rnunsDAY, KEnnuARY 21, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PAGE NINE V fn. niRCtliiK for (ilnnor In the Wll Inrrl Hotel Monday nlffni, rrunwry ID lor program 011 internniioiiin Hfliilloiis. wore entertained wllh number of Interentlng talk nn 'Leading: Women In World At- liilrn," mid entertainer (rom lh Normiidean dance aludlo. FIVE PRETTY CAPTAINS of the "Women's Basketball League" In the city guests of the Ilusiiu'ss and Professional Women at dinner; Monday night surround Mrs. Edna Al hrecht, club president seated. Standing left to right, are the captains and the stores they represent Marilyn Fanning, Dick B. Miller; Shirlie Ralston, Peyton's; Darlcnc Gor don, Griggs Markets; Pat Derby, Pctroffs; Pearl Nason, Oregon Woolen Store. Plants Short, Supply Near di-ukank w More than dozen Spokane area aluminum fabric-mom. when pliintN lire almost Hilhln inula ol 11 huue uliiinliiiiin mill, ore "on tltc vre ol bunk rtiplry" becaime they CHn'l set enough o the metal, the Chronicle kaitl. A Mirvry nhown thnl n lew win ' flow nd cloonnnklnu llnim here have nlreudy Klven up alter Ihry vere allocated only enough aIu milium to equip one or two bonnes 1 mon ih. the paper a!d. The Kaber Aluminum iind Chem lent Corp. operates luiire reduc tion plant end rolling null here but mnnt ol Us output goea nto the delenne ellorl. Roger O. OM-niNon. dlnlrlcl mini ater ol the Defen.'.p Production A'l. thorlly. agreed the pinch M on aluminum Inbrlratura. 'I don't nee how many ol them ran make Hie adjustments nece.v asry and till) may In biuineiu. ne aid. He added the situation is about the amne for other fubrl rnloin around the country. Business Women Hold Festive Dinner Meeting Iluslnena and Professional Worn-1 Went For thd Drat Time" were Roddy Jackson and Ludlne Lyon An exhibition rhumbn. vtt.s diuiccd by Lynrtto Lyon; Alice I In Klic tt danced a koIo ballet num ber and "Topa In Tap" was given aa a cloning number by Jerry Hulli Wlckerislmm. Mix. jiutti wicKen.num wan five young women, captains of nlnnlM. the Women's City Basketball i it was announced that a board Leaifue. gueala of the evening, I meeting will be held at the home were Introduced by Mrs. Edna Al- j of Ndi tcwart, 1620 Portland, brecht. They were Pearl Nason, March 10. U.S. Document Brings $18,000 i NEW YORK m The flrist en grossed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation Inter rewritten be cfiuv.c two words were wrong ! brought l.000 at an auction of ! Abraham Lincoln relics Wednes day. The document, sinned by Lincoln. I went to Charlca Scrlbncr a 8ona of New York on the last day of a two- ;day sale at Parke-Bcrnet Galler ies o the vast Lincoln collection l'NDF.n-18 RESTRICTION CALGARY, Alta. Recommen dations that no girl under 18 be allowed lo accept Jobs as counter (.iris, waitresses or hotel chamber maids without written permission cf her parents was passed by the Alberta Council on Child and Fam ily Welfare here. Mr. HBrold Riley president of the council, said temp tations lor teen-agers today were greater than ever before. assembled by the late Oliver n, Barrett of Chicago. The 842 items In Barrett's col lection brought a total of 1273.610. at Derby, Da rime Gordon. Hber Ice rtalalon and Marilyn Fanning. Mra, Albrechl called the meet ing to order with "America" by the membership and guests, fol lowed by the salute to the flag and Invocation presentation of gursla and the Introduction of Twy m rerguson, by Cecelia uuracna. TALK A change in Hie dale of nresen. tatlon of the New York Guild play. Voice of the Turtle, from March 10 to Mulch 14 was also announced Lucille O'Neill will bo guest speaker al the March 3 meeting of the club. A patriotic motif was carried out In table decorations. The committee on arrangements Inr-lnrlr-ri AHlio Mi.v KHv,..