FRIDAY, FKBRUARY 22, 1952 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OKKOON PAGE Et.KVKN K. BATTY Manager Tommy Heath holds a hut with "mumps" which he hopes will help Iroost his San Francisco Seals into the first division. The inventor claims it will keep loni; drives from going foul. If the ball hits one of inward curves, strange tricks re sult. Unknowns Lead At Houston uniiui'nu Th IM Turn i in Vnnuni iuikmH Dim tin fWVl 1 1 rillKl Ml. Open OoU Touriminent fiidny but Him 'ha mim" mi thfl nlav-fnr- pay circuit were In good position lO l It KIT 1110 irnu. ' 1pU Risrlvnl- nf Purlnlift Til If hot liimtlcrl 34-84 ThurndRy over llio whip nnu rum wr(v mw morUl Pm courw to take a Men- -4-- I. ...I Rtilht behind nl 89 wrre Jack Burkt, Trxiw Ojttn champion, Ivnn Onvntx, Eldwood, Ind., and Stun tlnrn. VfAlrn1 Brnckntcd fit 10 were velerftnm -a unvrr. urinoiu, m., ncy nnn Jr., Nrw or io in, una jonnny nc haII ITiinnklnn Til ''...nn m II U.-MC -1lhM tlMf, ....... n.H DnMi M.V .llm iiumi, uiiiou w(tw, .) ..... rerrier, Bun rrnnclnco, Al Zim merman, j-orimna. jn mnmi. n Dill MarO Ihunti mil' 1Oddle Kemp, Kmu City, nd llm Ult-iuuii-aie The Held will be cut to the low 0 pros nd ten lop amateurs alter Friday s rouna. Packers Upended vinuir LtAur. W L frt. Heller 10 o I ooo Klemalh Pack I S00 UaMulay No. 1 MS r.i.n Slme .... 8 8 SO Men's Hand Ixl ry 3 .3.1) Crater Lake IT; ' T I ... I T .300 DaMolay No. 1 I i .100 l.e.l Nlsht'e Sceree J. 1 u IVM.n.r No. X M un Biota 30 Packera 31 Metiers didn't have to move a muscle last nliiht in lit lead In the Victory basketball league wen atretchrd to two iimei over Klam ath Packing. Gun 8toro knocked ever the Packers, 30-31, In the feature lame en the Falrvtew gym doublehcad r. Tradea and Industry bumped olf DeMolay second team, 49-34, In the other game. Oun Btore'i Boetlchcr led the upset with 12 points aa the Packers aw a 10-6 firm-quarter lead dwin dle to a 14-32 deficit at halfUme. Boa e-orea: OUN IITOBI! U Ml) PAt'KliRS Bnettrher 11 T S Lowell rtummcr f F I Qulnowskl Henry 1 r a Dlion Mnllrn II O RII.S Blgby T O Wright rackara anna -Rarrelt, Overen a. Old ham. Clark. Crawford. Til MI) (II) n.MOI.AT t Moak . T 10 Kenmark Byrd T T I Klttredae Kandara la C 7 Me.on Calhoun a O T Sweek Houser 8 O 4 Lanum TAI auha Hnefler n. DeMolay aube rorttr, llayden 4. SHUFF STUFF Suburban beat Tat'a last night In the only content on the city shuffleboard agenda, 3-1. Last night's Mceca-Schuss puck fuss In the auds circuit (oops I ) shuffleboard league wax post poned and will be played tonight, 7 INTERNATIONAL lif TRUCKS II 3&J P,CKUPS Si f FARM TRUCKS f jj LOGGERS j ji'ij Front Vx Ton to 45 Ton IS ; ; GasorDittel II I; JUCKELAND M . TRUCK V m, ' SALES and SERVICE I j llth d Klamath. :rh.2.258l ; I : Vikings Here For 2 Games nii'uoii Tern -cIomps conlerenre cone pluy teluro llio home folks In a weekend aeries thut opens to nlKhl nnullint the Vunport Vikings, dffviidliiK Oregon CollKl-'c Con ference clianiplona who hold a slzcuble lend In the current nice. I'lollinlimilcs-ni-iiiiiU ' p.m. PUI UlfltCI MKtlintfr D)u,M, l'.(inIIIILMU 111 ll imnnnu,.., v.-k Inuight ii i id the Oil Junior varsity Hgiiinnt I'ayless Drugs of the city leal! no tomorrow .nlglit- 'I he Owls are billed for two more home showings beloic they luck wv llielr lioOp ko"'. They'll hot.l Humboldt Blalc Mondiiy uml Tuesduy niglils, a ujuin tney spin wlililn a pio-lcugue series. I'lii luin Schubert, sliiilllig center, hi,, m.eii iiiiiMliiu the lu and limy not be al lull strength tonight. If the ix-Kliiiiinlh Fulls cuger isn I reaily to start, Couch Art Ktikliind sold he would probably open with cither Dick h'liinlngniii or Wayne llolzluss. ' . , Homer Duncan, sreonu-nigii scorer In Uic OCX; ininiiy, aim