PAGE FOURTEEN HERALD ANDREWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON WEDNESDAY, FERRUARY 20, 19.12 i v ESCAPED DEATH Col. George Grobicki, 60, form er Polish officer, examines a pistol introduced as evid ence at Washington, before the special House commit- , tee investigating the slaying of thousands of Polish offi cers in Katyn Forest early in World War II. Grobicki told the committee he had escaped death five times while a Russian prisoner between 1939 and 1941 and testified there is reason to believe the present Soviet ambassador to London commanded a Russian "murder" prison camp in World War H Hildebrand By MRS. T. P. MICHAEL Mr. nd Mrs. Cortney Cordon and son, Jimmie. of Dunsmuir, Clif., spent Uie weekend with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Butts. Tailor High and sons from Foe Valley were shopping In Dairy on Monday. Denny, S'i-year-old son of Mr. - and Mrs. Clifford Sewald. fell off the bed at his home Tuesday and broke his right leg. He was taken to a Klamath Falls hospital, where a cast was put on and he was taken home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. McCoy arrived at the home of their mother, Mrs. Sarah Michael, on Saturday night from Paisley. They spent the weekend there, leaving Monday for Fairbanks, Alaska, where they will be employed for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ritter and children, Lila and Robert, of Hen. ley, visited on Saturday at the home of their brother, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ritter of Hildebrand. Mrs. S. K. Hartzler and son, John, were shopping in Klamath rails on Monday. Mr. nd Mrs. J. R. Dalton enter' tained on Sunday, Feb. 10, with a dinner in honor of Mrs. Dalton's parents thirty-third wedding an niversary, covers were laid lor tfle honored guests, Mr. and Mrs. E. c. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moore and family, Elaine Jones and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Dalton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horton re turned Monday from Red Bluff where they attended the bull sale. Mrs. Jesse Angle and daughters, and Mrs. Billy Drew were busi ness visitors in Dairy on Wednes day. Mr. Walker and Cliff Sewalt re turned home on Wednesday from Los Angeles where they spent sev eral days. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Michael Irove to Fort Klamath on Sunday Where they spent the day. Cliff Sewald is on the sick list with pneumonia. Mrs. Margaret Stiles and daugh ter, Peggy, of Bly, visited her sis ter, Mrs. Joe Vieira, on Thursday evening. Mrs. Rose Vieira, who has been on the sick list is somewhat better Bow. Mrs. Vieva Watkins of Klamath Falls visited for a short time in Dairy on Wednesday. Ray Robinson was a shopper in Dairy on Thursday. Mrs. Sarah Michael spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hart sler. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sullivan and ions, Larry and Danny, of Olene, visited on Monday evening with Mrs. Sullivan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Hartzler and brother, John. CLASSIFIED RATES On day per word ta Dire Days per word lie Week run Pr word JOo Month run per word He MINIMUM The minimum charge (or any one d Is 60c. BOX NUMBERS Answers to ads may be handled through box numbers at the paper for a service charge of 25c. DEADLINES Classified aos accepted up to 1:30 pjn. for following day' publication Classified display ads accepted up to 13 noon for following day pub lication. ADJUSTMENTS Please mane all claims for adjust ments without delay. Correction or cancellation re ceived by 5:30 pja. will be mad In following day's publication MftTINO NOTICES LODGTTMEETI NG EVERY THURSDAY i n d initiation every third Thursday W. C. HOOPER Secretary 1010 Pine 1 sdmrnfrW FUNERAL HOMES WARD'S Klamath Funeral Home Hilh Street. Phona 333. MEETING NOTICES KLAMOT' FALLS Aerie No. 2090 fO at Regular meeting .1 Il7 J..... TP i A m .. nicht 7:4s n. m O. E. Hall. 9Ul nd Walnut. Vi....ntf members cordially invited. Buffet hours 10:30 a.m. to 1 a.m. CASTOR, Alta. W A total of 120 ihotgun pellets struct Reginald Quanta when a shotgun carried by K companion on a hunting trip ac cidentally discharged. He is recov-sring. Legal Notice NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an attachment execu tion duly issued by the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the County of Klam ath. State of Oregon, the lit day ot February, 1952. In a certain action In the Circuit Court for the Said Countv and State, wherein. Owens AdjUftment Service, Inc.. as Plaintiff recovered ludjrme-nt acainst Lawrence J. Si: lev and Bernice Sisley, his wife, for the sum of $15.00 with interest thereon at ier cent oer annum from Aor 1 18. 