WKDNKSnAV, t-'KIIHUAHY 20. MM HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON PAGE THIRTEEN TIME OUT! m. - 'F? 1 "' A I MOM LttVENGE "flume who, Junior? Lincoln Topples Cleveland Hv JIM t ill II AHMtirllltrtl 1'rrn Klnlf Wrllrr C'riunil CnHinllr ol I'ortlmul. No. I Irilin In till" AsHOCllllrcl I'rcns (Iitkoii hluli tirliool linskntlmll imll lor (hp punt lour wrrkit, run Its 'n'lion rorurd lo 17 vlctorlm In 1H gninc Tnr.Mliiy nluhl Hill C'levcliiml. Hip Nil i tram, liioiljfcl Itn Hint Iomi 111 hluli Mliool iilnv lioin Lincoln, milked No. 3, in II Piirllniitl Prrp l.twiur Kntnr. All-Hlnlcr Muli AlliMiliofrn poured In 33 point hn led Onlrnl Cutli olio lo H7-54 win ovrr fjnlrin, tlPd with l. Grmicle lor the No. 8 stnte milking. Flttli-tntcd MeMlnnvlllr, llir onlv oilier I"m In the iitnle'ii lop 10 to re TlirMlny m:llon, ewe. in pea Nrwbem, 11-44, lor H 18 vlrtnrv In it games. Lincoln1!! Wnde Swede 1 Jlul brook wm limited to 38 point, well below pur lor him. but wne. the bin urn In necond-hnlf ncorlnc bombiirdnirnt thnt knocked oil Clevelnnd. BI-43. Hnlbrook rubied hlil etuiion totiil lo 644 points In 18 nmn. of which Lincoln has wo" . . i The victory Jiimped Lincoln Into I lie lor the Portland leimue lri with Clevelnnd. which now hen iieiinon record of 16-J. More Important In the utiite-wldr picture, however. wiin not'ier Porllnnil reeull. Benn upnel third Mere Roosevelt. 42-3S. vlrlimlly Mirlnir Clevelnnd und Lincoln pliicen In the coming Mte lournn menl l Euitene. CAGE SCORES Collne Baekrtbull By The Aoiltrd I'reei FA It WKHT Hontui.x Suite 59 Colorado State 41 HenlUe 103 Pucet Sound 0 Ban UleBO Slate 71 Bantu Barbara 68 Sun Jone State 89 Fresno State 84 Prpperdlne Occidental 48 Wliltworlh 83 Clonr-ana 78 EAST St. Bnnavenlure 89 Siena 44 Princeton M Yale 44 St. Johns (Hkni 87 Kinks Point 45 New Hampshire 88 Rhode Island 80 MIDWKHT Kaunas 8 Oklahoma AAM 48 Chlcaiio Loyola 63 Valparaiso 89 Huiler 70 DrPsuw 88 Indiana Central 78 Hanover 71 SOLTIIWKHT Texas Christian 68 Texas A&M 44 Baylor 44 Arkansas 39 Rice 72 8onthern MethodLst 67 New Mexico A&M 63 New Mexico Western 44 Arironn Stale tTempe) 70 Texas Western 62 SOI Til Louisville 83 N. C. State 87 Clemaon 88 Wnke Foresl 84 (over time) Alabama 74 OeorRla 68 William Mary RA VM1 71 HIGH SC HOOL Portland Schoola Lincoln 81, Cleveland 43 Grant 69. Franklin 66 Benson 42. Roosevelt 18 Jcllerson 71, WahlnRton 84 Oresliam 43 Columbia Prep 'Port land! 41 Orcuon Cllv 59, Tlnard 52 ll-xl River .16. Wv-EuM 33 West Linn 73. Hlllsboro 70 Ualll i 43, Mollnlii 39 Woocourn 67. Cnnby 49 SlayDn 61, Ccnlrnl Union (Mon mouth) 39 McMlnnvllle 71, Newborn 44 Wnrren'.on 60, Seaside 48 Park Hose 73, Scappoose 60 Reedsport 89, Sluslnw 48 Central Catholic (Portland) Salem 64 Cascade Locks 65. Dulur 36 St. Helens 44. Vernonla 33 SprliiRlleld 65. Eugene 61 Colton 65, Corbetl 60 Snndv 65, Eslnoada 53 Mt. AiircI 51, Sllverton 47 Brownsville 45. Halsey 31 ficlo 37, Shedd 28 Portland V. Frosh 47, Mllwauklr 44 Beaverton 69, Forest Grove 57 Junction City 65, St. Francis (Eu cene; 61 Salem Acndcmy 71. Concordia i Portland i 66 Tad 67, Wnldpoti 46 Cottage Grove 47, Rainier 56 Clatslcanle 65. Rainier 56 Dayton 68, Banks 34 Owls Host Vanportln Cage Set Ki-vi'ukc Is about the only thliitf at slake when Oiru.mi Tech hosts Vnnport J'rlday mid Saturday IIIHlllM. Tim Vlklnus ol Piirlland threw a vlr.N.il Ktiiiimle-hold on Ihn Oreuon ColleKlute Coulerence title ut the i 'XpeiiM- ol the Owls lust weekend In Porllund. i Hi uoiible (K leiit ijiiimu liny cliniice Urelrcli had li'll ol wIiiiiIiik Ihc OCU bauble. The Owls could ..hare a lluoi'-wiiy tie lor the litlu but this possibility lulls In the liiKhlv linprobiibln claim. ThlniiK would have to ito like this: I In' VlkliiK'i would havo lo lose Us lour rrnialnliiK gainr, the two nnh Oiouon Tech, plus two aKulnst Oreuon C'ollcue. Oi-lion C'olliiie. iiiciinwhlle Mould have to drop Us ii'itialnliut p lo Kiimciii Oieuon. dri-p In the cellar with a 10 record. 3-WAV 'UK That set ol ctrcuniolaiiccs would lilvc (jiruun Tech. Vnnport anil (Jie Kon Colli-ne all senson-iiHllnii 7-6 marks. 'J lie Vnnport series closes out Orelech's IcuRiie scbidiilr. Two more iiuines aro lell. auniust lliiin boldl State here next Monday and 'lurMluy ulkhts. I'aceil by Jim SIiikIci' Fililuy nlRlit and Don MacLeun Salurdiiy each with 24-polnt pci'loriiianccn the Vlklnus stretched lis (X.'C li-iul lo two lull Kiunes over Oreuon Col leue and shoved OT1 Into third place. I The Owls pumped up a bin llrsl (liiurler lead Salurdiiy uluht with Tom Schubert Uirbwlnii 111 16 points , he finished with 23 but Vanporl forued ahead In the second quarter and stayed In the lead for a 73-68 victory. The VHtlnjs won Friday IlKht, 70-56. i It was Inability lo hit from the outside that hurl the Owls. M INS Ml . Alter Vanporl pulled Emery Barnes, who 8cbubert was laklnu out ol his socks, and doubled up on the ex-Klamath cauer, the Owls missed badly outside the key. Friday night's 0:46 p.m. prelimi nary will show OrcRon Tech's two top Intramural teams, Dlr.'.ol mid Sporls Equipment. The two Ives will clash lor the first-round title In the emht-team Intramural leauue. Saturday nluht the Oreuon Tech Junior varsity laces Payless Druus of the city league In curtain-raiser. Payless upset the highly-rated Hic kya team In cltyfnre Monday night. ij5 t a, A l - H-'i: V"-f ' ' I-' llilBla ama l rmaj GRADUATED FROM the junior varsity early in the season.. Jerry Wyatt's sharp-shooting is helping the Oregon Tech Owls. Wyatt is scheduled for action Friday and Saturday nights when Oretech seeks revenge over Vanporl lor a double defeat the Vikings handed the Owls last weekend. De-emphasis Has Football Powers Edgy i.i(;(ii:n for saints 8T. PAUL. Minn. -Jun Pen dleton, 36-year-old shortstop lor the St. Paul Saints, was a batting terror lor the American Associa tion club lrt.st season. Pendleton led the team In runs scorrd with 116, hits (1701, total bases 1277), triples 1 3 . home runs I3H and runs batted In i79. The 116 runs scored was good enough to top the league, loo. His batting average was .301. NEW YORK Ofl The blK on- lerenccs, and indcpendel schools terraces and powerful Independ- like Notre Dame Indicated thev i cuts were looking carefully In all 1 haven't yet made up their minds ' Hakulinen Marathon Winner By BEN fill. M; AH OSLO i A 28-ycar old. In defatigable'' Finnish woodcutter, Velkko Hakulinen. won the 50 kilo meter Olympic cross country ski race Wednesday In three hours, 33 minutes and 33 seconds. America's four iki racers, badly beaten In the shorter 18 kilometer Monday, decided not to try to match the hardy Scandinavians in this exhausting marathon and so withdrew. Hakulinen slftuued home, leg weary and gaunt-laced, four min utes and 38 seconds ahead of a follow countryman, Eero Koleh malncn, who was timid In 3:38.11. It was Finland's first gold medal of the current games. AIIKAI) Norway took third and lourth places lo Increase her long lead for unofficial team bono.,, 'lne Norse now have 101 points and seem almost unreachable with more than half of the champion ships completed. Olav Oekcrn ol Norway was clocked In 3:38.45 and Kalevi Mon onen In 3:39.21. Hakulinen Uiok the marathon ti tle from Sweden's Nils Karlsson, 1048 winner at St. Morltz, who fin ished sixth Wednesday. In the women's slalom ski race, Mrs. Andrea Mead Lawrence ol Rutland, VI., winner of the giant slalom on opening day. held fourth place after the first of two runs down the steep Rodlelva course. I.F.ADKR Germanys Ossle Rclchert was the leader In the tricky run through 49 sharply angled control gates in one minute and six seconds. Italy's Cellna Seghl was second in 1:06.5. followed by Madeleine Bcrthod of Switzerland In 1:06.7. Mrs. Lawrence was clocked In 107.2. Also high In the standings after the first run was Imogene Opton of North Conway, N. H., 19 year old college student, timed In 1:07.4. W) T - . ; REX HUNSAKER looks for tenth O'BRIEN 69 POINTS FROM TALLY MARK TACOMA I Seattle Uni versity sharpshootlng Johnny O'Brien set one national collegiate scoring record and moved within easy range of another Tuesday night as the Chieftains trounced College of Ptiget Sound 103-00 in a Iree-sconng basketball game. O'Brien broke the national free throw record set in 1950 by Knute Whitworth Beats Gonzaga, 83-76 SPOKANE in Ralph Poison hit the net lor 28 points Tuesday night to set up a 83-76 Whitworth basket ball victory over Gonzaga. Whitworth snagged a two-point lead late In the first quarter and stayed In front until the final whistle. Oliver of Rio Orande Slat Ci.1 eg by hitting on 20 of 14 trips V the charity line. It raised his sea-, son a total to 10918 mora than the old murk. O'Brien also popped In 10 field goals, boosting his total to 40 points for the evening and 899 for the season. He has four games left to collect the 69 points needed to bet-, ter the all-time national mark for a single season. t Jack Maberry and Dan Inveen were high for Pugct Sound with 26 points each. HOCKEY Pacific Coast Hockey By The Associated Press Udmonton 3 Tacoma 1 Vancouver 1 Victoria 0 Just like the Old M5! Enoy ttui Pioneers I GREAT STRAIGHT BOUEBON wK"l slptid to lake. On the Pacific Coast. Calilornla. which annually is In the midst of , the race for the league lootball 1 championship, is inanlalnini.' a pol- Icy of watchful walling. Said Athletic Director Brutus! Humllton: "I am against any hasty directions and stepping cautiously Wednesday as a result ol the ivy League banning spring football practice. The American Council on (educa tion two weeks Bk'o drew up a dras tic drastic, that Is, according " '"""J "i "; -" ...,H , IH r,.l.. l l,o,.n o been doingprogram to place "-"" ";"' " .pons In their proper niche in the 'special meeting of the Pacific academic world. j Cost Conference representatives m . , ., .. . to discuss the matter. The Ivies thus became the first , Atht.c D,rccior Wilbur Johns group lo do something about the t , UCI-A sald lnc de-emphasis ACE program. Actually. Yale ; ,0KrHm were adopted. "I thmk. banned spring football months aio. i olnland. we would be faced with a and at that time, even the Ell s ,,r0(rB,n wherebv all college sporU. Ivy Leanue brothers seemed In no , wnl.M i,,, uder the direction oi (.mood to go along. : rr. Meiis' offices and that we Reaves K. Peters, executive sec- would have to ask the taxpayers retary of the Big Seven, sounded ii support them. . . . We would go what seems to be the keynote when back pretty much to an intramural he said: program." "We still are operating under NCAA rules. I don t think most conferences know exactly where they are going." Eddie Blanky, now manager of the St. Louis Cards, has played with four other National League teams the Giants, Braves, Dod gers and Cubs. Princeton, Cornell Tie By The Associated Press Princeton whipped Yale 58-44 Tuesday night to tie Cornell for first place In the Ivy League. The game highlighted major college basketball activity around the na tion. At Lexington. Va.. Jay Handlan. 6-foot-2-lnch Washington and Lee senior, became the fifth man in major college basketball history to pass the 1.900 point mark. A 40 point performance against the University of Richmond raised his lour-vear total to 1.915 points. Washington and Lee won the game 85-79. Inked By Owl Grids Oregon Tech has a rugged nine game football schedule for the 1952 season and Coach Rex Hunsaker is ' looking for one more game to fill the Oct. 11 open date. The Lewis and Clark Pioneers. ' tough Northwest conference team. ! has agreed to a two-year football I contract with Oretech. They'll show In Klamath Falls both years. HOME Of the nine 1952 games, six are billed for a local showing. Home games are against Hum boldt State in the Sept. 19 opener, Lewis and Clark Sept. 26. Vanporl. Oct. 4, Southern Oregon, Oct. 24. Boise Junior College Nov. 1 and Lower Columbia Junior College Nov. 22. Road games are with Weber Jun ior College in Ogden Oct. 17, Ore gon College at Monmouth Nov. 8 and Eastern Oregon at LaGrande Nov. 15. LKAGIE TILTS The Vanport, Oregon College and Eastern Oregon tilts are Oregon Collegiate Conference games. The Oct. 11 date Ls still open. Hunsaker hopes to fill it with a Central California Junior College team. famous for OLD TIME QUALITY! For the perfect end- to a wintry flay, this finer, heartier aight bourbon a so nice to come home to. Sam, Betty Post Lead ORLANDO, Fla. ( Sam Snead and Betty MacKinnon, their golf as hot as the weather, led a field of 32 teams Into match play in the 11th annual international mixed two-ball golf tournament here Wednesday. Snead and Miss MacKinnon scored seven-under-par 64 over the 6.454-yard Dubsdread Country Club course in 81 degree weather Tues day and took medal honors. .. Jit V Sri -rfT'V that The Bourbon Buy of the Cenury), STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY 86 PROOf HATI0MI DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION. NEW YORK. .J Gonzaga, Idaho Boxers Split MOSCOW. Idaho Ml The Uni versity of Idaho boxing team, led by Pacific Coast Champion Larry Moyer, split a dual meet with uon T.nun 4-4 here Tuesday night. Moyer took n nine cout In the second round of his fight with Bar rle Jackson In the 17ft pound divi sion bill ciuno back In the third to hnnimnr Jnckson Into submis sion. II was the evenng's feature bout. (m) m fce mmt suit aT '.X VT2l.: ' M 'H.VR-V. "i. V I The new NCAA rules say that a school can hold only 20 spring practice sessions within 30 days. Olllclals of Big Ten, Southwest ern. Southeastern. Missouri Vallev. Bratron Favored CHICAGO tfi Johnny Bratlon of Chicago, former NBA welter weight champion, ruled a slight favorite for his scheduled 10-round bout against Vic Cardcll of Han- ford. Conn.. In Chicago Stadium Skyline and Rocky Mountain Con- Wednesday night. Allan Van Alystvnc, Boston Bed Sox outfield prospect, repent ly re ceived his Bs degree In physical education fioirt St. Lawrence Univ ersity. ' ' HOTELS ' OSBURN HOLLAND IUGENE, ORI. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Itr. and Mrs. J. E. Barley 1 and Joe Enrley Proprietor! t 300 fresh new fabrics . . . . Sears "posture-fit". tailored suits cost lessthan you think Styled to be your pride and joy. . . powemsd $ spml yam .. . . X f 1 As Low As 3250 The finest imported and domestic woolens. Gabardines, flannels, sharkskins, tweeds, 4A:" i s I w s, I . .. twist-weaves and serqes. Perfect fit guaranteed! Fashion ? ilhijorodji VSWMSSWAW MIN'S CLOTHINO SOLO OWV IV MARS, KOMUOC AND CO. 1 10 . Illili Pi 1 Fabrics iilitii I NlSilllife 133 So. 8th Phont SI 88 ,-ggiw.!,rEir - mjose notxr am coon . ' ''I' J . 1 i FA B U LO II S TJ-a5 HUDSONJIOMET There's new Hudson-Aire Hardtop Styling, and exciting power for both the Hudson Hornet and its new, lower-priced ' running mate, the spectacular HUDSON WASP Hudson-Aire Hardtop Styling is a joy to Kvb with! This is the newest note in motor-car beauty and Hudson brings it to you at standard sedan . and coupe prices! .... . ;' . When you take the wheel of the fabulous Hudson Hornet, you'll discover Miracle H-Power at ita all-time best! And there's lightning-like response in the Hudson Wasp' power-charged H-127 en-, gine exciting get-up-and-go in either car that , will spoil you for any other make! -'.. What's more, you'll find the amazing room, ribV: and safety that can come only with Hudson's i famed "step-down" design. Come in, drive these great Hudsons for '52! fOU GMAT StUIES wMl print bcgMna Mar col Sld Fabulous Hudion Hornet, luiurlow Commodoro Boht and Six, Spectacular Hudion Wasp, Thrifty Pacemaker ell available wild Hrdra-Watic OnVe. lOelionel et e0 SlunHiird trim end other epedfimtionii end ercemwriee eubjeci to cbeniie without notice. HUDSON WAS TWO-DOOI HOUGH M mS0N-AIM MAtOTOf ITTUHO -Hudson "Aire Hardtop Styling at standard sedan and coupe jrlce9- JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES & SERVICE, INC. 11th and Klamath Sts. Klamath Falls, Or.