i AOS FOURTEEN HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22; 1052 Second Atomic-Powered Submarine Contract Let ' 1 i fl'tov c. fat WASHINGTON im The Atomic Energy Commtsslon Thursday or Oered construction of second tomlc-powered submarine- engine, It ald Ulta one wll be ol de sign which may be easier to build and operate than the one aireaay nder construction. " An AEO announcement said the Oeneral Electric Company nai been authorized to start construe- tion at Its West Milton, N. Y., laboratory of test engine' which "will be used for final development fvork leading to construction of an intermediate energy reactor for nroDulsion of a submarine." The Westlnghouse Electrlo Cor poration already is worung on a thermal reactor at Its testing sta tion In Idaho. DECISION 1 ' ''- When the two engines are com pleted, the AEO and Navy will de cide 1 which- Is better for subma rines. I Development of a nuclear engine for submarines is nign on me al military priority list. With such n enslne. a subma rine theoretcally would have much Sreater speed than with conven onal engines and could cruise sub merged lor urousanas 01 nines. While little information has been flisclosed about design., the key words in Thursday's announcement are "intermediate energy reactor" and "thermal reactor." The design Westlnghouse is work ing on Is "thermal, ' and the one Jjeneral Electric will work on will be the "Intermediate" types. The difference Is In the speed of neutrons released to produce, through fission, heat or production pf power. : The intermediate reactor has fairly fast release of neutrons. HULL While the two exDcrlmental en- tines are being- built, the AEC and ihe Navy are going forward with construction of the hull for the submarine. A hull contract was awarded to the Electric Boat Company of Steel Strike Decision Set l PITTSBURGH Wl Ton officers f the CIO United Bteelworkers drew up their, decision Thursday fen postponing a nation-wide steel trike Saturday night but kept it secret pending ratification by the union's wage-policy committee. The 170-man wage-policy group was called into session by Philip Murray,- president of both the CIO fjid the USW, shortly after noon. Murray refused to talk to news men at the conclusion on the two tiour morning session of the 35 Inember executive board. All indications are that the un ion will postpone its strike dead line. . ' - . i 1 Recaptured TORT LEWIS UP) Two Tt. Lew Is privates who escaped a stockade camp by overpowering a guard eight days ago were captured Thursday while driving a stolen car at Hillsboro, Ore., post authorities announced. ' , They were Pvtt. Jerry F. Far rington, - Junction City,- Ore., and Ivan F. Marshall, .19, Newport News, Va. The Washington County sheriff's office at Rillshnrn will hnM th.m Jintil Ft. Lewis military police ar- ve. - 1 -i - When he escaped. Pvt. Marshall was already serving six months time for a previous AWOL and Pvt. Farrington had made three pre vious - escape attempts since last May,, post headquarters said. Oroton, Conn., last August. Some Nary ofllctals believe an A-powered submarine may be ready for testing some time In 1954. r. I i ' . " Probers Blast Tax Heads ni By GENE KRAMER BAN FRANCISCO td The King congressional subcommittee ended Its San Francisco hearings with a oiasi at ponucauy-appointea In ternal Revenue officials. I aald rank and file employes "have done a good, honest job." . ' A statement by Chairman King D.-caiii. Diamea tne local In ternal Revenue scandal on "in competent" political appointees of King s own party -protected By. . . . an Inept top administration in Washington. END URGED .-- It urged an end to political ap pointments In the Revenue service. Two Republican committee members who stayed for Wednes day's windup of the 16-day hear ingsReps. Robert W. Kean (N.J.) and John W. Byrnes (Wis.) con curred in Kings strongly-worded statement. . The Congressmen are returning Thursday to Washington, where closed Hearings open next week as the first stage of a New York Internal Revenue inquiry. Tneir statement said the San Francisco Internal Revenue office was "badly administered-" prior to sept. 27, 101. That day. Collector James V Smyth and five top assistants all Democrats were suspended on or ders from Washington. They later were tired. FAILING "Control. - . had fAllen Into the hands- of a top echelon, of political- appomtees wnose cnier railing was their, gross Incompetence," . the statement said" "Their second, and also serious failing was a devotion to political interests which transcended their loyalty to the Revenue service ana caused them to engage in petty and sometimes criminal manipula tions. "In these, they Were encouraged and protected by the complacency and indifference of an inept top administration in Washington. Po litical and personal favoritism in the treatment of taxpayers ana in the handling of personnel problems has been the result. XETCRN TO- ALMA HATER . . EAST LANSING. Mich. Wt-Two of Michigan State's greatest line men are now assistant freshmen coaches at their alma mater. They are tackle Hal Vogler, Captain of the 1949 team, and Don Mason, hard-hitting- guard on the