-. ... Mrs. Ferguson who made a. re-,mBn. Hhinnh pirofr u cent trip to Europe spoke on the Hawthorne ' umieu nuuoiis. umer npciiKern i were Emma Worth whose topic was Curollne ilu.lctl, accoinnlp.hcd Kngltsh woman engineer; Bally Ron dull who spoke on the Countess Bcrnadotte. Sweden; Rose O'Leary whose topic was the famous worn' nn phys Phillips. Pupils of Eona Howell of the Norrnudeun Dance Htudlo gave a clever dunce program. Numbers Included a gypsy ballet danced by Alice Hiitcliett. L y n e 1 1 e Lyon. Jerry Wlckcrsham and Jane Craig, A Hpanlsh tap dance was present ed by Freddie Wlckcrsham: a song and dance act by Lexle Kay Put nam. Carolee Hammer. Jean Rae Blspham, and Kay Dorren Hobson. DANCES inree Lime inmaru" Two Indicted For Murder OREOO.V CITY (It-Elmer n,.r. nn pnysician, ur. jjena marzuen isey Williams, 28 and Bonnie Lee Kuhnhnuscn, 3fl, were Indicted bv the grand Jury Wednesday on first degree murder charges. The Indictments stem from the fi-tnl ballng that Julmar Tarkel 88, suffered in the course of a rob bery In a suburban area southeast of Portlund last month. was elv- n hi. r-nlhu MpMlll.n VJr.rn, I Baugh, Freddie Haliock. ".Meet i11"1? Me In St. Louis" was danced by I mmm Jerry Wlckersham and Jane Ann Craig. Presented in "From Way Out I RAKBARIAN'S TOMB COSENZA. Italy I The tomb ol Alarlc. Visigoth emperor who sacked Home about 1500 years ago. may have been found in the bed of a Culabrlan river in Southern mm ma LEON'S HALF-YEARLY iPn ic o rn W llJ MUST END SATURDAY Ll'CKY RIO NORTHRIDOE, Calif. W-Engltf eers, drilling the Mulliolland No. t oil well here, have more than acini tlflc knowledge on their aide the riff they aro using; has never pro duced a dry well. H. E. Bwectser, superintendent, sulci tho lucky rig has brought In four producers In nearby fields. He expects to drill to at least 10.000 feet for commer cial production. Tele-fun ' by Warren Goodrich UlS . ' "Call cousin flying squirrel, but give him plenty of time to oniwtr, He'f boon grounded I". ..You'll com plete more calls if you give the other person plenty of time to answer at least a minute . . . Pacific Telephone. Men Decide To Keep guamy- , from 0pontod A4effct fag -r.--B,ri wiu .1 or!10" rTieTlmum QU" h? main"" "". ddKn "Mrert I ..hlniton hd.wA-,,i every ,, , look for these varfetlej. BAKU NITTID OIMI DflCHUTIi NITTID OIMI KLAMATH NITIIO OIMS Your BEST food buy ...OREGON POTATOES Orgon Potato Growers know that tht belt woy lo giw you th moil for your food dotior it to keep en telling only quo'' potatoes. Good potatoes give you more food value ol a lower cost per pound . . . substandard potatoes are an expensive bargain I Compared to other fresh vegetables, potatoes offer you nourishing food al an economical price. Make sure you get your money's worth... buy Oregon potatoes and get quc'lty pototoesl Oregon Potato Commission REDMOND, OREGON for more foe1 value per pound, r Or eon peretoet tofced, fried, fremlt fried haih'btownid, In sovpt mm4 Mlodg. 7 Western Governors congratulate Sperry on its GRADE AA LARGE RANCH j) JJ doz. I FREE KITES With Purchase of 2 dozen Eggs Durkee's Ho- P l I Afiictte I oil WwfM t CMmi Ion JtfiM Covttnof CKatloi M Iviull 0wlM MKy Ctnf Cvornt I Nved ( OttgtA J. ttktn Ltt Cvtnr Atlhwr I. Cvtnr I Wihin1tit Crowning achievement ofSperrfs first 100 years yw tan wo W ANNIVERSARY FltSTA CAKt l4Miyitpsl A Spun-Gold Sponge Cake of Marvelous Tenderness and Flavor Sperry's Anniveisjry Fiesta Oke is a spun-gold sponpe cake made with a revolutionary new method ! So easy to make even a beginner fan he sure ot' success! It's tititr tough ... Htitr jiy. Anniversary r'iesi Cake has a texture that's sheer heaven . . . and slim moist Mil freth for dit)t! It took the Sperry Kitchen's 100 years ot' baking ' know-how" to perfect this cake. Now yon can make it in less time than it lakes to make old-meihod sponge cake. Preheat oven to 30 (moderne). Sift flour bcloic mcisunng. 1. Measwe and sift togeiher into bowl 1 'A cups lifted Sp.rry Dilft.d Snow Flour V cup sugar Make i well in center and add Vt cup gg yolks 16) Va cup cold wal.r 1 t.bl.ipoen l.mon ulc. 1 l.atpo.n vanilla Beat until mixture torms a tmoolh, mod eraiely lliiik hancr, 2. Measure into very large mixing bowl 1 tup .gg whll.i 17 .r II 1 l.ospe.n cr.am .f tartar 1 t.ap..n salt Whip (use rotary beaier, or eleciric mis er) until very fine foam forms tluoughout. Add gradually, 2 tablespoons at a time yi cup sugar Continue healing until mcn'ngue is firm and holds up in straight peaks wheit beaier is gently lifted out. 3. Pout bailer slowly over meringue uliile gently folding in Willi spoon or rubber scraper. l:old in iur until blended. Da wt iir,(irnily push b.uier into ungreaied tube pan, H)x l in. Lift Inst poriinn lighily from bowl to pan. Carefully cut through bailer, going around lube V6 times with silver knife to break large air bubbles, lie sine b.mcr is level in pan. 4. Bake min. or until top springs back when lightly touched. Immediately turn pan over, placing tube part over ncclc of. funnel or bottle. 