PAGE TWELVE HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, FF.nRUARY 23, 111.13 CLASSIFIED RATES On day , i , per word if ThrM Dayi per word lie Week run , , per word 30c Month run .. per word 65c MINIMUM The minimum charge for any one d is 60C. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ad may be handled through box numbers at the paper lor a service cnarge or aac, DEADLINES Classified ads accepted up to 6:30 pjn. for following day'! publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon for following day's pub lication. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE Or HEARING Of FINAL ACCOUNT Nottct 1b hereby given that the under Igned has filed his Final Account, ai the Executor of the Ehtate of Sam A. Zola, deceaied, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon, for Klamath County, and that B. J. Goddard, Diitrict Judge Pro tern In the absence of David R. Vandenberg, Circuit Judge, of Mid Court, and M. A. Carter. District Judge, has set Monday, the 17th day of March. 18.12. at 10 o'clock a. m., as the time, and the Circuit Court Room In the Court House, at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the place, for hearing objections. If any, to said final account, and the settlement there of. Dated this 15th day of February, PETER P. KATCHIS Executor of said Estate r 18-33-M 1-8 No. 895 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That 1 have filed my Final Account as admin istrator with will annexed of the Estate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON. also known as MRS. OLIVE M. ANDER SON, deceased, and the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore Ron. for Klamath County, has fixed Mon day, the 17th day of March, 1952. and the Courtroom of said Court in the Courthouse at Klamath Falls, Oregon, as the time and place when and where any person may present any objections or exceptions to anything therein con tained, and at said time and place the Court will finally settle said account. L. ORTH SISEMORE, Administra tor with will annexed of the Es tate of ELLA MAY ANDERSON, also known as MRS. OLIVE M. ANDERSON, deceased. 18-23 M 1-8 No. 896 EQUITY NO. 10.086 NOTICE OF SALE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF PORTLAND, a national banking asso ciation. Plaintiff, KENNETH R. WIENER, record owner; P. R. KRUGER: PAUL W. SHARP. F. C. ADAMS. FRANK WATERS JOHNSON, ROBERT L MUELLER, A. IVAN THOMPSON AND RICHARD L. -CURRIN, copartners, doing business as Klamath Medical Clinic: OWEN'S ADJUSTMENT SERVICE, INCORPOR ATED, an Oregon corporation; DALE WEST. L. LYON AND C. E. SHARP, co-partners, doing business as Sharp Grain Company: and CARL L, CHAM BERS. ROBERT D. MacLEAN and RAY SMITH, as members of and con stituting the State Tax Commission of the State of Oregon, Defendants. By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause, to me directed and dated the 7th day of February. 1952, upon a judgment rendered and , entered in said Court on the 7th day of February. 1952. in favor of Plaintiff The First National Bank of Portland, a national banking association, and also in favor of defendant P. R. , Kruger, the defendants Paul W. Sharp, I F. C. Adams. Frank Waters Johnson, Robert L. Mueller, A. Ivan Thompson and Richard I. Currin, copartners, doing business as Klamath Medical i Clinic, the defendants Dale West, L. Lvon and C. E. Sharp, copartners, doing business as Sharp Grain Com pany, and against the defendant Ken- netn n. w izncr, ior uit iouo wing sums: 1. The following sums, with interest at the following rates and from the louowing nates: Amount Interest Date from Which Rate Interest Runs 41 per annum Mar. 1. 1949 59.56 40.00 12.50 395.00 4.607.18 37.99 78.61 48.25 -17.50 35.05 36.25 63.68 8 " Aug. 10 1951 8 " " Aug. 2. 1951 None Aug. 2, 1951 8"V per Annum Dec. 8. 1950 None per annum May 27, 1949 Teb. 25. 1950 May 15. 1950 Nov. 18. 1950 8 8"r 8r Feb. 23. 1951 April 24. 1951 375.00 None Plus the costs and disbursements In curred by the olalntiff. taxed and allowed in the sum of $57.18. all of the same being due to the plain . tiff in accordance with the aaid de cree; ana ft. The further sum of $342.00. dIus In terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 12th day of December. 