WKDNKSDAY, FKRHIIAHY 20. 19.V2 1 1 KHALI) AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE SEVEN ' France Has Colonial Trouble in North Africa Too lly WAIIItKN IIKNKTT l''iiiuif like 1 1 1 It it 11 1 In hiivliiH nilnnhil Inmblc III I lie Mrcllli rl nil- Mil. Tim Fi'i'iiili i'iiiilii', nut hi Iiiiki' Mill' UN flir-flllllH III. I III' 111 III:. h, Ik PXH'i'li'iii liif ii hlinlliii' 1 1 1 1 1 - t v i I . Olio hot mint, nl roui'HO, Ih JiiiIo t'hliin wlii'ia (iiilrlnlit win- hi'.n bitcn niuliiK Iji'lwi'i'ii the i'li'iKli n nil Cummiinlnl-lirt u urn lllnx fur linn ly nix yuniH. Hut iwrntly ciniccrii Iiiih biTii nliimt i nlonU'd Jimt iiciimb llin Mi'illti'intiiiiiii, Tim Kri'iicli trlinlnr IIIch over im up I huti fiii.lliiil.miij prupln in AI Hi ii Inn II 10 I'uni'lit Umililn niotn nm MiirniTii, AIki'iIii mill TimlMii. Thi'Mi tlirvii liuiiln mi thn noilli wi'Htirm tin it Africa lmvo Jlvo lltnrh Mm mru ol l''raiH-c liml liull IIh jiiijiiiliitltin, 'Ilm Kii'iich colniiliil urtup lm ninny vurliilloiiH. Municco mill 'III- iiInIii urn Imlh inoli'cliiiiili'n. 'Hiry Wlll'l lllll'l'l'd lilt! HllltllH ll Allf.lH.'lllt- Uliili'M wllliln Hie Kronrli Union hut Iiiivd mil iiccipli'd. They mill opi'iulu under old liriitlrn. Aliiorlii, which lien liclwciMl Mo rocco mid Tiiiiliiiii, Ih trclnilciilly ii purl of Fiiincp, Jl Iiiih Uiiti! "ill piulnii'iilH" nuirli like Mm di'purl iiiviiIh of llio lioiiii'lund Umt viikiio ly ITnninljIe u.H. ntuli'fl. Hill Uiere ii r i) local pi'iilili'inn ho Mm llil'rr "dcimitiimiilK" unlli! to elrcl their own imni'inbly, They urn ruled by ii Oovnrnor-Ucimral who ulfto him jurlmiliUoii over tin; liuuo Aliwrliiii di'nnrl nrnn which In not a pint ol the "di'imitinrnlH." Nutlonullum Ih nci'UililK In Moroc co lllld 'llllll'.lH. I. II 'it lull tlll'IT worn rlolH mid bloodKlmd between iialloniilliilH mid Ki'iiilliiiiii' In Cn Miblancu. (.ma month TiiiiIkIii wan lorn by oiitbrnnkn III wblcb fNI were killed and morn than 40 Injured. 'Mm French have bud to rnlnlorcn their TutilHluii KiiirlHonn. Nation iilu.l InadcrH iiiivu been Jullcd. 'I he natlvrii lire Moslem and iiiipporl for llielr Independence dp niiiixta In coniliiK from the Arab leiiKim, a Kiotip of MoHlcm iiIiiUih. r;K.vpt ban pri'BMi'd the cIiiIiim of TiinlMii nnd Morocco bvforu the United Nutloiw. A bloc of Arub-Anlan natlonH In formed UiC Oenerul AiAcmbly In Parte Umt It felt "Brave concern" over Mm '1 MirInn Hitoallon. The inillDim Include Kiiypl, Syria, Iraq, ynmen, Iran, Lebanon, Buudi Ara bia. AlKhanlHtnn, liiirmu. 'Iluiilund. I Indonef.lii, India, PukiiitMi and Uic I'lilllpiilniji. The French malnlaln Hie din piileH In Morocco mid Tunli.ia are iiintliTH for niiUonul not Ininrnu llonul concern. France ha offered more borne ruin to MorocciniH and TunlKlaim plu the piombc of even tual Iincdoin. Independence will have to wait, Franco nay, until Mm people show they can govern lbemnelvr. TunlHla I ruled by n French rcnldciil-gencral under direction of RIOTS IN TUNIS, SOUJSl.l NABEUL. JABOUURS DI- RAH IBAINl. r jiiiiiiiiraraiiiiiir : IMIII IIIIX . llUNISIAN OAMISONSl I M ! 0 M.Nj , ATLANTIC I H I Jr .,rtrnJ, JlfaJZfMMMfrmn OCEAN 11 jTMAw0in J t AND Hinilll CAtllO "lllll." f, IWJbTtZZZZhr MMi.V&tWn kfteA LIBYA fflBlll FRJWEST il (Q II1"11111111111111!! fc-' i ... I Africa PJ'U:. vj u,LuiJ 111111111 11111111111 -;f.' r Jl, Exclusive, full-flavor grinds guarantee you Mm GOFFgg HAVDR 0fiMmtS see the difference r;ts Jg$- J' 85,...