m 4 vmucA HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Pbb Eisrhteen Tlnirsday, February 21. 1952 GLAMOR GIRLS ! ' tu r . Mtm rrcuts icutuf 1 -A "How was the poker game? Did you win, darling, or lose, you dope?" . ' Buggy Bit Antwtr to Prtvlom Puzzle HORIZONTAL 1,6 Little stinger 12 Ascended 14 Ester of oleic acid VERTICAL 1 Father 2 Asiatic lake 3 Biblical name 4 Hebrew nscctic 15 Fire -worshiper 5 Scottish 16 Lashing sheepfold 17 Winslike parts Pistol cases IB Beast of 7 Palm leaf burden 8 Hurl anew 20 Exclamation 8 Brad 21 Marks down JO Volcano 24 Prussian city 1 1 Young sheep 17 Frcckly skin PD pigmentation 13 Tidy 31 Room recess '9 Prominence 52 Afghan 22 Donkey princes 23 Stud with 34 Stomach stars 35 King (Fr.) "4 Nobleman 36 Alluvial 25 American matter on land wild plum surface 37 Malt drir.k 38 Escritoire 40 Some insects are with stingers 42 Caddoan Indian 44 Rent 47 By means of wine (comb form) 48 Notion 52 Medieval Spanish kingdom 54 This builds a house of paperlik matter 56 Hindu gardener 57 Sanctifier" person 58 Scoffs 59 Masculine ( appellation . I AU. JEITT A ET: P E M)A c o n cle T tL ACfc Sly i'Ps si. umS AO I. S PHstRlj 3"TS? vsaBLe Nl T a I u , i ..lie IE - 'a a22 k a oji a cie a r WETS T A Ufc NBC O mIaIt V ;mo k i "lejci 6 a Nipt iv pTI A'fc AlPlg T ra ilAlT 5 t? pn S!EMg trgCpfcj .g!cT?l-IffF OUR BOARDING HOUSl ' 26 Levantine ketch 28 Mohammedan priest 29 Storm 30 Was indebted 33 Genus of rodents 39 foot fly 4 1 Dried grave 43 Blackbirds of cuckoo family 44 Scottish cars 45 Algerian ' seaport 46 Chest rattl 49 Depression 50 External (comb, form) 51 Solar disk 5.1 Over (contr.) 55 National aeronautic association (ab.) J j 3" a io ii r5 75 . j n 71 ii j a ! IS 1b J7 38 .'3 f 4 , iS s . 7 , ij .,.) S 52 53 " 5S 1HS JMA3C ANt M tlCk'SV t)& . with MAJOR HOOPLE 5W IT -l C4 UIK'LZ1 T. H.T W ME&'HANT'i M MftMB TO -S LUCkY-LIKa Tt-lfc fJUGHT MY NAP-tt HAiOiJ VOU A- 6UV WHO -' . iORMM CESTAURAHTb.'' $ s OUT OUR WAY KiviV.;.',4v"'"14' . j. R. WILLIAMS IT1 BOO AND HAMS 1 CLOTHED" A eosec LIMED It uti: UP tAJlTH .CQOfl 6UMH0RMM CESTAURAHTb.'' $ -tiBCi TUAT1 ClITUllsiHUClV . . ----- . . ii j nr. OP mz f PL'Jiillllui A.Mk.ii ur: V .' iOlllc-.k'--ltr;i'-- It PULL LOTTAUIDk-K A . .. I ,11 I ' i i . ii-Hi' I- i ij n api.7 j. iw,y;.ir Aiin t,i I ill II I - till NSS7.1 Vnl. ft ' - . . J llllll a I III' I I r'.. -1 ii i a-hi . ii rv v o v.r v i k i ii i i i i mtm ii .ii ..jmi. tA,i-. ,u am 1 1 i.i u i i i ii ill B i i ii ii i, - i i . v it ill t: ' ill s I i ; . t r--- -.... . - i i I . i! - not m m sh. n n t lv iH. : i-. 