Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 22, 1952, Page 3, Image 3

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    CIUDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1052
Jfr', 'fT-'CT'nyi ;yiy rwil'
r unio ttowlT8febiiiiiiil I m inTOtaani
SPOTLICHT ON THE PAST Baritone Holier! Merrill anil bo Pilo Pln (rlrlil) ,
don rotlumra of famrd Ifnor Knrlco Cruo a soprano Mela Albanra and Grurxe R. Mnrck, RCA
Victor offlclsl, watch during opening of exhibit of Caruso memorabilia In New York Clly.
11 K ART TKOJAN8 mucle their do
but tor that Important county
championship nal nlulit on Prll
can Court. Tullyliiu up yesterday's
maiilta, the clulil cuunly tennis
v.oro matched up to try attain to
lny, four fur connotation mid four
for Die aweepntnkra I
With school nplrlt at Ita srason's
prak. Acndi-my atudents arc ex
preuliiK II 111 rallies mid attend
ance and ydlliiK at Kumca. Ev
eryone wax dlMiilioird from nchool
yenterduy nnd today to nco the
afternoon itamrs nl Henley.
Hevcn o'clock battmlay inornliiK
will be the early hour the acad
emy Klrla will leave lor Lakevlew
for the girl' tournament. Thone
at home wish them Kood luck,
both In vrtory and lun.
'Die MadrlKal ensemble will
sing at the weddlim of Jean Kel
ler and Put Hammond tomorrow
mirnlng In fiucred Heart Pariah.
Then again Tuesday the Kir Li will
!ng at the Mother'! Club Style
The social aspect will be topic
discussed by the county nchool
at the third panrl disruuilon ached-
in nil iir rr lm i :m
m. v.MeA mm i j ms. tMitiirw?T)ZX
I Lowest prices in 15 months!
Snug Cotton Knitted
This great special of fer brings the lowest
prices in 15 months ... oh our
ity Harmony House slip covers!
this stripe and solid color combination in
heavy duty knit.. A true buy! ,
Finely Tailored! Snug Fitting! 3 New Designsl
3-Cuihlon Studio or Doveno
Covert in "Broth Edge" Design
' Well tailored with cord welting, box
' pleats and all-nylon sewn seams.
Completely washable in Harmony
! I House Colors. See the new patterns. hl quolHyl
iwiii i i 'jaw " i i
Crash City
Well Knovn
ELIZABETH. N. J. (fl An Air
Forco prlvule mulled a pom-curd
Irom 81. Louis, Mo. addix-aned to
"Airplane Cranh, N. J." and It
reached thla clly without any do
lay. . .
The message on the card rend
"Just wanted to aee If thla gels
to you."
The airman. Pvt. Charles ft.
Mn r mo. whose- home l In Eliza
beth, mailed the card while en
route to Culllornla.
Thla city waa the accnr of three
major airliner crashrs within two
montlti, which killed a totul of 1 1 U
KARACHI, Pakistan The leg
inlallve atnernbly of Pakistan s
rich Punjab province bordering In
dia have adopted u m;w tcnaury
law limiting landloirls to retention
of a maximum of 60 acres of cul
llvatable Iniida.
tiled for Pebrtiary 27 at Chllociuln.
The Academy delegates will dls
cuat. "How Can the Home and
the School Develop a True Un
derntandng of Human Highta?"
'.:.. J:V.r.ti, v
UtWS3' s"
fine qual
you'd expect
to pay 19.00
or more for
FrxTA7' SU-
Zengers Leave
For East
Mr. and Mr. Al Zcnger, 4604
Hoardmnn St. left Wednesday night
by train for Now York, where Mr.
Zenger will attend a national Shell
Oil Company conference. They
win arrlvo In New York Sunday,
and the conference la due to begin
on Monday morning of next week,
continuing until Wednesday.
'llicy will Ktop In Washington on
Ihelr way buck, and expect to ar
rive home about March 10, after
iciurnmg uy the southern route
Zenker Is manager of the Klam
r.lli Falls district of Sholl Oil Com
puny, which extends northward In
Oregon to Madras.
fit. 494 Pot Ordn To T.k. O
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
Weven Fabric Slipcover! Come
in Wide Variety of Styles
Check Sofa Meaiurementt i
Ne meoivrsmsnhi art need.d far thair
etwsn. How.vtr, msawr full width of your
efa ocroii back, net Including arnu. ;
Birthday Bargain Day
In America's Capital
Washington were around today he
wouldn't toss that dollar across the
Kappahantiock he'd probably use
it to buy a rauio or television set
a typewriter. Ana get cnange
yet I
The city named for the first
President annually celebrates his
birthday which la Friday by go
ing on a unique buying binge en
couraged by fantastic and widely
advertised bargains.