1944. until paid: for the sum of $172 24 with interest i hereon at per cent per annum from September 3. 1949. until paid; for the sum of $6.50 with interest thereon at six per cent per annum, until paid, as appears by the transcript of the judgment and pro ceedings filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Klamath on me izin aay oi uecemoer. and the further sum of 53.00 costs ac crued herein. Notice is hereby riven that X will on the Sth day of March. 1952. at the Court House of the County of Klam ath, In Klamath Falls in said County. at 10 o'clock in the morning of Mid day. sell at public auction to the hishest bidder, for cash, eouitv in the folio wine-described DrooertV. to-wit: Northwest Quarter-Northwest Quar ter, Section 5. Township 38. Range 9 EWM. Also, - Assesor Lot No. 1759-P in lot 3 described in Deed Volume 147. Page 379, 2.13 acres in Section 31, Township 37. Rang i B EWM Taken and levied upon at the prop erty of the said Lawrence J. Sislev i and Bernice Sisley, his wife, or as much thereof, as may be necessary to satisfy tne said judgment in lavor oi ine owens Adjustment Service. Inc.. Plaintiff, against said Lawrence J. Sisley and Bernice Sisley, his wife, with interest thereon, together with all costs and disbursements that have or may accrue. Dated at Klamath FaUs, Oregon Feb ruary 1, ISM. J. M. BRITTON Sheriff of Klamath County Oregon BY: DORA GUDDARO Deputy r--13-20-27 No. 881 Critter Luke Lodne No. 311 A. P. and A.M. will hold a special communi cation. Thursday, Feb ruary 31 at 7:30 p.m. Work in the E.A. De gree. Visit... brethren. Win. FINK SECRETARY "Order of the Amaranth will hold a celebration annual Birthday of Court Wednesday, Feb ruary 20 at b p.m. rasi Royal Matrons and Royal Patrons in chame of refreshments. ORA OEINOF.R-R.M. JAMES HUNTER-R.P. 10 SERVICES ALT T. H ATlTiNS on Hum's'" urimenY. children's clothing Jrnnu Hare, tfrnnt. tress Anita rt, 707 Main. UiVcn digging Biid'brtolt f riling with Fnrri" n Trciu-h H.w. i'alt JMttM. ;wa4 or 1.42a. FULLER lirUBlies. Phone 9iHi4 er"wfl FOR THKK "THlVMINli" Phnne J-'M.Vt I N T O M E TAX UKTt'RNS For appointment Phone tt-oa,M. lUrvev CT ft TAINS fiiu ivrV -ed aiTcl itrtcheiT Phone 4914 EDUCATIONAL 12 UOUKKEEP1NG shorthand typing kin dred subject!!, nffu-e machines KLAMATH Bl'RINKSS ( Ol.l.rilK lU Pine Phone 4Ti CHILD CAKE ami education. Pre ichool center. Phona 4379 2 LOST AND FOUND LOST, billfold-afPellcan ThVierTait week. Finder keep money and return papers. Name Nancy Rutl. Phone 3-3494. LIGHT tan over coat taken from Mec ca. I'arty known. Please return and, GENERAL NOTICE Heavy Rhode Island Red Day-Old Cockerels 10c Each STANDARD FEED STORE Phone 8300 13 HEALTH MASSAGE, therapeutic everclses ror women. Spot reducing featured. Phona 14 HELP WANTED, FEMALE HESPONSim.E woman, "Vicinity Mills School for li.ihy ctv. four hours dally, five dayn week. Phone 7i;ttl. EXPERIENCED "bookkeeper' for payroll aiul net er-l nf ftci uors Gcori i icadv Ctaltlon. Apply after 4 p.m. Cascade tun dry and Clcanen.'i;iv r i-k t'i'iVV i-v with good referenrr;. Five In the family. Good wages Plume .17 1 A. U" HELP WANTED, MALE 20E BRUCE Will Welcome OLD CUSTOMERS AND NEW AT SWANSEN'S Barber Beauty Shop 633 Main Colored BATH ROOM SETS IN STOCK H Help Wonted AGRICULTURAL SALESMAN By one of the lending agricultural dealerships in this aren. Excellent working conditions. Write BOX, 17 HERALD AND NEWS tfb DYand "fender mehantc with dealer espcrience. Man capable of making es ti mates preferred Apply Sclby Chevro let, Ahlana, Oregon. . ea -; tiu l.i'ig needed invention. Advert iced Saturday Evening rom, country u heie. Full, Uept tw-li. Littleton. WANTED, ambitious oung man for permanent position with large company. Excellent promotion possibilities. Phone .