Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 21, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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Heart Too Cold,
L08 ANGELES OP Mrs. Betty
1. Holger, seeking divorce from
Fred Holger, professional lea boc
ley player, testified ha Is man
'with a very cold Heart."
mm: t
18.95 to 42.95
IS vo buds'
Coue Split
Cold as Ice?" asked the Judge.
"It certainly Is," Mrs. Holger
She was awarded a divorce
Wednesday cn grounds of cruelty.
We're Ready For
Spring with
Smart Fashions!
Boxy and Fitted
Featuring the many new
novelty weaves and tex
tures that are making
fashion history this sea
son. Lovely becoming
coats, beautifully styled
and perfectly made.
Our Store and
Windows say,
Spring's Here!"
Stunning Collection
Whether you favor the
man-tailored type or
softer dressmaker fash
ions in suits you II marvel
at the smartness, the per
fect tit ot our suits . , .
and you'll appreciate the
variety! Do come in soon.
Others 17.95 to 42.95
ALL through the store new ap
parel of all kinds has arrived!
Shop now while selections are.
new .complete!
M -V
KFLW 1450 Kc PST
Thumdny Kvcnlnf, Feb. 21
00 Sporti Htihlighti
6:15 Hon Town Newt
25 World Ne A-i Summary
6.;tO Suburb n Serenade
0 45 Headllna Kditlon ADC
6.55 Cuming Atlracttnm on ABC
T OO Mr. President AUC
T::tO DrfeiiM Attorney ADC
8.00 Orl Amateur 'Hour ADC
8:45 Foreign Reporter AUC
9:00 The iiedh4d ABC
9-M Confrrt r( ptrot ABC
10:00 10 PM llpadllnm
Via rhih Can Di AUC
I0:. Inacmnla Ctuh
it ;oo Newi Summaiy
11:05 Sun Off
rriilnv, Feb. 52
8 00 Sign on New
6 05 Corn tn the Morn
8:45 Farm Fare
T:tW News Bkft Tdltlon
7:15 Charlie' Roundup
7:50 Boh Karred & News ABC
7:40 Top of the Morning
T.35 Jonn Conte S ia BC
8 00 Brcakfait Club ABC
9:00 Hank Henry Show
9:30 Brk the Bank ABC
1000 Chet Huntley, Newt ABC
10:15 Lour Journey ARC
10 ;t0 My True Story ABC
t0.55 Edward Arnold AFC
11:00 Betty Crocker ABC
11:15 Stop It Shop
11:30 Aiaimt the Storm ABC
11:45 Musical Roundup
11:55 Market Report
Bureau Plans
Land Drawing
BOISE. Idaho The Bureau
of Reclamation has announced n
new pickle-jar drawing to be held
some time after April 6 for 42 fed
erally owned farm units on the
Columbia Basin project near Othel
lo, wasn.
The units. 135 miles southwest o(
SDOkane and 185 miles southeast ol
Seattle are in the first blocks of
Columbia Basin project land to re
ceive irrigation water in 1953 Ironi
Potholes East Canal.
They vary In' size from 51 to 115
irrigable acres and will sell lor
from $708 to $3,266. depending on
size and quality of the land.
A public drawing will be held to
determine which applicants shall
have priority in buying the prop
erty from the government. Appli
cations will be received from Feb.
21 to April 6 at the bureau's Eph
rata, Wash., office. -
Heroic Negro
HOUSTON. Tex. Wl A 6 feet.
Inch. 220 pound Negro who
wrenched apart a steel truck cab
to free the trapped driver doesn't
think the exhibition of strength was
so unusual.
"A man can do almost anything
in an. emergency." Charles D.
Jones, 33. Houston, said.
Jones appeared at the scene of
an accident near here Tuesday as
flames threatened to sweep the
wrecked truck. After prying apart
the telescoped cab with bis bare
hands and back. Jones disappeared
before anyone could thank- htm or
get his name. He was identified
Airline Crash
Toll Now 33
death toll in the Feb. 11 crash of a
National Airlines plane here stands
at 33.
Harold Brown, 26, of The Bronx.
N. Y., a passenger on the doomed
DC-6 that smashed into an apart
ment house, died Wednesday night
at Elizabeth General Hospital.
