PAGE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, FERRUARY 23, 10(52 Jo Nell Dunson Is Recent Bride of William Bailey First Baptist Church was the selling for an impressive candlelight service Feb. 2, 8 p.m. when the marriage of Jo Nell Dunson to William Bailey was solemnized. 'The double ring service was read by Dr. E. M. Causey before an altar banked with palms and garlands of white chrysanthemums. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunson and William is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bailey, Astoria. Radiant in an original classic design of white slipper satin with high neck and rounded yoke of net with bodice trimmed with flowers of seed pearls, long puff sleeves, lace gored princess style skirt ending in a court train, illusion net shoulder length veil held with a Mary .Queen of Scots crown of net and pearls, the bride was escorted down the aisle by her father. She carried an old fashioned bouquet of pink rose buds and stephanotis. Her only jewelry was a triple strand of pearls. Bonnie HershbcrRcr played Incl-f dental music and accompanied Hugh Davis who snnir "O Prom ise Me" and "I'll Walk Beside You." Candlclightcrs, Eornice Alexand er and Betty Roller wore tloor length dresses of yellow and or chid marquisette. Ring- bearer was little David Dunson, brother of the bride, in white suit and black bow tie. San- Vows Taken In Seaview Church TULELAKE A late January vedding in St. Mary's church. Sea- view. Washington, Joined Trudy Rostmarle Eberhardt of Seaview, to John Patrick Harmon, Tulelake. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman David Eber hardt. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hannon, Tulelake. The double rins ceremony was read at an elevwi fl'olock cere mony, January twenty sixth by Rev. Father Powers. Vows were taken before an altar massed with white gladioli, pink pompon crysanthemums and ivy. ttio hriHe elver. In marriage by her father wore traditional white satin made with insets of Chan tilly lace. Petal shaped applique of white satin were arranged on the nylon net yoke. The white lace bodice was over satin and the skirt fell into a court train. Her fingertip veil or illusion net Kas caught with a Juliet cap of teed pearls. She carried a cas cade of white gladioli and white rarnations centered with twin white orchids. Her matron of honor was Mrs. William Staunton, Tulelake. who wore an aqua satin and nylon net ,-v u-iih hnnffant skirt, baller ina length and ruffled hat of net. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Corrlne Maxwell, Portland. Louise Holelitt, Portland and Elaine King, Ocean Park Washington, sorority sisters of. the bride. All wore ballerina length frocks of pink satin made Identical to the honor attendant's nd all carried cascade arrange ments of yellow carnations. Best man was Dick , Maxwell, Tulelake. Ushers were Don Young, Chicago, Jerry Maxwell and George Yost, Tulelake and Gerhardt Eber. hardt, Seaview, brother of the brido. dra Scholer, little niece of the bride from Longtiev, was flower girl. She wore a long orchid dress of net and satin. Matron of honor. Mrs. Ray Scholer, Longview, sister of lhe bride, wore orchid taffeta in a style similar to the bride's. Her bouquet was of yellow carnations and hya cinths. Her headband was of the same flowers as her old fashioned bouquet. The two bridesmaids. Martha Ivie and Sharon Nash wore pale green taffeta dresses with high necks and net yokes. Their bou quesls and head bands were the same as the matron of honor s, except that they were pink. Thomas Bailey. Portland, was best man, and Dick Bishop and Ray Scholer, Longview, were ush ers. Mrs. Dunson chose