JHIH.SI)AV, KKHItUAIIY 21, 1052 HKftALD AND NKVVS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE THREE 1 It M eW USTfrr ba-lm ii in mmm Bus SLICED OPEN Ambulance stewards, aided by a California Highway Patrol officer, remove one of 10 per sons Injured when this commuter bus was side-swiped by big truck-and-fliitbcd trailer on the Oakland side of the San Francisco-Oakland Ray Bridge. The two vehicles were ripped open by the truck's flatbed trailer. Infant Death Rate Here Slightly Over Average n v imvi: i!niii:kiiii.l Klitmtitl) Coumy'a Inlunt (loath tnln In hIihIiiIv over that .of Ihe Hlnlr ol Ori-Kini, nccorclliiH to Coun ty lldilth Ofllixr Or, Hdh Krrruii. HlntlhUcK rrlruiM-it by tlie County lli-ulth Dcpnrtmmil thin wi-rk In dlniird Ihr counly'ii Inlunt mor tality nil for 11)61 hi 117.4 drntln )r 100O blrUti. The Inlnnt climhlltrntlnn, Dr. Knr ron ataied. Inclurtra undrr tin nite of one- "fur, the mnjo'ity of dcnlnn nccurlna; within three to four dnys tier hlrlh. Actunl IlKurcn for the nt year rre 31 Infant datha iw compnred with 1130 live birth. TWO VKARR For the two prrvlnim ypnrn the lolnlR and porcentnuo were; 1(150 Hlrth. 1177; dentlu, 27; prrccntiiKP. 22 M. 110401 Blrtlu, 1348; drmhJ. 37; percentile". 28.8. Dr. Kerron imld the ullfthlly hliher Infiuit death rnte for the ccunty oould be Attributed to the fact, "Indlnn inlunt dentil rntcn, whirh nre hlKher thnn thne of vhllc poiiulntlon, are Included In the county's lotnl." An birth hnve shown a ulluhl decline )n Hip county the pn.it three yrrra, no linn the denth rnto. In 10D denUw of 315 county ren Ideiitn e're recorffNI; In 1PM Uie Theater Blaze Takes 6 Lives GUADALAJARA, 'Mexico Six perAonn. died Wednesday nlsM when lire broke out near the screen of the Alnmedo movie thester. then aprend to Uio ret of the bulldlnR. PntrnnK on the' ftround floor of the building escaped, but the one exit from the balcony became Jammed with terrified in trying to rench the atreetn. Six bodies were lound nenr the door. Some were trnmpled iind aome burned. Your money buyii more ood In surance from Hani Norland. 627 Pine Ht. PHOTO SPECIAL FOR ONLY' 3( Per Pound YOU . , . h(ivt a flna Jjj j portrait olf that baby (aga t month ta 10 yaori) THIS IS A SPECIAL BABY OFFER GOOD UNTIL, . MARCH 15. ALL IXTRA PORTRAITS AT RIGULAR STUDIO RATES. STUDIO 1125 Main Ph.2-2791 I t rs7' k 71 K. ,d S flKiire wiin 308 and 1091, alter deutha In the county ol non-county rcnldi-ntft In nbntincted, the flRuro nliould rend nbout 300. The lufil county denth lotnl In cluding dentlin of nnu-couuly re.sl denut from nccldenlnl mid nnturnl cnunea-wan llnted by Dr. Kerron at 35. GOOD KKCOKD A Martllnir and happy figure re lenned by Dr. Kerron wnn that concerning mnternnl denUis In the county. , In the pant three yeara. Uiere haa been but one innternai death In all ihr 3M5 blrthn. The xntlo of blrthn to. denthn durlnic Die venm iota throush 10&1 read, (1640) 3.00 to 1; (1050) 3 to 1 and (1951) 3 (19 to 1. Compnrlnjf the totnln ol 3655 blrthn and I' 29 entlmntcd dentils In the three years shows a ratio of 3.8 births to. 1 denth. In the three year period the ra tio of Infant drullin and births has been M.7 deaths per 1000 births 7 if j HOMART ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS 42 GALLON CAPACITY ' ; 10.00 Down, 5.50 Month on Sears Easy Terms , Big 42 gallon family size! Five year guarantee by Sears. Attractively finished in gleaming white , enamel. TABLE TOP STYLE HOT WATER HEATER ,. s- 'V'l'fl ' ' ' '' If 'SatyactiM pmwt&idrt you mottgr tact" 2 Controversial Dams Suffer Legal Setback PORTLAND Wl The riroooHCd Hells Cnnyon and Ice Ilnrbnr Diunrf on the Hnnke Hlver sulfered a set back WedneMdny. No mrntlon of them was made In a construction proKrnin recom mended by the Columbia Busln In-tcr-AKcncy Committee, the Kroup that, tries to co-ordinate basin pro jects. It was no killing blow for the two controversial dimia. The committee left the way open for them to be added Inter, whenever "continuum studies result In agreement on those projects which bent lit into the reglnnw.VIe plan and the na tional emerency." The lack of mention of the pro jects, however, was a blow, enpe clnlly to proponents of the Ice Harbor Dam on the Lower Snake. HJNIW HOt (HIT Even while the committee' met, Herbert O. West, Walla Waljfi, ex ecutive vice prenidrnt of the Inland Empire Walerwuys Association, wns In Wanhlnxton, D. C, urging a Houfte approjirlntlons subcommittee to provide live million dollars for Ice Harbor, as requested by Army EliKlnecrs. He culled It "the key project In a key river system . development program." The Inter-Anency Committee made no mention of tho pojects In the Interest ol harmony. Oov. DoukIhs McKay of Oregon, who submitted the program that was adopted, said It was obvious there wns no general agreement on Ice Harbor and Hells Canyon Dams. Oov. Len Jordnn of Idaho, an op ponent of Hells Canyon, approved, saying, "There Is an area of agreement within the committee and I believe we should .Uay with in It." McKay was the one who struck out mention ol Ice Harbor and Hells Canyon projects, fie origin ally proposed Inst Deceniljcr to leave them olf the list of recom mended dams, but to mention them as "an Important element of the over-all plan." Tills rclercnce wns deleted, the program then getting nppioval ul the committee. OTIIKIl OK's 'Die committee also endorsed the Columbia Basin Irrigation project at Palisades, Wash., and the Lower Columbia fisheries program. The dam lor which more funds were recommended are: Hungry Horse In Montana. Albenl Falls In AN IASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO i Ton rn rtnt t lovtly nw apintt plant fram th l,uii M. Mann Plana Ctm pmny, N. Tib. at m low monthly rat. Altff a reasonable lima yoi ran, If ray with, rhanc fram rent ta par cb a(rmnl. Th rtnl already M' If all credit! la yattr pnrrhai acraani ana na atbrr dawn payment la nacei ary. Tha monthly paymaaU ran br Mill hlfher than rent. Or, If you pre fer, you can continue to rent. DISHES WASH CLEANER DRY DRYER IN KENMORE AUTOMATIC DISHWASHERS Reg. 224.50 28.50 Down, 10.50 Month on Sean Easy Terms Really gets dishes cleon and dries them dry! Automatically washes, rinses dries dishes for six persons! Convenient top loading; exclusive 3 position lid; automatic sofety latch and timer. See this qleaming boon to housewives now at Sears! Ask for a demonstration today! 97 50 14.00 Dawn, . 00 Month On 5rt toiy T.rml Here'i a welcomed fix. lure , In any ' kitchen. Smart table top styling provides extra room.- - ROCKWOOL PELLETS 40-lb.bag 2.10 Idaho. Chief Joseph In Washington and McNary, Detroit, 'lie Dalles and Lookout Point In Oregon. A subcommittee preparing a re port on a comprehensive basin pro gram was Instructed to revl its report to make It consistent with, Wednesday 'a action. That apparer.t-' ly means elimination of reference to Hells Canyon and Ice Harbor projects. '' I I '-J1 By JKAN OWENS The chess club, In co-operation with the noon recreation coinrnlt teo, is sponsoring an all school chess tournament during the noon hour. A chnmpion will be determined from the results of the games Irom each clans and there will be an all-school champion. All chess playes, not Just mem bers of the chess club, arc In sited to