1 i w 01 B ' n I I i i M si u Ft SI tat At e Pu Pi E eo) 08 XT chl rs Tot Bil Ptt 12 sa PAGE TWO mi i. mi in; ii. ii tin ii.ni n.mm . ' '." ui , y. ... . r" " '.T ,,2. KKMV H50 Kc PST Haturdny Evrninj, Feb. 33 . 0:00 Bporli Hlfhllf hti :1ft Home Town Newt M World Newt Summary t.'M ftc.ti.c ltd nor ABC (1:43 Wordi of Life ' 7:00 Mr. District Ally. ABC T:2A Music 7;.)0 Dinner, in the Green Room ABC t oo The Lone Ringer ABC fl:.M Dancing Party ABC 10:00 10 p.m Headline 30:15 Brother Art Program 10:30 Inaomla Club 11:00 Nfvi Summary 11:00 Sign Off KFKW 145 Kc PST Sunday, Feb. 24 8 00 Newa ABC 8. IS Morning Song ARC 8:30 Light and Lift Hour ABC 0:00 Calvury Echoes 8:18 Chapel In Sky dm Klarn fVtHvDa Choir ABC 10:00 Sunday News Special APC 10:15 Brunch Time ABC 10:30 National Vespers ABC 1:C0 P;eib-terlsn Church lnmi "hr.alla.n In Artla.n ABC 32:30 This Week Around the World ABC l.oo Old rasnioneo Revival 2:00 Voice o( Prophecy ABC 2:30 Greatest Story ABC 3:00 Hour of Decision ABC ' 3:30 Songs of Fallh 3:4,1 Client Star 4:00 Sings of Faith 4:15 Jimmy Fldler 4-0 Furnrnv Kave SerenaHe ABC 8:00 Step the Music ABC BOO j'.mmy Durante ABC B:15 Home Town News ' 8:"J World New Summary 6:30 Cascading Rhythms 7;C0 Paul Harvey ABC 7:15 P-temde In Blue 7:30 The Great Adventure, ABC R:00 Drew Pearson ABC 8:18 Mon. Morning Hdins ABC . L-.: 1 J-mTl" Durante ABC 8 5 Cht Huntlcv Apr ' irOO CBC Symphony Concert 10:00 10 P. M. Headlines ' 10:15 Geo. E. SokoUhy ABC 10:30 Clnegrtll Orch. ABC 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFLYV 1450 Kc rST Monday, Feb. 25 8:00 Sign On Newt Sum. 6:05 Corn In the Morn 6-45 Farm Fare ' 7:00 News. Breakfast Ed. 7:15 Charlie's Roundup 7:30 Bob Garred. News ABC 7:40 Top of the Morning 7:55 John Conte ABC 8:00 Breakfast Club ABC . 9:00 Hank Henry Show : -9:30 Break the Bank ABC 10:00 Chet Huntley News ABC - 10:15 Lone Journey ABC 10:30 My True Story ABC 10:55 Edward Arnold ABC 11-00 Betty Crocker ABC 11:15 Stop and Shop 11:30 Against Storm ABC 11:45 County Agent Speaks 11:55 Market Report 12:00 Noon Edition News lfVlS Pay less S'dewa.lt Stw 12:30 Lucky MU" Ranch ABC l:0f) Paul Harvev 1:18 Better Living 1:30 Mary Margaret McBride ABC 2:00 Basin Brfefs 3:15 Accent on Melody 2:30 Joyce Jordan, M.D. ABC 2:45 Rom Evelyn Winters ABC , 3:00 When Girl Marries ABC 3:15 Ted Malone ABC Dan Cameron AC 3:45 Mary Marlin ABC 4:00 Request! ully Yours 5:10 Fun Factory ABC 8:25 World Flight Reporter ABC 8:30 Chet Huntley ABC 6:45 Town House Orch. ABC 6:00 Sports Highlights 6:15 Home Town Newa (1:25 World News Summary Suburban Serenade 6:45 Headline Edition ABC 6:55 Coming Attractions on ABC 7.00 The Lone Ranger ABC 7:30 Henry J. Taylor ABC i 7:45 Preview of Tomorrow 8:00 Could This Be You 8:30 Phil Bovero Orch. ABC 9:00 The Bff Hand ABC 9:30 Piano Playhouse ABC 10:00 10 PM Headlines 10:15 Navy Star Time 10:30 Insomnia Club 11:00 News Summary 11:05 Sign Off KFJl 1450 Kc PST -Saturday Evening, Feb. 33 t:nn New? 6:15 Theater Quit fi-.'.'.o Assembly of God Hour 7:00 Hawaii Calls MBS 7:30 Klamath Temple 8:00 Basketball Time 8:05 Bbklbl. KUHS vs. Med ford '.. In jour tome, as on the concert stage . . , today's great piano. kyle morgan pianos "yours for o happier future through music" 1035 Main WE'LL REPAINT YOUR CAR for as little as T v. says Fay Mont gomery, our thor- I ougniy expert- enced body - man in charae of our modern Body and Paint Department. If your credit's good ... it's good with us! Anderson Auto Service : . 