Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 23, 1952, Page 8, Image 8

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    - PAGE EIGHT 1
g Cliemult.
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' A Founders Day Tea was held
at the Gilchrist School Library
Feb. 12 In observance of (he 65th
birthday of the National Parent
and teachers. After a short speech
"Looklne Over the Shoulder" dv
Paat-preildenl Mrs, V. I. Brader
of Chemult. a short business meet'
Ing was held In which the nomin
ating committee for the coming
electon wai elected. Those nom
inated were Mrs. Verne Rochek,
Mrs. Arthur Hltt. Mrs. Hone Bra
der. A meeting was plannod for the
near future. The Tea louowea uie
meeting. Hostesses for this special
event were Miss Houston and Mrs.
Rocbek both teachers of the school.
The Oilchrist Garden Club Is of
fering several cash priws .i
students of the school for the best
blrdhouses the boys make for their
meeting In May to entertain the
Mrs. Myrtle Hash left the past
week to visit at Skiway near Tim
berime Lodge and then on to Port
land and Seattle.
. Mr. and Mrs. Rolland Prye of
Eugene were weekend guests of
the BUI Taylors.
Mr. Eldon McMullen and Mr.
Stanlev Appiegale motored to Che
mult from Bend Sunday to assist
with the Sunday School Services.
Both are former Chemultites.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorln Masten ac
companied by Darlene Sporrcr at
tended the funeral services for
young John Gearhart of LaPine
at Redding, Calif., on Thursday.
Gearhart was killed in a trucking
Celebrating a double birthday In
Chemult last week were Mrs. Cap
Jessup Sr. and Mrs. William Tay
lor. A birthday party In their hon
or was held at Uie home of Mrs.
V. Brader on Wednesday, Feb. 13.
Guests Invited were: Mrs. G. C.
Palmer, Mrs. Grant Damon, Mrs.
Lew Williams, Mrs. Dorothy Mar
quess, Mrs. William Fletcher. Mrs
John Plnckley, Mrs. C. Galbrath,
Mrs. Grady Gooch, Mrs. Glen
Wood, Mrs. C. C. Long, Mrs.
Epperson, Mrs. C. C. Long. Mrs
Robert Davis, Mrs. Tom Rldenour,
Mrs. George Bourne, Mrs. Lorin
Mastln and Mrs. Orvllle Farrls.
Co-hostesses were: Mrs. Brader
and Mrs. Dick Jessup.
Instead of playing Canasta as
had been planned, the group de
cided to organize a Civic Improve
ment Club which has been In the
planning stage for sometime. The
officers elected were: Mrs. Cap
Jessup, president: Mrs. R. E. Jes
sup, vice-president, Mrs. Robert
Davis, secretary and Mrs. George
Bourne, treasurer. They are plan
ning to help promote the bidding
for and moving of the old school
house north of town to a better
. , ui v.n, mm Ka
SpOl, prciCXBUijr, uiic tu von I
SHARON LEE (Sister) is
the attractive daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. (Jill)
Adams,- Raymond Camp.
Her grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Kolb, Lake
view. She is a sixth grader.
Photo by Gary Price
m - n i
1 - ii ivn-r l;ssr.
Mrs. Mike Hem-burn . rinerlniiiril
with tinnier l'''b. H ul llielr homo
In LhiikHI Vullnv hi cnlHiriilliin n(
I ho wi-ilihiiK aiinlvnrniiry tif Mr.
tuid Mtw. All Mom c unci thr lllllll
blrihiliiy ol Ji'iiil Muiiliie.
Uiirnln wrro'Mr. and Mm. Art
Mnniiio Jural mill Mill Mcmror.
Mr. mill Mrs. 1'inil Miiiinie ami
lid. I'lllll I1IKI MIIIK Ul'llliliiliu
Kay UDonanue of Henley was
elected president of the Girl Plan
ning board of Girl Scouts last Sun
day at a meeting attended by 50
iiin scouts ana leaders.
The Girl Planning board meet
ing was held from 10 a.m. to 2:3C
p.m. in Fremont school Auditor
ium. Following a business session
girls dlvded Into separate groups
lor ascussion.
