SATUltllAV, MHHUARV 23, 1f)!2 HKHALI) AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORKGON PAGE ELEVEN I TIME OUT! 133? mm for Tifi onanza nit P1LS L-, rsn IT Antlers Nip Bobcats; Mustangs Post Upset tiv Itl-ll lllllfll ..... ... . " "Mill her, How Tumi's ni Kkfrl lirmU III (hr wurld do you fll thrill?" CAGE SCORES ( "In mi lliikkclluill lly The AmIiii, "ri' I' A II MT.NT UCLA 117 Callliirlilii M Nllilllnld til, I KU 4 OllKiill 71 WuMllltlKlull Stale III Wiihliliiuloii 62 Wyoming 6U Simla Cliiru 61 Uun Kiiinclhcu 611 immune i Uliih uu. New Mexico 74 SI MmyN SI), Hum Jose Bltito M I'urlliiiid H3. Si'utllo 82 Ciiluriidn Minc-.i lii, Colorado Col lege 0U overtime i Oil ;e n Pm iiic 67 Sun Ki iinclsco o.ii.e llv Ki ll III llll Miilln. ii teniii lew ex ihii i.. go mi lnr, mill Die Conn-buck Klrts limn lliiiiiiii.ii mix imiiulii on I'i II iiii court lor Hie Kliinnilli Cuiinly Class II basketball utlr Hucicd lleurt and Merrill meet In the 7:. 10 opener lor the cuiimiIu llon prize. The Miilln MiintiniKH kicked up Ihe m-coiid up'.fl ol the tourney hut night, ii 35.23 wm over Chllo (iiin, one ol Ihe lout iniinenl Inv iirlii",. HiiniiiKii. Ini win, ii fiutillc pliiniie ol Ineligibility mid Injury brlorc Hit- Imirniiiiii-nt, hud to light j mi ii iii .i-iiiuii rimy i;y u. ,nill7,. IIIK HIv took mi m il) lend. From there it was touch nnd no Willi Mm lin Wilson tluuipliiK a long hot i,t Intermission tune to kivo the Aiillcru n 27-ull tip nt the liuK. Don Hubble scored midway in tho third nit I WIJmjii added a free thro Uj Klvc lloniiiizu n lend It never lorn lit 38-37. ri iiK it lloniiiizu perked up nl thin uoiut mid forced nheiid 50-10 early In the lonrlli and looked like nhoo-ln-i Hut Uly wiimi i tliroiJKh yet. clov inil It to 47!iO In Jik time. WiL'oii, with a loin; iihol and lue throw nnd Chandler with a lay-in gave llm.l. -i.l, . u" ,VV.. . . ! ' """". m-iiiiu iran in, " '.'" "l"sv .i.-.,.i vicuiiy. 4 win, .. ,,ree niimili-, I, ir hill'll-fl lli-url ...... 11... i ... ... " ' ti'iwil III filll-lllliu roillirls ollh.... I.... Fiiiuk;n ....... ....,,,,, . ijuii ; )imeiiuiM.ii. somewhat hougi.-.h n."i ! ,', "' "V'r .lk',"''V y''"- I "ul "' " ""'" inoinents- in.,(le lerclny iiltcrnonn on the Hnriuiv own Hour. In Ihe oilier aliernoon Kame. Merrill got by tlllehrlM lulu the C'oll.Milntloil showdown Willi ii 47-38 Vlclm y. MiiIiii'h iip.M-t win over (.'hiloipiiii, even more a Miiprcc than Hlv n iiiiiilutliin Ki-nil. Merrill 17 ClllchrlM 38 burred Ilearl 58 Henley 28 liamiluiihi, Krinla Miilln 36 tlllliKiulll 23 Honulizn 65 lily 63 Nevm.n 74 Arizona tilute lit Kluu ,l,lM" &f i MKItllll.l. H'l.NM vi-.iirn wiiMiiiiutuii 6b I'uiiel K.iiiimI 63 -iuleKe ol Idnhu till, I'uellle 45 Viinpori 70 (irruoii Tei-Ji 40 l'iil.l I'oly 70 I'eppenline 113 Idi'ho Hiuto (if) H ky MiMiinuiii 38 '"! AKUle 6li (Jhlii.i-, kii ii K,.ii.,i, iv, inur.Miuy nm 4ii ' """"" " lf" and inurh more convlncum, Whiiwoilh 7U Pacific l.iitl.rrnn 04 KiMilhern Orenon 118 Humboldt Central Wa.iliinnton (15 Ifrilinh Co- luiiililu 50 lewis nnd Chirk HI Whitman 61) Coliiplon U8 Hulehm.snn JC 54 l.lnllcld I-'riwh 70 Wlllaiiietlc l-'roh lieoiKc Fux 71 Heed 03 MJIMVKNT Illlnola Tech 7(1, Knox 88 mvrr. limp I Central 78 Mlw.ouri Valley 71 Helhany 87 Colleuo ol Kmporia 5J boiith Unkot Htulc 8 Bouth D km,, mi Norih Dukotii Slute 67 North Da kota 4d NOI'TIIWKHT fexaa Tech 75 Arizona Stale at rem ie 64 North Texan M Midwestern do ArkuiiMin Collenc Gil Hrndernon 65 Iliirdln-Slminonii 71 Sul lto,in 66 Kaatern New Mexico 75 WeBlcrn Colorado 66 SOITII W07l M'M"I,,,, 13 ftfwunee Kn-it Carollpa 87, The Citadel 71 Ohio Valley Confrrrnre Tnurnpy MUfMI hal 74 W'c.Mern Kentucky 80 (heniMlniiRi Vurray 611 Kimtern Koniucky 69 liicml-flnalfii . MAST Princeton 66 Yule 69 Cornell 71 Harvard 60 Column 5, Penn State 63 (over- time Buffalo 88 WeMcrn Ke.servp 67 By The Auorlalrd Preti IIK.ll S( IKIOI, Welbort 73. c-.i,m.i -in North Marlon 69, Kiiappa 61 Vernonla 40, Seaside 43 CnM-ndp 43, Salem Bible Academy Kluiniith FallM 64, Medlord 42 Willamette iKuisrnei 45, Cottniie Grove 43 (overtime) W'aldport 41. Bllet 20 Rufua 44. St.Mury'B (The Dnlle.s) Tall 63 Shrrlditn 41 I.Hkcvlow 60 Prlneville 43 Woodburn 66 Molnlla 50 Orunla 62 Ash, and 57 Dallua 73 Cnnby 44 Keppooiie 74 Rainier 48 Biu.slaw 41 Toledo 36 1 overtime) Mllwnukle 41 AHlorla 35 Clatskanlc 88 Parkrone 58 EMucnda 49 Ml. Anepl 4H Mill Clly 60 Orenon Deaf 41 Sllverton 65 8nndy 57 Jellemon 43 8t. Paul 41 llalscy 48 Sliedd 40 Harrlnburu 50 Sclo 62 Sacred llenrt (Salem) 60 Phllo- ninth 60 Oakrldfje 96 Elmlra 32 CHyr39y lEl,,""" 61 Junction Kcbo 68 Stiinllelri 37 Monmouth 44 Mol.ser 43 NcRliiccn 57 Buy City 47 ' Mlltpn-Precwnter 57 The Dalles 51 St. Helena 61 Wiirrcnton 41 Pendleton 01 Herml.non 59 Cn.scnde Locks 55 Pnrkdnle 39 : Wy-ISnat 50 Concordia (Porllnnd) jii Springfield 87 81. Francis (Euijeno was u combination ol a Chilixiuui team turned chilly and a batllniK rone defense thrown up by the Mustniik's Hly ei the koniewhat dubious honor of liBiiriim in Ihe tourney two lop thrillers. The Bobcats sent Dm fun ...... tnlklnit to themselves when they nipped Sacred lleuri 60-411. l.nst nlHht they ttaned a delerious rally that enme close to aiU-lilng Ho nanzB with lui delensc down Jn a rushliiir finish thai had the fans reat hlnir tor the celling Chllotiuln found It a IruMratlnis chore ui dent Malm s Unlit .one The Pantheri missed badly when ui.-y 010 Kei 111 a position lor a shot. Malm led nil the wuv mid had six polnu before Bob David found Ihe net lor Chlloquln with six minutes none In the game. liliiblluv to hit v,...iiw.,i i Chllwiuin wllh some piinlc. Ah a result, the Piinlhers plnvcd a press Inn mime thut resulted In a Hoc of fouls. Malm hit well from the foul line, 15 ol Its points coming by thp charily roule. In Ihe Hrsl half, Chlloo.uln made five Held goals to Malm's four. Bui the Mustangs fashioned nil 1811 . hiilltiine lead on 10 free inrows, six oy wavno Rii k . Cllllixillln fans evnei-lecl n o, ,,.l hall comeback by the hcavlly-lav- oren I'lininers but it never mine Maun, playing cautious, control ball, held Chlloquln Ui Just a two- pouncr nnti a nee throw In Ihe third lrumet added seven points, to close out the third quarter with a 25-14 lead. Dnle Fcnters cinched It In the Inst frame by pnclng Uie Mustangs with Ihree field goals when he broke into the lane fur lmi h.n Chlloquln was paving too much at tention to. Wayne Rick nnd Bob Stevenson, Mnlln's tall boys. li:ai) Bly look nn early lead over Bo nanza and held It until ln(c In the first quarter when Vernon Haley knotted It 12-all with a two-pointer and Maurice Chandler gave the Antlers their first lead Just before the first-frame bell. 14-12. But