HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OTtEGON PACE S f: Go to Church Sunday CHURCH DIRECTORY CHURCH OF CHRIST MI5 Wantlend rhene MCI Arthur 0. Black well 10:00 A.M.-Hlble cliaae 1;00 A.M. Wornhlp aervlce 7:00 P.M. Rvunlni earvlr 1:00 P.M. Wednenlay lervlce Klamath Revival Cantar raster, Rev. Dorothy MrOliln lit Mltebell rboae 45J 10:00 A.M, Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worahlp 1:4ft A.M. Kvangellitla Service 7:00 PM-Tuesday AVA group 7:40 I.M. Wedneaday Privet Meetlni 1:41 P.M.-Prlday-Blbl Study 7:41 PM. Saturday Young People! Meeting. Church of Chriit 1774 Arlhir rheae 1-1141 10 00 A.M. Bible Cluaea 11:00 A M Morning Worship 7:S0 P.M. Mutual edification 1:00 P.M. Wedneaday Bible Btudy Mliiionary Baptist Church 4114 Doiflai Cider C. V. Dlencharri,' pastor Ml A.M. Bunday School 11:00 AM. Morning Worihlp 7:00 P.M. Training Union 1:00 P.M. Evening Service 7;00 PJ4. Thursday Bible Btudy C1RIHTIAN ICIENCK CHURCH Tealb aad WasblMtoa 11:00 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a m. Bunday Service 1:00 p.m. Wedneaday Dvtnlrig Service l:3C p.m. Sat. radio program KPJI. Klamath Tampla IH7 Plat Pbeae Uil Rev. D. B. Anderaon. mlnliter Rev. Warner Bock, Aaat. Pastor :4 a m. Sunday achool 11:00 a m. Morning worship. 1:10 p.m. Overcomer aervlcei 7:41 Evangeliatle aervlce T:4 pm. Wednesday. Bible stud; and pre ye rmeetlng. 7:4ft p.m. Fiday, Young peoplea' , Mrvlce. 7. JO p.m Saturday, radio broad cast. KPJI Cammunlty Church af tha Brethren tin Bristol Per. Edward Lander 1:41 A.M. Church School 11:00 A M Morning Worihlp 7:00 to :00 P. M. Wednesday Hobby At Craft Club Salvation Army 44 Uaaaalh Ma), and Mr, jack tittle 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A J4. Holiness Meeting 11:00 A.M. Junior Church I SO P.M. Young People? Meeting 1:00 P.M. Salvation Meeting Immanuel Baptist 114b aad High Per. W. P. Teraplln 1:41 A.M. bible School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worihlp 1:30 PJ Young people 7:30 P.M. Fvenlng Worahlp 7:30 PM Wed. Evening Prayer Sen-lee Hapa Evangelical Lutheran Sheila Beheel Rev. M. R. Andernon. Pastor ParMaage, 1141 Kane 1:30 A.M Sunday School 1:00 A.M. Worship Service Firit Prasbyterlsn Merrill Rev. Oeorge A. Milne 10.00 A.M.-aundsy achool 11:00 A.M. Divine Service 7:00 P.U. Plreslde Service Nursery Open First Christian Nlatb aad Ple Sle. Oeorge Alder, Minister t:4 a m. Bible School ll:M a.m. Morning Wirshla 1:30 p.m. Christian Endeavor 7:30 p.m. Evening Worahlp 7:30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Wtd. Cespal Tabernacle Aiuaaeal aad Marylaad Prtv. W. D. Blgby. Pastor 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A M. Morning Service 7:30 P.M. Evenings Worahlp Also services at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Wedneaday. Merrill Baptist Million Recreation Bonding :4ft A.M. Sunday school 11:00 A.M. Worship service 11:00 A.M. Worship Klamath Lattar Rain Church lit? Washhura Way Rev. Art Simpson 10:00 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 1:00 p.m. Evening service SfewarM.en.ex Baalist W. E. Weeks, Ptstor Ml AM Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 1:30 P.M.