fVTWelve 4 , - i 6INIRAL TmEBR"ATlNG 'Sewing Machine Service end in ths attached Information,' w machine free-of-charge. Compliments . 833 Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore. Name I Address or Direction . City v . . . . . Makf of- Machine T . . - . Remember, genuine Singer Service rendered only by men driving Stagar ServleevCar. , " -. ' ' 4 6INIRAL NOTICIS NEW SHOE Shop. We with to advise our old customers, of many years, that we art In bualneu again and ex tend an Invitation to all to see our flaw equipment and have the bait In ladlel, fnen'a and chtldren'i ihoc re pain, Stuart's Shoe Shop. 1033 Main. 4 '. PIRSONALS DRIVING to Oklahoma March lit, will take foue. Write Box 885. Merrill. Ore. Washington buu shop. Evening appointments. Phona 3623, lois Washing ton. 'ORDER ''your Spencer garment before selecUng your spring wardrobe. Phone TIM. STANLEY Home Products. Phone egoe. 10 SERVICE' . MOVING? . . . Call 7435 Local-Long Distance Plana and appliance moving a yi epeclalty V Transfer and Storage .JJftyn'a. Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" . FIX THAT RADIO ) A Our Business is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 , CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you dont want, someone else needs I Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what ydu don't want, .... This is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age,! this-- unique- opportunity. DrqnTn'Iat 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or. Phone 5670 , Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE, FOR HJRK Honest Rates Weights Service 4 - Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINK 2802 South Sixth ... Ph. 9240 or 3386 , ' : ' "-EXCAVATING Mobil Bhovel and Trench Ho Bulldoser - Pill Dirt - Topaoil ' Crushed Rock - DriTewajr. Cindeia Comprestor CRANE SERVICK I GRAHAM BROS. iPhoLe 5541 or 9110 i Septic Tanks Cleaned j Hevtait Sanitary afethoda ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean Sewer Lines of Roots, Bte ED T. KTKQ - i UM Orchard Phope W41 rJOCTORS WAITRESSES NUR- V SES BEAUTICIANS. HOOVER NY- LON UNIFORMS. PHONE 2-2680. '; SEPTIC TANKS ! Pumped, concrete tanks and drain ; fields In iU lied. OrvUIe . Mutgrave, ; pnone 3P70. ,. GLASS furniture tops and shelves made -ttf order. , Kimbairi Glass Shop . Fnoffe:-'737B, REPAIR SERVICE tii Off washers, radios and outboard mo- ton. i MONTGOMERY WARDS ' i 9th and Pine Phone 3188 ; i AVOID SOUR NOTES by having Wm. . Mornn tune your nlano. 49 years of i experience have prepared him to serve t you ngnti rnone a-uzuu. iwyie morgan r j pianos. ! PAINTING and paperhanging. Phona TB17. : TRIPP'SOVUTO, painting, body and fen l ftot- ankr Phfln AAat1 V ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or, ntxscr. 'F Phone 2-1010. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant ani Auditor Office at 300 No. 7th. Phone S34S , ALTERATIONS " on men's, women's, children's clothing. Jennie Hare, seam- tress Anita's. 707 Main. FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or SC77. FOR TREE TRIMMING Phone 2-0353 INCOME TAX RETURNS For appointment . Phone 2-0251. Harvey CURTAINS launded and atretcbed. Phontf, 4014 12 EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING, shorthand typing km dred subjects, office machines, 1 KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE . 733 Pine Phone 476U ! CHILD CARE and education. Prf-hool - center. Phone 427a. HEALTH MASSAGE." therapeutic exercises for - woman; Spot reducing featured. Phone 3 9BOH. J 14 HELP WANTED; FEMALE : FOUNTAIN GIRL, part time. Ruth WH- - aer, uastieperry Drugs. ; t EXPERIENCED bookkeeper for payroll and general office work. Good steady J position. Apply after 4 p.m. Cascade '1 u"-ry ana cieaners. 