632 Walnut (By Pott Office) Ph. 8166 100 Ntwi UBS H IS Hiktbi. HUMS vi. Mfdford B M N.w. MBS 10:00 Barbershop Quartet Cflnttft MBS 10:30 Arthur Van Orch. MBS 11:00 Nlfht Owll Edition 11:03 Niiht Owll Club 12:00 Sim Off KFJI list Kc PST Sunday, Feb. H 0:00 Wings of Healing 8:3U 8-Min. Newa a .13 Muile 8:41 Chtldren'a Chanel 00 Radio Blblt Cla.a MBS fl:.Tu Klam. Rev. Center 9:45 Island Melodlea lO.Ou Newa MBS WIJ Murk Rogrra MBS 10:30 Lutheran Hour MBS 11:00 Frank and Ernest MBS 11:15 Show Tunea 11:20 Romance of Hlfhwaya MBS 11:43 Matter Radio Can. MBS 12 CNI Newa 12:1 Bill Cunningham MBS Vi.M At!'forc llour MBh 1:0"! Rtystenoua 1 rave or War 1:30 Under Arreat. MRS l.M Bobby Benton MBS 2:00 The Shadow MBS 2::to True De-.cctlve MtlS 3:nn Cabby Hayea MPS 3:30 Nlclc Carter MBS 3-5.1 Cecil Brown. Newa. MBS ' 4:00 Newa MBS 4:15 Mark Ronera MBS 4:30 Steamboat Jamboree 5:00 Musical Art. Council 5:30 Enchanted Hour MBS 6:00 Newa 6:13 Put Show 6:30 Youth Vlewa Newa MBS 'MX! J. J. AntWv MBS 7:30 Adven. of Caaanova MBS 8 00 Twenty Questions 8:3U Forward America MBS - 9:00 Glenn Hardy Newa MBS 9:15 Guest Star 9:30 The Whistler CBS 10:00 MGM Musical Comedy Theater MPS 11:00 Sim Off KFJI list Ke. PST " ' Monday. Feb. 25 0O Musical Reveille 6:45 Farm Reporter b:5d Local News 7:00 Hemingway Newa MBS 7:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 7:30 Headline News 7:43 Best Buys 8:00 Cecil Brown MBS 8:15 Breakfast Gang MBS 8:30 Bible Institute MBS 9:00 Homemaker Harmonica 9:15 It'a a Dog'a Life. 9:J0 Platter Party 9:45 Favorites of Yesterday 10:01 News MBS . 10:15 Tello Test MBS 10:30 L Pointes 10:45 Concert 10:50 Currins 10:55 Ken Carson MBS 11:00 Ladles Fair MBS ' 11:25 Newa MBS 11:30 Queen for a Day MBS 12:00 Name Bands 12:15 Newa Headlines 12:30 Your Dance Tunea 12:45 Music Box 12:50 Market c Livestock i2:33 Local Newa 1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS 1:30 Take a Number MBS 2:00 News. MBS 3:10 Newa MBS 2:13 Two at 2-15 2:45 Answer Man MBS 3:00 Ricky's Request 4:00 Speed Gibson 4:13 Hemingway Newa MBS 4:30 Curt Massey Tlma MBS 4:43 Sam Hayes. Newa MBS :.00 Bobby Benson MBS 5:30 Wild BUI Hickok. MBS 5:55 Newa MBS 6:00 Gabriel Heatter MBS 6:15 Quiz Show 6:30 Around Town Newa 6:45 Sam Hayes, Newa MBS 6:55 Bill Henry MBS 7:00 Woman of the Year 7:30 Bright Stir 8:00 Let George Do It MBS 8:30 Hoilywooo Theater MBS 8:00 Glenn Harty Newt MBS 9:13 Fulton Lewis Newa MBS 9:30 Mutual Newareel MBS 9:43 Music 9:55 5-Minute Final MBS 10:00 I Love a Mystery MBS 10:15 Crime Fighters MBS 10:45 Country Music ... 11:00 Nifht Owls Newi -11:05 Night Owls Club 12:00 Sign Off , ': , ,, I . Park Records Foot of Snow Crater Lake National Park re corded a one-foot snowfall over Bight last night, and total snow depth at the park headquarters this morning registered 200 Inches, state police reported. Rain was reported falling in tbe park this morning, "however. Highway 62, the route to the park from Klamath Falls, was reported open today but chains are required. The Annie Springs to the Rim road was temporarily closed' this morn ing, but was expected to be open this afternoon or early tomorrow. Warner Canyon Skiing Okay Warner Canyon skiing should be excellent this weekend. Fremont Forest Supervisor John McDonald has"reported: A 12-inch powdered snowfall cov ers the ski area, he said, and the tow is scheduled to operate today and tomorrow. Night skiing, under high-candle-power floods, is scheduled for 7:30 to 10:30 tonight. In the Andes ranees of South America live the lamoids. a branch of the camel family. r. tC , f j I WORK 15 rilADlUTCCn Tiiimnii i i Let us "manicure" the dents and scratches your car's . picked up this winter. Free estimates cheer fully given! TU CAPT. WALTER C. VAN EM0N JR. USAF, arrived in San Francisco recently on the USS David .C. Shanks after two years at Anderson Air Force Base, Guam as command ing officer Wing Hdqtrs. 19th Bomber Wing. His 10 years in the service included flying B-17s in Italy and C-54s m the Berlin Airlift. After a short stay with his aunt. Nora Rinker, he left for Westover Air Force Base, Chicopee Falls, Mass., for duty with Military Air Transport Service, 1600th Air Transport Wing.