1949. together with the sum of $19.76, plus the costs and msDursemenu incurred By the de fendants Paul W. Sharp. F. C Adams. Frank Waters Johnson. Rob ert L. Mueller, As Ivan Thompson and Richard L. Currin. copartners doing business as Klamath Medical Clinic, taxed and allowed In the sum of $26.25. all of the same being due to the said defendants in ac cordance with the said decree; and 9. The further sum of $1,650.00. plus interest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum from November 23. 1949, together with the sum of $160.30, and plus the costs and dis bursements of the defendant P. R. Kruger incurred, taxed and allowed in the sum of $31.13. all of the same being due to the said defendant In accordance witn tne saia decree; and 4. The further sum of $603.00. nlui in- terest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from Mav 19. 1950. together with the sum of $19.76. plus the costs and disbursements of the defendants Dale West, u. Lyon and C. E. Sharp, copartners, doing busi ness as Sharp Grain Company, taxed and allowed In the mim of sot h all of the same being due to the said defendants in accordance with tne saia decree and I Together with Interest on the ag gregate of said sums at the rate of o per cent per annum from the 7th day of February, 1952, and the costs oi ana upon said writ of exe cution; commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, situ ated In the County of Klamath, State di uregon, to-wii: The Northeast Quarter of the South' east -Quarter 'NESEVi) and the sown nan oi tne south half iS'iS1?, of section 1. Township 41 Soutn, Range 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, and the North half of the Northwest Quarter N'jNWV, of section 12, Townshio 41 South. Range 12 East of the Willamette Meridian, subject to all easements and rights oi wy fi recoru or apparent on the land, and subject to future as. aessmenta for irrigation, drainage una jfeciRmaiion purposes. NOW THEREFORE; by virtue of aald execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on the 8th day of March, 1952, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., nt the front door of the Klamath County Court House, in the City of Klamath Falls, County of Klam ath. State of Oregon, sell at public auction (subject to redemption i, to the nignesi oiaaer ior casn in nana, all the right, title and interest which the defendants and each and all of them in the above entitled suit had on the any aay oi May, 1947, the date of the pla Id tiff's first mortgage herein fore closed, or since that date have had in ana to the above described nroo- erty or any part thereof, to satisfy aald execution, Judgment order and decree, interest costs and accruing coats. DATED February 7. 1952 FIRST publication, February 9, 1952 LAST publication, March 1, 1932 J. M. HK1JTUN Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon F-e M-l No. 888 NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Or , THL STATE OF OREGON FOR KLAMATH COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of LAURA A. CRAWFORD, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that I have been appointed administratrix of the state of Laura A. Crawford, deceased. All persona having claims against said state are required to present them to ma with proper vouchers, at the office jf Canon & Ganong, 724 Main Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six months from February 9, 1952, which Is data of first publication of this Mtlca. Ann H. Prock, Administratrix 3anonf A Ganong Attorneys for Administratrix '-p-ia-M M-I No. 8e ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all ciaima lor adjust ment! without delay. Oorrectioru or cancellation! re ceived by 6:30 p.m will be made In followinff dny'e publication FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home M? High Street Phone 333 1 MEETING NOTICES Klamath Lod&e No. 77 A.P. and A.M. will hold a 8tatd meetlntt Mon day, Feb. 35. 8 p.m. "Pnst Musters Night" 'j UKTC Will UC uiimrt JtT at. fi:Ul srrvi bv Job's Dnushters. Visiting brethren invited. DALE BEBBER Worshipful Master 4 GENERAL NOTICES . CHARLES M. DOUOLAS BARBER SHOP IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE HE IS NOW LOCATED AT THE BIQ Y LAKEVIEW-MERRILL JUNC. Welcome Old & New Customers LOST, Wednesday near 7th nd Mln. ladles billfold. Finder oil 7675 or 6863, Mrs. Hall. WILL the boy who took new ireen Jacket from YMCA after ichool Tues day please return It to YMCA? NEW SHOE Shop. We wish to advise our old customers, of many years, that we are in business again and ex tend an Invitation to all to see our new equipment and have the best in ladies, men's and children's shoe re pairs. Stuart's Shoe Shop. 1033 Main. PERSONALS DRIVING to Oklahoma March 1st. will take four. Write Box 985. Merrill. Ore. WASHINGTON Beauty Shop. Evening appointments. Phone 3632, 1018 Washing ton ORDER your Spencer garment before selecting your spring wardrobe. Phone 7152. S1ANLEY Home Products. Phone 6600. 