PAGE TWENTY HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREOON THURSDAY. FniHtUARY 21, 10.12 FORT ROCK 4 GENERAL NOTICE 'CELEBRATING 101 YEARS OF Sewing Machine Service" Send In the attached Information, we will oil and adjust your sewing machine Iree-of-charge. Compliments SINGER SEWING CENTER 633 Main Street Klamath Falls, Ore. (For Roberta, McGee) Newa thUi past week haa been pretty short due to Uie cold winds ana snowy weatner, out I u try onu get all uiat I can in, Mondnv. Mr. and Mrs. F. E McOee were business visitors in Klamath Falls, and returned to Fort Rock on Tuesday. While there thev ataved overnlaht with Mr, and Mrs. James Helm of Wocus. Mrs.- McOee also purchased a new gas range while there. On Friday a school budget meet ing was held at the Orange hall and the, ar.hool board and Mrs. Anne Bprague made up the school Address or Direction Budget lor tne commit year. iiy ona wishinir to see the proposed budget will lind it posted in the noatoiflce. uuy Mr. and Mrs. John Harbison Maije 0j Machine !liin Dimt nf th Bill Mat- I tls on Sunday Feb 17. Remember, genuine Singer Service rendered only by men driving Singer Regular meeting of church will Service Cars. be held next eunany, reo. hi a.AA r . tl, fr-nrr. rvlt Orange' hall". Darl Hunt of Silver CLASSIFIED RATES Lake will officiate. one day per word uuaiey x,ari jjuiik, u""v Name Silver Lake, is driving the lumber Three Days truck this year lor uuy ana vai- week run per word He per word 20c cntlne trucking company of Klama jjonlh run per word 65c rails. , . MINIMUM Th mill was down on Wednes- .. , . j " i.:; i. A.,- Ir. . minor " """"""" v.i-. "J nay mai. " ; - """" ad IS 60C hrenkoown. out was 111 uwibuuii nftv T.T..rrno Tbf-nrirl Answers to ads may be handled vSrv'Susvl tUe Town8 SSTxrtufthS !!? mill r,nroMn at a steadv five day- service cnarge oi c a-week pace. The weather cooled off a little nEADi.TNRa last week with a high of 42 degrees classified aos accepted up to 5:30 To! a7inch o,eBmoerstu?eB SS P P"UcaUon week to add to the already wet www conditions, but it'll make the grass classified display ads accepted up ow tan in me spring. t0 12 noou for following clay's pup- Air, ana Bin. huwhtu iviuucc nH.iA. o.r. visitor. In Bend nn Wednes- riav. and Dick Khaub was in Bend on Friday. ADJUSTMENTS Thursday, Feb. 14, Jonn riaroisor, r lease mane ail claims 10c aajust and all children at scnooi were ments without delay, V. I. n AkilHMn'e n.rant. Q t I . vaioniinas roy nnrtv a vprv m. Correction or cancellations joyable time was had by all. J ceived by 5:30 pjn. wtU be mads Jerry Pitcher took sick with the In following day's publication flu on Friday ana Leoimra naa io cimcoai unuic t.V. him homa fmm cohml T.Oct C rUNtKAL HOM HUh Stmt Phone 3334. I heard Jerry was coming along wards Kiamsth Funeral Bom. x Owen and Jerry Pitcher and Ber nle Suit were visitors in Bend on Wednesday. MEETING NOTICES Fcu'r-g;rNewl COO COO COOKERS A Valentine Party was held for trusCoo coo Cookers, at Mrs. C. C. Crawford's home Feb. 12, 1952. First' refreshments were served. They were brought by Virginia Davis and Bondell Crawford. Nola Hlgdon, Jeanie Clanton, and Bon dell Crawford took charge of the , games. Klamath Lodge No. 77 AF. and A.M. will hold a special meeting Fri Feb. 22. 7 p.m. Work in MM Degree. Visiting brethren invited. DALE BEBBER worshipful Master EXAMATH FALLS Aerie No. 2090 19.9 MU Regular meeting every F r 1 da night 7:45 p. rn o. E. Hall, 9th nd walnut. Visiting members cordially Invited. otner members present were Biuret hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.: Barbara taivara ana snaron Thomnson. Julia Ann Britain. Syl via Miller, and Marjorie Mitchell could not attend because 01 niness. I The party was ended by passing I out valentines. K was a very suc cessful party and we want to be sure and plan some more for the future. , ... Charon Thompson News Reporter. Crater Lake Lodge Mo. 211 A.F. and A.M. will hold a special communi- cation, Thursday, Feb ruary 21 at 7:30 pjn. Work in the E.A. De gree. Visiting brethren. Wm. FINK SECRETARY SEW AND SAVE CLUB LOST AND FOUND GENERAL NOTICE Flu! That's what called'off the "'J;IV' Pe" 5"' .!."' Feb. 6th, sewing meeting for the papen. Nam Uancy BuieU. Phone sew ana cave uiuo oi juuwnum, i -tn. but a business meeting was held February Mth. It was held at the home of Peggy Shannon, where LaVonne Yunck called the meet- iner tn order. Nina Keffer led the pledge. I nose present ior rou cau were Sheila Kunz. Lavonne Yunck, Peggy Shannon, Nina Keffer, Susan O'Hair. Marilyn Alter, ana Mrs. Kunz the leader. The club had two visitors. Mrs. Shannon and her daughter Betty. The girls worked on aprons and dresses. Mrs. Shannon served re freshments. Sheila Kuril News Reporter ZOE BRUCE Will Welcome OLD CUSTOMERS AND NEW AT SWANSEN'S Barber & Beauty Shop 633 Main FOE VALLEY SEWETTES This sewinsr croup met Feb. 11. at the home of Mrs. George Reil ing. Several of the girls were sick and could not attend tne meeting. The leaders seryed refreshments m the valentine theme. Then the girls worked on their sewing. Carol Reiling demonstrated how to put a ilpper in. The next meeting will be Feb. zoin. , Norma Jean Lyon News Reporter JUST SO THIMBLETTES CHARLES M. DOUGLAS BARBERSHOP IS HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE HE IS NOW LOCATED AT THE BIG Y LAKE VIEW-MERRILL JUNC. Welcome Old & New Customers WE Will h. -I I .:, . oui win be open as usual. sl F.h 2.1 P3rlfl C, I r I". - - ... am.yijr cooperative. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF FOR VI 1UA Tt rmr.-n,.. In th MH .h. .1 V Jnhn rV- VtT- """huw o nunua TO S(fnh(n W flrmmm -. 41 OREGON Fk?ST, O? The Just So Thimblettes met Bt required to appear in the Circuit Court the Henley Grade School, Febru- i' state of Oregon, for Klamath arv 12th. Tne roll caU was an- ZX'LX? S00"1. "of. at twered by our favorite movie stars, ath on the loth day of March 1952 One member, Micky Pont, dropped !' I0,?'clock J n forenoon oi that out because she moved away. 1 inv th- .i L..10 .i'ow c""'- We sewed on our head scarfs of jame. a. Bunnell .ia wJi.u'.-,. Julie Anderson News Reporter KLAMATH 4-H NOTES The Klamath 4-H Leaders' As- .nnlaHnn urill rv,OAt. of .lnan'e Irtish. 11. any mere be. whv th rtin- Bunnell, praying for the adootlnn i.ri change of name of Donald John Gress , nunaia jonn Bunnell, should not be granted, the adoption allowed and chance nr nam . WITNESS, th. v h-u denberg. - Judge of the Circuit ' Court of Oregon for Klamatlfc County, with ai main speaker. There will also be exhibits of project materials and h puppet show put on by club members. Lunch will be ootluck. Leaders are asked to bring table service. Chas. V. n.r..n r-i.-u Bv Jan. Uiu.. n f, BONANZA TRIPLE 'B' 9 by Francis Skinner and John 1x11 - bailey. Heyden.' vs. Club members and their calves' aijcb bailey, tveishts: Nancy Given, 350: Bill Dearborn, CM); Catherine Dearborn, (two) 7b0 and 730: Joe Hoefler, (three) 630, 770 and 795; Dick Fyock, 700; uarol (jnains, bta; May wnaius, 760: J m Porterfield. (three) 375. 425 and 475; Rex Porterfield, (two) 425 and 445: Bill Llskey, 550. EQUITY NO. 98 Suit for Divorce SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON PlalnUff, ) I .1 To: ALICE BAILEY, Defendent: IN THE NAVF! ns -Two- ckakv OREGON, you are hereby required to appear and answer th pnmniain, ii.m against you In the above entiUed Court on or before the expiration of four weeks from February 7. 195S, which Is the date of first nublicatinn nl thu summons; and If you fall to so answer. : nicreoi, piainnii win apply to the Court for the relief prayed for Marianna Hellekson and Bobby in his ?. 'V-f Liskey's calves were not weighed, of divorce forever dissolving the bands There are 12 members in the club ?'n!,",rln"ny iretofor and now exist- that are raising fat calves, while ,,; summon, i. m3 ,S you another member, Vernon Haley is by publication thereof once each week carrying Just the breeding project. '' 'our successive weeks, pursuant to The other club members that also Y .V.. . ii"T'a ..ya"aen.ber-. i t,rfin ...wi. uhl,., irr'J v enmieu iio.o wtcupuB K-yj""" uuuuj uaieii feoruary a, 1952, jjisxey, 15111 uearDorn, ouiy xjisKey, Marianna Heiienson, ana uamer GENERAL NOTICES NEW SHOE Shop. We wish to advise our old customers, of many years, that we are In business asaln and ex tend an Invitation to all to see our new equipment and have the best In isotes, men s ana cnimren s snoe re pairs. Stuart's Shoe Shop, 10.13 Main. PERSONALS WASHINGTON Beauty Shop. Evenlna appointments, rnone an, mm washing. ton. ORDER your Spencer garment before selecting your spring wardrobe. Phone STANLEY Home Products. Phone 6809. 