Besides Brown. 28 of the Miami
bound plane's 63 passengers and
crew members perished In the
tragedy the third In Elizabeth
within a two-month period. Four
of the dead were residents of the
apartment house.
The three plane disasters, all
within a three-mile area of Newark
Airport thus have taken a total of
19 lives.
Cutback Faces
Home Articles
of most Important household ap
pliances faced a new cutback
Thursday as the result of a 14 per
cent reduction in their copper and
aluminum supplies beginning April
But the National Production Au
thority, in announcing the second-
quarter quotas, said If the cut
inreatens to cause serious short
ages in refrigerators, ranges,
washers, vacuum cleaners and oth
er such appliances, the NPA will
provide relief.
At the same time it cut supplies
of metals for household appliances,
the NPA boosted the quotas to
makers of less-essential Items such
as costume Jewelry, cigarette light
ers, Venetian blinds, luggage, hard
ware ana novelties.
Administrator Henrv H. Fowler
said this was being done to keep a
number of firms from being forced
to shut down.
I ffttfl jfiTtiH ii r n r-i T 1 nl 1 ,0ata..
12:00 News. Noon edition
12:1.1 Pll Sidewalk Show
ll:M I m ky U Haiuh AUC
1:011 Paul IMrvev ABC
1:15 Better Llvlnl
1.30 Mary Mai mud McBrldt ADC
a:i Basin Briels
2:13 Accent on Melody
J .Hi Joyea Jordan, M 0 ABO
2:4.1 Rom. J:clyn Winters AUC
.1:0,1 When a Girl Marilm AUC
3:11 Ted Malone AUC
3:;.o liean Cairoon ABC
3:4.1 Mary Marlln ABO
4:00 RcquetfllllV Wars
.1:00 run r'arlury ABC
.vj.l World 'IM re ter AI!C
.1:30 Chet Huntley ABC
3 43 Cuei.1 SUr
6 00 Snorts Hllhllfhts
0:13 Home Town News
6 "3 World News Summary
K.30 Fubiirhail Serenade
6 43 Headline Edition ABC
li .VI -ki New HcvVnp ABC
T OO Gillette Klthts ABC
8O0 Richard Diamond ABC
8..T0 Thla la Your rnl AI'.C
R:00 Ortte and Harriet AUC
9:30 Com'. o( Tavorltea
rn- 1 in r s' He--''--
10:13 Dr. Clno's MuilcaK ABC
lo;ki Insomnia Cluu
11:00 News
11:03 Siin Off
KFJI 1150 Kc PST
Thursday Evening, Feb. Jt
OS Gabriel Meatier MBS
6:13 Klnin. Theater Quit.
6 30 Aruunri Town -New.
6:43 Sam Hayes Neua MBS
6:33 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony lime
7:11 Snnr!, Minim
7:30 Bobby Benson MBS
6:30 Adventure, li Your llerltao
b.x.i lie.Lel,-iu i,ari..i.na.i
5 00 Glenn Hardy Nwi VBS
9 13 (ulton Lev.ii Jr. MBS
ll::IJ Rod ft Gnu Cloh MBS
9:3.1 3-Mimile final MBS
10:00 1 lAive A Mystery MES
10:13 Serenade In B'ue
10:30 Handstand USA MUS
11:00 Night Ovti Fdttion
A M Mihl Ouls Club
12:00 Sln Oft
KFJI 1150 Ke. TST
Fririav, Feb. TZ .