Jerry Wyult get the lorwuid culls,. Murv Hammaua anu eu uenc lln atart at the guard positions. In Vnnporl, the owls meet a train that has averaged 'O i in eight league guinea, seven of which they've won to lead Oregon col lege by two guinea.. Not As Good Oregon Tech -un mutch this with just a 61.6 average in 10 games. uui dcicnsiveiy tnc uwis nuiu the edge. Vauport foes have aver aged (ii.l while the Owls havo held cage opponents to a 68.2 average. Coach ArDa Ager nas live Doys who can wax torrid in the shoot ing department. Benson leaders arc Paul Hoelsch and Norm Hu bert. But In last weekends scries In Portland when Vanporl slapped Orelech out of title contention wltn two wins, It was Jim Btrader and Don MacLesn who led the scoring. Liberty Sues 13 Clubs CHICAOO Baseball's broad cast difficulties were further en tangled Friday as the result of a t -.000.000 aull By a Dig ramo net work against 13 Major League clubs, their league presidents and commissioner , The. iWBerly , Broadousttng ays. tern, filed the suit Thursday In VS. District court here. Liberty charg ed violation of the Sherman and Clayton anti-trust laws and a "con tinuing conspiracy to monopolize and restrain competition In broad casting and recreating play-by-play accounts of professional baseball games." The suit said the Liberty net work had been .frozen out of the 13 Major League ball parks although It had offered more money than other bidders for broadcast rights. As a result, the aull aald. Liberty has had to cancel plana for Its game-ol-the-dsy Broadcasts lor 1832 and has lost four, million dollars. It asked, triple damages totaling 113,000,000. Yillemain, Nardico Even NEW YORK W Danny Nardico. the fighting Marine from Tampa, Fin., was rated even money against stout-hearted Robert Villemain of. France for their 10 rounder In Mad ison Square Gnrden Friday night. AUTO INSURANCE , 5-10 5 Liability Inturance Current . 6 Mo. Rare $ 1 1 90 AsLowAi I I . rial Small Naarrrarrlnc Mambarahlp lea I.tii Oatilaa CUT Preferred Ins. Exch. I. WILl.ARD tlDARLlAF . DhU. Aanl ' Phana 1-0151 . " W.I Noulh Slxlh ai. 'I t "IF YOU NEED A TRUCK, SEEJUCK" mil asjaltaiqallMtTtrT! . !' w 'T''f i .( f ' - LSJZ.,:. . ,. FIGHTS FLU Tom Schubert will start at center fox Ore gon Tech tonight on the mile-high court if he whips the flu. The ex -Pelican eager has been battling the bug this week but may be ready to go against the OCC-lcading Vanport Vikings. Cage Berths Dwindle; 3 Accept NIT Spots By The Associated Press Day by dnv the berths lor the , major, post-season collegiate bas- ketbsll tournaments the NCAA and the National Invitation are being filled. Dayton, Holy Cross and Bcton Hall Thursday accepted bids lo the NIT while West Texas virtually clinched a berth in the NCAA. That makes six teams in the NIT. with six still to be named. Duoiicsne. Bt. John's and St. Bonaventurc had accepted earlier bids to the NIT. Kentucky. St. Louis and now West Texas i practically i are In the NCAA with 13 teams still to be tapped. west Texas whipped Arizona i State Tempe 7ft-M to clinch a tie for the Border Conference crown. I The conference winner automatic ally qualifies for the NCAA. Holy Cross celebrated Its NIT ac ceptance by drubbing Dnrtmouth. , : Pdyfess Keeps Lead j Paylesg Drugs kept a slim hall , game lead over Ricky.i In the city league last night but It was a : close call. The Drug five nipped the re surgent Herald and News team, i 62-60. while Rickys was downing j tmrci-piace nuiiop uaie oy a du-42 count. Here's Your Invitation to Our BIG, FREE DOLORES ALEXUS ; Lovely Top ond Acrobatic -r ' Artist HAL PLUMMER j The Human Pretzel ; FLOYD A. BOYD CO. , ; Your' 165 - 53 to run Its season mark to 18-2. Bt. John's made it 11 straight by whipping Cincinnati, 76-64, In half of a twin bill at Madison Square Garden. Manhattan upset NYU, 74 66 In overtime In the other tilt. Kentucky, the NCAA champs and No. 1 team In the AP poll, finished Its home season by licking Van derbllt, 75-45, to make it 23-2 for the year. It was Kentucky's 110th consecutive home floor victory. In other games Duke won its 10th straight by downing Wake Forest, 87-63: Utah State sank Denver, 82 63 and San Francisco beat St. Mary's (Calif.) 56-46. litre Work Made loty RENT A TYPEWRITER c . ar ADDING MACHINE Klectrle ar Rand Last meath'a rental la applied a the parchase price. Pioneer Office Supply SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00 P.M. TULELAKE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM HARRY MENDOZA Master ef Ceremonies Well Known Mystifying Maqicomedion RUSS MILLER & CO. A Variety of Entertaining Acti TULELAKE, CALIF. International Harvtsttf Americans Second to Austria In Olympic Ski By HON DOANK OBI.O if) Austria won the un official Alpine ski championship of the Olyrnpc games as expected. The United states look second- as few expected. Italy ranked third, Norway 4th, Germany 5lh, Switzerland 6th. Sweden 7th and France 8th. No other country scored. The surprises in ths list are America's strong performance and the weak showing of France. The French used to virtually rule Alpine skiing, which consists of slalom, downhill and giant slalom races, while America was Just an also ran. But America suddenly has grown strong and France has declined Its former stars aging and no young ones appearing to take their plac es. Austria, always potent on skis, was so obviously strong this year that forecasters said It would be Bulldogs Upset Yrekans DORRIS The Butte Valley Bull dogs beat Yreka for the first time In 13 years last night by a 48-39 count. It marked the llrst Northern Cal ifornia league win lor the Bulldogs. Ed Vlets led the Dorrls five with 15 points while Yreka's Rlgglns potted 12. The Butte Valley Bees didn't lare as well. Yreka won 60-45 to knock the Dorrls B team Into second place In the standings. Merle Kenaston scored 16 lor Dorrls, while Yrekas Hodgens paced the winners with 23. Braves Open Spring Grind BRADENTON Fla. Manager Tommy Holmes had 10 pitchers. lour catchers, six imieiders and four outfielders on hand Friday to open the Boston Braves spring practice season. Holmes has elven Leftv Warren Spahn permission to miss the first day's workout and Gene Conley, the slx-Ioot-etght Hurler from Rich land, Wash., has notified club of ficials he will be late reporting be cause of illness In hs famly. tucu. We can help you with either building, or remodeling. BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. 4754 So. 6th Phont 2-2563 Invitation Bring tht Family ltd havt A lot of fun FRAN MEEKIN Ploying the Songs You Like to Hear LUCILLE ELMORE Mistress of Ventriloquism Dialer Tonight Competition "Austria against the rest of the world" In the Olympic games. No other country hss so many great skiers, tney sain and Olympic eventa proved them right. mm Several Austrlans placed high n every race, and Austria alone scored one third of the total ponts awarded In the Alpine skiing. Thanks to Its 19-year old wonder girl, Andrea Mead Lawrence of Rutland, Vt., America wan expect ed to do better this year than ever belore In Olympic sking. Mrs. Lawrence came through as few expected her to get so much scoring help from other Americans. Fifth Katy Rodolph of Hayden, Colo., Imogene Opton of North Conway, N. H., and William Beck of King ston, R. I., each chipped In with a fifth place. Brooks Dodge of Gorham, N. H., tied for a sixth place. None of these American point winners Is older than 22. That's a happy augury