WEDNKSDAY, KKIIRUAIIY 20. lfl!52 HERALD AND NKWS. KLAMATH FAL'.". OliR.'ION PAGE THRKI CHECKING FARM MILK TANK are three Klamath dairymen C. F. Teers, Waller Coll man and Floyd King. The tank, one of half a do:n displayed Saturday at the Fair rounds, is a Valco Oval Farm Tank displayed by the Western Dairy Equipment Co., I'ortland. The tank display was sponsored by the two Klamath Falls dairy operations and was organized by the Klamath Dairymen's Association. U.S. Jets Again Whip Red Migs By HTAN CAKTKR 8EOUL, Korra M-i U S. Subre Jil pilutii Wcdnrndny iihot down Iwo Commuulnl MIO-18 Jem und duimmrd live In two furious Ilghta o'rr Northwr-Mrrn Koren. Col. Fruncln 8. Onurmkl of Oil Clly, Pa., cms ol American liMid Inrr World Wnr II ecru, mid MnJ. William T Whlnnrr ol Hhrevepnrt, La., alinrrd cmllt lor one MIO kill Wrdnradiiy allerimon. Bncb moved to wiihln halt a plane of becoming five MIO Jci ace. Crrdlt for the other MIO dra. troyrd In Uie nltrrnoon went to MnJ. Wllliiuil F. Bharllrr, of Boone, Iowa. Hl total la three destroyed and one probable. lAMA(il:l Two MIOm iiIm) were damaxrd In the alternoon clnh between 'i& Mubrra nnd 70 KUMinti-uulld awrpl olnil emit over Sinuiju. The fliiht lantrd 16 mlnutra. Allied Jet pilota dnmnited three MlOa In a morniiiR battle. 'Hie US. Kllth Air Force anid 5(1 K-86 Hubre JeU clipped the MlOa In a acven-milehlnh buttle over Hlnlillu. Seven MKia were ipol led. but only eight were eunnued. Allied loaae , are announced Weekly. COM) WIND A uonc-rhtlllnK wind awept the 156-mlle KioimU from. No major action wua reported. Tuesdny three Chincne Red pla toons drove Allied troops from an advance hill position eaat of the I'uklwn river on the Central front. The tight tailed nearly alx houra. Lliihl contact wns reported at acattered point. U.N. Iltihtcr-bnmbera attacked nenrly 1.000 Red tiiicka on North Korean hlnhwnys Tueaday nliiht. Pllola rertcd 120 destroyed. For the accond nlRhl In a row B-20 superlorta attacked Uie rail brldiie at Sinanju. Swedes Say Editor Spy 8TOCKHOLM, Sweden Ul Jo hnn Fiillof Enhoni, Communist nn itator and editor, was charncd Wednesday In Uie Stockholm Mnit latrntea Court with "irross espion age'' for Soviet RuMin. Swedish officials said his arreat last week smashed ono of the mast dangerous Red py rlnRS ever to opernte In Scandlnnvln. Enbnm, 33, appeured before the court In a closed session for se curity reasons, The charge car ries A maximum penalty of life Imprisonment. Authorities said previously the ring he Is accused of heading was a relay to Russia for U.S. atomic secrets nnd betrnyed some of Swe den's most vital military secrets to the Soviets, Mrs.MacDonaldCarey Puts On Blue Bonnet For F.N. E.! Mra. MacDonald Cnrey puts on Hl.VE HoNNBT Murenrinc for F.N.K. . . . Flavor, Ntilrillon, Economy! Like the famous screen star's wife, you will love the delicate, sunny sweet taste Blur Bonnet adds to any food I You'll appreciate Its nour ishment, too. No other spread for bread is richer in year-round Vitamin A I And you'll welcome its economy I Two pounds of Bi,ub Bonnet cost less than ono pound of high-priced spread I So remember the letters . . . F. . . . N. . . . E.I All-Vegelahle BLUB Bonnet Margarine gives "all three" Flavor! NutrltlonI EJconom-e-el Power Firm Sale Argued BAN FRANCISCO I The U.S. Ninth Court ol AppciiIk heard more nriiumrnta Tuesday In the contro versy over proponed sale ol Wuh IhKlon Water Power Co, stock awl look under advisement the ques tion of whether the Securities and Exchange Commission could con duct hearings on Uie deal. The City