- His wife, who was with him most of the time on Guam, was not able to come to Klam ath Falls, but accompanied him from San Francisco east. Columbia Has Novel Guard Against Kicks of Censors By ERSKINE JOHNSON HOLLYWOOD. tNEA) Exclu sively Yours: Rita Hayworth's tip py Btgnt cluo dance for "Affair in Trindad" was filmed twice. If the censors scream about any part of the first version. Columbia will insert projection shots filmed with dinerent lighting; and a longer ca mera sens. Joan Fontaine and ex-hubbv Wil liam Dozer are headed for court room fireworks unless attorneys can make an out-of-court settle ment. Joan claims Dozier owes her a big hunk of dough for Income taxes which she paid for him dur ing their marriage. Tony Martin's dream of Jane Russell as his warbling companion in "A Song Forever" died a-born-ing. Howard Hughes nixed the idea of giving Jane an operatic voice -via the dubbing track. Bud Abbott and Lou Costello are shelving their own names for the first time in their careers for their roles in "Abbott and Costello Meet Capt. Kldd." Lou plays Oliver Foth ergill and Bud is Rocky Stone bridge, a couple of nth Century tavern keepers. Lou's famous yell. "Hey Abbott." will come out, "Hey Stonebridge." Charles Laughton plays Capt. Kidd and he's saying: "It's a Mack Sennett custard-pie version of Capt. Bligh." Lucille Ball will switch back to the big-screen medium for one mo vie this summer, after completing her 39th "I Love Lucy" TV film with Deal Arnaz. She has several offers and says, "I still don't know which role I'll accept. ' How are Lucille and Desi stand ing up under the strain of making a half-hour movie every week?: Lucille: "We love it. We're just a lttle bit unconscious." Desi: "I looked in a mirror the other day and suddenly realized 1 hadn't shaved for four days." Judy Garland's yelling "Murder" She just got a bill for $15,000 from the New York medico who helped her shed 20 pounds. . .Oilman Bob Neal's pre-marriage gifts to Liz Dailey, ex-wife of Dan: A Cadillac, a yacht, a sapphire, and a diamond engagement ring . . . Opera star Robert Merrill's the new owner of a Tucson, Ariz., ranch . . , Actor Bob Arthur, who once got around with Wanda Hendix, is now getting around with Terry Moore. There's a true-life parallel to Fox's "Dream Boat," which has Clifton Webb playing a college pro fessor whose silent movie lover role comes back to haunt him on TV. Screenwriter Frank Butler who won an Oscar for "Going My Way," is currently being embarrassed by TV showings of a silent film series titled "The Sap Family." Butler played an Idiot comedian I For the first time since I can re member, two rival ' studios are beating the same publicity drums for an Oscar for the same actress. She's Shelley Winters of UI, who made "A Place In the Sun" on loanout to Paramount. Spring Byington is telling it on UI's "Almost Married" set that she's almost completed the manu script of her first book, "How to Be a Grandmother." It's a wonder Jonn Bennett or Marlene Dietrich didn't beat her to it. The censor-scissoring on the Alan Ladd-Deborah Kerr starrer, "Thun der In The East has director Charles Vldor goaning. Objections fom the British and Indian gov ernment forced Paramount to do the snipping. . 7" . KLAMATH 'ALL. OftfaOM mm awr AMERICAN CHINESE ' FMth rh( kat! Mi. 4H Far Orn T Taka 0t . Btn B. Let, Mgr. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH Joan Caulfleld and Frank Ross, the acting-producing team, are snubbing their noses at the proph ets of doom for mixing matrimony and professions. Their second film Shapely Zsa Zsa Gabor will dls- Rhnrwlv as 7n r.ahnf u-lll HI. robe as a magician's assistant in mum s "Mil. Nope. It s not the life story of Llli St. Cyr. Funny-grim is the word for the scene in "War of the Worlds' In which Bill Phipps and two other ac tors walk up to a space ship con taining Martians and say, "Wel come to Calfornla.' The Martians reply by disintegrating the friend ly chaps. Cameron Mitchell, who put life into "Death of a Salesman' with his wolfish son role, is claiming the screen's "worst heel" title for his part in "The Outcasts of Poker Flat.' "And what makes It really god,' he's beaming. "Is that there's no psychological explanation in the fin al reel for the guy's actions. He's just a born heel." Ski Races Date Set LAKEVIEW A triple-race ski meet has been scheduled for the Warner Canyon Ski Area March 1 and 2 under sponsorship of the Fre mont Highlanders, with a five-man ski team from the University of Oregon scheduled to participate. Races will include downhill, sla lom and combined downhill slalom. Chairman Don Peters announced substantial prizes would be offered winners of top three positions in each race. Peters emphasized that skiers from the Klamath Falls, Tulelake and Medford areas are espically invited to participate in the meet, one of the first in this part of the country in some time. Entry fees are 2. Peters said persons wishing to enter should contact him in Lake view before Thursday. Accompanying the University team will be Coach Gene Harlow and University of Oregon Director of Athletics Leo Harris. Dimes Reports Still Come In Reports on contributions for the annual March of Dimes Campaign turned Into Alice Vitus, drive chair man Include; Bonanza, $156.24, Clayton Sharpe, chairman: Fort Klamath, $116.33, Mrs. Patricia Hescock, chairman; Keno, $101.62, Mrs. Nellie Mason, chairman. Weyerhaueser Camp No. 4, $19. 68; Chemult, Mrs. Hope Bradcr, chairman, $21.34; Harriman, Ore, Mrs. Olive Johnson, chairman, $5; Klamath Agency, $12.13; Gilchrist, Mr. Rochek, chairman, $116.69. Whodunit Author Changes Pace . NEWBUROH. N.Y. I Mys tery author Mickey Spillane says he will write no more about slay ing and sex, but will devote him self to "preaching the establish ment of the Kingdom of God." The popular author said Friday he has "become one of Jehovah's Witnesses" and that any writing he does from now on will be in line with these beliefs. Spillane, who lives near here with his family, is the author of such fast-moving books as "I, The Jury," "My Oun is Quick" and "The Big Kill." TOURIST DOLLARS EYED LONDON liTI Plans to crown Queen Elizabeth In late August or early September In time to lure an extra million tourist dollars this season are being Considered by the British court, the Daily Ex press said Saturday, HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND IUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern llr. and Mrs. J. E. Earlcy and Joe Earley Proprietors- FALli. OREGON Famed Ghosts to B j Ousted As Greenwich Hotel Razed Uy DAVID O. IIMtl l'TIIKU Al Krai Katute Kdltur - NEW YOltK Many famous Kilos are about to be evicted In Now York's old Greenwich Village. Till historic Hotel Brevoorl, for mom. I linn a century gathering place of liuci'iinttonitl relebrltles, will soon be torn down. Along with It will go Mark INvuln's former homt and several filjotnlng , old houses to inn It o way for a furge luxury-type apartment building in lower Filth Avenue near the Wash ingtoo Arch. Tho Brcvoort's picturesque side, walk enfe has been a familiar laud- laaatV, r - ' , ' 5- iStx.-itii MRS. HOWARD STRODE (above) has been appointed secretary of the Oregon State Nurses Association. The appointment was made at a Directors meeting in Portland earlier this month. Mrs. Strode had served on the State Board for five years. She is school nurse at Klamath Union High School. Enforcement Lax -Rotary Members of the Rotarv Club ap parently think law enlorcemrnt In ihe Klamath area leaves a lot "to oe desired. At Friday's meeting, advance miestlons posed for next week's KFLW radio forum, which will deal with law enlorcement. were put to members of the club, with Uie results: A uniform bail and fine sched