1 wain l ED. nouseKeener to live in. wun 8ood reference,. Five u ood wage.. Phone 371a. ; 1 HELP WANTED, MALI SALESMAN wanted to travel, selllnr ; athletic equipment. Call in person. The uun aiore. ' BISIX MAN, day shift, experience pre 1 ferred but we will train man Doaseas- ' inf food qualifications. Must be neet and appearance cheerful and enjoy dealing with the public. Apply in per son to Mr. Hlmrod. Wlllard Hotel. ' ': WANTED, sober dependable man able ' to do apartment nouse or ouuaing main I ten. nee. Light plumbing, electrical and I painting repairs, some janitorial work. Steady employment. Write age, phone numb.' experience to Herald and News Box J. i MAN to earn 180 week up. Long needed Inveiftmnr Advertised Saturday Evening ; Pott euntry Gentlemen. Pronecta ev erywhere. Full, part - time. Exclusive. ' No iftpeatment. Free ' aamoles. Write ! Xed -CnawtLlnc. - Colorado. pept'.eg-B, lilttleton, 17 ,HlCrWANTIP - : WESTERN UNION wants you to train a us,;ufcmat!c perator.- Good ealary ' w.hlladefttnlni. Must be eighteen years of .ft, (ouch typist. anT willing to wfr. anrwhere-ln Oregon. Washington, (mttr Idaho. Please eonUct lo- cat WeVlern Union office. NOTICI , ' . 1 01. YEARS OP ii will oil nd adjust your .. . .j...... . SEWING CENTER . 14 HILP WANTIO, MALI SALESMAN, roeftnf . aiding. . and in ulatton. $100 week and more priss'bla. 410 Adams. Phone 8 1st.- t I SITUATIONS WANTIO WOMAN need! work badly. WU1 take housekeeping job for one.. Write Her- am ana Piews, box zb. BOl'H v.-ork. Phone 1-32IS. CARPENTER WORK wanted.- Repair a fpecialty. Jim Alexander 21B0 Tunnel 5t.i'none B30Z. BABY sitting. Phona 2-0372. WILL care for children In my tome days or your home evantnse . cau 2-155 2T ROOMS FOR MKT r.OOMS tor rent, clean. Close m. Phone ROOMS, prlcea reasonable. Phone oSST LOVELY rooms for rent. SS.-S7 a Wee moss in. phone FRONT room for rent Greer Apart menu, iiu nun. BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone- ease. NICE, heated rooms. S22 Pacific Tar- ROOMS 103 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, furnished - mprtitumt for wonting gm. uuiium ninutnva. vtm of automatic washer and dryer. SV blocki from 7th. and- Ma4n. Fhoat or caii ai zb . ixn. LARGE modern furnlihed sttam-hMt ed apartment. Adults. 213 Cedar. . FURNISHED apartment for rant 30. per month. Inquire at 443 Market; Apt z. FOR RENT. three room fumtihed apartment with j a raff. ooi Darrow. rnone vwz. NICE clean apartment, Gaa equipped. Refrigerator. Couple preferred. - .mum Marquise. Inquire 1334 Oak. FURNISHED ' three room apartment 52.50: two room unit 33; all numiea inciuaea. 4is n. Tenth. MODERN furnlihed apartment for cou- pie. uon in on vtn 9U sse. uimi ana water inciuoeq. ynonc aaiia or 33. FOR RENT, neat, furnlihed apartment. rnone whw arter m p.nu FOR RENT. 3-room apartment, fter- nisneo. Aauiia. b aroao. r UKNlSHKD three . room apartment ultable for buaineea couple. Alpha Apinmtnu, 7ui ana nnt. ft TWO room furrilahed apartment. XJflUti no waier. nta wainuu LARGE furnished apartment.-1 heated" Adult. Close In. Phone 4317. FOR RENT, small furnished apartment. suiuoie ior coupie. jwia aummera iane. MODERN funumed' apartment. Garage. Phone 84. THREE' rooms unfurnished. . Stoves. Ga rage. 4Z.50. gpquire uao wnite, STUDIO apartment. 3 rooms with bath unrornisnea. Beparate entrance. Heat. electric stove furnished. Phona a-fl7t. FOR RENT, furnished apartment for adults. 321 Broad. ' ' : : : SMAIX unfurnished apartment- Located on Homedale Road. Adults. Phona I1C7 STEAM HEATED apajtmesnf with bed- room, oa jbk ai. FURNISHED aoartment Apartwenj. 1, 200 Market. MODERN 5-room apartrhent. OL.YMFIC APT8. . 207 E.- Main- 8 MALL clean aoartment. - XlaerileaDy eqmppeo. aaa r. loin. THREE ROOM furniihad apartmarr$. SOtQ wniie. ONE bedroom unfurnished ajtertment Gas eouipped. Call 2-OSU. NEWLY decorated, orlvata bash. kV cnenene. sieam neai. eiaeinc nsuse up weea Hex -Arms Apartment, fOR RENT, furnished apartrreat bT quire 318 High ' - 2 HOUSES tO RENT - FOR BENT, two bedroom furnished nouse. aeo per month, leap wuioro. FOR RENT, two .bedroom - house, ane bedroom apartment, both. nicely- - fur nished. Downtown. Phone 74aS: - FOR RENT, one bedroom house sarMv rurnianeq. iwju's urcnara. f FOR SENT, modern, new two room cottage. Electric heat. . Inquire 17M wasnourn way. LARGE furnished cabin with shower. Bachelor or couDle. Route 3. Box 1041. f none neca. FOR RENT, two bedroom home. Lane rooms and closets, picture windows, fireplace, automatic ell piped furnace. Full basement with two car eraraae. laundry, workshop, large rumpus room with fireplace.