- -Training Onion 7:30 P.M. Worihlp Service 7:00 P.M. Wednesday Prayer and Choir Pratice Pilgrlmi Holinou 1111 Waatlaad Pbeae Mil Rav0. D. weaver 1:43 A.MSunday School 11:00 A.Ivfw Vornlng Servlci 1:45 P.M. "XTS. 7:30 P.M Ivangellitto Meeting 7:30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer First Church of Christ, Scientist A IrencK el The Mother Chunk, The first Church ef Christ, Sdentlit, In lest, Meu. ltthene Waihlsts Servlteef Suntfey Service, U e. as. laae'ey Shl, 1 1 10 a. Wea'aesa'ar avealaf Meetlaa, llOO e'cltek. Leiion-Sermen Subject Fabruory 24 "MIND" Christian Scitnct Rtading Room 1111 Mala St. Radio Broadcast Sat.. 5:30 p.m. KFJI "Tht Law f God" Church of tho Naiartno (iardea aad Martin Rev. Deal Van Do Orlft 1:41 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 6:4ft P.. 1, Young People 7:30 P.M. Bvangsllatlo Service 7 30 P.M. Wednesday Prayer Service. . I:0 P.M. Wednesdsy Choir Practice First Baptiit N. II h and Washington Dr. K. M. Csusey, paator :4ft A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worahlp 1:111 p.m. Training Union, 7:30 pjn. Evening Service 7:00 p.m. Wednesday, young people a meeting. 1:00 pm, Wednesday, mid-week prayer service. 7:30 p.m. Thursday, choir rehear- ssl. Kano Gospel Cantar Phone 13143 Rev. (ilatfve .rlllford. Palter 10:00 A.M. Sunday School. 11:00 AM. Morning Worihlp 7:4ft P.M. Sunday Rve Services 7:4 P M. Tuesday, Prayer Meet ing 3 30 P.M. Frl., Children'! church 7:4ft P.M. Prldsy Bible Study. OTI Sunday School Clueit House 10:00 A.M. Sundsy School every Sunday Pint Presbyterian Church Ml Plae Rev. David Barnett Jr.. Pastor 1:30 A.M. Church school (or all Sfes. 1:30 and II am, Morning worahlp. 11:00 A.M. Junior Worship 1:00 P.M. Junior high Westmin ster Pellowahlp. 1:30 P.M. Senior high Westmin ster Pellowahlp. Assembly of God 741 Oak Rev. Daniel Baylies, minister Rev, Donald Annas, aaslatant paator SUNDAY SERVICES 1:4S a.m. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning services 6:4ft p.m. Youth services 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic rally MID-Wt-FK SERVICES 7:30 p m. Tuesday, Bible study and prayer service 10:00 a m. Thuraday, Prayer service 7:30 p m. Thursday, preaching aervlce. 1:00 p m. Saturday, street service. FREE METHODIST 4U H. f tb Rev. Fred C. Neumann, paster BUNDAY SERVICES 1:30 A.M. Broadcast, KFLW l:4S A.M, Sunday School 1:4ft P.M. Young People 7:4ft P.M. E v e n In g Evangelistic aervlce. MIDWEEK SERVICES 7:30 P.M. Wednesdsy, Midweek prayer. Calvary Baptiit E. Main at Gardea Bargeas P. Baggetl, paator :4S A.M Sunday School 11:00 A.M, Morning Worship 1:15 P.M. Training union 7:10 P.M. Evening Worship MID-WEEK SERVICES 7:11 PJU. Wednesdsy, teschers meeting 1:00 P.M. Wednesday, prayer aervlce 3:00 P.M. Thursday, WMU. Firit Church of Cod till Alternant Rev. C. H. Beahm 143 A.M Sunday School ' 11 '00 A.M. Morning Worship 1:45 -Ms- Young People 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic 7:30 P.M. Bible Study. Union Gospel Minion Sftl Commercial Pastor O, M. Tltnma 10:00 AM. Bible School 11:00 AM. Worship Service. Malin Community Church (Presbyterian) Rev. Oeorge A. Shuman, pastor :45 A.M. Sunday School, all ages 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 7:00 P.M. Senior and Junior High Young Peoples Societies Kingdom Hall Jahavah'i Witnouoi Ml N. fib 7:48 P.M.