-i4 ft to 6 p.m. 'WTaMIM' :AVatkVnjrrVute"7owavaVr. able. If you wint your own buine with better than average income, write for information to The J. R. Watklna Co.. i:t? Dexter Avenue, Seattle 9. Wuh-Ington.' 17 21 MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT beehive: u TRUCKS v- DRIVE Move Yourself Snv New Trucks For Long Trips Plckupa Stakes Vn BEACON MOBIL SERVICE 1301 E. Mnin Phona 83M i)AitA(!k"iir "tnl, InqMlra'PlMir'Wit. my. Phinw orICK (or rank KU Main Phoiia i'OH HKNT (ioof aandar, laiaai ivim qulpmant Suburban Lumbar Co llth anu wainui rnoni Tim CAR STORAC HI(ATf;ftrdar-waalc or munlh. Kart Lamb, phuna or TTOfl. 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI 10 REAL ISTATI FOR SALI FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive imd well constructed seven room homo on norllisUle. I.niue llvlnu nwm with (Irei)lnoe. clltiliiR room, kltchrn. two bedrooms mid full Until with slnll shower on second floor. Hnrdwood floors throuiihout, busement. A renl buy nt $1'J,500. HOT WATER HEAT 4 For renl comfort this Is It. Spacious six room home. All rooms exlrn lurce. Living mid dining room, fireplace, two bedrooms, sewing room, beautiful kitchen and utility. wall to wall carpMlng. full concrete basement. K"'iirnl hot water heat with air conditioning set up for summer. Close In. $15,000 terms. OTHER LISTINGS . We have other homes tor sale priced from I000 to $40,000. If you are planning to buy feel free to call or dron In at any time. We will Country jimivren. Prosiwct. v-! be glnd to show you what we have. inc. Full, ttnia Kclulva. ! Investment, free sample,. Write ,DDV , ir- a.uui JOE LFONARD lEves. 3-0537) AL SCHMECK REALTOR and INSURANCE 517 Main Phone 3311 HELP WANTED WESTERN' UNION want, u to tram as an automatic operator. Good calary while learninir. Must be eichleen years No Delay Take Them With You!,f .'"S1'1' l,y"J!,'- ' Montana or Idaho. Please contact lo- We now have many styles and colors to cnoose Irom. Free Estimates Gladly Given! COME IN TODAY G C. Motl 812 Klamath Ave. cal Western I'mon office. 18 SITUATIONS WANTED" BUSTED AND DISGUSTED? Herald & News V CLASSIFIED ADS Use 'em to find a Rood job and Phone 6616 ' change woe to dough." ! Phone 8111 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH In the Matter of the Estate oi JAMES FRANCIS. Deceased. Notice is hereby riven that I have filed my final account as administrator oi tne estate ot James rrancis, de ceased, and that the Court has Feb. 28. 1952. at the hour of 10:00 A.M., as the time for the hearing of oojecuons to saia unai account ana settlement thereof Dated this 23rd day of January. 1952 J. C. O NEILald. Adm. J. C. O'NEILL. Attorney for Adm. J -30 F-6-13-20 No. 869 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that have filed my Final Account. Report of Executrix, and Petition for Distri bution in the matter of the estate oi Italo Ferroni. deceased, and the Cir cuit Court has set Thursday the 6 day of March. 1952. at the hour of ten o'clock A.M. in the Circuit Court Room of the Klamath County court House. Klamath Falls. Oreeon. as tne time and place for hearing of exceptions and objections to said Final Account, if any there by. PAMELA FERRONI, EXECUTRIX Uf Estate of ITALO FERRONI, Deceased. EDWIN E. DRISCOLL Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls. Oregon Attorney for Estate F -6-13-20-27 M-5 No. 883 I Suburban Service On your Worn Equipment 11th & Walnut Ph. 7709 NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 1 have filed my Final Account in the matter oi tne estate oi juh r BUNN. DECEASED. AND Hon. David R Vandenbera. Judge of the Circuit Court of tne state ot Oregon lor tne county oi Kiamatn. nas set Monaay. tne luin day of March, 1952, at the hour of 10:00 o ciock A.M., in tne circuit court Room of the Klamath County court House. Klamath Falls. Orenon. as the time and place for hearing of excep tions and oojecttons to said nnai Ac count, if any there be. WM. HUVOTMY, AUMiniainA 1 UN of the Estate of John P. Bunn. Deceased. CLAYTON J. BURRELL Pine Tree Building Klamath Falls, Oregon Attorney for Estate F-l 1-18-25 M-3 No 893 AT DURE DURHAM, N.C. OR One of the top prospects on Duke's outdoor track quad is Joe Shankle, all around ace who starred at Randolph-Macon Academy. His top prep school record for the high hurdles was 14.4 only one tenth of a second off the Southern Con ference record set In 1919. WE Will h rlnoH BS.... trC ST 1 but will be open as usual. Sat. ' Feb.' i WOMAN work badly, will Take aid and News. Box 28. EXPERIENCED lady w JPcarrforchi dren In your home. Phnne 9641. SMALL ACREAGE Three ncres In South Suburbs. Smtnble (or home site or sub divi sion. Price $1500. Lookie-Lookie-Lookie LAItOK 0 room home on 1 iu'IT K round in the HhnMn District. New ly rrrtpcoriitpil Inutile, nspliitll tile floors In the major rooms. Good sine llvlnu room, liuue sppmitte illn Init room, nttiitctlve modern kitch en with pleclrle. wntcir hPntcr, n dandy Unlit still room or sewing room, bPdrooms uiul u bntli room. Solid foundation mid ntlnohrd tin- rime. Evprylhlim you could nk (or In comfortable economical llvlnu ALL THIS FOR ONLY $7S0. Pay owner HIM (or Ills equity mid an num" his CI. I. Loan or reflnauoo on terms tu suit you. A HOME TO BE PROUD OF Here Is truly (Ine home (or n small family. The homo you have been rtrpiiiiilug of and now It can be nil yours (or n small amount down mid monthly payments Mko rent. Lorntrd on l acre In thr South Suburbs and surrounded by lovely post war homes. Only 5 years old. You'll (all In love with It Iipii you see It. 3 iinod site bedrooms with wardrobe closets, la rue llvlnu and dlulim room combined, modern Unlit well arinniicd kitchen, auto matic heat and hardwood doors. Only 1 owner has llvtyl in this lovply home , and It has bepn very well ciiird (or. In first class shape all the way around Includln Mo: in windows and Insulation. Nice viu-ri with lawn fenced. Ootachpd irarase. Only s blocks to stores and bus. Call im for an appointment to spp It NOW for a baralu such as this won t Inn long. Priced for quick ssle at $7500. We will arraiiKO f. uuuiulK io sun you. Al Lomimlre 8734 Jof I''" Evpm. mi BURTON E. GRAY KKALTOK and INSURANCE 1037 Main St. Ph. 38tiS or 3421 4 FINANCIAL LOANS $$MONEY ON I HK KIHS'l CALL I Up to I.VI0 on rout utn On vom salary oi finnllurs up ui 1:100 'PJ Dy losiu pecluliy - lit) tm tt0 Innnpd till "py diy' or ioiiupi Ut coau out II cenU for out werk tlv uthei chum LOCAL LOAN CO. lift No 10th BU M-3M 10 RIAL ISTATI FOR SALI DON Mi'lN TYRIC, Mgr. 49 Vr rrlenrily Servlet 1 12 IUILDIN0 NORTH SIDE triftOO Our bedroom, llvlnu room kitchenette, batJi, Completely film Ished. Terms. $it000-CompletPly reniodelnl two bedroom home with atlarhrd a rage. On corner lot. Home flnlnhlim let' but ran move right In. Terms. MILLS 110.000 Two bedroom, living room, dlnliig room, utility, flrpplsri. Very nice lawn, shrubs and trees. One block from school. Terms. JnftooModprn two bedroom home six acres Urination on paved high way. Terms. VKrtNON DURA NT ANDY SILANI RKAL ESTATE Ml So. Sixth Phone 911)5, 6M4 or 7933 CAFE Wonderful locatiun itilly equipped excellent steady buMncss--owner says "One Away" at $5500. Home ond Income MILLS ADDITION -5 room home m duplex excellent locution 1 3,000. COMMERCIAL BUILDING SITE 150 (cet on South Sixth Street bv j 1016 Main 135 (cet deep. Price $15,000 terms. Sh'E Dcaiip Sucher Kvrnlnus otKH i With BILL SULLIVAN HKAI.TOR What We Do For You When you list your rltv or subur ban properly with CHIIXJOTE A SMITH, Realtors. 1. We appraise fairly and at onct. 1 3. We finance properties If you need your cash, ton exclusive listings). 3. We guarantee to advertise all p.xcluslve lhtlngs regularly. i. We do all the work Spend our time our advertising money, S All you do is sign the deed. Phnne 3-JMt 4 " RIMODILINO .- .t:- Sri-.. tx:z .