an aqua wool suit with pink accessories for her daughter's wedding. She wore a corsage of pink rosebuds Mrs. Bailey, mother of the bridegroom wore navy blue with matching accessories. Her corsage was of red rosebuds. Immediately after the wedding a receution m hM in u,- ......... WhJ f chrysanthemums and ighted white candles were used throughout the room. A three tiered wedding cake centered the lace draped reception table. It was flanked with whit njw .. crystal holders with pink rosebuds around the bases. Pink and while rosebuds were scatted on the table. Bettv and Barbara Pnhawe ' the punch bowl. Pricilla Mc Donald served the cake and Man-is Reeves was at the guest book. For her going away costume the bride wore a naw hliiA suit n-iti. complementing accessories. Her i.v.ooKr ui pin ruscouos was irom the center of the bridal bouquet. Out of town guests included: Mr. and Mrs. Chester Sence Crater Lake; Mrs. Hazel Trevlthick. As toria: Mr. and Mrs. Rav Scholer ana cnuaren, Long view; and Mr and Mrs. Thomas Bailey, Astoria, IWWWi-'FW';va'' , QgUpSa- AT THE RECEPTION Newly married Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Bailey who are cutting the first piece of their wed ding cake. The new Mrs. Bailey was formerly Jo Nell Dun son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dunson, 2928 Bisbee, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bailey, Astoria. Photo by Ferebee MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM BAILEY whose marriage was solemnized in the First Baptist Church, Feb. 2, 8 p.m. Dr. E. M. Causey read the double ring ceremony before a back ground of palms, garlands of white chrysanthemums and pink carnations, illuminated with lighted white tapers in tall candelabra. Photo bv Ferebee Sacred Heart Music Recita "The All-American Boy" Is the theme of the second In a series oi early spring music recitals to be presented by Sacred Heart Acad emy. Sunday, Feb. 24 at 2:30 d. m. The public is welcome to this pro gram which will be presented in , . . uie scnooi auaiionum. a nose ap- A reception at the Moby Dick !pearing in the recital are listed Hotel followed the ceremony. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hannon. Tulelake. parents of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hannon and daugh ters, Medford, Bernadine Hannon, Klamath Fails, Mr. and Mrs. Jos eph Kennedy, Portland and Ann Butterfield. PorUand. Shower Given Mrs. Ray Krox At Tulelake TULELAKE A shower for Mrs. Ray Knox of the Lava Beds was held at the home of Mrs. Vern Hemstreet Jan. 12. Hostesses for the afternoon were: Mrs. Vera Hemstreet, Mrs. Aurel Hanchett, Mrs. Lee Dixon and Miss Angellne Galloway. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts which she found by means of nursery rhymes as clues to where they could be found. Miniature pink and blue diaper nut cups were set at each guests place at their table. Refreshments were served during the afternoon to: Mrs. Don Fisher of the Lava Beds and Klamath Falls and. the following guests from Tulelake; Mrs. George Fisher, Mrs. Oave Bridge, Miss Alice Wesland, Mrs. Dave Carmen, Mrs. John Hubbard, Mrs. George Voss, Mrs. Valare Dahle, Mrs. John Cross, Mrs. Bob Freze, Mrs. Ken Bag hott. Invited but unable to attend were Mrs. John Larson of Klamath Falls and the following lrom Tulelakek: Mrs. Marvin Christy, Mrs. Bill Schtndler, Mrs. Woody Chambers, Mrs. Marvis Keyser, Mrs. Ira Du Pratt, Mrs. Bill Ernst. below: Stuart Campbell. John Ely. An thony Dedrick, Michael Dedrick, David Larson. Richard Bogatay, Earl Hefley. James Rhodes, Wil liam Manning, Darrell Miller, Rob ert Sutherland, John Jackson, Ming Chin. Thomas Chin, Thomas Pow ell, Gerard