HKKALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FA 1 t OREGO TIIDUSDAY. l'KHKUARY 21, 1052 PAGE FOUR MARKETS and FINANCIAL Lord Price Break Market Feature CHICAOO UH A break In lard E rices featured dealings on the oard of trade Thursday. '' While grains puttered along with : small gains or losses, lard tumbled .- to new seasonal lows In a heavy selling movement. Behind the lard price drop was weakness In the cash article and continued heavy run of hogs to ,.' declines. Loose lard sold at 10 i cents a pound, down cent to the lowest point since June, 1950. March wheat eased, but the new .' crop months hnd a firm tone on y the absenca of moisture in the southwest. Wheat closed lower to , higher, March 12.55 !. corn un changed to ii lower, March 11.81 'A-H, oats ',- higher, March 83 ' V. rye '.-I H higher, May $1.97 k, soybeans -l Vt higher, March $!. 7 Yt, and lard 35 to 50 cents a hundred pounds lower, March fix . 16. ' , Wheat 1 ' Open High Low Close . Mar 155 H 2.55 i 2.54 V, 2.55 ' May a. 521., 2.53 2 52 I, 2.52 Jly ' 2.46 2.47 3a 2.6 H 2.46 , . Sep 3.47 3b 2 48 lj 2.47 V4 2.48 . : Dec '' 2.50 V2 2.51 2.60 H 2.51 !, Quotations New York Storks By The Associated Press ' Admiral Corporation - Allied Chemical " Allis Chalmers American Airlines . American Power Light . American Tel. & Tel. American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad , Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. ( Borg Warner Burroughs Adding Machine California Packing Canadian Pacific , Caterpillar Tractor ; Celanese Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities Service Consolidated Edison Consolidated Vultee Crown Zellerbach Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft duPont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio General Electric General Foods General Motors Georgia Pac Plywood Goodyear Tire Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester International Paper Johns Manville Kennecott Copper Llbby, McNeill Lockheed Aircraft Loews Incorporated Long Bell A Montgomery Ward Mash Kelvnator New York Central Northern Pacific Pacific American Fish : Pacific Gas & Electric Paclflo Tel. b Tel. Packard Motor Car ; Penney (J.C.) Co. ' Pennsylvainia R.R. . Pepsi Cola Co. Philoa Radio Radio Corpora ton Rayonier Incorp Rayonier Incorp Pfd Republic Steel Reynolds Metal Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. Scott Paper Co. Sears Roebuck & Co. Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift & Company Transamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Fox Union Oil Comnanv Union Pacific . United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel Westinghouse Air Brake Westinghouse Electric Woolworth Company 26 ' 69 ? 49 14 V 23 V, 154 61 V, 49 , 75 y4 49 5, 47 V4 64 17 H 25 a4 33 14 49 ? 45 V, 68 103 4 33 j 17 V. 55 V4 9 56 84 M 44 I, H H 55 44 50 1, 20 44 V 32 T 47 64 C 81 , 8 N 20 16 39 a, 61 18 34 18 ?, 68 15 35 109 '4 4 68 14 18 a v4 28 li 24 63 K 41 H 60 y2 54 I, 30 51 Vt 52 36 ft 62 i 50 74 32 32 22 18 H 36 Tt 109 V. 29 30 31 H 38 14 42 25 35 H 43 San Francisco Livestock SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO If) Cattle: 20, not enough to establish market, earlier in week small lot good 9651-.120 pound slaughter utility dairy type 2.00, couple smaii 101s nign utility and low com mercial range Cows 25.00-26.50, mostly good 765 pound feeder steers 31.00, five head out at 29.00. one-half load good replacement ueucis iw pounas 31.DU. Calves: None. . .- . Hogs: 125, not enough butchers or sows to establish market, supply mostly feeder pigs, no sales, ear lier In week choice 180-235 pound bheen: 175. sunnlv nnuiwi mainly of lambs, no earlv sales, earlier in week around 70 head choice wooled 96 pound lambs 28.50 lew cuu to good Slaughter ewes carrying full shorn and wooled pens o.u-io.uu. - Portland Poultry ' PORTLAND Produce market onanges: 1 Live chickens No. 1 quality, f.o.b. plants: fryers. 2 vs lbs. 33. 3.1c. a-4 10s. 32-33c; roasters. 4 ana over, so-3ac: light hens. weights. 21-22c: henvv hens weights, 23-24c; old roosters, weights, 13-15c. lbs all all all Portland Livestock PORTLAND l Cattle salable 50: market active, strong on limited supply: oaa nead pood 1.302 lb fed steers 32.00: utility heifers 22.00 26.00; odd commercial grades 29.00 30.00: canner and cutter cows most ly 17.00-20.50; odd head to 21.00; utility cows 21.00-25.50; bulls scarce few utility grades 25.00-28.00; odd commercial 29.00. Calves salable 150: market slow: load around 215 lb No. 3 tvne butch ers 19.25: choice No. 1 and 2 180- 206 lbs steady at 19.75; odd choice 300-375 lb SOWS 17.00 : 475 lbs 15.50 good and choice feeder pigs lack ing, quotable 17.00-18.00. Sheep salable 50: market stromr: 1 lot mostly choice 109 lb woled lambs 27.50: choice 120-124 lbs 25.- 50-26.00; good ewes quotable 12.50 13.50. The North Portland Livestock Market will be closed Friday, Feb. 22. Washington's Birthday. Chicago Livestock CHICAGO OB Heavy market ings of hogs Thursday at Missouri River points depressed local prices as much a 50 cent a hundred weight. This resulted In spite of a cutback in the local supply. Cattle were unevenly strong to 50 cents lower and sheep ruled steady. Most butcher weight hogs sold from (16.00 to $18.00 and sows from $14.00 to $16.00, or steady to 50 cents lower. Good to low-nrime steers and yearlings sold from $29.50 to $35.50 and comparable heifers from $29. 50 to $34.50. Cows remained at $24.00 and below. Good to Drime wooled lambs brought a narrow range at $28.00 to $28.25 while ewes toooed at SIS.. 00. Weather Western Oregon Partly cloudy Thursday with a few snow flurries, except showers of mixed rain and snow In south. Partly cloudy Thurs day night and Friday. Highs both Thursday and Friday 40 to 60. Lows Thursday nlglit 28 to 38. Winds off coast Westerly and 5 to 15 miles an hour, becoming south erly and 10 to 20 miles an nour Friday. Eastern Oregon Partly cloudy with scattered snow flurries Thurs day and Friday, with little change in temperature. Highs boih Thurs day and Friday 25 to 35. Lows Thursday night 10 tt 25, except near aero in high vallevs. Grants Pass C o n 1 d er a b le cloudiness Thursday, becoming partly cloudy at night and Fridav with morning fog. High Thursday 44. low Thursday night 25, lufcli Friday 45. 24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Thursday Max. Min. Preclp. Baker . Bend .' , EURcne La Grande Lakeview Medford ' North Bend Ontario Pendlcion Portland Roneburg Salem Boise Chicago Denver Eureka Los Angeles New York Red Bluff San Francisco Seattle Spokane 29 13 .02 35 11 . T 4J 27 ' .03 33 .10 32 -1 .17' 42 ' 28 : .03 44 32 .09 1 33 13 .04 I 36 28 .01 41 32 T 43 29 . . . 40 31 .08 35 . 19 .04 35 24 ' .05 36 16 44 33 .03 57 44 43 34 .04 52 31 ' .07 53 41 ' J2 39 28 29 11 .03 Credit Men Plan Monday Meet Ray W. Clark, general manager of the National Credit Card Associ ation, has been slated as principal speaker for the annual Merchants Credit Service banquet at the Wil lard Monday at Noon. Clark is to speak on "Bad Checks." This year's annual Bureau dinner. Is being held not only for members but also "for any other businessmen who may be interested. According to Bureau managers. Clark's talk should be of top interest to all busi ness. A veteran of 35 years in the hotel business himself, he will touch on detection and protecton against bad checks. Reservations should be made be fore Saturday by calling 5161. Randall Elected To SCD Board Louis Randall. Langell Valley. was elected to the board of super visors of the Langell Valley Soil Conservation District during a meeting last night at the Lorella Community Hall. Randall replaces Lester Jones. About 100 persons were In atten dance at the potluck affair, in cluding Richard Shirtle. Bureau of Land Management, and Dr. Al Hal vorsen, Klamath Experiment Sta tion. a .. ; . Potatoes CHICAGO lB -i Potatoes: Arriv als 71, on track 306; total U.S. shipments 564; market unsettled; ' track sales, local: Colorado Mc ; Clurea $5.26; Wyoming Triumphs $5.32. Street sales, according to oasis 01 saie a luo lb. Colorado ; McClures $5.50-81; Idaho Russets Pontlacs $5.00-36. SAW PR A KfTTfinn in Tn(n( JO cars on track; arrivals, Oregon . 1; market firm; Deschutes Russets No. 1 bakers 5.25 delivered. LOS ANGELES Wl Potatoes: 75 cars on track; arrivals, Oregon 2, Florida 1, Minnesota 2, Idaho 3; by truck 12; market steady; Idaho Russets No. I-A, 5.10-20; Deschutes bakers 5.32. Portland Grain : PORTLAND Wt Wheat fbid) ; to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, : delivered coast: Soft White 2.52; Soft White (excluding Rex) 2.52; White Club 2.52. ' Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.55' 10 per cent 2.55; H per cent 2.55; 13 per cent 2.55. Hard White Baart: Ordinary 1.63: 10 per cent 2.53; 11 per eent 2.63; 12 per cent 2.53. Car receipts: Wheat 82; barley 4; flour 6; corn 4; mill feed 7. Potato Shipments r co, dv Month to date Season to date 1950-51 1951-52 27 49 656 609 8110 7618 More Returning From Korea SEATTLE W The Navy trans port Marine Adder arrived here Thursday from the Far East after being slowed two daya by rough weather In the North Pacific. It brought 2,676 homeward-bound Ar my rotation troops.:' It raised to 86,472 the total of men returned through the Seattle Port of Embarkation under the Army's rotation plan. Another ship, the Hugh J. Gaffey, Is due Friday with 817 passengers. It is filling what la oft-times la beled a. "diaper ship" role, car rying 16 military dependents. - It also has 99 members of the Armed Faroes aboard. Here again, folks I HARDY'S WEEKEND WOOL SHIRTS One of the finest names in 100 all wool shirrs. In plaids and plain colors. Has nylon neckband. At an extra special price! Reg. 9.95 90 6 DRESS SHOES Values to 16.95 Q00 Discontinued styles in black Massagics and brown Olym pics. Their famous Weyenberg Air Cushioning gives you com fort plus ... at this, low price! WORK SHIRTS Poplins, twills, taxi cloths and Values to 2.49 covert cloths reduced! All san forized. Made for men of action. 1 98 STORE FR MEN Drunk Trial Starts Today Trial of Vernon Thomas DuBols. 3927 Johns Ave., on rharge of being drunk on a public highway got 1111 derwny this morning in District Court. DuBols was arrested the night of Dec. 28, 1951. by State Police follow, tug a two-car accident at S. Bill SU and Homcdale Rd. The Jury plrked to hear the trial consisted of Charles Poller, Glenn Dehltngrr, Herb Barry. W. E. En man, Paul Falrclo and Richard E. Quick. Atty. George H. Proctor Is de fending DuBols. Deputy Dlst. Atty. Don Piper is prosecuting the case. Stockman Asks Dallas Funds WASHINGTON W Rep. Stock man iK.-ure.,) nas urgen a jioiisc appropriations subcommittee to ap prove the 37 million- dolj.irs budgeted by President Truman for. construction of Ihe Dallas Lock, and Dam on the Columbia R'vit. He made publio Thiiriiduv a statement to the committee In which he asserted the project would help alleviate the Pacific Northwest power shortage and eliminate "numerous handicaps which now retard navigation, including Ccnlo Falls." Talent Show On Tonight The KUHS faculty-student pro duction "Leap Year'' comes off to night at 8 on the high school audi torium stage, with Mrs. B. B. Blum qulst directing. Following the leap year theme, everything from "Bouncing Bam blnos" Coach Richard Vaillan cour's tranmolcners to the leaping rhythm of modern dance is pro grammed. A preview was held yesterday for high school students and was re portedly well received. The Parents and Patrons-sponsored affair is being held to obtain Hinds (or the annual senior banquet, held for graduating students rach spring. 11111,111111,111 n,;i(iiii..ljn.i. innl. 1111111 row - -" - ' - DISTRICT COURT Stlvlo D. Hfinanl. paulng Inaulficlvnt Clearance. Fin 117.50. Jinmito O. Stalkup, overload. Forfeit tll l.v.ll. Erma A. Gerut, selling liquor to mi nor. DUmlctl. John 3. Mutuett. no operator llcetiie. Fur frit V ball. Hubert E- Coming, no vehicle HcenM. Fin $i. Thoinat K Car land, no vehicle li cense. Fine W. Mary C. Kck, failure to slop at itup aijin. Fine S3 Carroll N. Smith, violation bailc rule. Fine 7.30. U.P. Offers Scholarships Two $100 Union ParlMo scholar ships In be offered 1km o. one for a student registered In vocational agriculture and one to active 4 HerN, are perhaps the first to be announced for a given county not actually croHxcd or touched by tho union fiiciiic railroad. Union Puclllc Ki'iiresciilatlvp Jack Alhrrlon, whose offlco Is In Klamath Falls, said ycstci cluy the scholarships are usuully given to U, P. towns. The scholarships were announced Into lust mouth by Oil Director Winston Purvlne. Alherton said they a ro titled the Carl Gray Schol nrshlp.s, niiincd afler ono of the railroads late president. A commlttoi will be nnniedi to pass on outstanding ellglblo stu dents and 4-H mombera, Judge Gets Talk Wires Crossed EUGENE Ml Munlclnal Judiic John L. Buibpr slimed lunch with the Cascade Lions Club here bill made a hasty exit when the noon program stinted. Scheduled to give an address on crime In society, he discovered he was nt the wrong meeting. . Ho hurried over to the Exclmiiue Club, (lining In another room of i lie hotel, and gave the speech. Mort Plans Crab Feecf MALIN The board of directors of the Malln Chamber ol coin meroe mot last night to wind up final pin us for the big annual meet ing mid crab feed Monday. Dinner will be served at 7 p.m. In Uif Broadway hall. Bntwoon 460 and 600 guesta will attend. Five new directors will be Intro duced during the dinner hour. Merle Loonlry. president will Uni ces the program whlrli will Include numbers by the Klamalli Falls "What Four" Barbershop quartette, Johny Houston, M. E. I'Vrcbre, Keniile Loflsgaard, Klamath Falls and Olney Rudd, Tulolnko. The Ma lln high school band will also play. Mervyne Wlldo Is program chair man, Tony Btryskal In In charge of food and Kdwln Petrasek Is In charge of hall arrangements. State Sales Tax Action Taken SALEM P A preliminary Initiative petition for a 3 per cent sales tax to be we'd for old age pensions was tiled Willi the uro gon State Department Thursday. The measure would provide for minimum monthly pensions of 179. It was filed by Elmer E. Rowtnn, Otis, and Verna L. Schorn Toledo. If the sponsors get 2H.28H signa tures, the measure would be on the November election ballot. Chains Needed In Mountains SALEM W Cluilns are nendril In all iniiiiiiliiln in I'ns of Oregon mid iiuiiiv other rouds are lev, the ttlalc Highway CuiiiiiiInnIiiii mild Tliiirnday. The load report said elm Ins are needed liecauso of packed allow at these points: Uovviiiiiii'iit Ciiinp. Tliiiherlliie, Wiii'iu Hillings Junction, Odium, Hiiiilliun l'n st. Lupine, Wlllainelln I'uss, Meiicliam, John Day and Seneca. Icy spots were reported at Port, laud, Tmuldale, Wilson Itlver Hum nit. Astoria. Newport, Salmon Itlv. er Summit. Eugene, (,'avo Junction, Union ('reck Hlsklyous, G'oqiillla, The Dalles, Bend, Detroit, Che- mull, Lakevlrw and reiidieton. All oilier points reported the pavement either barn or sanded. Many Closures Tomorrow Prldnv (Ororge Washington's birthday) will be a holiday for con siderable portion of the town. City Hall and Ihe Courthouse will be closed, as will federal agrnclps and the postotllce. There will be no mull delivery: the liquor atora will be closed and you won't need to put money In the parking meters. mil down town mismcswes inn Inn the banks will be open The Herald and News will publish. THadha ShjopA and Shop 1Hwm'ei Tin- Hnu n and the darkness the grave'Allccs. the laughing Allegras and Ediths with golden hair grow UP from rounded girl babies into prim IN-BETWEENS . . young misses from SEVEN to FOURTEEN who soon bloom Into the YOUNG LADIES rounding out Into womanhood . . too, too often these "we-want-to-grow-up" lasses are sadly NEGLECTED in the merchandise world but MILLER'S, "bless 'em" have taken these "forgotten misses'" to heart and opened a, BRAND NEW MISSES DEPARTMENT on the SECOND ' floor . . a department where we simply drooled over the cunning cotton frocks with grown-up touchrs . . cottons as colorful as a flock of migrating flamingoes in old fashioned prints . . wrinkle-proof, permanent picolay . . hiRh-sheen chambrays . . Dan River plaids at MILLER'S . . Gay little tub FROCKS with devasting decor . . wee-winsome BLOUSES that bare pretty arms and throats . . with Mandarin collars and little round necklines . . . SKIRTS that go giddy and swirl out and away, gay as a Macaw's wings on a bright April morning . . SEERSUCKER skirts that never need Ironing . . at really LOW prices . . HIS eyes will steal HER way across an alire bra textbook when SHE wears a HEART THROB SWEATER from MILLER'S . . a Blue berry blue, lilac or yellow, pure white or Dawn pink with the NEW turnover collars and cun ning SHORT sleeves . . these devasting darlings, are MAY CLAIRE sweaters. 100"t nylon, soft as a snowflake, sweet as a song. We COULD describe but nfver TELL you HALF the TEEN-AGE FASHION NEWS in the NEW department at 512 Main street. Miner's Wedding rinrs have gone sophisticated. The plain circular band, choice of many brides li beinr given an ultra-modern look with the cut ting of facets into the shank of the ring, using gold or the white, precious metal palladium. Faceting Is the technique used by Jewelers In cutting a diamond to Increase its brillince. It's a charming Idea to add beauty In the ring that binds your love. & China Cherps . . The conventional 97-piert dinner set is shrinking . . dual-purpose pieces frequently make as few as 17 pieces adequate service for four persona. One designer is featur ing "tubs" which may be used for appetiier, fruit, cereal, soup, dessert and other needs Instead of the usual variety of bowls. -ft Is Your Thinking up-to-date about FOOIT SHOPPING or do you STILL live In the dark ages and sieve to brew and stew? SURELY you know about FROZEN FOODS and CARTERS' . . BIRD'S EYE foods. known across the North American continent for their garden - fresh goodness . . if you DONT, now Is the time to dip into the refrig erated cases at CAR TERS', clear of EX CESSIVE frost for ocean - fresh cod fillets, sole and salmon, had dock and ocean perch, thick, tender scallops and shrimp, plump and pink, even BREADED shrimp, ready for sautelng . . Fresh plucked, tcndcr-tlppcd asparagus, milk white cauliflower . . prime, green lima beans . . full-kerneled ears of corn . . all the fruits In the Blue Book, harvested at the peak of perfection with the perfection FROZEN In . . Fop will puff his chest and lick the world after a breakfast of JONES DAIRY FARM Utile pig 8AUSAGES, plus piping hot ENGLISH MUFFINS, frozen for good keeping . . try these sprinkled with GARLIC salt or smothered in creamed tuna for dinner. Whoooo-ever said CARTERS' doesn't have FROZEN CHINESE FOODS, sweet 'n sour spareribs, egg foo young, pork fried rice and all the other dishes from the land of Con fuscious , . fresh frozen PIES . . wee chicken pies 'n all the flavors of ICE CREAM , . whooo-ever DID, erred. ' "Spur" your winter meals to NEW heights of gastronomic delight with FROZEN FOODS from "Your Most Thoughtful Grocer", 1420 Esplanade, i Carter's If .you buy wool fabric that Isn't pre-slirunk, It's wise to have It steam-pressed to shrink It before cutting out a garment.. , w - , ' To keep draperies fresh, brush often with a whisk broom, or clean with a vacuum-cleaner attachment. Also give them an airing when- ever you can, , ' Tips For Two . . iet to buy. our $Mrs4$' Kml'Ml t "Martha" . . B!W endlv folks at J J' 1 jr i i. she will float down Ihe aisle, misty eyed in tulle and satin . . KNOWING you are the mast wonderful man In the whole wide world BE CAUSE you were WISE enough to visit IIAK- WIN'S for her DIA MONDS. EVERY girl dreams of beauty in her en gagement and wedding ring ensemble and if YOU don't go a little "tlrjiy" making a deci sion al IIAItWIN S on , WHICH set name isn't The frlendlv IIARWIVS will be glad to have vou look and look-but it'll lake a I.ONO. LONG time be. .cause the STOCK of DIAMOND-SET EN OAOEMENT and VTDDiNG RINGS Is SO large you can't see It all In the wink of an eve. If your ship Is still sailing the sea of "Just Getting Started" and you want to bind her tight with a MEDIUM priced slone. sets START at $49.50 . . If your pocket seams are BURSTING with folding cash, you can pass out a "passle" of It and find DIAMONDS to match It. IIARM IN'S gives a FREK gunranlee against FIRE. THEFT. LOSS. ROBBERY with EVERY DIAMOND sold .. 8 A II (irren Stamps and CREDIT TERM8 of COURSE Traditionally, nothing but the BEST will do for the girl in your life, the candy you woo lier with, the flowers you send her. the DIAMONDS .you slip on her slender finger from 701 Main, r llnu-iiiN & Eavesdropping around the shops . . flowers will be worn on EVERYTHING this spring and summer . . they're lush and beautiful . . cos tume Jewelry la more dlstlniuiahrd . . pearls are definitely making a strong eome back al though Ihey hare never completely faded from theoslume picture , . Ihe fabulous replicas or eoats-of-arms and royal Inslgna are tops . . heavy bracelets are worn In sets, outside of long gloves . -it it ft Vu llnvp A llnlo with RIC'KYS . . IP . . your TIMEPIECE Is wobbling on Its last WHEELS . . your mantle CLOCK has refused to turn another HAND . . if Poppa's ELECTRIC SHAVER won't mow through his bristles . . or your P R E 8 T O COOKER has blown Its cork. UK'KYS can repair Just about everything except a horse collar that's lost Its stuffing . . that IS, everything you'll find In the DE PARTMENTS . . up stairs and downstairs at RIC'KYS . . Stood SILENTLY by this week, watching the STREAM of customers flow Into the RE PAIR DEPARTMENT in the downstairs SHOP and we're NOT stretching, Just about every thing except a lame poodle went over tha counter to be made good as new . . WATCH BANDS . , wrist and pocket WATCHES whose ticks had an ache . . JEWELRY . . COFFEE MASTERS minus CORDS and FILTER8 . . RONSON LIOHTERS that had failed to "flit" , . RIC'KYS has EXTRA parts, heads and cords ror different SHAVERS, 24 hour service if you're IMPATIENT. RICKYS can MAKE your dreamed-up pleca of Jewelry a REALITY . . THIS manufactur ing SERVICE should be asked about . , have your heirloom- DIAMOND modernized In a brand-new MOUNTING . , use Aunt Hct's GARNETS to make stunning necklace or Momma's OPALS for that new tiara . , Found some mighty GOOD buys In USED and REPOSSESSED watches In the REPAIR DEPARTMENT at RICKYS . . WATCHES with NATIONALLY known NAMES . . HAMILTONS . . ORUEN . . BULOVA . . ELGIN . . WALT HAM , , wrist and pocket watches for men and women at prices SO reasonable you'll take a dozen , , some dust proof and shock proof . . Lost we forget and be forever "scared stiff to go to RICKYS . , this SAME department will ENGRAVE your silver or REPLATE It PERFECTLY. Should you DOUBT this copy , . the weather's fine, the road is open to "Your Registered Jeweler," 700 Main, Hl kvs Got a "gold In your 'ed" , , don't creep off In a dark corner . . In a week or. two you'll , he good as new , . In the meantime touch those tender areas under your "dose" with a liberal application of make-up base to protect II . , lubricate your lips with an oily lipstick , . use a dry shampoo to freshen your looks and dab wit pornmi it you ewii" mux ', 'twill definitely lift four sagging moral . . so chins up and don't lose spirit. ' awakening, wnn "Vjy.S K I N renewed an V yiovcly . . do It with th lihrlp of ( t ItltlN S an Spring In llnnrintf down the lane toward SUMMER with wreaths of flowers In her hair . . wmtrr winds will soon bow down to gentle trphcr . . nature will be getting Into action flinging colors . . sounds ana scrnts upon me warming air. rtjh Meet the challenge of awakening, wnn a and the ijhrlp of ( t ItltlN S and OI I,UI T . . sued yuur winter "texture" with VITAMIN A - D com plexion cream . . "lave" It on and be consistent . . creep Into your downy bed with skin as clenn as you can make It. SOFTENED with this new MIRACLE of science . . Years ego when we were young and lusty. Great-Grandmamma smoothed the cream from Bossie's offerings upon her cheeks and prrtty throat . . then we grew up and lost Ihe memory until COTY found the answer and a way to blend the SAME softening Ingrdlrnls Into a MIRACLE cream and sent It on to '.'RRIN"S. NOW . . without dipping a "skimmer" Into a rrock of floating cream. YOU too ran build a firmer, fresher, softer skin with COTY VITA MIN A-D COMPLEXION CREAM from U'R RIN'8 . . this new cream Is UNLIKE any other kin lubricant .. the wrinkles simply "fade . away" . . flaklness dlsapimira . . you BLOOM nd bllrJs your eyes at your mirrored Image . . here's how to approach the problem . . GO to CHRItl.VS with a LITTLE money . . let., the REGULAR le for J2.50 . . a TRIAL Jar PLUS a QUICK MAKE-UP BASE for SI.30 . . TRIAL Jar of VITAMIN A-D complexion cream and LARGE size CI.KANHINO CREAM for 11.00 . . TRIAL site VITAMIN A-D plus a Jar of SUB-TINT CREAM POWDER MAKE UP for JI.25 . . federal tax on EVERYTHING except the courtesy at f'I'RRIN'H . . Head Into Spring with the courage of BEAUTY . . hunt the first pussywillows and sweet anemones with a skin that has forgotten wlnttr . . lean heavily for help on COTY at the Beauty Bar al Ninth and Main, ! Cnrrta ' Don't bellve everything yon see In topknots this year . , many a thlrk-looking mop of rurts got that way with the help of your beauty operator's shears snipping the poodle cut . . a smooth back hairline may be nothing more than a slick part . , no rat this year ran afford to look like a Frowsy-Flossie , , never be satis fied with your hair .. . Dial's a sign of mental lipping . . keep looking for new and better styles. If You've llVcii llrriiiiiintf a sentimental Utile dream about swinging Into Spring looking like a Goddess with all the LITTLE touches that herald the NEW fashion for costume ELEGANCE, it's TIME vou went to YOI'R STORK where we saw COSTUME Jewels that will flutter your heart . , Folks at YOUR STORE bought FABULOUS frip peries for costume topping . . Exmilslto "turquoise and silver" scatter pins, bracelets, earrings and neck chains, perfect enough to "befuddle" a Navnho , ALL . , for tho UNBELIEVABLE price . . twlnklcy. Jewel-studded flashing, delicate bits of witchery In RHINESTONES. PINS and NECK LACES that look like a MILLION, sell for $1 plus tax you bet . , the loveliest PINK PEARLS this side of the OYSTER beds of JAPAN, Im ported from the land of cherry blossoms and dark! eyed women . . one and MULTIPLE strands, matching EARRINOS and self-adjust-Ing BRACELETS, delicate, dainty at $1 with tax . . Wide GOLDEN SLAVE BRACELETS and chokers of metal . . bright colored FIESTA chains strung on real LEATHER. CHALK WHITE "high moments" and wee little iced beads, delicately moulded. If jrou've read THROUOH this story you'll . start trotting doublo time for your COSTUME JEWELS to 721 Main, ' Your Si ore The string on which your cultured or orlcn-' lal pearls are strung should never be allowed so get wet. Moisture will rot Ihe string and eause It to break. ! When you tuok your purse under your left "wing" to go Spring wardrobe hunting don't overlook the stunning silk suits in our smart shops , . they .are .limply . m-a-r-v-e-l-o-u-s. 811k looks rich, feels rich . . la rich . . textures are legion and this luxurious material runs the gamut of colors from pure white to changeable combinations . . a silk suit Is a must In 1052. of tl each plus tax SCATTER PIN8