2 1'iiuKsnAY, FKnnuAny 21, 10.12 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE FTVR '' 1 - - - - Iti'inilillimii Thrro In la be . ncpulillcBii iniTllhK Ki hluy, 8 p. m. ill ItiHinnvrll Hchoiil, ol vltnl Im .tiorlnncn to prroliiot workorn and nil liitcrcnlcd In tlis Iti'lHilillran niirly. Tim imlilla In Invited. Ilo Ircnhincnu will lia norvcil. i Muiloe Tunalinnnfrrn Pa t O'lllrlilyn tapped nil nprnkorn nt Pint iilHlit'n liiecllnit ol thn Toaat mimlcri club, followed by Walt tiiilnn nnd Oleic (Jullimlirr. Ilob Ilriinrll, J'iiiiI 111 Irlhimpt nnd John Alter iiIko Inn. Hpci nil KUtiNln hint lilwhl IncliKli-d Toiintiiittnli'r UNtrlcl (lovprmir Kvium T. Iluinllton nnd Dlnlrlci ICdurnlluniil Chairman Joe Carroll. Uutli nra Iroin 1'ortlund, ni Flrr ilrU nlllce Will lip riom'd Friday In tibHi'i vnnrn ol WuHliliiKian'H birthday, but will re open Bnturdiiy flora V to 111 noon, llnliy Boy Mr. nnd Mm. Jnmn 'Mi'Kolierln, J2 1 Hirhn, hava r--rrclrved word nl tho birth ol n son In Mr. nnd Mr". L. Brum Him, frnttlp. Mm. HUnii In tlio former Huronm Jpiiii Dnwnon, diiilKhtrr ol Mm, MlUJrrd 13itwnon find Krund finUKhlfr ol Mrn. Kdwnrd F. Hide out, formerly ol I'i'llcnii City, now ol Ynklnm. Knllnln Walter V. Ilamnry, 4IS5 Dlvlalon. Iiiiji pnllHled In trio Air l'orc'o throiiKh thn lix nl recruiting olllro nnd was aanluned to Lack ed. Trx.. Air Force, bane. On Furlouli-8Kt. Gone. V. Crl-tcni-n, ntatloned nt Rnndolph Field, Tex., In on furlouith vlnltlnir lilt pnrrntn, Mr. nnd Mrs. Emll t'lirlBlciLirn ol Merrill. Family Nlulit of Flrnt Methodbit Church In nchrdulcd lor Huntlny niKht, with pollock nt o'clock, .mk acrvlca niul pictures to fol luw. I'yllilnn HUtrrs Wlnema Temple No. 70 In to meet Frlduy. 8 p. in. nl the 10OF hnll. All members of the ntnll tire niked to be there nt V p. in. fur prnctlce. In Jjpnn I'fc. Dunne Knrnen now Miilioned nl Mllo, Jfipun. niter Inur moulds In Koren. lie In the Min ol Mr. nnd Mrn. Vinton Karnes. I.nkeihore Drive. Ills wile, Mnriiie, Is ataylng with his parents. To Cnqullle Mr. nnd Mrs. J.ynn Poycroll nnd Mr. and Mrs. Chet llnmuker lell todny for Cooullle where ihev will participant In a panel dlscunnlon of the Willamette Axency of Htnndnrd Insurance Com pany. Nelilibors Tloyul Nelidibom of America Is to hold a rcioiliir meet ing Friday, 8 p. m, nl the KC hull. VMttiift Neluhliors are wel rome. Olflcers nnd drill tenm mem bers nre requested to be present for prnctlce. Deborah Circle Meets Friday, t p. m. nt the home of Mrs. 8. P. Thnmnnon, 1310 Klrioradn, Mrs. Ce eel Kollenborn will lend a discus Mon on how Die community serves the fnmlly. Popular rince Enthusiastic skat ers hnve used the Moore park sknt Inif rink 1 (17 hours to date. Attend nee totnla 10,200 