THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1PM PAGE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON i. " 1 ' Catch Spirit of Spring With New Perfume "Spring It buRtln' out nil over" In notlr month or twol In the meantime catch the feeling of the beautiful weather ahead with a new spring hat, or a gay scarf, or new perfume. Why not buy your aelf a different scent right now one which brings to mind the soft, Jreh breezes of April. It you are not one of the lucky women who can go south or north or west or east for a few weeks, give yourself a fresh sense of change by surrounding yourself Ui a fragrance which means a lighter heart. We aren't suggesting for one moment that a change of perfume la going to take the place of a skiing trip or two weeks of sun bathing. But you can help over come the feeling of being In a rut through the use of perfume. It need not be expensive. Treat your self to a purse size bottle of one of the perfumes you always have wanted. DISCUSS You may wonder Just which scent Is the right one for you. Then go to the nearest perfume counter and frankly discuss what you want with the salesgirl. Tell her whether you would like a light Cherry Red Apple Pie Hard to Beat A rosy-red pie that has a cherry look and a homespun flavor that's hard to beat! The sauce adds ex tra taste-appeal. Pastry lor 1-double-crust 9-lnch pie t cups (about 3 lbs.) thinly sliced cooking apples cud Sugar 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground mace ' 3 teaspoon red food coloring 2 tablespoons butter or marga rine Wash, peel, core apples: thinly lice into bowl of salt water (1 tablespoon salt to 4 cups cold wa ter). Measure out other ingredients. Put drained apples into a bowl, sprinkle on dry ingredients and food coloring. Mix thoroughly, using rub ber scraper. Lift rosy-red apple slices into unbaked pie shell, sav ing the "red juice." Dot with but ter. Put on vented top crust; seal edges; flute. Bake in very hot oven. (450 degrees F.) 15 minutes; turn heat to moderate 350 degres F.) for 4 minutes or until apples are tender to fork touch. Serve warm pie wedges with Cinnamon Sauce (recipe below). Serves 6. Cinnamon Sauce: Combine in saucepan 1-3 cup rose apple "juice," H cup Sugar, 1 table spoon flour, j teaspoon salt. Stir in 2-3 cup of boiling water Place on medium high heat and cook 6 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in 3 tablespoons but ter or margarine. Keep warm over hot water. Makes about iy, cups. Note: For flavor change, divide prepared rosy-red apples in half. Place a layer of sliced bananas, 1 1-3 cups (3 medium, or V lb. ) between two lavers of apples. floral scent, or a spicy one . . .or a frcsh-fcrnsy bouquet or one of the many other types of perfumes now on the market. Give her an ilea of the "mood'' you'd like to create for yourself: softly feminine or crisply efficient or subtly co quettish. This will act as a guide for her to select some perfumes for you to test. Now a word about testing: Try out Just three different scents at any one time because your olfac tory nerve probnbly will be con fused if you smell more than this number. The correct procedure is to put a few drops on the inside wrist of one arm. Then, after it has dried, sniff not just once, but two or Uiree or four times. Think about the fragrance. If the first does not quite "do things for you. repent the process with a differ ent perfume on the other Inside wrist. A third scent should be test ed on another part of the arm so that the odors will not be con fused. Do take time to "try on your perfumes. Surely you wouldnt expect to buy the just-right but in less than half an hour. STUDY Which perfume is the one for you? The answer to that S64 ques tion is: the one you like, the one which gives you a sense of being utterly charming and lovely. De velop your own taste in fragrance by testing ahd livng with a per fume which appeals to you. Listen for the comments of those you meet. Isn't this the way you de veloped your taste in hats? Learn about perfumes so that you will have courage to believe in your own opinion, in fragrance as well as in all other matters which con cern your life. Appliances Feature New Labor Savers The 1952 Cycla-matio Frigidatrc food freercr and refrigerator com bination features convenient "Roll to you" shelves and a new kind of cold called Levelcold. according to Vern Owens, of Cascade Home Furnishings, who returned recently from a Frlgldaire sales meeting in Portland. Every shelf glides out full-length on nylon rollers, bringing more ifood within easy reach than any ottier reirigcrntor ever built, he declared. In addition, there are three shelves on the door for hand' storage of small items. Levelcold is a safer cold for preservation of all kinds of foods because temneraiures within the ! refrigerator do not "see-saw" with jor during automatic defrosting. I Through development of a revo lutionary Cycla-matlc system. Frig idair engineers have made possible Constant, safe cold automatically tinoer all conditions, whether o:i the coldest night of winter or the hottest summer afternoon. The Cycla-matic system is found in the three Imperial models of the 1952 Frlgidaire refrigerator line In addition to the Imperial Cycla matic Frigldalres, there are ten handsomely-styled DeLuxe. Master Standard and Special refrigerator models from four to 17 cubic leet. HOTELS OSBURN HOLLAND EUGENE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern fir. and Mrs. J. E. Ear ley and Joe Earley Proprietors I " TliffAoNI I I . ! It's the truth you save more money when you buy ALL your food needs at I H CUII 'CI AmA !,' k nniall It.m ,'. ........ A-.. --A lU.i I Oak wilt attacks shade and om mental oaks as well as those In forest stands. UUZUUL n fll u o o LEON'S HALF-YEARLY MUST END SATURDAY HHeire's I'efi'eslifflniejTit, real FeJfresfamemt To play refreshed Vf V U "J. :t '44 i' Thirst keeps score, loo. It tells you when it's refreshment time . . . your taste tells you what to choose. SOTTtlD UNDID AUTHORITY Of tH8 COCA-COIA COMPANY IY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY OF KLAMATH FALLS "CaiaflMfirtrt lrorf-mjr. (g) )M COCA COIA COMPANY It's the truth you save more money when you buy ALL your food needs at EMIL'S! And here's the proof! Every Item is low-priced every day . . , and that means you save money all along your food orders. It means mora savings for you every day . . . and that's the way to cut down food bills to budgot size. But prove, it ta your own satisfaction. Fill your needs for the holiday weekend with our fine quality foods and see for yourself how much you save. MAYONNAISE MARGARINE FLOUR MECO PEAS APPLESAUCE TOMATO JUICE ORANGE JUICE EGGS DURKEE'S Qt. jar DURKEE'S OCCIDENT, IN APRON BAG No. 303 Tin ROYAL CLUB 2 lbs. 25-lb. bag No. 303 tin 2 for DEL ROGUE STANDBY VALENCIA 65c 53c $2:19 2 - 25c 29c 22c 33c 46-oz. tin 6-ox. tin Grade A Large Local Ranch In Ctn., doz. rnirupTTi Die jrAunc,M I Franco American 15-oz. tin US' Fresh CRABS Oregon Coast Fresh SMELT Columbia River Fresh - Chinook Salmon Filet of Sole Filet of Sea Bass STRICTLY FRESH Ground BeeE'; 49c DEL MONTE or MORRELL'S Sliced Bacon'Xt 39c FRESH PACIFIC COAST OYSTERS F""5 55c MORRELL'S jRlbE PICNIC 5H&ULDER Short shank, light weight, Whole or half lb. HAMS 39c LEAN Pork Chops Cut from U.S. FtJ insp. loins, lb. Qa(, LEAN Pork Roasts"" ""-39c Fresh Rainbow TROUT Ready to fry Why go fishing? All beef items sold at Emit s are inspected and Federally graded "Good" or better. Priced right trimmed right cut right! Have You Tried Any of Emil's Home Made Corned Beef It's a little better than the rest. 2 ,v25c pk9 25c AVOCADOS Large size, Snoboy CELERY HEARTS Fl,lk p CARROTS Golden, sweet 2 bun. 15c U.S. No. 1 Kfamath Netted Gems POTATOES 10 lb. "Home Toter" bag 59c ORANGES s"" s""UuM" 12c i We- )C yv-vv Nubora We Have Recipe for NEW, EASIER ) Q Y' PASTRY V dnowdfift) n 3-lb. tin coupon wn raqe ith Coupon I y ), K Free Parking While. Shopping at I EMIL'S! Right iiorved to Limit uantities 11 noes? f (XX)