Andersch. Remo Melchiori, Thomas Duke. Bryce Potter, Mark Mcculloch. Mi chael Bramble, Thomas Lassett. Thomas Wells, Lawrence Jackson, Stephen Reeder. John McCulloch, Ebby Lane. Michael O'Hair, Gcurge Bratton, Filwin Geus, Ronald Cramblet, Douglas Cummlngs. AAUW Meeting Klamath Falls branch of the American Association of Univer sity Women met Feb. 16 at the Pelican Party Room for its regu lar February meeting. Mrs. Wesley McNee Jr. and Mrs. Clayton Burrell were in charge of decorations and chose a pa triotic theme. The tables were at- Marian Mclntyre Betrothal Told A recently announced engage- nicui m wiae uiteresi in me Basin Mrs. Bosserdet Guest of Honor Mrs, George E. Bosserdet was was that of Marian Jean Mclntyre. guest of honor at a luncheon and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George it. mtiiuyre. 10 aamuei wiioert Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Raymond. Portland. Marian announced her betrothal at Stewart Hall on the Lewis and bridge party, given recently by Mrs. Loren Palmerton at the Pal merton home, 1345 Eldorado Ave. Mrs. Bosserdet plans to leave by plane the last oi the month for Clark campus. A fireDlace nartv Detroit to meet Mr. Bosserriei was the setting and hearts on the They will pick up a car there and wall led to a large wedding bell , drive to Brunswick. Ga., where he above the fireplace mantel, with nas been transferred with Hercules the names of the affianced in spar- j Powder Co, Guests for the afternoon lnclud kies cn the bell The bride-to-be Is a senior at Lewis and Clark College, major ing in elementary education. Sam uel is a graduate of OSC In fores try, and is now in the personnel ea: Airs. John Merrvnmn. Mrs John Houston, Mrs. Franklin Wea ver, Mrs. George H. Merrynian. Mrs. R. R. Macartney, Mrs. Robert A. Thnmncnn frc T au'ronr... Ch.. department of the Weyerhaeuser ; Mrs. John' Shaw. Mrs. John Ash Timer Company in Klamath Falls ' ley, Mrs. Lylc Rothenbcraer. Mr. The young couple plan a Junc.Gwyn Sartin, Mrs. Herman Shock- igutiy s.os'' ,I' ,5 nihon Par ' lh 'V!?, Bdy Narey, Mrs. Stan-1 "mV liiS Mr. . ley Aimer and Mrs. leucr. Farewell Party MAL1N A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. John Craven wis (ilvcn Monday evening. Feb. II, at the VFW Hull in Malm, by their neighbors in the Shasta View Dis trict. The Craven' have sold their farm here and will move to Lan t.ell Viilley. where they have pur chased a farm. An opening speech honoring the Cravens was given by Wilbur Brlckncr. followed bv an essay leading bv Mrs. J. W. Whltlatcli titled "Achievement": the theme of which was the very fine work done by Mr. and Mrs. Craven in organ lilng the reclamation of the Shasta View Irrigation district. Rov Anderson made the speech of presentation and the Cravens were Riven matched table lamps and a large wall mirror from their neigh bors. Bingo was played with go ing to Mrs. O. W. Brlckner and Mr. Ingram Sr. Following Bingo a polluck supper was served and dancing was enjoyed unlll mid night. Mr. and Mrs. James Bun nell and Roy Sutherland furnished Uie music. Neighbors enjoying (he social eve ning were: Mr. end Mrs. Rudy Pavgr. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ander son and granciaaugiuer. Rudv Sostak. Mr. and Mrs. jamea REFLECTIONS FROM SOHIII FROM PENNY 1IOWIKI Red Cross blood bunk ilpiieinl ly needs rookie doimlttms for Mnrcli ANY oiMuiilr.ntlnn or hull vldiuil wIMilng to I'onlrlhulo to Una worthy riume shuliki ronliu't I'rnnv Just dial 3118 or rail Mildred Diirttm-osai SOON no they'll know what to plan on on out your cookbooks glrla innri boys!) COMMUNITY CONCERT whllci the Mull mid liar! act Is Mill (ip..h in II10 members inlmla will continue and workers will receive their renewal kiln Monday to con tart former members mid It In planned In have renewals complet ed by March 10. FROM U ot O election reuirns from Ciiihoii Hall clearly Imllcuic lorn 1 ulii's poimlnrllv New head In IIARHAHA 8WANSON ilaiiKliler of the Martin Bwiiiimiiih-33(1 In tin' I Aim Wallcra ehlrf englln:cr fill utiunucl of flnwern to greet (linn In llirlr room at Ilia I'ark-Hhri lihin unit by thouiilirfiil KK friend. FROM DIOL MONTE l.OIKIK. Pebble nrncll lulu thai the Uoorge I'. Dnvlxes were upending a Irw California dnyi their. HELEN llimUlCR IN KF lor a few days dropped by my cubby hole for n Almrl moment aim and (Irin ue leaving Unit night for home III K'l CrrrUo-TlIK DUTCIIKJIH In BiiImii and Binyton country pnrtly biislnrss ami partly to ure Hod and Pnye Llveitlry and 1 let -in 10 anil Jran Hurley COMMODOHK P E R N K 1. 1, through Don Sloan order all lunula on dork for the Informal dinner dance at the Yarlit Club Tom mid hull and B won by a bn-aeu ma Jorlly ho'i a aoph ami a sociol ogy major. T1IK LEE STONERS have returned from a short trip to the Oregon coast after taking Ellrnor S's mother Kmc Poole home to tier Harbor haven while there Ihey woke up lo wltnes a heavy Ore gon coast fog lhe hill wero while wnn what we In KF cull sunshine." uie niiit ir which mail at 7 ln tonight , . , Unit la. ,7 I.T. COL. ROBERT L. MUSUl 3otll linn Hirer Combat Group U 8 Army Aira. b, a. Mimirn on Yepl Sam's brother arrived In 8K alter a year and a hall in Korea inn wile Jrnnle and to boy Hobby and Paulle 3 and a roiinle of month have been In winter Han Maleo awaiting III arrival I lu arrived on (lie VHH Aiken Victory ; win be ntnlloiied at the I'lenallo. THE -CANTEEN GIR1.S" - who i are well known lo those who have Ju-l given blood at Red Crna lldqlrs in Uie Armory will don their blue uniforms lo arrve (hone Annual Bonanza Sweetheart Ball BONANZA The Annual Sweet heart Ball given by (he Boiiumu Parents and Patrons waa a big success In all ways. The dance was Feb. 16 In the old gym. and a large crowd attended. Muse was by lhe Oregon Hill Billies. Head ol lhe dance committee were: llr M. KrtH,. "n" "rJ "!: paper. Mrs. Virgil Schnioe. The hall was beaulliully decorat ed In the Valentine motif with nearia, lace and flowers. King and Queen chosen lo rule over the dance were Mae Challl.s and Irwin Crume. She was lovely In yellow wllh a corsage of while carnation,, and lilies of lhe vallev. Her crown was a halo of white ciirnatlom and lace. The court Included Marl lee Keysor In green. Howard Koer tje, her escort. Cailierlne Dearborn In aqua, with Bobby Walker as her escort. Mane Lee wore old rose and her escort was Dale Robert son. All the girls wero given lov ely corsagrs ol while carnations and lilies of lhe valley. TRIP TO MEXICO tm t t - t I ft at I1,? 'wed,,?..'"; ' k,?"$T '": " fct,Al""""y l W"ll,rd, from an exlendrd varallon ol Ail lime lu a. m. v,.n tHW..u , u..i HAVE YOU EVER HF.F.N A BABY VOLCANO? During lhe nine year of Piiracutln anlviiv I ve never heard that any ol my Mexico-lravelln' friends visited it Ha alwaya been eerily fascin ating lo me that the farmer watched their land SLOWLY oblit erated an Invincible Inlunt I call It The Bob McGeheys just paid a call on thla phenomenal prodlgv of nature elsewhere noled In today's HORflE 8IIOW GOIN' KEITH MOONS to Indlo where they showed one ol ihelr eatlmnble equities from lliere they'll Just do a little Hilling until the cud ol the mouth. CANNA AND CHUCK FYOC.K are sUII "Manhattan mad" Chuck won a trip lo NY from OK beraiuc lie was high In appliance sales for Oregon and they are Kill (pin ning from the whirl of entertain ment arranged