'. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 19152 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FATJ.S, OREGON PAGE FIVE Morse, Brewster Argue Taft's Future Actions By Th AuMM'Inrrit I'm Two Ht'pulillcnii htimliiin TIiiiih ilnv OlnBKroml ovpr wlii'lhor Hen, Tnfl would curry out U,H. iiIiIIkii lions In th r:iiro)"iiii (Irlcimo pro drum l( rlrctert J'ronklml. Hen. MorHp irt.-Oic.i, niituinrt' liiK Ohi. Dwlulil I). Klitpnliiiwpr ; (or the UOI' niiinliinllon, Mulct 'lull "would dnlent Urn forrlKii policy (or which Cleoci n I KUciiliuwiir klundn," , Hfn. Biownlnr n.-Me.,i, a Tnfl biirkcr, promptly flinllciiuvd llio Hliitmnnnt. Mn mild I lie Ohio xnnu lor h "murii! It unrlrolly cli'iir" thiil tin Vriwiilpnt lie would curry nut U.H ciiMiinltinrnln undrr Die Iortti Allunllo, I'nct. Morim, however, mid with Tuft President H would on "Iiiuioh jalblfl to curry out our oIiIIriiUoiib In Eiirnne." Pl'Z.I.F. Polllblnnn urn Mill Irylnii to IIk urn out whnl If miylhliiK wim In dicated by the year's) Unit nice tloiui. In New York, the Deiiiocrntlc lonrr In Tucidy' llrst pnslcli-n-I'nl yfnr ronurcnnloniil cli't'llon hlnilltil hi Iom on I'ri-Jtldfiil Tru . man. city Councilman lluiili yuliin, cirlralrri bv Hpiiilillinii llubril Irlpu Roiw, suld "Truiiiun licked inr." "I lint out KKiiliint the mmiikIiiN In the nntlonnl iKlnilnlNtriitlon," -yiilnn mi Ul. " The election (.hoiiltl liol have been drcldrd on nntlonnl ifMici. but the people iiindo 11 the Iwiue." Ron hammered awny ut luxe, crime, rorruptlon and CominiiiilMii mid Hepuullcniu hulled Ills vic tory a a good omen lor the No vember election. President Triiiiinli ukuIii aide.. Mi'ppi'd niiimiiiici'ini'iil ol hln own pliiiut ut u ncw.i coiilerenoo Wcdnes tiny. And a ti in ti ninny believed Tru until fitvoicd nn 111" niiccpnKor If he doenn'l run h,liiinell wen ro polled out of I ho picture. 'Ihn Wio'liliiKtoii I'oHt Mild Chief .liit.Uce Fred M. Vinson will not l.crinll lilintielt to become a Dein uvi'iillo ciimlliliito evert If d i lilted. ' Vinson hun been Irequenlly men tinned ii h ii pimnlble nominee If T'riimiin howl out. ,' bill, Mild ii eopyrlKhted nrtleln by Pout I'libllKhor I'hllln L. Urn hum. Vinton In convinced the na tion' liliihoht IikIko Khould not be involved hi politic. KNTKY HITCH oilier poliilenl development: Hen. Emeu Kefiiuvcr ol Tnnne r.ee, ciiinpiilifnliiK for the Dcinn c i n lie noinliiiitlon, nounlil to with ill ii w from tho Mureh IV Mlnne.notn piimiirv, but without complying with the Mule luw which hhvh h enndldiite. once entered, must HlKti in iilllilnvlt Hint he Inn'l cnncll (lute lor the Presidency If he wish en to Inke hlH inline oil the bnllot. Keliiuver'n olllee mild he obvlouitly could not do thut. Clen, Unuulna MiieArthur. often mentioned ux n OOP cnndldnle, tiled to net liln niuiie oil or I'cnn- i.ylvnnlii'i prlnuirv but didn't un nboul I rlu lit . Ollleliim Inlormeu llin u cue ml ihey could only nceepl lot nun ii 1 1 Kin vii pt mid n npoke mull lor MiieArthur Mild n proper lorm would be mulled Immediately. NPA Approves New Buildi WA8HINOT0N im Hie Niillon 1 Production Authority Thtirnduy approved stnrl on conMructlon on IMJ churches, lire alatlona, or phanage und comniiinlty bulldlnun with materials to be ninde uviill- bin In lilt nine montlui lollow Iiib July 1. Tlie go-ahead, It wnn undemtood, appllea to virtually the enure M of prndlni application for public welfare and aafety projecta In all parta of the country. The total r.itlmaled esxt la more than 20 million dollara. Details aa to the apeclflc proj ect approved and their location will not be announced until alter all the building authorization and the allolmenta have been Ixaued. Billy and Mac Get Together WASHINGTON I Billy Ora hum hud a aeheduled 30 minute conference with Clen. Douitlii Muc Arlhur In New York Thurndny but II Mietched