HERALD AND WEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREOON PAGE NINKTEl?N . r-n r-- THURSDAY, FKnriUARY 21, 11)32 i- Jta -t' Ij 1 -? $ , p ( i A l I. ft. OFFICERS OF THE Lake County Shrine Club recently installed arc (left to rilit) Louis K. (Choc) Shcllon, Ki-njciiiil-iil-arnis; K. M. Carlon, retiring president; VWi. ninnion, new president; John Hlair. past president and installing officer; K. 15. M a c K a y, secretary treasurer; and K. J, Mocaliee, vice president, i Mi i 1 IWiwMi',lf!SS:--:'!fft:: Ml ' MMMM' 2 '4 u 1 -i'iiHIi ft 1" fcj"" . IIIHIM ! M.' 1 'MM 9&x!lCi ffirMssLrrr ... I-. . . I fj I DINING RM. 1 IZ-QCLiiJ V "cJbEDBM. fi Mill : P 1 .BATHj jj i L ' F- rL I BED RM ?Ictvrm- tH ,y'8'",''4"j ! ; lil.KPIIANT FITIRE DKIMTCO LEOPOLD VILLE, Boliflnn Congo j ift Should tho Belgian Congo's e- j tlrnntrd 100,000 clcphnnts bo killed or protected? Thlt quettion Is now : the object of a quarrel between I local nfllcinls and elephant hunters I on one side and the local Asracln- ' tlon (or the Protection of Nature on the other side. Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST vnr four million ttotllea of the W h i. Ann Hf AT MfcNT hkVA Isftflfl sVM tOf rfllllf Ot tymrtt'irniof fl(irnM suUInK from ftlomsch trxl Ouorfcnal Ulcers dun to Eicnt Acid Pr Di !, ftwr or Upwt ttmch, 0iintt, HrtlMJrnf SlMplwnn. ttc, fhi'i u Cict Acid. Ank for "Willard't Mtmn" wbirh fully ffzplftirm this raioark i;le noun ir ostmf.nl, fr t Parl'ta Drur fltr Kalfrfcn Oruff Htnra H'aod'i Druf Htr (,lhr(.(: Gllrhrlit RiII Btrc Malln: Miltn flrar (' 1 This month only! complete,: LUBRICATION AND OIL CHANGE CUSTOMER CAN SELECT ANY FIRST GRADE OIL AND GREASE! DRIVE IN! 3 00 (Apfjllti mlri - With A qt. rrank cut epcilr- ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6th FOR A SMALL FAMILY this plan 223-T offers a lot of ! livability in economical construction. Designed by Edward " It. Tyler, 588 Macon Road, Hempstead, N.Y., the house covers only about 1,030 square feet. A full basement, nine closets and floor-to-ceiling built-in cabinets in the kitchen provide an abundance of storage space. Front foyer with guest closet and a rear service vestibule with access to basement, kitchen and two closets are features of this plan. ! I LATEST NAVY 'CAT' The Uruman K9K-0 Cougar, latest member of the U.S. Navy fighter plane family, knives through the sky in a test night. The streamlined jet fighter craft, rated for security reasons in the "over 600 miles per hour" class, is a swept-wing successor to the Panther, first jet to be used in combat by the navy. PFC ANNE VANDERPOOL, 20, women's army corps, has returned to Ft. Lawlon, Seattle, after spending a furlough here with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Vandcrpool, 1535 Eldorado. Anne joined the service April 13. 1951, and is in the record processing depart ment where she handles re ports of men home from Korea. Some 70,000 reports have already been pro cessed in Seattle. Anne is signed for overseas service, probably In Japan. KLAMATH AGENCY By DARLKNi: WOLFF Mnry Klrkland. who had worked here as social worker for most of the past two years has been trans ferred to Parker Ariz. Her posi tion hnn not been filled here yet. She left for her new location on Saturday. Wreck Hurts Prove Fatal PORTLAND UV- Robert Butler, 65. Milwaukle. died In a hosDital acTwasTafoVrestC! ln 8 tra'" Sat Plcke. who left last weekend fori i' . .... . ,. . new location In Minneapolis. L "u-J ZT.l "'"Ti J " "r inal truck and trailer. Floyd L. Green, Minn. Nrw forester here recently Is DwlRhl Palton who with his wife and two months old dauiihtcr have moved here from Mississippi al though his home Is In Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wing re turned a few days ago from a ten day trip to Portland and Astoria. Senmun first class Jack Morgan was here on Wednesday with a short stopover on his woy from 56. Salem, driver of the other car. suffered a broken breastbone. His wife, Gertrude, 52, suffered face lacerations. Arthur Baumgardner. M, Oak Grove, a passenger In Butler's car, suffered a fractured pelvis and nose and leg Injuries. Kenneth D. Bteckly. 23. Albany, the truck driver, was unhurt. Butler's death was the seventh Seattle to a six weeks' training ln lra,"c ,n "iruanu course In San Diego In electronics before he ships out. He was here with his bride, the local nurse. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ijouers of , Springfield have moved to the Agency and arc at the present ! time staying with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Soucrs. Dick is i a member of the guard unit In Klamnth Falls and must stay with- j In travelling distance of that post. inc ouuii wmi wpicn ne whs work ing was moving to Washington and It was Just too far to travel to KJamulh Falls each week. SLAP-HAPPY Harvard sophomores Oakleigh Thome, left, of Bedford, N.Y., and Richard Mortimer, of New York City, bang away at each other during their 48-hour face slapping marathon. Having heard how two of Stalin's Reds set a record of slapping each other 17,200 limes, they bettered that mark by one slap. NEW FILM CENTER MILAN iflV-Cindelphla. the Ital ian film center to be built in the outskirts of Milan will have four large studios, Enzo Furls!, presi dent of the centers corporation has announced. Here's Your Invitation lo Our BIG, FREE Mother Wins Right to Sons SALEM W An Indiana mother won six-year court fight Wednes day when the Oregon Supreme Court awurded her custody of her two sons, now gcd and 11 years. The 8upreme Court, ruling for the first time on the question, held that an order by a, court In another state, Indiana, is entitled to full faith and credit In Oregon. DIVORCE The mother, now remarried nnd named Mrs. Helen A. Lorcni, was given a divorce In Indiana in IMS. nnd was awurded custody of the two boys. But the father took the sons to Illinois, then to Wisconsin, and fin ally lo Turner, Ore. It wasn't until the summer of 1947 that she traced the father. Robert W. Roycr. to Oregon, and she brought, a habeas corpus pro cccdlnR In Polk County, Ore., to yet her boys back. She camo out here with her new husband and saw her boys, but they didn't recognize her. APPEAL Circuit Judgo Arlle CI. Walker, of Polk County nwnrdcd Iho boys to tho father, and tho mother ap pealed. Wednesday's high court decision, by iJustlce Walter L. Toozc, re versed Judge Walker. Roycr now Is living In West Salem. The Supremo Court order directed the lowor court to lake the children from I he father so the boys can go back to Indiana. fyvitattoij c 0 ) Bring the Family and have A lof of Fun With Us More Comfort Wearing FALSE TEETH Her 1 a p!aflnt wiy to 'oi-prtom Ioom plat ducomfort. FASTEETH. an Improved powder, e prink led on uppr and lnwfr plalta holdp them firmer o that they leel more comfortabi. So fumrm. tooev, paetv taste or feeilnn. 4lkaim (nonacid Does not uw. I 'heck "plate olor" (denture breatht. Get FA STELTH today at any drug atore. liH 7 FARM MACHINERY CLOSE-OUT SALE! SSL -rJ-..r .a. .i . i .i. . x.i nr Going at Cost! TRACTORS O COMBINES CRAKES MOWERS O ELEVATORS, etc. All new machinery on our lot will be sold at our cost to you. Save as high as 20! Sale will be from February 20 to March 1. All sales final. WHERLAND TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT CO. Case Dealer -Tulelake Calif., there's no substitute for greatness SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23 8:00 P.M. TULELAKE HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Medo-Land Ice Cream Honored CORVALLI3 P) Champion Ice cream makers of Oregon were an nounced here Wednesday nt the annual convention ot the Oregon Dairy Manufacturers Association. Ole Tltland nf the Rainier Cream ery won the vanilla nnd chocolate titles. He scored 06 for vanilla nnd 05 for choci5lute. James H. Dunlap, Mrdo-Lnnd Creamery, Eugene, topped the strawberry Ice cream mnkors with a score of 95. The convention will continue thrown Thursday. (DDflIBgH$ DOLORES ALEXUS Lovely Top and Acrobatic Artist HARRY MENDOZA Master of Ceremonies Well Known Mystifying Magicomedian FRAN MEEKIN Playinq the Songs You Like to Hear HALPLUMMER RUSS MILLER & CO. LUCILLE ELMORE The Human Pretzel A Variety of Entertaining Acts Mistress of Ventriloquism FLOYD A. BOYD CO. TULELAKE, CALIF. Your International Harvester Dealer II IJSJSMSSSMaSMalMaMMM tneres no substitute for SERVICE We pay tribute to the Father of our country... commemorating the event of his 220th birthday. As a service to Oregon, The First National Bank of Portland will remain open February 22. Open 10 to 5 on Washington's Birthday The First National Bank of Portland feels that adequate service requires being open on the days, and at the hours, that banking facilities are most needed. Therefore, its complete state-wide banking offices will be open to serve you on .Washington's Birthday. Klamath Falls Branch, South 6th Strati Branch :. Merrill Branch, FIRST NATIONAL DANK OP PORTLAND i Th. hank ,kX sfoy OPEN 10 TO 5 SIX DAYS A WEEK for ) tovhM "LET'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHEIf irtuhWDwia" Ph. 4113