THURSDAY, FRBTlUAnY 21, 1032 I JV X " " WwwjM r .f I LkJ V 4 k Sauare Dance Meet Planned New Caller Howdy Partner! Jessalee Mnlln it.. r,pAnn,i sihia rntloffA will be valla Whruarv 2fith. at Klamatli union nign sciiuui kh pym, 8:00 p. m. to Rive Instruc- - ia..- i tniiiiri, Hmirlnor. UUI1 IU irmiuo i This meeting Is open to leaders irom any group. ... One ot the best tliliiRS about folk j... r ii imtlnns Is Uial Uie j beginner can enjoy tne movement is learned, and yet as oumtra uc come more expert, enjoyment In creases with the ease, grace and skill each can brill to the dance. There are many variations In Uie t.fl,in nntinrne nf American souare dancing. All ot the early dancers were brought to me umira oiaiea and on to the western states by word of mouth, f requently inaivi ij inciwt imnnrted foods in New York's old-fashioned country store with new-fashioned prices. Gourmet Shop Presents Rare Food, Rare Prices NEW YORK If you'd like to ko on a gastronomic binge, or maybe iast spruce up your diet a bit, here's T shop just off fashionable fifth Avenue that can supply al most any food Mem you've ever heard of and many you ve seen only in your dreams.- The shop has touches of the old fashioned country store of gran dad's time, what with a potbellied stove in one corner and a cracker barrel and coffee grinder gracing the scene. But this place, capitalised at 5200.000. is spotless. torntened with lamps which look old-fashioned, and it has a terra cotla Bristol blue and white color scheme. Grand dad's stock in trade was never like tills nor were his prices. If you want to do it up a ia Mexico, you 'might try their fried agave worms, a delicacy at better rfnnl rnllnis and fiddlers made thelv own variations which came, to be accepted as standard in one igcm- ltv. instruction to do v m series has been most commonly used in Oregon because it seems the easier and more graceful way oi aaucuiK This meellmr on Tuesday rco. 20th. will be followed by another on March 35. April IHnd and possi bility April ram. m-imcii .i ... these meetings lenot'is iuuwii ....ffi,n , ti lu-tictlco and in struct their grouiis before going on HEARTY FARE To please a "meat and potatoes" mini, make a casserolo dish alter nating layers nf thinly sliced raw potatoes with liiyers of sliced ham, and n few slices of onion. To this add n can of mushroom soup and bake In tho gas oven 1260 F) for one hour. Vome To The Wi-ne-iiia coffee shop not just to eat . Hut To lint IlHIer 'Food at reasonable prices-! ! itdltlonixl t i -"" 1! ! had by X I I eiy 7t-Tlll 1 I I I 1 M III III p in ! mini im ii ! 1Y Program t uii. c it n n ' Hretrhes WftS XjibllC ' crowned queen by Thelma Love lace, chairman of the Friendship Circle, Women of the Moose dur , ine a program sponsored by the Friendship Circle, Feb. 12. Members of her court were San dy Nyback, Diana Cook, Norma Brallier, Diane Gay, Marian Costel and Sisie Scott Bray. The little girls were all presented with flow ers and Friendship rings. Roger Wright, Governor of the royal Order of Moose. Klamath Falls lodge was present. Marvin Nerseth Jr., presented a fascinatr tag program of magic, there were numbers by the Women's Drum Corps and other features. The Busy Bees" Bernlce Van and Beverly Evans ran -the continuity and "Stormy" Hasfjord was mas ter of ceremonies.- ;', Dorothy Tolleth New Extension Leader K. County Dorothy Tolleth, ' former Home Extension Agent In Multnomah County, has been appiinted to suc ceed the former Mary Glenn as agent m Klamain couniy. miss ioi leth served as First Lieutenant InMhe Women's Army Corps dur ing World War II. Miss Glenn resigned recently to become Mrs. George Gallagher and . will follow her career In Home Economics in her home state. Ohio. Resignation here was recieved by Mrs. Azalea Sager, State Extension leader, Corvallis. cocktail parties below the border. (A 11. oz. tin costs 85 cents.) Or you might surprise your spouse with a rougnage urm unc pieces for salads. This treat sells for 39 cents apiece. CAVIAR AT S3 A FOl'ND Of course it goes witnout saying there is plenty of fresh caviar around at $32.50 a pound, irnr thp rnncrh-and-readv tvne. boar meat H2oz. for ! from France might be used to replace sieac on your menu. oui;ji mcui should be started with alligator soup, another gourmet shop deli cacy. Your youngsters should ap plaud rose petal jelly made1 from the-genuine article and a special Ihoney made by Canadian Trappist -mon&s, The formidable array of succu lent morsels found at the shop comes from 23 countries. Generally IIUlll Jills1"'". C"1" ,,.... gasbord from Sweden, cheese from nouana, cnccoiaie irom aui- lun1 va0tahlAe Irnm npldilim and pa-itina. f,nm Vnm'flV .ni i-TV-nnv- K-DfWf GD11V 1-Tom spam comes a conitrciiou known as torrone, while teas of m.riari t:t nnri ArnmA arc se cured from the Orient. Passion fruit nectar and toasted coconui chips are obtained from Australia and Hawaii respectively. You don't have to buy sight un seen or rather, untasted. They have installed a "tasting room" on h mcHanlrtA nihara stmnffP and exotic foods, mostly packaged i il .rlofl ho. Ill UXI KiUl KU1BS, tll tfcw fore ordermg. unhurried browsing is Invited. In the rear of the store Is a bar which serves nothing The Gourmet Shop is operated by Harry and uorotny uavega Mrs. wancy rora, joimcr nuva- .annll.