MOT TWILVE HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY. FEMiUAnY 20. 10.12 KLAMATH FALLS la In line for thla year's American Legion state paaeoau tournament. ' City Recreation Director Bob Bonne? announced that Klamath Klamath Fall haa submitted a bid to 0. O. La Grander, chairman of the Department of Oregon Junior uaaeDall commission. This city la a natural for the tournament Inasmuch as It would be In conjunction with the State American Legion convention, billed for Klamath Falls. Dates of the baseball tournament re July 26-38. If the Klamath Falls bid Is ac cepted, the local team could Ret In without winning a district title. The state's lour district cham- E Ions plus the host team wouia e entered. If the host team is also cham pion, of course, there would be Just Jour teams.' Others bidding are Albany. Co qullle, Drain. Salem, Eugene. North Sena, roruana ana jueaiora. OREGON TECH will have to be lough In football this year. The Owls have a nine game schedule lined up and are looking for a tenth opponent. Coach Rex Hunsaker recently filled one of his open dates with Lewis and Claris, inava mriner proof that OTI has grown up, in football. The Pioneers are always one of the tough ones in the Northwest Conference. And here's good news for foot ban tans: Six of Oretech's games will be at home, including Lewis and Clark. Others are Humboldt State. Van port, Southern Oregon, Boise JC and Lower Columbia JC. The tenth game, if landed, will probably be a traveling tilt. BONANZA OFFICIALS had to make a tough decision when they dismissed three players from the basketball team Just before - the tournament. - It wasnt easy to boot three play ersone a regular Just three days before the tournament with Bonan za given a strong chance of win nig the title. It wasnt easy, but and this col umn has dwelled on the same sub ject In some length in similar casesIT WAS BIGHT. Your writer has no intention of leveling any criticism at the play ers involved. - They trot out of bounds as many boys of high school age will and suffered the consequences. Breaking training rules effects more persons than just the ones Involved. i .- It isn't fair to their teammates. It isn't fair to the school. And it lant fair to the fans who pay to see athletes In top condition. . Bonanza may lose s title be cause three players won't play, i But, in the long run the school and the school's athletic teams, will benefit. . ' I'm old-fashioned enough to be lieve that a coach is hired as the boss of the team. The principal is hired as boss of the school. - When flagrant violatons of train ing rules are overloked too many times, the players will be running the team and the students will be running the school. I dont think that would be good. Pa)Ii1filnll?S at . IPdk Meed Med Ineligibility, Hubble Injury Hurts Bonanza fora With Bonanza riddled with Injury and InelRlblllty. Chlloauln and Sa cred Heart rule co-favorites to win the Klamath County high school basketball tournament that tips off tomorrow afternoon on Henley's spacious new court. Coach Merton Whipple's Antlers were dealt a stiff blow on the eve of the showdown tourney when three cagers were dealt out for breaking training rules. They are Julian Hood, a first string guard and fine ball-handler, Benny Lawyer and Alfred Lugo. The latter two are substitutes, Law yer a ball-hawk on defense. Don Hubble, high-scoring for- Seedings, Records The eight-team Klamath Coun ty Clasa B basketball family opens its annual tournament to morrow afternoon at Henley. The trams are seeded In the following order, with season rec ord!, (league and non - league play) listed: . 