Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 20, 1952, Page 4, Image 4

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Lota Salts' Flurry
Knocks Groins
CHICAOO 'Un'A teUtnt flurry
In the lent -IS -minutes knocked ov
er grain market which had been
pretty atesdy lor most of the sea
alon on the board ol trade Wednes
day, ,
The telling; hit soybean! hard
ext, the March contract tumbling
more than 3 cents. Losses In other
pita were not large. The selling
movement, however, was a quick
reversal of price trends. Immedi
ately prior to It, wheat had forged
up nearly a cent.
Brokers' attributed the selling
movement largely to liquidation on
ine part 01 uii
hose who were long
Wheat closed 'i-H lower. March
$2.65 'H-, corn l-?4 lower, March
ii. bl -ft, oats lo l cent lower,
March 83 V, rye S lo 1 cent
lower. May sl.96 i, soybeans 1 'V
3 V4 lower, March $3.96 '2- 4. and
pounds lower, March $12.65.
Open High Low Close
1.66 .H 2.56 a, 2.55 3.65
3.53 fj 3.54 2.53 3.53
2.47 3.4T 3.46 '5 3.48
3.41 H 3.48 H 347 'j 3.47 ,
New York Storks
By The Associated Tress
Admiral Corporation
Allied cnemical
Allis -Chalmers
American Airlines
American Power Light
American Tel. & Tel.
American Tobacco ,
Anaconda 'Copper
Atchison Railroad ' -Bethlehem
Boeing Airplane Co.
Borg Warner
Burroughs Adding Machine
California Packing' '
Canadian Pacific v
Caterpillar Tractor, .
Celanese Corporation
Chrysler Corporation
CiUes Service
Crown -Zellerbacb
Curtiss Wright
duPont de'Wraours
Eastman-Kodak -Emerson
Radio .'
General Electric
General . Foods
General-' Motor ''l
Georgia Fac Plywood
Goodyear Ttr' - -,-'
Homestae Mthing Co.
IntemaUoual Hervester
International. 'Pauper
jonns juanviiie-
26 ,
Kenneoott Copper- C:
Libby, :ttcNeu' :;:'
Lockheed Aircraft '
Loew5 Incorporated-
Long Bell -A
Montgomery Ward .
New" York Temral '
Northern Pacific
Pacific American Fish
Pacific Gas & Electric
Pacific Tel. & Tel.
Packard Motor Car
Penney (J.C.) Co.
. Pennsylvania R E.
tr Pepsi Cola, Co,
Phllco Radio
i Radio Corporation
Rayonier Incorp
.. Rayonier Incorp Pfd
I Republic Steel '
f Reynolds Metal
t Richfield Oil
,' Safeway Stores Inc.
K5 Scott Paper Co.
Sears Roebuck & Co.
Socony-Vacuum Oil .
Southern Pacific
. Standard Oil Calif
- Standard Oil N. J.
: Studebaker Corp.
, Sunshine Mining
Swift ft Company
Transamerica Corp.
. Twentieth Century Fox
. ' Union Oil Company
Union Pacific
United Airlines
United Corporation
United States Plywood
United States Steel
Warner Pictures
Western Union Tel
Westlnghouse Air Brake
Westinghouse Electric
. Woolworth Company
48 14
23 H
15 H
49 H
17 y4
25 4
32 U
48 V
44 14
68 i
55 ?
84 V
44 "
54 ,
20 T,
43 ,
36 S,
S3 "a
46 Vt
81 V,
20 i
' 16 Ji
l H
is y 1
65 Vt
15 Vi
109 4
4 i
- i
36 '.'2
69 A
63 4
60 14
74 V,
12 i
10 i
22 Vt
18 ,:
36 at
109 i
29 V
. 11 Vt
38 H
14 y,
35 H
36 H
Potatoes; 33 cars on track; ar
rivals. Oregoa 18, California 1. Wy
oming 1; no tales.
Potatoes: 83 -cars on track; ar
rivals. California 1. Nevada 3; Ore
gon 2, Idaho 11. by truck S market
t.10-.20. V- -v
CHICAGO, I Potatoes: Ar
rivals .100 on track 375; tout U.S.
