W HONKS!) AY, FIWRUAFIY 20, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON page five A MAJOR FLOYD C. KIRKPATRICK, 33, n resident of Huvc lock, N.C., and nephew oftho late L. K. Kirkpatrick, Klam ath Kails, is shown here with fellow Marine airman M-Sgl. Adam A. Pokorskl, Hamtramck, Mich. The two men are congratulating each other on completion of 25 missions, Maj. Kirkpatrick has since gone on to complete 00 missions, including one crash, A Jet pilot, he was recently relieved of combat flying and is a base operations officer at a Kor can air base. Married, Maj. Kirkpatrick has two children Dairy, about three, and Lisa, about 18 months old. 7 A vo TV - Muitvlng Dale Jnhmon. son of Mm. II. 8. Johnson. Orchard. gniuuuuiiK m nun-year Iroin WnMi liiKKm Htute College. Dle plnnn to riMitlmm lilx nl tullrn (or hit Mas ter's (Ic'Hicr. ilia wife, Churlnlte, will recrlve her degree Mils spring. Fnunilrr'ii Dnv Fremont PTA will hold u regular meeting, Thurs day, il p. in. in the nehool audi luiluiii In observance ol Founder's Day. The! Junior High school bund directed liv Mr, Jiuiucii will nliiy, Talks will bo given by Ellse I'cery, exchange teacher inot yenr el Wulrj. There will be n silver ol I'Tlnu taken. Mm. Burt Hawkins, llrst PTA president at Fremont, will be honored. The new president I Mrs. Jerry Olsen. Bmnll chil dren will bo tared lor In tho gym naMum, tlon.-trira Father member of Parents nnd Patrons ol Honnnta re taking over lor Feb. 25 meet Hie at the high school, 1 p. m. Hill Hurnclt w chairman oi the nrournin comrnlttre. nssislrd by C'lnvtan Rharne nnd Wally Foster Thrre will be a -Jrbute by Ue hlg' ncliool drbate team on "Conipubior Mllllnry Training." Neul Jones t In charge ol refreshments. Ills help ers will be Letter l.eavllt n tn". Mtiilin llurkc. All Interested adults lire Invited to attend these inlcr ckIIHk meetings. Card Party The Grand Interna tional Auxiliary to the llrnlherhood of Loeoiimtlvo Engineers In sponsor ing a card parly, 7:30 pin. Fri day In the recreatln hall al Uie ) V'rtloi ul Housing unit. Knch mem ber In asked to lake )lc,..eju;ua and tallies lor her own table. Merlins Prosperity Rebekah Lodge will meet Thursday, 8 p. m. at the IUOF Hall. Visitors Mr. nnd Mrs. Penrl Dye. tlrangcvlllc. Ida., are visitors at tho home ol their non Rex. S23 Cahlornltt Ave. Ilex la associated with the Dunbar-Roblnson Instir nnrc 'uiiencv. He met hts parents last week at Pendleton where he went to attend n meellnii of the Chamber ol Commerce. Meeting Units three nnd four of tne Lcnime ol Women Voters will meet 1:30 p.m. Thursday nt the home of Mis. Ivan Thompson. 603 I'arlllc Tprrnce. Mrs. .Elsa Rueck will lend the discussion on "Infla tion." Anyone Interested Is Invited to nttend. Installation There will he a ineetlnx ol tho Btcwn i t-Lenox Fire Helles, 7:30 p. m. Thursday, Elslo Wnrren of the South Suburbnn fire department, auxiliary will be In chnrne of Insinuation of new offi cers of the Stewart-Lenox auxiliary . l.eavlnc Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Chllcotc, 3015 Shasta Way left Tucs dny for Central nnd Southern Calif, point. They will visit Irlends In Sacramento. San Francisco. Mer ced and Santn Marin nnd will re turn home In early March by way ol the Redwood Hinhway. Meetlnn There will be n meet. Inn of the Plnycr's Club tonlRht In the bnsement of the City LI- "Woman Chief 1 Tax Collector Appointment of Mrs. Elsie Sie mens ns Khimnth County's chlol tax collector, for "25 years of lovnl, efficient nnd courteous serv ice," was announced todny by Sheriff Murray (Red! Brltlon. Nnined ns deputies to Mrs. Sie mens wore Esther Maxwell, Iiiim Knnpp, Evu Cook nnd Knrle Ulnnchnrd. VOLCANO CELEBRATES URUAPAN. Mexico HI Mex ico's husky Inlnnt volcano cele brated Its ninth blrlhdny Wednes day with a shower oi stones nnd ash. The Pnrlcutln volcnno ap peared Feb. 20, 1943, ns a smoking crnck In the ground near the vll Inge of