THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FAOB TWELVE "" ft' 1', xwvS 7 SAVORY SAUCE New England Tuna Loaf With Celery-Olive Sauce 8plces characteristic of New England Rive this Tuna Loaf its ubtle and distinctive flavor. It's a moist loaf almost like a dondue or soulfle and its particularly at . tractive baked in a round pan and cut in pie-shape wedges. Over-each Klamath Girl Chosen Member OREGON STATE COLLEGE, Corvallts, Feb. 21 (Special) Laura Lou Hill of Klamath Falls has been recently chosen for membership in the Oregon O, service honor society Of the women's recreation associa tion at Oregon State college. One of three women's athletic or TUuzations at OSC, the Orange O S resents letters as local recogni on awards. : Miss Hill, senior in education. Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis T. Hill, Rt. 1, Box 657. Klam ath Falls. CHEAP FOOD Stuffed eggs are a popular win ter entree when you serve them hot Combine the cooked yolks with chopped ripe olives, a bt of cream and salt, pepper and curry powder to taste. Pile back into the whites and heat in a hot oven about 5 minutes. Serve on toast with a Parmesan cheese sauce. HUH! Are your curtains crisp and ready for Spring? A sudsy launder ing with bead-bluing in the hot wash will make them fresh as spring. Give them a hot satina- starchlng for smooth quick iron ing and a delightfully attractive finish. piece spoon some of the flavorful Celery-Olive Sauce so easily made by combining condensed cream ot celery soup with evaporated milk and sliced olives. You'll find this a tasty and attractive loaf to serve your family during Lent and af terwards, too. 2 cans "Bite Size" tuna 1 cup soft bread crumbs 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 3 tablespoons chopped plmiento ',2 teaspoon salt !i teaspoon pepper '-b teaspoon nutmeg t teaspoon cloves 2 eggs v . 1 cup evaporated milk 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine '1 can condensed celery soup 4 cup evaporated milk t cup sliced stuffed olives In a medium-size bowl combine tuna, bread crumbs, parsley, plm iento, and seasonings. Stir in eggs. Add 1 cup evaporated milk and melted butter or margarine and mix thoroughly. Pour into a well greased 8-inch round baking dish. Bake in a moderate oven (350 F.) 40 to 45 minutes or until a sharp knife inserted in center of loaf comes out clean. Cut In pie-shape wedges and top wim ceiery-uiive sauce. Makes 8 servings. To Make Sauce: Combine con densed celery soup Y cup evap orated milk, sliced olives. Heat, stirring frequently, and pour over Tuna Loaf. BOTTOMS UP After-skate and ski parties are fun, and for'refresnments hot spicy apricot whole fruit Is both warm ing and nutritious. Heat the nec tar as it comes from the can with a few whole cloves and a piece of stick cinnamon. Serve in big mugs and pass a plate of chocolate walnut brownies. GOLDEN CREME DO-NUT SHOP ' Now Located at 2218 So. 6th Next to Lee Hendricks Drug A Complete Line, . of Pastries Phone 6491 Eggs Plentiful Serve Often Eggs are reported to be one of the "good buys" tills months. Home makers who keep a weather eye on their food budget will find these protein-rich family favorites eco nomical additions to meir Febru ary menus. Ess dishes need not be limited to the ever-popular breakfast ba con and eggs. There are many delicious egg combinations that will add variety and substance to meals. Eggs, milk and cheese are the basis lor many delicious dishes hearty casseroles, scalloped and creamed ensues, umotues, somites. salads and sandwiches are but a few "good egg" Ideas, These dishes are particularly nice to serve on "maids night out"; that night in the week when many wom en plan a lighter, simpler meal In order to catch the early movie, get a good start on the evening canasta game, or just to give themselves a rest. Escalloped Eggs and Cheese Is a tasty supper dish made extra rich and satisfying with butter, milk and nippy Cheddar cheese. Serve it with buttered green vege tables, toasted Whole wheat rolls, a crisp salad and apple crisp with cream for dessert. The fnmily will never notice the lack of meat! For those who like well-seasoned egg dishes with a dash of Imagina tion as well as ol tabasco, and a good cheese flavor blended in, will enjoy Tobasco Eggs. This is a tasty late supper dish. Escalloped Kites and Cheese (Serves 4) 5 hard-cooked eggs, sliced 1 cup bread crumbs 4 Tbsp. butter IVb Tbsp. flour 1 cup milk i tsp. salt i tsp. pepper 'a tsp. paprika 1 tsp. Worcestershire sauce i cup grated Cheddar cheese. Melt butter over low heat, add flour and seasonings; blend. Grad ually add milk and cook, stirring constantly until mixture boils and thickens. In a greased casserole alternating layers of one-half crumbs, eggs, cheese and sauce. Top with remaining crumbs, mixed with J'i Tbsp. melted butter. Bake in moderate oven, 375 F until sauce Is bubbly and top browned, about 40 minutes, ocrvc pium ui with tomato sauce. TABASCO EGOS (Serves 4) 1 Tbsp. butter t cup soft bread crumbs 1 cup milk 1 cup heavy cream a; tsp, salt Dash cayenne 6 to 8 