10 SERVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don t want. This Is the kind of service we are offering . . , why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Palls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3386 EXCAVATING MobU Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Pill Dirt lopsoil Crushed Rock Driveway Ctnden Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 5341 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newe Santtarj Method, Also 0 ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Swer Lines of Roots. Etc ED P KINO 8434 Orcharrl Phone 8841 FOR TUNEFUL, TONE-RICH MUSIC let Wm. Morgan tune your piano or organ. Our highly skilled tuning-master put, new life Into your instrument and !e.w.vliall,y "T Playing. Phone 2-200. Kyle Morgan Pianos. DOCTORS WAITRESSES NUR SES BEAUTICIANS. HOOVER NY LON UNIFORMS. PHONE 2-2680. - SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tank, and drain fielda Installed. Orville Muigrave. phone 3070. , REPAIR SERVICE On waihers, radio, and outboard mo tors. MONTGOMERY WARDS thand Pine Phone 3188 PA'NTING and paperhanglng Phone JRIPP S AUTO painting, body and fen der work Phone 4040 ELECTRIC wiring, work by hour or contract. Phone 2-1010. J L DEAN Public Accountant anr Auditor Office at 30 No 7th - Phone 34r. ALTERATIONS on men u, women'!, children's clothing Jennie Hare. Seam, tress Anlta'g. 707 Main. FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or 3677. FOR TREE TRIMMING rnone z-n:iss INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment Phone 2-0251. Harvey BL'nham. CURTAINS laundt-ed Phone 4914 and stretched 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing kin dreo subjects, office machines KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 733 Pine Phone 47u 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic exercises for women. Spot reducing featured. Phone 3G63 5506. U HELP WANTED, FEMALE YOUNG woman wanted to learn tele type Must be good typist. Apply at Herald and News. Mr. Smith. HOUSEKEEPER Phone 3961. in mother-less home. MIDDLE-AGED woman to work on ranch as cook and housekeeper. Mod ern home, good wages, permanent lob. Anyone interested please write to Mrs. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for payroll and Her era I office work. Good tteadv East t ion. Apply after 4 p.m. Cascade aundry and Cleaners WANTED, housekeeper to live In. with good references. Five in the family. Good wages Phone 3715. 16 HELP WANTED, MALT HELL MAN. da shift, experience pre ferred but we will train man possess ing eood miaHf frAtinn. Kfn.i k and appearance cheerful and enjov dealing with the public. Apply In per- fn k-, iTir. nimroa, winara Hotel. FULL time salesman with goad cur to sell Red Comet Automatic Fire Extln guJxhers In Klamath County rural areas. Nationally advertiMri in StinrHiv ru.. nlng Post, Colliers and Country Gentle- min. Aoove average commissions. Write L. C. Rood DUtrlhiitni- P ft nn 5112. Portland 16, Oregon. WANTED, sober deoeni-tahl man ahi. to do apartment house or building main- .Ei.nrivc. .-iiKMi pi uniting, eicciricai ana painting repairs, some janitorial work. Steady emolovment. Writ nhnn. number, experience to Herald and News Box 26. MAN to earn $90 week up. Long needed Invention. Advertised Saturday Evening Post. Country Gentlemen. Prospects ev erywhere. Full, part time. Exclusive. No Investment, free samples. Write Red Comet. Inc.. Dent. fiH.H r.ttti.nn Colorado. RARER THAN Vflll THTMir The opportunity to make 7,500 the first year and up to 10,000 your second. Many men with exceptional selling abil ity never get the chance. We have that kind of an oDoortunitv for a man with direct selling experience. Our mainten ance products are necessities, vet n different from other maintenance mat erial that our men have no competition. Warehouses on West Coast. No short ages. If you are between 30 inn no. have car and can start work Immediate ly, writa Colonial Refining and Chem ical Co.. National Broadcasting Build- in, uieveiana 14, umo. U HHP WANTED, MALI SALESMAN, roofing, tiding, inc. Tiv illation. il00 week and mom pons. hit. 410 Ad unit. Phone flldl. S AT.F S M A N wanted t o" f fa Vl , ar i Vng athletic equipment. Call In person. The Gii n Store. CoOiRFf) lady wants' House vorli"by hour. Phone 2-309?. YOlTNCJ male nurse" week! Private caiea. Phone HOUR WTK.Pl,on S-MIG. CARPENTER WORK wanted Repair spec laity. Jim Alexander. 