- Year lease, and option to ouy, can 3-oow. - FOR RENT, four bedroom home m Yalta. 80. Phone 3211 or 0330, VERY attractive unfurnished duT 167. SO IncludM het. wetar. weehina machine, garage. Couple ey. PJ-gne. FOR RENT, one bedroom unfurnished duplex with fireolacc. Garage, elose In. Phone 8283 after p.m. or Sat and sun. FOR RENT, two bedroom house on Alameda. Electric .heat, -range, refrig erator. L.B11 WJO. FOR RENT, unfurnished duolex. Heat, hot and cold water furnfehed. .aST...Ce!l 37&0. i " FURNISHED three room modern house Refrigerator, - electric range,-, electric tank, washer, oil neater, very eioae in. North Side. Phone 4293. FIVE ROOM modern . house., twe room cabins. In StewarULennex. Phone 8704 after six: FOR RENT, unusually attractive small one bedroom home completely furnished Including drapes, curtains, wall to wall carpet, basement, garage, nice yard. Close to Roosevelt ana kuhi. fsa. per month, pnonc 737B. DUPLEX for rent, 1212 Hcmodala7 HOUSEKEEPING Phone 3236. cabins. In. MODERN furnished cottage. 080. Phoiie TWO bedroom furnished house for itAi 845. Adults only. Phone 8327. THREE room furnished nouse for zenT Phone 4735. UNFURNISHED four room duplex. K cept for stoves. $50. Call 3027 . before 21 MISCILLANIOUS fORHtHT BEEHIVE U. TRUCKS" VJ. DRIVE Move Yourself 8T)-H'' New Trucks For Long Tripp Pickups Stakes Vane . BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201 E. Main . Phone MM GARAGE for rent, inquire Vlggly wlf aiy. rnonw pa.-u. . OFFICE for rent. . 13 Main. Fhene FOR RENT, floor sandsrs tateat ' trpa equipment. Suburban Lumber Ce. tltb ana walnut pnone not. CAR STORAGE WTATTO dar week or month. Earl. Lamb, pheae 4STS r 7IOV. J0 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BEST LITTLE RANCH IN VALLEY Near Aosmi roint. 00 acres sandy 10am sou, i'a acres reaay, for peta lueja), mv sat w vi reu ual lancv dm ley and alfalfa. Two MSroom modern noma, ram. cnicxen nouse, 37,500, Terms if desired. Ed Pope, Merrtll, Oregon. .. . .. rnR SALE. modern - two hedrmm house. Consider large house .trailer for equity. Payments now 921.73. ,4110 Dou gias. rnone grwii, n . FOR SALE, equity hnms Cell 2-0883. in two . bedroam FOR SALE. 6 percent contract on hou and large lot on ManzaAlU Hot Springs. worth 24,000. Closing partnat ahia. ; .0 BOX 74. i ual istati re sali MILLS Tw Wreorn. living- room, fire place, dmlng room, kitchen, bath. Garage, larse lot, lawn and shrubs. FHA . approved.: Price 112,500. HOT SPRINGS ' One bedroom,' living room, kitchen ette, Mtn. Large mi. rnee $4,000. HERB SCHMIDT : YERNON DtJRANT ' ANDY SI LAN I .' REAL -ESTATE 1 So. Sixth , . Phone ,(15, 5844 '.' , TIM ar M7g . SMALL ACREAGE Three acres in South - Suburbs. Suitable for home die or sub divi sion. Price 11500. . COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE 150 ft on Smith Sixth Street by MS fet dep. Prict $15,000 terms. Alto city and .uburban homes. Armt M.uon 7U BOGUE pALE;:ReQltor m 5. ith - Phone 7266 :CL0SE iN On paved 'street.- S room modern bungalow. - beautifully ' landscaped lot. -detached parage.' Insulated wired for eleotrle range.- Total price only 4000. -. MILLS ADDITION . Furnlihed 1 bedroom modern home. Large living, room,' convenient kit chen. . ; blocks -to busline. Paved street ana siaewaiu:- m ww, Terma arranged. NEW SUBURBAN Large, comfortable 2 bedroom house,- Huge closets,- extra large kitchen -and utility room, electric heat, beautiful floors,- abundant built-lns. ir acre, well drained, ex ceptionally good toil. This place for only -S7M0. Will carry any kind of loan.. - YALTA GARDENS Very attractive "2 bedroom home, newly decorated.' double garage, big yard- fully landscaped. Insulated. both' walls and ceiling. - hardwood floors. Unusually convenient floor plan. -Only S9260. Call for an ap pointment. ' "Open' Xreninga by Appointment' See'Xomer. SUles - ph. 3-MM Eves. iW'8Ioa . ':.; MM Ives. Peed Scott V. . 