of Spokane nnd the state ol Idaho registered strong protests against Uie proposal ol thrre Eastern Wellington Public utility District to pay American Power nnd Light Co. CS.l 15.000 lor Uie WWP common Mock. Herbert lliimblen, attorney rep resenting the city nnd county ol Spokane, told the appeals court Spokane will fight Uie transaction Paper Mills' Building OK'd WASHINGTON W The De-fensi- Production Administration Wednesday okayed the building of three new rnultl-mllhoii dollar pa per mills which will boost this country ' output of newsprint by mora than 211 per cent. The agency Issued certificates of necessity which provide lor fed eral lux benefits to aid the con struction of the project. They arc: Uowatcr Southern Paper Corp,, Charleston, Tcnn., il,S00.'MO; Southland Paper Mills. Inc., Harly, Tex., l.r.040,0fi0; and West Tucoma Newsprint Company, Etcll acoom, Wash., $5,000,000. Despite DPA approval, the build ing work cannot be completed un less the government allots certain scarce mutejrals now under prior ity to the project. Hut since newsprint Is high on the government priority list, ap provai Is considered likely. Contracts Let By Road Dept. PORTLAND, I The Oregon Highway Coinmls'.lon awarded con tracts on six projects TV'.'day, re ....(J another to the c.: ikit -uh pov.i-r to award, and turned down iwo. 'lotul of the approved contacts was only $213,000, a the commis sion In Its one-day session took up no major projects. The- rejected offers were on Buker-Hoincstead Highway rock production and painting the Ump qua River bridge at Rced.vpot. Re ferred was the construction ol a timber bldge over Caltipooya Creek cast of Suthcrlln. Builders Say Price Tags On Homes Should Be Cut In the courts II SEC hearings are ruled out. Hamblen said Spokane is against (he sal" because "only 4 'j per cent" ol WWP's consumers are In the area covered bv the three l'UDa. He said 65 per cent of the consumers are In the Spokane area. I.OH ANOKI.RS M'p Television station KLAC-TV of this clly re gards the channel which It occu pies as a good omen. Us station break :lgn reads "KLAC-TV, Lucky Channel 13." DARING ESCAPE OIULIANOVA. Italy Iffi -Twenty four Yugoslav refugees. Including re-ven women and three children, Innded here on Italy's east coast 'lucsday alter crossing the Adriatic in an old powered fishing boat, police reported. Judge Halts Bridge Work WALLA WALLA Ml Federal Judge Sam Driver signed an or der here Tuesday halting work on the two million dollar Interstate bridge spanning the Columbia Riv er between Klickitat County, Wash, anil Wasco County, Ore. The order gave title to bridge approach land on the Washington side of the river to the federal government for use In construction of The Dalles Dam. About 65 acres was Involved. The order was an outgrowth of a complaint In condemnation filed by the Department of Justice lands division, which was directed at the two counties, The Dalle's city, the bridge contractors, Ouy F. Atkin son Co., and the States of Wash ington and Oregon. Army engineers earlier had said the two counties would be repaid i lor the money they had already (. pent on the bridge. Only the ap ' I roaches and some piers on both , sides ot Ihe river had been com iplctcd. . The complaint said the bridge would interfere with access to Uie idam and with construction of the huge water barrier Itself. I Tuesday's order was expected to 1 result In further court action be i cause the government has not paid .for the 65 acres and damages re sulting from Interruption of the 1 bridge project. The bridge was being