3130 Tunnel St. Phone 0.103. BABY fitting Phone 2-0373. WILL care for children In mv horn days or rour home evenings Call 1-1543. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT hooMS (or rent, clean. Close tn" Phone 2-92A8. HOP MS. prices reasonable Phore UST. LO V ELYrooms for rent M47 I week Cuwe in. Phone U3. FRONT room for rent. Greer Apart ments TIP Main. B 0 A .mreaona ble.Phone2fl4. NICE, heated rooms. MS Pacific Ter- kOOMSJKW High 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT ONE room apartment. Gas equipped Newly remodeled. $37.30, Includes water and Jght.7jUWalnul. FOR KENT, "furnished apartment. See at 3201 Orchard. TWO "ROOMS Vumpictcfy furnished cept groceries. 1143 Pine. l'ir Un.MSriKD ihrcc room duplex, ga- rage. $43.30. Phone 2-.TAH7. FOR RENT three "room furnished apart ment. Adults only. 2137 Orchard, tn qulre 2037 Radctiffe. H'KNiSHED atMrtmcnt. Heat and wa ter Included. $43. 415 Walnut. Phone 81 n. FOR RENT, furnished apartment tf working girl. Utilities furnished. I've of automatic washer and drer. 3' blocks from 7th and Main. Phone 7242 or call at 426 N. 7th LARGE modern furnished"" team-heated apartment. Adults. 213 Cedar. FURNISHED apartment for rent $30. per month. Inquire at 443 Market. Apt. FOR RENT. three room ftirni.hed apartment with garage. 2009 Da r row. Phone iKW. NICE clean apartment. Gas equipped. Refrigerator. Couple preferred. Villa Marquise. Inquire 1334 Oak. FUR NISHED three room a part me lit $32 30: two room unit $33; all utilities included. 419 N. Tenth. MODERN furnished for cou ple. Close in on 9th St. S56. Lights and water included. Phone 443a or J46a. FOR RENT, neat, furnished apartment. rnone anw after e p.m. FOR RENT 3-rom apartment, fur nished. Adults. 'J3A Brood. M'-.N'Sit u thne rtKin apartment suitable for business couple. Alpha Apartments.7th and Pine. Phone 4322. TWO room furnished apartment. Lights and water. W25 Walnut. LARGE furnished apartment, heated. aquhs. nose in. fnone 17. FOR RENT, small furnished apartment. Suitable for couple. 2919 Summers Lane. SMALL, unfurnished apartment. Located on HnmcrfMi Farf. Ariu't RiT7 STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room. 628 Oak SL FURNISHED apartment for rent. Aparimem i. zoo Market. MODERN 3-'v"n aartm'nt. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main SMALL clean apartment. Electrically THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2061 ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment chenette Steam heat electric ran 1Q week Rex Arms Apartment f'OR RENT furoUhed apartr-ent In ouire 51B Hih 26 HOUSES FOR RENT i'm the talk of the taxed Tax paying folks rave about me at this time of year. They call me the silver lining behind the cloud . . . That's because as a Classified ad I help them make up the dough the tax collector took. And yes, I have many ways of doing it. Through me you make money by renting vacancies. You also turn un-needed belongings into cash through my For Sale column, and you find a Juicy Job through my Help Wanted. See? it's easy! Just phone 8111 herald & news TWO BEDROOM house. itoTS fur oee at zjo Hevada. THREE bedroom home, furnished. New ly remodeled. Quiet, responsible adult ... iif r iMiiwit;, oj per mo. . wwiuiuiBiitMj nouse. jkkj. 7617 unde" three. No pets. Phone KDtrn rm . l"1. : rrr- LARGE furnished cabin. Route 3. Box R LEASE, three bedroom house, one """i ouin. rnone ow.i FURNISHED three room modern house. Refrigerator, electric range, electric tank, washer, oil heater. Very close in. SMALL cabins for rent. Wood heat. In- FOR RENT, two bedroom furnished w per monin. 14H Wilford. FOR RENT, two bedroom house, one bedroom apartment, both nicely i fur- FOR RENT, one bedroom house partly .ui niancu. urcnara Vna de-m-t . i -Zl . "IU" new two room cottage. Electric heat Inquire 1756 ton RENT, two bedroom home. Large rooms and closets, picture windows, fireplace automatic oil piped furnace. Full basement with two car garage, laundry, workshop, large rumpus room with fireplace. Year lease and option VFDV .4, . t ji a j 07.50 Includes heat, water, washing machine, garage. Couple only. Phone FOR RENT, one bedroom unfurnished duplex with fireplace. Garage, close In. Phone 8285 after 0 p.m. or Sat. and Sun. FOR RENT, unfurnished duplex. Heat, iiui una coia waier jurnisnea. S7. call 3790. FIVE ROOM modern house, two 2- room cabins. In Stewart-Lennox. Phone Jii4 aner six. FOR RENT, unusually attractive small one bedroom home cnmnletelv fnrnUhrrf Including drapes, curtains, wall to wall carpet, basement, garage, nice yard. Close to Roosevelt and KUHS. S55. per monin. pnone 7579. DUPLEX for rent. 1212 Homedale. HOUSEKEEPING cabins. Close in. Phone 3236. TWO bedroom furnished house for rent. aouiu only. Phone 8327, 'lllltKE room lurnisnea house for rent. "hone 4733. Uiw URNlSHED four roam dunlcx. Ex cept for stoves. 