Jollll JnOllVsh sot hot nrlv In thp second frame with three quick Held goals from tho key and : It a'l-aa 011 a field goel and free throw. lie dribbled through the entnu Bonanza team lor a push lay-in Ui bring It to 62-65. Hex Dlllavnu calmly dropped a free throw and II was 53 55 with Just 20 seconds to go. Substitute Hod Hitdlty was louled by Wuyne Dye when he tried 10 brenk Into the lane for a set-up. j He missed the first shot and Bly i elected to take the ball out of bounds. ONI-: SHOT Dillavou got one shot at the bas ket in a lurmus scramble under the net and the shot that would have lied the score went astray 1 wllh Dillavou oil balance. ! Irwin Criiuie came up with the bnll and dribbled In circles lor ' Ihe few remaining seconds. Don Hubble lavored his tnped-up sprained ankle but nonetheless led uonun.a witn 10 points. Crumc added 15. Juquyrh put 15 with Hutchinson's 19 for Bly. Hubble fouled out when Bonanza held w-hat seemed to be a plushv 50-40 lead. That's when Bly started to pour Into the slot to close the count. Without Hubble, It seems snle lo say Bly would hnve been in Ihe title mix with Mnlln tonight. Merrill led virtually all the way alter the first few minutes of scrambling with Dirk Reeves lead ing Ihe way with 16 nnd Wcs Has klus adding 12. Ken Kreemnn scored 16 for Oil- Christ. Hl-nleV KHI nlmnut nu nnlrt aw j Chlloquln was and was never In tho . bull game agniast Sacred Heart's fast brenk. The Trojans led 28-11 at the half, 48-18 at the three-quarter mnrk. Jim Mnhonev had 13. Bob How ard and Ray Beard added 10 each. A Iflttt -n . r ( 1 1 9.i r-rv ijjlv-ji rtmi t v .V LITA T YM W k '' THE HERALD AND NEWS photographer caught a rehound scramble from each of last mghts champ.Miship semi-final games in the Klamath County tournament last night on J elican Court. Picture at left shows Maurice Chandler fin Rnn ,.,;iv, 41,- 54-42 Victory Gives Klamath District Tie The Klamath Pelicans Iron manned their way to a district tie with Medford last night with Ralph Carroll, 6-7 center, taking care of the big scoring assignment In the 04-4.1 victory on the losers' own court. least seven points the entire third quarter. In the fourth, the Tornado man aged to hack the margin to 40-48 and 42-48. But a Klamath stall frus trated MfHFftrH' ninnl. r ,1 I popped In a two-pointer, Ray Boll two for firood mprnturp McCali put Bell in the front line of fire with Jerru .Inhmnn oh -., yin Gllmore bringing the hall nr. Klamath Coach Paul McCall used just five players in the crucial win that sewed up the district race tighter than the strlnes nn a nam banjo. The two teams close out the 1 floor for Diav-mHkinir scries tonight The strategy paid off as Bell For the most part the tall Klam-! tnre in five field goals from side' atn quint Dlaved control hall mn.i court when fiarrnii j centrating on feeding the ball to ! Pthcrwise. both Bell and Horton feii Carroll. ; into Carroll m the key. The bur Divot mnn usxnmpH ihr. The Pelicnna nun .k.i. , job wiih dispatch, dumping 32 , control the backboards most of the L m i'e ? '. Lni!lcnt,fle(l Bonanza player and Bly eager have the same idea. At right is B y s I Odell ! Lyhrand (3) while Dillard Chronister is watching from the left. Shot at right shows Uiiloquin's John Unive (4) and Gene Gentry quarreling with Malin's Gary Mauney (8 for possession. Malin upset