1703 Kves, CHILCOTE & SMITH Ul H. Hh St. Ph. 4M4 or S&38 60 ACRES. All ' under! gravity' irrigation. 18 .planted to new Alsike Clover and permanent pasture. Low water rate. Fenced. Improvements include two bedroom modem home, small barn. garage, woodshed, chicken house snd .other buildings. .Nice location. Pun pries. $13,500. ' Terms $7,000 down, balance $1000 per year at interest. 142 ACRES Cow set-up. 11 acres under gravity irrigation, 23 seres In alfalfa, 50. acres in permanent pasture, tow water Tate. Fenced. Improvements include , two bedroom home, other buildings. Psved road.. ALSO INCLUDES MO .seres -deeded grazing -land. 400 additional Taylor graxinf, -10O acres dry farming. M to 106 acres ean be fanned. 40 acres planted to Utah winter . barley. Plenty of wet weather springs, "one year around spring, two wells. -This additional acreage .can run. 100. units. Full asking price including ..above 142 sleres only $23,500. Terms $12,000 aown. Balance made easy on buyer. -chasTa- BOLESTA "Phone Merrill (SOI Near Mills School 3 bedroom home, A .block, from : Mills School. -Large living room. dining room and. kitchen. Fully - lurnuned and ready to move in. , jmmeaiate possession. $7450. ... - JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-J54& (444 , :. ' 103S. Main Evenings . - , Ron Fisher. (79 ; ' Bruce .Owens Merrill 14t . MOTEL 18 units; ( doubles with' kitchen ettss; ( singles; 4 room living quarters; all buildings S years old; all . furnished. Located on good highway. Pries (38,000 with terms. Write, P. 0.,Box (53, -Crescent City,: Calif. : rblt. SALX, attractive - two bedroom home with electric heat, ..completely InsuleteS; automaue washer and other features 'too numerous to mention. Own er new reelding out of town so priced for ejilek aale because husband la get ting ulcers from his own cooking. Phone 7S53 or see at lis Sheldon. FOR SALE, In Klamath Falls. . One besroem 'completely furnished house. New -hath, electric- heat, acre of ground., felling- below -cost. Call Tula- isae 7-0000 oner e p.m.. . . ... ' " STOKES FOTt SJAUI, VEXETT DENNIS REAL'TOB Dob SitauMWlek. Salesman I If, Mb - ?hone S4S1 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON RIAL ISTATI 0R SALI Lookie-Lookie-Lcx3kie LARQE 6 room home on H acre ground in the Shasta Dlstrn-t. New. ly rederoraled Inside, asphalt tile floors in the major rooms. Good sue living room, larse separate din ins room, attractive modern kitch en with electric water healer, a dandy light sun room or sewing room, I bedrooms and a bath room. Solid foundation and attached ga rage. Everything you could a.k tor In comfortable economical living. ALL THIS roR ONLY 750. Pay owner IIW for his equity and as sume his O.I. Loan or refinance on terms to suit you. A HOME TO BE PROUD OF Here is truly a fine home for a small family. The home you have been dreaming of and now It ran be all yours for a small amount down and monthly payment., like rent. Located on , acre In the South Suburbs and surrounded by lovely post war homes. Only 5 years old. You'll fall in love with it when you see It. 2 good sire bedrooms with wardrobe closets, large living and dining room combined, modern light well arranged kitchen, auto matic heat and hardwood floors. Only 1 owner has lived in this lovely home and it has been very well cared for. In first class shape all the way around Including siorm w.uaows and tabulation. W:e y.