Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, February 20, 1952, Page 2, Image 2

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    WEDNESDAY, KEnnUARV 20. 101,3
' ; 'V
KFJI 1150 Kc rST
Wednesday hvrnlnr. Feb. !0
1:00 Gabriel llaaltar M1U
:IS Klamath Thar Quit
B:30 Around Town N'ewa
6:43 Sam Hayea Nawa MBn
:S3 Bill Henry MUS
7 00 Family Theatre MBS
7:30 Ciico Kla MHS
SCO whale Nam. Song UBS
I!:: ) Puillia SerVire
S:45 Heidelberg Harmnnalre
o 00 Glenn Hardy New. MBS
:I9 rullon Latvia Jr
:30 Wre.lllni
. 8 M S-MIn Final MBS
10.00 Wreatllnf
10:13 I Lova a My.l.ry MBS
10:30 Out of Thunder MBS
11:00 Nlfht Ou li Ncwe
11:03 Nlfht Owla Club
13:00 Sl(n Off
KFJI 1150 Kc. rST
Thursday. Feb. 21
:00 Mimical Reveille
S:40 Farmara' Bulletin Board
0:33 IjOCbI Newa
7.00 Hemimwa) Newa MBS
7:13 Brcakiaal Can( MBS
7:43 Bert (tuya
:no I
I Cecil Brown MBS
8:15 Breakfast Gana MBS
B 30 Haven of Rett MBS
S:u0 Homemakera Harmonlei
8:13 Marlon from Miller.
S:30 Platter Party
0:43 Familiar Favorites
t:00 Glenn Hardy Ncwi MBS
IMS Tello Ten MBS
10:30 LaPolntea
10:43 Mintatur Concert
10(50 Currlni
10:33 Ken Caraon MBS
11:00 Ladtei Fair MBS
11:23 Newa MBS
11:30 Queen for a Day MBS
12:00 Name Randx
19:13 Newa Headline!
12:30 Your Dane. Tunei
12:43 Mu.le Box
12:30 Market .
12:33 Newa
1:00 Jack Ktrkvrood Show MBS
1:30 Take a Number MBS
"ir ij'1 Mil 'T
Bring the 90:119
for coffct , , ,
A Special Purchase For Our
Klamath Basin Customers!
I 0N A BIG 7957 J
lll I
Powered by
World Famous Meter-Miser Mechanism!
Simplert cold-making mechanism ever built
givei you SAFE Cold from top to bottom.
Has 5-Year Warranty I
large Super-Freezer
Quickube Ice Trayt
Rutt-reiifting shelves
large, deep Hydrator
124 No. 4th
Ir.lS Nt-wi MBS
2:00 Newi M11S
3:10 Newt MliS
2:1.1 Two at 2. Ill
2:45 Anxwrr Mnn MBS
3:00 Ricky's Rrquent
4 on Siwcd Gibion MI1S '
4:15 HemuiRWaiy NW MBS
4:.'I0 Curt Mauey Ttmt
4:45 Sam Haye. MDS
5:00 Seritflnt PrcMnn MB3 '
9 .10 Sky Kin MDS
5 VI CtcW Brown MBS
t; oo i: brie I Header MBS
6 15 K1m. Ttlffr Quiz
6-3fl Around Town Newa
6:43 Sum Hajtes Nfi MBS
e:M Bill Henry MBS
7:00 Harmony Tim
7:15 Sports Album
7:: 3 Ibtiv Brmon MBS
6 00 Tartan MBS
B .tO Adven. Your Heritage
8 Heidelberg Harmor.atre
9 TO Glenn Hardy New MBS
9:15 Fulton UhU Jr. MBS
9 ;'.. R -if, ft Cun C'' MBS
:M S-Min. Final MBS
l(!:O0 I l-ove a Mystery MBS
t);M Serenade in Ftlu
10:: Bandsund USA MBS
11:00 Night OwU News
11:03 Mr hi Owli Club
U 00 Sigh Oft.
KFLW 1450 Kc rST
Wednesday Evening, Feb. 21
6:00 Sports High.ijjhU
6:15 Home Town New -
6:25 World News Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade
6.-43 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Co ruins Attractions on ABC
7:00 The tone Hanger ABC
7'Ti Mvsterw Theater ABC
8:00 The Top Guy ABC
8 "T Bestirs C!lerv ABC
9:00 Proudly We Hail
9:30 Northwest Artist
10:00 10 P M Headlines
10:15 Dream Harbor ABC
in:3A Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:05 Sinn OH
KFLW 1450 Kc. PST
Thursday. Feb. 51
6:00 Sign on New Summary
6:05 Corn In th Morn.