Into nn hour, the tour- ii in cvn nudist's heiidriiiurlera here reporiea. Oriihiiin quoted the seneral ai nayliiK when their acMiion ended " Hilly, keep kIvIiik It to them." Hie youthful cvuimrllM. called MiieArthur "one of (lie Rrcatejil Ainerlcitiis of all tune." Oriihiiin Mild Die talk In the rcii ei nl n of I Ice centered on "relliilon and Inteiniitloniil politic." yyrn'11 mm km - r &'-J 'I VKi. .,. ,l ft 0 mlW 'FILL 'ER UP' Cpi. Dick Mickelson of Clendalc, Calif., a member of the 24th Division first to fight the Communists in Korea. Re-acquaints himself with fresh milk in Japan where the division has been returned for duty. Mess Sgt. Arnold llalvorson of Tacoma, Wash., offers him all he can drink. Death-Crash Teenagers Tell of Beer Purchase DHIA May Reform The Kliimnth County Dairymen's Ainoclutlon ttalunlny formed a committee to Investigate the possi bility of rcformlnir the Klamath County Dairy Herd Improvement AiMoclutlon, The DHIA wan dlM-ontlnucd over a year axo when the number of cows on lent fell below the num ber necettnary for the asuociatlon'a aucccaaful operation. A tally of dairymen taken at Saturday's meeting at the Fair Krounda ahowed that more than 1,000 cowk should be available for tent ahould the DHIA be reformed. The main problem facing the re formation, dairymen decided, was the necessity of a milk tester. About 80 dairymen cheeked farm milk tanka during an exhibition be fore the meetings. COMMUNITY AMHLI.ANCK FEHNIE, B. C. I Fcrnic has purchased a seven-passenger auto mobile to be converted Into an am bulance, as the first step In estab lishing a community ambulance service. Voluntary drivers and at tendant will operate the service at cost. ALBANY, Ore. 11 Two teen age survivors of an automobile crash that killed their four com panions testified Thursday that beer found In the car after the accident was obtained at a grocery near Sweet Home. The two, Carol Ann Whlnery and , Darlene Vandehcy, both 18-year-Soid Lebanon girls, testified at a jState Liquor Commission hearing Midway Grocery, located l'i miles east of Sweet Home In U.S. High way No. 20. Named aa proprietors of the grocery were Cecil B. Shelton, Eley Sheltin, Pearl D. Menear and Gordon L. Menear, The girls said that on the night I of Feb. D they and their four com panions stopped at the grocery en route to a dance. Clen Smith, driver of the car and one of those killed, told them he could get the beer because he once worked at the grocery, they testified. Located William R. Jordan, liquor com mission investigator, told the hear ing the two girls directed him to ihe grocery and pointed it out as the place where the beer was ob tained. Jordan said he was called Into the Investigation by state Police man W. F. Newell, who reported finding 10 unopened bottles of beer In the car after It was removed from Crabtree Creek, 14 miles east of Albany. The girls testified that Smith. 17. .as driving at a ' .! ate of speed wneii me car went out oi control, hit a bridge and rolled Into the creek. Mnrk Wealherford, Albany, one of the attorneys representing the defendants, objected at the hear ing that the notice had failed to state the time and place of the alleged sale of the beer or lo name the persons to whom It was sold. He added that he had not re ceived notice of the hearing until two days ago. Unshaken Weatherford cross-examined the Vandehey and Whlnery girls, but failed to shake their testimony. The hearing is being held before Carl Gloss, Llauor Commission Examiner, William A. Bingham, administrator, and Robert Elf strom, Salem, liquor commission er. Victims of the accident, besides Smith, were William Woolen, 17, Sweet Home, and Mnrjorle Vuabla and Jerald Zcrkel, both 18, Leban on. The Vandehey girl Jumped from the car as It left the hlahwav. caplng with bruises. The Whlnery gin was inrown irom me car aa