same 49 team. - i t . tT i I y no Vest Leaders Study Soviet By STAN 8WINTON ' LISBON, Portugal -Ml - The 14 Atlantic foreign ministers met be hind eloaed doors Thursday for an up-to-the-moment study of the Rus sian problem. A spokesman said U.S. Secretary of Bute Acheson and his colleagues neara and tnrasned over top-level reports on the Soviet Union and ALAN PEMBERTON, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pemberton, 228 Martin, is . to be master of ceremonies of the "Junior Follies" to be presented by the Moldo van Dance Studio at the Pelican Friday, Feb. 28. . Poles, Pilings Price Lids Up PORTLAND Wl Prices for poles and pilings can go up 6 to 20 per cent on Feb. 25. The Office of Price Stabilization authorized the increase Wednesday as an incentive to encourage pro duction for the Armed Forces, de fense' Industries and construction projects. Both Douglas fir and Ponderosa pine poles were included. H ft ii J 32 i& I3H IB; Wash. State Prexy Named PULLMAN. Wash. Ufl Dr. Charles Clement French, vice pres ident of Texas A&M, has been se lected from a list of more than 230 candidates to be president of Wash ington State College, It was an nounced Thursday, - James McCluskry, chairman of the WSC Board of Regents, said in a statement released here that the Job was offered French early this week and that he hopes his acceptance will be made by Sun day. It was reported the 80 year old French has already submitted his resignation at Texas A&M and will come here in May. its latest policies toward the tret world. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman told the dosed door ses sion auout tne situation in moo China. Problems of the - Middle East, Including Egypt, were son over. , STRENGTH . Earllltr AlllArf 'Attlmnmm mlnltlaM In less than one hour-approved a military committee report calling for 10 to 60 divisions to be In the field by the end of 19M. ell. Thn ih full-rimju unmhlv oi ioreign. iuuu.ee and defense ministers must settle conflict be tween the Allied chiefs of sUff end W. Avrll Harrlmtn'a t council committee. The committee says the ISM tar get of 100 divisions on aoUve duty HCnliH rinn 1 1 nr mm) the European economies cannot at- The military wants to keep Ihe 10 division target, planning pro duction that mm, rflui.inn. , . , - j u..m,wM could be armed and supported. All BASKS MfnniL-l,llj. , I, t.n wlii. . . m,v ,vp iiiiiiiai y ana financial brains of the North At lantic Treaty HnrinlMHAn ..... hard at work on Ihe problems of "t ucivn.iive air oases can be strung across Europe before the MIRRORS i for .ay V" l the HeaMtJi Calhoun's k. Mela 9. l .-A 1053 building season Is lost. Before the defense and finance ministers lay blueprints for the air bases, their communication lines and control headquarters. With these completed, tlx 14 Western Allies oouid breathe easier despite the dangers of Soviet Russia's Ko rean proven Jets. den. Elsenhower, boss of the al liance's military establishment in Europe, Bent down the outline of his needs. What the defense and finance ministers are will pay how nine pondering illicit of III TAI.IIt 1 CHO Mmt o OPENING ANNOUNCEAAENTo THE SEWING MACHINE SERVICE AND EXCHANGE OPENS :: ' . in their new location at 422 MAIN SATURDAY-FED. 23 SATURDAY - Feb. 23 . for MEMBERS and GUESTS Moose Hall -1010 Pine Your Membership Card Is Your Ticket m SHE $lir"! WESTINGHOUSE RANGE ! ! ON A BIG NEW MODEL EBA-74 "COMMODORE' Wos $259.950 mm EBA-74 "v 1951 Model 133 Down - 18 Months ' on the bolonct . Three "Corex',- surface units, 6-quart ."Eeono" deep well eooker,."Mir acle-Seal"; oven for per fect baking in any, rock position. Three storage drawers, one may be eon re rted i into a . warming comportment new- over size ' broiling' element. Tel - A - Glance" controls, automatic appliance out .erv Built in, light and electric timer makes this range completely- outo-maticf A It's Your Chance To Save On a Big 40" Westing'house: kqnge-Act NOW! ) cud Side APPLIANCES Corner 7th and Klomth Ph. 8886 America's ,N STRONGEST Whipcord The amasing new Iron Duke Whipcord will give you twice the wear at little more than half the cost you have had to pay previously for quality Whipcord. With new, rich, brilliance of color and complete absence of scratchiness, Iron Duke Is the finest ap pearing and most comfortable wearing Whipcord. Day's exclusive Durapel finish repels spots, stains ond rain and make Iron puke Whipcord permanently crease resistant. ' ."'.'.- Heaviest 19 ounce Whipcord. The weight for warmth and wear . - Full cut en Graded Potterns. Finest tailoring features and detail 2-ply blended with Nylon. For greatest strength . . finest appearance - Durable watar repellent. Lasts through - re peated cleanings. ' Stain and spot resistant. Saves on dry cleaning bills. DON DUKE has 417 greater abrasive resistance. IRON DOZE k peraanentlr T eraet resist snl. TROUSERS $095 JACKETS CRUISERS Sis practical celers far every job ' '11" '14" mam von is sotdsed wh SfftM si al strain penria. IRON DUKE manufactured by CROWN exclusively for DAY'S Truly America's Greatest Whipcord buy. wm ON DUKE Is at heat S0! etrestgsf fMst etW whipcords. 733. Main Phone 3463 la: Who loir oonu