-.id with lawn fenced. Detached gair.ite. Only 2 blocks to .Mores and bus. Call us for an appointment to see it NOW tor a bargain such as this won't last long. Priced tor quick sale at $7500. We will arrange fi nancing to suit you. Al Longmlre 6724 Joe Perry Eves. ' BURTON E. GRAY ' REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 .Main' St. Ph. 3665 or 3431 "SUBURBAN Lovely two bf.iroom home In St. Prancis Park. Electric heat, fenced yard. Some furnishings. $8750. A god buy in a modem three bed room on Homedale Road. acre. $5000. : HOMES IN TOWN Well kept two bedroom home in Hot Springs. Fireplace, good base ment. Fenced yard. $8750. Two bedroom home. BasemenJ. double gacage. Owner leaving city and must sell. $3500. Neat three' room home. Close In. $2850, $500 down. BEARD. AGENCY REALTORS and INSURANCE 1020 Main Ph. 2-3471, 4880. 4734 CHELSEA ADDITION t Here's the "Buy . of "the Week." Very well built home with thre comfortable bedrooms. Large liv ing room with view of the lake. Modern. Good garage and lots of storsge room. - Located on two lots, all fenced and lots of shade trees. You can buy all this tor (4500. MILLS ADDITION Neat as a pin and built for com fortable living. Two lovely boi rooms, dining room, kitchen, snd living room with hardwood floors. ELECTRIC HEAT in every room. Beautifully landscaped lot with lots of shrubs and flowers. Attached garage, concrete floor and drive way, see this today, for only $8500. NORTH'S! DE Here's a chance to buy a home that will pay for itself. Four blocks from Main Street, located on a level street. Three bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first floor. Full fin ished basement. Garage. Income apartment on second floor with outside entrsnce. Newly decorated. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3545 6448 1025 Main Ever'igs Rr her 8970 B rwens Merrill 149 FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive and ' well constructed seven room home on northslde. Large living room with fireplace, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms and full bath with stall shower c second floor. Hardwood floo throughout, basement. A real b at $12,500. HOT WATER HEAT - , For real comfort this Is It. Spacious six room home. All rooms extra large. Living and dining room, fireplace, two bedrooms, sewing room, beautiful kitchen and utility, wall to wall carpeting, full concrete basement. Natural hot water hent with air conditioning set up for summer. Close In. $15,000 terms. OTHER LISTINGS We have other homes for sale priced from $4000 to $40,000. If you are planning to buy feel free to call or drop In at any time. We will be glad to show you what we nave. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD .(Eves. 2-0527) . AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE S17 Main Phone 3211 'CATTLE-GRAIN 'TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov't, State and ' County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOO. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. run .SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Addison and Lakevlew. Accept .rcarn able offer. Doris White, P.O. Boa 1339, Fresno. Calif. It RIAL ISTATI FOR IALI HAVE YOU $500? If you are renting a house and would like to buy. then hers Is one you can afford. It's only a ons bed room, but hsa nice living room, dining room snd kitchen, on i acre. You can pay for It tor lees than rent. 2 BEDROOMS Stewart Inox addition. Total price only $3000, large lot and chicken houses and rabbit hutches. GIVE US A BID ' Completely furnished two bedroom new home. South east auburban. Extra large lot good chicken house. Don't wait let us ahow you through this home today. Will take any type loan, . FARMS & RANCHES We have some very good listings on farms and ranches come In snd see us about them soon. 136 Acres Excellent Improvements, 19 miles. 99 Acres Oood Modoc Point. improvements. 80 Acres Lakevlew. Acre chicken ranch. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Gene Fa veil ' Eves. Ph. (045 Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 1-2658 REALTOR I W. SANDERS 1213 Main St. Phone 7521 SUBURBAN .. . This one is so neat snd clean- It almost sparkles. 4 bedrooms, attrac tive living room, kitchen and bath with tub and shower. 