10 SlRVICE CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU wnat you donT want, someone else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This is the kind of service we are offering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 335 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 3802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 3386 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldoier - Fill Dirt - TopsoU Crushed Rock Driveway Cindera Compressor CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS.' PhoLe 5541 or 9110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, Eta 1 ED F. KING 1434 Orchard Phone 9841 DOCTORS WAITRESSES NUR SES BEAUTICIANS. HOOVER NY LON UNIFORMS. PHONE 2-2CS0. SKPTir TANVt Pumped, concrete tanks and drain fields Installed. OrvUle Musgrave. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT rooms for rent, clean. Close In. Phout 2-uzoit. OOMS,jrcosreaonaWerhMieTn3T LOVELY rooms for rent a week. nose in. Phone FHONT room for rent. Greer Apart ments, 71U Main. BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone 42.lT. NICK, heated rooms. M3 rsdllo Ter- KOOMS 11134 High. 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT N'ICK clean apartment. Gas equl! Refrigerator. Couple preferred. Marquise. Inquire 1X14 Oak. ll'HNISIIKD three room apartment tt2M: two room unit all utilities iiu-iuneq. em pi. renin. MODERN illrnrahH iiurlnunl for foil. pie. Close In on th St. .VI. Lights and water inciuaea. 1'none 42 or 3403. FOR RENT, neal, furnished apartment. rnone www alter B p.m. FOR RENT. 3-room apartment, nlshed. Adults. 3M Broad. NEWLY DECORATED' picx, comp Phone 4462. room du rUHNISllKD thre ruom aturlment luitnbl (or buslnu couplt. Alpha rt.iunenii. 7th and pine. I'hone 43X1. rUHNISHKD 4-rtH'in apt. for 6 monlhn raw. or longer, juil rlcoratra, nice ..M. wirr, i is 1 1 u iiu iirm, all furnUned. No dotfi or pts. Man ana wire preferred, if you want iom thing good r at 3940 Shaita Way. KimNlSllEn iwn rn.tni anarlmont Close to town. 94.1 month. No pu or cnunren. rnone aisa. TWO room furnlnhed aparUnent.' iuihu LARGE furnished apartment. aih. vum in. tnune4JtT. FOR RENT, small furnished apartment. Suitable for couple, item) Summera Lane. MODERN furnuhed apartment. Carafe. Phone 8459. FOR RENT. furnUhed aodrlment for working girl. IMilltlci furnuhed. Share kttrhert and b.tth. Ue of automatic washer and dryer. 3' blocks from 7th and Main. Phona 734J or call Ml 426 N. 7th. i'HHEK rooms unfurnished. Stovem Ca- rnse. 43 so. inquire 11340 White. STUDIO apartment. 2 rooms with bath unfurnished. Separate entrance. Heat, electric stove furnished. Phone 3-0U76. FOR RENT, furnished apartment uuui, m uroaa. SMALL unfurnished apartment. Located on Homed ale Road. Adults. Phona 81H7 STEAM HEATED apartment with bed room. 628 Oak St 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI MILLS Two brdroom, living room, fire- plRCC dining room, kttchrn. bnlli OnriiKO, lniiie lot, litwn mid ahi ulii fha nppiovcti. Prlco $ia,5U0 Terms. HOT SPRINGS One bedroom, living room, kltolir-n- ette, bntli, Lhibo lot. Price U.WO- rcrms, HERB 8CHMIDT VERNON DURANT ANDYSILANI REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 9105, 5544 7933 or 9879 FURNISHED apartment Apartment 1. 300 Market. MODERN S-room apartment. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main SMALL clean aDartmenL equipped. 433 N. 10th, THREE ROOM furnished apartment. 2001 White. 