1 el cake hang until cold. Loosen rake from sides and tube with spatula. Turn pan over nntUhit edge sharply to luosen. 16-21) servings. Have eggs at room temperature. Usejevcl measuiemcnis. COMII CRISP TOPPINO Measure in saucepan(.H least 5 in. deep) 1 Vs cupi sugar V cup call, b.v.rog. Va cup whll. corn syrup Slir lo combine ingredients. Mring to boil and cook to haid craik stage, MO" (or when a small amount is dropped into cold water it will break with a brittle snap). Remove from heat and immediately add 3 l.aipo.ni soda, fr.o fronf all tumps fPrnl led tbtomxh jtm litre, mtdinre lirhtly.) Stir vigorously just until mixture thick ens and pulls away from sides of pan. (Mimre fo,iiui r.ipitlh u htn soii,i is Med. Do ol tltilroy fo.ii by isitnhi bttiing.) hnwtJUtely pour foamy mass into ungrrasrd shallow metal pan (about 9x9xlVi in.) Do not spread or slir. Let stand without moling until Cool. When ready to gatnish cake, knock out of pan and crush between sheets of waxed paper v. ill tolling pin to hum coarse crumbs. TO PMPAM HIST CAM. Split cake into 1 equal layers. I lave ready crushed Coffee Cri'-p Topping. Place in a chilled bowl 3 cups whipping cr.am (1 pint) 1 l.bl.ipoont sugar 3 t.aipa.ns vanilla Whip until cream holds its shape. Spread about half of whipped cream beiween layers and remainder over top and sides. Cover cake very generously and thoroughly with crushed Coffee Crisp Topping.. (Whipped cream should he entirely cov. ercd.) With straight knife indicate cut ting lines on lop and down sides of cake. Keep in refrigerator until served. SPERRY DRIFTED SNOW. Frittid f the Family for 100 Yuri I You can be assured of perfect? bakings when use sperry united now tlome-retfefteJ Lnricnerf rlour!. It has a 100-year baking success srory behind it. Since the first sack of Sperry Flour was milled in five gener ations of Western families have depended on its fine qual ity, us uniform baking performance! ' '. Jit7" Be Sptrry Suro ef baking tuccut! Mattha Meade's easy tecipe foe Anniversary Ficua Cake has been tested and approved by Sperry's, staff of "Home-Perfecrers". These Western homeinakers . . . women like yourself, with ovens and kitchens like yours . . . prove again and again Sperry Drifted Snow Flour cannot cause a baking failure due tu vatiations in quality. Sperry DRIFTED SNOW "HOME. PERFECTED" Enrlthed FLOUR "Sperry," "Hfifitd Snow," "Home -Perfected" and "Miitlu Menrle" lie retnieieii tude-matks of Cieneril Mills, Int. OLEO POTATO CHIPS MAYONNAISE APPLE JUICE ASPERIN Boyer's Blue Bell Large pkg. Beit Foods Quart Quart 75c size 29c 39c 75c 25c 57c Sensational Bargain 32-pice set cf amart hand painted dinntrwara Service for 6 ($14.95 yalue) ONLY S6.95 See sample plate and mt. And 5 Marie ja? Foods Labels lllilllU I feat 3ajrt' our store! get full information at l 111:1. M!fll I For SUPER Pancokej use New Improved Albers Flapjack Mix CATSUP 19c Standby Peanut Butter 39c e m SklDDW Fancy Red Roasting Hens 39( FRESH FRYERS - t 69c PORK ROASTS 45c Moi-rell's Pride Short Shanks Hams 59 Holf or Whole Smoked Pork Chops lb. 69c SMOKED PICNICS 39c . FRESH SMELTS, lb. OYSTERS 15-18 size, pint 33cP GRAPEFRUIT HOW AT THEIR BEST! Coachella 1 Valley, lb. i Oranges Florida Ob lb. Oranges California 3Q 5 lb. mesh bag V7W Turnips Clip Top "f lb. Tube Tomatoes 23c Date Nut Rolls 19c Each Dozen Daffodils 39c Prune Juice Del Monte 29c Quart Cherries Diamond A Red, Sour, Pitted r 25c No. 2 tins ALLSWEET MARGARINE With Coupon On Pago 11 lb. BJin 19c GRIGG'S, (MM FOODS Jelly Kerrs Q 12-ox.Iar l Oysters 39c Cave. 5 ox. tin Jersey Gloves Larqe and Medium Pair 39C Blended Juice Royal Club 46-ox. tin 25c