niunsDAY. i'F,nnuAnY2i, ior2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE FTFTEFV Openers Wind Up Tonight Flrdl round In the Klnmnlli County Clii'ipi II himknllxill lour nnmcnt will bn conipMeil to nliilit on I'pIIciui Court. Hncrrtl llrnrl. third areilr-ri, itirptn Illy, itlxth-DKrdnd, III Ilia 7:30 oiwnrr. I' Hoium j.iK fm'M lltnlcy, flllli-MTdcd. In .lie artoriileoc. Mnlln nirt Clllclirlnt nntl Clill wiiiln licrl Merrill Oil nllrr. noon In otlirr llrit-roimd Kiimcn. l.o.icru mlK on Ilia Jlrnlry Moor tomorrow nlirrnooii In 'Ol).il it tliill round. Wlnnn.i ito to Prllcnil Court limioifiiw nliilil In the chniniilomhlp ncinl-f lnl-. IIOl. I) t)N to your liulM It's n III! wrrkrnd 0( .--(lorlK on tltp local hcciip. Out of It will come mjiiio churrn, aioiue ten i a. YOU STll.l. hiiw tmiP to i-iilrli tlic rrinl tliiiilii mid IiiihIh In Uic Klamath County hllth im hoI bun Eibiill touinitnirnl. If thn ncrlpl fnllowa the trend nl the Inst two yciirn.. Ihr luvop lie Hill end up J"t nnoiher al. run. Iho blit pilv.r for the winner of Mil tournament in a dliot nl din irlct honors mid then, If auccrw liil, tIMiK I" "ic lnto tourna. ntcnt, THE riCl.K'ANS will hHve the home folkii haniiiiiK on every nhol down Medford way. Btcaue the aerlca with the Black Tornado enn either ere miy thanes the I'cla havn lor di t riot title, nut them buck In the running or leuve. them with a Bllm mathematical chunce. A double defeat would put Med ford in. A double win would put the Pcl.i ahead In the Rdity ree. A aplll would leave Medford one (me ahead with jul two to to. ' . . JuM n,lc Hie Parka brothers IT ON THK hill, Oregon lechplu nd nilly-who loM a aav- la hosting Vanport. K(. match u the Runslatu latt Therea little at Make but cuite UiliM tno Rrmory. ruatomera will ace good ba.kct-1 h(, ru)M hnd bf(n (lnwfd.. ball. .,. . Ulihriird of In Ug tiffs the Ca And the OwU. will have i b n l h W(JD to i avenge laid . week a K"' dr 'n" Uu, Ul(. n11Mlllll brothers are firm r-ttK' ' - Collegiate Conference., title. , . Ii' ' twin bill that will fill the mil un u'liiinui h nun fit mime bill for thof.e basketljnll-mlndcd Friday and Saturday nights. KRirriNd CJLUKI.Y U) to nmi the Pellcaiut' wlnnlnuesl nth- letlo teum, the wrestling squad. will tnka I long atep towards lu;''ore ,l,c "erona inn. iiuimk filth straight uie title 'lrub.r.:.cV,et n district's wrcstlen qualify lor L'! " " , Last year. - Klamntli Kalis came nt ,.f ii,a uiriri fcniinhhie u-iih nins ehamnlons and Ti entries In the slate final. VOIR WRITER can be Just one place at a time. But 1 11 havo my agents In all ipots. I'll have to admit my main rea son for wanting the Pels to win un hTtne" IZn Twm mi, t,,n,,,i.v, m, nirt uiTiini .t unci I sorts like Kugene In March. Ho Hum! Wools Win The Oregon Wools, who win al most monotonously In ' the girls rlty basketball league, notched their eleventh win last jilght, a 3C-27 decision over Urlggs. Peytons walloped Petroffs, 42-18. In the other game on Uie Mills program. CARSTAIRS BROS. DISTILLING CO,, INC., NEW mm M " S i-,'Lhw?;i E'.'iK'll I " ..; n Mitrr Hill I CMISTMRS gpl WJ 1 . UJ 1788 iflnrrr: y,.icv i .1 ILLEGAL ENTRY Bill Parks lias Soldat Gorky ripe for u picking here but Ivan Gorky (rear) rushes in to break it up before young Parks can deck Soldat with the knee upptireut. The Gorkys beat Bill and Herb Parks last night at the armory, primarily by breaking tag team rules that call for just one man on each team in the ring at one time.' Gorkys Flaunt Rules To Whip Parks Boys 'Hie mayhem-minded Uorkv Boy -tioldul and Ivan haven't lost 1'i.v of their flmr lor the unortho dox us a team, Twlc durlnir ".