4ICE steam.heaterf anartment. adults. Corner Pine and Cedar. ONE bedroom unfurnished apartment Gas equipped. Call 3-0611. NEWLY decorated, nrlvate bath. kit. chenette. Steam heat, electrio ramre iu weeK Hex Arms Apartment. ton rent, furnished apartment, ouire 518 Hilh 2i HOUSES FOR RENT FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive and well constructed seven room home on nortlislde Large living room with flrcolncc. dlnliiR room, kitchen, two bedrooms and lull bath wllh stall shower on second lloor. HnrrtAvood lloors throughout, biiseinent. A renl buy at IU.5U0. HOT WATER HEAT Tor real comfort thLi is It. Spacious six room home, AH rooms extra large. Living and dining room, fireplace, two bedrooms, scwluit room, beautiful kitchen and utility, wall to wall cnrpctUtK, lull concrete basement. Natural hot water hrnt with air conditioning set up for summer. Close In. 15,000 terms. OTHER LISTINGS We have other homes for sale priced from (4000 to $40,000. If you are planning to buy feel free to call or drop In at any time. We will be glad to show you what we have. HARRY VAN (Eves. 8204) JOE LEONARD (Eves. 2-0537) ALSCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phon 3211 FURN'ISHED three room modern house tfetngerator. electric range, electric lanit was tier, oil heater. vrv iiou in. FIVE ROOM modern home, two 2- room ci bins. In Stewart-Lennox. Phone tr.iH after tx. FOR RENT, unusually attractive imill one bedroom home com Diet lv furnished ineiuaing arape, curtains, wall to wan carwi, oasement. aarase. nice yard. Close to Roosevelt and KUHS. U. per monia rnone 7379. DUPLEX for rent, 1213 Homedale. HOL'SEKEEPING Phone 3236. cabins. Close In MODERN furnished cotUge. S30. Phone TWO bedroom furnished house toe rent. s-is. Adults only. Phone 8327. THH room furnished nouse for rent. Phone 4733. UNFURNISHED four room dUDlex. Ex cept for stoves. S50. Call 3027 before p.m. t 28 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT tii-Abb furniture tops and shelves iiiuuc 10 oraer. A.unoail'1 uuua Shop Phone 7378. REPAIR SPRVirE On washers, radios and outboard motors. MONTGOMERY WAnns 9th and Pine Phone 3188 AVOID SOUR N'OTFS hv haulna Morgan tune your piano. 45 years of experience have nrenared him tn frv you right Phone 3-0200. Kyle Morgan 1 anas. PAINTING and epaperhanging. Phone TRIPPS AUTO painting, body and fen der work. Phone 4040. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or lomract. Phone 2-1010. J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office at 306 No. 7th. Phone 9348 ALTERATIONS ftn mn' uinm.n'. children's clothing. Jennie Hare, Seam. na s. Alain. DITCH digging and back filling with Fordjon Trench Hoe. Call 2.1R.U .-ku or 642S. FULLER Brushes. Phone 9604 or 5677. FOR TREE TRIMMING rnone z-onss INCOME Td V wni'nve For appointment Phone 2-0251. Harvey Bispham. CURTAINS laundt-ed Phone 4914 and stretched, EDUCATIONAL BOOKKEEPING. hnrlhanH tvnin. irn. dred subjects, office machines. KLAMATH BU&IN'F.KS mi l r 733Pine phone 4780 CHILD CARE and education. Prp-cnool i-cincr. rnone 49. BEEHIVE u TRUCKS DRIVE Move Yourself Save '4 New Trucks For Long Trips Pickups Stakes Vans BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1201. E. Main Phone 8304 GARAGE for rent. Inquire Plllly Wl gly. Phone 5231. OFFICE 711. lor rent. 623 Alain. Phone FOR RENT, floor sanders latest tyoe equipment, suouroan LumDer Co. llta ana walnut Phone 7709. CAB STORAGE HEATED, day Keek or monu. un umo, pnona 073 or 30 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HEALTH in A So AO E. theraiieutie xTr-lc tnr w' tllTl i-eoucing leatured. Phone HELP WANTED, FEMALE FOUNTAIN r.IRI.' n.P i 5'."..u '.!,- m. , t-a.ucocrry urugs. EXPERIE.VCED bookkeeper for payroll and general ofice work. Good ttradv Position. ADDlv After i nm r-,.o,,l- WANTED, housekeeper to live in. with good referenrf- Viv in th. nn.t.. 6 HELP WANTED, MALE SALES MAN wanted to travel, selling athletic equipment. Call in person. The Gun Store. DAY SHIFT, experienced orfrrtri hut train man POMeMiiig good qualifications. Must be neat and ap pearance cheerful and enjoy dealing w th the public. Apply in person to Mr. Himrod, WUIard Hotel. WANTED, sober dependable man able lo do aoartment hone. nr hniinins m.u. tenance. Light plumbing, electrical and painting repairs, some Janitorial work. Steady emnlovmrnt Wrii nam .hnn. Box b2H experlence to Hcald arid News BODY and fender mechanic with dialer experience. Man capable of making es timates preferred. Apply Selby Chevro- MAN to earn S90 week up. Long needed Invention. ArluiHiai ci.,..j., o- , Post, Country Gentlemen. ProspecU ev- run, pari time, exclusive. No investment. Free samDles. Writ Colorado. Near Mills School 3 bedroom home, '1 block from Mills School. Large living room, dining room and kitchen. Fully furnished and ready to move in. Immediate possession. $7450. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYL0CK hone 2-35456446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8970 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 MOTEL 10 units; ettes; 5 5 doubles with kitchen singles; 4 room living quarters: all buildings 3 years old; all furnished. Located on good highway. Price $38,000 with terms. Write P. O. Box 853, Crescent City, Calif. 60 ACRES ine Dearborn. Catherine Dearborn News Reporter Court, CHATBURN & BRICKNER Merrill, Oregon Aftnrn.i. Dl.llf r-7-14-2I-28 M-6 No. 883 Snow Piles At Crater Up SPREE REPAYS GOOD TURN KOTA BAHRU. Mnlovo in Grateful Royal Air Force officers recently treated a nair of Mninvn Jungle men to a short comDftrativelv HvITIkhH Knta nohm MEDFORD VPl A heflvV fall The Junstle of snow Wednesday was piling up helped two crashed RAF officers on top of an already record 203 find their way to a village, saw Inches at Crater Lake National the sea for the first time, rode in ,gark. busses and attended an amusement .,, Supt. E. P. Leavitt said the 203 park. To top off their visit, the inch total was reached at 8:30 Air Force bought them $130 worth a.m. and snow showed no sign of of shirts, shorts, combs, thorn. letting up. The old record was 197 needles, threat, belts, tobacco, flsb- uicnes in tne inou-oi season. ing nets ana mirrors. wanted, ambitious voune man Inr pcimaneni position wiin lare company. Excellent promotion possibilities. Phone a.n o m p.m. 17 HELP WANTED WESTERN UNION wants you to train as an automatic operator. Good salary while learning. Muit be eighteen years of age, touch typist, and willing lo work anywhere In Oregon, Washington, Montana or Idaho, Please contact Jo- cai western union oiriee, 18 SITU AI IONS WANTED WOMAN needs work badly. Will take housekeeping Job for one. Write Her- iq ana ivews, box 28. EXPERIENCED lady will care for chll dren tn your home. Phone UH41. MAN and wife want Job In hotel or camp. Experienced cooks and baken. Write Heratrl News. Box 20. HOUR work. Phone 2-3216. CARPENTER WORK wanted. Rr-nalt a specialty, Jim Alexander, 2120 Tunnel ai. rnunc w.iUaS, CHILD CARE. Phone 7959. BABY sitting. Phone 2-0372. WILL care for children fn mv home days or your homo evenings. Call 2-2949. AH under gravity Irrigation. 16 planted to new Alslke Clover and permanent pasture. Low water rate. Fenced. Improvements Include two oedroom modern home, small barn, garage, woodshed, chicken house and other buildings. Nice location. Pull price, $13,500. Terms $7,000 aown, oaiance siooo nor vear a! io interest. 142 ACRES Cow set-up. 81 acres under gravity irrigation, 23 acres in alfalfa. SO acres in permanent pasture. Low water rate. Fenced. Improvements include two bedroom home, other ouuaings. Paved road. ALSO INCLUDES 800 acres deeded grazing land. 400 additional Taylor grazing, 100 acres dry farming, 80 to 100 acres can be farmed, 40 acres planted to Utah winter barley. Plenty of wet weather springs, one year around spring, two wells. This additional acreage can run 100 units. Full asking price including above 142 acres only $23,500. Terms 12,000 down, balance made easy on buyer. .CHAS. A. BOLESTA Phone Merrill 8501 SMALL ACREAGE Three acres In South Suburbs. Suitable for home site or sub divi. sion. Price $1500. COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE 150 feet on South Sixth Street by 135 feet deep. Price l5,oou terms. 30 RIAL ESTATI FOR SALI ? 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Lookie-Lookie-Lookie i.arcie s room home on '4 acre mound In the Blm.vtn Ulslrnl. Nrw ly iTdrrariilod IiihIcIo, n.iphiilt lilt floors In the mnjiir rooms. Good slro living room, lurge st'imratn din ing room, ntlmctlvo modern kltclv rn with electrio vtir heater. (Iiinriy light sun room or sewing room, a brdroom and n bulh room Solid foundation and attached uu ruuo. Kvorvlhlnir vein rnnlH iixlr fur III comfortable economical living. I ALL THIS FOR ONLY '" i Pay owner 11460 for his equity and as. jij j0, jqUj gt. miiiiv ins vi. i, Lami ur rciiuiwii'o on M-854 (vi ma iu ami yuu. $$MONEY$$ ON THIS FIRST CALL I Up to $500 on your auto. On your salary or furniture i up to 1300 "Pay Day" loans specialty 110, I'JB, 150 loaned till "pay day" or lunger. $35 costs but IB centi for one week. No other clmrgos, LOCAL LOAN CO. . DON MciNTYRE, Mgr. 43 Voars Friendly Service Phone 3-3S3T S-27S A HOME TO BE PROUD OF 30 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI NORTH SIDE Ishcd. Terms. ir i- K.,i.. - i .. - . small family. The home you have J"-?"8 " occn nronm nil or and now it run . . . v bo nil yours for a small amount down and monthly payments like rent. Located on t acre In the South Suburbs and surrounded by $6000 Completely rcmodelrd two lovely post war homes. Onlv A venra bedroom home with nt Inched an. old. You'll fall In love with It when rag. On corner lot. Some flnlnhlnu you see It. a good site bedrooms l"t but cau move right In. Terms wiin wnraroDC closels, large living . . . . . and dining room combined, modem Ml LL5 iikiii. r nriiiugm Kllcnni. nuto- iiiiiuu ncni ami nnrdwood Iloorn I sin fionT,.. i,-.... i. ?n'lL V?W'"'r .h!,.s ."vo? ""'" roo". "'"'ly. fireplace. Very lately home and It hna been verv i. '. -rtll , .. . I oiiiuuji nn.1 MiTS. yjiiv ...i .1.. - "'' r ciass snape block from school. Terms, .. inv nuy HioilllU UlCIUdlllg SlOriU winaows nnrt liisulntion. Nice yard with lawn fnnrpH niiihn,t un Only a blocks to stores and bus! WMO Modern two brdroom home v-iui us :or an appointment to see ! M. imisbhou uii pnvcu nigii u iiytv jor a oargaln such as this 'st long. Priced for culck sale nt $7500. We will nrrango ft- .u fiUll JOU. ni s.ougmire g-ji Jae rry Kvc. M3, bURTON E. GRAY REALTOR and INSURANCE 11U7 Alain St. Ph. aom or 3431 VERNON DURANT ANDYSILANI . REAL ESTATE 631 So. Sixth Phone 0105. or 7033 5544 CAFE NEAR ACADEMY Wonderful location fllllV enlllnnitrl excellent steady business owner A g00s ,w0 uwlr00in V'me located says "Give Away" nt 15500 cla' 10 schools, c.. arches unci Hnmfi nnA business district. Large living room IIIV.UIIIC Will I reil are. Hire c liiltiu rn,,m MlllO A1JU1 1 1UN R rnnm DreaKIasL nnnkr fillrl fil l lui.n,,, nlaj duulix excellent liv.nln,, Illimcdlute nn.mi'vslrm PrliKil riulu ti'iniui ' I ,... HOT SPRINGS SEE ucane Sachcr Evenings 6634 witn BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 1016 Main Also city and suburban homes. Anne Mason Eves. 6714 Eddie Hoslev 2-0188 BOGUE DALE, Realtor 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 CLOSE IN On paved street. 5 room modern hunealow. beautifully landscaped nt detached enrage. Insulntcd, wired for electric range. Total price only $4000. MILLS ADDITION Furnished 1 bedroom modern home, ijirne llvine room, convenient kit chen. 2 blocks to busline. Paved street and sidewalks. Price $5000. Terms arranged. NEW SUBURBAN Larzc. comfortable 2 bedroom house, huge closets, extra large kitchen and utility room, electric heat, beautiful floors, abundant bullt-ins. 'i acre, well drained, ex ceptionally good soil. This place for only $7500. Will carry any kind of loan. YALTA GARDENS Very attractive 2 bedroom home, newly decorated, double garage, big yard fully landscaped. Insulated both walls and celling, hardwood floors. Unusually convenient floor plan. Only $9250. Call for an ap pointment. Open Evenings by Appointment See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph. 2-2460 Eves 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves, CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1909 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4564 or 5529 f. SAu' ""ritlvj two bedroom home wllh electrio heat, completely Insulated, automatic washer and other features too numerous to mention. riun er nOW miMlna mil nf for quick sale because husband Is set ling Ulcers from his own cnnklntf. Phnn. I MUST BE SOLD LOOK AT THIS nnrl mnlf n an OFFER. Fully furnished two bed room nome ready to be moved in k, Jnis is a sacrifice sale and is your chance to own a modern home at a reasonable cost. Opportunity knocks on no man's door often, "Here's your chancel We say don't ueray. HERE'S VALUE Yalta Oardens. This home has extra large feautres throughout. 