SATUHDAY, KKBIIUAKY 23, 11152 IIEIMU) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN o p If pity). PO V : r -v? o v :7;;,:vJ ' f 1 ' - till II iii . llMMMWWBMWMMiJMLJlMWC CHECKING THE RESERVATION LIST for the Catholic Mothers' Club card party and Mvle show in the Sacred Heart Gymnasium, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m. Any kind card game may be played with prizes jjiven for each. Whytal's, Millers and Town Shop will be represent ed in the feminine style trend, and Dick Hecdcr's will model high school boy's evening wear. There will be entertainment during the refreshment hour. Mrs. James Cronon is general chairman: Mrs. J. K. McAndrcws, cards nnd refreshments. Mrs. W. G. Ely, pub licity, Mrs. Dick Miller Jr. and Mrs. J. P. McAuliffe. reservations. Pictured from the left are Mrs. McAuliffe, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. McAndrcws at the Miller home. 745 Eldorado. I'holo by Kettler Surprise Party For Frank Hurd Friend nnd relatives ol Krnnk Hurd compleu-lv nurpn.srd him Hun tli.y rvrllliiic I'rli. 17, when thc itttlhricd at hia home nt S o'clock to wi-h him n happy mxty third mmlveiMtry. Ills imthdiiy wns l'eb 10. bu' - the advance dale w nn chosen In I order to mnko It n (iimiriM. -' A program ol "event" nlnnncd hv irN. Hurd, was ollered na eu irrtiilnnieut, In w hu li nil the liucsls Kik part. Games of blntio wrre plnved nnd prizes uwurdrd. Followunt the Inn uo liftincs, bevcrul other "events" tuolc place. Hell eshmentN were served to1 Mr. nnd Mis. Jim Helm, Mr, nnd Mis. Ilownril Hodman nnd son, Clint. Mr. und Mrs. Jim Kowler, Mr. Waller Miller, Mrs. Mike Pc Irolf, Mr. and Mrs. Vlo Douulns. Mr. and Mrs. Red" Hurd. Jlinmlc and Jessie Tntlen nnd Mv. nnd Mrs. Krnnk Hurd. Mrs. "Red" lltifd wns cohojiless with Mrs. Frank Hurd. Two birthday cuke vere presented to Krank. ns tho ciowd miiik "llaiipy blrllidny." .?.' w, 3 ' Merrill idiW:-.AiV--. lly ROIIKRTA IH'.WKV Mr. and Mrs. it. L. UniKoo en joyed n week's visit In tho Day 111 en. maklni; tho trip on Die streamliner. They visited friends in Hrikelcy, nnd Hob nttended a liut'dAiire show In Hnn Frnncl.ico. At the lust remilnr meetlnit of Merrill City Council. It wns voted to look further Into the ndvn billy of numbering hmises In the city proper. This matter nnd the problem of the (trenl number of I striiy dons ruuuliiK loose, were broiiKht to the Cmincll's nttentlon by Mrs. J. W. Klrby Jr., who whs a visitor nt the ineetlUK. Routine business occupied tho bnlnnco of the mei'tliiK. Miss Anne ArmstronK, reRlonnl representative for WnshliiKton, OreKou. Idaho, nnd Montana, visit ed the Merrill Ciimplire Ulris Lena ers Assoc. recently. She was nc coinpnnled by Mrs. Nnoml French. Klaninlh Coiinlv executive, nnd Mrs. Rollienbei'Ker. president of the Instruction to the lenders the visitors were served lea by Hoit 7011 Club hlKh school girls, whose lenders are Mrs. Elmer Lcmler and Mrs. John O'Nell. www cry m Trie iPDlfc SlNtrS' 1 fflSIKi 3 mm DAR Meeting Mrs. M. K Cooper nnd Mn, Louis II. Mann, were hostesses, nt n most enloynble eveninn for mem bers ol Kulnlona Chapter IJnuith lera ol Ainericnn Revolution, Mon- !oay. Feb. 18. i In the absence ol Mrs. Warren Mrs. William Owsley conducted n jshort business nieetliiK. At the re louest of Mrs. NokkIc. not ns ye' I fully recovered from n severe ense j of lnllucnr.ii, matters renardinu Iclinnijes In by-laws and discussion lot a slate con vein ion lor 1053 were I tabled until she could be present. I t'ollowinit the business mcctinit colored and black ai.l white islidrs made by Dr. nnd Mrs. Fred Krowrl were shown. Dr. Krowel was stationed In Germany durum the wnr anil ns soon as it was possible Mrs. Krowel loined him with Uielr camera thev traveled IhruUKh Germany. France, Bavar ia and Swlirerlnnd and brounht back wondcrlul views ol the var ious countries. Amonir the mnnv interestlnir pictures were those ol Nuremberg with a closeuri of the building where the famous trials were held; nnd the grent stadium, the nrlde of Hitler; beautiful vlcw ol the Alps and many pictures ol the dny by day llle ol Hermans In bombed towns and on penceful farms. Mrs. Wllllnm C. Orton, member from Sliver Bow Chapter DAR. ol Butte. Montana wan a visiting member. Mrs, Orton is the mother of Mrs. Louis Mnnn nnd lins visit