r1- HUDAY. KKHIIUARY 22, lr2 1IKHALD ANT) NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON ' PAJT.B NINg X;; 1 I. .1 '7! J IXiillitril Dnln OniiiPN, 17, ann of Mr. mid Mm. Ilium Uuriim, blur llnillc, Clilloiiuln, linn cnllil nl In I hr ruivy lend In xtntliiiK-cl inr recruit irniiilim nl tiiin Ulrno. (Innil 'nnilTlio Mt. I.nkl I.iicllrn Aid will nnrvo a dinner uf home moknl lood nt tlm llr-nloy hluli filinnl (lilcli'i In Mn nh 1 1 1 Din 6:30 tu 7:30 ii.in, 1 H'KcIa will hn on Hilr nl Mitn'n More Hurt I lit) llrnlrv Hlorf. II not convenient In rpI IIiciii nt cither iilmo plume DMO or 4027 for rfncrvntlonn. , r III O. J. Ilnrrln. Mrrrlll. tin brrn cii Med to Vrnliiru. Calif., bv Ilia Mlddni rrllli'iil lllnrnn ol Mm. Jlnrrm who wi ru-lird to the Fnn. ti-r hotpltal. Khe hud hern noulli UMIInit n (li'UKliler, Mm. I.iirrnlnc Mnlmffry Who n oii-llin renl llnil ol Merrill. Hriieil The Ininlly o( Vcvn IM ickion. who died here Monday, u nnkrrt lliul In Urn nl llowrrn Lontrlliwl Innn bo mode to the me morhil nrl window fund of Khun nlh l.ullieinn Church Ji'minnl nrrvIrM nin In he held nt Hie i lunch Bnlltrdiiy, 10 a. in, In TrulntnB Wllllmti W, Ronip ton, Heninnn recruit, In now In linn Ic linlnlim nl the Nnvy'n Hnn Ileio hnir. Iln In the miii of Mr. Hid Mrs. W. A. Coinnlon, 2.'l3i!j tiiurifu. At, Alnmcda Jnrry W, rthod. fon ol Mr. nl Mrn. I. W. IthoniH, 1401 Hope, In now Mntlonrd nl Aln. I tnedn, Cnllf., Nnvnl nlr nlntlon. Hn l nervlitK In an nlr transport nqundron as neroKrnplier'i innte. third clnnn. On (.'arrler dervlnir atxiarrf the rnrrler US8 Anlleinin oprrntlnn In Korenn wntern In 'Minn r. John non. non of Mr. nnd Mrn. Phillip R, Johnson,, Itoule 1, weed. I.rup Yenr l)ni-e The Town nend Club In nponnorlnK n l.eiip Venr Dune lo li held nl the K.C. Ilnll Bnturdnv nlKht from II p.m. to 1 n.m. The public In Invited. Tax Deputy A deputy collector from the Durenu of Interim I neve , nun will be nt Chemtill nontolllci Fnn. 27, Gllchrlnt Timber Company Feb. 2-2fl; Chlloquln city linll Mnrch 4: Mnlln pontofflcn Mnrch n: nnd Klnmnth Agency office Mnrch t. Food Hale c o n I r-FnlrvIr w Home Extrnnlon Una In to hnve n food nnd linndwork Mile EJntur dnv nl the Pine Street market. lnrtli nt 9 n m. Proceedx nre lo io to the OSC Aiutlea House fund. VUlt Mrn. Olnf Jnhnnon of Clorb-u. N. M . In mnkltiH nn ex tended vlnlt here with Mr. nnd Mrn. Lnrkln Deer. 112 N. 8lh. Keeorerlnt Wnller Hnnwn Is recovering nl Klnmnth Vnllev ho.v pitnl where he recently underwent n nluinnch opernllon. Motliern' Club Burred llcnrt mil iiurly nnd nlyle, nhnw In the Hiicrctl llcnrt Oyniniiiiliim, Tucn tiny, 7 ;i(J p.in. Curd chulriuiin, nun. w, it. t;iv rciinniin piitruun lo brlnx llinlr own enrdn, OTI Students Tour Plants Four Oregon Tech nltldentn In Ilk MTmi prnccnnlnK, lilunK with liiHtruutor IJiirl Bulrcy and Mrn. Dnlrcy, vlnllcd VHrlom nllk. ncrecn liiK cnmpniilen III Sun Krnpclnco linn week. Ktudculx imikluit the trip were Jennie I.niiK, l: it ) I Chirk, liny Crino nnd Ilnberl (Juiin. I'liinln vlnlted Included the Hn.v ProceimliiK Cninimny of Oukliind; Dciih-r Ulipliiy Prnducln Couiinny, Horilcn Ucciil C'ompiiny nnd Hln rliilr ii nd Vulcntllic. all of Hull frnncluo. The innnuliinturern vlnlted, Bulr cy Bnld, ihowcd connlderublc Inter eit In the curriculum nt Orr-non lech nnd the Mihool nntlclpntcH (IrnwIiiK new ntudentn from thnl nren n.i n mult of the visit. Art Council Going on Air 'Hie flrHt of n cerlrn of bronil- cnMln hpon."ored by the KhiuiHth Mu.'