-Sundsy Watchtower Study 7:45 P.M. Wednesday Bible study 7:45 P.M. Friday Service meeting 1:46 P.M. Friday Theocratic School Friendly Helpfulness To Ivory Creed and Ptirio Word's Klamath Funeral Home Morf uorito M. Word and Sena J5 High Phono 3334 Mt, Lakl Community Arthur J i. Rice, minister 1:40 A.M. bunday School 11:00 A.M. Worship Herviie 7:30 PM. Christian Endeavor Firit Methoditt llth and High Rev. Lloyd Holloway 1:45 A.M. Bunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worship 5:35 r.M. Intermediate M.Y.P. 7:00 PM. Senior M.Y T. ' Seventh-Day Advantiit 1135 Main Rev. P. O. Alderson SATURDAY 1:30 A.M. Hubbnth M'hool 11:00 A.M. Church Service SUNDAY 7:30 P.M. Evangelistic service MIDHKKK 7:30 P.M. Wednesday and Friday evangelistic service Klamath Lutheran Cross and Crescent Rev. Irvln Tweet t:4E A.M. Sunday achool 11:00 A.M. Divine Worship 6:00 P.M. Senior League Firtt Covanant 123 Walnut I'hnne 1517 Carl O. Htrom, Pastor 1:43 A.M. bunday School 11:00 A.M. Morning Worahlp 7:4 J P.M. Fellowship Hour 1:00 P.M. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH llth and High Rev. R. E. Oraef, pastor 11:00 A.M. Morning worship 0:45 A.M. Sunday school 10:00 A.M. Bible clans 10:30 A.M. Lutheran Hour, KFJI Congregational Garden near Martin Sts. Rev. Donald M. Cass'.day :4ft A.M. Church achool 11:00 A.M. Worship Service 7:00 P.M. High School Pilgrim Fellowship. Poaca Memorial Pretbytarian 4431 8, Sixth Phone 6057 Rev. Dwayne L. Proett 1:30 A.M. Church 8chool 11:00 A JA Morning Worship Reorganized Church of Joiui Chriit of Latter Day Sainti City Library 1:45 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Church Service First Sundsy of every month Sac rament service. For Information call 11M or 8915. Church of Jaiut Chriit Of I after Day Saintt Home and Martin 0:00 A.M. Priesthood Meeting 10:30 AM. Sundsy School 7:00 P.M. Sacrament 2:00 P.M. Sat. Primary Meeting 3:00 P.M. Tuesday Relief, Society 7:10 P.M. Tuesday M. 1. A, Biblo Baptiit Church 3244 Wlard Keith P. Fields. Pator 1:30 a.m. Sunday school 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p.m. Bnptlst league. 7:30 p.m. Evening service. 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, all family church night St. Paul'i Episcopal HI Jefferson Pbone 15U Oalen H. Onstad, Rector 1:00 A.M. Holy Communion 6:30 A M. Church School 11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer 7:10 PJti. Young People's Fellowship. , Gideons Slate Monthly Meet The Gideons non-denomlnatlonal hnlri Its reoillAt mnnlhlw n.MIIni, Sunday, 1 p. m., at the First Cove nant cnurcn. evj walnut. SDeclal D1II..M. frf th nirlnnr. Klamath Camp. Is Rev. Carl 6'. oirom, wno win neuver an inter esting message. Gideons and their friends are Invited for the potluck session. I'NDFRPAID AI.DKRMF.N TORONTO Ml Toronto's 18 alder men are "the most exploited Rroup of workers In the cltv," says Ford Brand, member of the Board of Control. He said In a recent speech that on an hourly basis, the 11,200 paid annually to tho aldermen av erages 37 cents an hour. NO ECLIPSE FOR I'.S. NEW YORK Wl The total eclipse of the sun, Feb. 25, will not be Visible In th ITnllM c,n,. m.. I path of totality crosses Central Af- aiu na jiraoia, ana enas in Cen tral Asia. ATTEND EVER? SERVICE OF YOUR CHURCH Calvary Baptist Church East Main Street at Garden Avenue Burgess P. Baggett, Pastor Phone 3500 2 Churches Offer Lecture By Veteran World Traveler Roy McCorkle, Southern Kuro- pcan director of CAKK HMO-til. is to make an nddrewi fit tlirs Bcv rnlli Hay Advnntlat Church here I'VU. W. 8 p.m., on the aubject "An American Looks nl Flurope,' here Jointly by tho Seventh Hay Adventlntn and the Community Church of tho Brethren In cooper ation with the Portland rr-iilonal nfllce of the American Friends Kervlc eCo mm .tie I c Service Committee. During