2 Dearoomsdlnlng room, living room with fireplace, large lot plus fruit trees, iic sure and see th s attrac- tive buy. Jay P. Griggs Eves. Ph. 4254 Gene Favcll " " 6045 Claire Ellis " . " 2-2050 W. W, Thompson at Malln J.W. SANDERS. REALTOR 1213 Main St.. Phone 7521 FOH SALE, attractive two bedroom mooern nome. ravea street, niceiy lana scaped yard. Phone 0275, HUMES fOR 8AI.C EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrlcnatrick. Salesman 131 W Bt Phont B48I FOR SALE, 6 percent contract on house and large lot on Manzantta Hot Snrinas, 7i? It"" 'ro.m.nLl, own cooking. Phon. worth $4,000. Closing partnerahlp, P.O.' 7533 or see at 125 Sheldon. ' Box 7B4. A nunllty home In a very good neighborhood. Has two bedrooms, large llvlnrr room with clrculntinc fireplace, dining room and cheer. Phone 5558 Lots of built-in storage very largo wnrurooe closets In bedroom, electric hent, and ex cellent room arrangement, Play room with fireplace 111 basement Here's the "Buy of the Week I T. , 1' ZZ ."' J yny, "'J!!'. h0me wlth Uvrt value on present nmrkla. Sliow comfortable bedrooms. Large llv- appointment only, ing room with view of the lake. MILLS ADDITION- CHELSEA ADDITION Modem. Good garage and lots o! storage room. Located on two lots, all fenced and lots of shade trees. xou can buy all this for $4500. .MILLS ADDITION PACIFIC TERRACE A well built home In a row! lorn Hon. Neat as a pin inside and out A 60 by 120 foot lot provides a nlco turfed piny yard for the chll- Hm.l tlt at k.nnll , anJz sa: e-?z WL"ct-.riyou nioiiui, uiiuiik room, Kiicncn, and liviMK room with hHrdwood- loom KLECTRIC HEAT in every room niirlixini.'l In h.dU An attractive home cnnslstlmr nf gnragc, concrete floor and drive- " living room, timing way. see this today, for only or" Bna cnen. hub lull $8500. basement wllh extra room finished in anouy pine. The Inrge lot pro vides a nice settlnir tor the h,,.. aim hiiows a nice view. This Is Here's a chance to buv a home thnl .i.. . .. ",m Pricrrl will nnv fnr lts.lf. Vnr LC -' . "" . ",r ,nurp OClallS ... r.:J . ... - ... w.wno oiiuwn nv ntiiln ii n,.l from Ma ll Street, located nn n I ' level street. Three bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first floor. Full fln ished basement. Onrnge. Income apartment on seconil floor with outside entrance. Newly decorated. TAT" HOWES JOHNNY DLAYLOCK run HtATINO STANDARD HEATING OILS Stovo Furnaco Honvy Fuel DKPENDAItLK Cherk mill Fill Svslem MI'TKIl P11INT1CI) TICKETS Your Utliiranlee Of lluiitlng Niitlslautluu FRED H. HEILBRONNER 'Fuels that Siillsfy-Plus Service Since 1910 '-'LSPflntm Phone 4153 MM tloV'l'. wonil cual aiu-iipn stnvVii and parlor healrrst hut .srpl Iciitli mi ... run, 01 Jo N W. Iluna Nl . rTllir,l, f),r II tntfKN STAMl'""iv.iro'n" Im nils I'lion. Siuil or V.UJOU (or promiil (tnliv.ry. CI.I.T VADrSa SKiNAL SERVICC , into So am TS HOBBIES away, Phon. 4llni "Willi Slvo 38 BOATS PETS SPORTS HOBBII l'll'PltHto allrr ,1 p in K)lt SAI.K. t'M,trii p'up'iw" f nml Wplitiaraiivr piloiiy' foVsil7 foiiriiHinllu h V) Phnn. 2.00M1 KtUt KA1.I:. rrautrtffd Wire-haired l.r" rlrr imii... fall 'J.ll.-ul u,in CMMun Avpiiiip ANUrilMON ' u,;ah kinn.l. Phon S"7 smui hrLss-t ,,ft Hninsdsle liAIIIINriKKNNKI.A Ho. hoarillli. Iiv day work nr month. Sanllary VsnnHs Well lislsncd rjl.l. riran Individual ovtd'ior runs for .arh d Iln.s handlrd durlsa matins. Will pu-l up anil deliver Vlillurs Wilrnma Phona SOTS Merrill Rd. Rt 9. Ili S4 S II A ?tTA CASCADE KENNriJI 42 LIVESTOCK & POULTRY MIDWAY AUCTION YARD Frlilav. Feb. 32nd Sale MKIJFOHD. OKKOON 37 Head of whltefnce stock cows. 20 Hriitl of long yearling whliefaca nriicrs. 3 Whltedire cows with cnlvej. 