Thla year hi no exception. Lines
began forming Thursday In front
ol stores ollcrlng a limited num
ber of typewriters lor 90 cents,
raoios ior on ceiiLS, iur coat ij.w.
TV acts M rent, and such things
as icncc imikcia ior eight cents.
It waa cold outfllde a freezing
32 degrees Thursday nightbut
hundreds grimly held their places
to snatch the hot bargains ln.lde.
The quantity of many items on
sale Is limited. Bui virtually all
stores oiler n few loss leaders, cut
nrlces generally on other merchan
dise. A loss lender lt something a
tore will sell at a loss In hone
the customer also will buy some
Caclwiiv Surfi-Sovtr
itoret cottljr oap tvdt
ond hoi water for
Otpth Stltctor tavti
oop ond not water
you itltct depth to fit
tite of lood.
6'vant Ouiatitt agiia
for providti qtntie,
thorough actron.
Big tylindei hold and
drlet full lood ol woih
then i teody foi
2nd lood.,
l ne eC Ve ,e Vn of
thing else the store la selling at a
1 Kuis
One store advertised rugs for tl
each but only two were offered
at that price. Anotner ollcred what
11 advertised us pean iiecxiaces
for 37 cents and no limit.
Just how the birthday bargain
custom began Isn't certain, but the
reason lor It Is obvious: Most
government workers havo a holi
day, giving them time to shop. It
also enables merchant to clean
out basements, attics and ware
houses of stacked up merchandise
for the year's biggest one-day sale.
Illness Closes
City Schools
ASTORIA IPi Astoria's schools
were closed Friday, alter an out
break of chicken pox, measles and
the common cold.
The doors were closed Thursday
after the high school reported 200
or the schools d.iq students absent,
and grade schools noted a com
parable rutc.
K-'i.'"'! Fully Axttomatie' ' ,r L
;sJv3 C with Sears Exclusive T-
Oim. Itoia Sunfi.iN jttit'n iL sNsvSssl
lamp moV.l tlolh.i v UT - ' W CaKI J
School Funds
Plight Eased
PORTLAND m Willamette
university trustees - heard here
'Iliursday that the school Is In a
stronger financial position than ex-
pccicQ at tnis lime.
President O. Herbert Smith re
ported that there waa not the en
rollment drop expected because of
the military draft. He added, how
ever, that the school still needed
the (45,000 emergency fund voted
by trustees at the meeting last
George H. Atkinson, chairman of
the Finance Committee, said more
then half the amount has been
George L. Koehn, Portland, was
named to the board, succeeding
A. A. Schramm, who died recently.
The board granted Harold Jory.
registrar, a three-month leave for
a special tour of duty In the Wash
ington school system. A full sum
mer session at Willamette also
was voted.
SYDNEY, Australia I Japanese
toys have been selling so well that
unless Important restrictions ease
this year, the supply will not meet
the demand, an Importing company
official sad recently.
State Education
Leader Stricken
BEND (TV-John J. Cramer, 62,
dean and director of the State Sys
tem of Higher Education, suffered
a heart attack here Thursday,
A doctor said he probably would
be confined to a hospital here three
weeks, although hla condition was
considered critical. Cramer
was In Bend
for a conference on
Oregon Community
the Central
with a sensibly priced
Hearing Aid . .
715 Main Street
r j
Dog Cosily
LOS ANGELES lPl Bftrt'l in
the doghouse. Accused of being a
hit-and-run dog, ha wai convloWd
A Jury unanimously voted to as
sess $3,500 damages against Bart'
mistress. Mrs. Helen Wsiser.
Mr. Grace Kay, 74, had autc)
for tl 0,986. alleged Bart had,
knocked her down and seriously
hurt her while he was chasing are
other dog.
...set more out ol lift
ONLY $75
Headband md bona
conduction iif loti
available modoratt
extra eoit.
I t. .. 1 :: :
Store Hours: 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M.
1 ' " 11 " f ' S 8th
133 So. 8th
fhone 3188
oz potto mney 6zc6 r J j JJ