-xxt -mtiairavjn, at ROOKINO Illlllt-tip Composition SlilnglPi Aluminum Shingles HIDINO Abestos Cedar Shakes INSULATION lilown-In Fiberglass COMI1INATION ALUMINUM SCIIKKN AND STORM WINIXJWi Kuhlman Insulation Phone 44IM or CI, KM LESUKUR 3-3443, Agent ALL WORK GUARANTEED PROFIT BUILDERS Herald A: Newt CLAHSIEIM) ADS Use 'em to find customers for your llulldlng Materials. Phono till hllll.DlNd MAT:illAl.ltiriinipllv" ifa llvarad lr ha,ln llulldltii Malarial, lliti. l.umUar. ronflMtf, pla,lar, palm, llm.r-tllll.h r WHAT. Ihla I, lha plara 1,1 It. 4TB auum Biain, .low li. 1.1 J4" "" 7 FUIL MIATINC "" 23. Pacific Supply Cooperative. Also city and suburbnn homes. Phone 5558 !.- NEW SHOE Shop. We wl.h 10 advlie our old customers, of many yeara that we ire In buslneu again and ex tend an Invitation to all to ee our new equipment and have the best tn ladies, men", and children, shoe re palrs. Stuart i Shoe Shop, 1033 Main. PERSONALS REAL silt. Phone S208, WASHINGTON R-ntn. p. i-; appointment,. Phona 3632. 1018 Washlns- ORDER your Spencer garment before ejecting your spring wardrobe. Phone STANLEY Home ProducU. Phona 66U9. 10 service CENTRALIZED SERVICE BUREAU What you don't want. else needs! Let us find what you want or find the person who needs what you don't want. This Is the kind of service we are onering . . . why not take advant age of this unique opportunity. Drop in at 255 East Main in Klam ath Falls and get acquainted or Phone 5670 Anne Ma?on Eddie Hosley Eves. 6714 -All we ask serve you. Is the chance io Open Evenings by Appointment HOUR work. Phone I-312U.- MAN ana warn job In holel or camp. Experienced cook, and bakers. Write Herald News. Box 20. BABY S1TT1NU. phone .3IW evenings. KUUK tvr.-k. Phti.-e 2-32IS. CARPENTER WORK wanted. Repair a specialty. Jim Alexander. 2120 Tunnel St. Phone &W2. CHELSEA ADDITION See Doll Sloan Ph. 5858 Eves. Homer Stiles 3.3400 Eves Very well built home with three 1 Krrd Scott 5703 Eves. 3-0188 'comfortable bedrooms. Urge Uv-' Ing room with view of the Inke HI (flTF X. KA TW bObUh UALt, Keairor -r , to 122 S. 9th Phone 7266 nil fenced unci lots of Ahndf Utm, iuu cuii uuy nil intA inr nwu. CLOSE IN CHILD CARE. Phone 79S9. BABY sitting Phone 2-0372- days or your Z-1S43. 22 ROOMS FOR RENT READY TO HELP YOU? Herald & News CLASSIFIED ADS Use 'em to rent your vacant rooms. Phone 8111 rtOO.-.tS for rent, clean. Close in. Phone 2-9268. MOVING? . . . Call 742. Local-Long Distance Piano and appliance moving a specialty Transfer and Storage Bekin's Moving and Storage Peoples Warehouse "Since 1918" FIX THAT RADIO Our Business Is Sound CONNER'S SERVICE CO. Phone 6878 Heavy Hauling ANYWHERE. FOR HIRE Honest Rates Weights Service Insured ANDERSEN FREIGHT LINE 2802 South Sixth Ph. 9240 or 338S Pains, distress of "those days" stopped or amazingly relieved in 3 out of 4 cases in doctors' fesls ! ' Here' wonderful news for women and girls who each month suffer the tortures of "bad days" of functionally caused menstrual cramps and pain headaches, backaches, and those "no-good," dragged out feelings. It's news about a medicine famous for relieving such suf fering! Here Is the exciting news. Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound gave complete or striking relief of such distress In an average of 3 out of 4 of the cases In doctors' tests! Yesl Lydia Plnkham's has been firoved to be scientifically modern n action! This news will not surprise the rilousands of women and girls who take Lydia Plnkham's regularly and know the relief it can bring. And it should encourage you (if you're not taking Lydia Plnkham's) to see if your experience doesn't match theirs... to see if you, too, don't avoid the nervousness and tension, weakness, Irritability and Hew lydia Plnkham's warfcs ( has a "calming" and toothing effect on the uteru$ . , . oufetfnff the confractloru (see the chart) that 10 often cause menstrual pain, cramps, other distress. pain so often associated with "those days"l Remember Lydia Plnkham's, too if you're suffering the "hot flashes" and other functionally caused distress of "change of life," Get Lydia Plnkham's Compound or net, improved Tablets with added iron (trial size only 59c. Start taking LidiaPlnkham i today EXCAVATING Moot! Shovel and Trench Hot Bulldozer Pill Dirt Topsoll Crushed Rock Driveway Cinder Compressor CRANE 3ERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phoue 6541 or 0110 Septic Tanks Cleaned Newest Sanitary Methods Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Bewer Lines of Roots. Etc ED F. KINO 2434 Orchard Phone 9841 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped, concrete tanki and drain flCldl lniLalld. Orvill Mnaarav. iBJBLE .overt. Scripture text, all occa lon (recti ng cardi, gift wrapping pa per, with Bible acenes. Stationery with Bible veriei. Beautiful Eaitr rri. 3700 Lavern St. Phone 8922. GLASS furniture topi and ihelvet made to order. Kim ball ' Glaaa Shop Phone 7378. w REPAIR SFnvirE On waaheri, radloa and outboard mo-ton. MONTGOMERY WARM 9th and Pine Phone 3188 AVOID SOUR NOTES hv havlnv Wm Morgan tune your piano. 