ed Etilnlonn before. Mrs. Krowe! as the guest ol Mrs. M. E. Cooper provided Iho program for the eve ning. Mrs, Julian Acer and Mrs. Enrl Kerns, with paper pending for membership, were welcome guests Put New Life Into Your Clothes! Woke up the looks of your wardrobe with quality dry clean ing. Colors are re freshed . . . orig inal lines restor ed. Your clothes will look like new for Spring. SEND YCUR CLEANING WITH YOUR LAUNDRYI OUR ALL DRY BUDGET BUNDLE is the 10 is the cheapest delivered bundle in the Klamath Basin! Phone 5111 for Pickup and Delivery CASCADE Klamath's Finest Birthdays Celebrated ! MKRRILL Mrs. T. W. Chat- burn Sr. entertained at her home i with a birthday party honoring i grani rhildrcn Mnry Caroline ' Owens on her third birthday, and I Bruce Owens on his second. I Table decorations were in the Valentine motif, with a heart- shaped cuke centering the table. Small Bursts attending- were John nr.d Nancy Wngncr, Michael ' MrKntn, Hilly Hammond, John Sowed, Dec i. lid Ginger Wolfram, John Tom and Cherl Chntburn. Terry Fulvey, Vickl Murks, and niutncrs Mrs. Lawrence Sowell. Mrs. James Hammond. Mrs. Leo McKocn, Mrs. Frank Wagner, Mrs. lorn Chntburn Jr., Mrs. Dick Mams and Mrs. Bruce Owens. Happy Hour Club Mrs. Maud Hosley, 623 High, was hostess to the Happy Hour Club. Feb. 13 lor luncheon at half pnst one. Members present were: Lora Kvnns, Anna Reeder. Emma Ham ilton. Louise Humphrey, Jennie Hum, Alice Laurence. Linn Mot-enbache-. Eva Richardson and Lil lian White. - Visitors included Mac Anderson. Mary Hosley. nnd daughters, Di ane nnd Llnun. Next meeting scheduled for Feb 36. nt the home of Eva Rlchnrd' son. 314 Riverside. BIG ftOc POUNDS . LAUNDRY & DRY CLEANERS Opp. Post Office DELPHIANS Delta Gumma chapter ol He), nliluns will meet next 'lursdav, I'Vtiruiiiy 20, at 0:45 a. in. t the YMOA. Hie pi oki n in (i.ikoi ns "I. lie In it Guatemalan Inrllan Vil lage." Citiest speaker will be Mn. W, n. Floyd, who has spent hoiiio time in Guatemala. Hlic will show some hand-woven, textile nnd other ol Jicts lhat ntlo brought buck with her. leader will be: Mrs. Dean On born, and the lollowlng members will open discussions on: "The. 'Childhood. I'crlod," Mil it. w. I'eiik; "Courthl) rid MnrrluKC," Mn. H. E. Gtz; "Murrled Llle." Mrn. fjon Zuinwult; "IJonth nnd lleiciiller," Mr. O. K. I'uckett; nnd "HiwIo Cultural Considera tion," Mrn. Sura Woodnill. J? . Dorris By DOHA lillANIIA.M The flu still has munv linrrls. lies III bed. school attendance has picked up but adults are getting the llu hug now. Butte Valley Bulldogs aller three league games In Uie B clas have two wins and one loss. The A siring, while playing very good ball haven't been able to hit Ihcir i.lrlde and have ihree Friday BFHH A ciulnt played their best game to date gave the boys Horn Ellin a bad sc:'re and except lor a bile Mart would have bad a big win. The Bulldogs play Yreka at Vrckn Friday nlKht. Mrs. Vivian Wilson snent the weekend at the new Wilson tav-! em. The Henley Way. over on 89 north of Horiibrook. She reported I that their opening was n big suc cess with many old friend' drop ping in to see uicm. Mr. and Mrs. Oalc Duncan, Partners with the Wilsons, live at the new place. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. John Bachman on the birth of a son and to Mr. and Mrs. John H. Parsons on the birth of a daugh ter and to Mr. nnd Mrs. Joe Jasio en the birth ol a daughter. The VFW Post S044 nnd Its aux- llnry will hold a dance Saturday night at the Red Barn, the Oregon Hillbillies will play and dancing win be from a. 30 to i a.m. Only one person has declared her Intentions as to the coming city election, and that is Ann And drcatla, Cltv clerk. She. will run lor election but so far all is aulel ns to the city treasurer and three counclhr.en. Last election mere were about seven In the running villi two or three waiting until the very Inft second before declaring themselves candidntcs. Clilf Branhnm went back to work Monday after a long lay off due to the amputation of a finger. Cliff is a cat doctor tot Long Bell at Tennant. The Mervyn Robinson home was ihe scene of a pink and blue parly lor Mrs. Dick Fcnwick with Mrs. Paul Fnlton and Mrs. Mervvn Robinson hostesses, Friday night. Bingo wns the entertainment alter which Mrs. Fenwick opened her