participate In this tour nament, which will begin next Monday noon, In the meantime, Interested students are asked to register In room 104 sometime this week. Tomorrow morning at 8:30, our basketball .team wlii be given a rousing acnd-olf by the student body before their trek to Medford. They will meet the black torna does Friday and Saturday nights on their court. A line KU student attendence Is expected In Medford both nights, but especially Saturday night. Here's a reminder to listen to the Klnmnth Sports Album over KFJI at 7:16 tonight. You may win those free tickets! Bum MontKomery, Marvin Ner eth, Tom Murdock, John Oliver una Dick Tracy are all traveling to Llnlield thlH weekend tor the htBte Hpeech tournament. Good luck to these KU student, KLAMATH 'ALLS. 0O AMERICAN CHINESE m el HiW keetf . i4M fmi Oram Ta Take Oat Ben B. Lac, Mgr. $WK Phone 5188 133 So. 8th a- H550 Pearson Seeks Senate Seat SALEM M State Treasurer Walter J. Pearson wants to return to the State Senate. He filed for Democratic nomi nation as state senator from Mult nomah County Wednesday. Earlier Pearson had announced he would not seek re-election as tressurer. He formerly was a member of both houses of the legislature. Other filings: State Rep. B. H. Mann. Medford Republican, for re-election. Al Rhodes, Portland Republican, for state representative. Capitol Finally Gets Policeman SALEM l After all these years Ihe state capitol has a po licemanCharles Hamilton, a dis abled World War II veteran. He was hired by. the secretary of state's office to patrol the building and enforce parking restrictions around the capitol. end we're winhlnu you success In thin npifKch contest. SPEEDY LONG-LASTING relief for AGONIZING ACIIES-PAIIIS I SAVE 50.00! 13.6C0LDSP0T FREEZER Reg. 369.95 JS 48.00 Down, 16.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms You pay less per cubic foot for Co'ldspot America's economy food freezer. And the full 496-lb. storage area of this big freezer permits buying in quantity for extra savings. Buy Coldspot at Sears for savings now! Attacks Bring Resignation NEW YORK m Joseph D. Nunan, Jr., former Commissioner of Internal Revenue, has resigned from his Washington, D. C law firm because of the criticism di rected at him In tax case probes. nunnn s new York counsel, Rich ard J. Burke, announced the resig nation Wednesday. ine action was attriouted to fear . . . th twttfttt muiic on till aif KFJI 12:45 P.M. fo 12:50 P.M. that Nunan'a partnera might "suf fer unjustifiable harm temporarily through his continued association with them." TAUCHER'S MEATS IN CARTER'S FINE FOODS BOOTS FRYERS c 79c YOUNG ROASTIHG HENS ,k49c SHORT RIBS OF BEEF l... ,t. 47c LEAN PORK ROASTS Shoulder or loin lb. 49c EASTERN HAMS Whole or half lk.59c SLICED BACON Cello wrapped READY-TO-EAT-HAMS Whole or half lb. 73c GROUND BEEF Lean and fresh , 65c SPECIAL Full width freezer Deep chiller drawer Full width crisper Reg. 244.9 ONLY 28.50 Down 10.50 Month on Sears Easy Terms Lowest price ever on this big 7 footer! Giant across the top 25.4-lb. freezer. Exclusive Humiderator and large, deep Chiller. Bonus storage in the door and large full width crisper. Save now-at Sears! Cook Automatically KENMORE ELECTRIC RANGE A 239.90 133 So. 8th Burke aald Nunan "haa been sub Jected to the most vicious charac ter assassination and unfounded vllllflcatlon, rumor and Innuendo. PURCHASE ! LPSPT Value 12.00 Down, 12.50 Mo. on Sears Easy Term Big 18-inch porcelain enamel oven Magie Robotimer automatic cooking 6-quart Deepwell "one meal" cooker See Ken more at Sears and save! STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phona 1188 m Ma