1. Bonanza 16-3 t. Cbiloquin 14-3 S. Sacred Heart 15- 4. Matin 9-9 5. Henley 8-12 6. Bly 8-12 - 7. Merrill s-15 " ' 8. Gilchrist 1-11 Chlloquln (2) against Merrill (7) In tne second game, Thursday night's games at Klam ath Union high school pairs Sacred Heart tst against Bly (61 in the 7:30 opener. Bonanza aganst Hen. ley In the afterpiece. Frday's schedule puts the tour losers In the afternoon consolation rounds, the four winners at Pell can Court in the championship semi-nnais. No play Is scheduled for Satur day afternoon. The consolation and cbampionsmp finals show on Fell ca Court Saturday night. The champ goes to district play- offs, probably against the Jackson county winner directly, unless Pais ley, the only Lake county Class B school, decides to take a whack at the Klamath County representative. ward, who sprained his ankle 10 days ago, will see some action Whipple said, but his ankle is still weac. On top of that. Maurice Chand ler, starting center, is still nursing a: bad cold. - Bonanza is first - seeded in the tourney and faces Henley, fifth seeded. In tomorrow night's last game on Pelican Court. The Antlers tied Chlloquln for the traveling trophy and got the Num ber 1 spot when Chlloquln won the coin-toss and chose Number 2 posi tion. Tomorrow's opening round of nlav nuts Malta (4) against Gl Christ (8) at 1:30 p. m. at Henley, MOOSE PA'S Duncan Second PORTLAND W Lowell Kol baba. Eastern Oregon center, holds a 22-point lead with, only two games left in the Oregon collegiate conference scoring race. . Kolbaba has 183 points in 10 games. His nearest competitor is Homer Duncan of Oregon Tech, who has 161 in: 10 games. Each player has two more games on schedule. - Others in the top five In con ference scomg: Charles Pinion of Oregon College of Education. 109 points in eight games; Tom Schu- Den oi uregon Teen, ios points In 10 games; Paul Foetsch of Van port, 100 points in eight games. - It-Amusement Water Boys So. Ore. Welt Drill . Wards Leacn Service 37 2S 1T Pel. .824 .662 .544 .433 .266 .230 Stone Siffnal Serv. 17 , Last Weeks Kesalts So. Ore. 3 lach 1 Wards 3 K-Amusement 1 Stoma 3 Water Boys a Wards bowlers took league-lead ing K-Amusement down a notch last week with a 3-1 win but the Amusement team still holds an 11-game lead in the Moose Pa's league. Amusement iosi aespite tnar lie Booth's top game of the eve ning, a 227. Art Cherry, Leach Service, had the high series, a 568. So. Ore. Well Drilling Co. had both high team game and series, 867 and 2625. During the summer. Frank Kud- elka of the Baltimore Bullets in the NBA attends ' San- Francisco State College to gain credits for his masters degree. - Built for RUGGED WEAR day-long comfort , Here's an 8-iocb Harvester shoe, built to give comfort and protection for all kinds of heavy duty wear! Made of unusually fine, long-wearing leather. Shock-proof Air Cushion and Arch Lift (ire you real COMFORT while you work! ) a 1 295 - mrnna. STORE FR MEN. r rrrm mw ma mm saeS Brion Whips Joe Kahut PORTLAND Wl Cesar Brion, 198, from Argentina, lost only two rounds when he took a unanimous 10-round decision over Joe Kahut, 188 v.. of Woodburn. Ore., here Tuesday night. Brion's worst round was the sev enth when Kahut got him in trou ble witn a series of lefts and rights to the body. At one point the rangy Argentine's knees buckled. Kahut was down once and took the full nine count required under Oregon rules. Joe's brother. Eddie Kahut, 160, knocked out Bobby Gerry, 157, Ed monton. Alberta, in 1:56 of first round in a scheduled round semi-final. the six Packers Close In Klamath Pack moved within one game of idle Metiers last night with a 48-26 win over DeMolay s second team in Victory League play. uun store walloped Men s Hand Laundry, 62-23. In the other half of the Fairview doubleheader. Gun Store's Boettcher and Bud Mullen each threw in 16 points in the one-sided game. tsox score: (Kiamaui Faek-DeMolay not available) LAl'NDBY (33) ) CUV STOBE Lund 2 T 16 Boettcher Anderson F 2 Henry Thompson 10 C 8 K ttn-i Gonzalea C 10 Bieby Powell c 16 Mullen Laundry subs Godard S. Hawkins a. Faltt, Stiles, Woodard 1. Gun Store suds numnwr 12. mo Ntau), tfotrt itaoft. i , '' '.'