Mupmcnts 920; supplies moderate;
for Russets and best washed reds.
market firm at celling; for others,
market dull; track sales, local:
Colorado McClures $5.26; Idaho
Russets $5.66-85. utilities $4.56.
Street sales, according to basis of
sale, per 100 lb: -Colorado McClures
$5.6041; Idaho Russets $6.16-41.
Chicago Livestock
CHICAGO - WV A reduced
run checked sliding hog prices
Wednesday and placed the market
at mostly steady to 25 cents higher
levels than Tuesday's.
Cattle- were unevenly 25 cents
high to as . much lower, vealers
were steady to $1.00 higher, and
sheep failed to sell early.
Most butcher weight hogs brought
$15.76 ' to $18.00- while sows took
$14.25 to-$16.00. .
The rise in cattle generally ap
peared on upper grades of steers
ana yearlings wnne tne decline
was roistered on lower grades.
Most cnoice to prime steers and
yearlings sold from $33.00. to $39.00
and good to prime heifers from $30
to S3S.TO.
Asking prices on sheep cenerallv
were higher but big packers were
bidding 35 to JO cents lower on ear
ly efforts to make a market.
Potato Shipments
50-51 '51-52
Feb. It 0 5
Feb. 19 29 34
Month to date ' 529 560
season to date 8083 7469
Nursery Set
For Institute
Children will .be taken care of
aunng rtexi weeie s Arts and crafts
institute here, Mrs.. Charles Lelk,
president of the Klamath Leader-
snip council- announced today.
The council and Ihe City Recrea
tion Department are sponsorlna
the Institute, which this year is
to bring Frank Staples, world
famous Instructor in arts and
crafts to Klamath Fiill.;. .
Registration la underway at the
rcnamoer of commerce. .
' The liuUUtte is being presented
for parents, teachers . and youth
leaders. The nursery plan was In-.
stlgated for mothers who wish to
bring their children, . 1
The Institute-la scheduled to start
from 9:45 to 11.-45 in the' YMCA
and evening sessions in the Vet
erans Memorial Bid.
The arts and crafts studies will
cover everything from square knot
ting to potato printing, Mrs. Lcik
said. . . - , . , . .
Arson Foiled
At U.S. Unit
Portland Grain
PORTLAND Jfh- Wheat bid-
to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk
delivered coast: Soft white 2.51 4:
soft white (excluding Rex) 2.51 i.
wmte duo 2.51 .
Hard red winter: Ordinary 3.54;
10 per cent 2.54; 11 per cent 2.54;
12 per cent 234. j .
Hard white baartr Ordinary 3.52:
10 per cent '2.52; 11 per cent 2.52;
12 per cent 2.52.
Car receipts: Wheat 40; barley
flour 6: corn 2: oats 8: millfeed
Son Francisco
Portland Livestock
PORTLAND (IP) Cattle salable
125: steers and beifers scarce;
quotable steady; cows active and
strong; caniier and cutter cows
largely 17.00-20.00; with few strong
weights 20.50 and 21.00; utilty cows
2i.uo-u.uo; odd utility Dulls steady
at 25.50-28.00.
Calves salable 35; choice vealers
scarce; odd head steady at 35.00
36.00: utility and commercial
grades 2.00-30.00.
Hogs salable 200; market fairly
active, strong to 25c higher: choice
180-335 lbs largely 1930-19.75: 1 lot
choice No. 1 221 lb averages 19.85:
1 lot 224 lbs 20.00; choice 260 lbs
18.00; few. choice 350-680 lb sows
15.00-16.50; feeder pigs scarce;
good and choice quotable 17.00
18:00; 1 lot medum 90 lb pigs for
slaughter 16.50.
Sheep salable 60; scattered sales
steady; odd head good 90 lb lambs
27.00; utility lambs down to 23.00;
odd cull ewes 7.00.
North Portland Livestock mar
ket will be closed Friday, Feb. 22,
Washington s Birthday.
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia A
pro-dawn attempt to . burn down
the quarters 01 the, U-3., informa
tion Service in the middle of down
town Belgrade 'was ' prevented
Wednesday by the early arrival o(
a Yugoslav employe.
It was the second attempt within
15 months to destrov the head
quarters a building separate from
tne emoassy ana nousnig- k reanmn
room and a showroom displaying
pictures of life in America.