Mrs. Palmer Gunderson. Mrs
Walter Beihn and Mrs. Gordon
Loomis spoke to the first group of
Girl Planning board members and
Juliet Lowe representatives.
Mrs. Howard Llstoe was in charge
of the presidents and vice presi
dents group; Mrs. Ellis Matthews,
the secretaries and treasurers.
Mrs. Emit Albrecht discussed
the cookie sale to begin March
with the third group. Song and
game leaders learned new acti
vities from Peg Brundage and Pat
After a sack lunch the Girl
Scouts,-sang .songs and played
games. .
Assisting Kay O'Donahue on the
planning board will be board mem
bers elected at tne meeting. La-
vonne Sexton will represent Alta
mont school: Evervn Thorne. Con-
deeded to the town of Chemult. ger: Joan McPherson. Henley;
They are also making plans to
raise money for a small play
ground area to be used by Che
mult children. At the present time
there are no facilities for any com
munity Junctions during the winter
months or a spot where the 30
some children can play in the sum
mer. An evening Valentine Party sur
prised Mrs. George Bourne on her
birthday. Mrs. Sally Damon was
the hostess. A Valentine cake was
served' and the group of friends
enjoyed a sociable evening.
Denny Jessup turned from a
tour-year-old to five Sunday and
a group of little friends helped
him celebrate the occasion. Those
present Included: Kenneth Farris,
Claude Ramsey, Larry and Normie
Masten, Ernie and Billy Taylor and
the birthday boy. Flash pictures of
the group were taken and a good
time was had by all.
Mrs. Grant Damon left for a
short visit with her mother, Mrs.
Ida Chapman of Hornbrook. Calif.
Mr. and Mrs'. Ray Darnell, own
ers of the Singing Pines write that
the weather at San Juan, Capis
trano. Is beautiful and that they
plan on being home the latter part
of the month.
Mrs. Dorothy Marquess left last
week for a two week stay in Chi
cago, 111.
Mr, and Mrs. Maddox and chil
dren moved to Chemult the past
week. Mr. Maddox is employed
by Mr. and Mrs. Williams as din
ner cook at their cafe. The boy,
David, is 14 and little Glenda Lee
Is three. They formerly lived in
Klamath Falls.
Shirley Thompson, Fremont; Ar-
lene Tompkins, Fairview; Joan Sie-
gel. Riversiae: Joan Aiarsnau,
Roosevelt: Sharon O'Brien, Shas
ta; and Cathleen Rutledge. Peter
son. Nancy Tanner ol Junior iign
will serve as secretary.
Board members will meet March
22 to discuss the next Girl Plan
ning -board meeting to be held
April 26 in Fremont school.
A iunior camn commttee was
also chosen. Committee members
are Elise Nltschelm. Julie Ham-
den, Vodlne Olsen, Patsy Patter
son, Florlne Wamsteaa, Helen
Carlson. Susan FerriU, Sharon
Whitlock. Arlene Tompkins, and
Jeanne Wamstead.
Library Club -At
MERRILL Mrs. T. W. Chatburn
Sr., and Mrs. W. J. Grove enter
tained the Library Bridge club at
the Chatburn home on Feb. 14.
Five tables were in play and
high score was awarded Mrs. John
Beer, with second high going to
Mrs. Bertha E. Somers. visiting
here from Seattle. Mns. E. H.
Loveness was also a guest of the
The club will be entertained next
on February 28, at the home of
Mrs. Helen Shuck, u wui oe a
1:30 dessert, and Mrs. J. A. Mc
Donald is the co-hosiess.
Toast rounds spread with a mix
hire of 'A cup crab meat, 'i cup
chopped ripe olives and 2 table
spoons mayonnaise, then run under
the . broiler until lightly browned
Tiake a nice snack to serve with
afternoon tea. It's elegant and par
ticularly popular with those who
want to go easy on the sweets,
erfect for cocktail snacks too.
A magnificent
piano. Many -lovely
styles and
finishes to choose
120 No. 7th
SAVE large or small
amounts, as you choose
KEEP dollars safe,
ready when needed
RECEIVE liberal
earnings twice yearly
The safe, sure way to
accumulate funds for today's
security and tomorrow's
better living is to save as
much . . . and as often ... as
you can. In a savings account
with our specialized
association, your money is
safely protected as it
earns a worth while return.
