PAQg SlATEEIf HERALD AND WEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 10S2 I 1 22 SHARE THE WEALTH plan of the Sears and Roebuck Co. brings smiles to the faces of local employes. Here Mgr. Bill Payette hands out envelopes to (1 to r) Bernice Cooley, Ford Kempton, Frank Scott, Edith Taylor and Lorraine Price, the youngest member of the organization to have a hand in the share the wealth plan. Workers, Firm Share Profits Sixty employes of the Sears, Roe buck and Company store in Klam ath Falls have -Just learned the extent to which each is sharing in the company' s 1951 profits through their membership in the "Savings and Profit Sharing Pen sion Fund." Individual statements containing this information were distributed by Bill Payette, Sears local man ager, to member-employes at the annual store meeting. Fayette announced that this lo cal group has to its credit In the fund 1952 shares of Sears stock plus a cash balance of $40,485.50. Based on a year-end market value of $56 per share, this makes a total Investment of $149,783.84. The fund's total current assets t mount to $400 million; this being uilt up from $63 million deposited from wages and salaries by the 109.233 members in the past 36 years. The fund now owns approximate ly 24 per cent of Sears stock, and this ownership makes it the com pany's largest single stockholder, Payette said. . MHitt Ai" V-mVum mhiiiiiiiii,na An eager French fisherman hauled up the first submarine cable across the English Channel the day after it was laid in August, 1850. He thought it was an eel. By MART EGAN "We can, we can, we know we canl "We can, we can, we must! "We can, we can, we know we can! "Win the tournament or bust!' Already the familiar cry of vic tory is on the lips of every Aca demy student as they patiently try to wait the one more day neces sary until the first game of the annual basketball tournament is under way. The three days of the tournament are scheduled for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, with the afternoon games to be played at Henley and the night games to be played on Klamath Union's familiar Pelican Court. Not only are the Trojans preparing for the big event but the Pep Club, too, as they are makintr Dom Doms. planning rally skits,' and selling miniature yarn dolls of cheerlead ers holding pennants. The skating party sponsored bv the juniors Monday night was fun ior everyone according to the fav oraoie remarxs aiterwaras. lnis may be the last project for the Junior Prom this year and the juniors wish to say "thank you" to the students for their snlendid cooperation. Milani Heads Soil District Ernst Milani. Klnmath farmer was named supervisor of the Klam ath Soil Conservation District here Monday night replacing Wilbur narnesourger. Milani was named durinir thp annual meeunu ol trie Klamath SCD held at the Midland Grange Hall. About 25 farmers from Uie district were on hand, The group discussed the needs and problems of the district, the smallest of the county's three dis tricts. Among the needs being In vestigated is more equipment for district operation. Dr. Al Hnlvorsen and Gene Ion, described work being under tasen there including the installa tion of a tile drain 12 feet deep. (7- 9th and Pine Phoe 3188 SAVE ON SPRING BLOUSES 1.47 Sizei 32 to 38 These Washable Rayon Crepes would be 1.98 if we hadn't purchased them specially, lace or embroidery trims to add a springtime note to your suits and skirts. See them now. In go-wlth-everything; white. Not only are the boys practicing basketball this week, but also the girls who are planning to partici pate in the girls tournament to be held at Lakeview next Saturday. Schools from all surrounding areas will join with Lakeview in this full day of basketball fun. Church Group Plans Meeting Next session of the Catholic Daughters in Kltiiniilh Falls will develop an rduaitloiml theme. through discussions of lllarnture and individual reviews of current books by Catholic authors. Mrs. Kosc O'U'iiry. chairman for the Feb. 25 affair, has Invited all interested persons to attend this open meeting:. A sliver ottering may bo made al this meeting to help Sacred Heart Academy se cure additional books for their school library. Now classroom fa cilities with added enrollment ne cessitate supplementary material in both the circulation and refer ence departments. As an outgrowth of Inst Monday's business session, when Father John Edwards of the parish rectory spoke a few words on personal sunctificution and the value of con tinual and current study of one's Catholic religion. Mrs. Helen Wag ner has been working on Uie or ganization of Study Clubs for Cath olic Daughters. Anyone Interested in securing information regarding attendance at one of these clubs, may call Mrs. Wagner nt 6047, Court Klamath 121)5 was the re cipient of three-foot statue of the Blessed Mother, pioyer-lnsplrlng In her while robe and mantle Willi uiue cloak. This Imago, union de picts the Immaculate Mary as a powerful bulwark against evil in the world, was sent from New Vork by Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, who Is n sister of Mrs, Marlon Howard of Uretecli, a trusti'o in ihe locul Daughters Court. Father Edwards blessed this slut no which will be used lit all subsequent meetings. To keen the supply of baby clothes available, for needy people in Europe Cathollo Daughters throughout the United States have undertaken the job of preparing layettes. With the Interest mid aid of local Daughters, It Is hoped that live complete layettes may bo pre pared and sent from Klnmath. The gnriuenls are being cut mid will uo distributed to individual mem bcrs for completion. Toward the close of last Momlnv meeting, Mrs, Lorraine Huetll gave a pre-Lonten push to her listeners when she reud "Just for n Min ute,' nit airy-toned but potent re minder In verse form of Christ's rent presence in the Tnbernncle. Refreshments wore served by Mrs. Saverlna Smith and her com mittee of Mnrjorle Nnrey. Mur- BOURBON at its ALL-TIME BEST ! WtLA U7 Hunter Whip SQ7. r H Planters e Club STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISItr gnret O'Connor, Mnrrnllit Murray, Cody May, Winifred Huoker, Vio let I'li'ser, llnrbai'ii UoKalay anil Ellen I'lilteison, Near Venrnueln's Cnronl Diver Is nn oppn initio. El I'iio, which has begun sending Iron mo to the United States. MIRRORS tor our (,. .Room In the HomoM v 1 'b. Main H SINUS INFECTIONS DR. E. M. MARSH Muer(ullr Tr.iUi f) KiHualM Mnlh4 m n. im ., rhne ttm NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY!! Better buy Planters Club . i : By any standard, you couldn't buy better ! 86 HO Of CONTINENTAL DI5TIIIING CORr. fHHA., t A. fg) "Thfifty-30" 'CrgafElectric Range ' L" ' 1 NsA Only 30 lnch wldo but the ovon li large rr enough lo bake 6 pies ol once, or rooil a , rL--- 3Mb. turkey. I lifetime Porceloln finish Inside SM rMJLY I on ou L BUY IT FOR ONI.T I Cook Mailw Oven Clok CoMrel $1160 I 4 Hedlenluke I-Ieeed Unite 33rw, per month . Sralnl... rWleln Top Uown r i . Full-wldlh Sloroe Drawer I'U,,C:tar5T' f :0MfiMf R D,0W ?& JSEC A DEMONSTHA TIOM J i . - BUY NOW! A price raise has been announced for coming shipments! VERN OWENS'. CASCADE HOME FURNISHINGS COMPANY 124 No. 4th Phone! 8365 nick even keeps the Sun in its Place Of course; this new glass which reduces glare and incoming sun-heat is a Buick feature in '52 WITH all the new things we've had to talk about in 1952 Biiicks, we're just getting around to this one. It's called "Easy-Eye Glass"t a new kind of glass with a cool, soft, blue green tint, which filters the sun's rays entering your car cuts down their glare and heat. ribu'll appreciate the "glare control" at any time and when you hit your first stretch of hot-weather driving you'll find that this glass does a great job of keeping the heat out of your lap. We know because thousands of happy Buick owners already have this new comfort feature. The rest of the automo bile industry is just beginning to discover, what Buick discovered a year ago. It's a great idea, which costs you very little extra if you order it when you're buying a new car. But this still leaves the other folks with a lot of catching up to do. ,lbu'll look a long way before you'll find anything that approaches a Buick's million dollar ride. "You'll look a long way before you'll find anything so completely satisfying as Dynaflow Drive. "You'll find it hard to match the style and beauty and harmonious good taste of a 1952 Buick's interior trim and fabrics. And when it comes to what you get for pay we'll gladly match price tags with the field. Have you had a good look at the '52 Buicks?. That's something you ought to do soon. Koufonunl. acctuorUt, trim and motMi art tubjtcl to chanot without tuirfr. lOnttenat at txtra eotiavailablt on moat modila, (Not jirwntly avaitabti to MttMmtchuMtts.i tfStandard m KOADUASTXX, optional al wlra ml on elan- StrU$, Sure is true k'12 H. E. HAUGER 28 Years Your Buick Dealer 1330 Main St. Phone 5151