3 3 acre all fenced. Good rich soil with a nice lawn In front and garden in back. Good producing strawberry and raspberry patch. A swell place for economical, quiet, comfortable cosy living. $7,000. Terms. DUPLEX . 2 lovely sdjolning apartments with fireplaces In one of Klamath s fin est snd most popular districts. Full basement, double garage, nice lawn and shrubs. Here's a chance to own your home and prove that rent re ceipts do pay off. Reasonable price. Terms can be arranged. By ap pointment. 1 5 BEDROOMS Here's the ideal home for a big family that desires the free, health ful life offered by country living. A spacious, well built home that is most attractive inside and out. Well established family orchard with a good variety of fruit trees. Lots of room lor a cow. ch ckens. and a riding horse. A swell place to pro duce a lot of the food the family neeas ana Deat the high cost of city living. $10,000, terms. Will consider trade on city property. YALTA GARDENS If you are looking for a better home, this is It. Large living room with picture windows snd beauti ful fireplace. 3 bedrooms, attractive den. lovely dining room. Hardwood floors through, attached garage. Priced reasonably. $500 DOWN . And move Into a furnished home in Pelican city within walking dis tance of mills. A steal at only SEE US FOR ALL KINDS OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ' Johnny Hobson ' I'Eves. (804) Dale Orubb . 'Eves. 38441 Art Prederlckson (Eves. (725) with AL LONGE, Realtor REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 111 So. 8th Phone (283 FOR SALE 1 BDRM, mod., across from school J750 4 BDRMS, ft oiks irom school $10,900 4 BDRMS, in Mills Addition (10,800 2 BDRMS, 13 A. in Yalta . ( (300 2 BDRMS. 3 Oiks, of Main ( 7000 2 BDRMS, on 3 acres ( 7500 "DRM, all new else, heat ( 5800 DRMS, 13 A. .'eterson School Dist. ( (600 2 BDRMS, 2 cor. Iota near Peterson School (11,000 2 BDRMS, on one-half acre $ 6(00 4 BDRMS. lull bsmt., Hot Sprgs. (14,700 WE HAVE Several good Income properties to snow you, oy appointment. . FRED E. FLEET REALTOR DENNIE COATES, Saleslady 408 Main Office Ph. S-MH Eves'. I-KM CAFE Wonderful location fully equipped excellent steady business owner says "Give Away" at (5500. Home and Income MILLS ADDITION S room home and duplex excellent location $12,000, . SEE Deane Sacher - Evenings MS4 With BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 1016 Main Phone MM FOn aAf.F.. attractive . two bedroom modern home. Paved street, nicely land scaped yard, rnone rzvo. IS ' RIAL ISTATI IOR SALI CORRECTION NOTICE Our ad lit Wednesday and Thurs day's paper was In error and should have read as follows: . , LARGE t room home on 1 acre ground In ths Shasta District. New ly redecorated Inalde, asphalt tile floors In the major rooms, Oood slaa living room, large separate din ing room, attractive modern kitch en with eiectiic water heater, a dandy light aun room or sewing room, 1 bedrooms snd a bath room. Solid foundation and attached ga rage. Everything you could ask tor In comfortable economical living. ALL THIS FOR ONLY $5,750. Pay owner $1450 for his equity and as sume his O.I. Loan or retinanrs on terms to suit you. Al Longmlre $734 Jos Perry, . Eves. 5332 BURTON E.GRAY . REALTOR and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 3605 or 3421 :ORRECTION NOTICE Our sd appearing In Wednesday Thursday and Frldnv i-u in .,-r,,',- Two bedrooms and one bath room ere omitted from Hie flrat li sted due to a rimnneri lln. nr ... The firnt Item should have read as AUiifjirs. FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive and well constructed seven room home on northslde. Large living room with fireplace. Jnf r00"1, kltcnn. two bedrooms -. .1111 nam on main tloor. Two large bedrooms and full h.ik ... "llL tr on "co"d floor. Hard- "r" inrougnout, basement. A real buy at $12,500. HARRY VAN (Eves. $304) JOE LEONARD (Eves. "W627) AL SCHMECK REALTOR snd INSURANCE (17 Main hrm. CHARM -PERSONALITY -COMFORT - NJOY ALL THREE IN THIS DISTINGUISHED SUBURBAN HOME" One of the most out standing on Summer's Lane. Beautifully decor , .ated, fully Insulated, , storm windows snd with hardwood floors throughout. Two bed ' rooms with large ward robes 30 foot living room, floor-to-celling ROMAN BRICK FIRE- PLACE, scenic PIC-.