150. Call 3027 before 9 o.m. 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save tt New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main Phone 8304 GARAGE for rent, Inquire Ptggly Wlg- ,,y. rnone nai, OFFICE tor rent 623 Main. Phone 71H1. FOR RENT fioor Sanders latest tvoe eoulpment Suburban Lumber Co .11th and Walnut Phone 7709 CAR STORAGE HEATED, day week or month. Earl Lamb, phone 4673 or 7'l 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SUBURBAN Lovely two br1room homr In St. Francis Park. Electric heat, fpnrrd yard. Some furnishing.. $870. A Rod buy In a modern three bed room on Honiedale Road. acre. tsooo. HOMES IN TOWN Well kept two bedroom home in Hot Springs. Fireplace, good base ment. Fenced yard. J8750. Two bedroom home. Basemen, double garage. Owner leaving city and must sell. $3500. Neat three room home. Close In. $3850. $500 down. BEARD AGENCY REALTORS ami INSURANCE 1020 Mailt Ph. 2-3471, 4880. 4734 CHELSEA ADDITION Here's the "Buy of the Week." Very well built home with three comfortnblr bedrooms. Larue liv ing room with view of the lake. Modern. Good gamse and lots o( storage room. Located on two lots, all fenced mid lots of ' ' '" trees. You can buy all this for SI.VX). MILLS ADDITION . Neat as a pin and built for com fortable living. Two lovely tool rooms, dining room, kitchen, and living room with hardwood floors. ELECTRIC HEAT ill every room. Beautifully landscaped lot with lots of shrubs and flowers. Attarhrd garage, concrete floor and dnve wav. See this today, for only S8500. NORTH SIDE Here's a chance to buy a home that will pay for it.self. Four blocks from Main Street, located on a level street. Three bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first floor. Full fin ished basement. Garage. Income apartment on secoivi floor with outside entrance. Newly decorated. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYL0CK Phone 3-3545 6446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to 15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, Slate and Countv land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG Pacific Lanis 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28. Calif. 60 ACRES AU under gravity Irrigation. 16 planted to new Alsike Clover and permanent pasture. Low water rate. Fenced. Improvements Include two bedroom modern home, small barn, garage, woodshed, chicken house and other buildings. Nice location. Full price. $13,500. Terms $7,000 down, balance $1000 per year at interest. 142 ACRES Cow set-up. 81 acres under gravity irrigation, 23 acres In alfalfa, 50 acres in permanent pasture. Low water rate. Fenced. Improvements include two bedroom home, other buildings. Paved road. ALSO INCLUDES 800 acres deeded grazing land. 400 additional Taylor grazing. 100 acres dry farming, 80 to 100 acres can be farmed. 40 acres planted to Utah winter barley. Plenty of wet weather springs, one year around spring, two wells. This additional acreage can run 100 units. Full asking price including above 142 acres only $23,500. Terms $12,000 down, balance made easy on buyer. CHAS. A. BOLESTA Phone Merrill 8501 MILLS Two bedroom, living room, fire place, dining room, kitchen, bath. Garage, large lot, lawn and shrubs. FHA approved. Price $12,500. Terms. HOT SPRINGS One bedroom, living room, kitchen ette, bath. Large lot. Price $4,000. Terms. HERB SCHMIDT VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9105, 5544 . 7923 or 9879 MOTEL 10 units; 5 doubles with kitchen, ettes; 5 singles; 4 room living quarters; all buildings 3 yearn old; all furnished. Located on good highway. Price $38,000 with terms. Write P. O. Box 853, Crescent City, Calif. FOR SALE, nt tractive two bedroom home with electric heal, completely IniuilAtftJ, automatic wanhcr and other features too numerous to mention. Own er now renldlng out of town ao priced for quick Hale becaune husband in get ting ulcers from his own cooking. Phone 7553 or gee at 12S Sheldon. HOMES POR BAI.C CVKKET7 DKNNI8 REALTOR Don Ktrkpatrlck Salesman 12T N m Phone 8491 FOR SALE, modern two bedroom house. Consider large house trailer for equity , Payments now 921.73. 