1 ItcRlslcred Hereford bull. Thrne rattle tire consigned by a local rnnrhrr who has bcru In the cattle business In this valley all his lllc mid has alwayn used top bulls. Alfto 10 Heart Ciurrmey springer cows. 13 Jlrncl (Itirriry hcifrrs. Ill llrud lllack Wllllcluie heifers. liesltles our usual run of livestock. W. J. "BILL" BRAY Allctlnijprr NORTH SIDE 8ee Fred Cofer Bob Stephens ' Evenings J'.'ao Barnhisel Agency Phone 2-3545 6448 1025 Main Evenlnas Ron Fisher 8910 Bruce Owens Merrill 149 112 S. 8th Phone 4195 CLOSE IN CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buvs coorl ranch ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home M,(1 timber Innd at Gov't, Binte nenr Falrvlcw .and High School, nnd County land Sales. FREE Paved street, sidewalks. Has Fed- lamu cataloo. Pnclflc Lanjs oral GI loan. Fnlrlv priced at 1S21 KE Cahueuga Blvd. Hollywood $5860. WORTH SEEING! COZY COTTAGE Modern 2 bedroom home. Utility room, large lawn. Ideal for Kcster- son and W.T.C. employes. Only $3850 Terms, SEE Dcanc Sachcr Evenings 6634 With BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 1010 Main Phone 5558 FOR SALE ft' 160 ACRE FARM ft 30-cow dairy barn milk house Irrigate! pasture Hay and grain lnnd Apple orchard Fenced and cross fenced for sheep Four bedroom modern house Numerous outbuildings. PRICE $50,000 ' EASY TERMS Located seven miles from Klamath rails on -ia nioium jwhu. RnnufMri Innulre of owner-Route 1 Box "oofiN. 924. Fifth House South of Grange Hall 28. Cnllf. FOR 8ALi Ive room hoime. other buildings. Two acres of vrmnwl l,h,.nH 32 BUILDING tV REMODELING BEST BUY $45 M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER 81012 In. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 2x4 S4S 2x6 S43 DRAKE POUL1RY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top uiiuacb prices tor gooa quality. For quotations : PHONE 367 I KLAMATH POULTRY PARMB Ktllt HAl.K. three whit, tuik.y hens, one hronrn turkey hen. one ttrunre Mr. key subl.ler, jUM utn. old Phnne 3-lrj.l. AitTintiA1'." iiukkihnu vici Phon. S7ji M. c, ,churlil Warr.n. Ml. 3. Moa S2J iTlliiirST nrlce. paid (ur poultry, boss and livestock. . Hit. Y SIKAT MAItKItT '!V!W J'mcu-n I'hona trim rOM HALK Jcr.ey cow 'ond tail, lloul'a 2 Hoy 444 I'h'tne 2-2IIIO 'l-SA1ill,ctj,'o'iir''hnne lr55 " WAN'tfCU" rohuvd hens flion. 4SPl" 44 MISCELLANEOUS WANTED ft WANTED GOOD PASTURE WRITE HERALD NEWS BOX NO. 23 LUMBER COMPANY 010 Spring piione 80io $12,500 Built-up ' Composition Shingles Aluminum Shingles SIDING Asbestos Cedar Shakes Heavy Rhode Island Red Day-Old Cockerels 10c Each STANDARD FEED STORE Phone 8300 wante'ii. irTniifo saw w'uhrTorS motor. :ll lluith HI. WANTKll. used Inllet 1.7.,'i tti:.l WANfriJ to rent. nnVfura an i... of niltle.Phona S(7. WANTKD io biiv7'lllerfiT"J riC.:.7Z 117 1 (I. WAN7KI) to rent, a bedroom iuifur nl'hrd houso. Closo In. Adulu. Phont WE M.r.O CAIIS! Ho.e Motor Co Slh and (let lop price nowl Plum. 46 FINANCIAL LOANS Commercial Furnishes Cash.' Consists of 70 acres. 27 acres of INSULATION pasture, 28 acres of alfalfa, balance Blown-In Flbcrglnss grain lnnd ready for alfalfa. Cheap COMBINATION ALUMINUM water. Fair Improvements. Close to SCREEN AND STORM WINDOWS school. On good rond. $6500 tlown, is ,L I i . iNuiiimuri iribuianon bnlnnce ensy terms. JACK C. MACE Tulclnkc REAL ESTATE Phone 7-1811 FOR fl ALE. In Klamath falls. One nooroom completely turn shed house. New bato, electrio hoat, acre of ground, silling below cost, Call Tula- ike 7-onou after 4 p.m. Phone 4468 or CLEM LESUEUR 2-2443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED Btm.Dma MATERIALS promntlvdrT llvcrcd by Basin Uulldlnil Materials V. ' ,r"n"nM. puisier, pant, floor-f n sh or WHAT this i n,. . afc ... ouuin xin. shnu a-astis. ' CASH LOANS $50 to $300 Auto Furniture Livestock Salary ISO to $500 . Automobiles (paid for or not) 34 FUEL HEATING FOR BALK nlcft lovot lot N.E. corner Phone SMB. Aoaison and lokoviow. Accept roasnn- uic oner. Moras wniie, l-.u, sjox IMS, reano, .iiir. STANDAnn Hlr'ATiMrriil Stove, furnac, light fuel, coal, wood. dk sun " u0, H;l Markal NEW HOMES for Powell, Phona 8A20. ale, William B. DRV PlnC blocks foe '"anle ' 'tin.n ...r nlngs and weekends, Mrllors llros. PltKSTOLOtlR nlekon T ZT, Cliff Vadens Rlin.l o.,in. I nth Phona ,inm or 3-rnso. Prlvnta Snle of Autos PinancecJ Make your dcnls CASH dealsl Commercial Finance Corporation Bob O'Connor, Mgr. m, , Ll0' 6-251 - N.-m 107 No. 0th Phon 7711