- - ' ' " 'W.I ji-W T l ' 1 S Compnro M.J.TVa full flavor Rrinds with olher beat Hi'lliilR cofTee. Notico Hint every pnrtirlo of M.J. 13 In ulmost ennctly the mime izo. No large lumin which lock in flavor.. .no flnvnrlviiM chnlT...no nxcen mvo rofleo ilunl which rnuwii bitlornciw. '1 ho flavor is relcnwd ovenly, completely! S taste the difference . . . the very real difference that comes from the finest Latin American coffees roasted superbly, and M.J.B's exclusive full-flavor grinds. You get all the wonder ful coffee goodness you pay for. No wonder. . .you can't make a. bad cup of M.J.B! Tff!' the French loreln office. There Is a Tunisian legbilaUJre but 1U pow ers are only advlhory. TuulHla hun population of 3300. 000. Three million of thene are Moblnnb, There re 300,000 for elKnem living In Tunisia, about half of whom are French. TunlKlan natlonallMa nay they arc wllllnn to turn over control oi forclim BlfslrH and detenu to the French but they want an all-Timl- nlan li'Kluluture and cabinet. The French forelxn office nayii the 150. 000 Frenchmen In Tunisia must have equal representation in the IcKlHlnlure and cabinet wttn the 3,000,000 native Monleim. The United States could be drawn Into these struggles for freedom of subject peoples In the Medlterran an. America Is making extensive Improvements In Moroccan air bases. In one of the riots, an American-owned construction truck was stoned by mobs and the driver hurt. Actually the French would like U.S. support for their position In North Africa.. It Is a strategic de fense area. But the French tear American sympathy lor native de mands for. Independence. They have often accused Americans of encouraging It In the past, . France depends neavlly lor ag ricultural products from Its Norm African holdings. Rich, fertile belts of land, called "tells," border the Atlantic coastline In Morocco and the Mediterranean coast In Alger ia and Tunisia. These tells are from 50 to 100 miles wide, pro tected from the hot Sahara Desert winds by the Atlas Mountains. Wheat, oats, barley, olives, are shipped across the Mediter ranean to France. Morocco also has large phosphate deposits which are Important as fertilizer In hun gry Europe. : These products play a major role In French economy. The French say they help buttress the hard- pressed iranc just as trade Irom the British colonies helps prop up the pound. The French feel trade relations with North Africa can continue with mutual benefit even when political changes occur If they have to. Backyard Fire At Truman's WASHINGTON W) President Truman went to a fire in his own backyard Tuesday. The blaze, cause undetermined, wrecked a storage shack on the White House grounds. The execu tive mansion was not endangered. The President walked the half block or so from his office to watch firemen quickly douse the flames. The shack was built by workmen remodeling the White House. The Trumans live across the. street at Blair House sending completion of the five million dollar Job. Reserve Unit Rated High A rating of excellent has been accorded the 3B9th Engineer Am phibious Support Regiment, Ore gon reserve unit of which Com pany C is a Klamath Falls unit. The 309th is based at Fort Wor den. Wash., and an annual train ing Inspection recently was con ducted by Maj. Oen. William B. Kean, Third Corps commander. Company C was called Into fed eral service October 15, 1950, for a period of 21 months. The period I was extended lo 21 months by Presidential proclamation, and re- serve personnel now expert to be ' released from service next Oct. 16. Home