VIUMISDAY, HWHUAHY 21. 11152 IIKRALI) AND NF.VVS. Kf.AMATII FALLS. OTtECON PACK SEVEN FORM YOUR OPINION iKillliu'n Note! Tim tnllnwIiiK CiirMlom linvo been formed (or txproMlon on Ihe (UmIIciii "llnw 1,'hii Wo Heller Hii)nt Our l.ltw Enforcement Offlclnln," topic for thi! next llulld Hit lliinln punrl program over KKLW, 'lurmliiy, I'rb. lid, nl HMO p.m. Kill nut the (iiiCKtloniiiilio and return It either to (he llcnild and Kevin or Htiillon KI'LW.i I -On you think adherence to iinlfiirm bull mid line Mhedulca In county" lower rotiit, would proinolo belter law enforcement? Yen ( ) No ( ) 3 - Hhould the Mule Inw be rluumed to iillow officer, who.iln not iietunlly eo accident, lo iniike iutchIii on biuiin ol phyiilciil fiicln and miitcmontsV Yen ( ) No ( ) 3 Are iiiereliiiiitn, beer vendor, clgaret vendors, doing their part In obeying the low concerning miIch to Juvenile? . Yen ( ) No ( ) 4- Hhould nil proiltlon on the i lly police force, Including Unit of police chief, be (lllrd by civil icrvlce exiiinlnutlonn? Yen ( ) No ) ft-Hhould mme Inw be thiiimed to permit prosecution of truffle law offender between mien of 1(1 mid 18 In municipal, Justice mid dlntrlct court? Yen ) No ( ) -Hhoiild purnit or (cinti cllnnn be held leanlly reonilblc mid liable lor nil law violation commuted by Juvenile? Yen ( )- ' No ( ) 7- Hhould criminal Jurisdiction over Indium be extended to utate, county and municipal aiitliorltlca? Yen ( ) No ( ) 8 -Hhould newly hired city police officer be placed on lx months pro billion period, which would Include In-service truliiliin. before bemif peiiiuineully hired? Ye ( ) No ( ) 9- 1 the power of nrre t In the private citizen widely recognized and lined? Yes ( ) No ( ) 10- Under standards of one policeman to every 1000 persons set by the Federal Uureuu of Invcsiiicatlon, do you think a staff of 20 police offi cers I adequiite for Klamath Fulls? Ye ) No ( ) 11- Do you think all laws, Including uioi,e concerning gambling, should be enforced strictly? Ye ( ) No ( ) -Do you think graft mid corruption exist In the Basin? Ye ( ) No ( ) 'Operation Shoestring' Aids Mental Patien ts Geary Speaker At GOP Meet Blutr- Itep. Kd Clery I to be the principal speaker at a tnect Iiik of tlm Kin inn Hi County Yoiiiik Ki-publlcuna Feb. 28 at. the Wl neinii, The truck measure, passed bv the Hliito Legislature lust year and refined for vote this Hprlng, I to be dlsrrusned, Carrol Howe, county school su perintendent, will discus school Irglnliitlnn. Chuck Johnson, Young Republi can president, bus Invited all In terested fierson lo attend the meeting, 'Die tlino I 8 p.m. ri'I'Ill NllltINK TllltlVINO TOKYO Mi Most ol Ihe Bhlnlo nhriueH In Jupnn are In poor shape financially, but not the shrine of Izuino, the Japanese counterpart of cupld. It thriving. Borne Japa nese believe all marriages are ar ranged by the god Izumo. The newspaper, Asuhl, reported from Malsue, Western Honshu Island, that the shrlno Hold four million charm Inst year netting 1220,000. Students Win Sales Honors Klamath Union High Hrhoo! re tall Helling classes have nabbed the championship and runner up position In slate window illipliiy design competition, KU1IH Instruc tor J. W, Uike ha announced. The school' flrt period das In re la 1 1 selling topped all comer In the iitnle. and nan been sent to na tional competition while the sec ond period cla won ccoil po sltlon. Lake ald the display were en tered by photograph, Two of them were entered Instead of Ihe usuul one because they were both so good that even an Intro-school vote couldn't determine the belter one. Thl I the flrrt time Klamath Falls ha ever won anything along this line In slate competition, Lake said. The state department of voca tional education Is sponsoring the state contest, he said. Flnt period retail Selling class member at KUH8 are Vorlu Bark er, Jean Bragg, Dixie Glllock, Bev erly Ulovonnlnl, Cora Ilardman, ! Mary Joplln, HIiIcIh Marvin, Dorl McOaughey, Edward Moore, Pat Mueller, Kuty Kyun, Troy Bmlth, Bun Bonnier and Dot McKune. Bi.cond- period student are Nor man OiiBoIh, Richard Fogle, Jerl Ilardrnan, Utren Helblg. Lloyd I Mullen, Bharon Pierce, Krvln Ba jvlo, Freda Bcogglns, Donna Web 'bcr and Pat Wullrum., During a recent six-month pe riod, North American reader bought 57 million copies of news papers every day. say the Na tional Geographic Society. 2 MORE DAYS ! LEON'S TOT TO TEENS GREAT CLEARANCE SALE . . . 