nnd there hnve been 20 dnys ol nkntlnir wenther. The area covers 133,000 square leet. Dinner Dance An Inlormnl din ner dunce Is plnnned for Bnturdny niKht nt the Ynchl club. The cock tnll hour will be from 7 to 8 p. in., dinner wll be served nt 8 l T S3 i i e t - SEER' o'clock and dnnclnif will be from to p. in, to a a, in. Mimiuurs ana Kucnls lire cordlnlly Invited. For resnrvntlnns iihona Allen Currln. (M0, or Ann Wallers, 81174, bv Frl liny. Co-chnlrinnn nre Mr. and Mrs. 1. m. wallers ana Mr. aim mis. Ilob Byrne. The committee Includes Miixlne Llnkov. Uruco Worth, Dr. and Mrs, Itlchnrd Currln, Dr, and Mm. M. E. Kobinsoii, Mr. anu Mrs. Charles Ilullcy. Mnrvln Thnmns Jr.. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Mnrvln Thorn M 'CiilnlnlrA uitrvnil ns nrournnl nl' the m 'nKrlcultuml banquet, Oreiion Bliile Collexe, fcd. iv Initiation Ewnunu Kncnmpnient Nu. 411 nnd nuxlllnrv will meet Frl ilnv. 8 n. in. nt the IOOF hull. Tho auxlllury will hold Initiation. Awav Mr. and Mrs. Emll Al- brechl re In Portland for few days. rsril Pariv Snturdnv nluht. 8 o'clock, Rubiirbun Fire depnrtnient lor all volunteer llremen nna meir wives. Sponsored by the auxlllury. vi.lu.. Mr nnrf Mrs. Hteve Stewart, Infflewood, Cnlll., were re cent visitors here, renewnm om lilcndshlps. Blewnrt Is the son ol the lute Dr. I.lovd Hlewnrt nnd Dr. Uvn Htewnrt. bolll lirncllcllllt Uhy- slclnns hero nevcrnl yenrs nuo. niey were enrotne lo uposnno m visit Stewnrt's sister Lcttle, recent ly married. They have a baby son, Bcott. Mysterious Noise Heard nnriTT mn in A Ihunrlerlnir noise alarmed southwest Portlnnd and oullylDK suuurus weancsuny nluht. The ruune still hud not been determined Thursday. Borne resiuenuj in urnv uem-vro a Jet plnne hud crushed, but tills pioved fnlhe. u thnxffl.l n melenr nnd OUIIIC M,WM,.- - - passed over, but no reports of one dime Irom other nrens. A wenther observer sum u mny simply hnve been n Irenk crush ol ti I.. tl.,11 u-hlrh nnlliillV DC HllJIlUt'l . .. coinpniilen thunder, was reported In a lew secnons, niuumuu uu:n; were no other Indications of un electrical storm. Eva Peron Pale But Active BUENOR AIRES, Argentina Wi Mrs. Eva Peron Is Inking part In public lite ntinln, althouiih she looks soniewhnt pule as the alter math ol an operation lute last year, She addressed a luncheon meet ing Wednesdny of deleiintcs to a new Pnn-Amcrlcnn labor confed eration, formed lust week nlomt lines first lnld down by Arnentlno President Juan Peron and his wlfo. Mrn. Peron told the delcunten tho world's laborers must Join forces to defend their victories. PARATROOPKRH MA8H HONO KONO (Pi The Hon Kong newspaper Wah Klu Ynt Po nnld Thurnduy 4.000 newly trnlned pnratroopers have Joined 290.000 other Red Chinese troops massed near the Indo-Chlna and Burma borders. ami WBNHAHO COMfANV . fOSTlAHO, OsIOOH f . I'" ii ii i i i i"ilil' li 11 ' ',-vV-'t -rl Ml Kill AVIl.A Horn lo Mr, nnd Mn. AltMrt AvHm, Chlloijiiln, Or: V-U. A, IHM, girl. Wrltfhl; 7 p'funcJl lit' ounit, DK.GNAN Horn to Mr. imI Mn. Volin iivgnmn, JWnrrtll, Ore, fh. B, IU!2, buy, Weiglit; B pouidi 10 Oliur. CANNADV lrn lo Mr, tnd Mri. WmIIii Cnn.ly, VfMt fat to HI, fmh. 7. m hoy. Wclifht; 0 pound 7 Otincr. .til' AN Horn In Mr. nnd Mr. Thorn .iipan. ti'il Ionld Ht , rmU, 6, IHM, m. Iirl. WpIkIiI: 1 pjundi 11 nuncct. 7IKKK Horn to Mr and Mn. J hntiii Uhffrfk, UnM H. flth Nt.. ftU. 7, Wi, KlrJ. WvlKhti 0 pounds X uunifi. HTHKKT -Horn to Mr. and Mri. T-on Bhrol, Mvrrlll, Or rh. 7, 1UA2, M girl. WriKht: 7 pound! 12' ouncca. ANDKHHON--Burn to Mr. and Mr. Tim AndrrMn, 2H75 Huinmr Iri, tr. 1, lun, girl. Weight: 0 pounds 1(1' oiinrn. I-AVIN- Morn to Mr. and Mn. Jamai I. nvin, roiitu 2, Itox biX KUrnath VU. Krli. U, W4, a buy. Wfllght: II poundi 2 ontt'Tfl, CLINTON Horn to Mr. and Mn. t.undy Clinton, 2112 VandvrKrlft HI, Kelt. II. H'VJ, boy. Weight: 7 pound! ,4 uuncr. MAN'ICMH Born to Mr. and Mn. VIllmm Mulrn, H'lO WUrd Hi . YtU. II. 1U32, m girl. Weight: 9 pound 4 ounr. KWKNFY Born in Mr. and Mr. Wityna Hwenry, Airport Apt., frh. II, 1UA2. a girl. Wrlghl: U pounds ft ounree, I'KKI-I'H - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur J'hvlps, 1K1II Hop HI., Kftlj. JO una, a lnty. Weight; S pounds 14' ount-rs. O'pr - Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jnme Ott, Tolrlnke, Cellf , rti. 10, I KM, a girl. Weight: g pounds 13 ounces, VAUr Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vnll, Mrrrlll, Ore., Kftb 10. IM2, a boy. Weight: 7 pound I1' ounces. COLK -Tlorn to Mr. and Mr. Gerstd Cole. UM K Main HI . 11, JUtt, a girl. Weight; 7 pounds I ft1' on nre. I1UMT (torn lo Mr, and Mrs. Hfirold Burl, 4IW1 H. Oth HI.. Kct). 11, Wl, a girl Wviirht: 7 pounds II ounces. HKDIJKB Born to Mr. and Mn Mar vin llMign. 2Kti Vary St.. Frb. 11, Iin2. a girl. Weight; 8 pounds 4' ounres. I'ATZEn Bnrn lo Mr and Mr. Oome J'dtrer, Oreterh. Or. Krh. II, limi, a boy. Weight; 7 pounds 12V ounces. Kiiionr Born to Mr. and Mr Rhelly Kllgore, lur.'i Mananlu Ht,, a Iwy. Weight; 0 pound O's ounces. JAHKn-nnrn lo Mr. and Mrs. Ynea Jasso, box 'l.'fJ, Klamath Kails. Kcb. II, m girl, weigni; iwui ot ounce. OtJNTTH Born to Mr. and Mr, nienn Ounter, 2VI Madcllfa Ht , Keb. 12, lA2, a boy. Weight: ti poundi U", ounces. SMITir Born to Mr. and Mr. Oorga Rmllh. 1427 Gary Ht.. rb 14. V&i, a boy. Weight! U pound 0 ounces. t'Altl,SON Fom lo Mr. ar.d Mr. Rudolph Carlson, 449 Michigan Ave., Feb. (4, ltf.12, boy. Weight: 7 pound 12' ounce. MrNAIft Born to Mr. and Mn. Alfred MrNelr, box 171, Klamslh Kalti. rb. 14, Wi, a girl, '-Veight; 7 pound j ounce. HAIUHNMO-Born to Mr. and Mr. Jesse Harrington. Dorrlei Call . b. 14. inn2, a girl. Weight; 8 pound b"4 ounres. Clir.HNtlT Born to Mr, and Mrs, Jame Cheanut, Bonanza, Ora., Keb. 14. lUfti, a girl. Weight: 7 pounu ('., ounces. HOYLK Born to Mr. and Mr. Bur ton llovl. TulflsMa, Calif., Keh ItoKf. a tMy. Weight: 7 pounds 10 ounce. Bff.YKir Born to Mr, and Mn. Ralph nilyeu, 74.1 Callornla Ave , Krb. i;i, 1012, a boy. Weight: 0 pounds O'-a ounres. HOHft-Born to Mr. and Mr. Albert Rom Jr . fll Nevada St.. rb. in. 1tt52, a girl. Weight: 8 pound 8 ounces CARTER Born to Mr. and Mn. Wil liam Carter II, 2411 Vine St., rb. 10. 10.12, a boy. Weight: 8 pounds 3'i ounres. OIM Bom to Mr, and Mrs. Howard mil, ami Derby Ht . b. io. nS2, a girl. Weight; S pound 13'. ounces. I' ETE R BO N born to Mr. and Mr. John f'ctrrson, A040 Independence Ave.. Keb. 17, 12, a girl. Weight: 0 pounds 13' ounces. NELSON Born tn Mr. and Mrs. Cler anra Nelson. Mil Bhast Way. Feb. 17, 0.12, a Iwy. Weight; 7 pounds 12 ft MIRRORS I for any V LRoom In thm HomtV Calhoun a t' Put SPRING TIME ZIP in Your Motor! TUNE-UP NOW! OUR SCIENTIFIC MOTOR ANALYSER INSURES A PERFECT JOB ' More Pep - Power - Performance ADJUST Distributor, Timing, Generator, Valva Tappers, Fan Bait. i - CLEAN (orttry Ttrminoll, Spk Plujf. TICHTtN Cylind.r Htfld, Manifold, Hom Conntctlont, chock Corburo-lor. CHECK Cn. rotor, Coll, Distributor, Con d.nttr, Vollogo Control, tortory Voltogo, Vocuum Control, Com pr.nion, Hoot Control, 20 OPERATIONS SPECIAL 6 EXTRA 45 pjDrti extra 410 So. 6th ASHLEY CHEVROLET Phone 41 13 Poteet's Market Owned and Operated By Bob & "Peanuts" Potect Good Lean BEEF ROAST ib. 59 Oregon Sliced BACON Pound Pockogc Top Quality ,..45c PURE LARD 75c 4-lb. carton DEPEND ON US FOR QUALITY Prlcei Infective Friday and Saturday FRSHfpROPUC Oranges 5-lb .bag 39c Grapefruit Marsh, seedless. Each 10c Avocados Tomatoes Grapefruit 2for25c Tube 23c 8-lb. bag 39c 1 pound Sunshine Krispies 29c Skinless t. loaf - Pdbst-ette - WIENERS Chee 49c - 1 0-lb. bag - Cold Medal FounJ 49c Flour 95c Small can Fancy -White Star Tuna 23c GAVE TIME O 7 P &tlP SO ECONOMICAL jnlp'r I SO EASY TO USE' yjjjjbjy V,V 3 FOR kmm lmSj '' 43c I l III 9 TCl b IWl 9 I? I I Delivery x-i rlkwfyhWLTtWujt I 0n $50 I SaMtrff-kli mMlii2mJU!m3irmM--' ' Orders Or Over Ib. - Chose & Sanborn Coffee 83c Dennison's Meat Balls 49c With gravy . . . can Pound - Durkee's - Oleo Margarine 27c 1710 Oreaon Ave Phone 3860 Penney's STORE HOURS 9:30 - 5:30 pring wshions KEYED TO YOU AND YOUR BUDGET! WINDOW MAGIC WITH PENNEY'S WONDERFUL SELECTION OF FASHION W ISE DRAPERY FABRICS! STOREWIDE SPRING VALUES! HuRgedly built of long-wearln? f ' W'W!S!& &- l MWl-J cotton twill to take plenty of tf) X?1jWjt)k 'VvSVvSVVSt iC5 Jtv' lSt dyed I Shlrte . . 14', to 17, Pant SfjSSf JIIa1 T. Mercerized Twill Pant 9M fetOl I UQsiS A fttt '"f J MAIN FLOOR YvZ'T . ' -J.s- I ef' fTCXTURED ' ifps FABRICS v a m . L 1 u I I T GREECIAN STYLE RAYON GOWN 98 Lovely tailored style In the new est high fashion shades! Slim waist with flattering neckline. Knit rayon jersey fabric. Sizes 32-40. MAIN FLOOR 2 11 xL Sew your own' drapes'ancT save! AnJ you save more when you buy your fabrics at Penney's. Come tlirill at Penney's big, big selection of exciting pebble cloths in scenics, florals, moderns! Hurry in ... choose now! Solid Color Pebble Cloth ... 1.98 yd DOWNSTAIRS 80 SQUARE PERCALE PRINT DRESSES 279 Choose clear, new Spring prints In a host of flattering styles! Elastic waist, zipper front, and button types. 12-44, 14 'i to 24 li. Buy two , . . and SAVE! SECOND FLOOR Vat dyed colors! Textured Fabric! 36" wide! ABSTRACT PRINTS in CRETONNE 36" Wide! Vat dyed . . . p re-shrunk PRINTED PEBBLE YARDAGE 48" Wide! Rayon-cotton ... vat dyed! PRINTED AMAZON FABRICS Solid color textured fabric! ANTIQUE SATIN YARDAGE : Vat-dyed . . . pre-shrunk . . . 48" wide RRINTED PEBBLE CLOTHS 54" Wide! Excellent vat-dyed colors! MODERN DESIGN UPHOLSTERY FABRIC DOWNSTAIRS Yd. 149 1.19 2.49 198 2.29 198 Yd. Yd. Yd. CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES MADE TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATIONS! COST NO MORE THAN READY-MADE DRAPES! ' LINED OR UNLINED! SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! Now Is the time to re decorate your home! Choose fashion prints and plains In modern and traditional pat ttrns, smooth or textured. We also have nil the necessary equipment for Installing your drapes. Come In today for an estimate I DOWNSTAIRS 42"x81" RAYON PANELS 98 Panel Generous size to fit most average windows. Smartly tailored to add charm to your windows! DOWNSTAIRS CRISP ORGANDY PRISCILLAS 4: 29 sin9,a TTiarn Pair 49" X 81" size In wmle, pink, green, or blue. Deep 8" ruffle. Value! DOWNSTAIRS KITCHEN STYLE SASH CURTAINS 298 - Crisp white curtains with gay plaid ruffle trim. Add color to your kitchen. Fits up to 45" long window. DOWNSTAIRS COTTAGE STYLE CLIP DESIGN SASH 198 . Pair Crisp white curtains with colorful clip design . . . deep ruffle. Perfect for kitchens. Fits up to 72" wide window. DOWNSTAIRS PEBBLE DOT PRISCILLAS 298 Pair Gay tufted dots on white. Won't wash off I Luxur ious ruffle trim. Big 44"x 81" size. DOWNSTAIRS 100 NYLON PRISCILLAS 850 Pair Cobweb sheer Hathaway Nylon Marquisette. 100 DuPont nylon, Lesa than shrinkage. Washable. 63"x81" size. DOWNSTAIRS j