Stop in this week and get
the facts on our profitable
savings plan.
Rose, 6 months, is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Rose, 4016 Clinton. His
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. J. A. Rosf, 2235
Union, and Mr. and Mrs.
Lavoie Davis, 329 Hillside.
His great - grandmother is
Mrs. Jane Rose, 2231
Union. Photo by Ferebee
good looking son of Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Adair, 2912
Altamont Dr., and grand
son of Mrs. Lizzie Bigby
and Mr. and Mrs. J. K.
Adair, all of Stillwell. Okla.
He is one year young.
Photo by Ferebee
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas B. Young, 230
Donald Street. Her fifth
birthday was September 13,
1951. Mrs. Lulu M. Reiner,
DuBois, Pennsylvania, is
her maternal grandmother.
Photo by Ferebee
A Valentine party was enjoyed
by members and guests of Man-
zanita Chapter 183, OES, after the
regular meeting on Friday eve
ning Feb. IS, held at the IOOF
Worthy Matron, Vera Fritsch
and Worthy Patron, John Larsen
presided . at the meeting. John
Stanley,- past junior patron, was
introduced and escorted to the
East. . , '
The altar was draped in memory
of two Grand officers; Darwin
Brlstow, worthy grand patron In
1902-03, and Dr. June Martin.
worthy grand matron in 1943-44.
Alter the meeting everyone was
given a valentine as a ticket to
the party held in the dining room
which was gay with hearts and
Tables were decorated with love
ly dolls framed in lacy red hearts.
Valentine place cards entitled
the holder to prizes of valentine
mail and packages distributed by
Everett Biehn as mailman.
Refreshments were served by
lona May Wells, Dora K. Austin,
Helen .McCornack and Blanche
An invitation was extended for
the next meeting which will fea
ture a curio shop.
3 'T i
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Karol M. Yegge, Santiam
Pass Headquarters Oregon
State Highway Department.
They were formerly of
Crater Like National Park
and Denton Park. The at
tractive little girl has a ma
ternal g r a n d m o t h c r in
Silvcrton, and paternal
prandnarcnts are Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Yegge, owners
of Denton Park, Ft. Klam
ath; now wintering in Los
Angeles. Evergreen
nil him. Raymond is the
son of Mr. ami Mrs. Kay
Kolb, 21(10 Arthur St. His
grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Kolb, Lukevlew,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
Funis, Burney.
, Photo by Gary Prlrc
Jan. 21, for manly Carl
Richard Conroy, son of Mr.
and Mrs. James B. Conrov,
Malin. He is the grandson
of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Ong
man, 2245 Radcliffe' Ave.,
and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Con
roy, Lakeview. Guderian
14 months, is the comely
son of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
LaVerne Kimball, 339
Grant. His paternal grand
mother is Mrs. Irma Foul
ton, Grants Pass. Paternal
grandmother is Mrs. Myrtle
Kimball, Fulton, N.Y.
Photo by Evergreen
Lrravlne Fish, social economic-
lenchrr at Klamath Union high
school, spoke on "Our Economic
Outlook" nt the SoroptlmHt Club
meeting. Thursday noon. Feb. 31
The .speaker, by the using of i
series of charts, showed produc
tion cycles uiul busim-as trend-,
over a long period of lime In Ihlt,
President Ola Smith, who re
turned from a viiciitlon In Cnllfor
ula presided.
Return from Trip
Mr. and Mrs. Van Winkle rwenl
ly returned from a trip to Ciilllor
ula. nnil report Hint they enjoyed
revrriil week of relaxation In the
Minny parts of that stale.
They were n.ikc-d by the Alexan
der brolhers who occunluimlly iip-i-eur
on the Mel Venlor "how lo
l.'iinn iit-eetliiiM lo Die biollirra'
Klamalh Basin frlrnds. The musi
cal Alexanders forinorlv lived In
Now Located at
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a roof over
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lifelong influonca on your, figuro. So
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Klamarh Falls