- TUHE WINDOW, wall-to-wall MOHAWK car peting, loads of cup ' boards In kitchen,. SNACK BAR snd at tractive dining area. Outside is a BEAUTI FULLY LANDSCAPED YARD I Hundreds of bulbs, trees and a ranch type fence, also plenty of room for a OARDEN, Unusual TROPICAL . RUMPUS ROOM and garage detached from .main house. 114,600 Terms able Avail- - May be seen Saturday and Sunday from 3 p.m. to I p.m. or, evenings ' . by appointment. Phone 6982 3951 SUMMERS LANE CLOSE IN ATTRACTIVE ' 3 bedroom home hear Falrvlew and High School. Paved street, sidewalks. Hsa Fed eral' GI loan. Fairly priced at (5850. WORTH SEEING I ,C0ZY COTTAGE Modern 3 bedroom home. Utility room, large lawn. Ideal for Keater son and W.T.C, employes, Only $380 Terms. .. SEE ' Dearie Sacher ' Evenings (834 . With BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 1016 Mam Phone 1858 FOR SALE . 1.60 ACRE FARM 10-eow dairy, barn .milk hoiise Irrigated pasture Hay and grain, land Apple orchard Fenced and cross fenced for sheep Four bedroom modern house Numerous outbuildings. PRICE (50,000 - EASY TERMS " Located seven miles from Klamath Falls on Old Midland Road. Inquire of owner Route 1 Box 924. rutn House soum 01 urange . . .. Hall 4( FINANCIAL $$MONEY$$ ON THE riRSl CALL I ' Op to (500 on your auto On out salary or furniture) up to 1300 Pay Day" loans a specialty - (10. (M loaned till "pay day' or longer (26 oasts but II cents for LOCAL LOAN CO. 115 No 10th St. M-SM DON MilNTYRE, Mgr. tears Friendly Servlos II MISCILLANIOUS 'OR SALI ft WATCH TRADE IN'S -SOLD FOR 1 Hamilton Man's Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel IH7M Wrist Welch. O 3 Hulova Mnn's -"Yellow Gold Filled 17 Jewel OiLM Wrist Watch. ZO 3 Oruen Man's Stainless Steel 17 Jewel -rS0 Wrist Watch ZZ 4 Elgin Mnn's Rose Gold 1 17 Jewel $ . 50 Deluxe. . 4 ( Hulova Mans Yellow Go'tl Killed 31 Jewel. 7 Cumv Man's 17 Jewel Shock Proof Wrist Walrh. 10-Elgln Man's Yellow Gold FUled 16 Jewel Wrist Watch. . M950 14" No. 34 ORUEN MAN'S WHITE OOLD 17 JEWEL 13 SIZE POCKET WATCH. THESE PRICES INCLUDE TAX ALL WATCHES IN FIRST OLASS CONDITION NEW WATCH GUARANTEE WE AI.SO HAVE SEVERAL OTHSR BRANDS . AND MODELS NOT LISTED REPAIR DEPARTMENT RICKYS JEWELERS 700 Main 10 RIAL ISTATI 'OR SALI POr"-HaLsT five room house, other building. Two acree of ground. Fhone wo. sr.w HOMrS for sale rifiam IT RIMODILiNtt aril Phone SSIO 32 IUILDING I. BEST BUY $45 , M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 1-10-12 In. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 84S 2x6 84S DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY S 1 0 Spring Phone 5810 ROOFINO Built-up Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos ' ' Cedar Shakes INSULATION Blown-ln Fiberglass COMBINATION ALUMINUM SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS KOihlman Insulation Phone' 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED JOIN the thousand, of home owners now enjoying modern bathrooms, show er., kitchens. Thsnk. to new, luxurlou. Al.ttMIWALL. Individual Aluminum Wall Tiles. Your choice of 13 gay her monlslng colors. Tor Free Estimates call r.s.l Main t-soin.i onop, w an. evenlna. call 3-ISJM or 3SM. BUILDING MATERIALS promptly ae livererl hv Ba.ln Rulldlng Materials Inc. Lumper, riwiini. p,,,. k- finnr.rmi.h or WHAT, this Is the place to gel It. 414 South aiKlh, phone a Men 34 7UIL HIATINO - STANDARD HEATING OILS . ' Stove ' Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill Systens. . METER PRINTED TICKETS . Your Guarantee Of Heating Satlsfactlun FRED H. . HEILBRONNER Fuels that Satisfy Plus Serrate" -Since IBID 821 Spring St. Phone 4153 son tiOVTi wood coal kltchc.l stoves and parlor heaters! used hut excel. lentil Sll) ee. FOB, S120 N.W. Buna St.. Portland. Ore, STANDARD HFATlNd OIL Stove, furnace light fuel, ooa), wood, charcoal. Peyton and Co SSS Market, Phone S14S. dry pine blocks for sale, open eve- nlng. and weefcen d . Metiers Bros. cntl Vedens signal Srnrlee. 