13- My PAI L W. 1IAKVF.Y Jit. SALEM A new method of Ireoling nienlallv 111 patlenls by giving them work I the Oregon fcmie Hospital'! "operation uhoc tiring." Tills program of occupational therapy bos been going on lor three months, literally on a shoe tiring. Bui the results are so en couraging thai tho hospital will ask tlio legislature to finance 11 ade quately. Occupational therapy means anv activity prescribed by a physician ; that Pi supervised by a trained therapist to old recovery. , Blinllai' work has been done bv the hospital lor a couple of years, llui It was only throe months ago tbui a trained therapist, young and pretty Miss Flora Fisher, came lo make a real department out of It. KDI'CATION Miss Fisher comes from Van couver, B. C. and was graduated year from Ban Jose Stale Col lege In Calllomla. II is one of the lour Paclllo Coast colleges which train occupational therapists. She conducts classes In weaving, making bells, manufaclure of bracelets, copper tooling, and leather work, She also supervises a limited umount of curpcnlry work. , Miss Fl.-hcr has her shoo lit Ihe basement of a new ward building, hut much ol her work Is carried on in the treatment wards. No money Is provided for the work, but Ihe hospital Is scraping Utile together here and Uiore lo put on this limited program. Miss Fisher says seven or eight trained therapists are needed to carry on Ihe program as it should be done. The main value of the work I? that It keeps the patients' nilndi out of their delusions and Rets them back lo reality. Tho therapy Isn't given to Incurables. Here's a typical example. There Is a 33-ycar-old patient who Is pre occupied bv body complaints. Bhe couldn't think straight. Her psy chiatrist prescribed stimulative creative projects. Miss Fisher had this woman make a photograph album and do i cornier tooling. Then the woman , took an Inventory of Ihe shop. She soon forgot her supposed body Ills and got her mind back on the Hint beam. Ur.TTKBMKST patlenls make beautiful Articles. Thev nro sold by the hns Vital, and Ihe money goes Inlo the patients' betterment fund. Three attendants help Miss Fish er. Ladles Irom the Salem Council ol Churches do volunteer work. These church women each work a couple nl afternoons a month. Tills means there aro a. couple ol the church women on hand at a time lo helo Miss Fisher gel ma terials ready. Miss Fisher Is enthusiastic about her Job, osertlng she has learned more In her three months on this job Hum she ever did before. Bui. she adds, "It's an ;awtull blu Job for one person." ' When the weallicr gets nice. she'll start art classes on the hos pital lawns, She believes, and the hospital doctors agree, that If the legisla ture allows an adequate therapy urogram, many patlenls will be helped. T-SHIRTS I BLOUSES New spring stylet ... Beautiful new spring itripct and solid colors colors in rayon and cor- . . . Sites to 10. ton . . . sizes 2 to 14. 87c V SNOWSUITS SKIRTS Boys and Girls . . . only Cotton skirts for spring a few left . . . closing , ,jIC, 3 to 12. out at 59 99c SCHOOL SHOES Brown scuff toe hi shoes and ox fords for boys . . Plain brown" ox. fords for qirls. SALE ENDS SATURDAY 2 99 Expert Gun Repairing and Rcbluing THE GUN STORE The Merrill Fire Department Presents Their 45th Annual Fireman's Ball Proceeds to be used to purchase new equipment MERRILL SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Music By BALDY'S BAND "Just Good Dance Music" Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. $1.00 per person . Inside Story on Perfect Drinks 'i he inhiilc slory of the drinks yon mix is told liy the vtliihkcy you use. The finer the whiskey the finer ihe drink. So always mix with Seagram's 7 Crown. You'll he sure of a success story in every drink you serve! Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corp., N.Y. - i SUITS WITH THE NEWLY PRETTY SHAPE THESE ARE THE SUITS THAT MAKE A FASHION IMPRESSION lV ItOVAI. PKRM1SSION 8AIUON, Indo-Chlnn Wi The pro pie of BnlKon are going to have nn opportunity to sec a world fnmed troupo of dimmer perform. Tlio royal troupe of Cambodlaby special permission of Cambodian King Norodom Slhunouk Is com ing lo Saigon soon. They arc to appear at n French nlrforce. celo bintlun at tho Saigon airport,, wcu. We can help you with either building or remodeling. BASIN BUILDING MATERIALS, INC. 4754 So. 6th Phone 2-2563 ' Because . . . your suit jacket Is as short as possible with the tiniest waistline, softest shoulder, rounded, curved, beautifully shaped. Because . . . your suit skirt is swinging, sway ing with rippling flare, a profusion of pleats, or swept to the back, reed slim. Because ... . new fabrics are of topmost inter- est. Forstmann's Telga and Miron's Grosslain feature ribbed textures. Miron's Spattcrrib is flecked. You'll find these and more of spring's talented new suits in our just arrived collec tion. 39.95 to 128.00 FREE, EASY PARKING , ,mm '' b ft " v 1 f 4 lA v v ft i okt- I V V I "