for the United Stales in the next Olympics. Ogdahl Gets Grid Post PORTLAND OP) Ted Ogdahl former Willamette University foot ball star who has won two state championships as coach at Grant High School here, Thursday was named head coach at Willamette. Ogdahl succeeds Chester Stack- house, who resigned effective in June. Ogdahl, an all-Northwest Confer ence halfback In 1940-41-42, has been coach at Grant high for four years. His teams have won 37 games, lost three and tied three. Robert C. Notson, chairman of the Willamette Athletic Board, In announcing Ogdahl's appointment Thursday, said John Lewis, Wil lamette basketball coach, also will become the school's athletic director. OH 11 IE! ((II)(Dn)WEAIIl: Come in today for this Low Cost MARATHON by GOODYEAR Use our EASY PAY PLAN JT low as . ! $1.25 a week, s wv-s for a tth I! yf mmfTTTrrr ahi A CARP Of THANKS POTTfen - W wlih In thank all of our kind frlandt and nalfhbora for thalr many kind axpraaalnna of aympathy and floral offarlnfla dUrlni our raeatil hrreavemanl or our oaiovaa faintr. Earl Potter and family, Don Pollar and Family. C fUNIRAL HOMIS WARD'S Klamath funaraJ Roma. Kl Hlh gtraat Phone 3334. Legal Notice NOTICE TO CRKDlTOnS Notice la hereby given that I ha underalgned haa been appointed execu Irlx of the aatata nt J. E. Prana.v. defeated, by the Clreult Court of Klamath County, Oregon, and that all pT.,on having clalma agalnal aald es tate of aald deceased ana hereby noti fied to present the aania to aald ex ecutrix at 1 Melhaae Building. Klam ath Falls, Oregon, together with proper vouchers, within six months of tha dale of this notice. Dated this 1st day of February. IBM. CAROLINE 1. TRANEY. r i-iimi No. sbo Bears Eye Jinx End LOS ANGELES Wl California's basketball team, pace setters In the close Southern Division fight in the Pacific Coast Conference. hope to break a three-year Jinx on tne nome court of UCLA Friday night. The Bears have not beaten UCLA on Its home court since 1948. The series here, with Southern California tanging at Palo Alta with Stanford, could go a long way toward deciding the division cham- ponshin. California holds a one-game lead In the race, wth a record of five wins and three defeats. UCLA and Southern California have 4-4 rec ords, and Stanford 3-5. "FEED AWAY" YOUR DOG'S BAD ODORS! Make this wonderful discovery! By feed ing Kcn L-Rjtion every day, you can quickly rid your dog of bad becath and offensive coat odors! Ken-L'Rttion now contains tblmphjl Im nature's own mirack deodorant. You pay no mote for this famous dog food. And dogs love it because it's packed with choice cuts of lean, red U. S. Gore In spected horse meac. feed Ken L-Ration fetrtsUrfy and suong dog odors are ended forever! Get Ken-L-Racion ae your favorite store or dealer's, or write for free special thar saves you A on your first can. Send this id oe s postcard to Ken-L-Prodncts, Dept. 249, Box 5339, Chicago 71. IIL and Klamoth SERVICE LOMCE M1ITIN0 HOTICII ,' Kin ins Hi Lodge No. li A r. and a.m. will hold a special meeting Frl.. Feb. 3'J, 7 p.m, Work In MM Degree, "Visiting brethren Invited. DALE BEBBER Worshipful Master GINERAL N0TICI CHARLES M. DOUGLAS BARBER SHOP 18 HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE HE IS NOW LOCATED AT THE BIO Y LAKEVIEW-MERRILL JUNO. Welcome Old it New Customer LOST. Wednesday naar Tlh and Uiin. ladlaa billfold. 1'lnder call 11173 or emj. WILL the boy who took now groan Jacket from YMCA after srhool Tuee day please return II to YMCA? I HI l l One taste and you'll agree with the ver dict of those who sovor the best . OLD JUDGE Tht Authoritative , Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskies. Ill nb;-iVr'V STORE Phon 8141 OLD 9 14.80 Irii-3.00 Pf. , . , ST5? JBBB