6 00 Muilcai Reveille
. K--1 '-ri r- Pdllctm Board
6:39 Local Kaw;
7:KI lieniiOKwoy Newt MBS
7:13 Breakfaal ClU MBS
7:30 Ne
7:45 Best uyt
6:00 Cec'I Brown MBS
1:13 r.ivaklast Gang MBS
8:30 glbie Institute MBS
9:00 Homemakers Hartnonlea
9:13 Halr-Halsln( Tale
9:30 Platter Party
9:43 ravorltes ol Yesterday
10:00 News MBS
10:1 Tello-Tel
lO:. I nPolntes
10:43 Concert
10:30 Currina
10:53 Ken Carson MBS
11:00 Ladies l air MBS
1 1:2.1 News
11-30 Queen for a Day MBS
12:00 Name Bands
12:t.1 Headline Newt
12:30 Danca Tunes
12:45 Music Box
12:30 Market tc Livestock
12:33 Klamath Notes
1:00 Jack Kirk wood MBS
1:30 Tune Test
1- 3.1 Vews
2:00 Newi MBS
2- 01 Network r wi MBS
2:13 Tea Time Tips
2:45 Answer Man MBS
3:00 Ricky's Request
4:00 Speed Gibson
4:15 Heminjtway News MBS
4:30 Curt Masiey Time MBS
4:4.1 Sam Itaye- News MBS
3:00 Twllifht Time
9:30 WUd Bill Hlckock MBS
3:33 News MBS
6:00 Gabiel Heatter MBS
6:13 Quia Show
6:30 Around Town News
6:45 Sam Hayes News MBS
6:53 Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Family Theater MBS
7:30 C'sco Kid MBS
8:00 Basketball Time
8:03 BsktbL KUHS vs. Medford
9:00 Glenn Hardy. News MBS
9:15 Bsklbl. KUHS vs. Medford
9:43 Futtnn Lewis Jr. MBS.
9:35 3-Mln. Final
10:00 I ly-ve- A Vvste-y MBS
10:1S V. S Navy Band
10:30 Proudly Wt Hall
11:00 Nicht Owls Edition
11:05 Night Owls Club
12:00 Sim Ott
Line' Pondered
eral Judue Sam Driver was to de-
icide Thursday whether courts have
the right to set a "land-taking line
in condemnation actions in con
nection with construction of the
McNary Dam on the Columbia Riv
er. Thompson B. Elliott, a rancher,
raised the question Weanesday as
the government started condemna
tion proceedings against, the pres
ent site of Wallula.
Some of the land will be flooded
by the lake behind McNary Dam.
Elliott accused the government
of an "arbitrary land grab." He
said the government does not need
all of the land It is trying to ac
quire. "The government will obtain the
land and compete with private en
terprise in attempting to entice in
dustrial and commercial enterpris
es to lease tracts," he said.
Col. William H. Mills, Walla Wal
la district engineer in charge of
McNary Dam construction, denied
the charge. He said the govern
ment Is buying only land "essential
to protect the Interests of the Unit
ed States." Mills said some of the
additional land is subject to flood
ing and the government is buying
the remainder to protect the proj
ect and for public use.
Jtiage Driver delayed a decision
until Thursday. . However, before
court closed he said he didn't be
lieve the "courts should set a land
taking line for the Engineers. If
the land Is necessarv. the court
snouia not interfere. '
tion has beset some 3,000 weavers ! WSffiFi, Is
in the Amarapura area, it has 1 ,SaWk'l I
been reported. The reason given 1 I
for the reported famine Is the clos- at " I
ing down of a number of hand- i" " M rit'"' I
loom factories. k M-i- I
Mickey Rooney Joins TV
Ranks With Comedy Show
HOLLYWOOD, Mi-Move over.
Red Sknllon, Milton Bctlo and Hid
uupsar lieie contra MirKey itoon.
t'V Willi a hull-hour show of his
own fur the folks who gather
".round the parlor screen.
Tho Mick dipped hln toes Into
ilio channels Hist when he tip
ptarrd receiitlv on TV, with Jim
my Uiiritnle, Then he II next get
utikle-deep with Iwu straight dra
matic shows tioiii Nt'w York on
I'-ru. 27 and March 17.
Soon he'll be In the swim com
pletely Willi n weekly program
thai will be. Recording lo Mlfkev:
i "All comedy, because I'm n co
median, nut n lending man. There
i won't be any dancing and singing
I lo apeak oi, ami there won't be
anybody to hold me duwn.
"People started saying I was a
'piugger. Hut what's wrong with
Ih.Hl? Look at Jetty Lewis. Com
o ly Is comedy. You have to play It.
It's not being boasted about In
Hollywood, but there are now a
i million mote television sets than
! movie seals In tho U.8.
! Latest count of video receivers:
, Movie thriller senti: 14.685. 150.
Put nn average of three persons
;in front ol those TV sets and
there's n nightly video audience ol
17 millit'ii1
Forty seven million bogs of pop
jconi! No wonder theater owners
litre screnmlnu about the sale of
movies lo TV and about "pro
i Oncers who are playing both ends
j against the middle."