3SS0 So am rnone .inai or a-szw. S gc H Gnr.r.N STAMPS given en heel ins oils Phone 3SS1 or a delivery. 00 for prompt CLIFF T ADEN'S SIGNAL RVICS aaso bo etn 31 ROATS PITS SPORTS HOIlfiS FOR SALE, female Chesapeake, resle- lerea, partly iraineq. rnone woio. PUPPIES to slva away. "Phona 4SST aner p p.m. KOIt SALE, Pekingese puppy with p.nn. 142 Nevada, phone 8212. ftNE male Welmaraner puppy for sale, rour monina Old. Sinn, rnone a-uwao. FOR SALE, registered wtre-halreri ter rler pup.. Call 2-14.14 or see at seis Clinton Avenue. ANDERSON Boarding Kennels " Phone 3047 MSB Delaware oft Homedale BOARDING KENNELS Dog boarding by day, week or month S.nltarv kennele. Well balanced diet. Clean Individual outdoor runs for eaeb dog Dogs handled dunsc matins, win pick up and deliver. Visitors Welcome Phona SOTS Merrill Ba. nt. 1, Bo S04 SHASTA CASCADE KENNELS 42 LIVISTOCK A POULTRY WEANER PIOS and cull potatoes for sale. I'nono H7.-W. - HIGHEST prlcea paid for poultry, hogs ana uvesiocic. BIG V MEAT MARKET Lakevlew Junction Phone taati FOR SALE Jersey cow and calf, haute 2 Hnx 444. rnone a-auiHi. FOR SALE, three boars. Phone S'. WANKD colored Bone. Fhone 4Mt. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 10M LOANS ons week No outer onne. Phone 1-1MT 8-27( ft REPAIRS- 13 Hamilton Man's Yellow Oold Filled 17 Jewel 11 C7 Wrist Walrh. 1 13 Buren Lady's 14 Carat , Yellow Gold 0 A 17 Jewel. 14- nulova Idy's Yellow Oold Filled '01 17 Jewel. 4.1 14r.liln Man's 16 Jewel 13 Sire (1 Z.l Pocket Welch I U K-F.lgln Man's 17 Jewel 10 Sire $-)50 Pocket Walrh 30 Elgin Mnn's White Gold 17 Jewel 16 Sire If) A V) Pocket Watch. -eCft 31 Hamilton Man's Yellow Oold Filled W Jewel $1 76 13 Bl?e Pocket Welch. . I U $19 76 Phone 3151 42 LIVISTOCK A POULTRY POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount To market prices for good quauiy. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS rOaTAl:E. Ihrse while turkey hem. one bron.e turkey hen, one bronae tur- key gobhlar, all s mo. old, rhone a-Jsns. s aTD'iri a' . RKFEniNti sTrRvTr Phone ST3I at C. IChucki Warren . 7. no. us 44 MISCILLANIOUS WANTID ft WANTED ft GOOD PASTURE WRITE HERALD NEWS BOX NO. 23 AN?trr.vldIS7sdT.v oV HTOT Rat. Loader. Adams Rsnch. Phone 7271 Merrill. WANtrb. (wo berl room hirnTaliftil hnui Pay to M. Phono 3.34JU. Wanted' m bmrdinii' uitVhu for ropatr shop. Prftfor on South Sixth. rnont at-oi.u, tt' YrfSr "iTprlfhl coat , ruck. Phort MM. wtAf?fl.t. a,ITsihU (iw wiTh Rro motor, 2ailHUfhMjllt. WANffb to"4f.t. paitiirt for 40hs"1 nt raltl. Phont SPA7. WANTED to buy BaUd iirtw. P'hnn mo. WANTKfi to runt bedroom unfiir nhhod hout. Closo In. Adult. Phon MI07. Wt Hitb CAnSr dt ton pn now. Motor Co 6th ind Plum 44 FINANCIAL LOANS IMMEDIATE" Cash Loans Borrow Pay Onlv 1100 . (7.37 Mo. Repsy In II Installments UP TO (300 ON ("URNTTURl OR SALARY OP TO (1300 ON CARS ' THE IDEAL PLACE TO BORROW' Convenient Location Convenient to Morrow Convenient to pay Locally owned New Oars- "nance est bank' rates) "MONEY IN A HURRY" Motor Investment Co. 30 years eoTTlng Klamath stoats. Sso -Orniek" sVaJUsy alar 114 H Ttfl 81 Phone 3325 S-41 M-I7S Commercial Furnishes Cash! CASH LOANS (60 It) (100 Autt) Furniture) Livestock Salary (SO to (500 Automobiles (paid for or pert) Private Salt of Autos IDAnees Mas your deals CASH deeUgl Commercial Finance1 : Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. Llo 8-351 - N-333 107 No (th ' Phone T711 iVAN'TED, reducible mortgage or con L tract. Inalde city, with dl.count up ioT' 2000. Well secured. Write P.O. Box 784. 4( IUSINISS OPPORTUNITIIS SIX ALLEYS, billiards. Fifty teani league. Shufnehoard. Long lease. Onlv one. 29,000 pop. Nets IIS. 000. 00 year. ,oro. valley Ileal leeala,, Jleeeburg,