45 years of experience have prepared him to ferve you right! Phont 2-0200. Kyle Morgan PAINTING and 7617. paperhanglng. Phona TRIPP'S AUTO painting, body and ten der work. Phone 4040. ELECTRIC WIRING, work by hour or contract Phone 2-1010. J. U DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor Office it SOS No. 7th. Phone w ROOMS, prices reasonable. Phure tafi. LOVELY roomi for rent S0--S7 a week C.oi in. Phone 423S. FRONT room lor rent, Greer" ApTrT menu. 710 Main. On pnved street. 5 room modern bungalow, beautifully landscaped WILL care (or children In my home I lot. detached garnRe. Insulated. home eveninai Call wired for eicctrlc range. Total price only $4000. MILLS ADDITION Furnished 1 bedroom modern home. Large living room, convenient Kit chen. 2 blocks to busline. Paved street and sidewalks. Price 15000. Terms arrnrtcd. NEW SUBURBAN Larue, comfortable 2 bedroom house, huge closets, extra large kitchen and utility room, electric heat, beautiful floors, abundant built-lns. ' acre, well drained, ex ceptionally good soil. This place for only $7500. Will carry any kind of loan. YALTA GARDENS Very attractive 2 bedroom home, newly decorated, double garage, big yard lully landscaped. Insulated, both walls and celling, hardwood floors. Unusually convenient floor plan. Only $9250. Call for an ap pointment. Open Evenings by Appointment BOARD, room, reasonable. Phone 4254. NICE, heated rooms. 522 Pacific fef. race. ROOM and board or rooms. Men oniy 500 No. Sth. ROOMS 1034 Hifth 24 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT, neat, furnished apartment. Phone 8806 after fl p.m. FOR RENT. 3-room apartment, nUhed. Adulta. 338 Broad. NEWLY DECORATED, two room du plex, completely furnished. Close In. Phone 4462. ONE modern two room apartment and bath. One bachelor apartment. 816 Oak. MRNiSHhD three room apartment suitable for business couple. Alpha Apartments. 7th and Plne "hQ"4-22. FURNISHED 4-room apt. for 6 month., lease, or longer. Just redecorated, nice and clean, with water, lights and hen I. all furnished. No dogs or pets. Man and wife preferred. If you want some thing good see at 3049 Shata Way. r urt.NISHED two room apartment Close to town. 945 month. No peu or children. Phone 5183. See Homer Stiles Don Sloan Fred Scott Ph. 2-2460 Even. 5658 Eves. 5703 Eves. TWO room furnished apartment. Lights mm water, i ij wainui. LARGE furnished apartment, heated. Adults. Close In. Phone 4327. TWO bedroom furnished apartment. r-rice iu. no pen, rnonc 2-'.J5. FOR RENT, small furnished apartment. Suitable for couple. 2ffT9 Summers Lane. MODERN furnished apartme7itr-Garage. Phone 8459. FOR RENT, furnlihed apartment for working girl. Utilities furnished. Share kitchen and bath. Use of automatic CHILCOTE & SMITH REALTORS Since 1908 111 N. 9th St. Ph. 4584 or 5529 liHE ' rooms unfurnfshoH. Rtnvt f.a. rage, m inquire 2.HO White. MUST BE SOLD LOOK AT THIS end mnlte n. an washer and dryer. 3 hlnrk, frnm OFFER. Fullv fiirnlhhnrl Iwn S lS" 7ihMa'n' Phon or "' ' room home rcady t0 bc moved In FURNISHED Ihree-room " .FarUnTnT, .if t"" "2'' "H" 18 S52.M: all utilities included. Adults nniv yur chance to own a modern home 419 N. Tenth. ! at ft reasonable cost. Onrjortunltv knocks on no man's door often, "Here's your chancel We say don't delay." HERE'S VALUE Yalta Oardens. This home has extra large feautrcs throughout. 2 bedrooms dining room, living room with fireplace, large lot plug fruit trees. Be sure and see this attrac tive buy. SjITDIO apartment. 2 rooms with hnth unfurnished. Separate entrance. Hent. electric stove furnished. Phone 2-0076. FOR RENT, furnished apartment for adults. 