dashes tabasco sauce a "cup grated Cheddar cheese 6 slices buttered toast Melt butter In skillet. Add bread crumbs, and saute until gowen brown. Remove from skillet and reserve. Heat milk and cream m same skillet over low heat. Add salt, cayenne and tabasco. When mixture break eggs carefully and aulckly into cream mixture. oyimi v.v kr,,H .rumtu over eggs. Keep dipping sauce over eggs until crumbs and cheese are well blend ed and eggs are j i.w Damua carefully and serve on toast, topped with sauce. SNAPPY HOT DISH COi- asP' I A V-" MACARONI U,M CHIIIII3SQ3B Popular "WiW Rose" Pattern in Soft Groy-Bue on Jvoryl No waiting no coupons no money to send for these premiums! They're inside every big square package of Mother's Oats. Take your choice of this China, Aluminum Ware, "fire. King" Cup and Saucer, ot Carnival Ware. Yon get doMt value! Money can't buy a finer quality, more nourishing oatmeal than Mother's Oats. It's the delicious hot, creamy . oatmeal your family loves. Get it today! MOTHER'S OATS-o product of THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Open dgain... Hamilton's Cafe and TRUCK STOP 6 Miles North on Highway 97 v Melva's back to serve you . . . with an A Grade restaurant. Open 24 Hours a Day mMm CRUST Pricos effective FRIDAY - SATURDAY We Reserve the Right To Limit! Free delivery on meat and grocery orders totaling $5 or more. Deliveries at 10:30 and 2:30. m) AR ME Uc lSS m mm KHM mW K MJF m M M mmmMkrifm PIUbLY lWbir iMUJH CHEAT AMERICAN ! 3 ALLSWEET mm CORN BEEF Swift's Premium, 12-oz. 45c Quoac LARGE PKG. w PEARS "Success" Brand Large 2Vi Tins 29c nl VELVEETA SVflUJi 2-lb.LOAF (Q CLOROX BLEACH For every bleaching use Vi Gallon 27c Solid Pack Royal Club White Meot No. Tins 29 GINGERBREAD MIX Dromedary Cm. WatMniHn'1 Mather's Recipe PKG. 27c DURKEES Linit Quart lUj PGuaranteedQ RED CHERRY PIE with Snowdrift's New "Golden Flake" Pie Crust SnowAth with Milk gives you the crust you can trust every time golden brown and rich in tlavorl trj gnawanns New rie Cruit Today. It's guaranteed I good. If you are not entirely satisfied, wrile Snowdrift, 210 Barohna Street, New Orleans 12, la, and coil of Ingredients will be refunded. II ""n WSffSMS 1"'" K mmm Yields a double-crust pie or lattice-top pie, or 2 pastry shells. Preheat oven to 425. 1. Mix In large mixing bowl 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour, such as Gold Msdal 1 feaipeen salt V cup Snowdrift i using blender or knives, until mix-. ture looks JiKe coarse meal. Re-. move 14 cup . (4 tbsp.) lor Biep x. 2. Measure Vt tup milk and stir In 't cup of the Snowdrift-flour - mixture Stir together and mix Into the re maining Bnowdrilt - flour mixture to form dough. rress into a bail and flat-. ten slightly. tsT'l SNowDnirr CO.. INC. fas CHIRRV PILUNO: Drain I (No. 2) can red tour cher riet; save Juice. Combine 2 tbtp. cornstarch, to cup sugar and dash talt. Stir in cup canned cherry iuice. Cook until thick and clear. Add 1 Up. almond extract. Turn drained cherries into pie shell; add thickened Juice and dot with 2 tbtp. butter. Cover with lattice pastry. TO MAKf IATTICI TOt Roll re malnlng dough as above. Peel oil top paper. Cut into 54-inch strips, Weave strips crisscross on waxed paper. Flip quickly over lining. Seal ends without moistening and flute edge. Bake in hot oven, 425T., about 40 minutes, MADE OF FINER, COSTLIER VEGETABLE Oil YET IT COSTS YOU NO MORE) ItSuisr. I MM wn c c I . JM I. .If.. I Ktl t fflt I X.'V I H ls I I GREEN BEANS Creswell. Shortcut, 303 tins . 2 for 25c I It . IJ P P P P HILLS BROS. rxSS- Vl U U U3 Lj v....- r no. jJJf i f ? I I rrr-r i ACDADirnc "J , or. I i i qd I M Ji MHAUU J t .pear., no 2 03L VMMMSm CATSUP H" 19c .ps 1 COCONUT 0 ,1 ' s., 25c 1-rAii amTAPCR ' 14-ox. tube 19c SOUTHERN I MUr.fAl"-J I TREATS 1 Lsnnirt r "I h t 7C MUSTARD GREEKS . 17c 1 POKE SALAD GREEKS "'L 23c lLEniiCE' ' 2h"" 1W1 TURKIP GREEKS m Uc niaHMAN':r9-33c blackeyepeas 2k IBaNAHAJ ,uo " V 1 BLACK EYE PEAS D" ""m . 18c 1 I CARROTS S 2ku" 25CJ TOMATOES, OKRA, CORK 5L 27c L IUiWRA - M3,. 17c IcfAR IrnviKir u BACON ' " sVib: BABBITS J Vib. I II Tenderlied I mmmm i sjasa.. I ffSsl. II TTTP A TTT? Short Shank r I DaT OTC jmrn I I H i. Ui Worrell. L"l VJ I ?. ilUA(3i J Lean. Tender If r 1 C I I PORK Ifosf, GROUND i ! STEAK c " A) V' I BEEF - " M"' 2 " I Easier, tastier pie crust without any guess work! Start the usual way-cut In Snowdrift with nil the flour. Extra easy with quick-blending Snowdrift, your emulsorized shortening. Now comes Snowdrift's wonderful new se cret for sureness! This pie crust is made with milfc an ezact amount no guessing how much to add. Result: a crust rich in flavor and color with "golden flake" goodness clear through! .Rolls neatly, too, between waxed papers. You'll call this your "trusty crust" recipe! Just be sure you use Snowdrift pure all-vegetable shortening. 3. Roll halt the dough between two waxed papers (13 inches square). Ease off top paper. Pick up bottom paper at top corners. Dough will cling. Place paper eiae up) in v Inch pie pan. Peel on paper; fit into pan. Trim. Add suing.