rUKSDAY, KKHHUAItY 111, 1D.V2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALL??. ORW.ON FAgE NTNE IS'lrk rsl "3M" .'Ar' GENERAL AIDS INJURED PARATROOPER Gen. Mark Clark (center, background) helps tuck In a paratrooper in jured in the mass jump of the lllh Airborne Division dur ing "Operation Snowfall" at Camp Drum, N.Y. Kifiht were killed and 120 Injured In the maneuvers. One man was killed In the jump, three others died in the crash of a troop transport and two wero fatally injured in a truck train crash. Bank Robbery Has War Tone TOKYO Ml A tO.000 blink rob bery popped Inlo Ihr cold war Tuesday. Two CnucnMoiu In army uniform nil one Knullnli-ftlH'itklnK Jiiimnrite rolilied ft Hiiuurbttit bank Monday. Police said the trio tuny have bni'ii responsible for two ftlinllnr rob beries within the pat two month In Parliament Coininuul.M Hep. Jlnturo Yokola ahnulcd: '"Die government aubnervlrnre to the U.S. orrupallon to reaponM ble nr this Mlckup, I heard police had to let Hie robbers encape. lor their orders were not to (Ire nt Americans." Tokyo's three mnjor d 1 1 1 e s splashed the robbery nml warned t lie government not to urunt Amer icana rxlra-terrltorliillty niter Hie peace treaty. Japs May Buy More Wheat PORTLAND W The people lire eating more wheut loodn than ever beforo and as it reMill Japan probably will mrrrnic Hi drain purchases Irom Ihe Pacific flnrthwcM. "hat was the opinion Monday of AllUk- Tul.'iKolshi. a member ol the Japanese rood Aucncy. He criticized the present method of gram purchases. He explained that his government does no direct buying because It does not want lo Interfere with private buMness. (Irani IS botiKht lor the gov eminent through competing lm portera. When a million bushels of grain Is needed, several Importers are asked to auDmll bids. This lilves the Impression the govern ment wants a larger amount of Herman Eats As Reward CLAHKMONT. Cnllf. W Her nian, a common, run-of-tlie aquari um goldflnh, has succumbed 16 psychology, or perhaps It's Joyce Uiiinmon. Joyre, a Pomona Collfite senior, has Herman entlnK out of her hund, lliiurutlvely nnd literally. Us ing her lessons on response pot terns nnd Mlmull, file inn taught Herman lo swim through set of rings. Hhe would give htm squirt of looil Irom an cyedropper when he went throunh ths rings, but Herman soon not to sucking the eyedropper dry. so Joyce made him come up mid nibble Irom her lingers. "He has a lot of personality, nnd he shows many human traits," his pretty trainer says. "Ho performs belter when he has an audience, and when there isn't enough Jood in my hand, he gem angry and nibbles my lingers." ! FILM I'KOTKNTKD j SINOAI'OKK Moslem lead ers In this British Colony scene ! of a bitter religious riot In Ie Icembcr. 1U50 huvc formally pro j tested the shoulim here o the film "David and llalhshebn." "It has I pinned the Moslem leaders to t!i ,l at a time when we are celebrating the birthdays of Jesus and of Mo , hammed that the authorities have allowed to be shown In this cltv a picture vilifying the memory ol our prophet. David." a member elect to the legislative council said. Death Claims Noted Author OHIO W Knut Hamsun, the noted Norwegian author and Nobel Prlr-e winner, died Tuesday, ilo was 112, The author, who led vauisbowl existence during Ills early Hie nnd once run u horsecar In f'lileino, won the Nobel Piiie In 11)2(1 lor bis novel, '"Jlie Growth of the Boll." When Ihe Germans Invaded Nor way III lUill he denounced the Nor wegian (ioveriiitieiit fur uiKunlziiiii resistance and urged his people to K've up the light. He visited Hit ler's headquarters 111 1942. Hut In HMn he was arrested, along with his wife, on charges of ( (ill u urn ii 1 1 ik with the Germans and the Gcimium and (julsilng au thorities. The treason charge against him finally was dropped because ol his age. , Wedding May Mean Prison BAI.EM Ml Paroled convicts aren't allowed to get murrled with out permission ol the Parole Hoard. Hut one did. He married the warden's secretory, and as n con sequence may have lo go back t prison. 