Biiieiriirnliifiail liuiiae. .iiuliip.il. Water furiilahed. t'uuple. I'liime a-1IHI KIVr."!tr)OM nViVifeirir fiiiiia. fwo rimin ralilna. In m.werl-Uimn. flione) II7II4 aller l OllPi.rX "fur Tei'e3ia''Tliiiiiecle1e IKlilHKKMtl'lNti cablin. ' Cloae "ln. I'liutie ;u.l. TWO beilriMim furiiiilieH "hollee for renT H.1 Ailnlli nnlr. I'hime lajl, 'rillll1:!: 'rti.ini IuntUlieUiuu,e fur reitT. I'liune 7.u .8 MISCILLANIOUS FOR HINT DK1S1I1VE u TRUCKS DRIVE ' Move Youraolf Bave H New Trucka Kor Long Trl) Plckuin fllakiM Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Main Phone 8304 UnAur;irreiit, Inquire PlssirWIi i'liune ami. OKrftC" tor " tenL Hi litaln. " lhone 1lnlJ foH Ilirit floor eandera lale.l In eaulpmenl. luhurhan l.upiber Co. 1Kb anil Walnut Phone tltrt. eAiTTOIiAfillr:Atri. An week or monlh. Carl Lamb, phone 4973 or 770B tm 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SAL I SUBURBAN lively two bnlroom hnnid In St. frauds Park. Electric heat, fenced yard. Some furnishings, $8750. A god buy In a modern three bed room on llomcdnle ltoad. V aero. 5000. HOMES IN TOWN Well kept two bedroom home ln Hot Sprliuts. fireplace. Rood base- ' nient. Kenced yard, I87M. Two bedroom home. HaarmvnJ, doible Riirnue. Owner leavlnn city and must aril. U5O0. Neat three room home. Clou 111. 2850. 1500 down. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 3-3471. 4880. 4734 HAVE YOU $500? If you are renlliiR a house and would like lo buy. then here Is one you can afford. It's only a one bed room, but has nice living room, dining room and kitchen, on acre. You can pay for It, for 1cm than rent. 2 BEDROOMS Stewart Lenox addition. Total prlo only 13000. larue lot and chicken houses and rabbit hutches. GIVE US A BID Completely furnished two bedroom new home. South east suburban. Rvtrn. Iiirtfa lnt vnnrl ehtrkn hntikj. Don't wait let us show you through thls home today. Will lake any type loan. FARMS & RANCHES We have some very good listings on farms and ranches come In and see us about them soon. 136 Arrea Excellent Improvements, 19 miles. n Acres Good Modoc Point. Improvements. BO Acres Lakevlew, I Acre chicken ranch. Jay P. Orlggs Dene Pavell Claire EMU Eves. Ph. 42J4 Eves. Ph. fjOiS Eves. Ph. 3-3flj REALTOR J. W. SANDERS 1213 Main 81. Phone 7531 FOR SALE 1 BDRM, mod., across from school 3750 4 BDRMS, 2't blks from school $10,500 4 BDRMS. In Mills Addition $10,000 2 BDRMS, 13 A. In Yalta .... $ 9300 2 BDRMS, 3 blks. of Main $ 7000 ' 3 BDRMS. on 3 acres t 7800 ' 1 BDRM, all new eicc. heot $ 6600 3 BDRMS, 13 A. Peterson School Dlst, $ 9500 2 BDRMS, 2 cor. lot near Peterson School $11,000 2 BDRMS, on one-half aero i $ 8800 4 BDRMS, lull bsmt., Hot Bprgs. $14,700 WE HAVE Several good Income properties to show you, by appointment, FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1368 FOR SALE, two liedToom home. Lame living, and dlnlni room, oak floors, fire place, kltrhen and dinette, service porch. Larue (erase. 3419 Wlard. Phono niM)7. iiliivlK WITH INCUMK, furnished ll, story, fl rooms down, room for two up, auto. Heat, double farane, work room, retail nursery and garilen shop, acre 5 year old blueberry's, all under Irriga tion, eheap water. Fenced river fron tage. Income unlimited, depends on hovr much you want to make. Illness for three yeara forces my selling, ;ltl.ooo, Terma If desired. Owner M. r. Neabltl. noic IO0.1, Seaside Oregon. ""D,,, gn'jnSAN cr for mit.lmciSnim. BlmUBBAN HOMK . 914,7(10, Modern ,1 bedroom-fireplace partly carpeted. Newly redecorated In. side and oul. Dishwasher-outbuildings-near echool and bus. Rorders two atreela Can he subdivided. Call ami. rbll SAI.r.. In Klamath rails! On bedroom completely furnished house. New bath, electric hoat, acre of ground. Helling below coal. Call Tula lake 7-OHIHI after 4 p.m. . l6. SaLE, '""m" """, othVr 1 bulldlnga, Two acre, of ground. Pliona NEW IKMES for salt. William a. Powell. Phone SII2II. TOH SALE nice level lo- ri.i. corner Addison and Lakevlew. Accent reason. Fresno" Calif Wh'"'