WKDNKSIMY. I'KIUIUAHV 20, ir!2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PA01C NINE Trumaoi Asls tracer Power New Gadget Brings Suit ATLANTA Ml Anyone wild lllrll.'i ii 1 ) i f rjl i Inui fi with II Klidiiel Ilk'' mi iiiilniiuilli' Kciir Klilfi, Willi- mi Millirlrnl nr. Inn Hun iiiiikL iiv WAWIIMUTON 1,11- li ..r t.lrnl Tumuli Tiiiulny inked I 'i.iikii.ui fnf leulnliil Inn Ln miiiIIihii. Ii ., .,, hoik V pnwcM .i, liii liiiliii!' win lime 1 I1"'1'""''' '" "' n'hl " I esiiiini.l iiilthiirltv lr run Hie riulruinK j """y w,mt huiieiiH. Hi- will lellii.i in Vlci- I'rr-.iilrnt 'Mini. In elli'il. whs wlnit (lenr Iliirkli'V "nil Hii'iiki'r Itiivluiin nik- i Kln'n Com I ul Aici Im held 'lues UiU -iiMli'k arlimi on ii IhIhI ,, mi ilnv In n Mill hniw.ht hkiiIusI iiii i'inri'Hi'111'y lumcrii. iiiiliiiiinlilli' t.nli'ii roinimny by Mr. Mr. Trillium wiinlil inv lr, r-1 A linn Huike whu wim hurl lunt lull piiwrrn iinlv mi lni.it mi th iiinicd I win n she idled ii m-w iiiiliiiniihlle Hluti'K li'iniillih In u li'Hiiiirnl hiuir I lulu nil nil lim it while IrylDK lu ul wur. j ilecidti whether In buy the nil'. llli. iin,.iil;i. I'xiihiliii'il iiuil (lie I mi..,. Hui kf mild Hint niter only n n urn ii wur uKiiiiihl .(npiii, miii ,,hhn rlilii the miIcmiimi l'l her exists. When 111.' .Iiiiiniiv.r ,.,.,, . ,,.lv(, nwllVi ,y ,rm., iri'iiiy Is mil led. Im miui, ii. ii h. hi,,. ri i t ! liUluin to limlruiil her wn imye leeiiiilt'iilly ii'iiuned M -i In u. i,p imtiiumllo Millt whs Mule, ol ienre, Men's Fesl May Be Saved KOIHAK. Alii k,i IV TliH'c riiiiiiik men wim Mill.-i.'.l In, in New York Congressional Victory Hailed by GOP My Tin1 Asaiiehited res lirtlll!i'lire mid led to tllft lieeldent 'I hi' trial roui I iinhelfl Ihi eom piiiiv'n rli.lin ihnl It wimirt their i .JL I:. nil Inn Appi'lliilp Court reversed thin IiihIIiik unci metered the cute tiled on lis merits. Ilrpulillciin lender WcdneMlny hulled the election nl floherl Trlnp Ito.'iH lis CoiiKi'eHMinut In New York's Qiircim C'yuiily nil "the liiiiidwillliiK on the wall for the Trillium iidiiiliiMriilloii." Hil.n New York city illi.trlct linr, ehoM'ii Democrats In three out ol live elections III history. 'Hie district, Ihniiiih henvlly Dein iitirnllc, him never none Democrat- Ir. Inr iireiildeiil, uuvernor or Urn- led Mules f.eiinlor. 'Hie Democrats Cueens district attorney. termination of voters everywhere floss, only entry In the four- replace Trumnnbm with sound, way race lo take a distinct slum) I honest Kovernment. competent tn on the Trumnn Issue, polled 17.3' I achieve peace and preserve, our votes lo 11,442 for his Democratic I freedom. " i.pponent, city Councllnian iluidi Ross said he would support no I C'llltin. Icmidldutc for the Republican presl- I Llbernl party candidate Oeorce clentliil nomlnntlon before the nom- F. fJranmoiB not 2.648 votes and .Inutlnif convention. ilhun Democrats elected to local American Labor Party-lnde-1 in Louisiana, the forces of Gov. anti-Long coalition formed by sev en candidate! who lost out In in earlier primary. Unofficial returns from 1.548 of the state's 3,113 preclncte showed Kennon had 307.880 votes to Spoilt' 213,374. It has elected to CnhKrcas always office. pendent candidate, Mrs. 'Ihcmla ; F.arl Lotur were unseated by Rob in, eonductlnK his fourth cam-;li"rmu"' x'm- '-"i; Kennon an appellate Judne. puildi for tho feat, ran on a1 litis was the llnhtcsl vote ever ;v ho overwhelmed Loins henri strictly null - Truman platform polled In Ihe district 32.009 votei. Pi' ked candidate for xovcrnor. Car whlcli be expounded to voters bv'0' lhe 'W,S28 ellKlble voters. l Bpaht. In a Democratle prl (lirect innll. telephone and door-l tn WanhlnKton, Rep. Hall of New l'L1 WBS lnclH'ble lo-door calls. Jle had served In York, chairman of the Republican lJ f"1",, ,J .,' .ii Conifie is from Jl)4 to 1B48. (.'(autreialonal Committee, called '. " L)',1.?, L T,'? 'r' mi., n- iiosm's v iiLnrv "ine namiwr i nv on i ' uu.. i,.., i ,.., ,i ki..ir ...in, the wal for the Truman admmis- lls clKht-year :.,.' n,ltnil ,iininiiriiiinn. R.k.. ; tratlon." t harifed this showed his opponent I He said, "there can be no doubt wns afraid to run on a pro-Truman that the people of Queens have pinirorm. di:mo i.onh Lous of this llrt Conirresslonsl race In a presidential election year CAM'AI.TY l.lfiT WAMIINiiTON Ml The He Irct alH-r the wieit nl their n-ii. ! '" I) piiriinenl Wednesday Idi'ii lllli iin.il oil Alemmk I'l.'inl 11:,t wrrk niuy cM-upi. iinipiiiiiiiin, I he I 111 Kil Nrvf-r',. Kih ,,U. a ml Ulil Nli'liii'ln weie nil rt.pnrl ril 'I'lir'uluv impt fivlni in ii,,. i),,.,. plllll nere. Mil iii.i nut i, n plllMIlon (lnll'f'r y.i., Mln. Ni-vi-r., il'-'l i,i eyti,. IM. (,n lhe Inland a'ter the nu n were im able lo hllrn burn .i it.r leaii-iii where ihe ni..l ri'inn inrd. Kiii'i-n-l .-rrvlres Inr Mis. Never i,re nehed- u' yt inr tin i week, pi'mllie aiile llollvwnod iT -- Alter six weeks ul ,i,,, ,, ntf.nl hp.iiilm Actor I John Wayne and his wile., former Actress KMicranzn Dnuer, have 'heen reconelled Wayne returned tilled fill iidillUonnl battle cnMinltles .home Tuesday and nald he xuessed 1 .. .... ... ... , I...... ..n Ix.r.l V-n nn. ill ii new list i no. a'i:i inni re- iiii- n la-i-n oi.k pul led seven killed, 47 woundid, !(iecled hli home. The Wayiien inlwtliiK anil one Injured. Have neen miirrirn "is yrnm. have Ii en nlven smaller inarulim i(Ul thc rji-mocrnla' marln In the house lo 28 feats. The special elec- WAYNKS KK('ONCILFI) 11011 as held to fill the seat va- cnieo py wcinocrnry j. vinceie a i rival from Ketehlkn Oretedi Radto Info Souphi" Hildlii ,'liilluii Kl'1'.l-, (liel-ii'i T'eeh KM outlet, ei on ihr nir ein u nlirht now lioni 7 in n p Willi n Vilili-K- inu-Hiil n, iii, KThX lH'l,('-,-.,;-t lllt Hi; ,,,-k-. cvele;, Dill Ihnl!, ;!,(., 11 nu.n. "BIT. would I ke In )i,-iii- rrporis ef die lerepll,., r,,ll! Vi'ltou-. ,,., Ill thh lil'eu Knell Weditei.ilnv nilit the mi. eiiini is to he iinitir nuuei vi. 'un nl C!i.i:!i-. V.'oclhii'i il ei Kl'ii.S, UnillU ll-Kll M I im . '.'ii:r.,. :,1,,'. t (IWIIilY C'TIIH II I. IIOI.'.YV.lKill .'' -. j;,,y i;,er- II. e iil'iVle ciii,;iiv, In In n l,(,.;iil:i' fet lir,o esi"'in-i (ii Mic, in. .e ill" le i ly f, IV .H it 1I..1.I. IIU1V . 'IM,. ,!. .. B It ;iii't n-iiKi;. WTU IB IC RECORD ana. Kennon, who campal(ned as an independent, had the support of an CHOKED,,:;:, GAS? Qlllllll, vpoken In a voice that will swell to a nunc chorus by next Movcin bcr." Chalrmai OUY Oeoree Gabriel- I TA"K'"'v:N8tMo.i.iUck..r.u.i.elrJ cnairman uuy ueorse t.''riei- , When , lk b.ii-.di on of the Republican Natlona .,, ....... . . 7 " Committee said "this slKniflcant ' ' eonuin ih. i.,t,win, flenubllcan victorv In a Democrat. I ""'" "' " i , who resigned to become i0 atroimhold . . , reflects the de-1 "'". "il '"" tuutu. k. Open again... Hamilton's Cafe and TRUCK STOP 6 Miles North on Highway 97 ir Melva's back to serve you . . with an A Grade restaurant. Open 24 Hours a Day I 1 """l W. l m- ; ' cadis krz is? mhh:x B iUl IV II III : "V . M Ml I M ft M i J-:- U m MM W M M IV w-w-sst ii h r u - wi'Jm it- Reg. 89e 78 ond 45 RPM'i - ' -;" i S& P Over 3000 to choose from t " special purchase - - - A . i 45 rpm Albums-33V2 LP Records V Off f iTH mmm' ' J4L 'VAneVwk apa.,e ! ft r.iEU's hose LAW1P &k rs.1 fc?JS WU9 401 wuh, phono 6920 III , TiSE-g - JUinimM VI- HiSJUU.'iK Ak.ui.viw wi'j MWitB' ui '., .' i i i rvrvru. 11 si 11 im . si m ihmi .ji j r n m ' i mi Mh'Tf-' .if jir.m,'wi.i.iif i j 'iiwimnwim ii m.s-rr' Mb ii ii mm m mm mamw EMM mm :-:: S l,1 II mi - - . . "1 : i ,0 2 for 9T 'W mt ! Br, ., tciiu SCARFS ' Hi I n - 1 ifl ' Assorted Prints II M 1 Sto. ' ' Ik'l Ji.rv. ----- pair w , mmmu lrr cfSM SAVINGS JUST LIKE THESE IN . 3M every department at mLJsSm ' NEWBERRY'S HE OKLY GUTTER MADE RIGHT HERE IH KLAMATH FALLS! moM YOUR etAll OR CRATIR UKI ROUTI MAM FRESH from the churn to YOUt There n ne. tubitltuf (or tle flavor of tweet, freth butter on tablet where good eating It moit enjoyed. Your own fine blicutu, hotcaket or waffles deterve the odded tatte thrill of FRESH CRATER LAKE BUTTER. right from the churn room I BUSH Pink, Blue & White Reg. $1.59 Value NYLON HOSE 51 gauge. 15 denier 69c WAX PAPER 100 feet FIRE KING BOWLS ,., 10c ORANGES Sunkist Navel doz. 55c LADIES' BLOUSES 8c MEN'S WORK SOCKS 4 , 97c MEN'S TIES ci.m put 69c MEN'S BOXER SHORTS 2..J1 Tasty Candy Treat by Brach CHOCOLATE MALLOWS ,,49c DISH TOWELS 3,,3... 4..J1 TUFTED RUGS $177 FEATHER PILLOW $1.29 DISH DRAINER r,.. c...,.., $1 it Htm KQyn HtF SLIPS PANTIES " Medium. Lara Specially Priced ot' Only for pair CHROME PLATED LADIES' X, XX, XXX SIZfc BATH TOWELS Cannon Seconds 59c Knife, Fork, Spoon Salad Fork, etc. Your Choice 12 m Pieces for ' Ji U 825 Main St. Phone 4774