'Hie parolee Is J. C. Clone, 3D. He married Miss Anne Curly on Jon. 20 IS days alter he was re leased Irom prison where he hud served part of his sentence on a lorgery conviction. Mrs. Close, who has worked lor prison systems more than 20 years in California, came here lust No vember as secretory lo Warden Virgil O'Molley. She sold she und Close fell in love while he was at the prison. The Parole Hoard will Investi gate the case lurlhf r belore decid ing: whether Close must return to ! prison. He now Is working in a j Portland service station. "We thought It would be all right to gel married because we were sure Ihe Parole Hoard would up- j prove," Mrs. Close said. NEW RACKET Tony Trabert, back from the Davis Cup matches in Aus tralia, tries on his uniform for the first time after joining the Navy as a sea man recruit at the Bain bridge Naval Training Center, Md. Park Board Holds City Council Control Wron Four-Iold opposition to a City Council plan lo put park operations under lull control of the Council was yilced In minute s recent Pork Hoard meeting, Objections raised bv the Board to it resolution autotnltting lo the voters a measure reducing the Park Board's authority were: 1. "The long range p'onnlng, years ol study and thorough la iniliarity with 1'nrk Board prob lems . . . may be lost to the City il all authority is lodged with the Council." NEW DISTRICT 2. "Some thought Is being given to lormutlon ol a pork nnd recrea tion district, embracing approx imately the same territory as Klomalh Union High School dis trict . . . The setting up ol such a park district encompassing the entire Klamath area can be more eoslly accomplished under the Park Board status, whereas It can not be done II Ihe City Council holds all power and the suburban areas have no voice." 3. "Less than two years ago, over a thousand people signed a petition to nave Recreation re moved from under the council'.'! Jurisdiction. This proposal now ui bring the park Board under council domination Is a direct contradic tion ol the public wishes as ex pressed by these signed petitions." 4. "The complaint by some coun- oilmen that the Park Board wsi- leveling of the area and. removal cl the old house. MOOKK PAHK 3. At Moore part, enlargen the ski run and provide additional ski in facilities; pave ami eiilarsen skating rink: provide bird reiuge near airplane anchorage; develop i fully Ignores memorandum of the iCily C-iuncii ... is costtrar-f to fact ... no Council communica tion has ever been Ignored." Other Park Board business con cerned demolishing ol the house ion Veterans Memorial park, be cause it was in a state beyond repair. Other protects lined up lor spring work Included: 1. At 12 wanna nark, installing o! sprinkler pool and skating area: clearing of play area on lower level; .lacing of original Klamath county high achool corner stone at the park. 2. Ai Veterans Memorial Park; MATRIMONY POSTI'ONi:i PITTSUUHGH ifiA judge here sentenced an 18-year-old boy m ihe relormoiory lor an Indefinite term after the youth told him he used a cap pistol In a holdup so he could oblBln money to get mar ried. In handing down Ihe sentence, Judge John J. Kennedy flave this advice: fhe relormatory will do you more good than a. wife. JOBS AHEAD PETERBOROUGH, Out. W-Ar-thur O. Mcthcrol, Peterborough plumbing Inspector, started the year with 373 plumhlnir Jobs lined j up for Inspection. He said he has never been able to clear the book j since he started but the present backlog Is less than half that of ;some former years. groin .md consequently the price rises, lie said. Knowlnf you have Ihe protection It worth the premium, even If you may, never have a fire, Hans Nor land. 037 I'lne Kt. Phone g-S5!i. Judith Coplon's Baby Born NEW YORK Judith Coplon. 30 yeyr old lormer government employe incused as a py lor Rus sia, has given birth to a seven pound, eleven ounce girl at Man hattan General Hospital. Miss Coplon, now; married to Al bert II. Sokolov, one ol her at torneys, was convicted ol espion age conspiracy charges. -Both con victions were upset on appeal, but she faces a possible new trial In Washington, fine is free on bail. Both Miss Coplon and her baby, born Monday, were described as in "very good" condition. Prank Ends ln Death SAN FRANCISCO i,V, Death ended what Pvt. Robert L. Grave3 began as a prank. The 25-year old Korean combat veteran, bound overseas again alv er an emergency leave, entered a grocery here Jan. 18. As a Joke, he snatched up some food and started lor the door. But the grocer a robbery vic tim only a