Klamath Falls men have gone overseas or to other stations. Those still with the unit Include 1st U. Fran W. Ohlund, M Sat. Julio V. Mora, Bgt. Maurice A, Borltchcr, But. James E. Dye, But Lloy d 11. Muilrior, Sgt. Clnr. enre V. Rayson and Cpl. William HntchklM. Historic items Sold NEW YORK W Relics of a one-time country lawyer sold for $185,253 here Tuesday. The lawyer was Abraham Lin coln. The 392 relics were among 842 items In the famed Lincoln collection of the late Oliver R. Bar rett of Chicago, on auction sale at Parke-Bernet Galleries. The sales told the story of Lin coln the man, troubled by self doubts, quick In wit, rich in prophesy. ; . "How miserably things seem ar ranged In this . world," he wrote "II we have no friends, we have no pleasure; If we have them, we are soon to lose them. . .' He wrote these words to his in timate friend, Joshua Fry Speed. For this letter and 13 others to Speed, the Barett Lincoln Collec tion Fund paid $35,000 the highest price ever paid for a collection of Lincoln letters. They will be given to the Illinois Stale Historical Li brary, Lincoln's own record of the Lincoln-Douglas debates went for $24, 000 to Alfred Whital Stern of Chi cago, second highest price of the day. Many of the items were intimate Lincolnesque material: Lonely let ters to his wife, an old text book, an old axe handle, a family Bible. im r (Till AVAllARI! r new mj i jtio AND SHORT BLOCKS We have been able to secure these brand new, complete Motors and Short blocks, either 93 or 105 H.P. If you hava b..s plenalna as Install ing .w mater i ihort block, DO IT NOW while th.y are Mill voilobltl USE OUR EASY BUDGET TERMS and take your time to pay! 410 ASHLEY Ph0M So. 6th CHEVROLET 4113 PEACE TALKS. . TOKYO JH Kyodo News -Agen cy said Wednesday peace negotia tions between japan and India win begin next week. The negotiations are necessary because India re fused lo sign the Japanese Peace Treaty signed at San Francisco. The Merrill Fire Department Presents Their 45th Annual Fireman's Ball Proceeds to be used to purchase new equipment MERRILL SATURDAY. FEB. 23 Music By BALDY'S BAND "Just Good Dance Music" Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. $1.00 per person r -v -5iyy Jjjjgw "jMWZyzfc ;i-- ff? new ii AGITATOR WASHER now at macs . . WA.liVs v.L.Wi Xv.Siftw . ;j.v WASHES automatically RINSES automatically DRAINS automatically VACUUM DRYS automatically SHUTS OFF automatically NO WRINGER NO SPINNER i22995 $35 Down $12.13 a Month Many so-called deluxe improvements in washers are nothing more than fancy words describing a modern exterior appearance, with the same old hard-work mech anism underneath. Before you buy any washer, be sure you're getting what you pay for; only a washer which does all the hard work for you not with you is a truly modern washer! ri- ''' 1 A fCMM! Va. Wf vNol.row f 1 I AGITATO I .1 -TaMIDSi IWMMWjj II 1 y..jv. I rT II l) I-YEAR 111 1 flr" " WRITTEN 1 r : GUARANTEE I r ill stCKf j ! on aitTixAioT K NO ( PLUMBING WIRING BOLTING DOWN Un tt tnywhtrt iltf snywhtr Ctnvtnltnf flat porcilalil Up work ivrfac LANDLORD'S PERMISSION : put it anywhere! USE OUR, CONVENIENT BUDGET PAYMENT PLANS Produtl'ef ItNDIX HOME APPLIANCES DIVISION AVCO MANUFACTURING CORPORATION Be sure to see the New Bendix Snow White Automatic Washer - The only washer with the magic heater! Makes water hotter - Gets clothes cleaner! Grandma was right . . . the hotter the water, the cleaner the clothes! Your Bendix Dealer M 1001 Main ; Ph. 2-2518 IF PC EC S