financed Jointly by the two counties with assistance from Oregon and Washington. WASHINGTON Ofl Price tags on houses must come down. That Is the consensus of more than 50 home builders meeting In Washington to share "trade se crets" on how to cut housing costs. They said that even If the actual dollar cost of houses doesn't come down, the price must represent a smaller percentage of the purchas er's salary or Income than It has in the past. Some of these builders already are producing homes for as low as $0,500 for a two-bedroom, flatrroof design and around $10,000 lor a three bedroom, 1 'i-bath plan. These are final costs after land scaping, Al Batch of Seattle and V. A. Place of South Bend, Ind., both well known home builders, said possibilities for builders to econo mize In housing costs barely have been scratched. Other builders said the public In many localities already had been educated to prefer basementless 2SJ and atllcless homes, with utility and storage rooms or spaces on one floor. Thcv said economy-minded build ers also are saving money by using such other things as truss-type roofs that eliminate the need lor heavily-built partitions inside: new radiant heating, and Carports In stead of garages. ' P revee Wanrferful 9m ITCHY SIGN OASM Zmo a Doctor's IntWM M alihhrl nwllcatadantlMptlo promptly rtllma Also aias nvaiinsi lUVllK ZEMO AdllilllA AN EASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Van ran rrnl A lovely nrw pinct' plan ffm lh l.oul K, Mitn l"iano Com pnr. i:n N. lib. at low maninly ral. After a mMmatilc tima van can, II you lb, rhaiic from rrnl ta pur rhue aitrrinrnl. 1 ha rrnl alrrady paid I all crrdilrd Is our punhatt acronnt and oa vllirr do n pa) mm I la nrrea tare, Tha m on III I y pajrmrnli nan br Utile higher than rrnl. Or, I! you prt Of. an ran con I In ua la rent. 5 Doctors Prove This Plan Breaks The Laxative Habit It you take laxatfVM refularly bere'i bow you can atop! Herauaa 6 Strm York doetora now have proved you can break the laxative habit. And MtAbluh your natural powrra of regularity. Kighty-threa percent of the caaes UmU-d did it. Ho can you. Stop takinit whatever you now take. In- Itad : Kvery night for one week take2 Carter! Little Liver Pill. Second wek one each ninht. Third week one every other nifbt. Thn nothing! Lvery day: drink elfht fflaaae of water; act t, definite time for regularity. Five New York doctors proved tbli plan can break the laxative habit How can Carter's Little Liver Pilla break the Laxative habit? Because Carter'! not only "'un block" the lower diveative tract but they also improve the flow of liver bile that you need to be regular naturally. Further Carter' Little Liver PiUa contain do habit-forming, drugs. Break the laxative habit . . . with Carter's Little Liver Pilla . . . and be regular naturally. When worry, overeating, overwork make vou irregular temporarily takeCarter'a Little Liver Pilla temporarily. And never get the laxative habit. Get Carter'a Little Uvcr Pilla for 87, to day. You'll be grateful the rest of your life. For free sample, mail this ad with your name and address within 10 days to Department 36, Carter Products, Inc., 63 Park Place, New York 8, New York. Kenmort Tonk-typa VACUUM CLEANER M.o'r 48" nj yar machine 1. 00 Dow., 1.00 Maatk On Start laiy Fnymtat flen , Saalact-ln luiricatun ,. , Includai attachments ' O Lighrwaiflht aatita t Handy Kan-Kaft Light, powerful claontr sueVl out rug-ruining dirt, stows' W neotly In iy-to-mpty boe Flexible how. claons ' eVopac. hord-to-raoch eomart. ' t Phone S188 for free HOME DEMONSTRATION or mail this coupon (or FREE LITERATURE Seert, Reebuck and Ca. . 