Ihnt. name, 250 miles west of Mexico City, Extra Work Mads Eaiy RKNT A TYPEWRITER 'or , , AIIIIINO MACIMNR F.lfotrlo or Hind . Lint montli'd rtntiil In applied to the .purliaie prlvn. Villi's Pioneer Office Supply brary, 8 o'clock. Wlna Award Pauline Noble nrttiitnvti hlitl limlnr fjMlAl Gold Key award for her continuous imic umwiiiK hi me n-cciu nn con test sponsored by Meier and Frank Portland, ijlie and Joan Cote. Ho nanza art teacher, attended the luncheon and award ceremony at roruauu laai uaiuruay. Bneeeli Winner Marllee CrnW' ford ol Klaninlh Fulls, sinciput at Lewis and Clark CoIIcko, was first place wllnner In n recent stale "peace" oratory contest at Salem, llospllalUed Knlhnrlne Shall enwui. 8. dauithter of Mr. and Mrs. Gurrelt Hhnlleross, 1601 Hope, un derwent ememency surwery lor ap pendicitis Tuesday at Hillside Hos pital. Zlon Lutheran- Ladles Aid meets p. in., at the Thursday, 1:30 church. Bona of Norway Ronld Loclffe 3D till discontinue social meetlnits the ourlh Friday of every month. Pastor School Rev. and Mrs. '.loyd Holloway of the First Mclho cllhl church, are altendliiK the ses sions of the Pastor's Hrhool. at the Pacific School of RcllRlon In Berk ley. AIo attendlnit the school this week Is Uie Rev. Donald Cas slday of the CoiiKreRBtlonal Church, They will return home Friday. it -mr-w- OLD Hermmge ij ff I ,f.ajMVqt.-i.irj-gr i i A. BRAND xl "f - H TUCKVSTBAl6!!; N iS I 'oorbonwhis 1 t $6 PROOF jlTHE OLD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KY, FAIIHIAVKN BTITCIIKI18 Tlie Falrhnvcn Htltchen met Tucadny, January the 2fnh at the home ol Eunice Brudlord the lead er. Tho discussion was material suitable for drnw-strlnic aprons. C uh memlierH have started to visit the shullns of our community. Hnlurriny we visited Mr. and Mrs lien I', rcmcy ami carricu inem fruit and cookies.. We hope to villi many more soon. juiroiiiy nraoiora Hubstllule Reporter MAI.IN Itl KF CUIB Eight, new members, were Inll- nted Into the Mnlln Beef Club which met at the home of Diane and Donnle Mlcka, reo. 3, ia. Steven nnd Shirley Schofleld, Lou and William Rnjuus, and Norma Ann and Gordon Knndra, Jerry nnd William Rajnus and Norma Ollva were Initiated by entertain- hut the club. The Mnlln Beef Club now has 23 members, Farrell Wilson gave report on warble control. information on Hoard'! Dairy judKlnx contest waa distributed. a Hxni na l-ariv is dibiiiicu ifir February 15, at the Broadway Hall. Jimmy Parker and Farreii wu, son are uolnv to alve a demonstra linn nt I hi- next mectlnir which will be held, at the home of Paltl Smith. March 2.' 1052, Refreshments were aerved by Mrs. Mlcka. Iloxanne Wilson News Reporter IIENI.F.V CAMP COOKERY Tlie Henley Camp Cookery Club met Jan. 15, 1D52 at the cafeteria. Terry Beyer, the club president, told how to 'make buddy burners. Each member Is supposed to bring one to the next meeting. Food cioked by members was sampled. The next meeting 1 January 29, at the cafeteria. Dlik Relllng News Reporter IIKN1.KY CAMP COOKERY The Henley Camp Cookery Club met Jan. 20, 1052 at the Henley cafeteria. The ones who did not have their cards In quit Then we went out and tried our Buddy burn er and cooked bacon. The next meeting will be February 12, 1952, at the cafeteria. Dick Rolling News Reporter I.KT'8 COOK The meeting of the "Let's Cook" cooking club was held at the home of their leader Ida Mae Sohrakott Feb. 5. Due to a death In . the family of our leader we haven't had a meeting for quite some lime. Patty Davidson, president, brought a cake and cupcakes for the entire club In honor of Dar lene Scherer's birthday. Ida Mne had Ice box cookies and Uie variations In the locker fon us to bnke. Members of the club then sunn 4CWAVS POPS SETTEE IJ-liXoMri?. BRAND made mora dough to be used In the future. We had very short business meeting, then - the cookies were eaten and the meeting adjourned. Maxim Bcnerer Newe KeMrter, '' - t BEVEN LITTLE CHEFR 'The Seven Little Chefs bad a meeting at Vlasta Rajnus' , house Jan. 28. She gave demonstration on lemon drop cookies. The following members were present: Vlasta Rajnus, Karen Wolf, Sharon Lyons, Bharon Walt Jer, Darl Rebra, Joyce Taylor, and the leader, Kathleen Wilson. . joyce xayior New Reporter OAT REWIND CLUB Oay BewuiK Cub of Altemont met at the home of Mrs. Charles Thur man. The meeting was called to order by the aecretary, Loralne Clark. The leader 'showed the girls how to straighten material and how to pull threads from scarfs. Then tne girls worked on ineir scans Mrs. Tburman tola soout ner meeting at CorvalUa. Thursday tne gins went eacg to Mrs. Thurmsn's and textile painted La Verne Perry, Newa Reporter HENLEY- BEWINO BUSIES Matching plaids was shown us by Mrs. Earl Mack ; during the Henlev Bewlnff Susies reirular meeting Jan. 29' at Mrs.4 Mack's i home. Dresses made by the other girls were also examined. Refreshments were served. Rosemary O'Keefe Newa Reporter MALIN ELECTRIC CU B Tho Malln Electric Club has been very successful in Its pro jects. We hsve made several things, Guch as tool chest for our tools and materials. We have learned how to make the . Underwriters knot, pig tall splice and common splice. W repaired a lamp cord and made a test lamp at our last meeting. The wires on our weather-proof socket were too short, so our test lamp didn't turn out ac cording to directions. We are plan ning on making a lamp In the near future. Our meetings are held the first and third Saturdays of each month from 2 until 4 at the A. O. Scott home. Beverly Scott. News Reporter SHASTA BEWINO BEES Making patterns for stuffed ani mals was demonstrated by Mrs. Rolland Klwr. leader of the. Shasta Sewing Bees at the meeting, Jsn. 2. 4-H ers woraed on stuiiea ani mals, and some have finished one. At a meeting held Feb. 5. Sharon Kunr. demonstrated the buttonhole stitch. All members brought pin cushions and needle books they had made. Mrs. King made sug gestions for their Improvement. A. A . t- v ... I v. .:-.; f 'for Firm Seeks New Vote Interest SALEM lH A new corporation, with the sole purpose of persuad ing Oregon citizens to vote, was created here Wednesday. At the business meeting Sharon Kellow presided because Judy Smith, president was not there. aroiee ningieton Newa Reporter - By MARJORIE OVGARD MilM tomorrow he'll rslste one soout rrietjof Noo Jn 9 son on. tho "from," tWod "Three Yoen on TlO HAlOal' Jump, or. It Norwor he's on AIC news progromi, including "Hoodllns Mitkm." "Tod Melons" Is heard or Jtl J p.m. dolly end now hoc two news toon sort, Muriel's eeuty Solon, one Loo HeneVkeV Drug Store , . . Ordinerily, Rom Rio ploys ergon becagreund music for Tod's convorsotiont. Wlih wo hod o picture of Ross. She sounds like o good sport. Of course the never SAYS o word, but whoa Tod tootot her obout her hott or most onything, she comet bock ot him with o tinkle or o bote note on tho ergon, sounds thot ore gurte descriptive of her foolingt in the porticulor matter ... Heerd Rota referred to on enether program tho other night, "Club Con Do." She ploys tho mood muiic on "My True Story" and ether ABC thews from time to time. Mormon Oberit is working his lost day at LW todoy. Norm has resigned to oo to work ot KMED, Medford. We'll miss his 'airy" per sonality, ond ony way you take thot, wo mean it. So we'll soy to Norm what he toys as he signs off "Requestfully Yours" on Saturdays, "Behave Yourself!" Tomorrow night's "Original Amateur Hour" will emonoto from Philadelphia at a public benefit performance. Outstanding "graduotot" and thrao-tlmo winnort from the Mock radio and television shows will bo too lured on tho 45-minufo broadcast. This Is tho first of His out-of-town charity benefits in tho "Amateur . Hour's" '52 schedule. "Original Amateur Hour," 1:00 p.m. on Thursday nights. Good listening on ABC Wednesday nights . . . "Mystery .Theatre," "Top