lor them and 400 other representatives five day of II but two week In all what wlln getting there and coming home they were laden with gilu saw uie Hollywood Ice Review nona, Texas and Mexico. i Most memorable point of llirlr (lip wii a vlsll lo Mexico bnbv volt nno, Piirni'iilln, which lin been active for nine years. The trip lo lhe volcuno slatted from Uriliipail, Mexico, a distance of about 30 mile, and cost (hem about each way by laxl. An additional MM (GO pesos l charged for burros, u,cd lo tra verse lhe rugged mountain, and I) peso lor a guide. On Ihelr trip lhe McGehey' fol lowed lhe Pan American highway. They vlslled about seven towns In Mr:lrn. Party for Baby BONANZA A verv lovely nartv was given at the Bonanza Library Feb. 15 in honor of Mary Louise, tmall daughter of Mr. and Mrs Billy Drew. uMP,.M. i ... ... mun uraicr Fred Rueck. Mrs. La Vern Haskliis. , Le"lon Fet:J- 8 P-'- Lafy Kate : Brlckner. Mr. and Mrs Marion anrf Mrs nilvr wl iuisu: presioing. Monlore anfl son ocorKC, Mr. mm r.. , k.k ...J' . J Hie following committer, ,, Mrs. John Madden. Mr. and Mrs. er . 'r."' us5 ; announced for the ensuing ve.r-i Ben Pickett and Mr. and Mrs. j were later given to the em.U L'D,' LnM c.. Ker ana ciniuicu, .,. ., van .oieiu-,:,,,.. ,,.,,,1111. Mr. nnrl Mrs, George Smalley. Mr. and Mrs Dick Craven. Mr. and Mrs. T. E Weatherbv, Mr. and Mrs. H. B Ingrain. Mr. and Mrs. Turner In gram, Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Fry, vtavlina Mr. and Mrs John Derrah. Mr. and Mr. Frank Povr s. m. strecter. Rov Sulher- Canton Crater 7 met In regular j land. Mrs. Emma Brlckner, Wilbur nciresnmeni rnrnm iim , ,.. . hrarirri hu VI,. ii.l , ",uu)i aim ijoiis l-an lie Alans in neaded bv Mrs. Mike Dearborn. I were viirsi. mt fr,i i ti,. n-.i. Over 1250 was cleared on the ' dorf Slarllght Room In a drawing wCe' i lucky winner of a two hour Margy Brown was (he luckv win- i flight over NY and vicinity 6 In ner ol the electric roaster and Vcr- plane but Canna opined that the non Hubtoe won lhe fishing wle. I highlight of Uie trip was a beaiitl. 4-DAY SERVICE! Invitations Announcements Engraved or Procvtted. Ptraonallitd napkint for your recaption . , , Cups and plalci. Shaw Stationery Co. 729 Main Canton Crater 7 IOOF Meeting honor guest. Following the open- Wed nesdav Club Regular meeting of Wednesday Club was held Feb. 20 In the par ish hall of St. Paul's Church. Host esses for the evening were Mrs. Helen Mueller and Mrs. Louis Mueller. A brisk "Bring and Buy Sale" was enjoyed by those present and proceeds were added to the club treasury. A patriotic theme depicting Wash ington's birthday was carried out in the table decorations and tallies. Dessert was served by the host esses. After a short business meet ing, cards were In play. Prizes were won by Mrs. Thom as Milne, Mrs. Charles Kendall and Mrs, James Walllnder. iwuiK uie onen- ti,.. , , ... r ing of the gifts a social afternoon ZeUurnB'1l:nguriCa J'"' was enjoyed and refreshments I por,e Kti ! ' HCM?r' -nMa!:y carried out in the pink motif were ! bSCrtesv TS?.e m" N'n Bcck: served bv the hostesses to: Mrs. chaWoue Me, in Ji A"de.rs2."' Billy Drew and Marv Louise, Mrs. F rl "rt ln. and Harriett Es Jesse Drew, Mrs. Bill Sparks. Mrs. I PubllcJ'y.' Lady Mae Ander Harlan Prouarh. Mrs Je kn.ll : ??n . ""-eshments, Lady Hazel Mc- tractively decorated with red and: Mrs. Bill Burnett, Mrs. Bob Hor white carnations and miniature ten. Mrs. Harry Frazier, Mrs I Homecoming roll call of all flags were used as personal favors. Tommy Blackman, Mrs. Roger l members found many away and by Mrs. Don Zumwalt, sang Oh Reld, Mrs. clvde Wooten, and ' many responded by proxy through Sleep. Why Doest Thou Leave Me Mrs. Florence Horn. j telegrams and letters, by Handel and Musetta from .La i Those sending gifts but unable I Lady Francis Munscll won lhe "XT , - , , ,j . 10 aitena were Mrs. Henry senmor. i prize. Mrs. Charles Larkin presided .. n.,. o., w. . t. , ... . , , . , . uuy oiunui, rain, marv j. L-aiiiiiriiis were server! hv Xru.4. Hartley, and Mrs. , Ladies Hazel McNeifl, mIcTl.I wn rh u t h. helrt t SOOE DOD naruey. rence ana Harriett Estes, March 29. She stated response from our group has been good. Mrs. Julian Eccles and Mrs. Phil Blohm have been chosen from the Klamath Falls Branch to lead two of the four discussion groups. Mrs. William Wales Jr., mem bership chairman, introduced Jean Underwood, Mrs. Ruth Stahl. Mrs. James Barnes as new mem bers. Mrs. C F. Foulon, social studies chairman. Introduced guest speak er Lyraviane Fish, who spoke on business cycles and cleverly illus trated her talk with a colorful chart depicting production and bus iness cycles for the past two hun dred years. She is a graduate ol the University of Minnesota and is now a teacher of social eco nomics at KUHS. E. Whltlatch. Hostesses for the party were Mrs. Ben Pickett und Mrs. George Pmal ev of Malln and Mrs. J. . Whltlatch, Bonanza, a former neighbor of the Cravens, AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO T can rtnt m lovely new aplnct plan rrm in K, aiano nan cam pan?, !? N. ?b, al a law month I ? rait. Arirr a reaiananic umi yon can, If yon wish, rh antra from rent ta our chaia acrecmenl. Tha rent alrradr Bald If all crtdtled la your purrhaia account and na aintr down payment la nacei try. Tha tnantblr parmtnla ran he nine nigncr in an rent, ur, 11 jmm pra- far. ysn mn cantlnna I rant. Auxiliary Plans Regular meetimz of the Snhnrlmr Fire Department Auxiliary was held Feb. 18 at the fire station. President Elsie Warren appointed a membership committee for the coming year. scheduled for Feb. 25. 8 p. m. Is a card party ln the fire station. All suburban volunteer firemen ond their wives are invited and the president asks that all mem bers attend. rrinroTi'irmxa'irBwroTinrn'ii svtvi a n n s g-rrrinrnnnni-ipo SOCIALLY CORRECT! ! Tnt-raved tnvitotiont end Announcements Ml. 05 Prr Hundred Ask For Your Copy Of "WEDDING CUSTOMS" By Evslyn Murray i rk. 7ni POMtrOffktSvpeb Y c g e e 0000008 00 0 00008 on o.o,e o o 0 8 0 " ceo o e o a o o a qnPA You'll Love Haul Bishop No-Smear Lipstick, Too! Won't Eat OfTI Wsn'l Kill Off I Won't Smior Offl No wonder Wi Amtrico'l largMt-Selling lipilickl Croomy-tmoothl 7 FloHtrlng Shadti. 11.10 9 Now Do Away With That Pale Tired Look! Amazing Liquid-Creme Rouge Adds Radiant Glow to Your Cheeks -No "Painted Look!" Just smooth drop of Hazel Bishop Complexion Clow on each cheek. This luxurious creme blends perfectly, beautifully with your skin tone . . . makes your glorious new radiance seem to come from within. Unlike "tell-tale" rouges, Hazel Bishop Complexion Glow never cakes, streaks, clogs or blotches never leaves that "painted rouge" look. Smart Boudoir Size $1.50' Handy Purse FUcon $1 CURRIN'S - for drugs 9th end Main Ph. 2-3475 You've read about the new rug cleaner in national magazines RUG CARPET Cleans rugs and wall-ta-woll carpeting, absolutely dry and ready to walk on in 15 to 30 minutes. A DRY CLEANER, Not a Shampoo OM Revives color. Fluffs crushed pile. Removes Grease and Food Soils. Dustless. Removes shoe polish, lip , stick, chewing gum, tar. Prevents colors from running. k No shrinkage. Carpets stay cleaner longer. LINOLEUM ail 7 . CARPETS ULtVy - BLINDS THE LARGESt STOCK OF QUALITY tioOl CoV&UtU 4 IN THE KLAMATH BASIN1 . 337 EAST MAIN STREET V Tr, Fnu.r . . . TELEPHONE 8495