Chiloquin and Bonanza edged Bly to qualify for tonight s title match. . - ' I j 1 ' V J . REDHUtU), SPORTS tDfTOP ; Box wore; M IV (Mi I.vhrand fl J.igtih IS Miilrli.ntvun IS ChroitinUT 2 illy iib DUlav M BONANZA IS Crume 4 H a lev 0 Chandler a Owls Chilly as MacLean Sparks Vanport in 70-49 Cage Victory Pelicans left the floor at intermls. sion time with a 37-21 lead. inc pelicans took an early 4-0 lead and were never hohinH al though Medlord spurted in the first quarter to come within one point of the Pels at 10-11. me Pelicans stayed ahead by at By HALE SCARBROl'UII mi Just the same. He scored 24 noinLn i score t oil onrf nt !,.. . Vannort's Vikines mnde Ii thr and onlv stonned then hernuw dirin'i ho,,' . u.. t., Si'.Vin out 01 ll,rcc over the Oregon Tech Conch Arba Agcr took him out of I weren't hitting. Tom Schubert usu. I. iiadiu. Mi.funu .uiu-ii.. .1. n.,. owis lor tins wanuiK basketball l"e game. Jim Strader had 13 ally good for a fisifni i, season last nignt. pounding out an ! !"". oi mem in uie second ; missed seven shots from up close ensy 70 to 49 victory in the first j Quarter. MacLean and Strader had . before making one stick Lean getUn, !? ' By, the middlc ,he ,g,J ' u . ... 1 quarter it was evident that Uie only The Owls led once but at that way the Owls were going to win time the game was Just a couple was for the Vannort. tn .ndHn.ii, of seconds old and the score was. and collectively drop dead, and that ok , lney ""J" t seem disposed to do. MAI Mitin W link II Slevrtunn 0 (. Truvik 1 rl Frnlrr 9 0 Mnlln kllWV. Hick a. uba (ienrKc 3. Nlchul.un, llil-ock. LlXRrtl. SAC. IIT. lull IS Kurt, 1 T Nnitwrl 9 M.,honF.v 13 C MoUArd 10 -- O Urnrd 10 C. bacrrd Hrnrt iiib. . Prall 4 fl. MrAnurwa 2, Wcicacl llnlFy fciilii YDUiin. Jinica 2. McPtln tun. (ill.t llltlST l.'ISl Wllllnihum S r HIIMI F lirnrtrr 1 C Frcruisn IS fl SlDC n (i 7 llcndrlrk.on Ulli-hrlit Uurr rk 2. Ch rira. n.irsrr 5. Wlrlr. W.ri- Merrill nibs Sandrn 1. Welahaiu, Wintvr 2. Burry, V.allrr. 2 p;rkVr!e,nsy t0 49 vlclory in lhe ''"t 4 d.viu 0' B two-game series on the big a Genirv I gym floor at OTI. 2 Vadrn IluBnii Tjic two clubs meet again tonight chiioauin : " "'c winoup ol me Oregon Col- , univo 2. 1 icgiaie t.onicrence season locally i in-NirvlT.he wls lll,lsh ,nc'r schedule next 2 b itiii I Monday and Tuesday nights, play 3 Anflrm j mg Humboldt State here. 79R"! Vanport has an 8-1 record in the cc ; a viriuni cmcn on the confer ence uuc. ine uwis arc finishing Buuu, nuuu iiiirn. Don MncLean, who didn't start for the Viks, was their big gun llcidi-i llrrrern. Hill, Lelllo 2. (411 MIBRII.I. 6 tlnnevcull a ONrll 12 ItMskli-.. Wolves Beat Mountaineers LA ORANDE OP Oregon Edu- Villemain Whips Nardico NEW YORK Ml Robert Vllle main, a busy mnn In the ring and nt chasing the American dollar. naa n victory over Uiinnv Nar- 2-0. Barnes nnd Piul Poetsch tied the ' n 3 ' a,e(-. , ' ' "! count with free throws and John hamime ' perlod- 3912 Mclntyre ranc a long side shot to t" !L-u.. . .. '. put Vanport ahead. i "I, " t "Pfr I, uls .man-; central Catholic bagged its 18th "..;'-." "', ""(Victory in 19 games Friday nieht. Another ark For Halbrook By JIM COUR Associated Press Staff Writer Klamath Fall ford. 54-42, in the feature game of a long Friday night Oregon high school basketball schedule. The result moved Klamath Falls. raniteo