many loely gifts. Refreshments were served to the following. Mrs. Cllll Slumbaugh, Mrs. Carl Williams. Mrs. Lawrence Spencer. Mrs. Dennis Egeline. Mrs. Arnold fkoog. Mrs. Dale Struble. Mrs. Aldan Fcnwick, Mrs. Frda Web Her. Mrs. Dick Btagg. Mrs. Byard Kelly, Mrs. Ulys Goodman. Doris Fortcrlleld and Beverly Webster. Sending gifts but unable lo attend were Mrs. Norman Meek. Mrs. Wavne Bay. Mrs. Oly Rigo, Mrs. Cnrl Boyd nnd Mrs. R. A. Matthews. UNDH UCINSI IV NATIONAL IAKEM SISVICIS. INC., CHICAGO Ndlyweoa Siaod Serltt M At N. 4 pwpjrr j 1 "'-"i TRUDIE HAD HER third birthday and her mother, Mrs. Bob Cheyne, 2805 Summers Lane entertained for her with all the trimmings. Before the little guests were served the cake, the photographer caught them waiting patiently. From the left Steve Donahue holding brother Mark's hand, far right in front, Jerry Cheyne. Back of Mark, Kenny Chojnacky; next, Linda Cheyne, Diane, Tru die's sister; Trudie, back of the cake; next, Randy Hamm; back of Trudie, Billy Chojnacky and Patrick Walker. Photo by Kettler l Jf 1- Hmd 1 1 TO MARRY SOON Jac queline Wendt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Wendt of Battle Ground, Wash., is to be married soon to John Lathrop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver I. Lathrop, 2440 Darrow Ave. Photo by Vanity Fair See (Beautiut Slendcn LOIS WILSON LOVELY STM OF SCIEEN, STAQE AND TELEVISION NO FATS ADDED BAKED WITHOUT SHORTENING Afwrf imii is iakii cxcujsiviiv rss Yl FLUHRER'S 3 nt. 1 10 In, JK HaN Mt. Mazamr3 Toastmistress Leah Fenning. new president of the Mt. Maznma Toastmistresses, urged members to express them selves In worthwhile words that have been clearly thought through. Mrs. Fenning also suggested letter writing as a means of expression. There were many topics dis cussed at the regular business meeting held at the Willard Hotel, February 14th. One tonic discussed by all mem- j bers present was how to give di rections to points of Interest in and arouna me iuamain Basin. Toplcmlstress for the evening was Margaret Davies. A discussion of the coming dis trict meeting of the toastmistress organization was led by Margaret Santo. A contest is being held in the local club to select a speaker to enter in the district speech con test to be held in Grants Pass in April. Jilt? - Jr? libs, I , f r that lasted ill ot 1 77 I . Mil Another highlight of the program was the recording of voices on a tape recorder. From this, three members were chosen to give Eas ter Seal speeches for KFLW radio station. Promoting the sale of Eas ter Seals will be June Dry den, Ruth O'Hara, and Barbara Baum gardner. Next meeting will be held Feb. 38. 6:30 p.m. at the Willard Hotel. Wi-ne-ma COFFEE SHOP and DINING ROOMS Quality Food At Reasonable Prices Our new ond sanitary kitchen and meat coolers are open for public inspection at any time . . . See for yourself how your food is prepared and handled! Southern Oregon's Finest Kfamatk umutune Co. Women .of Moose MERRILL A group of members of Merrill chapter 18, Women of the Moose, motored to Crescent City, Calif., over the weekend lor the purpose of instituting a new chnpter. There were 44 charter members Initiated, and new offi cers were Installed or Crescent City Chapter 280. Merrill Chapter felt honored on being asked to help with the new chapter. Dovle Reeder, of the local order, was Instituting officer assist ed by the other four members of the College of Regents, Rose Van Meter, Olga Bradshaw, Louisa Icen bice, and Leta Stolt. Members and husbands who Journed to the northern California city were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Icen- bice, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spolck, Mr., and Mis. John McNeil, Mr. and Mrs. John Balcy, Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Perkins, Leta Stolt, Rose Van Meter, Hazel Hundley, and Elizabeth Slczak. Other members present Included Mr. and Mrs. Jack Adams of Kerby, Ore., and Bar bara Icenbice of Lollta, Calif., all former Merrill residents. Each co worker received a corsage, and en Joyed the potluck supper served by members of the Loyal Order of Moose. iGlamorene the Miracle Carpet Cleaner NOW IN STOCK You read about it in the Reader's Digest Claud H. Davis CO. (426 Main Phone 4684 Phone 5353 SIZES: 27x45 inches 3x5 feel-