lew months belore saw no Joke. He shouted lor help. His son, Eugene Won, 19, came out of a back door shooting. A bul let lodged in Graves spine. The soldier died Monday at Let terman Army Hospital. AN ASY WAY TO HAVE A PIANO Von can rtnl lrjr ntw iplnrt plin trmm thr l.fttaii H, Minn Fitno C'm pmnr, S. 91b. a. I law monthly rnt. After raenatt Um r ran. If fmm with, change from ttnt ! pur rlla agrrrmtnl. Th rani alrradr paid It mil c red tit 4 ia fr purrhsft ccunt and no 01b ar down payment la nccr ary. Tha monthly pat men la ran b till! hlgtttr than rent. Or, If you prt ftt, u ran continue io fnt. HOW Every Wednesday DOUBLE S&H GREEN STAMPS ClifrYoden's SIGNAL SERVICE 2560 So. 6th (Open 24 hrs. Every Day) More Fragrant Than Orange B!ossoms! V-a 'Wedding Day MOCK-ORANGE Speeial-fey-Mes! eo. Will look like a lirjdaj bouquet wbta thf v hiiTt intn tdflm a f 1 Kprlnr and Hnmmf r. Fro- durc thouiand of large, pure white ffji tti off ir JfrH d7k (rrrn lemvt. Ho fragrant thai Ihtr mako a whole yard amcll twcel. fjj-ow ifljuhrf, 14 aa crn er border. Kearh height of S- ft. Kh.pped the perfert afie for eav trantplanlinf. A Urge 2-4 ft. On arrival tef mr pixal S ywr cr venienre. .Send -Vwr for I. plus Jr for potUge. handling, SI for 1. l f r i, potlp i4. t.O.D.'t f!rmt on order of fl or more, ftatlafartion Guaranteed or Moner Back! EXTRA ftif T if yon order 2 or more a lovely, flowering: Bed Twijf iieg wood. Kraif N'enerlea. DepU "1713 Rloomifigios, JJitsois Name Addreta I beat iaisisehmj tr compitSe wi)!s paiKiua; area. Joe Peak. KUII8 athletle dlrto. tor and Bert Btott, Moor Tiart nunerlntenrlent u,Mr nl.H a.,ii.n- !y bv the part Board to develop uuni inuiiciiiug inciiiiy at in park. 1 Sunnv m j f 0 0 i(brand fyeerfi as Its fame U PROOf KIUCK!f WHiSKf!f-A BUB ' 65S CRAJN UIBAl SPIRITS THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY LIKE MONEY IN THE BANK New Luxury Ride...New Ease of Handling... New Easamatic Power Brakes ! PACKARD for '5: Everything you want in fine-car per formance and comfort is yours with medium-car cost and economy in ihe brilliant new Packard. Powered by ihe world's highcy-cornnrcjiion cighl, only Packard brings you ultramatic, the auto matic drive lhai outptrjormi all otbtrs! O Packard's beautiful, sound-proofed bodies are cushioned at all mounting points. New shockproof steering makes handling and parking easier. Packard's new Easamatic Power Brakes stop you in as little as oiic-lbird iht usual distinct. O look of on more corl If you plan to spend $2300 for a car, invest one hour in seeing how few dollars more it takes to own a Packard. Packard costs less to buy than you'd think, and the record over the years proves it costs less to own. "Duilt like 1 Packard" means built to last! Stttm Than MHV f (32S cEDcnmasiBs it Leaf 1 rVS55 gH-nrmm OB ("TT " GOIiLtU .V.TtUV. I .1 iawaBvaasan tv i " 1 w-.y aLal lpwraiv'".'':.". I rriuit eUesMil Nee et- V aMiiaUa awarjanarasji 'il l' ' lTil "laaf" rTTTalN.Dt.l.'.U Only Packard hat Ultra. mode, proved m use to out perform all other automatic drives under all conditions. Packard kolldi great an. Handiama naw Interiors giiMfl Packard's Thunderbolt and fresh exterior color com- HnRlne, world's highest-corn- binations accent Packard's nrcssion tight, has up to 2596 smart, low lines. Seats arc as tc 1 N.w laiamatlc Pow.r trak give faster, surer stops require 40 less foot pres sure, 29 less time to apply! ASK THE J1JV ewer working parts than wide as the car is high. engines of comparable power! tv.ry Pmkord mt undcr. Packard's saUty-glait goes 4,287 separate factory area of .V0iti'4 square inches, inspections. "Duilt like a gives you ail-around visibility. Packard" means built lo last! WHO OWNS ONE LEE HUFF MOTOR CO. 603 So. 6th St. Klamath Falls, Ore. ...when you trade-in your old Watch for a New BULOVA at Rickys Jewelers TRADE-IN EVEN feiilvi fV,TsW I . ! "KW S 1 .' hur 'WJ ACADEMY AWARD g rvM3 8 $715 R; : - ' J !r I ' ' af f KEGISTEKED JEWElfg 1 Sj X m 'B I, 1 MtiKM at uam I M M W B attllJHIItU'tW'Nl J A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE FOR YOUR OLD WATCH! You can't teat Butovo expert craftsmanship, beautiful styling, sensible, low prices. Now you can trade in your old watch regard less of age, make or con dition for o smart, newBulova! 700 Main Sr. Phone 3151