- mhi - ....... ! hud Kuldwt pinned when Ivan f lipped Into the ring to break It up. Bur k Weaver couldn't handle the niiichlnc-gun biiemiunln as teleire. M It 1 1 1 ( II The Parks boy managed to j '" '" ,' ' n'v"" , Uadcd ,.j stretch to Uie .ton.p That cnirtr after lhe Russian ruf- , . .... unit, i inl ing by using fl.ins teamed un on nut a merciless beating lhe vounuer of the Parks as a bat. icring nun aualnst the rlngposts. Ivim finally picked up Billy who was limp as a bar rag and iliummd him to lhe mat. It was nn easy chore for Ivan to flop on llilly for thn fall. It looked like the Canadian boys would win in the third go-round "c" ""cd "re on "y'"S iioi nci: Hurricane Herb had Soldat bounc im? like popcorn In the making with his butts, made doubly em phatic with n bounce off the ropes. Then Ivan went lo 8oldat's rescue, nul all he got for his brotherly ges ture was the same treatment from I If ill with a double portion of oomph. But Ivan's Intervention threw Herb's llinliig off somewhat and when he turned to hand Soldat romo inure of the same, Instead he caught Soldal's knee In his iiummv. Herb collapsed to the mat and 'Soldal came down across the Ca- When it comes lo High YORK, N.Y. Pels Enteir nadlan's neck wilt) his dreaded wolf-killer. That was It. Yorg Cretorinns disobedience In Uie opener cost him a loss to Weav er. Each had a fall. Cretorlan with the full nelson and Weaver with two Hying bulls, a dropklck and back bod press, when the Ru manian found himself on the ring apron on thn business end of Weaver's flylnu bulls. Weaver rushed In lo finish Yorg off when the snunt Rumnnlnn Ape turned the tables. He caught Weaver In a reverse headlock with his big arm across the ex-Indiana (ootball star's windpipe. NO SOAP Herb Parks, as referee, tried to break up the choke parly but x'retorlan woulun I buy any. larm in Parks promptly disqualified the inn and hoisted Weaver's in victory. Creui CreUirlnn, Jetwocn the first two 'alls ol the main event, announced lh '"J?. lllL and Kurt Von Poppenheimi con slder ourselves tag team chain-1 plons of Uie West Coast." He directed challenge to the , winner of (he main event Tenth For Metier Five Victory league-leading Metiers made It 10 straight last night at the expense of the lowly DeMolay Number 2 team. The Metiers scored at will with Tex Robinson and Ronnie Cheyne throwing in 24 and 23 points for a 4-28 win. It was the only game on Uie Falrvlew bill. MITI.IRS (HI) (Hi llrMIH.AV SUIIrr III T 4 Montgomery Chryne 22 F 2 Cummiuf Roblnaon 24 C - 3 Klllredffr. Dow 2 G Smith Thomlon 5 (; 1 Hilton Metlrra aub Robert 1. DeMolay tuba Porter 2. Sweek 2. Vlahoa 2. 1-ar. aon 0, Kennuirk 4. Quality at a Reasonable Price J5ob Clark a Man who Cares It's clear that Bob is a man wlio cares and knows real value. Hli topcoat is a smart, swagger ragUn of rugged nubby tweed, tailored by Stein Bloch. Hli hat, by Dobbs, is the Ganicbird, a dashing new style, in glove suede finish. Hli whlikoy is Carstairs, I Ic's found that it's extra-smooth and extra-mcllow-that it gives him premium taste at a budget balancing price. Hli luggaitlon to y,ou is to try Carstairs. You'll find it a better drink for your moncy-jo ask for it oi.iy.' $065 43 QUART $230 PINT P ilk BLENDED WHISKEY,86 PROOF, 72 GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS I CAGE SCORES College llasketlmll Ily 'J he AmoHated i'rrss FA II WUST Oon.iiKK 411 f'uclllc Lutheran 4!i Los AiikcIch Loyola .12 (Junta Bur burn 4'l MlllWKHT HI. I.ouls fill llollhtou 05 'J'oledo VI Howling Green 67 i over time! Dayton K, Mlmnl () CO KOI TIIWKHT Arizona 83 Texas Western 68 Little Kock JC 111 Arkansas A&M 81 l-.AST Vlllnnovii ti.) Xuvlir (Oi 74 Ponn 64 J'f-nn Ktnle 62 Myruciisc 08 Army 65 Pitt 63 Carnegie Tech 48 Fordhain 48 Wagner 40 KOI. Til Tonnewiee S3 Geornln Tech 81 Navy 85 Columbia 53 Roanoke 83 Waihlngton and Lee 12 Tulelake Wins In Play-off The Klamalh Basin basketball league's traveling trophy and first seeded spot In the Ux:oinlng four team pluy-offs go to the Tulelake Inn leani, 74-50 winners over Ma lm last night at Merrill. The game was a sudden-death settler when Uie two teams tied percentagewise afler the regular scason'H run. Tulelake earns Uie Number 1 po sition In the Feb. 28, March 1 playoffs, Mai 111 the second spot. Chlloquln and the Jayhawks. end ing In a tie for third and fourth, will flip a coin to determine tliotc spots. Wilbur Welch led Tule last nlcht with 27 points and Dale Landing chipped In with 17, the same num ber collected by Malln's Jim Con roy. Bos ore: TI III.AKr liil Utl MAI.IN Cr forrt F :i O K,-ll, Wlch 27 r 3 Woodier King 12 C 17 Conrov tsndlng 17 (1 S Mc-Koen Urbarh 4 l 10 Andrrton Tu!rlsl(0 aub KlrkpstrJck 3. Crou S. Mahn aub-Brlfhtfiuin e, Kenvo J, Smaller 2. tnilea Food - .. Iarh Srrvlre Suburban Flower K-Amu,ement Klar lleautv . . 2fl 24 , Kiamaih rinwar . I l-i'. i.! 1.1,1 Wrra h Flower 0 Leach 4 K-Amtlellicnt 0 Suburban 3 Star 1 Louie's Food. Moose Ma's bowl ing leaders, made a clean sweep of all honors last week In a 4-0 win over last-place Klamalh Flow er. Susie Booth of Uie Bowling Booths registered the high game. 189, and Doris Benedict the high scries. 488. as Louie's snared high team game and series, 8ti2 and 2521. 'So)ftcjavi I MUOSb MAS ' ' I. Trt. 4S 20 .106 Ml i- II Bhtmt ml STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT Tom Wells is also one of Klamalh Falls' undefeated wrestlers. Wells, 136-pounder, is one of 23 entered in the sub-district mat meet in Bend Sat urday by Coach Dutch Simons. Two from each of the' 12 weight divisions will qualify for the state tournament. Phils to Work With Tri-City WIL Club Bratton In Split Win CHICAGO im Johnny Bratton, one-time NBA welterweight cham pion, opened up Just enough to win a split decision in 10 rounds from stolid Vic Cardell Wednesday night and was afarded a March 26 match with Billy Graham. Bratton, Chicago Negro who fought current Welter Champion Kid Cavilan to a draw here re cently, will meet Graham, New York welterweight challenger, m the Chicago Stadium, promoters announced. Thursday, Friday, MISTM ,1 f 1 I I M f 1 tTTTTl 1 " ' Don't sweat CCA DC Sfor Houn 133 So. Sib KENNEWICK, Wash. Ml The Western International League Tri Clty Braves and the National League Philadelphia Phillies have signed a working agreement for Uie 1952 baseball season. . . Dick Richards, Braves' general manager, said Wednesday the Phils will send "three players to Kennewick as panic! the pact. The players include two rookies. Gene Camp, first baseman from Washington State College, and Ray Coley, shortstop from Uie Univer sity of Oregon. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey : By The Associated Press I New 'Westminster 11 Seattle 0 Saskatoon 5 Tacoma 4 Saturday Only E SAL Regularly 16.95 . 600x16 18 Months Triple-Guaranteed 2S90 for and your old tires in trade 3.00 Down, 5.00 Month on Sears Easy Terms Genuine first-quality regular pressure tires "CuNSkid" Tread, ; new stop-and-go power Just 10 Down on , Sears Easy Payment 1 Plan out questionable tires when you can replace today at Sears low prices for gen uine ALLSTATE Super-SafetyTreads. They're tops for regular first-quality performance. Their X-41 Cold Rubber Construction gives you that plus-mileage you've been looking for. 9 a.m. to 5:30 p nt. fhon51ll Tourney In Bend Saturday Pelican Wrestlers 23 of them leave tomorrow for Bend with one thing In common, to wit, they want a fifth straight state high school championship. The Bend trip la the first step In that direction for Coach Dutch Simons' "muscle boys. That's vhere the sub-dlstrlct 4 wrestling tourney Is scheduled, an all-day affair Saturday. Two matmen in each weight class will qualify for the state tournament- In Corvallls Feb. 29 and March 1. Other schools In the district meet are Redmond. Crane, Bend, Burns, and Prlneville. FAVORED Klamath Falls goes Into the dis trict tangle heavily favored for Uie following reasons: (1) They haven't lost a meet since early In the 1947-48 season. (2) In that time they've won four straight state titles. 3) They've won eight regular meets this season, plus two prac tice skirmishes. 4) They have with them one state champion. OrvUle Swindler, this year wrestling In the 123-pound class. 5l Ten- of the' 23 are unde feated this season Ronnie Conner in the 98-pound class, Harold Shearer 108, Don Dexter 115, Swind ler and Sam Wilbur 123, Tom Wells and Louis Taucber 138, Roland Biehn 141, Dean Johnson 148 and heavyweight Vernon Pryor. ONE ENTRY Simons Is entering two boys in each class but the 168-oound di vision, where just Dale Ellis is entered. The other 12 are Wiley Simonds 98. Carl Stewart 106, George Knight 115. Perry Williams and Jay Dear Ing 130, Don Blehn 141, Jerry Williams 148. Elvis Mitchell and Don Shell 157, Harold Simmers and Larry Mathews 178 and heavy weight Jim Young. Two of Klamath's victories this season have been over the strong Oregon State Rooks. The Pels have never lost a dis trict meet, last year bad nine dis trict champions and qualified 22 for the state tournament. San Jose Ringmen Win PULLMAN. Wash. W) San Jose State College boxers outclassed Washington State College 6-2 in a dual meet here Wednesday night WSC's two wins were scored by Everett Conley, national collegiate boxing champion, who outpointed Vic Harris In the 132 pound divi sion, and Gordon Gladson, given the nod over DarreU Dukes in the 165 pound class. San Jose State won five of the bouts on technical knockouts. 8f3K7 MON.-TUE.- WED. CHECK YOUR U AVOID ACCIDENTS UKE THIS r GET A ll fa) A T7 Vd lt Ird Li (i SlPiDAIL) Reg. 3.75 Value Here's What We Do.. 1 Remove front Wheals and In spect Brake Drums and lining. 2 Clean, Inspect and Repack Front Wheel Bearings. . , 3 Inspect Oreaso Seals. ' - Check and Add Brake Hold If " Needed. e Adjust Brake Shoes to Seturo Full Contact with Drums. Carefully Test Brakes. 6th and TIME OUT! "You ... you deliberately struck me . . .!" SHUFF STUFF Bill's Place took the lead In the city shuffleboard league last night with a 4-0 win over the Vets as expected. But unexpected was the Eagles' 4-0 win over Summers Lane in th only other game scheduled. Cougars Swamp Idaho Tankers PULLMAN. Wash. W Wash ington State College defeated Idaho 06-18 in a Northern Division dual swimming meet here Wednesday. WSC took first place In every event. 4)f444444444444; DERBY WINNER THIS WEEK: GORDON McKAY 1663 Greensprinqs Drive Cleaned Weight 6 lbs.-9 ox Bring in your fish before 5 p.m. Monday evening HOOKS, EGGS, SINKERS A complete assortment Casting Reels .... $2.95 Casting Rods $3.95 Spinning Line 4 thru 10 lbs. from $1.55 Spinning Rods .... from $13.95 Spinning Reels from $13.95 POOLE'S Bicycles - Toys - Sporting v ' Goods ' V 222 So. 7th Ph. 5520 BRAKES . n v I I Pine ANY TAR