I'llUltSOAY, FKRntlARY 21, 10!"2 IIKRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGE ELEVEN California Tax Probers I Learn of Returns Deal 3 1 r LONG LIVE THE QUEEN rjlerc Is how Queen Eliza Juifilh, Great Britain's new 'jt ruler, will look upon her ; nrrieial coronation, when, J' for the first time, she wears t the Itoyjil Crown. ' This f drawing was made from a 1 photo portrait liv Karsh of Ottawa, with' the Royal K Crown added by the sketch f artist. V Deer-Killinq Dogs Slain VICTORIA, B.C. W-Deer (re faced Willi new danger undis ciplined domestic dons. Ueorite Btevenson, provincial ,'mme Inspector, reported the doits ire DccominK more aavaiic than mountain Hons durlnic some aa noun u( Uie yrr. lie mud ihr Onme Department had In kill 12 dogs In two weeks recently. The doi; no up into Mult around nrar the shore mid chase Uir deer down on the bench, then bite n hole In Ihe stomach or I hi out npj leave the deer to die. When Uie miow Ik deep. Uiey chine deer until the deer nre ex hausted. Iheu kill them mid leuve them. "In very mre rune, the dogs make menl o( Uie mem,' Stevenson said. CWTW NUM. I'OI't I.Ml Y TEI. AVIV .-"Ooiio With the Wind'' I still blowing strong In kernel. In one of the blKcl Tel Aviv theaters, the good old Clark (labia-Vlvlun I,eluli eole. ! dallv ? drawing record crowds mnceril be Ran Its second run (wo ' inontlis ago. II V OKNK KIIAMIft SAN inANC'IHCO Ml The King committee winds up lis CJiillloi nlu liniulry Wednesday clearing the deck for Its Invcillitiitlon of the Nrw York Clly lnlonuil revenue olllcs. ' , ., Chairman , King ID-Cullf.) mild his Way and MraiiK group would return lo Wunhlnnlon belofu open UiK Ihe New York Inquiry. . 'Ihe Congressmen heard William B. Analer, ousted Bull Francisco tux official, admit Tuesday hn nnide out lux returna lor a friend who bankrolled him In lour prulll nblu businesses. in n ilniile year. Analer testi fied, he made a;l,ui)0 proMl from Hieae enterprises. Thut'ii more than five lime MS ID.UUU salary as iw iiicuino lax olllclal. Analer wan forced lo resign as an assistant lo Ihe chief deputy ol Ihe Han Kimiclhco Collector of In ternal Huvunue under charges thul Included outside employment, ilia reslgnallon came the day before Collector James tl. Smyth and live of his lop aide were fired. Anuter testified: Ilia handling of lax affairs was not inilueiiced by his, Interest In lili.e Culllornla buslncsNcs. He hud acquired 160,000 worth of property In IB yen in In the lux oll.ee. lie didn't consider It Improper lor him lo prepure "two or three'' income lax return for George I.ewiH of ban Anscbno, Calif., former sucrciaiy of a Detroit rao luit ar-.soclatlon, who loaned him IM.OOo, 'The loans have all been repaid. He lined till alake to acquire four businesses which brought him a return of S32.0O0 In 11146 alone. Moat of (he 132.000 win from the Laurel Poltery Manufacturing Co. of Nan Francisco and Btockton, Calif. In reply to a qiirMlon, Analer said no one ever told him Lewis was a "professional gambler." MAIL WANDKItH MOSCOW, Idaho Mrs. E. W. TlNriltlM llM. fllll., . V-n-tl.-A ,l,u, Christmas card mulled Dec. 14 by it im-iui in ciikiuiiu. ine earn hoi sidetracked toward another Mos cow In n different part of (he world. A lifMlinnrlf kh..uj,4 II fin,,!!,, .nl turned around and headed hero at nmnww, I uiniiu. Wool Men Get Policy Break WASHINGTON The Mt culture Department announend Wednenday a chunun In lla farm price Niipport proxrum wheh la de tlltned to Hive producerii of nliorn wool a chuiiuo lo benellt from any price rife. llerenftcr, 'ihorn Wool will be xupportad by incium of louim to produccra, rather limn by oulrU;hl Kovurnmcnl puroliuge. by plncliiK the wool under loan, the producer rein Inn title and hence the rluht to puy off the loan and ell the wool lit any tlmo priced rlne above the loan level. On the other hand, should mar ket price drop below the aupport level, the limner could dullver the wool to Uio dcparlnient a lull puy nicul for hi wan, Jntcrenl and carrylnii chiircii. Under the purchaie method, which hna been In ellect lor wool airier 11143, any price advance went to the Koverniiicnl lulhcr limn to Ihe producer. The niipport rule for thin ycar'i. wool crop will bo 90 per cent ol the purity price of wool an ol next April 1. 'Ihe current parity price la 60.3 ccnlH a pound and luteal report Indicate liirmer are Kcttlnn an uvcrime of about 111 cent. A year auo wool price were about double prcxenl level, , Water Diversion Celebration Set GRANTS PAHS W Till year's annual meeting of the Orraon Re clamation ConitrcKK will be com bined with a centennial celebration of the flrat water diversion In Oro Kon, Victor Bochl tald here Wodneaduy. Bochl, ConkrehH president, uld the executive committee at a meet iiik in Portland, dcxlitnatcd Mod lord u the nlte for the Connrcn iiieetlnif lo be held Oct. 27-li. He cntlmitted 300 to 500 rccla mationbtn would attend from the western Male. The flrM wulcr diversion In Ore' uon waa from Nell Creek In Jack- non County for Irrigation of 405 acres. Ine proJec( I still In use, POTATO HIIOltTAGK OTTAWA (I'i An unusual potato shortage In Canada hus pushed prices three times higher than a year ao, and placed new wealth In uie bunds of Uie auccesful po tato grower. Home Extension News ALTAMONT IIOMB The regular meeting- of Allamonl Home . Extension Unit was held Tuesday, February 6, at Joan's Kitchen. Preparation of kjoda lor freezing was demonstrated by pro ject leader. Mr. J. P. Miller and Mra. fj. C. Derry. The women present were divided Into groups to sample and discuss the merits of Ircnlily prepared and frozen foods such us cakes, pies, roll and aundwlchc. During the business session, It waa decided not to send reminder cards to the members.-since meet ing are regularly scheduled for the Uml Tui nduy In each month. A textile painting workshop will be held In the near luturc lor those Interested, Fifty members and friend were prcucnt for the luncheon served by Mr. Chas. Thuirrinii. Mr. W. J. Kunz. Mr. W. F. Ucrllngs, Mr. 8. II. Hah.lgcr. Mr. JI. O. Biehii and Mrs, E. A. Colley. . I.I.NDLKY IIKIfillTH Dudley Heights home extension unit ipe-t Feb. 13 ut the home of Mrs. flay Billings. Topic for dls cuwilon was "The Btcp-Savinx Meat Overcharge Jury disagrees - PORTLAND Ml A f (dfril oourt (ury failed to agree Tuesday on wriemer rrca mri-i, mu,, bwik Kitchen" with the home agent ex tension, Dorothy Tollctli In charge. Also discussed lit the meetings were plun for the May festival, square dancing lor the group, purse making, the material need ed and a special lesson on basket making to be held nomtlme dur Iiik the first -two weeks In March. 