it hit the water and was able to swim ashore. A Magnificent Wurlitzer PIANO TAt a Low Prict LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th lirSl CHI I J Suffocating "Hot Flashes" stopped or strikingly relieved in 63-80 of cases In doctors' tests! Are you going through "change of life'' . . . suffer ing the "hot flashes." ner vous tension, irritability, weakness and other types of functlnnally-eaused dis tress of this difficult time? Then . . . here's hope for you! In tests by doctors. Lydla Plnkham's Com pound and Tablets gave relief from such distress... In S3 and SO'i (respec tively! of the cases tested. Complete or ttrlking relief I Surely you know that. Lydla Plnkham's is Kcientiflcally modern in action Surely you know what It has done for others! But do you know what It will do for your Not if you haven't experienced the relief of tension, "flsshes" and Irri tability it io often brings at aueh times! Before another dsr has passed, try Lydla Plnkham's . . . the Vegetable Compound, or new, improned Tablets with added Iron . . . and dis cover how much ecjiler your "change of life" may bel ymineer uomen and eir's Buffering from functional ' palna and distress of men struation find Plnkham's wonderful tool It contain no pain-deodenlnf tfruos 1 Lytiia lnkham'B aotton through sympathetic nr vout $ytm re lieves diitresi of tht"heatviave' I State Senator Not Running NEWPORT, Ore. Wl Russell L. Gardner, state senator for Lin coln and Tillamook Counties, said Thursday he would not be a can didate for re-election. Tho Pendleton East Oregonlan some months ago reported that Its poll of newsmen covering the atate legislature listed Gardner as the state's worst senator. He said the press of business and the criticism In the poll prompted his decision. SYDNEY, Australia lP Austra lia's only major film production center, Pagewood 8tudlos, is to close down. Trade circles say the closing will be a severe setback for the Australian film Industry. STI'UKNTS kii.i.i:i CALCUTTA. India Wl Three student were killed and 20 se riously Injured at Dacca In Paki stan 'lliursdiiy when police fired on ii demonstration protesting Ihe Paklstnn government's decision lo cstnbllsh Urdu as a state language, advice received here said. The stu dents WBnt P-engiill equally rec ognised as a state language. TO LEASE: 2 Acres Graded Land' Portland Worer Front Property Site suitable for factory, ware house, sow mill, etc. ADJOINING 1 700 Ft. River Frontage ler l08 rohin9, t. For Lease Together or Separately Foot of S. E. Spokane St.1 Portland, Ore. RICHARD HARPER 1325 Yean Bldg. Portland, Ore. The SPRINQ DRESS ifou all SUMMER long.' You'll go places in this casuol little hand-deloiled, Iwo-tone, fwo season dress. It'll wear and wear and wash like a hanky. Fashioned of a new ; fabric type of linen unifast processed and crease resistant. A marvelous travel dress. ..slays crisp and fresh as linen. Comes in sizes 10 to 18. 16 PositiVeli . . . ExclusiVelij at... fashion second floor II " I mud. 95 COLLECTORS! Here's an outstanding offer at Rickys! Teacups and Saucers PRE E! Yes, two exquisite china teacups and saucers for the price of one! Just buy one of the famous makes listed below . . . and Rickys will give you another beautiful teacup and saucer FREE! Collector's items all! Buy as many as you like ... at Rickys! Buy one from this group... GENUINE ENGLISH BONE CHINA TEACUPS and SAUCERS Paragon Shelly Crown Stafford Royal Staffordshire Royal Chelsea Adderley Airisley Roselyn Stanley Foley From 1 95 ... and get one of these FREE! This collector's group includes dozens and dozens of English bone and Oriental china teacups and saucers. Your choice is FREE . . . with each purchase of a fam . ous make listed at left! BUDGET " ACCOUNTS INVITED n i 4 0 ZMJJZ'jVtt$ IECISTEHD JMUUI mum ri iinirr 700 Main St. Phone 3151 i