IIIUHSIMY, I'KUItUAIIY 21, lll.'2 PAGE THIRTEEN 66 TrrtheMmW't soimkimtcmlj The superb flovor and oroma of Nob Hill ond Airway Coffees remoin LOCKED INSIDE the whole bean 'til you ore ready to buy! IIEItALI) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAUA ORKOON A - . ir- I BSSSM SsSSS SVJ i Juiceful Florida Oranges Perfect Oronqe for juice nice, weef and flavorful 5 lb- bag 39' California-Novel Oranges Farm-Fresh Produce Values Cabbage ib.9c Smoll heads, large heads every one solid and fresh Lettuce 12e It's a wonderful, picture salod with Safeway lettuce Calavo Avocados Pre-ripe, ea. 10c GRAPEFRUIT Ariz . White 8 b. bag49c BROCCOLI No rust Bright green lb. ' uv CARROTSNcoTd0;Sm0O,h ib 10c CAULIFLOWER Bi,iowy .21c No seeds, fine flavor, heavy .Juice content. Enjoy the ex tra savinqs "by the bag." 5 lb. bag 49 RHUBARB Suh;es,0,ks-Bri9h, ret 25c GREEN PEPPERS Per,ect s,u",ebr.s 29c No. I Potatoes EcpqT IQOc RIPE TOMATOES ,2-oz. Corton 25c - FROZEN FOODS- Concentrated Orange Juice Boi xl 2 I0r 29c Lemonade Bel Air ' oz. con Frozen Peas Bcl-AIr 12-01 .pkg. Strawberries Bcl Air 12-oi. pkg. I4c 21c 33c Pitted Dates Dromcdory m - 23c Ginger Bread Mix Dromc",70, 26c Cake Mix 1Z .-.. 29c Nip ,'n Tuck Cat Food 0, 7c Lokcmcod Apple Sauce Grapefruit Hi9hw3 303 con for -v' 2 for 29c - BATHROOM SUPPLIES Dental Cream Co,00,eEconomy!i 63c Alka Seltzer Lorgc Sjie Bottlfl 54c Halo Shampoo Lorge,i57c 'TumS for the tummy 3 roMl 25c Tooth Brushes Dr. Wesr 0Ch 59c. Aspirin Pigrim Bolle )00s 19c NOB HILL AIRWAY EDWARDS Mb. bag l ib. bag Vacuum 1 -lb. packed can 75c 2,bb9 1 ifi 73c 2ibb9 1 i --f S 53 lit !. I QQ 1 , . Remember . . . it's the COFFEE that counts, NOT the container. Nob Hill ond Airwoy coffees are rushed rooster fresh to your neighborhood Sofewoy store. They don't need EXPENSIVE pockoqes to protect their freshness. So you SAVE 5 to 10 cents o pound! NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS Folgers, M.J.B., Hills in the 1 and 2-lb. cans. Maxwell House and Chase & Sanborn in the 1-lb. can. 2-lb. bag 77 1-lb. can 2-lb. can Choose your favorite brand of granulored REG. soop ot this low price. PKGS Packaged Soaps FACIAL TISSUE TOILET TISSUE WHITE NAPKINS WAX IP APES? ZEE 400 Count ZEE Brand mm WHITE mm. 25 k 23 4 Ro..s 29 10 21 0 Count lK& 125 Feet c c c c try Skylark CRACKED WHEAT 19c MONEY FLAVORED tm. Mm'? lute m HndXbn f 1it -nih iptesdi tM? Tfy I lo4T Yofj'Htovtil' f IUARARTEED ICTTER IRE Ai You'll Like These New Skylark Variety Breads Rye Bread Mb. Loaf 19c Raisin Bread Ib. Loaf 20c Potato Bread Ib. Loaf 19c Pancake Flour Suzanna Pancake and 3'j-lb. Waffle Mix pkg. Some Real Money Savers! SHORTENING 7Q Royal Satin, 3-lb. mm ' C Snowdrift. 3-lb. con 85c MARGARINE," 19c Take Advontog of the 10c cou pon in this week's paper. PORK & BEANS. r Van Camp's. 300 corn forVC KRISPY KRACKERS 9Qr Sunshine, t-lb. pkg. C Why not boke luieioui CHERRY PIE 25c Flour ST 10.99c Cherries Hmt. PILLSBURY PIE CRUST MIX, 9-oz. pkg. 18c Serrt Economy with MACARONI and CHEESE Macaroni .k, 2 2 Spaghetti 29c Kraft Dinners 2 25c Cheese Food V 2. 79c -Safeway Guaranteed Meat Values- Gov't Graded Beef iib Coasts U.S. Govt. CMc U.S. Govt. 'Grade lb.OH" ' 'Good Choice' Grade Oriental Dinners Chun C7 King - complete l Jell Well Round Steaks Sirloin Steaks U.S. Gov't. Good Grade U.S. Gov't. Good Grade . $04 $04 $105 Grade Grade 1 1' Lemon Pie Filling pkg. 5c 'AA' Large Eggs cox. 55c Cream of the Crop PEAS Gardenside $2.40 case , ce JOc Dust Pans tech Plastic 10 171 suo W lb. "cH m ' mkCOt S-J 3 CImL PorttrhoHSt j i can Cl... Porttrhoun JICOK U.S. 6oo , Ib. t . U.S. Choic. Ib. $1.12 I J1.M I 111 r j d.. ah UIUUIIU DCCI ttf ,, 69c ib. 59c ,,92c ..79c .96c Leg o' Lamb Lamb Shoulder Rib Lamb Chops Pork Roast lk. 45c Pork Steaks h. 49c Pork Roast ll(.ul(hr, fc. 39c Pork Spareribs 59c Pork Sausage. 49c Bologna Rings M.h 45c Polish Sausage lfc. 69c Lunch Meat Splctd, Ik. 59c Skinless Wieners 65c Fresh Fryers mil Hi. 69c Hen Turkeys V.:;y, Ik. 69c Fresh Oysters ,-ml 69c Pork Chops .65c Baby Foods Friskies Margarine Peter Pan Mint Wafers Kremel Gcrber'l Strained and Jr. ' Cubes or Meal Dolrlch Colored Peanut Butter Rockwood Brond Lemon Pit Filling eon 9C Jk'gb'36C pkg. 79C 1-lb. pkg. . 30c I 12-ox. jar 39c 9-oi. pkg. 35c 4-ox. pkg. 5c