.lciil Arid Council will he licnrd over KKJI, Htliidiiv. r to 6:30 p in. 'file iniiilc dcpnrtiii'int of the IiIkIi Hchni'il under direction of Andy l.nney Jr.. clly iichooln mui lc director, In uonlrlbutlim tills Hn-.i brrmdciiNt. The proKrinii will Include n chir Incl iiniirlct couiDoncd of Oeorite Vliilio. 1)111 Miithcvd, iJuvkl Mo Kelt nurl Mclvln Wnrncr. Tho ntrliiK ci u in i (-1 . under direr lion of Julm Llry.Kliile, Ol'ctienlrn inntruclor. Wiiyno Anftcl. hhlrlcy (.'ox, .iinilce. Lnr.ion imd (ihlrley l.onii will play. A Kilun ciiiicniblc of 35 nieinbcri from the a ciu prllii choir will ulni'. Addilloinil pnrtlclpnnlH will be the Kirl'n trio, Pnfiy Youni'. Huby Cichrliu;. nnd Hiirbnrn CUfU-r, accompanied bv Aim IIndcrnon nnd the brii'is nex let whose pcnionncl In Clulr (Still I iniiil. I.vlc fihnllcr. l.'hiirles nice, lli, mill llcrrv. Don 'f homiison nnd (Nick Viilde.'. future Hunilav a'lernnon pro fcrnms will Inclurle dniiniilli: pin rtuctlont by the Drnniu Clrouii, the Biirbcri.hoii nunrtcltc nnd rlinruA under direction of John lloiiJ.lon, line nrtu proHriunH end music lot chlldp-n, Iculurlni! the nctlve par llclpntlon of local children. The Arin Council In n non-nrofll oritiinl.iillon, conmoicd entirely ol Klnmnth people who wi.'li In fouler Increased Interest In itood muMc. Vandals, Petty Thieves Sought Hcvcrnl niln of vnndullnin nnd petty larceny were reported yentcr dav lo City Police. Mrn. K. A. Petty. 125 LaKUnn Ht., nald milk bottlei were ntolcn Irmn her front ponh Wednesday nlKht. Bcverul other retldmitn In the name area rcgliUorcd a similar complaint. Jolin Lumen, operator of Cruter CoLtiiKi on OrcKon Ave., told ol llcern, vnndaln hnve been breaklm; window and dentrnyliiK flxturen nt tho cablnn when he la awuy at nlKht. ! Several Hurt In Collision Beveral pcrsonn nullrrrd minor Injurlen In n two enr crnnh nt the Kprmtue Itlver Junction lo Orenon lltKhwny Bfl lliuridny evenliiR. B:thcr W. Parker and KtiKcne Pnrker. driver nnd pnnseiiKer ol nn enntbound vehicle received minor InccrnlloiK. They are both from Benny. Joseph Noonnn. pnsaciiifcr In a westbound enr driven by Mlchnel Cnvnn, illy, received (ace Incera lions. None of the three were hospital Ir.ed. 8tnte police nnld the two cars tnel liendon nt the Junction. At K. Main and Riidclllle Bin. Insi nlKht, a broadside collision remilta In diunnKe to cars opcr nlcd bv Vcrle D. Steele, 58. of 2136 While Ave., nnd Bonnie 8. 8tephens. 38. Mnlln. The Hlephcn vehicle Rolnu al on Rndclille acrosa E. Main wnn amncked In the rlRhl aide by the Steele car going north on E. Main. No Injuries were reported by City Police who Investigated. Polo Fund Gets Bly Boost The Bly community contributed S24&.40 to the "March of Dimes" fund nccordlUK to a report by the Bly chairman, Mjs. J'. H. Arm strong A dance wan Riven at the Bly school uvmnafttum Feb. IS whlcn I cleared tl 111.50. The members of the Bly Women n Club sponsored the dance and lurnlMied the re lrc;ilirncnta. A unique way of add' line to the fund was uved by hav- liiK request numbern sum? by the House Brothers during Intermis sion. The Girl Bcouln conducted the ticket male. The Uly I.lonn Club made a con tribution of 25. Bchool children contributed $33 05, the collection cans yielded $28.55 and 42 30 was sent In by mall, making a total of $245.40. Paper Denies Lincoln Slur On Nov. 21. 1863. the Chicago paper said, it printed the full text of Lincoln's Gettysburg Address. Mr. Truman erred as to the Chicago Tribune." the Trlbune'n account of Thursday s Truman talk :aid. CHICAGO l-The Chicago Trio-1 une took issue with President Tru man Friday on a matter of history. The Presidcnl told some 60 fel low Masons at a hotel breakfast Thursday, that, after Abraham L ncoln a oeiiysourii Address, the editor of the New York Tribune and the Chicago Tribune wrote that "The President of the U.8. also spoke nnd made the usual ass of himself." The Chicago Tribune quoted from Its report on the Gettysburg dedi cation, printed Nov. 20, 1863, the day after Lincoln's address: ", . . And the dedication rcmarkn of President Lincoln will live long General Hans Frei BOOKKEEPING Service . 6th Phenn 2-029: I Ha I B0C P 2254 Jo. among the annals of the war." fcTSTiirini 1 1 1 H OH " HO . 818 BB5OBB0 I I I mTnp(Tj Announcing mm Ueff S Barber Shop Has Moved , To 920 Main ttarbern - Jell Parnon, W'uile linker Man Held Here For Alturas A 37-year-old painter. Itusscll A. Brown, 1435 Pleasant Ave., is held In the city Jail for authorities at Alturas. Brown was arrested on n felony warrant from Alturas last night by city police. omcers said the charge lnvoved violation of probation by Brown. Henley GOP Meet Stated "How Each Republican Voter Cnn Help Toward a Republican Victory. Tills Year" will be the subject of n mcetng lor Republi cans Thursday. 8 p.m. In the Li brary ol Henley High bchool. Tlie meeting will be slanted prl mHrllv for voters of Ml. t.akl, Pine Orove, Midland. Poe Valley. Bpenkers will be Mrs. Marshall Cornell. Republican National Com mltlcewoinan, will talk on "Bring ing the National Picture to the Preci'ict Level." fitnte Sen. Phil Hitchcock, who will preM'iit "'The Republican Picture In 11152" and Charles DcLap, Klamath County clerk, who will talk on reglstra- lion. Present nl'.o will be Ralph Hill, prcclncl committeeman, and Mrn. Geneva Duncan, precinct cummit leewomnn, Charles Johnson, chairman ol the Young Republican Committee aivl others have been Invited The meeting In open to the public. 8KOUL, Korea il'i American holdlern In Korea havo contributed I277.BB3 to the 1952 March of Dimes to combat Infantile paralysis, the US. Eighth Army announced Friday. MKXIC'O IIIIFI SFS AID MfcXICO CITY i Mexico has turned down U.8. offers of military aid, and both sides hnve agreed to end discussions on the touchy sub ject. Obncrvern blamed Communist pressure for the Mexlcnn action. ARCH Theatre BIT Hnnn Norland 637 Pine Kt. Auto Insurance. 3ai . a The Merrill Fire Department Presents Their V 45th Annual Fireman's Proceeds to be used to purchase new equipment MERRILL SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Music By ;' : --.' BALDY'S BAND " i ...i n I r ii usi uuuu wgntc musifc :'-, Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. $1.00 per person spring is just.around theicorner . . . in the glorious colors;of ourv new;spring;collection!, ; tpring ttyl sikcms in specially treated FOR "BETTER LIVING CLU Versatile is the word for this coat . . . bt rt woler-ropellent, crease-resistant rayon J shoen ga bar dine. Graceful fitted, with fuTt beck pleats caught at the waist with a notour belt... pocket tabs accented with- briflht buttons. Neon, gray, docia, beiaej! purple, red, ke blue or navy. 10 to 18. I C til DC r1 V I. A until in aoMtr, m. utt u tim I I W J I I i WWM f ROEBUCK AND CO. J ' MUMUtT Tn. ru. nit its urn VfSvVW - i "Si :SsfflSBif si a t Af ZZZ-r i-tiimmUt, setecnon on sears 'A 'lUUNC VjJ U trt) U Mr"w"' m"- ,M,t ' 'will call' plan. AJ , p, mam. V R9S n, Suburban Service ' 8''1J iFl Cfi? : Z On Your Worn Kouipnvnt j$b. -" vImJ 1 J fill SHOW 13 ailK.flWflUI.lihJ I C V T0V NtT:l V X .-. I living" r They were mm. mm ff . Si hvitX z jxA CvjrTT -j broadcast V , nP-cTNrri m liKllMl Fo'Youf ) dShJWv m ll nfS, :-- II wi'h II i f DC5TINEBJ JI;.i A'p'IMIl I Knowiedoe I rvr-'stJFAm? Tkif If J&iJ buttons accent a. . . Minnie Surlei A : ' . . M.m 'Pfc I of , . Qlf-74 W WUf i M W ILJ1 " ' ' 'f - 11: TO LOVE... iM , HomeMoki9 1J Pla1fM- fnAfUnl: 'V HonkHenry beyond all M WS v v ' fM I W 1 - ' r .;' -V i i f -IVi1 ?V t I iml dobU-brotd, egtowoy locket suit 'wvi S" S I VV 4 ' f D0R l l J lflll A wHhyeiolchina . SWIFT'S A V ' ' rC 'CU V & PRIZE:. . f LS ' Hvil Mi Jl button...be.h on skirl and jocM.; , PRIZE-WINNING." 11 JjbJtSshi '" ' M ' A Fryrite l V fi' A f Mil ' 'BE'. oyon ln 9.bardine in novy, HORT SUWICT j 'K Automatic J 1 ..ij 1 P" Tchudrinv .YAirfsSfSSW A p-&'4mW' ' i: iiVBf s rKz Hu.bonds Us tosh mEP It FREE. V ttwsi .,S9U : ; '-r: m I Admitted Without .VUVV-W 4 -f, I If You Hare ' fTE5SfCfeV f , - I mW. ' ' '"- IX -V ! bf I J ; -73pL. M1! Membership 'J nrupjIO Pninr nrATDinr PAMDDCI I . VATUI CCM RvDnM . R"nw,) Hun," Vv Membership JJ V. 7 Affi>k gO i? .T. e" f ? i - Cord S uuinui iiiul ULmniui uniiii ulil-ivmiiiulu uinuii-aneinmimiw v jmy-:srs I iHSS IraiKWk . J ii V'-Nlj r"S'H SOL C. SIEGEL ROY BAKER HHZ Ranald MacDOUGAU ffiiSi -- I P'VSw 6': "lT ' ' "V SOL C. SIEGEL Vf ROY BAKER tR RANALD MacDOUGAU PELICAN THEATER THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 13 - DOORS OPEN " ''i- AT 10 ' PRESENTED BY : I THE OREGON FOOD STORES THE KLAMATH THEATERS Listen to ''Better Living" -KFLW li1S-l:30 Mon., Fri. Jutt thmk-riohl new, ol the vary start oUrt the iprino saaien-all the beit-Mllind ' ityUsforward barrlf, rooflopi, bonnl,yn.J plllbex.i end ethtr favoritei in straw ly-r braids, candies and itraweloth-with tinjfTS flewer cluitws, d.lleat veiling, royon , -JJ v.lvet triew-wondarful spri8 shodesF, jr ft Store Heun: a.ntrtli3fw'tl "133 So. 8th v FhoncSeJ