Guy," "Rogues Gollery", end the Memorable Music series,; "Northwest Artists." . ' I I 1- ' 5 . " VV ONLY " NYLONS ' -m 1 HAVE ThE FAMOUS . , ' i X ' ' . ; 1 ; fs J-- plextoe I: ' vAv J . ' ' ' ,sr , ' extra comfort, ! better .fit What dJHfortneo Von Raaht Plartoa s iW, latt. That elr mesh pa"l jrag ' yoamoe tar. Yeu'll find Neato in all FREE, EASY Register and Vote, Incorporated, of Portland, filed Incorporation pa pers with the State Corporation Department. The Incorporators are T. Lawson McCall, Portland radio commen tator and former secretary to Gov. Douglas McKay; Mrs. Robert Welner, and Estes Bnedecor, Jr, MANILA W The Philippines government Wednesday cancelled Its policy, of seeking new markets for sugar, and banned exports to all countries except the United States. Here's that akture of "Too Melons" we romliod. Smell, Is ko tore, t novortholm, o pictvre. Molono is la Oslo, Horwoy, right iww, covering the Winter Olymoic Csmot. He's boon tolling exiting stories about tho . l l L L .i.J IUhu ,tallM. mmd nolo to eo (.rosy, wane in gothorinf other material for hm , . longer wear v . 4 . - ' .,: inakat ki tfco way yottr atockiat look, your teat tfct atra wtfjle reestt yeja Van Raake gtaeliinta. Prom $t.35 to PARKING ' RECORD BUT A LOSS TUSCALOOSA, Ala. Wt Although the University of Mississippi Re bels scored the most points ever racked up against a University of Alabama basketball team this sea son, the Crimson Tide courtmen won the contest, 10-71). ' 23 tyeoAd Aj Monday, February II,' 1J O. D. Motthtws was elected president of the Sportsmen's Association lost night. Others elected to offica ore: Vonca Hutchens, Rax Lawson, Ed Kendall, Jack Duke, Roscoe Largent, ond Everett Hordenbrook. The next meeting will be a doctors meeting with Doctors C. V. Rugh, G. A. Mossey and W. R. Boyd in charge. Tuesday, February 1, 12V An Intsrssting feoturs of the Lions Club musical comedy will be dances and music by the Widows and Bochelort. The Widows ore: Lillian Bsocksr, Dcena Molotore, Addie Jenkins, Mary Francis Dougherty, Blanche O'Neil ond Gertrude Lindley. Bochelort are: Dean Morrison, Don Davis, Harold BeocVer, Elbert Stiles, Alva Shultz, Jimmy Webb and Jimmy Dougherty. Wednesday, February 20, IM Tho Elks general committee will have chorge of the forum luncheon ot the chamber of com merce next Wednesday. John Boyle is general chairman. A mixed quartet composed of Miss Marjorie Richardson, Miss Dorothy Stevens, Don Harlan ond Jack Harney will render several selec tions. Mrs. Eloise Mclntyre will occompony the quartet, Thursday, February 21, 1J Mr. H. L. Cortlldge ' has been odded to the firm of W. O. Smith Printing Company end will hove the position of vice president. The W. O. Smith Printing Compony which was incorporated the first of the yeor. hos the following officers: W. 0. Smith, president; H. L. Cartlidge, vice president; ond Charles Griffith, secretary.. Friday, February 22, 12 Many people motored to Fort Klam ath yesterdoy to ottend the ski roces. Among them were: Earl ' Reynolds ond his doughter, Moreio, Miss Betty Rcmsby, Mr. ond , Mrs. Burge Moson, Mr. ond Mrs. Fred Glover and son, Mr. ond Mrs. John C. Boyle ond doughter, Margaret, ond Mrs. A. G. Meissner ond doughter, Josephine. Saturday, February 23, 12 Mrsk Thomos Richardson ond ', Mrs. O. S. Longslett presided as joint hostesses ot o shower ond ' bridge evening this week ot the Richardson residence in court esy to Mrs. Kenneth Klohn. Mrs. Berkley S. DeVaul held high score ond Miss Mirium Wortley held consolotlon. Other guests were: Mrs. John Houston, Mrs. W. C. Do I ton, Mrs. Gertrude Hutchinson, Mrs. Gerald West, Mrs. E. Heiken, Mrs. Iro Orern ond Mrs. Roy Temby. "Insure With Londry" anduf,Go. THE LIABILITY V. T, Johnson John A. McCall D. L. Thomos AUTO PROPERTY 419 Main Stmt Phono 2-2326 Central aajsasjSBSojag Hans Frci I BOOKKEEPING I Srvic I oih Mmcs 1-0W I BaHsBoaaansMsaHM FIRE 'aim-i Foul O. Loadry ,1