The Yugoslav employe discov
ered the blare just inside a guard
wall near the entrance. He ex
tinguished It without damage.
Three bottles, wrapped in waste
and containing a liquid fuel, ap
parently had been pitched through
an iron grill outer gate behind the
guard wall.
Ortrjr T. Stout Jr., dliordtriy con
dw-t. Forfeit &JA ball.
. John S. Kotr. overload, forfeit au
ltmard K. Cavon. ovvrload. forfeit
MO ball.
William Bunt, overload, forfeit Hi
o .
all , ., ,
Clarrni-e V Vkorno. overload, for
feit U4 hall
Knttl W. Muikinan, overload, forfeit
IM ball.
ttrynon C. Miller, overload, rurfell
40 kail.
Millard f. Bobcrti, overload forfeit
UP bail..
flue sia. ,
! .
P. Heu, no PC ptnntt.
Nonetl. tlleital pmwimlnn
llouor. Sentence. S nmntlta proltatlon.
Roy A. .flde. Inadequate, eiltcrsenry
brake. Fine Mi.
tr n, Steward, violation' bailc rule,
rina 0. ..,
Lee H. "'Stewart, violation '.basic rule,
fine . ''
Jamea 13. Lw-kharl;' failure atop at
atop alri. . .fine Sn.
Denti G. Uabaon, no ventcle llcenao.
flnt St.
MtMi iiM, rowax
Thaddlea M Farnhatn. drunk, fine
91.1 or 7a day.
Edward H. MrOougal. drunk, fine
$13 or T, dava.
Haiel Watson, drunk, fine lis or T
da'a. -.'..
. ...it ....-V ..l.i.' :k4 .... J
Perch Warps
Chick Keel
Dunn Nominated
As Ambassador
Truman Wednesday nominated
James O. Dunn as ambassador to
Dunn, now ambassador to Italy,
was named to succeed David K. E.
Bruce, who Is replacing James E.
Webb as undersecretary of state.
chick that picks a perch for repose
may be twisting its keel askew.
And that's Dad.- says the poultry
experts at the West Vireinia Uni
versity Agricultural Experiment
Chickens with deformed breast
bones known to the trade as keels
have a lower market value.
The experts wanted to know what
causes deformed keels, and after
three years of experiments con
cluded., that they came from the
strain of. balancing on a perch.
Chickens 'that didn "have .perches
to brood on had suaigbter keels.
Apparently the last word fcas not
peen said , on ine suojecb i ne .ex
perts at the 'State Agricultural De
partment scoff at the experiments
by the boys at the experiment sta
tion, saving deformed keels- are
simply the result of heredity or. j
Ciu.v A. Urarri. vs. Stirtla II. Reard.
tutt for divorce. Coitl'tr married July
34, IB.W. Creswell,. Ore. CharKe. eruel-
flalnliff seeks rustodv one minor
child w. Kuvkcnd.il, attorney for
trank. c. . uroyies. vs.. rem e.
royles. suit for divorce. Connie mar
ried ' Dec. 3. 10.10. Walla Walla, Wash.
Charge, cruelly-. IMainltft seeks custody
of two minor children for summer va
cation, property settlement, u.a. ualcn
Une, attorney for plaintiff.
Schiefcratein Bcnnell. Richard A.
Schleferstein. IS. student. Native
Oreeon. . Resident -of Klamath Kails.
Ore. ttaxel J. Bennett. 18. cashier. Na
tive of California. Resident of Klam
ath falls. Ore.
Kesfer Heads
Soil District
Glenn Kester. Poe Valley farm
er, was elected supervisor of the
Foe Valley Soil Conservation Dis
trict at the district's annunl meet
ing Tuesday night in the Olene
Community Hall.
He replaces A. w. scnaupp.
Bonanza high school freshman
Patricia Kllcy spoke on soli con
servation, and Dr. Al Halvorsen,
Klamath Experiment station, dis
cussed soil building.
Hex High presided over the
meeting of about 30 persons.
Lecturer Sees
Eastern Hope
The KlHittath Fulls Knife nud
Fork Club apparently never gets
a dull one.
"Stories from Here; There and
Everywhere," Inst night's topic,
was held in a! doubtful reception
oy ine winard uitntiuel rooms
capacity crowd of Knife uiitl t-Hirk-
ers B.t "Singapore Joe" Fisher
stood to give his talk.