Ho.1 6 in the AssoriaioA rress Elate DreD noli. Inbi a ti for first place with Medford. rated No. 7. in the big four division of Southern Oregon's Class A District 4. Ralph Carroll, six-foot seven.inel. center, paced the winners with 32 points, ine teams meet again at Medford Saturday nieht. The virtor will gain the Inside track for the division title and a place in the district play-off, with Crater of Central Point, for a berth In the state tournament at Eugene next monin. Wade "Swede" HalhrnnVc 71. point performance, setting a new Northwest high school scoring re cord, tended to overshadow the fact mat t-mcin ana Cleveland clinch ed Places in the toumpv nn Pnrl. iland Leaeue representatives. I FANTASTIC KSIbrook posted his fantastic to tal as Lincoln walloped Roosevelt, o-o3. lor the Cardinals' loth vic tory in 11 league games and their 17th hi 19 starts this season. Cleveland defeated Washington, 59-52, bringing its season record to 16 in 18 games. It is tied with Lincoln for first in the Portland circuit and ranked No. 2 in the Rf pou. Lincoln is rated No. S. Should Cleveland and r.inenln finish in a tie. they will be Port land co-cnampions but wul play off to determine their pairings in the tournament. The winner probably would have to meet Central Catholic of Port land, ranked for the past four weeks as the state's top team and favored to win the District 13 title, in the first round. ism ix Th. ...... . . uvi "-"' v gave Doth K amath fall., and Medford 7-2 records with tw" ' , a'-er tonights game rhe Pels have two left with Ah. land while Medford must meet Ul. "V anothepalr"" K1.AMATU FALLS "ClL t .... .. Horton, t " Carroll, c Johnson, g ... Gllmore, g . , Totals MKOFOKD Spinas. I Bingham, " Wooton, c , Conner, g Atterbury, g Boardman, a Z. 'Thompson, Scrlppen. a fii ft rr tp 2 1 12 2 1 4 s - M 4 2 32 2 0 2 4 0 1 al 2 3 2 7 o . 2.1 S l.t S4 FO FT PF TP 1 It 4 7 7 2 IS 2 7 2 0 0 - 0 ! 0 Totali 7 a 17-aJ, "'-Ed Wellnlu and Bill aiS For seven minutes (the last six : game, scoring seven ooinu in a !i'lc, r.v m the first period and first mm-: S. .J f-.-Pi"ts..n.S de'ea-inK Eugene 58 Albany 58 Central Catholic (Portland) 49 Ore gon Clly 42 Central MonmoiAh-Indcpcndcncc ) 48 Oswego 37 Heedsport 47 Newport 36 Dufur 60 Corbett 49 Bond 73 Corvnllls 40 Coqullle 74H(lyrtlc Point 35 Porllnnd U. Frnsh flu nr.,i,m.rf iu Marshllcld 67 North Bend 45 Portland League Oram 37 Benson 34 Cleveland B9 Washington 52 Lincoln 00 Roosevelt 63 Jefferson 55 Franklin 60 Class A District 0 Kllminalloa ' Tniirnnmrnt (First Hound) Hlllsboro 60 Forest Grove 62 Beavcrton 58 Sherwood 29 Tignrd 53 Bunks 33 cation defeated Eastern Oregon idlco to his credit Snturdny and ,u-oo in an urcgon L-oi-leglnte Conference basketball gnnio Lowell Kolbaba scored 20 poinls for EOCE. Tho outcome remained In doubt until the last two minutes when Harold Pitcher sank a free throw to He the game at 08-all. He then sank another and LcRoy Vanovcr nnd Bill Palmqulst. hit baskets to give OCE the game. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Edmonton 7, Calgary 2 .Victoria 0, Scuttle 4 Vancouver 0, Tucoma 8 t'''""'"e Prl. .111.1 .S7II ..inn .4117 .447 .342 (tie) Raiders Win ASHLAND, Ore. Ml Southern Oregon College of Educnllon won nn easy Fnr Western conference biiskelbnll gamr, from Humboldt blnte Friday nlgl.o, 08-44. SOCE wns nhend nt the half, 37-18, People DO TOO read small space ads - you are! I.AIIVnuu I.LAIil W I, Srhnlrrk'a 40 7 Slliiop-Siiliiils kM ' 44 32 Molntnrc's . 311 ;ih Rnundtip m 37 3, Marvin's 34 42 Lowell's Lorkers " " 2d 50 ,VPPK H lleMIIIB Hrhmcfk's 3 Lowell's 1 Mnrvln's 3 .Shnop-Srhuls 1 Ilmindup 3 Molntore's 1 The top and bottom tennis fii Ihe Lndybug league walked off with nisi, ween s nonors. Lengue lending Sc.limcck's had Ihe high learn series, 2555. while Sylvia McConncll, subblni for Schmeck's, notched the high lndl- ! VllllUll Sl-IIUM, 1IM, Lowell's, nllhougli losing 1-3 to Schmeck's, cnnie through for Ihe high game a 903, while Dena Bnckes' 196 was the high single gnmc. .. two more money dBtcs lined up, In gaining his unanimous 10 round victory Friday night, Ville main gave awav weight 167 t to 172: age 28 to 24; height 5 10 '2 to 5 6 ii; and reach. That's about all he gave away. He fought the power-punching but wild swinging ex-Marine at Nar dlco's own game right down to the v're. And ho mnde Nnrdlco miss constantly by ducking under Dan ny's telegraphed swings. The Syracuse University foot ball team will plnv two night games this season. They meot Bos ton U. at home under the lights on Sept. 26 and Temple at Phila delphia the following Saturday night. O'Brien 34 Points Away PORTLAND (.fl His team lost Friday night, but Seattle Univer sity s Jolinn O'Brien was within 34 points Saturday of Uie nation's all-time single season hnsireihnii scoring record. . Johnny o fouled out In the last two minutes after flipping in 34 points, nnd wns forced to watch as- Portland University pulled the game out of Uie fire with less than 10 seconds to go, 83-82. n.? ?rion ran his son's total to 933 before he was sidelined and will be shooting Snturdny night in a remntch with Porllnnd to break the record of 967 set bv George King of Morrls-Hnrvey In 1949-50. The University of Arizona bas ketball team played before an es timated 47,500 spectators during its recent five-game eastern and midwestern tour. 1 of the first period and first min i ute of the second) the Owls didn't SHUFF STUFF Sill I F STANDINGS Bills Place Suburban Schuss ..., .Mecca Wocus Roundup Tats VFW Easles 11 9 s .9:18 .875 .IMS .563 .417 .417 .313 H3 .313 .123 5 9 Summers Lane 2 Shuss' Tavern beat the Mecca last night, 3-1, to edge into third place in the. city shuffleboard league. , Bill's Place leads after two weeks of the second round with 15-1 rec ord. Suburban is second with 14-2. t . rwi. I i .. ?'"iooo Aitennofen sparked Uie Rams, thl v,0n thal per"- 2-U' but getting 20 points Marv Hammne'llnS t0 MarshfieKf. ranked No. 4 In the werV eiec?em from ih Wa-vne.-k state and favored to capture the Jim' Zrllr for0"? .SuffiS'VL'," f?,utl2w.?.sJL L Hint hit ih !"' "-UI-.-U orm uena. i-o, FG FT PF TP I 100 Cyclers In Race DAYTONA BEACH. Fla. I Nearly a hundred racers from 25 states and Canada will take off in the American Motorcycle Associ ation's 100-mile race for amateurs on the 4.1 - mile beach and road course here Saturday. I MIRRORS I ) r for tmy V, t U Room in tho Homaf S HAPPINESS FOR SALE . . The happiness that comes from a well-ordered life, with wife nnd children provided for, and the prospect of eventual retire ment on Income sufficient for the enjoyment of your leisure, can be yours through Life As surance. Let me sell you a share of hnppiness today. Ph 7777 today! Duane Baker Dilt.'Ajt. SUN LIFE Duant Baker MARCH VALUES COME THURSDAY WATCH FOR IT! , 2 5 ..... 