PAGE SIXTEEN Yugo Family Party Planned 4 Members of Klamath Lutheran church lire to open their hearts Saturday to a displaced family ar riving here from Yugoslavia. : Mrs. Irvin Tweet, wife of Klam HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ath Lutheran pastor, Rev. Irvin Tweet, said Michael Weresch and his family would arrive by train at 10 a, m. Saturday from San Francisco. The family arrived in the United States recently at New Orleans. Sunday at 6 p. m., a reception for the family will be hald in the church parlors. A potluck supper will be served and a food and household gifts shower held. Mis. Tweet said all members of THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 10!i2 BoanaannaBEnnEaesEV Oregon Cattle At New High PORTLAND Ml Thera are more cattle In Oregon than ever the church are urged to attend the reception and others Interested in helping Weresch and his family get a start in a new life here lij Klamath Falls are also welcome. before: 1,328,000 latest count. of them by the ' They are worth a record I3J7, 180,000, the Federal Crop reporting Service estimated Wednesday, add ing that it represented nn increase of BO million dollars above the previous ytnr. Most of Uio increase camo In beef cattle The total length of New York State canals is bii miles. Youths Admit Theft Two tcen-Rffcd Chllonuln Indian Chevrolet sedan from Mnrkwardt's Hoods from Olonger'a storo at Chll- cnuln over the weekend, were tak en to Portland lor federal authro hie Wednesday. Tho youths were cauiittt hero Tuesday nliiht and arraigned be fore U. B. Commissioner Bert O, Thomas. According to Clilloqulir pollre the car was found here along with lug KttKSr ammunition and rlflen and several radios taken from tlleiiKrrs. Both youths face possibility of be ing prosecuted on violation of pro bation warrants outstanding against them In Portland, Ghoct Colds To neip reiwve com- a I tlon.cnu.hlng, muMulnr If lorciicM, rubon wnrmlug V Va.oriua Lako Erie border on New York State for an alilluo dlnluuce .of 04 mill's. SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSHA ftuoctufally TrvaUf BiolNilvc Mfllba4 ttl No. Ilk I'h.nt 1001 Vblrifaollfl hyili'Uii (HI?'.' JMSr OPEN SUNDAY fo7 p.. Week Dcy 9p.m :F,?M1IJJJ imumriu ijuuiiiimijpiWu !! It $ $ niui ""'miI uifjul IHiinin...niii..riiiiiirtMlt,,IIlllrtl1m.. i VALUE Notlonolly AdWlV PLASTIC SNOW BOOTS IIUIUI us TUMBLERS if -e x ' - wm 'arATATAYATATJ V f r tMlMi. Mil ffiMrtl C MfMk'WWt jBT If If BL.OL-.S mv y-mmv o - 11 Oil' "1 ROW Nylon HAIR BRUSH Crystal . 9 klElkL I III mi n .yi 11 ImMrtll aT Reg QUILTED SMI 1 inm III. HMI BAGS PI aaal faal IB aa" $1.98 i UUNDRY mIIJII J7 CHARTER OAK if am ER MP X- AiV ruV' ALL FOR STl Umm n . AVaWaWaWaWMI tit . ; - w ALMMlkfiiAj V mil LWADWA' r it rec .15, llir. HKaWAnmsni "VA III 1 ImMrtai Cupt & Saucart FOR i I'l'aV' I J.00 Volua e-2-0UZIT Clothes Drying Racks SI .00 JET 1.49 SHAMPOO TRAY For Eoslef Shorepeelng At Horn S1.00 Rag. 59 1 III m M L. L JaliTivmviMili itmiii - 'A'A'Av ' INCArdll nn 1 uk w f INT f VACUUM BOTTLE $11 w Rfl. 1.89 SILVER PLATED G LIU 9. 1.79 TRAVEL TYPI OKORATIO MafJ WASTE Wftl BASKET5 ,1 111 zrr sr ri R.W It V r f.Wi I ll - 1 1 fit Ml ill FOUNTAIN Mil IIIftdfcJ"n,"w- fAi It I 'ATATATAl 1 43C GLYCEKIKf SUPPOSITORIES 3 , 1.00 1.29 ANUSOL SUPPOSITORIES .. 1.00 1.39 AMPH0JE1 1.M 39c KOTEX i,;.. ' 3 J-1.00 4 4) TIURAV Iim iMnrMA ,.;.. t.59 YITAMIH "C" x. m, 1.25 COTY FACE POWDER ; flWlWiV 1.00 ir 1.D0 Salt and Pepper Sets la Gift Boi II 'sn Mb. Roll . . Hospital Cotton WWiAJI iPI COMtiNkTiOe WATtl fil iljk CIGARETTE AUTOMATIC 1 s a ! 1 II .VII 1T II I LIGHTER $1 I f fc ALL FOR !! Mennon'i Antiicptie BABY OIL' CHROMt 1.00 HAIR FOAM SHAMPOO 2 ,,M 1.00 ( 2,., 1.00 I iWil 1 v7c DIAL SHAMPOO USSize Hexol 1.00 1.69 Rennet and Dog Spray 1,00 1.39 POND'S COLD CREAM 1.00 59c 5-DAY DEODORANT PADS ., 2 m 1.00 4 Ifl T1.I.I. T....L II. u.i. r l' t am miiaii ivhui'uli ncii vviviinu i.w itatatat 59r DP. WFfT TMTHSPIKHK ?' 1 M llllf 57c Polldinf Filti Tlh PnwifRr 1 . I DA 'iW 69c AMMIDENT TOOTHPASTE 2 , 1.00 75c Birbxsot tnahleji Shm 2 1.00 10r mil tAM L t Ai . an i.w I.TaTaTaI 1.00 BUavSLE BATH'm 2,- 1.00 llll .ft UlaJoIadal I aUah . I AT i II ll A A aa V flh U1 Sal Hewfica inn Ititl ara...... iWAVA l'A'A IaWA1 .8e. 1.49 TOBACCO DEPT. if I 111 IaTaI HANGERS Si 1 09t Llfllr TK ill 5por JA'lf Raolly RUSJER HAH 1L, 2 - $1 Hi Drain Rt M Lorg SI i 300 cem lilt Playin9 R9- 49f iV" Cards 3 DMka Illl Fiti! 'n H Hill i Hlllr 6W Hw . Hill Sumrnaf Outinai ff h KLEENEX ffff WAV JHH 1 REGULAR i.V KIDDIES 41 SEWING C1a!a - H bbbI AM U A M I sVI k Ret. - ''inviiinL .1 1IMKUM M'A'i cuii fiuard ill Frle? I.UVI, nilllllllll k SUPERFL00D 6ULBS 50R fnOtOMEN fib 2 for 1.00 N. I Raj, td 8 for 1.00 ii in III "SJffl ail .miniiYiiiiiffli, iiiiYmiiiiiiiiiiiBifiniijj U1HIII UIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIPIII iiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmMi