PAGE FOURTEEN HKKALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OKKGON THURSDAY. KKnilUAHY 21, 1052 BkJtet lib EDS T MKITJW r asanas? VS. I1' '4 . X jSI WJ WU 1 J M II Al l FANCY TRIM Eye-Appeal Appeases Appetite, Common Foods Perk UD vegetables with an in triguing topping and even such Btandbys as carrots and cabbage will take on real glamour. Make the basis for these toppings delicately-flavored margarine. Since quality margarine is so economical you can use It lavishly to add extra goodness to vegetables. Cooked cabbage wedges become An exciting new vegetable with a topping of equal portions of quality margarine and catsup. Heat the margarine and catsup and pour over the hot cooked cabbage and serve to a delighted family which will discover this vegetable all over again. Make certain, though, that the cabbage wedges are not over cooked. Hot cooked asparagus, green beans, broccoli and other green vegetables are captivating fare when topped with an almond-margarine sauce. Pan-fry slivered al monds in margarine until lightly browned and pour over the hot cooked vegetable. Lemon juice and melted margarine heated together are another sparkler for green vegetables. - Another green bean topper has an onion tang. Pan-fry two table- m SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD American ., 2 lb. Ctn. spoons finely chopped onion in vt cup margarine. Add 2 tablespoons of dry bread crumbs and stir and sprinkle over hot cooked green Deans. Here are flavorful margarine sauces lor carrots and beets: MINT GLAZED CARROTS a cup margarine 8 medium carrots H cup sugar 2 tablespoons water 2 teaspoons dry mint leaves wash carrots and cut In strips. Cook until tender, about 10 min utes. In boiling salted water. Drain Combine margarine, sugar, water, and mint. Stir over heat until su gar is melted. Arrange carrots in pan with sugar sirup. Cook, spoon ing sirup over carrots until carrots are glazed. HARVARD BEETS V cup margarine ',2 cup corn sirup 1 tablespoon cornstarch Vi cup vinegar 2 cups diced cooked beets. Combine margarine, sirup, corn starch, and vinegar. Boil S min utes. Add beets. Keep hot for 15 minutes before serving to blend flavors. S3 88 is? Colonial Pop Corn Figures Makes Clever Party Favors m Here's an unusual party favor that's easy to make and costs so little yet it creates lots of interest and pleasure among young and old alike.- What's more, this little pa triot of '76 is good to eat, which makes him all the more enjoyable to the small fry. In planning children's parties, pop corn figures such as this are all the more welcome because the children themselves can help join id the fun of making them. If you make them up very long before the party say the day be foreyou can keep them crisp, and In shape by storing them in the refrigerator in air-tite plastic bags. To make your pop corn "PA TRIOT" youTI need to pop enough in making pop corn . balls. Add raisins for eyes, nose, mouth and I Duuons. A email piece oi construc tion paper, cut triangular shaped with corners rounded, folded and pinned in place as shown in the pnoio, makes tne nat. ii you wisn, add artificial cherries such as are used for gift package decorations. In makine the Doo corn figures I oiien ine canay oecomes cnuiea and brittle beiore you finish. Sim ply by placing the pop corn fig ures in a warm oven lor a lew moments the candy becomes plia- ble and work can be continued. I Whenever vou wish to cement dif. terent pieces of the pop corn man logemer, sucn as sucking the arms to the body, hold the surfaces over I a pan ox bubbling water, and the I sieam adds enough moisture to the I candy to make the Pieces adhere I penecuy. I Old party favors and family keep-1 sakes are an interesting source oil accessories lor tne table decora tions. Every home hu house of material of this kind A little ingenuity will enable you to make up an attractive table for u'y special occasion. " """ NKW ttika ' j uhjo a.o DUUp UD .A MM I Rffl inc art thm mncw r - I small can of shrimp with a can ...-.. vi vcicxy auup ana 4 J ,,n mllb- C... " ... I i cestershire sauce and Tabasco ouuw. gci yc yivwff not .W1U B lew I wi uh, VI WUUtVO 00 (Op. Grouts Pork Say sage (iced lacon PORK CHOPS BEEF ROASTS Colored Kens WIENERS Ground fresh every day -rrrcll'i. 1 lb cello pkg. Center cuts, lean i POP CORN PATRIOT torn to make three quarts of ' lopped corn. 1 cup sugar, 1-3 cup white corn rynip, l-s cup water, Vt cup but r, teaspoons salt, teaspoon ranilla. Put sugar, corn syrup, water, but- r ana bkh a a saucepan ana wok, stirring until sugar is dis wlved. Continue cooking without itirrlng (270 degrees F.) until iyrup forms a brittle ball in cold rater. Add vanilla and stir only mough to mix it through the hot iyrup. Place the popped corn in a )owl large enough for mixing. Pour lie cooked syrup' slowly over the topped corn and mix well. Wet the land slightly and mold the little lop corn man, just as you would OYSTERS HAMS PORK ROASTS w II I I f I'J 1 2 mS COUPON QVL4 0 PAGE B Hl VUITC ViUr. II CICDDA MMC 1 1 TlhC I $iNTHg w If III I L lAIMU 1 1 JILllliH I HlL 1 llL IMWYI Oi nrtmrntR h sue WW I I Soap tor 4kaW Size ,M W I I cai r n n n 1 ' " mm w wm. mm 1 1 CUCUMBERS i'-25' 1 IW- inn B TWTI .IT Florido,.wee.ona iaj WMtfmL I 'iSS S398 I mtmiM. i I MANGES''"" 33c I FV?VJ 4 1 $ I dj kvw , AOs. i 59l M 3 mm W;- JS j Vib f 55ib. w lean pork J lb. W Q Cheese IR, - 171 rurpienums Payette Valloy Fancy Idaho In heavy tyrup S' No. 2Vj Tint Bamford't fancy Bartlctf'i heavy iyrup No VA Tim By Several at thii Low Special Price! argarine aEad Spread DURKEE'S 4 Yollow Cuboi lb. DURKEE'S '"d Delicious Pint SKIPPY 14 oi. for itewinq or fricouee Skinless For menu variety! Fresh Pacific 8 to 10 count WHITE STAR Solid Pack, Fancy No. 'i Tim BLUE PLATE Medium 5 oi. Tin Half or whole Large size Orange Juice trawberrys HONOR BRAND" eroxen makes Vi Pinti HONOR BRAND" Sliced, Suqar Added 12 oi. r..A. DAM. Standby Ul Ceil Dtdllb Cream Corn C Cottage Cheese Tomato Juice fancy. No. 2 tins Del Monte 303 Kroft Ptt. "LUMBERJACK" $11 39 NALLEY'S IUID. I In 9c 5c Royal Club 46-ox. in a WRRy The "mokinai" of yoor taitemptina cajjerol.j, itewi or oupi ... or let family.favorite rmt-Lcis "solo" plain, buttered or in a zerty sauce; Peas 17c f"f Farm Fresh ifk LUll J "AA" LARGE Dot. Q,lt 5c CLOROX 27c 25c BISQUICKl 39c Beit Foodi MAYONNAISE 65' Quart SWANSON'S WHOLE CHICKEN Fincit Sprinq Chicken Cooked Juit heat and eat! 3 lbi.-2 oi. y til t U7 :: IVI PEACHES Hunt's, fancy. No. Vi tins PINEAPPLE Del Monu Cru,hed TOMATO SOUP 25c No. 2 '5 tin A7C Compbell'i 50-OI. tixo. Equals 5 imall tim bl IN OUR VARIETY DEPARTMENT V7V WICKER Clothes Baskets Lor9. , $2.69 TUmblerS Anchor glan, green. Set of 6 49C PHlOW CaSeSstamped pair S1.39 Color Books Kiddie, i0y. w Reg ioe. 3 for 25c nanim hSrtc "Wron9'or", weitern ityle, plaidi. Q ISCmm nil f Snop buttom. New, popular. 10-16 3A.3Y Oil Cloth . yd. : 49c feonomicol, delictow. heolthrul, nouriihlna Knyfoprapor: ASK YOUR GROCER for these forttr product!, tooi Spaghetti, SaladetUi, macaroni, Sea Sfiellr and Kurle-Q-Noodlet, mm mm 89'I 19'f y p. IC ii 47eC,