0 1 2 11 - 2 - 0 . I .. 0 .. 0 Box scort: VANPORT Hubert, t Strader, I Barnes, c Poetsch. Hintz. Reserves: B. Johnson, f McLean, i . Mclntyre, c N. Johnson, g Koskl. g Rat. g , Jackson, g Totals ... OREGON TECH Duncan, f . Wyatt. t Schubert, e Hammack, g Genetin. g .. Keser'es: Humphrey, f Henslee, t Pinkley. c Holzfuss. c Flanlngam. c Foreman, g J.t 18 11 26 4f Halftime: Oregon Tech 12, Vanport 39. Officials: Kcmnitzer and Bonnev. Title Fight Tentative . 26 1R 17 70 Fti FT r-F TP 3 3 4 1 3 0 IL 3 1 MIAMI. Fla. Iff The Philadel phia Municipal Stadium, it ap peared Saturday, will be the site 3 of the return match between Jer if.ey Joe Walcott and Ezzard Charles for the heavyweight cham pionship. Promoter 'Herman Taylor of Philadelphia said Friday night ten tatives are being worked out for the title fight In the stadium about June 18. Impressive r.L CENTRO, Calif. l Most Impressive hurlers In the Chicago White Sox camp are Joe Dobson ana Ken Holcombe who have been cuting loose with everything they have. Webfoots Wallop Cougars By The Associated Presi Washington 12 J .857 Idaho g g m Oregon 6 6 545 Washington State 6 8 385 Oregon State 2 12 443 Games Friday Night 2 Oregon 71. Washintrtnn .!. d Washington 52, Wyoming 50 (oen- The Universitv nf nrann-. t...i. firmly settled in third Place in slS..i.Pac"ic , CoMt Conference' Northern Division h. . i, Saturday night to 'take over second icw percentage points. The Ducks won their sixth con. ference game against five setbacks Friday nieht nt th vrn.. wSngJ?n state College, thump ing the Cougars, 71-61. .The two meet again Saturday night, and the niifire .1 cad, L runner-up Idaho, .583 to ' 71, If they should again trim the Cougars. Idaho i irilo ,,niii . Mote5"85' SerleS "MO'W&t NO DANGER - Title holding Washington, alts crown Jewels no longer in daneer. 1 went out of the conference to squeeze through with a 52-50 Svin over Wyoming at Laramie. - The Ducks waddled along behind at Pullman much of the tin.. ,m,n "lT Ule second quarter when Kent Hunt, their leading scoret, dunked one to put them ahead for keeps. They led 37-33 at halftime and were able to add onty two more points to their margin in the third period. - But Ken Wegner, Oregon, guard found the range and scored in points in less than three minutes to pull his mates ahead and out of danger. . - SCARE Wyomine tossed n Rears InlM II.- Huskies after the nnrlhpraer. h. racked up a narrow 29-24 halftime umrgui. ine uowooys pulled upin the third period to trail 37-39 going into the final quarter. Then tBcy made fl a wide open game, tyffitr the score four times in the closing minutes before Washington's Bab Houbregs coolly hit a lay up shot in the final nine seconds. f They meet again Saturday night. , Ab DeMarco of the Buffalo Bi sons in the American Hockey League has scored over 800 points ' in his long league career. WANTED Salesman to Travel Selling Athletic Equipment. Call in Person THE GUN STORE- FOR COMPLETE TRUCK SERVICE ALWAYS THINK OF J .'5 1 1 .7.5 f maw . . . : 0K1 jimi fir T' rrflmiZMi It Wi" ai'TiJTS'SBt - .-TTf-..-. . . 1 ii, mmwmm-M:rm.i.t wr Engine Overhauling Our Specialty Cars and Trucks " JUCKELAND TRUCK SERI,L llth and Klamolh, Klamath Foil Phono 77SS A