133 Ss. Ith Klamath Folia, On. 3entlemen: Pleosa ttni ma, without obligation, further Information dtscrnV ing tht naw Ktnmora vacuum cl toners. NAM! STREET OR RR CITY STATI -i 'Sa&tfccGopmito ft ADC Stort Hour: f .m. H $M 3 gives old walls a budget "Face-Lifting" Nr.",,; : 17? r ' 49 3 GALLON Turn dull, dingy rooms into new beauty with a Sero-Tone finish! Choose from 13 lovely colors. Mixes with water to make 1V4 biq qallons. Sera-Tone, Quart size . . . 98c Package Sandpaper 10c Averted grid h 4ttx5M-ln. tliet. . Um wMi water to t gf tmooth Snim an vraot, mataL . SI "wmo"" fi UrnnimiiiJL Workmaster Brushes 2.65 "Haggd' brijrtee set la rvbber give smoother paint re tutH. Smooth po Ik iKmdlesI Wood Turpentine 1.35 Rne quality treat dliNlled turpentine. Priced as low at most bulk tvrpe tln. It's pvrel 1 Brush Cleaner 65c Liquid type. Com taint no acids or olkaliei.Softent, cleont 6 brushes Save ol Seors. I II ; I El' - .-1 .,7 Four-Hour Enamel For Interior Or Exterior Use Master-Mixed, Qt... 1.90 Now lUcoMted to give a glauy imoom, tfaln and dirt militant flnhh. Choice of 24 colonl Top qoolHy, low priced. i i r'KT. 1 '" ' ? JfKW' re jtt ...vv;:oo; Enamel Undercoat Excellent Gloss Finish Base Moster-Mixed, Qt. P.tlect kat-whlle bate coal for wifkl bhed wood, walli. Eoy to opply, drlet overnight. Ot. doei 1 50 10. ft. I coot. Texture Paint Point Renews Old Wolli 25-Pounds 3.08 Save rtplatltrlng coat I Save by ap plying Mai(erMlxed Texture Palntl Use trow), ipongei or bruth on. 133 So. 8th Phono S188 MOVIE & SLIDE PROJECTORS Match, Your Camera With One of These Famous-Name Projectors Don't wait! Come in while. we have complete stocks of famous-name projectors. You cao . take .the projector of your choice home without paying a single penny dowa You'll love owning your own projector. Show your own or professionally made pictures. . .I'V- , SEVERE "85" !Tiv I t M i I l-f I LOIITED TIME ONLY IImSSS: J wl boaded triped xrttn el this big savings. If the j Reg. $13.95 -NOW ONLY $9.30 "LA' Designed to professional stand ards. Fast f 1.6 coated lens, 300 foot reel and 500-wotl lamp. Still Only $99.50 Nothing Down, $1.50 a Week KEYSTONE "68" An outstanding 8mm movie cam era with all-gear drive and certi fied service guarantee 500 watts. Only $114.50 Nothing Down, $1.30 a Week DeJUR "750" Sturdy, 8mm 750-watt projector with "swing-away" goto,- control lied controls and lifetime gurantee. Only $149.50 Nothing Down, $2 a Wook ARGUS PBB-200 Finest home slide projector., h has best optical system made for more light, better illumination. Blower for cool operation, protection of your valuable color slides. Only $44.95 NOTHING DOWN $1 A WEEK GOLDE MANUMATIC Outstanding 500-watt slide projector with manumatic slide changer and blower for cool operation. Only $65.00 NOTHING DOWN, $1.25 A WEEK OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY A fine lodascope projector with Eastman name - and reputation. 750 watts, 400-ft. film capacity. F1.6 lens. Only $111.80 Nothing Down, $1.50 a Wook BELL AND HOWELL "Regent" Easy to operate, error-proof thread ing and pilot light for safe opera tion. 500-watt lamp, lifetime guar antee. Complete with attractive carrying cose. . Only $179.95 Nothing Down, $2.00 a Woek- FREE TRIAL, We'i. m teflaln you'll la.e ewnlaf, an. el thete Una proi.tlorl, we'll lei ye uie any a rejecter far 10 aayt, .Your awnay beta Mi yeu're not completely itlttMe' Wi He aec-farmonca. 715 MAIN STREET, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON