rtJKSUAY, KKBFlUAiW 10, 1052 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH TALIS, OREfiON ' PAGE SEVTN New Atomic Weapons' Test Set for Pacific WAHII1NUTON MV-TlM) Drfrnne Department amioimrrd M on tiny Itiitl preparation for new atomic tent in tintlrr wuv 111 the I'millr. 'Hie brief uitiioimeeiiienl Rave nu hint a (a the nature- ! tlm tenia. They will be conducted nl Kill ralok, reinole purine moll, by joint trim) of expert (roin the Anns', Navy, Air force unci Atomic fSnrinv Unintiilaalini. While there wa no offlrlnl In formation, 1 1 ia fact Unit Knlwetok I'M' delected for Ilia teMa biik gentn that Uiry Involve Rome weiip on either too powerful for fratlim xi the Yucca l'lnis llanae In Ne vnila, or nf particular concern to Naval warfare. VABIKTV A viuieiv of atomic weapon a tented Inxt full lit Yitcra F'latii, ntnnie them pos.illily "ualiy bomb.' 'Hie Knlwetok teallng Bile wan ln.it lined In the irlnK of MM. lollowmii I hone te.ilK, It wnn an nounced Unit utomlc experts tinit ,n -'. ' ,'. .': , ....Hi By ji:av owi:nx Junior rlftMi In working hurt! on iXrlr vaudeville allow which I hlnl ed for prenentatlmi to the etudetit body Thurtiduy morning, . 'Die fhow will Include a variety SI fine nets, both aerlou end corn (dy. Clayton Hmmoii, lutttor claim "enldrnt, leinark, "Our program f-:: Inta d talent, never before geeji hy the ntudeiiUV' MImi ltobrrta itlonuiuut, drnimitlr coach, ha taken the luiilnr pro irr.im Into her capable hand: there fore ell the acta ithould be aprclal ones. Student participating In the .-.how lire: Niincv Antlrr. Mnrllyn Ben .en. Hue ltevaji. Bob HorKmau. Ann Broylr", Uoner Davlx, Dick Dewey, Bob Flora. Bob t'ranck, Clayton Hannon, accrue Hammt. Hotmte fierfihberner, Joan Hlrk miin, Deneice Kenyon, Havmoml Kuld. Blllle Klairv. titan Kuhlmun. Jem l.atuflct, at Uehto, luck t.unditen, Dale I.uttrel, Jerry Mad den, Marilyn Miller, Jean Million. Pat Mueller, Diane Oldenbem. Oeraltl Oiaen, Kay Peteraen, Jack Powell, John Shaw. Boyd Bpraitue, flene 8t. John, Brent Collen. Bally ftnbtiitelll, Mike Wood. PaUy Youini and Walt Zumwalt. Admiwilon will be IS centv the proceed nf which eo to the Junior arnlor prom. These Mudenta will alio put on the program for the Parent and Patron club Thuraday evenlnii "the prof Ha from the ahow will be lilven to the Parent' club for their aentor banquet fund. "Ilttsal Entry" i this week' noon movie. The stnrv concenw a nmuesllntr ring. Ttie noon recrea Hon committee, headed bv Korreai ttullediie, has received many of the new, popular records, students are Invited to listen to them or dance to them In the girla' nym during the noon hour. gullied "much tmeful" Information toward creation of a hydrogen bomb. Borne atomic experts have esti mated Ihnt a hydrogen Wimb might ha I.OWI (tinea more powerful than the A-botubi dtojiped on Japan during World War It. MomVV's announcement coincid ed wl wold released in Loudon that Britain expocta to teat an iiinmir weapon her Wat UiIb year. The weapon was dmertlied mi new. The testa probably wilt be In tfcplembcr or October In Aus tralia, TIME The ftiilwntuk testa preaumnbly will be much aooncr, but delmise olflcliila aatd they could not give any Information at this time that would point to the exact date or dates of the testa. They indicated that preparations for the new aeries are well ad vanced but that the actual move ini.ni nf that various service and operational groups that will take pari in tno teal aeries n h" gun. The test force has been designat ed as Joint Tank Force 132. ft will i,- ,iii,iArf i.v Mai. urn. ferry W. Clarkson, deputy commander of Army Force III the Pacific. KUHSBeqins Ticket Sale Tickets went on aate Tuesday for Ihe Rafael Mender concert to be held Apr. 4 at Pelican tneater. Keserved loge tickets are on sale at the Chamtier of Commerce and general admlsalon tickets at Cham ber of Commerce, ferby Music Co and by members of Klamath Mer chants AMK. Mendc. billed as the world's greatest, trumpet aolottt. wilt ap pear In concert with the Klamath Union High arhool band. He ha apprared a ololt with nevfrssl ma)or symphonies, tn several MOM movies and one Warner Brother's production. Also appearing with Mende and the bnd will be the KUH8 cap pella choir. Pmceeda of the concert wit! be used to buy addition! uniforms for the band. Insurance Men's Strike Settled PORTLAND W! Portland Pru dential Insurance agents, who have been on strike for So days, prob ably will return to work Wednes uiiy. Lawrence J. Ullberg. Portland, ;nld the atrlkmg agents voted ?! to S Monday to accept a proposed aettlenient ol their strte. Ullberg, who was a negotiator of tlie settlement, said the new con- i tract falls for a tS.3 weekly wage 1 increase and a 160 lump um pay ment to