'i"hof O present were Mr, Edgar Sample. Mrs. Chester Owen. Mrs. L. F, Allen, Mra. Marvin Barrett. Mrs, Kvcrhard. Mm. ISImnr Col son, Mrs. Ray Billings, Miss Tol lctli, leader. chain, overcharged for meat under tl.c nrlce celling scales. Judge tin Solomon late Tuesday dismissed the ury alter It reported It had no chance to reach agree ment. A new trial wa Indicated. Before the lurv wan the ouestlnn of whether meat had been sold at a higher price than authorized for ihe grade offered. The Office of 'Die firm said It was not. Fifteen cr.unts were Involved, a reduction 80PV FLAWS Mtvtz eers me 1 $mi$r "al. jOstthv SCIIILUNG flavor Variety For "different" dentin, choose fiom 21 Schilling Btvorin( exutctll REM EMBER! Schillinf Products art never picked under any other mum T YOUR V. only with the tstinthousc;!(!i)rJliPKan O . . . AUTOMATIC. WASHER rare jtg'j Magnificent rp?Wurlitzer IMTjIll PIANO yjAt a Low Price LOUIS R. MANN PIANO CO. 120 No. 7th r3B SEE US FOR Expert Body and Fender liefimshinq QUICK SIRVICI AT MASONAIll PRICIS CHAMPAGNE CHARGE MOSCOW WV One form of mak ing, champagne here la an "elec trical method." Moscow scientists have claimed that by electrocuting the champagne In a certain way It can be made aa good as the finest of French champagne. It of eight from those listed at the start of the trial. only takes a very short Unit, they aay. You'll Love Hazel Bishop fto-Smear Lipstick, Too! Von'l Eat Offl Won't Ki Off I Won't Snwor Off I No wondtr rf Amorica's Lorgeit-Solling Lipstick I Crtomy-tmoolhl 7 Flotttring Shodtt. $1.10 N0W-D0 AWAY WITH that PALI TIRED LOOK! Amazing Liquid-Creme Rouge Adds Radiant Glow To Your Cheeks! - "No Painted Look". Just smooth drop of Hazel Bishop Complexion Clow ' on each cheek. This luxurious ereme blends perfectly, beautifully with your skin tone . . . make your glorious new radiance . '. seem to come from within. Unlike "tell-tale" rouges, Hazel Bishop Complexion Clow never cakes, streaks, clogs or blotches never leaves that "painted, rouge" look. Smart Boudoir Size $1.50 -Handy Purse Flacon $1 '. BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mil. al 'planed SHU. HAUL IIMOr.lNC. 530 Main Castleberry Drugs Ph. 3333 . i ' , with th. We.Unghou.osV 41'. ' WW-I 'fjM U Q fl R P fl AS 1 'H Jj f A h IS I laundromat, you just act the "aKrAiW WpV)) tAIOt, VOM $ ' I WI&SSl 'V'llLlI TOSCCi I M f j If XTVV I VnU-t Saver not only snv. iJJ kS 'J . Il . tlTKRM A I 1 . M' W ! v NV iV-' U If I 'a'""'db0tW''U"'t"W'' '1 " it ' ''fi, ij ! feV : ONLY A WEEK ' V 1 f ! H"6 A"k W"-"htheUun- 1 AHtr tmall down paymtnt ' LM ' i l rrar0;; 1 enjoy today J tff i ! UlJ-,nc't,T",ynn " J TAKE 18 MONTHS TO PAY r ' s i rr;j- n nni n Mrrr o. uuzsa .r-z,i.e0rS- 'MWtawi j- .....t i. , . wufQiau Mf r.LiHiMvCJ' H . : r-,n,rr cy...........:T.....:.. ' Corner 7th ond Klamath Phont 8886 ..r . NO ARTIFICIAL FLAVORING . . . EVER I Prove it I The next time try Allsweet and discover that here is truly the flavor you want in a spread: delicate, natural flavor! HEAR Me rare, old Alhuxtt munle box playing Ihe twettest mutic on th ' airLitttn for it kFJI IS:j p m, Mond.jr lliru FrlJur C A V F RDKM this COUPON of your grocer's today I ON A POUND OF ALLSWEET TATUEMllll.tM.! i ...it i - ' Hl.; h.. . A V pu feafemed by Swift ft Company for I2e provided (a). ?? Z V aken.'t e,chn? '.' Swift ft Company's merchandise mentioned herein; ?h I T.PrrWa V. P" t0 Sw, ? c?Py. ei'her by (i) mailing it to Swift ft Com Sn nTT L ' i P0011 handing it to Swift ft Company's salesman (coupon J.1U not be redeemed if presented through agencies, brokers, etc.1; and (c) it is presented for redemption before Jan. 1, 1953. Customers must pay any sales tai. Uon "ZsTb. nted to P proWbiro7rtrktdb .?M...S0f. .