ule fo Inferior courts yes 40. no ?5; chaiiRe in law to allow officers to make accident arrests on phy sical faots and statements yes 42, no 26; are beer, clgaret vendors obeying salo-to-Juvenllc laws yes 18. no 40; civil service rights for all nollce. including chief ves 30 no 34; prosecution in inferior courts of teenage traffic offendors yes 62, no 13: holding parents legally respoaslble for luvenlle law violations yes 42. no 18; extension lo state and local government ol Indian Jurisdiction yes 53. no 7: six-months probation and training lor- new police officers ve 81. no 0; recognition of police power of tne individual yes J. no 53; Is stnff of 26 officers adequate for Klamath Falls yes 46. no 13; strict enforcement of all laws, in cluding gambling yes 58. no 6: does graft and corruption exist here yes 40, no 16. George Martin, local United Air Lines manager, was program chairman and discussed the de pendability of air travel, showing a movie made by his company dealing with that subject. Inflation Is Voter Topic Inflation will be the topic of dis cussion at next Wednesday s meet jing of the League of Women Vot ers, and a panel has been ar ranged to approach the subject irom various angles. The , luncheon meeting will be he-Id at the Pelican part room, starting at 12:45 p.m. iMembers of the panel vlll be C. D. Long, AFL union leader; Frank Tucker, representing busi ness and Industry; E. E. KllpaU rick, representing agriculture; Al tha Urauhart. representing nubile' welfare: Ed Gowen. representing government; and Elsa KuecK, rep resenting consumers. The meeting is open to the nub ile and tho.'e wantlna reservation for the luncheon are asked to call 1 Mrs. George Lewis, 2-1839, or Mrs. Meta Lewis, .8305. Airplane Bests Kite in Battle ALBUQUERQUE 11 ' There was a minor air battle over 'Albu querque Friday. James Harrell and Lewis Klrby were flying a kite when an air plane swooped low. After several dives, the plane succeeded In sev ering the 1,000 feet of string at tached to the five-foot box kite. sfirilanrl Air nree Base officials are looking for the pilot of the plane. Harrell ana liiroy are 100 Ing for their kite. ' Lt. Col. Mushen Back from Korea Lt. Col. Robert L. Mushen, who was In Korea almost a year and a hslf with the Army Engineers, returned to the United States Thursday, arriving in San Fran cisco aboard the SS Aiken Victory. H ic dm son of Mrs. S. A. Mushen, 505 Alameda, and brother of Sam Mushen, Klamath r'ais. lie Is at present spending a leave with his wife and two children at San Mateo. HANDY BULLDOZER GREELV, Nebr. IB A construc tion rnmrinnVH truck stalled on a ..fVaa, 1 hill near Oreeleybut not for long. Workmen unloaded the truck and used the load to push the trtss. "over the hill. The "load was a I bulldozer. ' mark to tourists who (or years rode Ihe upper decks of Fifth Ave nue a buses and lately have been riding under the gluts lops of rub-ber-nw.k- buses. Although the building hns been cloned us a hotel al'.ico 111411, be cau;o of the lira laws, Its bull room, lestnurniit and aldrwulk cul have remained In oiierutloii. The tipper stories have been re served for ghosts of which the llrevoort eeuis to liavo hud a ao cinl lion's share, I'KKSIIM'iNTS For generations this hold en jo)l tne repuinllou of being unr place In New York whrra a liiuiul .' piotiuoer coultl recruit a com plete cast lor h play w here a niib- , iiMicr could enlist a stall lor a I newspaper or mngaiiio at aliuu.il any tune. Opened In 1845 as one of the llne.it hosteiries 111 old New York. Ihe Brevoorl kepi a legisicr thui reiuls like a "Who'a Who" of lilt' world. Presidents Lincoln, Garfield and Arthur signed in as gursl, Lmimi, Hie dowager queen of tho Sand wich Islandsnow known as Hn wan Inscribed her name In thai fabulous book. Jerome Boimpurie, the Marquess ol Quecnsbury. the Duke of Marlborough, Hie