Fisher Is a world traveler end
what might be termed a world
'I traveled." he Mtya, "Hrcau.se
to do business with people you
hiu.m get 10 anow tiieui.
. He took the club member
a verbal trip through the Eastern
half of Uto Southern Hemisphere.
Beginning In his native Union of
South Africa, he described the
ngnt ot the pcopl? of that 'area
for Independence . .. . a flitht ne.
cullarly parallel to the American
South Africa, he pointed oit,-ls
fast developing, Johannesburg only
62 years -auo .was a flve-bulltllng
fnrm. Today It has a populaton
of about one million people.
He compared, world famous Vic
toria Falls, on the Zambesi, as
aecpnd only to America's Grand
Canyon lii expanse nnd beautv.
Moving to the . Orient, where
Fisher won and lost three fortunes.
Ho was a thriller chain opcrntur,
working out. of Singapore before
the Japanese occupation. He was
In the United States when Singa
pore fell lo the Japanese. ,
Jnp treatment of white people,
Fisher believes, is the reason for
the nutlmiHltkllc movements anionu
Orirntuls, ThroUBhoiil the colonial
,rlau ,1,. Cyl...t..l ...... .. .
Of vmcuuu wtut IWUKIH IU
w -up sis nuu ruspect uie w illies.
The Jupnue.se during the war sub
jected the whites to, the lowest
persecution. ,
India, Fisher said, Is one of the
world's really meat problems.
Crammed Into an area half the
size of tbe United Suites are 4110
million-people. Today thev are un
dergoing a drouth which will prob
ably maintain famine .conditions In
' Western Oregon Mostly cloudy
wttn showers or rain or snow
Wednesday and Wednesday uliiht.
becoming puilly cloudy Thutstltiy
with snow lluiiies In Interior and
weunestlay 38 lo it. Lows Wednes
day nlyht 38 to 30, A Utile warmer
i inn Mln y wllh highs or 4 and M),
Winds olf coast southerly to south
easterly and 10 lo lit) miles an hour
(long Immediate const nnd north
miles an hour some distance off
Eastern Orrgon Considerable
cloudiness and snow flurries
Wednesday and Thursday. Little
cliuugit in tempernturo with highs
both (lavs 26 to 35. Lows Wednes
day night It) to 30 except near sero
u nigu vuiieya.
Grants Pass nnd vicinity Con
siderable fog and cloudiness wllh
occasional snow flurries through
Thursday. Huh Wednesday i'l. Low
Wednesday night 37. High Thurs.
day 44.
24 hours to 4:30 a.m. Wednesday
Mnx. Mln. I'reelp.
Baker 31 11 .03
Bend SO 13 T
Eugene 43 30 .10
La Grande ' 33 3(1 .03
Lukevlew 27 24 .till
Medford 46 33 .0.1
North Bend 44 3.1 33
Ontario 36 37 .03
Pendleton 41 ' 311 .03
Portland 37 33 .31
Rosebuig 41k 34
Salem 40 32 .S3
Boise 33 37 .03
Chicago 34 .1:1 .00
Denver . 33 17 j
Eureka 48 in 64
Los Anneles 58 4(1 j
New York 36 : j I
Red Blulf 411 41 01 i
Sim Francisco 55 4 .08
Scuttle 38 30 111
Spokane 29 24 .07
Karachi Greets
Mrs. Roosevelt
KARACHI, Pakistan (At Mrs.
Franklin U, Itotisevcll rode In a
procession of 127 camel curls
Wednesday as a part of Pakistan's
welcome to hov.
(the was greeted on her arrival
at the airport for a seven-day visit
by 10.000 nci son.!, inoatlv women
and children.
Mrs. Roosevelt dined with
Prime Minister Khwuln Nualinud-
din Wednesday nlglit.
rjite hits just ooinpli'lcd a tour
o the Middle East and will go
irom here lo India.
U.S. Casualties
Show Increase
U. H. buttle ciisiialllei In Korea
reached 1HU.B4 1 Wednesday, an in
crease of 333 since last week.
Tito new totals are: Killed In
action, 16.427; wounded, 76.71)4 and
missing 13,620.