! .SOVIET STRATEGY Ivan and Soldat Gorky (1 to r), Rus sian wrestling ruffians, hold a last minute huddle before tonight's tag team match against Herb and Billy Parks at the armory. Mat Families Tangle Tonight in Tag Tiff City Tilts Switched basketball nave been Tomorrow nights games at Altamont switched because most of the Rickys players have earlier bus- ness commitments. That means Rickys will face Hill top In the last game at 9 "clock. Herald and News and ayless, scheduled for the last game, will open tne twin Dill at 7:30. Assault and battery the legal va rletv takes over at the armory to night when family meets family in tag team Drawl. The tag tiff, a mat plum signed by Promoter Mack Llllard last Sat urday, puts Ivan and Soldnt Gorky against Herb and Billy Parks. Soldat hasn't appeared in the ar mory ring for several months. But his exploits of last season when he was the scourge of Northwest wrest lers hasn't been forgotten. HELP Ivan has a score to settle. But he was smart enough to call In his brother for the revenge try. The younger of the Gorky broth ers lost to Yorg Cretorian last week but Herb Parks, as referee, figured In a big assist. Ivan was denting the rlngposts with Cretorlan's Rumanian head WIND BLOWN ACE DENVER A gust of wind helped J. M. Bulrgy get a hole-in-one on the 110-yard seventh hole at Lake wood Country Club. The ball came to a stop against the flagpole which leaned against the front of tne cup. Then the breezes caught the flag and pulled the pole to the other side of the cup. The ball dropped for an ace. and refused to break on Instructions from Parks, So Herb took the matter and Ivan's beard In his own hnnds. Yorg took advantage of the situa tion to land a right hand that decked the Russian. The rubber full of the main event followed In quick order. Ivan attacked Herb but Billy In tervened and gave the whiskered Russian a thorough going-over. Herb got in his lick a right cross to Ivan's chin for good measure. I'P TO DATE That brings the matter up to dnte and even Main Street may not be out of bounds when the brother teams tangle tonight in the one hour feature. Cretorian opens the show against Buck Weaver, also a one-hour row. Armory ticket office opens at 7:30, one hour before the curtain-raiser. Expert Gun Repairing and Rebluing THE GUN STORE Be fussy "about your whiskey: MAKE THIS 60-SICOND TASTI TIST TODAY . 7, Have ',4 oi. of Calvert put in one glass, and the tame amount of any other whiskey in another without knowing which it which. ?. Sniff one brand for Taste it criti cally for smoothnoaa. Swallow carefully to judge its freedom from bite, burn or sting. Tatfa the other whiskey in the tame analytical way then pick the one that really tastct better to you. 45 QUART BE YOUR OWN WHISKEY EXPERTI If pay fo bt"fony" about choosing your whiskey, Millions of "fussy" men have switched to Calvert, because" they like its smoother, mellower taste . . . with no bite, no burn, no sting. That's why we urge you to compare the taste of Calvert Reserve with any other whiskey you choose. Naturally, we believe you will prefer Calvert because its taste is determined by a "Consumer Jury" of thousands of folks like you. But make your own "showdown" taste test before you decide. Fair enough? 25S PINT !rV It W c ' Cilvtrt rl ' vvfcAL. iiliV iiii rtl i mr- Calvert Challenges Comparison with any whiskey on the market I CAIVERT RESERVE IIENDED WHISKEY 16.1 PROOF tS GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS, CAIVERT DISTILLERS CORP., N. Y. C Mr Klamath Lags By One Game The Klitnuith TVIIeniui, cllmblnit uphill since curly season, could reach the summit Friday nlRlit and start the downhill coast Saturday In a crucial two-name series with dstrict-lradltiR Meitford on the Blnck Tornado court. The PoIIciiiik nerd a aween of the aerlrx to pass Medlord, holder oi a slim one-name lead over the Klam ath quint. Splitting: In opening- aeries with Medlord and Grants Pans, the Pels culminated a (Ive-unmo win utrenk Inst weekend with a grnnd-olnm over .Griintx Pass. 7 STRAIGHT Medlord lost the leaiiue-oncner to Klamath Falls, then put toiielher seven straight conference wins to currently hold a 7-1 record. The Pels nave won nix in eliint starts. The Pelicans would take a one- ftmne lend by winning both names, with Jtut a pair with Anhlnnd left. Medlord has two with Grants Pass alter the weekend set. A spilt would leuve Medlord one ftnmo In the lend. But If Medlord wins both tinmen, It would tie down the Dlst. 4 title nmonit the Bin Four and would earn the rlKht to meet the winner of the Sinnll A circuit, composed of Crnter, EnKlr Point, and Illinois Valley. CONTRAST The picture now la In distinct contrast to the weekend of Jnn. 11 when Medlord visited Klamath Falls. On that occasion the Peilcntu were ruled the state's Number 1 team, unslrnlly on Its spilt with Central Catholic, while Medlord barely edited Into the honorable mention column. Klamath Fulls and Medlord co Into the weekend aeries ruled nlxllt and seventh respectively In Uie As sociated Press poll. Sports ' Mirror By The Associated Press Todnv a Year Aro Honus Wan ner. 77, sinned his 40th contract with the PllLsburxh Pirates as a coach. Five Years Ano Fred Fortune Jr. and Schuyler Carron won the North American two-mun bobsled championship. Ten Years Ano Welterweight Ray Robinson won his 28th alrnlnhl liRht bv stopping Maxlo Berner In the 2nd round of their bout In New York. Twenty Years Ago Paul Run Van defeated Willlo MacFarlnne In the flnuls of the 4.000 match play golf tournament at Tampa. RADAR RAY When tho Pelicans invade Mcdford for the Friday Saturday Dist. 4 crucial, Kay Boll will be on deck with his baffling hook shots. The Pels need a sweep of the series to strengthen their chances in tho Southern Oregon cage race. SHUFF STUFF The Vela shut out the Eagles last night, 4.0, and Roundup mill Mecca split points, a-2. In city leuguo nhiilflebourd activity, Tule, Malm Mix Tonight Tulclttko nml Mnlln cnii lonlglit ill Merrill lor tlici Kliiiituth lliinlit hunki'llmll lciigue apiinoii liopliy iintl lii'nt-M'i'dt'tl ninL In the I out -tciuii pluyollH, Tlp-ulf lime In 8 p 111. Tha Inner ami M11II11 finished In a Ho, hollt losing lunt oiin gnmo lit 11 Murls, um'nnltiitlnu tho sud den death showdown. Chlloquln mid llin Jiiylmwka end ed Willi Itleiillt'iil tt 'l records and will lllp 11 coin lo decide third unci (mil 111 push Ions III the plity-ofla billed lor Ilia Men III gym Feb, M iintl Mulch 1, Tho winner of tonight's gmiie gels tho llrnt-sceded spot, II 10 loser Num ber 2. The champion mid riiuuer-lip lit the plnyolla meet with I ho city leagues lop two loiims March 7 and H to (lotm-mlne tho cage chump of I ho enure Hindu. Tho elty league has scheduled lis plny-uff Involving tho top lour Iuiiiiih, March 3 mid 4, lit 1PM, thrco Imrnrtia horsrs won four rvniila In exeena of III).- 000. They were tha piieers Gander nml Scottish Pence, mid the troltrr Demon Hanover. PHONE 2-1234 vn 1 ami 1 I IIIIIIIIHrl EaEaaBa W If M 7 CAB 1 Enjoy a home that is just the way you want it in appearance and arrangement. We can sup ply ideas that will save you time, trouble, money, Let us know what you have In mind! bJ. W. Copeland Lumber Yards Klamath Foils , , . Tulcloke . . . Chiloquln BUY SETS OR PAIRS J ssr m .s. w.w W - V. J "17 J. U a. Silveitown Tires CHART BELOW LISTS SAVINGS IN VARIOUS SIZES sizi mo. prici BUY 2 BUY 4 ISS fZ u7, YOU SAVI YOU SAVE 6.00-16 $20.10 $4.00 $12.05 6.70-15 22.05 4.40 13.25 6.50-16 24.80 4.95 14.90 7.60-15 26.75 5.35 16.05 8.00-15 29.35 I 5.90 I 17.AO ' SAVINGS BASED ON TRADE-IN OP YOUR 01D TIRES And You Can Still Pay On Easy Terms! BUY A PAIR OR SET and SAVE! JUCKELAND TRUCK SALES , SERVICE, ,t 11th and Klamath Ph. 2-2581