the pant 20 years Mc Corkle has traveled widely In Knii luud. on the continent and through Kurupe Into Runslft. H"- worked out of eneva for somo time mak ing frequent trips to the Nenr East YiiKonlavIn, Germany, Spain, Franc ii nd the Scandinavian countries. He returned Irom Europe last sum mer. pint of a nation-wide lour. The meeting in open to the public and Ihere in no addmlsslon charge, ac cording to the Rev. Edward H. Lunder Jr., Community Church pahtor, who Is in charge ol ar-rariKcinenlh. Multnomah Bible School Choir in Cocert Here A sacred music concert will be prehcnted by Multnomah Bible School a capclla choir tonight, 7:30 :. in., at Bible Baptist Church. Under direction of Lauren B. Sykca since 1039, the choir has mined fame along the Pacific CoftAl for Riving excellent perform ances. Dr. Korl Ernest, Portland public schools music supervisor said ol the group: "In a day when bo much church music has been cheapened by se- culnr Inllucnces, It Is encouraglnn to find an Institution like Multno mah Bible School which has relig ious leaders giving its students the deep and satisfying experiences which come only through perform ance of the best In sacred music." No admission will be charged to hear the 40-volce choir, and the public is Invited to attend. Bank Robbed Gets Profit MIDDLETON. Tenn. I The Bank of Mlddlcton came out of its holdup with a 11.80 profit Thurs day. Money was tossed about freely ar Irate citizens wounded and cap tured the gunman, Robert H. Bon durant. Cltlscns, bystanders, hostages, officers and bank employes gath ered It all up and turned it over to Bank President H. O. Simpson. Simpson wouldn't say how much was stolen, but he said he got it all bnck plus 11.80. Nobody knows where the extra money came from. Cupid Leads To Prison PORTLAND iVi Some men gel married and almost at once feel they have been sent to prison. Jewell Chester Close, 39, actually was. This came about because (I) he was on narole at the time: (21 his parole officer had told him not to wed, and 3 the one he married was the warden's secretary, Anne Cnrty. 38. Close was a trusty at tne state Penitentiary In Salem when he first saw her. The love bug had him by the time he was paroled last month, and. despite his parole of licer's warning, he married her. Tho State Parole Board said It Just could not condone this. He al ready nad Ignored orders not to drink or drive a car, the board said. So It revoked his parole Thurs day. He has two years remaining of n three-year term for passing bad checks. , What's more, he won't be near his bride at the prison. She nl rendy has submitted her resigna tion, effective March 1. MORE MILK VIENNA Wi Hungary , has "solved" the problem of its -milk shortage bv milking cows four times a day. according to the Budapest newspaper "SzBbad Nep" In a recent edition the Communist organ urged farmers to follow "So viet practice" and mlk cows ev ery six hours to obtain more milk. 0 V S ' ROY McCORKLE Farm Income Below Average WASHINGTON W The aver dee income of persons living on (arms was 11.(120 last year compared to 1.707 frr those living off farms, the government reports. i nis compared to the 1050 aver ages of 1829 and 11,563. The Agriculture Department based Its figures on all income for farmers including non-farm sour ces. It said farmers received the hlnhest gross income on record. t37.40j.000.000 money from farm FOurces. But net Income money left alter paying production expen ses was I14.929.OO0.0O0, two bil horr below record, set In 1947. Grass farm income in 1950 was 32.732.000,000 and net Income 612,- U.UOU,(X)0. The department said farmers' purchasing power in 1951 was 8 per cent above 1950, about the same as In 1949 but lower than In any years from 1942 through 1948. California continued as the state with the highest income. Cash farm receipts from other states In 1950 and 1951, respectively included: Wasnlnuton. 1538.389.000 and $564,143,000; Oregon $389,345,000 and $406,927,000: Idaho, 1341,915,000 and S379.457.0OO. C LEAN FRENCH CITY BIARRITZ, France M This re sort city of 20.500 population on the Atlantic coast near the Spanish border, mils in a claim as the cleanest city in France. Sixty-three per cent of the city's nouses nave bathrooms. The rate for the rest of France is 8 per cent. A pint of ordinary water weighs about a pound. CLEANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Moin at Esplanade Ph. 3121 Va , M, COMPLETE I I RADIATOR I SERVICE Are You Going to Church? Im&j&spg " " " ' REV. AND MRS. W. D. IIGBY, PASTORS . If not come help ui. We have ilnnlng thet will inspire you. We preech a goipel that will nve you. We Hove a Thriving Sunday School ' and Competent Teachen. SERVICES: Yeuns People'! Service . Wedneidoy 7:30 p.m. Suedoy School 10:00 a.m. R,lar Service Sot. NiM Morning Worship 1 1 :00 a.m. 7:30 p.m. ,. . , . If yeu need transportation Evongclislic Service 7:30 e.m. phone 523 FULL GOSPEL TABERNACLE Altamont and Maryland Sti. Pre-Easter Topics Named A series of nre-Easter sermons at Calvary Baptist Church will be rlartcd this Sunday by Rev. Bur gess P. Baggctt, General theme of the sermons, to be given each Sunday till Eas ter, is "From Gethsemane to Csl vary" The opening tonic has been entitled "The Arena of Victory." On successive Sundays the ser mon topic will be: "Betrayed by a Kiss," "A Ques tion for All Men." "Behold the Man," "Love's Epitome," "A Dark ened World," "The Decision of the Ages," and on Easter Sunday, "From Out of the Night." World Prayer Plans Made MERRILL Plans were made for the World Day of Prayer, to oe neid at Tuiciage on Feb. 29, when members of the Presbyterian Church Missionary Society met Feb. 13 In the social parlor of the church. Mrs. Martin Wlnther led the meeting wblch, emphasized the Na tional Missions, now observing its 150th anniversary in the United States. In attendance at the meeting were Mrs. Clovls Story, Mrs. Gene Taylor. Mrs. W. F. Jlnnette, Mrs. Harriett Fstheringham, Mrs. Paul Lewis, Mrs. Earl McCoy, Mrs. G. A. Milne, Mrs. Eldon Payzant, Mrs. J. L. Hasklns and Mrs. Mar tin Wlnther. Sunday School Changees Hands Elected recently as superinten dent of Calvary Baptist Bible school was E. K. Allison. He succeeds James P. McGown. who has gone to The Dalles as Montgomery Ward store manager. Allison will have charge ol Sun day School which convenes every sunaay at 9:45 a.m. TOO MUCH EDUCATION YAKIMA. Wash. Iifl Painters are blaming the emphasis on col lege education for the shortage of apprentices for industrial painting. The complaint was voiced here re cently by Joe B. Wlesman, the executive secretary of the Seattle chapter of the Washington Council of Painting and Decorating ton tractors of America. BUEOVA , TRADE-IN EVENT! 700 Main St. Ph. 3151 ... AND THAT CALLS FOR 4 maw worm, MfMY PL7J 500-0, MOTHS R, MAT MAAfS LOTS OF "VI V 1 1 .ka 1 V is TUPmosT impoRTftnT SWGLC fOOD,