The casualties by services: Armv
86.730; Navy, 1,336; Air Force,
1,037; Marino Corps, 18,846,
For tlm nuKglnir. iitndilvnlnf, pernlt
rtit fU'h nf tiy akin, no ri-niiimii tu fulki
tRt tmiMIr n.'fi JtfMiMrl Oiiiimml It
aprrinl, nolhiin, rrllff. Aria in pUre of
niiimiii; iiMihaI tktn oil wurkt ft,
nnd f ton fn rt Ufttn. II ww good It fecit nnt
to hnv lo niTittrh nnd trrntfti. .r I
Kftinul aritt r relief. All tlms tturv.
Teenager Put
On Probation!
flenlent'fl of five innnlha prnbiillnn
wiin piisseti on lu-ycnr-okl Cm I
Iflchurd Moiirtt by District Court
Tuesiliiv on conviction of llleuiil
possesslnii ol iilcoliollo llfiuor,
Monctt was uiiined III a coin.
plaint signed by tin Oregon Lliiuur
I'oiitrnl Commission rrpresentn.
lives, chiiiglim Ihe youth with liuv
IliK beer Hum Freinuut Olocrry
Feb. 8.
Lee Joseph (leiue, operitlur ot
Ihe urocerv. eiuiler Oils week paid
nuu line on innvlctlon of sclllnu
Ihe beer lo Monetl.
Uertie's wile, I'. linn, f 11 pes a sim
ilar charge and Is scheduled lo ru
ler a pleu In District Court 'J Inn n
diiv morning.
We can help you with cittior
buililiiiR or rcmodcli'i-:.
4754 So. 6th Phono 2-2563
Mrs. Knowles'
Rites Friday
Funeral services for Mrs. Marlon
Knowles, 87, have been scheduled
for Friday at 10 a. m. from Ward's
Klamarri Funerol Home. The Rev.
'David Barnett Jr. will officiate.
- commitment services will take
place at the Arcate Cemetery, Ar
gate, caiu.
In Iff u of flowers, those who wish
may. contribute to the Presbyterian
Children's Chapel.
latrodednr q4!&
IT f
dtTletf snlUklt mi mltnti
71S Main Sfrett
Cattle: 100, supply consisted of
load of feeder steers, balance 1
mainiy cows, active, fully steady,
canner and cutter cows $17.00-31.00,
shelly cows 115.00. load good 910
pound feeder steers $31.50, Monday
cows 50 cents higher, others steady
two short loads good 965-1,130
pound steers $32.50, small lot god
choice 880 pound yearlings $34.00,
commercial and god heifers $30.-00-31.50,
high utility and low com
mercial range cows $26.00-26.50.
commercial bulls $29.00-31.00. load
good 965 pound feeder steers $31.00.
one half load good replacement
-, heifers 790 pound $31.50.
Calves: Five, odd head commer
cial and good 300-400 pound slaugh-
. ter calves $31.00-32.00.
Hogs: 650, butchers 35 cents low
er, 300 choice 246 pound butchers
$19.00. . ,
Sheep? None, Monday active and
steady, small lot wooled slaughter
lamos on oraer $19.00, 70 head
: choice wooled 96-pound lambs $28.
a0, 4 .
g ,' ;. Crme,tici Street Floor
sounds like
It should
Funeral .
Fun.r.1 Mrviwi for Marian Knowlti.
- S7, who died here Feb. 19, wiU take
piaoa itom in. cnapai or ward's Klam
ath Funeral Home. Friday. Fab. 22
ta at 10 a.m., Rv. David Barnett
3r.:, ?'.. h Ulr,t Pr.abyt.rlan churcR
orflclattng. Commltm.nt service and
Interment will take place la the Areata,
.. Funeral wrvloei for Jack Falter. S7
who died In Beatty Feb. 17. will taka
place from th. Beatty Methodlit
Church on Thursday, F.b. 31, 1952 with
OTviiv at au.ov a.m. ana tiao p.m.
Rev. Harley Zeller offlclatina. n.
mitment aervtce and Interment In th.
Paiute cemetery. Wardi Klamath Fun-oral-
Home in eharse of th arrani-
9ttW 0laaa4V4'lMaOF4prf IKnMaf
feoafoFlm brttMth aaief Aharfyf
Now a gretriaprovement bas been aade
in the dog meal all dog love! Ken-L-Meal
is now fortified' with diltttsbhtllm
nature's own miracle deodorant. A icgu-H
L. . j: r v t Vyi 11 - - j
pit uici vi luu-vmai wiu tjiuubij ng
four dog of bad breath and body oaori.