-D a a maim- Ttnrtlier. CACbU.b, ' . J - .n.A,r nlnn tr, nnon snrh trnnr met snops m several u. o. tiuu. Now En joy Canada's Most Luxurious SPA Resort SPECIAL WINTER RATES Conic for health, relaxation or fun! Enjoy low-builgct luxury noir amid the mounliiin prundeur of evergreen British Columbia. A $2,000,000 renovation hns mnde Harrison Spa a paradise for gay holiday pleasure. Every sport, including scenic golf, right at your doorstep. Sparkling spa waters give you new zest for living. Two heated pools! Exotic Copper Room for evening relaxation and dancing. Spend a duy, a week, month it's nil yours now at low winter rates that cut the cost of your holiday in half! THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY SALE i Umtl Qqontmt 7th and Main, Klamath Falls 3 KEniTF.n WIVTKR R TF.S Till April 5 (European Dan) SINGLE with bath - tl.00 to S-i.50 DOUBLE with buth 6.00 to $7.50 Sl'PK.RR CI ISIK Ilrrukrait - $ .90 l.iiucliron - 1.85 Dinner - - 2.50 100 ASPIRIN PURE U.S.P. 5-GfMN TABLETS. (Limit n SWAN SOAP REGULAR SIZE CAKES. (um 3). -. FACE TISSUES GIANT BOX OF 400, REG. IV (Limit d ... 1 Y Carton of tin RrmK MATCHES g jjggg (Limit 2) Large SUPER SUDS OOc (Limit 2) 27 WAX PAPER 100-ft. Roll - (- i :!)- f ,'"""",""V W 22.9S Gcnerol Electric Automatic pop-up Toaster 1 1 n m&Mtm I springs llolelt llarrnton, .. k Ppw 1 4j"f -J I "1 11 or 8C yur travel agent. Color 6ro- fU ch-"onnques" ; tus?itfCmu ; ii """" J'1'1 tO 1-A-Day (brand) : now $14-87 Rtg. Wc Brands CANDY BARS 2'o15C Tooth Brushes Kv vSv ,:"ll,'w" Flaa'latulu fr BaoU;'...59'A 13 Tooth Brushes S 70 j OflRATI RIG. 973 GENUINE WAHL ELECTRIC HAIR CLIPPERS 535 CfTI HAIR WITH IM00TH LIGHT TOl'CH! 42e Urol 12 Glycerin ( Suppositories Infant's. 0 1 C (Limit 2) m 0UARANTIID lanofin AdJtJ MENNEN I BABY OIL 6-eunti A QC bollft . . tw ff? Potent OUfitn Oleum Per comorphum botlfr ..10 UPJOHN UNICAPS QAc Multiple vltimlm. 24 i , . . J'fr PURE COD LIVER OIL 1 39 Olalien Imported Loloton. Pint . . J BEZON B COMPLEX 1 9S Vllamin C added. 30eopiulei , . i I - land Cfea?! Family B-cup J" SaM 9-ounce ALUMINUM CS,YLKA PERFECTION PERCOLATOR Flashbulbs HAH0 CREAM I,89eS- 9798ci"69 CR1DBQDQBDI If51 Parctl Post Qualitv f- D r 10c BALL E of TWINE 2-11 DWith rouoon . 1 J C I trt I Plui 20 rtdttel Cxcll Tox ea Tciltliitl, Luooos and llllloloa (Limit 2) C3 EH S3 133 EQ 133 ES E9 1 8 SPARKLING COLORS! Ruby Topar Pink Sapphire Gold ' Turquoise " ic Aquamarine Emerald Amelhysf ' Pita, of IS N0-D0Z Awakeners Harmlesi Coffee OCc C3e JERIS Hair Telle PLUS 63 FORE After Shavi Lotltf c Value I Evershzrp Schick BLADES Injector oi 20 69' oi. Size DRENE SHAMPOO SMem Your Hair (ACTUAL SIZE) Smart, colorful bowls of hundred dif ferent uses around the.home and they're yours at an amazingly low cost! ' ' Filled with delicious MEDO-LAJjXXe All vou do is order your cottage cheese in advance one package a week for eight weeks. It will be delivered in a Bascal Snack Bowl, a different attractive color every week until your set is complete. These practical 16-ounce bowls of ano dized aluminum won't chip or break. They're odorless, tasteless, non-rusting. They shine without polishing. They stack together for economy of cupboard space. And they match your Bascal Tumbler Set! Start immediately get your Own set of these sparkling, all-purpose bowls. Fill out the note and leave it for your milkman. 16.9S Oitcrett 2 boater portable ELECTRIC MIXER The original powerful lightweight Medo-Land COTTAGE CHEESE is made fresh daily right here in . KLAMATH FALLS Plan your Lenten menus around Medo-Land COTTAGE CHEESE Rtad: liei..!.. I I II Tslll'i Jt jM JiUI ICS kino iw ,.. W ARTHUR GODFREY'S NEW BOOK 306 ol the best jokes ond stories he's heard in 20 years oi radio, television. Lots of $ pictures SHAVING CUP SOAP n. 01c PO-DO luxury lathering aJ ,or m- Bullt-in Aftaehmenr 29 SODA MINT TABLETS -tj Antacid stomach aia. JJotue oi iuu . . . Dormeycr Meal Makor Electric FOOD MIXER With Power Grinder Power Juicer and IW.tIt.Ii. Drive. $29.88 33 QUICK-STRIPS OQc . Physicians & Surgeons. Tin of 36 .... JJ Chcmbcriain'$ Ctor Skin LoHon 4-ounce Bottle CCc f $29.00 Swifty Fry-It a fully automatic . electric Deep Fryer v 21" 4 NOW AT YOUR GROCERS J