6:45 Farm Fare
Hans Norland
Fhone 2-2515.
Aufo Insurance.
rk 49 For OrsWrs Tt Tk 0t
Ben B. Lee, Mgr.
If you
act at
Adjustable Cold Control
Cold-Storage Tray
Removable half shelf
Porc.'ain finish interior
Save $45 on your
Refrigerator NOW!
Ph. 8365
7 00 Ntwi BkiNt Edition
7:13 Churl lei Ituuiutup
7:fl0 Uob (tarred A Kcwi ABC
7 '0 To o' the ''"nlnf
7:55 John Contt ABC
ti:iu i.ieaklatt Cluu ABC
90 Hank Hrnry Show
9:30 Break the Bank ABC
10,00 Chet Huntley. News ABC
10:13 Lone Journey ABC
10 : My True Story ABO
10:33 Fdward Arnold AHC
1100 Betty Crocker ABC
11.15 Stop & Shoo
1I::'0 Jtmmte Fidirr
11::H) Agauut the Storm ABC
11 -ell Vlirv RoUI"Up
11:35 Market IteporU
uiKt N.vi) Co i (.on Newi
UV13 Pales Sidewalk how
't ;w Lucky U Hanoh ABC
i:00 Paul Harve.- ABC
1:13 Better Livinc
1:30 Mary Maraarct MoBnde ABC
2.00 r.Mn Brief
2:13 Accent on MeUdv
2.U) Jojce Jordan. M D, ABC
2 45 Pom. Fveln Winters ARC
3.00 When Girl Marries ABC
V,:S Ted r one ABC
3 .TO Dean Cameron ABC
3:43 Mary Marlin ABC
4: (10 Requeatfully Yourt
5.m 'mi- C' .k.ett, Svsee Patrol ABC
3:33 World Fltfht Reporter ABC
3:30 Chet Huntley ABC
5:4.1 Adven. Your Hen lag
6:00 Snorts Hishtiihts
6:13 Home Town Newr
6:23 World New Summary
6:30 Suburban Serenade .
6-45 Headline Edition ABC
6:33 Coming Attractionv on ABC
7 00 Mr Piestdent ABC
7:30 Defense Attorney ABC .
8:00 Orlf Amateur Hr. ABC
roreiim Keporier
S CO The Redhead ABC
9:.0 C-inreil cf Europe ABC
10:00 10 P M Headlines
10:13 Club Can Do ABC
t0:.t0 Insomnia Club
11:00 News Summary
11:03 Sifn Off
Mother Says
War Needless
MEMPHIS. Tenn. '.P A Mem
phis mother has mailed to Presi
dent Truman the Purple Heart
medal and scroll she received aft
er the death of her soldier son In
Mrs. Donna Cooper, whose 31-
year old son. Paul, was killed last
Oct. 1 In what she called "need
less slaughter," said she wrote the
'I am returning it to you with
this thought to me he ls symbol
oi me lus.uou men who have Deen
sacrlfi?d In needless slaughter, a
so-called 'police action' that has
not and could never be satisfac
torily explained to patriotic Amer
icans who love their country and
the ideals It stands for. . . .
i "If there had been a need for
armed conflict to preserve the
American way of life. I could have
given him proudly and would have
since there we nthing superficial
in his whole 1' . I cannot mar his
memory by L. ,iing a medal and
stereotyped words that hold nc
meaning and tan to promise a bet-
ter tomorrow lor the ones that be
died lor.'
State Schools.
Men Honored
PORTLAND Wl Two Oregon
schools and two Oregon men have
been awarded prizes by the Free
dom j-ounoauon.
The foundation, a non-sectarian,
non-profit organization which con
cerns itself with better understand-
I intr of freedom, announced the Ore
gon winners Tuesday as:
Henry L. Slater. Bums grade
school principal, si. 000 for his un
published essay, "My Country."
Dr. Frederick M. Hunter. Eu
gene, chancellor emeritus of the
State System of Higher Education,
honor medal award for his article
"Spokesman for Freedom," which
appeared in an educational journal.
Portland University, $200 and an
honor medal for its greater Port
land Industries Exposition.
Englewood Grade School, Salem,
for a fifth grade project demon
strating with slides and recordings
methods of teaching democracy.
This is the second time the Sa
lem school has won the award. The
prize is an all-expense trip to Val
ley Forge tor a teacher and a pupil.
'Mrs. Heart'
Still Lives
ber Mrs. Heart?
She's the anonymous Oklahoma
City woman who three years ago
said she was given only a year to
live and asked the nation's news
paper readers how she should
spend S10.0O0 In savings to enjoy
her remaining days.
Mrs. Heart is still alive two
years after doctors said she would
die from a heart ailment. -
She said Tuesday she is "living
very carefully," adding:
"All I do is try to forget things
and lust live from day to day. I
won't permit myself even a little
bit of overexertion."
Mrs. Heart received thousands
of suggestions on what she should
do with the $10,000. But she de
cided to live out her days frugally
as usual, not spend the money
and "pamper my heart."
"I'm tickled to death to be do
ing so well," she explained.
Council Salary
Issue on Ballot
PORTLAND MV- Portland vot
ers will have a chance in the May
primary election to raise toe city
councils pay. -
ine council voted luesaay to
put a charter amendment before I
the voters raising commissioners'
pay from the present $5,000 to
sb.uoo and the mayor s trom $8,
250 to $9300.
Ohlsen, state milk marketing ad
ministrator, soon will announce a
new order setting minimum milk
prices lor the Grants Pass and
Medford areas.
PORTLAND Wl Harry Dor-
man, state finance director, who
has been in a Portland hospital
for a short time under treatment
for an undisclosed ailment, was to
be released Wednesday. -
An overheated floor furnace re
sulted In a call to the home of
Mrs, Charles Bonney. 3918 Bristol
Ave., at 10 a. m. Tuesday. Fire
men reported no damage done.
HEARTS, traditionally a February theme, ar; still in stylo though Valentine's Day is past.
Above, Heart Fund Drive Chairman Norman Wilson and pretty KU1IS student Nancy
Stiles hold a model of a human heart in the high school audio-visual aids department.
And pretty Ruth Alexander displays the Heart Fund contribution box. from which dona
tions will be used to study further the human heart and research can be carried on to
combat heart diseases the greatest killer in the world.
John Payne Goes for Wild,
Rootin'-Tootin' Film Roles
HOLLYWOOD iNEA Ouys andical coach Al Brrkman says, shud-
Dolls: They're calling John Payne
"Mr. Five O'clock Shadow ' over
at Pine-Thomas, where he's been
starring In a series of rugged, ac
tion thrillers, and dunged if John
doesn't glory In the title.
He doesn't care whether he ever
gets a clenn-shnven rolo again.
Whiskers and grime and henrt-
of-stone characters have upped
John's box office rating and he
says of his switch from flawless
profile roles:
"I Played pretty boys too long.
There's nothing worse than . per-
""" j"""'"-- -The public will be seeing a
"Every male star who's ever whole crop of new singers on TV.
lasted in this business has had a -a great voice Is no longer all
lick at playing hard, bitter, mean j important. TV audience want to
guys. Look at Gable and Tracy enjoy looking at sinners."
ana woopcr.
John's scarred and bewhlskered
again in "Carribbean Gold."
Luscious Zsa Zsa Gabor is lash
ing out at movieiown iroublemak- i
, ers and vows that she Isn t going
to let Hollywood stir up a feud
between her and sister Eva Gabor.
There's just none of that grudge
business in the famous Gabor fam
ily, said Zsa Zsa. who is on the
"We're Not Married" set, and no
galloping jealousy,
This talk make me furious."
the blonde beauty stormed. "I
adore my sister, Eva."
"She's a very big success In tel
evision in New York and we tele
phone each ozzer every day. My
big wish is to be in a play wlz
Criticism that she over-plays the
angle on her TV show:
"I do it to make the little haus
Irau happy.
"Diamonds don't make women
happy. Anyhow, lately. I'm not so
interested in diamonds.
"I start to prefer pearls better.'
It's hunky dory with Anthony
Qutnn if Clark Gable and Gregory
Peck continue to duck television
Rugged, dark-eyed Tony co
starred with Helen Hayes in an
hour - long play from New York,
and vows that the part would never
come his way tt ciark or Gregory
bad been available.
Back In Hollywood to menace
End Flynn in "Against All Flags"
Tony still talks about Helen Hayes
"She full of humility about tele
vision. She doesn't say that she
knows it all. Why, mat great ac
tress aoDroaches TV as If she were
a beginner In the acting art."
Names are getting longer in
First It was ucisy von i-ursicn-
berg who caused the mBrquee-
keepers to groan ana now im nmiu
Maria Alberghettl, Paramounts
15-year-old singer from Italy.
Anna Maria, who knocked mo
viegoers for a loop in Blng Cros
and is currently shaking art house
theater chandeliers with her bell
tones in "The Medium," is slated
to face the cameras soon in her
starring movie, "The Goddess.
Her 22-letter name?
"Daddy thinks maybe it should
be plain Anna Murla," said the
coloratura soprano who looks like
a junior version of Rosalind Rus
"The studio hasn't said anything
about changing my name, though."
Hollywood's newest Dcanna"
started singing at the age of 6
and was annealing as a concert
star throughout Europe by 1048.
A U.S. tour orougnt ncr many ot
ters ot movie contracts.
"Daddy though that Paramount
would do better for me. After all,
MGM has Kathryn Grayson and
Jane Powell."
Anna Maria's "Daddy" Is Da
nlele Albcrgctll, a former baritone
and cellist who began training her
when she was a toddler.
i .ui. ui
,"! " ".. ' ".
(l, - . t,, - " ,h ,
hu., fh V,h,
bowl them straight down the al
ley to obscurity.
That's what noted Hollywood vo-
-i in i i j 1
j dering ns he predicts that some
million-dollar bcsl-sellerx on rec
ords and radio won't make the 1
IV grade.
Berkman blames tt on the nil
seeing camera- eye of TV that picks
,,n IK, ...... tll (I.I. .....!..- ... I
much eye-blinking, lip puckcrcrs,
self-conscious movements and the
vertical mouth-shapes made by
over-trained baritones and sopra
nos. "Dinah Shore's made a TV home
kVn', and queens aren't going o 1
g 0 Vf! Vc"LZ J "t
run. but some of Uic other song
New record books were received
at the third meeting of the Bonan
za Triple "B" Beef Club. The
meeting was held at the Bonanza
High School;. Feb. S. Our leader,
John Heyden explained how to fill
record books out since they are
different than thoso of previous
years. Demonstrations lor the 4.-H
Spring Fair were discussed. Mem
bers present were: Joe Hoefler, Ca
rol Challls, Billy Dearborn. Nancy
Jo Given, May Challls. Mnimtm.i
Hellekson. Rex Portcrfield, Cather
ine Dearborn, and John Heyden.
Catherine Dearborn
Newa Reporter
The fourth meeting of the Hen
Icy Beef Club was held at the
home of Audrey and Hollls Klgcr.
The meeting was called to order
hv lha nrEiilnl .Tim Diainn Th
pledge to the flan was given after
which the club sang a song. The Dr. Clifford Wagner anld he
minuted of the last meeting were , rushed Deborah Kayo Wnrrcn to
read and approved. The treasurer surgery Immediately after the
reported a balance of 11.20. glrl's birth In lone, Ore., and re
Wc discussed plans lor a pic ; placed the organs through a long
social and square dance to be held Incision In the side,
at the Henley Grange Hall, Feb. 29. Debotnh Kny was born Feb. 7
Otto Ellis will call for the square to Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Warren of
dance. Cards will be available for lone.
thow who wish, to piny. Commit- Dr. Wagner snld the little girl Is
lees were appointed to carry out
further plans.
The meeting was adjourned and
refreshments served by the hoslcs
Mrs. Kenneth Klger.
Leonard Garrison
News Reporter
Miss Esther Taskerud, State 4-H
leader will meet with 4-H leaders
at Joan's Kitchen, Feb. 18th. She
will discuss such things as Junior
LeadershlD. Getting the Most from
4-H Club Work, and Wise Use of
Other features of the program
will Include: Report on Annual
Leaders' Conference by Mrs. Wil
liam Kunz, Mrs. Fred Wolfrum,
and Mrs. Earl Mack; a discus
sion of wise use of veterinary serv
ice bv Dr. Joe Rlker, a puppet
show by club members Terry Bey
er and Joan Taylor and crew from
Henley; and an exhibit of mater
ials available to help clothing and
foods leaders. -
The meeting Is scheduled trom
10 to 3 with a notluck at noon.
Leaders who attended leaders' con
ference are In charge of arrange
ments. All leaders attending are
asked to bring table service as
well as their contribution to the
ON the Ant
February 23rd, tlie Langell Val-
ley Kllcnen uooxs irom iangcu
Valley will give radio listeners a
chance to find out Just what goes
on at a 4-H cooking club meet
ing. This club of second year cooks
Is lead by Mrs. Robert Colwell.
The 4-H program Is heard each
Saturday morning at 10:30 on
1 l: Ei rrmiyiimui i
'jC7 V I mm
r-'A Mir
i e-jr v i im mir . i wmuiii i i
iA m m
FLASHY Arriving in New
York, Actress Elizabeth
Taylor flashes her eyes as
well as a hiiRe sapphire
circled with two rows of
diamonds on her engage
ment ring finger. She is en
route to London where she
will marrv British .Actor
Michael Wilding.
Organs Out,
Baby Lives
PENDLETON. Ore. LP A hntav
girl who wus born with her ab
dominal orgiins outside the bodv
is believed to be on the wav to full
iccovcry. the attending physician
isuld nc,e Tuesday
now nt home, resting mid eating
comfortably. He suld thnl during
the operation "we were lorced to
place the girl's appendix on the
lilt side oi her body instcud of
tlie right."
The doctor explained the phe
nomenon by saying that, In. the
embryo stage, the girl s stoinuch
had fulled to close In a small area
over the stomach wall. During the
pressure of birth. Dr. Wagner said,
the force apparently ruptured the
small opening, causing exposure of
the organs.
Only last-December, another girl,
Deborah Knv Angclo, was born at
Puyallup, Wash., near Tacoma,
with her heart outside her body.
. Doctors operated immediately
and corrected nature's mistake,
but Deborah Angelo died after 25
days of life.
Car Hits Hole,
City Sued
Ocorgn Brown tells It, he was driv
ing down a street last Jan. 7 when
his car hit a hole in the street.
Result: A tire blew out. He
caught ft cold while changing it.
He had w nay sn for a cold snot.
He missed a day's pay $15.84. Ho
hud to nay $53.78 for damage lo
his car.
Brown sued the city Tuesday tor
OLENDALE, Calif. 'PI For
dropping a slug In a parking meter,
Mis. Helen Mnrlc Nyeganrd was
convicted Tuesday on a charge of
defrauding the citv, fined $50 and
sentenced to lo aays.in ja".
I l I l v l-I 11
I . r1 n l f VI I . I
School Bill
Support Urged
Till' Oitii'"'
Kni'iiiein Ui.Iiiii vvni inm'd bv tin
li'tlilim iireMlcli'lit Turwliiv In Mill
port tin' M'llUlll I'TOl'giilllziitlim
ir.i'iiMini which will iippimi' im til"
kciioi'iiI rlrrllon uullot.
. The bill to Klinplllv coimnlliliillnii
of school (H.rlvla wan imsNcd nl
the hint araslllll of the ll'UllilUIIC.
nut Hip Stiiln (.limine which op
tioned Hip nidisiiii', uiHlriniuk it
irlemiihini ciiiiiniilun mid Mil-
rcoclnl In hnvliiK the bill ii'lrnuil
to the viiIpi.
JonrM nl.w iimcd I lit" aiuiiiul con-
"A woman likt
you Isn't goin
W to kiss morii.
rf.f,Ji I thin one mm
'"- tVi like thiil-
11 lliiail,iEi.l
laiail I ri'inal la I.
II IllaalSSI I llllll'l I
I f- Ji"' Isf lj.l l I I
vrlillon 10 conlluiio ll.i OMPunlln
o II SllltP KIllPK'lllX.
Jonei who Imp urril lronlilriib
Hip unnuiir.iil loi tin' Ilie )HM
vpiu-ji. mild ho would lint (.eel
election. I), J. Hunt, Doling, nn,l
Wendell lliii'iiell, HnlPlil, Iiiivp beru
nielli lulled a s piiMilblo onndldutca,
I'USAN, Kor United Nr.
Ilium ini'iiibera and prlviiln wet
lull' (lI'KHIllZUllllllK In liiiinv pni'M
nf Ilic world arc iiendlim a Hleudv
M renin of lellef uooda lo wui;-loin
WAHIIINUTON iXt The llniire
piisteil mid Belli to the Bonnln Mnn
luy n bill iiiilhorliiliiK an addlllonul
lit inlllliiil dnllurn In direct lonni
lor llio iiurclmae of homes by vet
erans. m wwMwm wm m 1