Keo-L-MeaJ, the meat-flavored' dog
ml, a complete food that nouncs 00
wppletnerKs. And: it ends odonaat. Get
Ken-L-Meal at roar favorite store-ot
scaler $, ot write for (fee special certificate
that (ivec yon lit on your bat package
Seod this ad on a postcard ts Ken-L-Produas,
Dept. 249, Box 3339, Chicagc
Tl, IB.
cost more
than M00
te enjoy the most loxurloos feerhjre iei eowaefics.
But I doesn't. For you con hove an
IreVoductory shre 0 your very own foe povedor
fnode-te-cdei- right before your eyes by the
Oiorlet ol the RHz expert who will create
aSi eras ond onK one foce powdor to do
Ihe most for your beduty. Other sizes $2, 3. , .
AJ prices pius tax.
(j a..-.-
"i.'- '"
iMOHrcter fac powder by
Meet Slated
Mrs. Oeorae Milne, wife of the
nortinnx of the enniurv- vniinimitt I Rev. deorue Milne. Merrill Pres-
fervor has- divided the country In b'lrrliiii Churc-h pastor Is lo apeak
two parts; the people are tradition- "l"!""0 ",Jhe. momhly iiieetlng
ally race conscious thnimh th ' 'he First Presbyterian Churches
caste avstam ha.t been banned hoi Women's Association, he session
. - 1. , i,M
And hangtnit like a giant ax over
the top of India, Fisher noted, was
the threat of Soviet Russia.
Neighboring Afghniutan, he suld.
was 'his Idea of the next trouble
spot ot the -work). It has the one
passage from Russia Into India and
Pakistan-. . . the famed Khybcr
Pass.. Strife and turmoil are be
coming more and more prevalent
In that corner of the -world, with
troubles In Iran. Egypt, and be
tween India and Pakistan.
But Fisher, named "Singapore"
by the Sultan of Jahore In nearby
Malay, didn't leave the Knife and
Fork members with a taste of pessimism.
'We're a long way from loMnir
he said. "We haven't yet ml.vsed
the boat as many people are prone
to declare. But we must show we
are saving Asia for the Asiatics
when we fight Communism there,'
we must not give any Impression
of trying to get Asia for ourselves
la to be held In the church par
lors, 1:30 p.ni.
The Millies spent several years
In British Gtilnnn church work
and Mrs. Milne's talk tomorrow u
to be on the Women's Association'.,
current theme. "Advnnce on the
I.utln American Christian Fron
tier." Karen Porter and Richard Tracy
are to offer vocnl selections.
The program was announced bv
Mrs. Adam Miller, association president.
'At a Low Price
120 No. 7fh
2 Acres Graded Land
Wafer Front Property
Sit. luil.bl. for f.clory, wr
houte, law mill, etc.
1700 Ft. River Frontage
for I09 rafting, moorage, etc,
For Leaie Together or Soporaloly
Foot of S. E, Spokane St.
Portland, Ore,
1325 Yaon Bldg.
Portland, On.
; ClfgeWBMt I
; IARL MANCHOTIR. 114 KL.rn.rk Htm 2-021 J, t
; NAMI ,
No oexCUlCOCloex such quality...
m m. us m
Mode with enty
juicy, freih-cut beef
V Special Idaho red
beam, big, tender,
firm , . . aMMevif
V Superb, mouth
watering sauce with
"filler" added.
V There's no finer
Chill Con Came -it's the
Wett'i Bi'og.if Selfer!
No "filler" to spoil the delicious
flavor of choicest juicy fresh-cut beef . . . with
big tender Idaho red beans . . . and our own
marvelous secret chili spicing blend.
JJotJI see its cfiock-full
of choice lean meat...
and big perfectly cooked
beans! No'HS else jives
us so milch delicious
eating for our monejj
and another thing
Try Dennlion't-tfiti luxury iefttup otpopvlor dr1l
Ounce for ounce, more reaf eottop.mee Mehufl
ZuetltlSOtS means Delicious...
Sunday-Dinner Quality ONLY!