Community Concert Association COMMUNITY CONCERTS ore attended by membert of oil oget . . . young fry and adultt Ilka ore enthotloitla petront. - The 1941- iS2 toilet It the llflooMh yeor that the otteelotlen hat brought top talent In entertainment to Klontofh f allt. Mali,, Had and. compeny, concert offering owllor thlt month, wot delightfully different fret otuol conaort faro y ' TKo Internationally famed Rulb Moll and Eugene Hoi I Of rapidly becoming o lave attraction with tltelr nlmblo end clever comic dancing. From the newtreelt lo ttaid Cornoglo Noll, tho Swltt dancert llnd conventional cuetamt to teato In gay Humbert, - ' ( Many In tho audience woro ekvleuily puttied In tho oarly port ol tho evening but o tho contort continued thoy began to got into tho spirit ol tho thing. At tho concert ond, tho dancert and Iholr eccemponlttt rocolvod boll-doeen curtain call, SOCIETY IV Milly Rcimsl y ANNETTE JACOBS (Ml), dough, lor of Mr, ond Mr. Ruby Jacobs, ond Sharon Taylor, daughter ol Mr, and Mrt, L. Ernest Taylor, "waiting lor iho program to start." PATSY PATTERSON, daughter ol Mr, and Mrt. William Palter, ion, end Geergie Plllcrolt, ton ol Ml. and Mr. George Flllcroft, 'on their woy Into "llnd Kelt bolero curtain lie.' l, V Kill 1 1 :rT;:- - J the j. c MR. AND MRS. Francis Landrum . berrying Into the Pelican Theater "just in time," LEMIRES ... all tot (or full evening ol entertainment at tho Community Concert in the Pelican Theater, lOSPJ" 'I 1 I ml - Lvf- " si" S - 1 ' M l MR. AND MRS. GEORGE W. MclNTYRE, 40? Lincoln, announce the engage ment of their daughter Marian Joan, to Samuel Wllbort Raymond, tan of Mr, and Mrt. Ray Raymond, Portland. Marian alto announced the betrothal at Stewart Hall on tho Lowli and Clark Callage eomput. She It a nenlor, majoring In elementary education, and her flonce It a graduate of OSC forettry. He it with the pertonnal department of Woyorhaeutor Timber Company. A Juno wedding It planned Photo by Gudorian. 0 . JWj w loaooMOMM ' Si' f J m4 rr'itkiimillikimm. UP TH STAIRS . . . mt 4h PlicaA thatf t vlw Hi Cmnlty Cttrt Attociatlon' tot fgr(wi Mot I nd Hori . conic piidpf wfiot xtta rtlimry fat tits dttlifot dj Hi rpmiv oud tfic Mrs. Lynn Swiv sn nJ Mrt. Lynn Kllr tw TwUlalc con-cft-9rs. VT BCFOIte CURTAIN TIME . . . Bruce BlnlWy, Leult Mann, pre el dent, ond Bruce Binkley't ton Randall . . , canning the program la ootid potion of the Mot I and Harl offering for the even ing. - . .. MLL 'J) Utl ARRIVALS ... Dr. and Mrt. William Helferd and Mr. and Mrt. John Smlfti : (real on other moment for tho Holfordt to do o little thlrtt quenching. "ooammlZoolmallr Leaving -mJ ;; v C-v V tY MRS. GEORGE E. BOSSERDET . . . who leovot Klamath PalU and many friondt to moire her borne in Bruntwicb, Georgia . . Mr. Botterdot wat recently tram foiled there with the Herculet Powder Company. Mrt. Loren Palmerton, U45 Eldorodo Avenue, recently ontartalned at a bridge.luncheon honoring Mrt. Bottardet. : MS. tOWEtl. C JONES . . . Portland ... who, with her husband wat weekend hoetegireet of Mr. and Mrt. J. Frank Adomtj 2015 Huron. They wet: entoHolserf at varleut affairt while hero. Photo, by Keillor.