! TELEVIEWS: Marie Wilson bet'
ter do something quick about (he
i video version of "My Friend
lima" or It will bo rctltled, "My
Friend Cathv Lewis." . . . When
will TV announcers slop reading
in loud those commercial titles?
Really, people CAN read!
Joe I auric Jr.'s definition of TV:
"Television Is Just vaudeville un
der glass."
I Latest big-time movies sold to
I TV; "Open City." "Paisim," and
The Quiet One."
Stack will star In a filmed series.
I "The Phantom Pirate." . . George
Burns and Grncie Allen, with an
eye to residual profits In the
venrs to come, will film their
show for CBS-TV beginning In
March . . . CBS's Big Town" Is
also switching to film for better
quality. It's the first lime one ol
the top-10 shows has been trans
ferred to celluloid . . . Five Hollywood-originated
shows, by the way.
are now In the top-10 Red Skel
ton. I Love Lucy. Comedy Hour.
Groucho Marx and Fireside The
ater. It's a second chance In Holly-
I wood lor Richard Crane as the
siar oi inr riwtsy juiics oinscc
Ranger" TV films. He was under
contract for three years to Fox.
iThnnks to movie tricks, Rocky's
space ship will really "Fly" to
other planets, i
You'd be surprised at the num
ber of Hollywood producers dan
gllmr oilers before Maria Rlva.
.Marlena Dietrich's daughter. But
I Pipe Thawing
I Causes Fire
' Thawing out frozen pipes resulted
In a small blaze at the Little
Drive-In next to the Roundup Tav
ern on S. 6th early Thursday morn
ing. I City Firemen reported the balte
i was out before they reached there.
I An overheaied oil stove resulted
In a call for firemen to 2345 Eber
lein St. Wednesday afternoon, but
: no damage was reported.
Hans Norland
637 Pine Sf.
Fire Insurance.
' The battle of
Texas . . . and
the battle
' of the sexes!
SATURDAY 12:30 Jll l J I I I
ite Show Soturdoy Nitt 1 I I I l B I I I
1! filVRR f
Maria can'l accent movies, she's
exclusively tied to CBS-TV.
Jack Webb mill his pnrlner.
Mike Mpshekoff, are coiiklnit mi
llhns other Hum their "Dragnet"
. cries lor TV. One of their Murk
VII productions may slur Howard
Those 1800 new TV stations wait
ing for the I'CC'a go-nhend will
cort gimiewhere near t7lM.OUO.0flO!
. , . niioiula Fleming's TV debut
I I V'.'.s "S7 , " . -X. iW"-'-Tl a. I
OPENS 4 " II P 100 - 4:21
1,45 1 msmamCIkSQ
Willi Abbott and Coslello has
prompted a Hock nf vldro oilers
, . , Hen lleehl will write and
direct 13 lelelllin.1 , , , Dim Dur
yca's tip lor a weekly suspense'
series . , . Peter Llud Iluves and
Mary llenly will lolnvlie) "Hlnr In
the Family" from I lolly wood dur
ing April, while they work In n
big-scicoii inuvlo fur Bliinlcy Kra
mer. BUI Onigiin's new private eye
series, ("Bitij le C'ritlg," lor NUC,
win lie on null, u s jiui one ni
lite Ititllciilloni that TV network
generals, once deadly opposed lo
lilm, are gradually bieiiklng down,
Ilenson: lllit-nnme ntitrrl who ask
a lot tune for live shows will work
for pen nuts on the promts ot pro-
a lo'dtyti
Ited Kk rll on ipilln radio next '
Mill for full-llnto TV , . . Now
It's old stars In NEW IIInK for TV.
un.tltA n,l r-lnlri, Wlndanr
have been slgnetl for a serlea , , .
Hu'iiuky notn: Phillip II. Lord, If l
llollvwtiotl lor his liiiugiJiisiers
show, In living III Norma Hheorer's
old. elght'bt'ifiooiu home at Baiua
TKLK'FM OFF: "A radio per
lormer inu.'il be citrelul ol hln TV
Iciinal. Bomeliow It doesn't seem
liuht itir a man who linn been a
star for 25 years to become a bum
overnight." Kilgnr Hergen.
Ill-sharlliit apiead over
gllgjtii tiaagv-V m mm a.
617 Main