1 ii- - I I I ' - mH . - i I I : L 1 3ME 6UYo DON'T trgor 'ap.p r4 T fyT V .y,,,,.,,,- E5V 1 17 1 1 ( J is it ipue ' I I '' . ...,17 S.4,ft ' THAT WIVES CAM ) I DAGWOOD.V S I IT It see around I , , gi;t awav -s . -7Tf corn res iy r I - ' F POM THAT I 4Sis I TH VNrVER.WwF- bet cxjr lifx savimVwo rosewsfl IWiT' irTwar iphfsok. ) it was I EcRooI'A&TKAHTENECiir fo f, i If f . NEWSASSIETV A on md-but; when ios ah kin air , fMr -l'HV too I cJioiTOTao to J kTK' So -( A' LIABFB fV JACQUELINE DEMPSWM T'MGHrMARE S S C?f T -JS IN NE JTrWAOCK-AUHY MUCH PCO 5 OCECO ' i V5 'SfAB rBN 1 2 U a- SAVD' CROOKED OLE 1 -Y BEJN ffJLT ijlAlmAfJ THAIK K.BREArHI? ) DEAD.-T -J WM J.' ' ffX ok ? V j 'I ' (O. 1 rTfT y v!J ' ' 1 A 11 1 1 llfefll 111 , lirillll fTslcr s "fi :t j Ulimi I f 1 l'ke LyW 1 I I I 4 lST it!lwaslook)rbrl You look very nice T ThankaTV ! V'too-4 CVil L 4v Wicker 6 Wallet, wastetokeb! f here thb T im eager. ! Ifttttffll but imis i auroi ton know "Tshh... the 1 1 f ah. they've come tin awd wcop 1 in the new erm'mette Mr. Wicker fc I TM3I R .,A-"- '';F i ,, ,. . wiwi hotel, miss to hear ir... fllWf l hapu t pbeamep of siopiwg! maw says a, f iemhugi ia wta work S v coat Miss Fluff jfj Pi IvsSco M JrQ. "'I? : ia IrYi'-fc'' f tullis. imopb aw tmamks I JjhH)g mji bepes.vou awmt tris dwikelv w.tuiii k. iFMr.wcK mav nor be ab - .' "jjjy-"' rl irV t-''7 SVft I YOUUHEEO, SO MUCH, UUlfiJ YOUR DAO WCUlfAE KNOWN 1 IM ROOM M.. it 'O MOtP ' FOE lONO-fl i whebe you WTOoigr SHORE ARE fl PECK , ; W aW''lX ' ?tWlU' mIi V. S O-T0t4C SOti -oL, R6W WOTf W J BOMCt- J PITgWX' r F 1 1 -5 r. - ' T I ' "W'S B61T Wt5 CIVEN TO CWEF WHITE U fZ3S&?4 fhvm BEEF'S IIP a! kp KTiOSwi.y1 K Vi.C-CjTPrFC.-vn I TAi K-l I , 9 ctTO f 68 V, . r -..Be. HANG ON.'T Quit (Won urn S A Bur. mom, we eom 1(7 -y T j , ; I ? 21 18ft1iiin j V-JK TWr J v J ' '' ' w. t. .. ... u. . r.i en. J 9 7-21 J I i PERHAPS.SOME SGu'Ll. 1 tTS55CT fe'" ' I 1 t 1 I J I) tS52PJ MURDERER? - KNOW PERHAPS . S" 't . . L--F0R W HAfetWETO, 1 1 B-BUTALL 7 FORGET IT DUCHESS Ai MV PARENTS DRUNKARDS. I T. . , Jf v i GEE! THAT WAS X HOW 9 CAKES, CRULLER8-C0FPEE- 3 WMMT ( tEWBEONW f1 COULDNT WARRV SOU AND Xl 1?. fek. n SWELL PEED? AND WHffTt HE DIWTT.V T MUCH HJE OHMAKe IT TWEMTV 7 VUH QIVE HcSseIOOkVgFT GET VOU MIXED UP WITH VIt"'" A fc5' n ' ? A WQ HUNK O' MEAT H tEfi NONE P OWEYUH? VT' CENTS 6ANDVI ( MANV RFALGEMTS UKE L 5 " L