321 Broad. SMALL furnished apartment. Located on Homerlnle Road. Adult. Phnc Blf(7 STEAM HEATED apartment with bed -room. (12fl Oak St. FURNISHED aDartment I Apartment J, 200 Market. MODERN 5-ronm annrtment. OLYMPIC APTS. 207 E. Main SMALL clean a on r I men L Electrlrnllv equipped. 433 N. 10th THREE ROOM furnished .apartment. 20fll White NICE steam-heated apartment, adults. Corner Pine and Cedar. ONE bedroom unfurnished anartment Gas equipped. Call 2-Ofll 1 . NEWLY decorated, private bath. kit. chenette Steam heat, electric ran tin week Rex Arms Apartment. FOR RENT, furnished apart pVnt. iiT. ouire 518 High 26 HOUSES FOR RENT FOR RENT, two bedroom modern house partly furnished. 214 So. Sixth, fnone I'lvrz. DUPLEX for rent, IIOUSKKEEPING Phone 3230. 1212 Homedale. cabins. Close MODERN furnished cottatre. 1.10. Phnn 8226. ONE bedroom house. $45. Phone 8709. TWO bedroom furnished house for rent. $45. Adults only. Phone B327. THREE room furnished house for renl Phone 4733, UNFURNISHED four room dimlex. Ex cept for stove. 950. Call 3027 before p.m. Jay P. Griggs Gene Pavell Claire Ellis Eves. Ph. 4254 " " 6045 " " 2-2659 W. W. Thompson at Malln J. W. SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main St, Phone 7521 FOR SALE, attractive two bedroom modern home. Paved street, nicely land scaped yard. Phone 9273. NEW HOMES for Powell. Phone 8520. sal. William B. HOMES FOR SALE EVERETT DENNIS REALTOR Don Klrkpa trick Salesman 121 N St Phont 6441 FOR SALE, 6 percent contract on house and large lot on Manumit Hot Springs. Due for foreclosure around $2(00, worth $4,000. Closing partnership. P.O. Box 784. FOR SALE, five bedroom modern house, corner Jot, by owner. $3650. Phone 152, Merrill, Oregon. MILLS ADDITION Neat as a pin and built lor ioin fortuble living. Two lovely tml rooms, dining room, kitchen, and llvlnu room with Imrtlwood tlnors. KLKCTRIC HEAT in every room. Beautifully Inmlsaipcd lot with lots of shrubs and flowers. Atlnrh--' Karaite, concrete floor and dr.i way. Bee this (8500. REALTORS Since loot 111 N. Plh Si. Ph. 4.VH or tilt NEAR ACADEMY A food two bedroom home located close to schools, churches and business district. Lame living room with fireplace, nice dining room. breukfaat nook and lull basement NORTH SIDE Here's a chance to buy a home that will pay (or Itself. Four blocks from Main Street, located on level street. Three bedrooms, lame living room, dining room, kitchen and bath on first floor. Full fin ished basement. Garage. Income apartment on secorvl floor with oubilde entrance. Newly decorated. "PAT" HOWES JOHNNY BLAYLOCK Phone 2-3545 S446 1025 Main Evenings Ron Fisher 8870 Bruce Owens Merrill 140 today, for oniy i Immediate possession. Priced right. HOT SPRINGS CLOSE IN ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom home near Falrvlew and High School. Paved street, sidewalks. Has Fed eral OI rrn Fnlrlv priced at $6860. WORTH SEEINO! COZY COTTAGE Modern 2 bedroom home. Utility room, large lawn. Ideal for Keslcr son and W.T.C. employes. Only 3850 Terms. SEE Dcane Bachcr Evenings 6(134 With BILL SULLIVAN REALTOR 1016 Main Phone 6558 FOR SALE 160 ACRE FARM 30-cow dairy barn milk house Irrlgatal pasture Hny and grain land Apple orchard Fenced and cross fenced for sheep Four bedroom modern house Numerous outbuildings. PRICE 50,000 -riiiv TERMS Tjutfltari .oven miles from Klamath Falls on Old Midland Road. Inquire of owner Route 1 Box 924. Fifth House South of Orange nan $12,500 Consists of 70 acres. 27 acres of pasture, 28 acres of alfalfa, balance grain land ready for alfalfa. Cheap water. Fair Improvements. Close to school, On good road. $6500 down, balance easy terms. JACK C. MACE REAL ESTATE Tulelnke Phone 7-1011 FOR SALE. In Klamalh Tails. One hadronm' completely furnished house. New hath, electric heat, 3s acre of around. Sell na below cost. Call Tula- lake 7-O00O after 4 p.m. FCJR SALE, five room house, other huUdlnia. Two acres of around. Phone 4070. FOR SALE nice level lot N.E. corner Addison and lkevlew. Accent reason able offer, porls While, P.O. Box 1X1S, jreano, i-aiu. A quality home In a very good neighborhood, Has two bedrooms, large living room with circulating fireplace, dining mom and cheer ful kitchen. Lots of bullt-ln storage space, very large wardrobe closet In bedroom, electric heat, and ex cellent room arrangement. Play room with fireplace In basement can be used as guest bedroom. This Is a new home and represents good value on present market. Shown by appointment only. MILLS ADDITION A well built home In a good loca tion. Neat as a pin Inside and out. A 50 by 120 foot lot provides a nice turfed play yard for the chil dren and a small garden spot. A good buy at $7050. Let us show you this home. PACIFIC TERRACE An attractive home consisting of two bedrooms, living room, dining room, den and kltchrn. Has full basement with extra room finished In knotty pine. The large lot pro vides nice setting for the house and allows a nice view. This Is a desirable property and Is priced right. Call us for more details. Shown by appointment only. Bee Fred Cofer Bob 8tephens Evenings (230 Barnhisel Agency STANDARD HEATING OILS Stove Furnace Heavy Fuel DEPENDABLE Check and Fill System MF.TKR PRINTED TICKETS Your Guarantee Of lirallng Satisfaction FRED H. HEILBRONNER Tuels that Satisfy Plus Service" -Since 1DII 821Sprlng fit. Phone 4153 3iJ OOVt.Sia.TTrilr)5rlHivM and parlor hral.r' tll..d but ..r.l. IrlllM 110 .. mil, Sl N W nsma Si . Or. 4 1. H CIirt.N STAMPS i Vv.nonheaf. me oil, Phon. Stun o, S.&2A0 for ornmp. d.llvanr Cl.irr TADf N'R SKJNAJ. atHVICl 2SM In Sth itANrAIID"KEATINOftll lure, turner, ltnt rue!, coal. on4. :harroal Parlon and Co au Marael Phona SI 41 CltV pin." hloriiVfor' ,al. Oon"v nlna. and wlmt, flrn. (HKSTullViS pickup or d.llr.frd. Cliff Yad.n, Signal rvl. 3.-MO So, sth Phnn.iaai or 3-taso ""oats ws sromHOMiis r'CfR flAl.E. rmgitUrfU pilTiWi.,.- pupl pr. with papar, 14 Nsvaifa. phona R31I ONK mala Weimar. n.r punpyfnV fiMirmonlli. old. SIM. I'hn louiiO. ron SALE, i.r rl.r pup Call a-liM or at 3.1s Clin ton riiliK""' minlhfd"itiai.llt.m".,.ii for ,ala 1443 Or.gon Ave. Phou. Saoa, ANIIKR.SON Hnarrtlns Kennel, 'Phtfui m47 ssss Delawa-e nfl llom.dala li(iAai)iNnKr;NNEtJi " Oof boarding by dav .Hk or month. Hatiltarjf k.nn.l. Well bslsnr av.t. Individual outdoor run. for i-a dot Dog. handled durlag mating fill Pica up and deliver Visitor, Welcome Phong SOTS Merrill ad Kl 1 na S04 JI1AIA CAKrADK Kr.NNEtJ 42 LIVtSfOCK 4 POULTRY MIDWAY AUCTION YARD Friday. Feb. 22nd Sale MEDFORl). OREOON 37 Head of whltcface slo.k cows. 20 Head of long yearling whllefar heifers. 3 Whltcface cows with calves. 1 Registered Hereford bull. These rattle are consigned by a local rancher who hns been In the cattle business In (Ills vslley all his life and has always used top bulls. Also 10 Head Guernsey springer cows. 13 Head Guernsey helfrrs. 18 Head Black Whltrfare helfera Besides our usual run of livestock. W.J. "BILL" BRAY Auctioneer 112 S. 8th Phone 4105 CATTLE-GRAIN TIMBER $5 to $15 per acre buys good ranch and timber land at Gov t, State and County land Sales. FREE LAND CATALOG. Pacific Lands 1621 KE Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood 28, Calif. 32 BUILDING t R IMODIUMS BEST BUY - $45 per M FOR YOUR EARLY SPRING NEEDS IN LUMBER I 10 12 In. TOKETEE FIR SHIPLAP 3x4 B4S 2x6 848 DRAKE LUMBER COMPANY 910 Spring Phont 1(10 FOUL I RY WANTED Cash paid (or ny amount Top mariet prices for good quality. For quotations PHONE 3857 KLAMATH POULTRY FARMS FARMERS! EGGS TO SELL? We are now buyinc delivered to Oregon State Hatchery. For your convenience we ni have two receiving stations. Oregon State Hatchery Gooding Poultry Farms Buyers Phone 4946 "OR SALE, three" whita turlahenT, one bronre turkey han. on. brnnra tur key gobbler, all s mo. old. Phone a-iaon. AltTlWuiA1. BHKErilNO SKRVICi Phone 97JI II C. IChucki fT.rr.n It, a. Bos aa IIKiiTjfRT prlrss paid for Poultry, hogs and livestock. BIO V MEAT UARKE1 lekaview Junction Phona 4fll KOK SALE Jersey cow anil calf. Rout 1 mox .n. I'hnne 2.20:10. ion SALE, Ihren boars. Phone 117.11." WANTED colored nana-Phona 4801 44 MISCILLANIOUS WANTID ft WANTED ft GOOD PASTURE WRITE HERALD NEWS BOX NO. 23 WANTeB; used toilet" bowt fhong 4S43. WANTED In rant tR Viii ofcallle.Phonosn07. i ANtD to buy. Bsl'sd straw. Phona S710.