Eurl ol Lonsdale. Prince Ucoige of Greece were among others who lell their ituiogtaphs. The Brovoort was always noted for us cuisine. Early In the 2ilih Century. Raymond Ortelg, popular nosi ana wit, took over the pro prietorship and Introduced authen tic French cooking with Imported chefs. Orielg was the man who In 1010 set up a $-'6,000 prlre for Ihe flr.il non-siop ingnt irom New York to his beloved Paris. That was Ihe prise collected Just 33 years ago uy unnries A. i.uuiuergn. ATTRACTr.l) FAMOUS Ortelg popularized the Brevoorl as a meeting place for artists, actors, writers and thinkers of the new 30th Century. His basement dining room attracted Eugene O'Neill In his fledgling days, lna- adora Duncan, Theodore Dreiser, Lincoln Steffons. Edna St. Vincent Mlllay, Jo Davidson John Sloan. Mabel Dodge, John Reed, Sinclair Lewis and many others who left meir mark on the era. One of the biggest social affairs remembered was a dinner party given by Annie Oakley, the crock snot circus periormer, wnose name Is perpetuated in all free tickets marked by their three bullet holes. Just north of the Brevoorl, the old Mark Twain homo Is one ol 10 smaller buildings which will be razed for the new project. This was where Samuel demons lived from 1904 to 1008 and where he completed his book "Adam's Diary.' The house had been built about 110 years ago by James Renwick. whoie friend Washington Irving often visited there. Although this house was convert ed Into apartments in 1925. a bronre tablet, unveiled by the Greenwich Village Historical Society, com memorates its tenancy by Irving and Twain. I'Nl'Sl'AL DEAL The structures to take the plare of the Brevoorl and Mark Twain house will be erected by Sain Mltuskoff I: Sons, Inc., one of the largest apartment building organ izations 111 new York, me lirm has built more than tl50 million worth of luxury, apartments and hotels In 25 years. An odd feature about the deal Is that the properly has not been sold, but leased for 105 years. This is because It forms part of the old farm of Robert Richard Ran dall, a retired sea captain, who stipulated In his will 111 1801 that the land would never be sold; Randall left his farm, which orig inally had been the Henry Brevoorl Sailors' Snug Harbor. He wanted a home for "aged, decrepit and z oinswoiHGfcyMWy,0? the ymr al'. L7firu ucu Vnd WOMEN WENT WRONG Z " 3v THEY nt ar. an. "ir... ru -' a. Wm irm-Sii.-sua. . rtl'l"." "POPEYE" Caita". NEW The battle, of Texas... " and the battle of the sexes! 7 w via rw !.rm m . m r . lB'M4-5.l"aTT l 1 1 1 I ONKOLOU 1 iVi'i i I 1 I LVl3JXBLiL ...VJPatT - av IIONH '"Saiv, iintfriiT mrftt n.i i uunur ,.,VINUNI bHlHMAK WA N bH I a "Tt worn-out anllors" lu be erected "upon some ellglblo pari" of his num. fix. at f I Ml- n.kiwlllll lllfll 111 trustees ol his eslalo bei'iiine'run- vinceti nun tne town 01 new mis would grow northward on Mniihul- tnn Island and would require streets to be cut through Ihn litrni. Ihi'V oblulued permission Iriiiu the .itulo legislature, to loi'iite the awtU FOR AMERICA'S lAUGHTtAMl E J 0fiWtS in rni m 111 11 1 ' 'r:li SATIRDAV AND SUNDAY - IJox Office Ojpens 12.30 "DRUMJIH WENT U So sck Sir WENDEIL COREY -'. SK lit A I ... WAL tHH tin uirmmf, ri,HiuiKV 2, inna ors- home on Btiilen Island over looking New York Hay, and to V tiro Incoino from Hiintlalls li'iji'i In support Ilia liisllltitlnii. Sailors' Hnug Harbor atlll owns and administers 16 acres ol val uable properly In Ihe heart of New York bordering 'Washington Square Home liua been leased to New York Unlvrrallv and olher purcels lor new apniiinciH projects. r.rl' 'v-.., !.V. CONTIMIDI'K , SHOWS AT 12:30 - 2:j flit DfcfcP SOUTH" Pirn "OUTLAW COLO' SUNDiy-MOVDlY STAN i-Mi l-AST COMPLETE SHOW AT MIIIMOI T OI'I'N AT U::io .1 r. . MfWiaatw, "A woman like you isn't going to kiss more than one man like this!" su