employees. r4 : THIS PICTURE of Utile Pa tricia Ami Benedict, daugh ter of Mrs, Roy Benedict, 4619 Clinton, was featured in the .February edit ion of "Your Child's World," pub lication of the Book House for Children. f " I' ' I '" - " '" '.''I '"I .V",''1- -p'" "-V,- l Trial Slated In Abortion POHTLAND M Iluth Barnett ' Bush I, accused of manslaughter by abortion, will go on trial here March 1. Mrs, Bush, who use the nam Harnett,! Naturopath. She was arrested last autnmer following raids on a number of Portland clinks. Other arrested in the raids In cluded; lit, H. R. Dewey, chiropractor, who rucentiy wag acquitted on a iiiamlatighter by abortion charge. Mrs. Put Fluno, Troutdaie houae wiie, who has pleaded guilty to a similar charge. K. v. Brandt, chiropractor, who at flrat pleaded guilty to a manslaughter by abortion charge but who has withdrawn the plea and now la awaiting trial. Or, Oeorge Buck, a physician, wiio was convicted on the charge, but who has appealed the case to the fUate Supreme Court. HgMFHe For Races 8ALKM Wt Filings for office Monday Included; W, Lowell 8teen, Milton-Free- Ousted Couple Offered Home JH haii. twtt-y T ling, nvrrWad. Fin Vit iuii Rmnmnn, ni vrhtcit Ufiif-f J. Hint, druiik mt hfhwy. 8rnltnr S di. ft t d R J r, v ioi I ion lic itiis. fin SI J Mt tr At, 1 (HUT bM Chrty ttifi. drunk, tint 30 or ftfay !, Drunk. TotiH 415 hil Willi m Mniwm, titurtk. Forfait tti baft rrnr Tf rr, trurit. Fr(tt ii& 14tU n Cinii, -druHk. fceteftr 10 SimtUn Dunccn, drunk. Tin i5 ttt Wff(fr-(i toMRwft, ffture to tlop red J. V. tUmUn, evie turn, forttti f3 Attorney General Entry Slated BEND im E. O. Sladter, De-.-.chutes County district attorney, .aid Monday he was filing for the ftepubllcan nomination for Oregon atlornev general. Htadier. a University of Oreseoe mw school graduate who has prac ticed law here since IMS, aald he planned to mail his filing to the hecretary of state In Salem Monday. Ore., woman, Mt, Peart MeOey. hs offered a Chinese couple a tree j lot in Salens to build their home. The Chinese conpie, Mr. and Mr Sinit Sheng attracted wide spread attention Saturday when they were voted out of an aii .vthite sseighborhood, Shensf gs(Ecsted ihe baiioiinsf which ia not legaily Wndinsr, after urns KCii?htMrsf asaed him to move b csue his residence in the t-orn-(tiTimity might tower real estate siucs. The vote was 114-2S aeainst him. Shenit did not f.ay whether he r.'iukf accept the Balem offer, or ;tnv of the otiiers that he has received. ) i When the giraffe-like oltapl was dJ,covered in 1000. tt was called "Africa's unknown mammal" i J 1 if. I f T A -.-. ihi au hsu aut uat 904 Kl.m.lh Av. Free Yourself from laxative slavery Try this delightful family break fast treat! Eat s generous bowlful fabout 'i cup of crisp, hasty Kellogg's !.aas wiUi augar and cream. Drink plenty of liquids. ALL-esus is the natural laxative ceres! that may help you back to youthful regularity, tost because of lack of buik fn your diet. It s the oisiy type read; -Uj-eal cereal that supplies fill the bulk you may need. High in cereal protein, rich In Iron, provides essential B and D vitamins. Mot habit forming. Why sten'i sou try tt? Keilogg's is so sure you'll like jux-sssft that if you're not cora pletely tataf.fi after 40 days, send empty carton to Kellogg's, Battle Creek. Mich., and get SOGILZ YOCS XOH3f SAGKl The Merrill Fire Department Presents Their 45th Annual Fireman's Ball Proceedt to be used to purchase new equipment MERRILL SATURDAY, FEB. 23 Mutic By BALDY'S BAND ' "Just Good Donee Music" Dancing 10 p.m. till 2 a.m. t $1,00 per person water Republican, for state senator from iimatiiia County, Warren A. MeMinlmee. TH1. mok itepublican, for state senator. Ralph Baylor, Echo Itepublican, for state representative. Marshall C. Hieite. Bt. Helens Bepubiiean. for Columbia County district attorney. John J, Pickett, CssnHia HtBub iseart, for 003 County tfistflct at torney, Paul W. HsyitanJ. Medfsrd R pubiicsn, for Jackson Csast? dist rict attorney. Boyd R. Overfcaise, Madras Bem ocrat. lor tsslmikm as atate representative. E. O. d!r, &r4 RapubUiaa, for attorney general. H0TIIS OSiyitN HOiLAND iuiini, on. MitfoiB Tboruufisiy Mod era llr, and Mrs. 3. E leAf and 1m Xttta? ' Qpipi3 AND m THESE FUTUltESI NO Down jNL W Caih Prist 1 djmtaM tbW m tiyaaS ymiWii Hjietetat $p m ptmtttd Main Miise Iwlifiira ftiklue kTry ik mm fit ymni VERN OWENS . fAcrAnc unnac ciidmicuimcc th, tu COMPANY 124 No. 4th i "e. r. C" 1 i--.;.iAJf-'.-i4i; NEW! NEW ROMANTIC STRAWS Look what happen when intsirea deiigrten trsmlate the remontle look Into ethereal itrawi. He,re, o tip-tilted oitsle , , , there, flowers thot bloom in your dreamt . . .everywhere, deft touches thet-moke you look prettier! FREE EASY PARKING