4110 Dou glas, Phone 2-0041. FOR SALE, equity In home. Call 2-00U3. two bedroom FOR SALE, fl percent contract on house and large lot on Manzanlta Hot Springs. Due for foreclosure around $2,300, worth $4,000. Closing partnership. P.O. rox 7B4 SO REAL 1ST ATI fOR SALI HAVE YOU $500? If you are renting a house nd would like to buy, then here Is one you ran afford. It's only a on bed room, but has nice living room, dining room and kitchen, on I, acre. You can pay for It for less than rent. 2 BEDROOMS Btewart Lenox addition. Total price only s:ioofl, forge lot and chicken houses and rabbit hutches. GIVE US A BID Completely furnished two bedroom new home. South east suburban. Extra large lot good chicken house. Don't wait let us show you through this home today. Will take any type loan. FARMS & RANCHES We have some very good listings on farms and ranches come In and see us about them soon. 136 Acres Excellent Improvements, 19 miles. ' 99 Acres Good improvements. Modoo .Point. 80 Acres Lakevlew. ( Acre chicken ranch. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4'.'M Gene Favell Eves. Ph. 6045 Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 2-3659 REALTOR J. W. SANDERS 1313 Main St. Phone 1531 SUBURBAN This one is so neat and clean It almost sparkles. 4 bedrooms, attrac tive living room, kitchen and bath with tub and shower. 33 acre all fenced. Good rich soil with a nice lawn In front and garden In bark, i Good producing strawberry and j raspberry patch. A swell place for ! economical, quiet, comfortable easy j living. J7.000. Terms. DUPLEX I luvriy nujoining apartments wun : fireplaces In one of Klamath's lln ; est and most popular districts. Full basement, double garage, nice lawn I and shrubs. Here's a chance to own i your home and prove that rent re ceipts do pay off. Reasonable price. Terms can be arranged. By ap pointment. 5 BEDROOMS Here's the Ideal home for a big family that desires the free, health ful life offered by country living. i A spacious, well built home that Is ; most attractive Inside and out. Well I established family orchard with a good variety of fruit trees. Lota of room for a cow, chickens, and a riding horse. A swell place to pro duce a lot of the food the family needs and beat the high cost of city living. $10,000, terms. Will consider trade on city property. YALTA GARDENS If you are looking for a better home, this Is It. Large living room with picture windows and beauti ful fireplace. 3 bedrooms, attractive den. lovely dining room. Hardwood floors through, attached garage. Priced reasonably. $500 DOWN And move Into a furnished home in Pelican city within walking dis tance of mills. A steal at only $2500. SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Johnny Hobson Evts. 68041 Dale Orubb (Eves. 3544) Art Frcderlckson (Eves. 6725) with AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone 8383 FOR SALE 1 BDRM. mnH across from school 4 BDRMS, ' 21? blks from school 4 BDRMS, In Mills Addition 2 BDRMS, 13 A. in Yalta - I 2750 $10,500 $10,000 - $ 9300 - $ 7000 - $ 7500 2 BDRMS, 3.blka. of Main 2 BDRMS, on 3 acres 1 BDRM, all new elec. heat 2 BDRMS, 13 A. Peterson School Dlst. 2 BDRMS, 2 cor. lot near Peterson School 2 BDRMS, $ 5600 $ 9500 $11,000 on one-half acre 4 BDRMS, full bsmt., Hot Sprgs. - I 5800 $14,700 WE HAVE ' Several good Income properties to show you, by appointment. FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. 2-3335 Eves. 2-1365 Near Mills School 3 bedroom home, block from Mills School. Large living room, dining room and kitchen. Fully furnished and ready to move In. Immediate possession. $7450. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-36466448 - 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 FOR SALE, In Klamath Falls. One bedroom completely furnished house. New bath, electric heat, V acre of ground. Selllnf below cost, Call Tula lake 7-onoo after 4 p.m, 10 REAL 1ST ATI FOR SALI CHARM- . PERSONALITY -COMFORT - ENJOY ALL THREE IN THIS DISTINGUISHED SUBURBAN HOME One of the most out standing on Summer's Lane. Beautifully decor ated, fully Insulated, storm windows and with hardwood floors throughout. Two bed rooms with large ward robes 20 foot living room, floor-towelling ROMAN BRICK FIRE PLACE, scenic PIC TURE WINDOW, wall-to-wall MOHAWK car peting, loads of cup boards In kitchen, SNACK BAR and at tractive dining area. Outsktle Is a BEAUTI FULLY LANDSCAPED YARD I Hundreds of bulbs, trees and a ranch type fence, also plenty of room for a GARDEN. Unusual TROPICAL RUMPUS ROOM and garage detached from main house. $14,500 Terms Avail able. May be seen Saturday and Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. or evenings by appointment. Phone C982 3951 SUMMERS LANE H FOR SALE 160 ACRE FARM : 30-cow dairy barn milk house Irrigated pasture iiav am grain land Apple orchard-Fenced : and cross fenced Ior sheep-hour i bedroom modern house Numerous . outbuildings. PRICE jau.uuu vcv TMMS- Located seven miles from Klamath j Falls on Old Miniano r. , Inquire of owner-Route I Box 024 Fifth House South ol Grange ; Hall ; MILLS ADDITION bedroom home on well fenced corner lot. close io ivmsi stores and busline. This one wont i- . nruwt trmt ran D flT 1UUK. uwi " ransTd. Cnll now for appointment. 7 UNIT APARTMENT On Main Street. Net profit $3000 per year. Priced at only $20,000. Annual profit 15-; on your Invest ment. Very reesonaoie wrma be arranged. SUBURBAN Well constructed modern J bed room In restricted district, among other fine homes. Storm windows. Insulated, hardwood floors, auto matlc heat. Bttachcd garage. A home you'll be proud to own. Total price $8500. FHA terms. ONLY $3500 For this rich half acre with com fortable 1 bedroom house, large ga- rage with spare bedroom in rear, chicken house and small barn. Good terms can be arranged. Open -Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Ph. 2-200 Eves. Don Sloan S05 Eves. Fred Scott 5103 Eves. CHILCOTE & SMITH " REALTORS Since 1909 111 No. 8th 8t. Ph. 4564 or 5529 HILLSIDE AVENUE Priced for quick sale. Comfortable two bedroom home. Attractive kitchen, separate dining room, utility room, nicely finished room in basement, concrete foundation, garage, fenced yard. $7000. SUBURBAN Beautiful five room ranch style home In excellent neighborhood. Large living room and dining room, two spacious bedrooms with large closets, very attractive bath and kitchen, utility room, attached ga rage. Large nicely landscaped lot. $12,500 terms. " MILLS Do not miss seeing this fine five room house located close to bus and stores. Spacious living mom, dining room and handy kitchen. Two large elevated bedrooms and bath. Oarage and utility room. Ex cellent construction throughout. Immediate possession. $9500 terms. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0527) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3211 JS ACRE RANCH, 8 miles out. Psvcd road, good Irrioated soli, well drained. Alfalfa, permanent pasture, hay hnrn, 8 stanchion concrete floored stable, hog house, henhouse, garage, small two bedroom house, pressured water from deep well, 911,500, terms. Oomnr Jones, Realtor, 111 S. 4th, Tels. 7nr7-0.131 . 41 LIVESTOCK ft LIVESTOCK AUCTION WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27 y 1 P.M. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 25 REGISTERED BULLS Hereford -ft Angus Most of these hulls are coming 2 yr, olds nntl nre Oregon rnlsetl. This is nn open consignment sale. If you have breeding hulls for sale, bring them in Feb. 27. 50 Head mixed Hereford calves. Also the usual run of 300 to 500 head of fat feeder hogs, cattle nnd sheep, Livestock Trucks for hire one head or carload. When you want to buy or sell livestock it's KLAMATH LIVESTOCK, Inc. Midland Road phone 3974 R. E. "ROB" RHODES, And. Ph. 4032 30RIAl ESTATE FOR SALI BEST LITTLE RANCH IN VALLEY Near Adams Point. 00 acres sandy Iniun soli. 14 'i acres ready for potatoes, 10 acres of clover, bal ance barley and alfalfa. Two bed room modern home, barn, chicken house. $27,00. Terms If desired K'd Pope, Merrill, Ore. 3 Bedroom Home In South Suburbs. All rooms con veniently arranged. Step saving kitchen with new bullt-lns and brenkfnst urea. Large entrance hall, complete bath, oak floors, venctlnn blinds. One acre good Irrigated soil, double garage, chicken house. Price $13,000 terms. ALSO Six bedroom home in Hot Springs. SJd.SOO. One bedroom home off California Avenue. $22M. Anne Mason Eves. 8114 Eddie Hosley 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 8. Bin Phone 7260 Farmers! Eggs To Sell? We are buying. For your convenience we have a receiving station at Oregon 8tale Hatchery or deliver to our farm. Buyer Gooding Poultry Farm Phone 4048 3 BEDROOMS A well arranged 6 room home In the 8oulh Suburban district. Ranch house style on a large lot. Approved by F.H.A. In all respects. Assume present loan nnd continue monthly pnymenta for approx. $58.00. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. SUNNYLAND 2 bedroom home, hardwood floors, fireplace, electric heat. Combina tion playroom and service room at tached tn house. Large lot. Price $8500. Terms. Fred Cofer Bob Stephens (Eves. 3503) (Eves. 02301 Barnhisel Agency 112 S. Sth St. , Phone 4105 This Is not good weather for look ing at farms, but we do have a number of good diversified farms from 40 to 416 acres. HERB 8CHMIDT VERNON DURANT ANDY SILANI REAL ESTATE 831 So. Sixth Phone BIBS, 8544 7023 or B87B SAL, fiv. ro"nirTTio7iseot"her 4070 " " """"' Phone NKW HOMES for Powell. Phone flSW. ale. WHliam S 1'Olt HA.i,t. nlcr level lot N-K. corner Addison and Lakevlew, Accept reason able offer. Boris White, P.O. Box 13.H, Fresno, Calif. 32 BUILDING REMODELING JOIN the .thousands of home owners now enjoying modern oathrooms, show, ers, kitchens. Thanks to new, luxurious ALUMIWALL. Individual Aluminum Wall Tiles. Your choice of 13 flay har mnnlrtng colors. For Free Estimates rail East Main Cabinet Shop, phone lM2n. evenings call a-IBM or :mf. VALLhlfE flowered building paper. I.V.I0 per Son ft. rolls. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMBER ln4oso;oih Phonejjnin fililLDiNO MATERIALS promptly de llvored by Basin Building Materials Inc. Lumber, roofing, plaster, paint, floor-finish or WHAT this Is the place to get It. 4784 South Sixth, phon. a-jsua. 2x4's, 2x'a and shlplap $49 per US. This la real buy. Com In (nd these specials. KLAMATH VALLEY L1TMBER 1040 So. Sth. Phone 4818 I POULTRY ' 32 BUILDING t RiMODELINO ALUMINUM rnrr' ri",!ln'snd'llor. Ins. rlric and nIU KI.AMATH VAI.I.KV t.DMnrH nun Ho oih. aia HOOHNO "" ' " " Hullt-up Composition Hhlnglei Aluminum Shingles 8IDINO Asbestos Cedar Hhiikrs INSULATION Bluwn-ln Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCItKEN AND STORM WINDOWS Kuhlman Insulation Phone 4408 or CLEM LESUKWl 2-2443. Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED WATrtlll't.tltl""aiiithoror hrdraulie rtmenl for watrrprtM,riitf baiaittent Moors and walli It wk KI.AMATH VALLEY H'Mltrit lino o nth ihui ata 34 "UIL HEATING STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove , Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Kill System METER PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of Hrallng Hnllsfartlun , FRED H. HEILBRONNER Fuels that Batlsfy-Plus Service" -Slllce IBI9 82lSpring St. Phone 4IM and parlor heairra' ,t,r, hu, ,,.. nT:,.v ' NW " "TANDAIID IIFATINO-Ott r "n','lj""m cn -: tunas .nd ttrk,.nd. Mnl,t, tiros rWW"'" Te"-"'"" er5.tfv.fivr. .V"'"".' H""1 wm a& H CillKKM STAMPS Ilv".nonhaaf. d.'.A ''h"" W" " ' """" i rurr YADrN-a sionai -ravura n Sth 31 BOATS PITS "SPORTS HOBBIES " IlKAtttlriil. l'rkin;.V,nuiTnrvvili Hit to muni. only. I'hon. a-awj cm sAi.r; ,,,,,.1. cH..iik-srr.giE oarllv trained Phmi. niis KTIJ "v ' """' ""' "-fl r.'.'J1 ?A 'E-7'l'l"'d "wir." hair".dtef: aasa l)H.w.-,ofl llomedal. IHiAHDINfJ KF.NNEI.S -,. "J woe of month .""' W diet n. . i "'tooni runt for .arh doe Dn nandl.ri durlra matins Will . Visitor. W.lrom. Phnn. SOT! M.rrlll .rt . Rt 2. Bo. S04 SHASTA CAR,'AI KF.NSfir.IJI 0 TO' EXCHANGE "'"TR'Alir. .millV-ln cltyrfnJirTr M.HI .n nisiriri. i'hon. 42 LIVESTOCK 4 POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for my amount Top market prices ror good quality For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS Lr a vrii n ... 1 . ai. Phone stm "i!d,!iIrjk,r',""''i''fm h"" BIO V MEA1 MARKET Lak.vnw Junction Phon. 4IHB FOIt SALK Jerney cow anil calf Rout. Rfiv 444. Phono 2-2o:tn !11KaA LEJhreeKMirs. Phone (17.12" WANTED crd"r,d" n.nsPhonir'4Sl ron sii r , i.". ::u..r .. - . br?"? turkey hen. one hrnnre fur-' :r-.v'i'"'ii!n oin. pnone 2.120.1. 2. nox .122. If no answer Phon. 4400. evenings SnSlSC ELLAN EOUSTw A Ct r n A NfED'ToneaTeTTaVie house. Clns. News t""."""m. nox m, nerald and FINANCIAL LOArfT IMMEDIATE Cash Loans Bo""n Pny Onl m 17.27 Mo. Repay In 18 Installments UP VO 1300 ON FURNITURE. OR SALARY trp ro 11200 on oars HIE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW Convenient Location Convenient to Borrow . Convenient to pay Locally owned New Cars .'tnanced at bank rates "WONKY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 20 yean serving Klnmsth Batln See 'Ctt.uck" Bailey Mgt. Ill N 701 St Phon 83 B-MI m-278